Men Realize Their GIRLFRIEND is Crazy (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit men of ridet what were the consequences of sticking your dick in crazy after reading many of these mine doesn't seem so severe dated this girl I met at uni for about a year or so things seemed to be going great a little too great went to meet her family at their home and was told point blank that her mother advocated for her dating as many men at once as she could also her mom also told her that if she wanted to lose weight to try speed it was really awkward fast forward to the coming months and she's telling me the story about a guide work cornering her in the elevator and forcing himself on her to make out with her yet she didn't go to the police or authorities seemed even more odd she didn't even want me to go to them then her roommate started telling me she was cheating on me I was in too deep at that point to believe it but the icing on the cake was when my own brother came to me and sat me down to tell me that she had approached him while she was visiting and I was at work in that moment it all clicked so I went to confront her she went into total meltdown mode on me trying to make me feel guilty about everything like it was my fault or something that she wanted all the dick she could get so after we break up she keeps messaging me telling me that we need to talk that she was suicidal and it was all my fault telling me she was in the hospital she was straight-up nuts that's not even including the time she told me she was pregnant all day on April 1st I ran the whole gamut of emotions that day the stages of grief are real let me tell you even a year later she still messaged me telling me how I ruined her life how she had to go through counseling and treatment and how she had lost a ton of weight because of it well I'm glad she took her mom's advice now she's single and on speed good riddance to that bag of crazy glad I didn't catch and baby with her all worse most mind-boggling sex you'll ever have followed by a confused breakup and relentless stalking back story we started dating in the summer before our freshman it had been about a year or two of people pressuring us to date due to us always being together I was best friends with her younger brother and they were our neighbors so we spent practically every day from fifth grade til the breakup together started with jealousy due to the fact that I get along better with girls and guys aside from her brother and another guy in my grade in my cousins I had no male friends grew up with a bo sister and her rotating list of best friends that lived with us for months at a time coupled with the overwhelming majority family of females in the extended family think 3 over 1 ratio on both moms and dads side to this day I still have majority female friends but it's levelled out a bit she moved end of sophomore year to a neighboring City / school which made her Trust diminish more BC she couldn't keep an eye on me and my friends her friends started to tell me how she would ask for updates all the time and eventually they cut ties with her jealousy turned to controlling with a major red flag of a post to my FAFSA book wall of I'm jealous of your family who sees you every day she wanted me to check in between classes before after work call during any breaks and school lunch etcetera once she got her license she would just show up and sit in the lobby at my job 45 minute drive from her house I worked as a dishwasher / cook at a private golf club so they started to say I was going to be fired since she wasn't a member I broke things off mid junior year she tried to get a job where I worked shortly after her but her littler brother my best friend turned distant friend got the job instead I started getting pictures texted to me of my dog in my yard with a text along the lines of you weren't home got notes on my jeeps steering wheel I got a new girlfriend beginning senior year and the crazy ex threatened her multiple times to the point that new GS parents were able to get a restraining order it's been seven years and I still get messages from new phone numbers / FAFSA book account / Yale tube hasn't found my read it but it's still too new law tried to get a no-contact / meaning order but the police think I'm not in enough danger to require one so I applied for my CCW the next day I should you not I was having a movie night with the girlfriend from senior year about two years later at her college house when a messenger popped up on our TV through DirecTV from crazx trying to get in touch with me edit spelling is not a strong suit of mine technically the girl was kind of crazy but her friend made the situation worse there was this one girl Sarah who worked herself into a friend group I was in she never really liked me but she couldn't really say anything because I had been friends with the people in this group for a long time she was just always kind of shitty towards me a few years after I knew her one of her friends started hang out with us named joy cute girl we kind of hit it off and flirted for a couple of weeks one weekend I went to hang out with joy who was staying with her friend Sarah joy was crashing in Sarah's finished basement on a couch we proceeded to all go out to some bars and get pretty drunk as DB young 20 year olds tend to do eventually we all went back to Sarah's house for the night joined I went to her room and started making out pretty heavy we were both drunk and kind of just passed out nothing more than missing really happened fast forward an hour or so after we crashed we are both sleeping on the couch at opposite ends kinda of leaving on separate arms the couch is right in front of a coffee table joy starts stirring and half wakes me up she proceeds to stand up pull her pants down leaned over the coffee table and starts pissing right there like WTF I was half-asleep and drunk but I don't know what to do this is a [ __ ] awkward situation so I just pretend to be asleep she must have been more wasted than I knew because after releasing herself on the carpet she wandered upstairs to Sarah's room I kind of crept upstairs a few minutes later and Sarah is consoling joy I figure she's upset she did such a weird thing in front of me and was so I went back downstairs and slept on recliner away from the couch I fall back asleep and wake early the next day and I'd foe before anyone is awake weird experience but I live on with my life fast-forward a couple of weeks and I'm hanging out with the aforementioned friend group like two of my guy friends just hanging out they come to tell me that Sarah has been saying I rape join her basement she literally went around to a group of people and told them I raped her friend now I hadn't really passed on the whole pissing in the basement story simply because I didn't want to embarrass this girl in front of my friends the worst part is Sarah convinced joy that I had indeed raped her apparently joy blacked out and had no recollection of much other than coming crying to her friend's son's pants I explained what really went down to my friends but I felt really weird around some of them for the longest time I'd like to think she was just mistaken and had good intentions but I think she found an opportunity to make me look bad and ran with it [ __ ] Sarah that's a real name she's a [ __ ] crazy [ __ ] this is an abridged version of this story I hooked up with this girl at a club and then a few weeks later it apart and then again at another party and then began seeing her for about a month then I ended it with her because well she had a Radiohead thing and I came back to her sticking a poster of thumb York on the ceiling above my bed because now we were living together which was news to me and it was her own and she had already talked to my housemates about it WTF so thus began twenty four thirty months of this woman stalking me she used to call at weird times at night if I answered she would say nothing if I'll let it go to the voicer mail she would leave nonsensical messages and yes I changed my number three times she always tracked her down in the end I had to swear people never to give out my number to anyone this didn't work every time I would go to a party slash bar work event she would be there and try to get with me when he was drunk I moved house and came home one night after a party with the lovely lady and entered my house my housemates whisked the lovely lady into the sitting room and me into the kitchen advising me they had let a female friend of mine into the house and she was in my bedroom my housemates brother was there with a bunch of knives in his hand and I asked WTF was he up to his response was I talked to her for a few minutes and I decided that I should hide all your knives I went upstairs to find this lady naked in my bed this doubt of her mind listening to Radiohead and she refused to leave or get dressed after 20 minutes of trying to get her out of the house and ringing a taxi for her the lovely lady who my wonderful housemates were trying to entertain came into the room to find me there with crazy lady on her knees begging to let me stay thankfully the lovely lady was able to get rid of her a lot quicker than I did then a week or two passed and I was heading to another County to visit a few friends with a female friend I get a phone call the day before we we're meant to head off from her housemate another good friend advising me that I should come in and visit them now when I entered their apartment I see my female friend has a black eye and bruises and has her wrists in a sling I asked what happened accordingly when she was leaving the bar she worked at and was walking home she was jumped by a crazy lady who kicked her a few times and threatened her to stay the [ __ ] away from me I urged her to press charges but she didn't more incidents occur over a few months but then I hadn't had any contact with her for a month or two and then at 3 or 4 a.m. on a Friday night my phone rings and I just assume it's our and ignore it but I check once it stops ringing and see my brother's number and see that a voicemail has been left [ __ ] must be something serious no one leaves me voice messages so I call immediately call my brother back but it goes straight to voicemail so I check the voice and now one new voice the male eyeless in silence for 30 seconds with muffled noises in the background I think he must have butt-dialed me but then a voice it wasn't his it was a woman I have just slept with your brother how does that make you feel end of message I know whose voice it is I call my brother straight to voicemail I try again nothing I try his house MIT's it rings out [ __ ] I even try stalker no answer I end up heading straight to my brother's house with a mind full of macabre images flashes of ex house Matt's brother hiding the knives friends who had been beaten up get to my brother in the doorbell begin banging on the door the seams in my head becoming more gruesome I'm panicking I need to get into his house no I'm getting into his house then I hear it my brother voices he shouts some foul language at me for waking him best sound I ever heard explain to him what's going on ask about stalker ask if she still here that she was gone when he woke up on further investigation we found out she had also taken family photos and a Radiohead CD the last time I saw her I was walking down a street and Galway at about 10 p.m. and she appears in front of me drunk and on something she walks straight up to me and tries to kiss me I'm having none of it she advised me that it is okay that I don't love her the way she loves me but it's okay because I will and she will take me back and plus she was out of my life back in high school I was a real pushover when it came to the girls I dated I focused only on their happiness at the cost of my own I dated this real bossy puto Rican chick who always demanded to know where I was at all times and went out of her way to make me feel guilty when I was hanging out with my family or at the gym or Taekwondo or capoeira classes after months of sacrificing hobbies to please her one day just suddenly hit me I was being used and manipulated left and right and I wasn't happy at all I ended things with her but admittedly I was petty about it and decided to give her a taste of her own medicine and acts just as you did for one day and she immediately hated it and I brought up that it was how she treated me she called me an [ __ ] and destroyed my cell phone but I was out so it didn't matter as much as my own personal happiness at that point oh and she stabbed me with a fork weeks prior cause of an argument we were having about her being overbearing after a few weeks I started talking to another girl and my ex went out of her way to talk to every one of my friends and the friends of that girl and spread a rumor that I committed the big R word that rhymes with grape and I lost a lot of friends and the girl I was dating my core group were on my side because this girl was absolutely batshit crazy and everyone knew it and that's all that mattered they had warned me about her but I didn't listen because she was insanely hot at the time and my dick thought it was a good idea after like a year she got pregnant and married some dude who shortly left her after she pulled the same [ __ ] on him that was back in zero seven two zero nine she's on her third marriage now about 100 pound heavier and hasn't changed one bit if anything she's doubled down on the insanity and is one of those girls who routinely posts [ __ ] like if you can't handle me and my worst you don't deserve me at my best on social media I've often wondered if I could take her to court for defamation charges but I doubt it given that it was years ago I'm just happy to be halfway across the country from her now what a goddamn nightmare sweet finally can tell this to read it got my throat slit dating a golf was 15 years old my friend Jordan introduced me to a girl named Paula we all went to a small rock concert at El Corazon she was 19 year old we hit it off was seeing each other for a few days first time I slept with her I noticed she had scars from cutting herself that should have been a huge red flag for me well a few days later she is at my place while my mom is at work just me and her and my brother in another room she went in the bathroom and was in a while my brother 13 at the time walked into the bathroom seen Paula there cutting herself with one of my razors he screamed for me I came running to see her on the ground bleeding from the arm a bit I called her mom and she got her and took her home I called Paula that night and told her I couldn't see her anymore me and my brother spent a good half hour cleaning that blood I was only 15 and don't know how to deal with someone or something like that I didn't want my brother seeing anything like that very next day I run into her at Kent Station she asked for a hug I didn't want to be harassed so I did she pulled her razor and cut my throat in front of my friends then ran off I went to the hospital and got 13 stitches I got real lucky she only cut the skin it was close to main veins and such I could have died she was arrested later that day at her home I never got the chance to testify or anything I guess she got a plea deal never served time in prison only probation and counseling I imagine if I cut her throat I would have been convicted of attempted murder but hey that's life for ya since then I've always been standoffish with relationships and I don't think I ever actually been in love idk there was one girl later on but I don't think it was love overall that experience was [ __ ] up to say the least I was the talk of the town kids from other high schools heard about it every party I went to was like oh [ __ ] you're that guy so Jana got a 5-inch scar going horizontally across my Merrick my first son's mother told me that I gave her an STD turns out I was clean and she admitted to [ __ ] some guy in manuscript 13 in the bathroom at her sister's house dangled our infant son off a balcony and threatened to drop him if I went to the gym when the police were called on her for hitting me in the back of the head with a glass bottle she blamed me for it stating that she was trying to protect herself and tried to get me thrown in jail had her wisdom tooth pulled took pictures of where they pulled it took said pictures of it to the courthouse and claimed that I grabbed her so hard by the jaw that it made her lose a tooth in order to get a devio against me used said devio to claim that I had broken into her house and stole my own coat and had the cops come arrest me called my house my friends my job sobbing and claiming that our son was in the hospital when I got the message I called to find out where he was what room etc she then used said DVO to claim harassment called the cops and had me put in jail used said DVO paired with her funny wisdom tooth pictures to claim I was abusive to a judge and had my custody rights stripped since I was constantly in and out of jail due to this girl I was never able to get a stable job every time I got a job she would do something crazy or make a false claim and have the cops pick me up I would lose my job and get behind on child support at which point she would go downtown and file a case and try to have me arrested for contempt of court for not paying support later in life she had seven other kids and had them all under some sort of disability payments from the state she had my son terrified of me claiming I was every single thing that she had ever made up about me until he started hanging out with my sister's kids and couldent figure out why they loved me so damn much and we're and terrified of me likely was they convinced him to meet me a couple of times and we got along well I set him up an m/l address so we could have respondents he was 16 at the time his mother found out and sent me a dirty nao and told him he was never allowed to talk to me again when he turned 18 she tried to claim that he was so autistic that he couldent function as an adult and needed to be her ward until he was 25 both so she could keep collecting his disability and forced me to keep paying support until he was 25 note this whole time she had basically been using the courts domestic abuse liaison as her own personal free state-funded attorney well this time I showed up with a lawyer and every single phone call text message Fassa book message support payment with her my son her family members we got about 20 minutes into the hearing and she tried to have the domestic abuse lady help her when she said that she's not her lawyer and wasn't there to coach her and the judge decided that she needed to talk to my son she started screaming like a crazy person and said that she dropped the case and started screaming as she left the courtroom the judge my lawyer and everyone else in the court just kind of sat there slack-jawed looking at each other for a minute the case was dropped why you are asked what could I have possibly done to this poor girl to make her behave so badly well you see when I found out she was cheating on me again I broke up with her gave her my car so she could take our son places and found a big tittied college girl from the suburbs to start dating we were from the hood like the find people murdered in an apartment over a crack deal keine hood yet I got over her and found another girlfriend after finding out she was cheating never ever stick your dick in crazy their boys not me but my husband and yes as his wife I'm aware that I may be the latest crazy law in high school he hooked up with an absolutely awful girl who was legit bitola tried to slit her wrists on his porch kind of person she got pregnant despite condoms refused to abort they made a plan with his parents to adopt the baby out to a nice couple her parents flipped out they are good Christians I guess and told her if she gave up the baby she'd be kicked out his parents refused to let her move in obviously see tried to [ __ ] kill herself on their porch so they left it up to her and she had the baby and kept it poor kid was raised in a [ __ ] treated awfully and my tobe husband wasn't allowed to see him until he was five and extremely brainwashed against him still had to pay child support and all that forever but even though he worked to get visitation rights etc oldest kid still has huge issues with him even though their relationship definitely got better later he lives with us now as he has realized his mom is the definition of awful since my husband is apparently a dumb bus he stuck his dick in crazy a second time ten years later he was dating a girl whose mom he worked with and didn't really she was a serious drug addict she claimed she was on the pill they were using condoms but somehow she got pregnant again she refused to abort and he had to make a choice he stayed with her until youngest was three eyes by which point her addiction was so far past the point of ridiculous that he could not deal with her any longer Kido had a serious medical issue not related to the drugs and she barely showed up to the hospital she embezzled thousands of dollars from her job to use on drugs and her parents paid it back let her stay with them and helped her get full custody by making it look like she was an okay parent he gets shitty visitation and high child support but works a little harder this time as he was actually in the kid's life from the beginning and sees him as often as he can four years later she calls him out of the blue to say she's going into rehab and she's giving him full custody because her parents are too old to deal with youngest full-time by themselves we were together by that point and immediately made a plan to get a house where he could move in with us full-time we chose to we liked and could afford and let him pick the ultimate answer it was fun cue the next seven years of her being a total ass wipe in and out of rehab finally cleaning up her drugs X only to be a total [ __ ] about everything else in seven years she has paid us less child support than he paid her in a single year and has turned her own child against her by needing space for herself to heal Acker I can't deal with you today turning to why don't you ever come over to see me three months later youngest is an angry difficult teen who can't wait to leave us but we are worried he won't survive outside the house due to medical issues he halfway ignores and oldest is a depressed moody semi adult who is mentally stuck at the teenage years and we are worried he will never leave our house and if he does we'll possibly kill himself as for me I got spayed long before I met him and I'm so so glad Oh H HB my time to shine dated a girl let's call her Allison course that's a name we dated for a year a few red flags nothing too crazy and things seem to be going well and I was head over heels for her so we got engaged we were engaged about two weeks before she decided she wanted to break up the day after looking at wedding venues [ __ ] up especially after begging me to propose for two months but people can end relationships for whatever reason they want I suppose well after the breakup we kept living together and kept kind of reconciling that is until she found a text from my mom calling her a [ __ ] I later found out she went through my phone every night the entire time we lived together and proceeded to freak out and start beating the absolute [ __ ] out of me I shut her away she leaves cops come her and her friend have a big wild story concocted a [ __ ] my friends call [ __ ] on it she moves out should be the end right nope after this she would continually poke her head into my life talking about how she's going to kill herself without me you know the usual crazy girl stuff I started dating my current gf not at all crazy and is the absolute bTW and Alison found this out and went off the [ __ ] deep end tried calling me I didn't answer so the next day she said she tried to kill herself the night before until her room had stopped her witch talking to her room at later I found out was total [ __ ] asks if I plan on staying with this new girl or if I'm going to go back to her obviously I pick new girl because she's not a total nutcase and Alison screams well I guess it's time for round two I'll pull it off tonight I was about 900 miles away at the time so I figure all I can really do is call the cops after this she finds my new gf on Instagram and starts sending her pictures of the ring I got her saying you know he'll always be mine maybe if he likes you enough he'll give you this but he'll always be thinking of me new girl blocks her cops come I don't hear from her supposedly everything's done nope still not done I get home and really she broke into my house she put a couple decorations in front of the door so I'd know she was there and stole about $1,000 worth of random [ __ ] text her saying I want my [ __ ] back and in response she calls the cops to file a harassment complaint cop hears my side of it suggests a file a report so I do a couple days later her rumored messages me asking why I messaged Alison if I wanted nothing to do with her and I explained the whole robbery thing roommate sees my stuff in her room kicks her out when she does Alison steals a bunch of roommates [ __ ] and when Lumet contacts are asking for it back what happened you guessed it harassment complaint finally I get my [ __ ] back after I explained to her she was looking at felony charges roommate never got her stuff back we cut contact go on our way but wait there's more about a month after all this I get an m/l from Little Miss crazy since I blocked her on everything else saying that she saw me and my GF at a concert got jumped leaving that concert and she knows it was us says to expect a call from the soon well knowing it absolutely wasn't us I asked her what time it happened me and gf were already gone by then and I have you bura seats to prove it yeah cops never called she's been dark for a while now so hopefully that's the end of the saga but she always seems to poke her head out too cause just a little more chaos thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
Channel: Top Reddit
Views: 124,920
Rating: 4.8942881 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 43sec (1723 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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