Teachers, when did you realise a kid a was a GENIUS?

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teachers of Reddit when did you realize a kid was gifted this kid was always bright but never really inspired by much of what he did seemed a little lazy but wasn't troublesome he was just kind of a neutral kid in the class the we did one day of Lewis structures and he thought it was too easy gave him a harder worksheet which he finished in like three seconds so I gave him an organic formula that had 12 different isomers and some resonance structures he came up with all of them in less than 15 minutes including ones that had to do with how the objects would look in 3d even though we never covered it kid is currently working on his PhD at Yale in organic chemistry biology teacher here had a new student come in at age 15 he didn't talk much but he did all his workers asks and did it well one day we were having a class discussion about something and he joined in it ended up being a back and forth between just the two of us and at some point I realized I was discussing pretty high-level stuff with a 15 year old he's a neurosurgeon now I knew when he surprised me by reassembling an engine out of a car all by himself in a single 90 minute class period it was right before school let out for covered I had to hurry up and get some projects thrown back together quickly since school was closing he asked to do it so I'll let him try and went off to do other things by the end of the class it was completely assembled never asked me for help and it was working definitely gifted after less than one year of music lessons it was clear the student would likely become a concert pianist when he learned fifteen of batches to part inventions from memory and played them brilliantly I'm a preschool teacher and I knew a three-year-old girl that had very extensive vocabulary and could already read really well once during lunchtime a little boy scarf down his food and her response was wow he must have been famished I was blown away she also taught me about the digestive system once during lunchtime and it was accurate information but her favorite subject was the solar system she was full of facts about the solar system and she would teach me new things all the time I always told her mom that she wasn't ready for kindergarten she's ready for college I was teaching distance over time graphs the student stated that if the line just went straight up that it would indicate teleportation because distance has been gained but no time has passed this was 5th grade science edit this kid ended up skipping sixth and seventh grade 5th to 8th he was a super humble kid I miss having him in my class an interesting test for toddlers is to see if they can hold an extended back and forth conversation with adults most kids at this age and most grown-ass adults are just asking for something or telling you something not a teacher but a student with a gifted kid in his class in third grade we had a new student come in who had just moved to the country with his family our teacher saw he was smart she she challenged him with some math we were meant to learn in a couple weeks he solved the problems no problem next she tried some fourth grade level math again he solved it with no problems after that she called in one of the fifth grade teacher and she gave him some problems meant for fifth graders as expected he solved those without any problems they kept going until he got a question partially right I believed at that point they were giving him stuff intended for early / mid year sixth grade students last I heard this kid got a degree in mathematics from kanji Mellon University took a summer job helping a tad acre one of the toddlers about 18 months old was way ahead of the rest could talk full sentences knew his ABCs could count beyond 20 already had shapes and colors down I've seen kindergarten aged kids that hadn't mastered some of these things he's in his early 20s now with a master's in engineering and a six-figure salary we took standardized tests like the second week of school hadn't really done much academics yet as it was elementary school grade five and most of what we'd done was routines and introduction slash games kids scored at a tenth grade level in math and ninth grade in reading okay whatever impressive but not unheard of except this kid was of the worst school in the state literally ranked dead last his whole schooling career nobody else in my class scored above a sixth grade level in anything and most were three-quarters grade level I basically had to do entirely separate lesson plans for this kid while the rest of my class did multiplication facts I had a coding curriculum and was teaching him basic languages he had his own reading group in addition to the high reading group it was even more incredible because he'd always been in trouble and in the principal's office the years before I sent him to ice once all year really low for that school kids on other classes went literally daily I had a few go once a week I begged his mom to switch him out of that school track said I'd fill out any paperwork write any letters it was my only year as a teacher not sure what happened to him mom never contacted me he finished the year by shattering all of his records on testing exams literally the point zero one percent on his tests he's legitimately one of the smartest kids I'd ever met from the poorest school with the worst conditions I've ever seen I guess I saw it right from the start she started walking ridiculously early like six or seven months started talking not long after that declared around the year and a bit I don't like darbus I'm not going to use them anymore and was toilet trained after that started talking to dead people not long after that ain't a teacher and it's my little brother but I thought he'll share it when I was around 14 and he was around six years old I would watch lots of YouTube videos in English ain't our native language and he would just sit on the bed behind me and watch for hours I thought he was just bored and didn't understand anything from what was being said fsw a year we were on a long car and he picked up a history book in English after a couple hours II tells us he is done reading it dad laughs and says ashore I asked him to read a sentence and translate it he proceeds to absolutely nail it and shock us when she never got a single question wrong many of my assignments and ended each marking period with an average higher than 100 due to extra credit assignments I used to put a math joke slash puzzle in the corner of the whiteboard essentially three golden triangle numbers arranged in a triangle and a puzzle which gave the letter AI the result in the middle in short it was an Illuminati joke I had this up for quite a few classes with nobody being able to guess what on earth it was until the last class of a day a student who suffered from particularly invasive autism just came in took maybe three seconds at most and then laughed saying why have you drawn the Illuminati symbol on the board it wasn't so much that it was impossible I was just blown away by how quickly he managed to do it I came into the room he was playing a few strings on the guitar I asked what it was and he soft pedaled it I pushed a bit further and he started playing what he'd written I was blown away of course it needed a bit of fine tuning a guitar solo in the middle and a few ooo-la-la here and there but he'd written a legitimate rock song blue his parents away when we played it in concert 11 year old girl year 7 in my maths class she started asking questions that would have stumped the brightest in my top set year 11th it was a delight to have her in my class and I'm so jealous of the teacher who gets to teach her this year foreign exchange student from China and the 8th grade his writing abilities far exceeded the majority of even the accelerated class I moved him from regular English to accelerate it and not only was his writing strong his insights were so deep and thoughtful at the end of the year not only was he a top student in my class he won student of the year in Spanish as well I'm not a classroom teacher mostly music that I had a small group of first in second graders for a math flex block basically we group the kids by level instead of grade or class and I had the extension group they had all the core concepts and we were building on them this one second-grade kid was something else we were working on double digit adding and subtracting with regrouping borrowing and somewhere along the line this kid figured out multiplication then he figured out he can use those roles to multiply large numbers that end in zeros egg 700 X 4 he expanded this rule to include more zeros then he figured out he could start putting numbers in the tens and one slots and then school the shut down one child he was more ahead of his peers in every aspect it seemed like he was babysitting the rest of his classmates after a week of teaching the class simple coding he builds a fully functional multiplayer game with material he taught himself this was at age 8 another child consistently produced excellent work finished early and could discuss his viewpoints in depth and actually made me change my viewpoint he was brilliant in maths once I was explaining a new concept to the class and worked out one example together I told them that I would guide them in the second example so that I can help whoever needs and I hear a really genuine and coops I just finished them all now my mill had my husband when she was 15 sometimes during college she had to take him with her to class because she couldn't find a babysitter my husband would raise his hand during class and ask relevant thoughtful questions by the time he was in third grade around 7 IV years old he was able to do statistics his mom just got her second master's degree and my husband is still annoyingly intelligent law I'm not a school teacher but I used be a hockey instructor way back during the summers I was a hockey camp leader each week of the eight weeks of summer I would teach 20 30 kids out of hawky we were on the ice for two hours in the morning and two in the afternoon but we had the kids from like 8 a.m. 5 p.m. so there was a lot of time to fill there was only one kid I remember his name was Charles he would be registered four five six of the eight weeks of camps we ran very quiet sweetest kid you'll ever meet was nine ten years old he was pretty shy and for whatever reason had really taken to me so I was his go-to buddy or whatever one day when we were trying to kill time we went to a rec room where there were a bunch of board games and crap Charles asked if him and I could play a game and I said sure most of the games were already taken and one of the only ones left was chess so I asked him if he knew how to play and he didn't so I said I would teach him I showed him the basics what each piece does the point of the game etc I had been playing chess for years so was pretty decent we did a practice game where I didn't really try and he understood the game shockingly quickly to the point I could see him laying traps and that for me in the practice game so we decided to play for real and I tried my best I got absolutely whooped he started explaining how he planned certain strategies like five moves in advance thinking on a completely different level we played four times and he dusted me every time his mind was incredible I always remembered his name and looked him up on LinkedIn awhile back he's in med school and won a bunch of awards pretty sure he skipped a few years he's accomplished pretty much everything I wanted to accomplish but in a few years the kid is absolutely incredible he was a crap hockey player though kid took like 15 camps over three years and I think he somehow got worse absolutely hopeless on skates I teach at University so most of the people you are dealing with are fairly intelligent otherwise what generally impresses me as the occasional student who has a high capacity for original thought most people are capable of getting a degree it's not particularly difficult once you learned the rules what distinguishes a gifted scholar from anyone else is the capacity to think creativity and originally it is the ability to look at a problem and think about various path ways of solving it a willingness to try new things and a high degree of openness to unknown things usually you can tell a really able student when they preface a question with what if or similar terms as it generally indicates that they are thinking of alternatives hypotheticals and trying to answer it this is always a good sign and often shows positive engagement by contrast you can often tell a weaker students when they regularly ask questions such as what's the bare minimum will this be on the test etc these are not bad questions as such but it indicates that their priority is to get the mark smash grade and leave if that is your priority fair enough I hope you do well but it will restrict your capacity to think creativity and originally it's easy to tell around Christmas or a birthday not a traditional teacher but I taught guitar at a mom-and-pop guitar store in my hometown a few years ago a lady brought a seven-year-old daughter in for formal training now ninety nine hundredths times a kid that young wants to play the guitar until they get one after that it sits in a corner and collects dust until it makes its way to Goodwill or something this girl had legitimate talent though she managed to teach herself very basic chords on her own and had even began writing music everything I taught her she learned within seconds I also discovered through comparison with my own ear training that she had perfect pitch musicians appease many of us rarely recognized or appreciate true talent in someone else but this girl was truly something special if she isn't a famous slash successful musician someday it will be a travesty in not a teacher but a past fellow fifteen year student of mine in metalwork slash craft shop for a project he produced a thing made of two car hubcaps looked like a UFO nothing was visible but he'd rigged whatever was inside so the two hubcaps spun in opposite directions while staying together it looked like a spinning top with a small shaft top and bottom when it came to the presentation he set it on a table and spun it using a drill when the drill was removed it's fun and spun and wheel waited and waited when it was still spinning some 40 minutes later with only the slightest of a wobble we had also moved on to the next presentation the teacher asks what his project was demonstrating he replied pretty quietly that he was working on a perpetual motion machine but had not quite got it yet the teacher called a meeting shortly after and he was gone from the school within a year allegedly signed up by some huge corporation who paid his full college years on a great salary on the condition he worked for them still going strong in research he TC from what I hear edit as I said he was 15 y/o maybe dreaming of becoming the next Dean steam who knows maybe he already knew it was impossible but who knows he tried I thought of him later in life when I entered my first ever New York City Marathon in my father said to me why you'll never win WTF sometimes you just gotta do what your heart tells you my kid had a fourth grade teacher who let him work at his own pace in math she managed to acquire books with more advanced material for him he had taught himself calculus by the end of the school year she was such an amazing teacher to give him the space to fly science teacher here UK the most gifted kids I've ever taught are those that in year 7 11 over 12 years old never gave up always pushed on even when wrong and just kept trying these are the kids that started average but walked away with once or twice getting 100% on a GCSE test part might be an inbuilt natural ability but to me a truly gifted kid is the one that takes failure and turns it into a learning chance as they will always get further in life I teach foreign language at a university and one semester I get a notification that there will be a minor under 18 in the class I have to take some online tests about that so it's a bit annoying but fine anyway flash-forward - a couple weeks into the semester I'm talking with one of my students during the break he's an advanced undergrad in his junior year taking grad courses in theoretical topology thinning hair glasses also very interested in philosophy which was my major in college so we got along on that front I figured he was a little older than everyone else and had come to college late or something then it comes out he's 17 he was so brilliant that he gave his high school principal an ultimatum after his first year either they give him the degree early and he goes straight to college or he drops out and goes to college anyway Ivy League's were already looking to recruit him I'd never encountered a genius before that and he was just this very humble unassuming guy always did his homework and showed up on time I'm not a teacher but I was for a while I'm Edison student and met an extremely gifted maker he was just 16 instead of 18 we found out later he came from a Middle Eastern country and didn't speak a single word in our language in less than a month he learnt enough of the language to maintain a conversation to follow classes and to get around ninety five hundredths questions right in our first anatomy test from that moment on he just aced every single exam and today he's working as a surgeon in the most important Hospital of his country I'm a special ed teacher and I teach kids who have emotional and behavior disabilities like oppositional defiant disorder or autism which manifests as anger that kind of stuff but anyway last year I had a kid who we think had a photographic memory and was a possible servant he could see him at once and be able to draw it nearly perfectly hours or even days and months later he had almost every detail - and all the towns and cities spelled correctly and major land features and even the major highways correctly labeled and named he also was like a human calculator you could ask him nearly any math equation and he could answer it in a few seconds in his head granted they couldn't be extreme equations but pretty much anything like PE MDAs wise he could do in his head quickly his trouble was that he was very aggressive and we could never put him back in a gen ed classroom because he was such a danger to other kids and teachers if he became annoyed or upset but he was a good kid and very intelligent he just had a lot of trouble with his emotions and behaviors when he was the first hand up basically every time a question was asked of the class when I did student teaching in band did not become a teacher we had this one seventh grader who was I think dyslexic I don't remember this was 2004 he was a percussionist well it's not just drums you put them wherever so they learn all the instruments now I have damn good relative pitch go to conduct the band at a rehearsal and the timpani are as if I tuned them myself for that the state timpani or kettle drums are like the bass guitar of the orchestral percussion world if you tune the strings instead of using frets using foot pedals as you play a few great rehearsals later and my practicum teacher and I realize this kid has perfect pitch we gave him all the harder parts I really hope this kid kept playing developing relative pitch isn't easy and having perfect pitches nuts there was a kid in my HS chemistry class who would sit in the back never really talked to anybody and finish all tests in assignments and less than half the time chill guy just kept to himself one day we had a test on stoichiometry which if I remember correctly involves a lot of conversions across different units with multiplication and division of factors out to the hundredths place you get a lot of long numbers really need a calculator to keep it all straight anyways the test goes on and it reaches the time he normally finishes but this time he doesn't I'm thinking oh crap this test must be killer if this kid hasn't finished yet everyone else must be freaked time gets to about 15 minutes left we are all panicking then finally the kid gets up and turns it in still the first in the class mind you but by a much smaller margin than normal a week goes by and we get the tests back big shock wave in the class BC this kid gets a zero teacher thinks he has been cheating because all of his answers were basically closed but off by her enough that it's not a rounding error they think he must have an answer key that he copied need to investigate further after talking to him though that's not what happened at all turns out his calculator had run out of batteries right before the test and so instead of asking the teacher to borrow one or get more batteries etc' kid just decides to do all the math in the margins of the test we are talking five-plus calculations of long multiplication and division out to the hundredths place for each and every question that's how he got every question right except off by a little bit and when he was done he went back and erased all the extra work because it wasn't supposed to be part of the test did all of this and still finished before anybody else I was amazed the teacher was amazed think he got 100% plus X for credit and they told him next time to just ask for a calculator it was men blowing I teach editing to grad students in creative writing programs but I once witnessed a kid who was so amazing that I know I was witnessing pure raw genius at work her big sister was in my daughter's third-grade class a bunch of us moniz were just chatting and laughing with our kids teacher in their classroom while our kids and their siblings milled around the classroom out of the corner of my eye I was noticing one tiny little kid about three years old she was staring at the alphabet border near the ceiling and asked another kid to tell her how both the big and little letters say not their names I know my ABCs I guess she thought up her and lowercase might be different the big kid did even the complications of C and why the toddler looked at the border saying each of the sounds she had our attention then then totaled to a book the celery stalks at midnight sat on the floor with it and sounded out the words slowly and awkwardly at first then faster until they sounded right maybe not knowing all their definitions but that didn't stop her by then we were all watching mesmerised she finished her awkward first pass then read a few pages out loud to us preface it with this is a funny book mommy listen she was only three years old and with minimal help she had taught herself to read in about 20 minutes that remains the single most amazing few minutes of my life I knew I was in the presence of a magnificent human mind and I was deeply moved straight A's in school from the start and the ability to hold a pretty adult conversation with me when he was like seven or eight I don't really make a thing of it and neither does he he doesn't have very much homework to bring home he does it at school while still in class he is a freshman this year and grades are only slipping a bit all A's except for 1b we have never had him tested but all of his honors teachers assumed he was gifted by his grades and conversational skills I'm a lucky parent I wouldn't really say he is gifted in any particular area he just seems damn smart before you ask no I'm not a gifted parent I got B's and C's in school same with his mother I realize I'm blessed and I'm thankful for that every day he knows he is smart but does not exactly brag about it I knew a kindergarten student 5/6 y / OU was gifted by her art at that age art is a very loose term but this girl was drawing detailed drawings her people had hair and eyelashes and fingers and fingernails the amount of detail she puts into her art is very advanced to someone of her age English teacher here I see it when they write classroom dynamics being what they are not every kid talks much in class some prefer to stay back and some are held back by some of the bigger personalities in class but when they write they write directly to me you can see it in their ideas in the way they express them the spelling is perfect or not you can tell when a kid is bright and insightful when you're one-on-one one of my third-grade Kilis broke a ps3 controller report and cannibalized the parts to make a handshake zapper device had a four year old kid who insisted that I read a children's solar system book to him over and over again after the seventh or eighth time he was mouthing the words along with me he couldn't read he had memorized the entire thing I'm brownie leader for Girlguiding UK Girl Scouts age 710 basically and we were doing a simple task with money they had a series of questions to answer four points one of which was if you add up all the coins we use how much does it make all the girls looked puzzled and most began furiously counting on their fingers however one of them after around three seconds of thinking just said the answer without any hesitation she worked it out faster than I did I was very impressed context I'm doing a biochemistry degree so I do maths and stats all the time needless to say she got double points edit the sum would be 1p plus 2p plus 5p plus 10 P plus 20 P plus 50 P plus P s1 plus p s2 equals PS 3.88 taught a girl in grade one in an advanced after-school program she would fool around and laugh and giggle all class and then come test time perfect score on her English writing all the other kids would have some minor mistakes and this was in Korea English was a second language she got moved out of my class to the really advanced class and I got a flower from her mom I witnessed a janitor at MIT sold math theorems that was posted in the hallways started a kid on clarinet at age 10 by age 11 he's blowing through Mozart's clarinet concerto like nothing that's a solo for professional musicians in case you are not aware not a teacher but when I was in a top-tier US West Coast College taking a third-year biochemistry class meaning there were a few semesters of prereq we had a classmate who came with her dad she was so young that her feet couldn't touch the floor when she was seated in the chairs of the lecture room that bastard probably messed up the grading curve I'm a kindergarten teacher who is responsible for teaching students who are considered advanced for their age a lot of my students are advanced but few are gifted this year I had the absolute joy of working with a truly gifted student this young man sees the world through numbers he is fluent in advanced math topics but the most amazing thing is how he taught himself to read he assigned each letter digraph dipthong and blend a numerical value he then correlates the numbers to sounds when asked why he Weeds this way he said it's easier to read through numbers I was blown away [Music] you [Music]
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Id: IR-xhPsNslo
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Length: 29min 38sec (1778 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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