What Made Your EX The CRAZY EX? (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit what made your ex the crazy ex map where do I even start when I met her she seemed like a somewhat normal early twenty-something she liked to party maybe drank more than she should seemed a little wild but hey what 22 year old guy wasn't into that sort of thing but then the crazy started leaking out turns out she had been arrested for a drunk in public a few years before we had met okay no big deal [ __ ] happens oh wait no she's been arrested multiple times for tip and had an aggravated DUI awesome this came out after we had gone out for drinks and Wharton at a few times when she had driven but whatever ain't my license on the line that I did start driving more when we went out little bit down the line turns out she takes some medication for anxiety oh okay I mean whatever I know a lot of people who take Ventus wait no actually she's on a cocktail of anti-anxiety drugs antidepressants mood stabilizers and who knows what else oh and she sells naugus for her dad sell meaning eats a lot of them and sell some of them to her junkie friends okay I mean I'm not super down with that but I'm not really in a situation to be telling her what to do I expressed my dislike of it and she said she'd stalk why was she on all of these drugs might you ask turns out she was in a horrendous car accident when she was 19 in which her mom and another person died right in front of her and she sustained life-threatening injuries including the loss of some of her organs including one of her kidneys she had scars but had always sidestepped the questions saying something about an operation she had had when she was younger but yeah she's running on one kidney while eating drugs and drinking like a friend great just great needless to say there were plenty of late night drunken fights about who knows what and her flying off the handle because-- well she was for all intents and purpose is crazy whether it was because of the drugs or because of whatever demons the car eight had created in her mind the final straw came when she disappeared from her house one night blackout drunk I wasn't with her but a roommate called me asking if I knew where she was I told her I hadn't talked to her in a few hours tried to call and text her multiple times but I got nothing I was worried but didn't have any recourse so I went to sleep I wake up to my doorbell ringing at 9:00 a.m. it's her she had gotten dropped off by her dad she reels off this story about how she had gone out with a friend who was driving her car and they got stuck and had to get the car towed she lived a little bit out in the country so this kind of made sense it was a Saturday so she wasn't going to be able to get her car out of the tow lot until Monday well shitty but okay Monday morning rolls around she still doesn't have her car and asks for a ride to work no problem next day same thing needs a ride no big deal she says that she's having some problem getting her car out of the lot because of some mix-up at the DMV or something but hopefully it'll get lined out soon a week later after driving her to work and picking her up most days I'm hanging out at a party and my friend asks me if I was gonna tell him about Aaron's DUI what my friend worked with a neighbor of the girl's dad and had gotten the full story turns out she had gotten blacked out drunk and probably eaten a bunch of drugs and drove out of her house took out a fence and crashed her car into someone's barn totaled her car got arrested and spent the night in the drunk tank got picked up and dropped off at my house in the morning she'd been lying to me for about two weeks straight at that point needless to say I confronted her about it and broke it off finally got around to go into couples therapy after talking about it and talking about it forever it was mostly me pushing us there but she would say she wanted to too so we are both kind of broke and decide to go to see a graduate student that was like 25 dollars a session first session get there go through introductions talk about what we want to work on and then the therapist asks about our fighting and specifically if there's been any physical stuff kind of brush it off and give it a wheel deal with that sometime soon in a very good mood because I sincerely feel like this could be something that will finally allow us to get a leg up on all the garbage and if nothing else it'll be somewhere that we can feel free to talk about stuff in partially etc so session is over and we walk out into the lobby and I can tell something is wrong she's charging in front of me and has that you're gonna hear about something as soon as we can get away from people body language barely make it out to the street before she's screaming at me her face is red and she's accusing me of wanting to [ __ ] the therapist I know it I know it I could see how you were leaning towards our on the couch and smiling while you talk to her you didn't even look at me I could tell immediately I'm just speechless she's accused me of this before when there was absolutely no evidence but this is on a new level I don't have any way to explain or rationalize what I was doing in a way that could talk her down because I was leaning in and in a good mood because we were finally doing something that was positive in the step towards something good you know because sane rational people are in good moods when they are doing good things for themselves and taking steps forward doesn't matter she just gets more and more irate and finally just stops talking to me or letting me even speak just keeps repeating it over and over again at this point I was just so past being able to cleaning sort of what was going on that I sort of start to dissociate and give up even trying to come to the energy to fight this she takes off leaves me behind and I'm sitting at a bus stop by myself with traffic going by just shaking my head and smiling figured out that she probably got triggered by the question about past abuse and couldn't handle taking responsibility for her abusive behavior and the whole invention by her of my wanting to cheat was just throwing a hand grenade in the middle of the entire thing and it worked I'll give her credit for that I became the crazy ex because I said I love you first after dating two months it was in response to him going out drinking I said be safe love you I said it over a text and he didn't respond so I waited until the next day sent her text in the morning to see how the party was and didn't get a response didn't think much of it at the time because I knew he had to work that day and we had plans to hang out that night he was supposed to come over to my parents house to watch movies my parents went out of town and I was house-sitting for a week he didn't call or text to say he wasn't coming over and when I called he didn't answer so at this point I start freaking out because he was out drinking the night before and hadn't heard from him at all I sent a text to one of his buddies to ask if he was okay and his buddy said he hadn't seen him since the party and that he left before my ex did I continued to freak out more and decided I'd go to his job at Wendy's to make sure he showed up to work that morning I asked the shift manager there at the time if my ex had come into work that morning and they said he hadn't I asked if he called off or just didn't show and they said he didn't show nor did he answer his phone when they tried to call him so I continued to freak out I explained to her that he was out partying the night before and hadn't responded to me since I left her my number in case he showed up or called him or something I then decided to go drive by the house he was partying at which was about a 20-minute drive from where I'll and another five minutes further was Syd house I drove past the house didn't see his car and took the route II would have taken to Gil home which was out in the middle of nowhere because Idaho I didn't see his car off on the side of the road like I was imagining I'd find and when I got to his driveway which was a rather long gravel driveway I drove down it didn't see his car turned around and went home I thought long and hard about knocking on his door and asking his parents if they knew where he was but his parents didn't know he was gay and didn't even know me and I didn't want to get him into any trouble if they didn't know he went out partying so I went back to my parents home to see if maybe he had shown up there which he wasn't at this point it's probably around midnight and I had to work at 8 a.m. the next day so I call it quits and go to sleep sending out a final text saying that I hope he's okay when I left to work in the morning I had no texts or calls from him so I continued to be worried at my job we had to put our cell phones in the officer while we were on the clock to make sure people weren't texting or anything on the job at 1:30 when I got my lunch break I checked my phone and had a missed call and a voicemail from him I was subtly shocked when I listened to it he basically called me a crazy psycho stalker for going to his work to see if he'd been there his buddy said he saw me drive by the house he partied at yay rural Idaho and cars being so rare out there you noticed them and his sister saw me drive down their driveway and turn around he said his work had called him to say I was looking for him they failed to mention I was worried about him Jiji and the overabundance of calls and messages I sent him was creepy in total I had called three times left no voicemails which was obviously a bad idea in hindsight and sent ten texts so far that 24 hour period he said he was taken aback by the love you in the text and just wanted to clear his head for a bit so he turned off his phone went to his cousin's house and slept there forgot what day it was so he didn't go into work forgot his phone was turned off the rest of the day remembered his phone was off by the next morning when his alarm didn't go off saw all my texts and messages and freaked out when he called his job to apologize for missing his shift they told him about me showing up which freaked him out even more he told me he couldn't be with and possessive stalker creep and told me not to ever call or talk to him again I was pretty upset but only sent a message back that said I was only looking out for you [ __ ] and never heard from him again a week later I found out from one of our mutual friends that a guy at the party had seen the text I sent and was threatening to out my ex seems like breaking up with me and denying everything was easier than continuing to hide our relationship moral of the story don't date closeted crazes when I broke up with my ex a couple years ago I started having these weird dreams where I could hear consistent sobbing and sniffling I'm a pretty heavy sleeper so it didn't really cause any issues for me and I would wake up without problems in the morning this unique experience went on for a couple weeks sometimes I would wake up in the middle of the night and my room would smell like my ex perfume not only that but my sheets looked like they we're wet from tears I asked my family if anything unusual was happening around the house at night and nobody knew what I was talking about sometimes I would get in my car to leave for work in the morning and it would completely stink like her I figured I was just creating false sensations in my mind due to a rough breakup like my brain was remembering an imaginary scent this continued for weeks until I decided to spend the night at my buddy's house down the street after drinking I got a call from my mother whispering something about somebody going through the front door downstairs I ran down the street with my buddy busted in the front door and ran upstairs my ex was in my room going through my dresser when she saw me and started telling me to get out of my own room I called the cops and she never came back I later found out that she had made copies of all the keys in my house and car she would spray her perfume around my things to keep the feelings for her alive I haven't seen her since but I've been told that she's continued doing this to other men TL DR [ __ ] be crazy edit I forgot to include an eerie detail over a year later when I moved out of my mom's I found two love notes behind my headboard still stained with teenage tears she had placed them under my pillow and probably wondered why I never confronted her about it I guess I would knock them away as I failed around in bed restlessly gave me chills as I finally saw how obsessed she was due to the language she used in the notes I am a lucky man to still be here I was 17 when I moved in with a 24 year old guy I had been dating for a couple of months after about 1 to 2 months of living together I had mostly lost my chances to keep in touch with my family and friends I couldn't meet anyone without his presence I once answered my cell phone when my mom called to say hi and blabber about something pointless in the beginning of the phone call I made the mistake of going out for a smoke when I had finished the phone call and went back in I got a good beating for having [ __ ] to hide I didn't have permission even go for a walk or to the grocery store alone I lived with him for nearly a year I don't know why I stayed for so long maybe I was too scared to leave too embarrassed to admit to my family and friends that I had made a bad decision when I started going out with him in the first place one time he called me to tell me that he had been caught on the highway speeding on speed and having a race with the police he said he would be getting home from jail the next morning I instantly called my mother who then would spend the next night with me gathering my [ __ ] in her car and taking me back home I got some super angry and sometimes vagin phone calls from him for the next few weeks the I never saw him again I have had several boyfriends after him but in those relationships I believe I was the crazy one edit I hope this doesn't get all messed up I'm new to this all this attention oh my thanks for all the comments however this particular relationship is really nothing more than a distant memory it happened over 10 years ago I believe I was the crazy one I cannot blame one particular person for my mental problems I'm not angry or bitter to him some of you asked for more dirt but I can't think of any individual little stories to tell nor do I have the energy to share the whole story of my adulthood I also don't think anyone would find it very interesting I'm not a very stable person never been mostly I have kept my problems to myself and tried my best not to bother other people I've written this in some other threads so here comes a copy-paste late spring 2013 I meet this incredibly beautiful woman at an open-air party we dance we kiss and we laugh a lot and I'm loving it I've never felt such a deep connection with someone I just met anyways later in the night the atmosphere at the party get tense and some people begin to fight somehow I get dragged in the middle of it and by the time I manage to get out she is gone probably ran away scared I look everywhere I try to find out if someone at the party knows her but no one seems to so just knowing her first name in a city with 1.5 million inhabitants I go home sad as [ __ ] shorter never see her again fast forward to the end of August it's 2 a.m. and I can't sleep so I decide to go for a run because it's the only thing that calms me when I'm nervous halfway into the run someone calls my name I stop I look back and there she is seated on a bench smiling at me she tells me she tried everything to find me but with the little information she had there was nothing to do I invite her to my place she accepts fast forward to the beginning of December we spent most of our free time together rarely sleeps at her place anymore and we still don't believe how lucky we are to have found each other I have to go through a lot of [ __ ] keeping a full-time job and flying twice a month back home to help out my family that is in need and she's always there for me but the more I get to know her and the more I feel something is wrong she never talks about her past in some days her mind seems focused elsewhere often I wake up at night and I'd find her awake sitting on the bed with the bedside table lamp on apparently doing nothing she tells me that she's thinking because her head is full of knots she's trying to untie one morning she's late for work and she rushes out forgetting to switch her laptop off I'm curious and worried so I go through her stuff that I find nothing except for a folder with my name on it it contains all the pictures we took in these months some poems and another folder I open that folder and it's full of videos the more I see the less I believe they are all videos of me sleeping and they are creepy as [ __ ] I freaked out I call in sick at work and I spend the day watching those [ __ ] sick videos waiting for her to come home hours later once she is home I tell her everything and asked for explanations she doesn't know what to say and she gets angrier and angrier I asked her to leave and she attacks me leaving me with the left side of my face and neck deeply scratched and in the meanwhile trash is my apartment then she takes her stuff and disappears I call the police and tell them what has happened they come over to collect evidence and a couple of days later they let me know that she has a long history of records for stalking and violent behaviour and in the past she has been hospitalized twice for mental and behavior disorders a couple of weeks later while cleaning my bedroom I found a knife hidden between the mattress and the bed bases the girl is nowhere to be found she never went back to work and her roommate has not seen her since that day oh Christ I'm too late for a thread I shudder okay everyone I've known everyone I have ever met knows our tract and am attracted to crazy women mentally unbalanced be polar crazy women I myself am certified so it's nice to have someone with a gear or cog loose who knows what it's like however this ultimately ends in me being stabbed let's go back to the four craziest and I hope no one I know reads this it had give me away in a heartbeat most recent will call Lana outright abusive I was tortured as a child so I didn't get it the fact that I was being abused screamed unendingly at me to vent out her frustrations and never could understand that if she would just learn to tell the truth life would be so much better for her and dear friends would return but the Eagle and the image were too important oh she [ __ ] other guys but for some reason in the moment I believed her she always had a perfect explanation for everything hard for your friends to respect you when they see it anyway we get back from SF for an audition for American Idol bombs like [ __ ] she quit college and was lying to her family about everything in her life I was moronic enough to think I was the one person she could be open and honest with I was that she wasn't spend three days at my place trying to unwind before she went home and I said something to try and make her feel better and she insulted me on a very very personal level I told her to leave she told me to go to my room and calm down long story short when she went out of the room I took all her [ __ ] outside told her she went outside came back inside I told her she wasn't welcome and she said you wanna talk to me I will [ __ ] cut you so things kind of escalated quickly I bought myself in my room until the cops got there while she tried to chop through my door with a cleaver she pulled out of the kitchen and when I saw it was when I hightailed so this was out right The Shining level [ __ ] but I tried to play it off like crazy [ __ ] happens to everybody but it doesn't because of a previous three the before her let's call Becky knew her for years had a thing for her because she was broken an alcoholic and a true dyed-in-the-wool this isn't [ __ ] funny nympho manic anything that wasn't nailed down level I have a thing my friends called broken-winged bird syndrome it gets me into so much [ __ ] we had been floating in and out of fw beat a relationship whatever for a while and I knew I couldn't keep trying to deal with her being unfaithful she went to SF then San Jose did drugs and tried hooking got addicted to meth pawned her three [ __ ] kids on her parents and basically spiraled down called me out of desperate E or when the pimple must beat her to death I got her to come to my house wide enough then told her we'd fix everything together she needed before she went and explained everything in detail to her parents in truth which they deserved out of all this I wanted two things that night I told her I had two rules one no more drinking cause she had a lot to drink just driving up from San Jose and she had to try and get some sleep she was coming down of being up on meth for like a week solid she broke the rules gulping down an entire fifth from my cabinet while I took a whiz and I told her there were no more chances and to get out she went raving mad finally when I told her if she tried to drive instead of sleeping it off in her car I'd call the cops for her own good she chased me out into the street and in circles with a carving knife she pulled from behind her backseat cops showed up took her away she tried to apologize and make it better months later when she found my new number but I'm not that stupid before her was let's call her Carrie she changed my life I proposed she accepted we were happy and I found out there were exactly three of my friends she didn't [ __ ] on the side seven and a year I lost nearly all of my friends and friends who stuck by their side which was horrendously [ __ ] up but when I found out and found out with proof proof I called her names which applied while yelling didn't do anything to her but had a mind to tell her what she was she broke a wine bottle across the kitchen table and carved up my scalp like a fish she actually got away to another state then there was Kelsey her real name cause she's either dead or untraceable she had a lot of problems her parents were shirts she had no skills no education no self-esteem and I loved her and wanted to help her more than anything else in the world she was so masochistic she carved up herself with a knife including down there she was in and out of mental institutions for a long time and I finally knew no matter what I couldn't keep supporting her anymore it was too much even though I loved her I had to break it off I waited till she could come home to tell her big mistake she went suicidal homicidal and I took a straight blade deep in the thigh it hurt like a [ __ ] seriously [ __ ] me up they came and got her and I held her down until they did broke my heart even while getting stabbed honorable mention who I'll call Mallory she slept with my best friend to get to me the night I met her told me so the next day when it didn't work should have been enough to never talk to her but oh she was so passionate I went to her house and she started pouring drinks down my throat like there was no tomorrow and obsessing about the two of us outright crazy things no rational person would ever think or say for five days she kept me drunk as a skunk and would have for longer if I didn't wake up and smell the turbocharged crazy exhaust first day she declared we were together second day she planned our first anniversary you have to understand she was dead smoking hot which huge fill up just hips and an amazing sense of humor so I was so confused third day I was at a house she said we were moving in together fourth day we were going to get married fifth day we were going to name our first daughter Gloria that did it I told her I was going to sober up and Lee Eve that I had had enough I didn't agree and don't know what I said to make her think I was okay with any of it and wanted to leave before any more misunderstandings happened while I sat in the kitchen my head in my hands she pulled out a gun a 9-millimeter revolver and cleaned it in front of me told me all about how she was a dead shot with it and she had a motor spare and had a sheriff once tell her things I didn't care wasn't intimidated into sticking around at least and left told her the ride was over we didn't fit three o'clock in the morning that same night my doorbell rang I walked over opened the door with her standing there her hand behind her back sobbing looking me dead in the eye and all I thought to say was oh [ __ ] you not gonna [ __ ] shoot me are ya I talked her down calmed the situation sent her home and moved all my exes are the crazy exes but these are just a taste of the ones so crazy they'll kill you which really makes them stick out most people only ever have one I've had five try to kill me anyway it's too late for anyone to read this but I saw it and thought I should saw something at least thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
Channel: Slime King
Views: 36,751
Rating: 4.8699188 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, comment awards, askreddit, top posts, dankify reddit, brainydude reddit, tz reddit, r/, askreddit creepy stories, toadfilms, reddit and chill, middle school, middle school cringe, teacher, pupil, parrents, tantrum, askreddit friends, askreddit secrets, askreddit parents, family secrets, askreddit kids
Id: HEI9wFniVlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 41sec (1661 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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