Girls, Whats Was The Most OBVIOUS HINT You Dropped And The Guy Didn't Get It? (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit girls what was the most obvious hint you dropped and the guy just didn't get it so answering in lieu of my late wife here.i husband and um like really dumb she and I met and became friends very quickly but I didn't know she apparently had a huge crush on me I thought she was out of my league and apparently she thought I was out of her league too but she couldn't stop the fields she rubbed her feet on me while we were talking asked me in detail about my package gave me her phone number with the line hit meet up if you want pizza and sex we went out for lunch she offered to fell at me for a dr. pepper and she was very insistent that we got meat lovers Pizza when I asked her what she wanted for watching a movie later after we watched the movie she was in my bed I figured she was just wanting to keep warm and cuddle but she strutted into my bathroom stark naked and I had some didi staring at me she kissed me and told me I want you to [ __ ] me you idiot a regular romance story there in my deference she had a really warped sense of humor and I thought she was kidding with all that stuff it felt so natural with us being friends that the thought didn't even crossed my mind until she propositioned me that there was potential for more I'd had some really fucked-up exes and I thought romance was something where I had to jump through hoops for the other person and wait on them hand on foot but she was different that's why she was the one who I got on one knee for advice to the ladies out there if my wife telling me I want you to [ __ ] me got through my legendarily thick skull I think as a last resort that'll get through to any body okay so I might end up on this thread and I feel the need to say that I actually pretended not to notice the obvious hints at one point I had a friend who had a super obvious crush on me one so obvious that I noticed it which considering that I can pretty oblivious is saying something and kept hitting on me all the time she was not subtle about it at one point we watched a movie together and she practically cuddled with me the whole time again not subtle the problem was that she was in a relationship at the time and one I was not going to go out with her during while she was still in a relationship and two wasn't going to ask her to break up with the guy just so I could be his replacement I considered the guy massive jerk and thought she should indeed break up with him but she seemed scared to be single so I wanted her to do it for her and not so she could just jump into another relationship there was also the matter that I wasn't sure how well things would actually work if we did get together she was sweet and really cute but she also had some unaddressed issues with her mental health and sometimes talked to me in ways that I didn't feel were terribly respectful eventually I just stopped talking to her altogether because she was by that point engaged and still hitting on me she'd also said a few things that had crossed a line by that point I'm the guy in this story but yay so we were at a party together then everyone decided to go to a different party and she told me she was gonna get an uber for the both of us and I was like cool don't have to take my phone out once we get there first we realized the place is not poppin so I asked her whether we should head back and she's like I'm okay to back wherever and my reasonable brain thinks ei we should probably go back to the party we were at and this time I'm like I should get the uber to be nice and I order it back to the party she seems sorta out of it once we get back to the party and then like throughout the night random things would happen like she got a cut and I was like you probably need a band-aid and she was like hey do you have any and I was like oh yay but it's back at my place and she'd give me like are you getting me one face if you can guess no I didn't and then by 1:00 a.m. she says she's gonna head back home and she orders an uber and as she's leaving one of my friends comes up and tells me you [ __ ] dumb bus she wanted you to take her back to your place I [ __ ] hightail it out of the room to catch her before she gets to the Yuba don't even think the flash could run that fast but it's all good boys I catch up to her and him like how to ride got a better idea and she rolls her eyes and cancels the Yuba Mayo later that night she asked me how much of an idiot I was and why I didn't pick up on anything and the guy missing hints here this girl that was really into kept inviting me to things with her and to her house on several occasions she would hold my hand and put her head on my shoulder when she was startled by something or bored would wrap her arms around me while watching a movie and occasionally sending me pictures of herself in a new dress to ask how she looked this went on for about two years it didn't really register to me that it was mutual until we were at a wedding reception together and the song thousand years came on with mostly couples on the dance floor not even joking like five other guys came and asked her to dance she just kinda ignored them and I just see her pointing at me and motioning me to come over I was about to ask her myself but almost chickened out when I saw this her asking to dance was less a question and more a command I was so happy to dance with her but a few seconds and I realized it was less of a dance and more a tight hug with gentle swaying that is when I realized she wasn't just being friendly we got several looks from her family and friends that were just like it's about time this is probably my favorite memory about anything we are still together and you better believe I plan on marrying her eventually if she sees fit to pursue my Livius self for two years TL DR accidentally Friesland myself for two years despite obvious hints it was mutual when I was 19 I decided I was going to join the Marine Corps in order to join you can't taken to depressants for at least a year I talked to my psychologist and he weaned me off around that time I had a really beautiful girl hit me up on Facebook to meet up we talked and ate dinner and had a great time we hung out with her friends once after that and one of her friends called me her new boy-toy later that night she invited me over to watch movies in her room on her bed she changed and was wearing a tight tank top and a pair of tiny yellow shorts that were painted on we snuggled while the movie played in the background she smiled and looked me in the eye from the pillow we were sharing and said you smell good I said thanks you do too she turned around and we spooned I lay there with her in my arms heart-pounding completely are alive with emotions and completely aware that I should have made a move when she said I smelled good I knew I probably still could make a move but above every other emotion I felt I felt terror terror that I would [ __ ] up Tara that I wouldn't make a move Tara that I would make a move and she didn't want it even though I knew that she did and the longer I lay there in silent panic the more the minutes slipped away it was 1 a.m. before I realized it I softly called her name that she was asleep I stood up and looked at her sleeping formed for a moment she really was beautiful I left and wept the entire car ride home cursing myself as a coward and a piece of [ __ ] she called me a couple of times that week eventually she asked me to come watch movies in her room again the same thing happened another week goes by more phone calls she calls me her boyfriend even though I couldn't man up enough to ask her out she starts dropping little sexual hints like sometimes me and my ex-boyfriend would take showers together there was one time she Skyped me and the lights were off in her room so I couldn't see her only hear her voice I asked her what she was doing and she told me she was looking up online foods that were aphrodisiacs not kidding then I asked her why the lights were off she said it was because she was naked I go over to her place more snuggling more earth-shattering panic attacks she kept calling me though she must have really liked me eventually though she would invite me over and then cancel this kept happening she would always have something come up but I suspect she just got tired of chasing me and I don't blame her she was gone after several months of trying to get me and I was alone with my depression and panic attacks one day I was coming home from college and I decided that if nobody was at home I was going to kill myself my mum was home and I told her I needed help I didn't get her and I'm not a Marine dreams only come true for some people I guess any chances I ever had of getting back with her I completely ruined later in my life after developing alcoholism and drunk messaging her until she would no longer answer life is better for me now and I don't drink anymore but it still hurts to think about her even though it's been 10 years 8 I got to rideth law say I can't post this unless I drop a disclaimer therefore not a girl but back in HS I was and still am friends with a local game shop owner cool guy stepped up like a father-figure when I needed one in my province we have a V annual or maybe it's just annual fan fest basically tiny comic-con the store owner generally buys a booth and pedals Magic the Gathering cards as well as D&D handbooks / modules / paraphernalia normally he takes a couple buddies with him but they were indisposed q my usefulness he invites me to go sell cards on his behalf and have a dope time the job worked out great turns out I'm really good at taking people's money in exchange for things and I'm already knowledgeable about the game to a large degree so it was easy getting people what they need and then the hints women would approach the booth and three times out of four the store owner would be off wandering the hall while I was peddling wares so it was just me in the booth so these women would saunter out peruse for a moment and in hindsight start flirting extremely obviously now as an efficiency minded guy I always opened with the same line I are you looking for something in particular or just browsing and every single time the woman or group because they came up into arse fries however many there were really would say no we don t play magic then they would continue to try and chat with me I entertained them a bit but whenever a customer rolled up I'd start serving my buddy was there for what he claims were no less than six instances of this including women who kept returning multiple times i cold been getting laid this whole time and the other god this one's embarrassing I used to play D&D with this girl we were 16 over 15 at the time I think maybe 16 over 16 but I digress she would show up plant herself beside me and spend the whole game not playing but chatting with me touching me moving closer to me and generally making it obvious that all she wanted was me to ask her out even dropping the whole year I just broke up with my ex-boyfriend and I'm looking for someone to spend more time with eventually she was asked to stop playing D&D because she wouldn't stop skirting with me and I had no idea it was happening my buddy same guys the first story explained to me what had been going on far too late for me to do anything about it it's a shame too I had a massive crush on her still kind of do damn a guy but still applies when me and my ex first started going out we were just hanging out and she really wanted it to just be us to keep in mind we were in high school and I lived far off and she had a somewhat complicated living situation so after school we were hanging out in front of Starbucks and was dropping mad hints saying things like oh well if you want to do something then you should just do it and you should really do the first thing that comes to mind right now when looking at me in a very flirtatious tone it was about time I was about to leave and she was gonna go to work and so we stood up and hugged and then she just grabbed me and kissed me and it was my first real kiss so I was surprised just overall happy after the rest of the day now time for story two this was prior to the first kiss but same girl and we would hang out after school all the time except there really wasn't much for us to do so we generally just walked around town for a while until we had to go we ended up just walking by this nail salon she wanted to show me and then behind it where there was a somewhat filled with good secluded spots wink wink so we ended up going to the middle of the field area and just laying there talking about the beauty of nature and stuff and it was the perfect romantic setup for me to make a move which was later revealed to me that it was exactly what she wanted me to do but I being small brain just laid there afraid to even cuddle her or something because I didn't want to make it awkward if she didn't want to fast forward a little bit past the first kiss and stuff for story three yes I'm a bit dull that it happens a lot so after school yet again we are hanging out and we are in a different field right outside of the school and next to a public playground yeah real classy I know and it was a second time in that spot and there was a lot of sexual tension at this point and we were secluded in us so we are flirting hardcore and kissing and she's basically saying well you could do something right now if you wanted to and I'm saying but we are out in the open like an idiot because I was big virgin and she basically just tells me to take her pants off and that was the direct message I needed or else I wouldn't have done anything later in our relationship she ended up telling me that even before we were dating she was hoping I would make a move on her and gave me so many openings you can ask most girls I've ever talked to and they'd probably have lists upon lists of ease not because I don't really get a hint but I just casually and jokingly flirt all the time but have very little self-confidence so I never actually acted upon it just assuming they were also just joking around with me I'm a bloke who is majorly guilty of this [ __ ] makes me cringe even now when I was in the British Army after one of my Afghan tows me and my best mate at the time were good friends with one of our medics who was female Julie she was a really good girl good banter and cool but was not a slag we had all bonded been in firefight ctc so we were close anyway a year or two later she wanted to transfer to be an army nurse and there is a special University program in Birmingham for them to qualify for this basically all the trainee army nurses all-female end up staying together in one block and studying and so me and my mate go up to visit our friend Julie one weekend she introduced us to loads of these army nurses we all got on it in a big way absolutely awesome few days all the girls were a good craic but our friend had one friend who was smoking hot Kate so I had a bit of a thing for Kate she was a but younger than me though I was like thirty and she was about 22 for the record my mate had a big crush on Julie - I just respected Julie because she was a really good combat medic and I never really came across any decent female frontline soldiers we went up for a few weekends as it was such fun sorry I have waffles but I like backstory so cringe number one it was like a Saturday morning we all been on the ail the night before got back to the dorms to sleep me and my mate just slept in random rooms so we all wake up and end up in Julie's room hunger bar chatting semi drunk [ __ ] end up all sat on the bed laying on the bed whatever just having a laugh nothing sexual cups of tea etc I'm laying back on the bed next thing there is a hand on my penis just like resting there I freeze in terror haha I realise it's Kate's hand she sort of rolled over on the bed Oh to her back and flopped her arm over my thigh so her hand was right there no way do I think it's intentional it must be an accident no way is this hot younger girl into me oh well if I don't move or act eventually she will realize and remove it and it won't embarrass her she thinks I didn't see crisis averted [ __ ] still makes me cringe now cringe number two another weekend we visited we went out as usual downtown Broad Street in Birmingham carnage kate says she is feeling tired and might go home early I said being the gallant man that I am it'll go with you as I'm not feeling it either she says okay we left my mate and Julie to stay out and got a taxi back to the dorms I end up in her room on her bed we are watching movies I was like just got to wait for a sign she wants something to happen fell asleep absolute dumb bus still thinking I needed more of a sign that this girl wanted something more I was just so worried that because I was older she might think I'm a perv I know don't ask me why I still don't understand why I thought that next day in the morning she seemed a bit less friendly and I realized why too late I dropped the bull massively Julie even mentioned it to me with a wry smile which I assumed was one of essentially you poor sap Lumia to this day still one of my major crinkly regrets even though I'm happily married years later like I always say though if you have no regrets you haven't lived the reason my ex fell for me was because after one date she called me from a bar and said she was scared she had been slipped something was in a cab on her way to mine she didn't ask me to pick her up because she thought I had been drinking as was my original plan to go watch a fight with some buddies that I had a bad headache so had been at home when she got to my place I realized she was just super drunk was a bouncer so I knew the signs of a roofie Kalitta I got her inside and got her some water and made her some food so she could soak up some alcohol with something I let her drunk drive on GTA online and she was laughing up a storm after a few hours she was able to remain stable and went for a shower she comes out of the bathroom with the shower still running steam just flowing out like a sauna completely naked and tells me my shower makes a great sauna and she's gonna hang out and there for a while then proceeds to tell me I should try it sometime I'm completely oblivious that sometime means now with naked her after she's done we head to bed she hadn't been to my place before and she's being super weird and down on account of my oblivious rejection I just figured she was getting tired so I kiss her goodnight and fall asleep two hours later I wake up to hell mounting me and kissing me I can still taste so much alcohol on her breath so I tell her to stop and let I know that I'm completely sober and she's still pretty drunk and I don't wanna take advantage but if she's not too hungover in the morning and still wants it it's all hers she was genuinely grinning after that and said oh that's why you didn't come to the show with me I let her know I just thought she was drunk then and didn't even realize it was an invitation she teased me about being oblivious and went to sleep next morning I wake up to her not in bed felt like I had been punched in the gut thought she had left because I didn't [ __ ] her the night before then I hear water running down the hall and really she's in the bathroom I get out of bed and go to the living room and throw on the news then I hear the door open from the bathroom and same beautiful naked girl comes out of bathroom and she replays the entire scene from the night before except she was sober not a girl but when I was in high school I had a female friend that I hung out with on the regular a lot of times it was in a larger group of friends we actually went to junior prom together as friends one night in our senior year her parents were out of town and wouldn't be back until the next evening she invited me over to spend the night because she was scared to stay in the house alone I came over she made me a phenomenal dinner and then watched me place car in for about five hours of course we were chit-chatting while I was playing when we were tied she vited meter her bedroom and I crashed as soon as I hit the pillow I didn't find out she had feelings for me until I met a girl that I liked a lot she broke down crying saying she's been dropping hints like crazy and thought we would make the perfect couple then it all clicked all the hints suddenly were crystal clear and I felt like an idiot I didn't have romantic feelings for her but I cared for her as a friend it's a shame because we had a ton of fun together and I was able to be there to help her through a lot of struggles she had stayed in the house alone plenty of times on top of making me dinner and watching me game for hours on end we did not end up dating due to some further complications I legitimately didn't realize and I've always been shitty at picking up on hints you would get a better response from me if you smacked me across the face and then told me point-blank what you want from me I was just as bad as picking up hints with my other past relationships and even with my wife now she has learned to tell me directly what she wants but I'm still trying to learn reading into hints I'm a woman but I do want to share my hints major moves that I did not get i had a ref WB for a few years we had fought your friends owned each other at the end of the summer I moved a few hours away we took turns driving back and forth almost every weekend for a year I moved home and he pretty much lived at my house for the next year he started to look for his own house to buy but took me along with him and wanted my opinion on everything in the houses he asked if I would move in with him and I just freaked out the entire time thinking he was going to get a girlfriend and then I'd awkwardly see my way out I insisted we had a paper trail of everything either one of us paid for so if things suddenly blow up we wouldn't be in court too many judge shows with my granny he kept promising that wasn't going to happen but I was so scared he took me on a surprise trip to the northwest and later that year we went to Jamaica it took me another year to realize that he had feeling for me but it never occurred to me what was actually happening I had feelings for him but in my mind we had determined that we were just friends and I kept telling myself that wouldn't change in his mind all of these things were obvious and assumed I got the hints once adorned on me we had a long talk and were married five months later obviously if we world clearly communicated it wouldn't have taken so long to understand what exactly was happening but thank God he didn't give up we've been married for almost three years have two cute pops and just built a house and definitely had improved communication one time I was at a music festival and I was dressed in usual festival clothes of fishnets and almost a bra and things like that I had just gotten out of a four-year relationship and I was trying to focus on me and just have a good time with the music and the people I ended up meeting this group of two girls and two guys we ended up walking around an dancing with each of the four hours during all of that we were getting more and more fucked-up point there was this one guy in the group who was wearing light up close and in almost ninja ranan mask throughout the night we kept drinking in this mosque guy was super quiet which made me more curious about him I tried asking him questions about himself but he would just keep quiet or shake his head no or yes to a question during me getting more and more trashed with these people I end up inviting them back to my place because they were from out of town and their hotel was so far away that I invited them over we get back to my place and as soon as I unlocked my door one of the girls and her boyfriend both rushed to the bathroom for what I could only assume was sex because I didn't hear the sound of anyone throwing up or the toilet flush the other girl goes and throws up and my kitchen sink I go and help her while the masked guy just stands in my doorway at this point I'm sobering up because it's about 6:00 a.m. and my mom boat kicked in to take care of these [ __ ] up people eventually everyone is passed out in my living room except for the masked guy who I could have sworn hadn't moved at all in the hour of being at my house I woke up to him as everyone is passed out and I asked him if I could make him a bed or something and he just stares at me his pupils were so large that I could only assume he was tripping balls so I got him some water and asked him if he wanted to come smoke with me on my fire escape my apt was on the third floor he didn't move again and I was afraid he stopped breathing so I grabbed his hand and led him outside we sat and watched the Sun Rise and I tried humming to him to ground him a little bit and he was completely annihilated so I took him inside and put him to sleep in my bed while I just stayed away because although I drank I was used to all night in us everyone ends up waking up at about 6 p.m. and almost none of them know who I am or where they are I explain things to them and they relax but start yelling for the masked guy as if I kidnapped him he walks out his saggy and his body sluggish everyone starts getting ready to go and I walk up to the masked guy and say that it was nice to meet him and I give him my phone number on the expired festival wristband and he just looks at me and our conversation goes like this then you're giving me your number me yarrr is that ok then asterisk sta re s at it then me then back at it then back at em he asterisk you want to go out with me me well I didn't really get to know you but I thought you were cool so text me and we can see if this will go anywhere then this is a prank right me no why would I prank you I just want to go on a date then you're lying you haven't even seen my face you're just [ __ ] with me in the asterisk G et si and n oh ye d asterisk now I want to go out with you but if you think you're [ __ ] with you just throw my number away then I knew you were [ __ ] with me asterisk s ta RT s to leave me I wasn't but ok then he left that was it I was so disappointing because he didn't say March and I wanted to learn more but well my current wife had a hard time with me I still think she sent encrypted signals she thinks I was and I'm still a complete idiot puke love years ago during a weekend we got together to watch movies and Anam in my house while we ate she accidentally spilled drink on my shirt she apologized tried to clean but the stain was not removed so told me to take off the shirt to clean it better I replied her not to worry it was an old shirt and that we should continue with the movie in my deference it was a subtle hint as it was late being kind I offered her to stay I arranged some blankets and a sofa for her to sleep when I prepared to go to my room she told me that she would rather sleep in a bed my respond to her was not to worry that it was a very comfortable sofa she insisted on the beds thing so I went up and fixed everything and invited her to sleep in my bed after that left her there and went to sleep in my parents rooms yep just like that the next day she asked me if she could take a shower so I brought her towels in the t-shirt after a while she called me saying she was naked and cold because she could not run the hot water and if I could help her I could barely see through the curtain but definitely she was naked but as I knew my bathroom only had to slide my hand along the side and run the water I was being chivalrous a few minutes later while preparing breakfast she arrived with a borrowed t-shirt which was not of her style so I told her she looked weird she looked at me and asked me if I wanted her to take it out to which I replied not because she would be cold that was the third strike after a few minutes of silence and glares she asked me to review the events and because I was taking time she cited and told me oh for [ __ ] sake I like you idiot which artist years of relationship eventually ended in marriage the funny thing was days later when we told my mother that we were dating she replied you already realized that she likes you or are still processing it maybe because they have the same language but apparently my mother had deciphered the signals weeks before me thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
Channel: Slime King
Views: 36,065
Rating: 4.9326186 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, comment awards, askreddit, top posts, dankify reddit, brainydude reddit, tz reddit, r/, askreddit creepy stories, toadfilms, reddit and chill, middle school, middle school cringe, teacher, pupil, parrents, tantrum, askreddit friends, askreddit secrets, askreddit parents, family secrets, askreddit kids
Id: q2bcrhkWLoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 12sec (1872 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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