Men Get REVENGE On Their Ex-Wives (r/AskReddit)

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I divorced my first wife back in 2012 long story short on top of many issues she had her infidelity was the last straw for me I've since remarried and have a beautiful baby boy shortly after the divorce while then single my ex would contact me out of nowhere apologizing for everything and asking for me back I would kindly tell her now and wish her the best she would then immediately flip out on me calling me a jerk and blah blah blah reassuring my decision this happened a handful of times over the next year or two a few years later I married the type of woman every man dreams about independence intelligent funny generous caring selfless and beautiful within weeks of us getting married my wife and all of her close friends received a friend request on facebook from a very suspicious profile again my wife is very intelligent and with a little bit of detective work concluded without a doubt that the fake profile was in fact my ex she kindly sent her an instant message letting her know she wasn't fooling anyone and wouldn't you know the profile disappeared this same thing has happened several times over the past few years a year ago we became parents and that is when things got really bad along with social media stalking came actual stalking I would notice her car parked down the street from my house I would make a point to walk towards it and it would suddenly drive off we finally ended up getting off social media for the privacy of our family I found out later through a friend that she had gotten remarried as well kick her to that as she married a dude with the same first name as my wife the craziness starts one morning I woke up to a very odd text message the person was claiming to be a friend of mine who I had dated at one point following my divorce asking if I wanted to meet for sex I found this very odd 'which that friend is very classy and it wasn't like her to do that the next morning I called the number back that it came from and wouldn't you know to ask the voice of mail of my ex I was furious I called again that day and managed to get her to answer she denied sending the text and claimed that phone was stolen really I then received some very colorful voicemails from her in which she proved herself to be unstable over the next few weeks my wife and I continued to receive very concerning texts messages here and there from burners I'm watching you how's my dog I got him and the house in the divorce and finally better take good care of that baby that was it for me I reported what I felt to be threatening messages to the police they told me that they couldn't do anything about the messages that came from the burners because there was no way to prove it with her they were useless my next course of action was to get a restraining order against her this was easily accomplished by utilizing the odd text message in which she claimed to be another person as well as the colorful voice mails the best part is which I was filing it as being fearful for my safety as well as the safety of my family the order would also have to be made public and presented to anyone and everyone she lives with meaning her husband and in-laws that means they would get to see the screenshots of the trashy text messages and read the dialogue of the voice emelles she left that would be entertainment at its finest the tricky part now was just getting her served I hired a private service company to serve her the restraining order however I assumed she would see this coming my ex is one of those girls who bought a camera and suddenly started calling herself a photographer she has a faster book page my wife had the idea to have someone message her and set up an appointment for a photoshoot at a park or something for senior pictures that friend came through with flying colors on the day she was to get served my wife and I drove to the park for front-row seats I spotted her sitting in her car waiting for her client I then called the server to direct him to her location he kept me on speaker so we can hear the whole thing go down from a distance it was wonderful we watched the service offices slowly pull up next to her car both cars facing the same direction he then got out of his car and walked around his walking up to her side window we heard him knock on the window through the phone and her driver's window rolled down from the distance we were we could still make out the puzzled look on her face Ashley Smith fake name obviously yes I'm an officer of the court for County and these documents are for you what is this you have been served have a nice day even walked back around to his car and pulled away him and I shared a short laugh over the phone and I thanked him for his help I was shocked to hear him laugh over the whole thing I guess it would be kind of fun to ruin people's day for a living with the big yellow envelope in her hands I drove by her on my way out of the parking lot as she sat in the driver's seat of her car I slowed down to make sure she saw me she looked like a deer in headlights with my passing by she now knew what was in the envelope without even opening it I assumed haven't heard much from her since I did hear from a friend that day who knew what was going down that her Fassa book page had been taken down that evening I am assuming she did it out of shame or her husband was so levered with her she got grounded ha ha ha sorry for the somewhat misleading title but I couldn't resist this story isn't about me but two people I'm friends with we'll call one re and one Justin I'm posting this with Justin's permission and he'll probably be reading the thread some background wien Justin grew up in an extremely restrictive insular religious community that borders on being a cult they both read a lot from a young age even though reading outside of the religions material was discouraged and so both of them grew increasingly skeptical and dissatisfied with their environments due to having this peek into the outside world in high school this shared Mintz had brought them together and they started secretly dating for context dating was absolutely strictly verboten in this religious community you went straight from single to married with zero in between so when Justin and Rees parents caught them dating they forced them to get married to be clear it wasn't like they were even having six they basically were driving around together and holding hands in the downtown square where all the kids hung out very tame sheltered kids staff wien justin started living together as husband and wife but unfortunately for their families putting those two together doubled their resiliency and together they cooked up a plan to get out they set up a secret bank account at a bank outside the religious communities influenced since their families had access to their accounts and everyone who worked at the main bank was also in the same community and gossiped about everyone's financial transactions they started spiraling away money in small amounts the families wouldn't question being missing from their paychecks when they were 20 they finally had enough money to start over and they got out they basically left their house in the dead of night with nothing but what could fit in their car and uprooted to live across the country pretty quickly after they moved they decided to get amicably divorced since they never wanted to be married anyway they still lived together for a while and basically became something between platonic roommates and each other's only family over time they started dating other people some partners were scared off by the weird relationship between them but most got it and understood that Justin and we had basically bonded though mutual trauma I also met both of them during this time and we became close friends this whole time both their families and other members of their community were relentlessly harassing them people were showing up at their house at all hours and they had reason to believe people were trying to steal their identities over the years though they'd fortunately both put a freeze on their credit so nothing ever came of it then Justin had a bad accident a really bad accident he was on his bike and a car blew through a stop sign without slowing down and plowed right into him he had to be rushed to the hospital and landed at the ICO we was his emergency contact and I was with her and some other friends when she got the call I immediately drove her to the hospital with a couple of other people and she was melting down understandably the hospital staff wouldn't let hustle in when we got there but they let Ari in she came out periodically to let us know what was going on Justin wasn't unconscious but he was totally out of it and didn't seem to know she was there probably from the painkillers but she was convinced he had permanent debilitating brain damage and basically the group of us were just soothing her and reassuring her it would be fine a friend of ours who worked at the hospital as an MRI tech was also stopping by when she could on her breaks and calming down Dre we'd been there all night and part of the day at this point and the medical staff was giving us reason to be hopeful but things got worse to this day no one knows how they found out but 14 hours after Justin's accident his parents uncles and grandfathers showed up they immediately had all of us removed from the ico we included unfortunately as his ex-wife she was no longer his legal next of kin and had no rights against his blood family at this point she was absolutely hysterical and inconsolable she was convinced Justin's family would hurt him I'm ashamed to say all three of us that were there with her thought she was overreacting we all knew Lee and Justin had left a [ __ ] up situation but it wasn't like his own family would do anything to impede his recovery she was getting angry with us for trying to calm her down and tried to explain that according to their religion she and Justin deserved punishment from God and only the greatest suffering could prompt repenting and redemption she said their families embraced this thinking and wanted them to suffer because it would prove that they did the wrong thing by leaving and suffering would drive them back to the fold she said as long as Justin was with his family he wouldn't be safe our friend who worked for the hospital came and Foundry at that point she made Reece we're up and down she wouldn't tell anyone she told her this because she could get in deep trouble for releasing privileged information to someone unauthorized but she'd caught wind that Justin's parents were aggressively demanding the hospital release him into their care and they were involving lawyers the hospital was currently refusing because Justin wasn't stable enough to leave but our friend warned ray that as soon as Justin got to be stable or the lawyers scared the hospital enough it's possible the parents would be able to take Justin this shocked the rest of us realizing his parents were not only willing to remove Justin from the hospital that had saved his life in the condition he was still in but were actively trying to do it made us really get for the first time why we was going out of her head with fear at this point we snapped him to do what I'm owed convinced that Justin was about to literally die if she didn't act she decided she would do everything in her power to start a fire at home so that Justin's family would want to run back to put it out and this wasn't too hard because she had a lot of dirt on the whole community she came from like a madwoman she started blowing the whistle all over Justin's family she called the ISIS fraud hotline and detailed all the ways that the family business was committing tax fraud she submitted an ATF tip about how that same family business was illegally selling firearms without a license and without following any of the proper protocols and was knowingly selling guns to convicted felons she reported one of Justin's uncle's for owning several guns as a convicted felon she also reported Justin's mom's unlicensed daycare business which was apparently extremely shady including having over 30 children packed into one house with Justin's mom as the only adult and many of the children duties being farmed out to Justin's 12 and 14 year old sisters she called CPS on Justin's uncles and his parents for keeping their children out of school and for physical abuse in one ankle's case in all of these reports she provided extensive details she finished her calls and emails and then she waited we all waited for several hours and nothing happened then miraculously Justin become lucid enough to understand what was going on and make his own decisions and he kicked his family out again from there began a slow but steady path to recovery in all the relief and excitement to see Justin on the mend we'd almost forgotten about Ruiz campaign of desperate a or until a couple of weeks later when the screaming voice of Mel started pouring in to both of them first the business was being investigated by the eyes then it was being investigated for illegal firearms dealing then the Decker was getting investigated at first we felt a little guilty but then she was like you know what no regrets they would have killed Justin from what they've been able pieced together in the year-and-a-half since this happened the business has gone under and the Decorah shuttered the uncle is six months into a new five-year prison sentence for firearm possession CPS investigated which scared the [ __ ] out of the family but nothing really came of it which is especially sad in the case of the cousins being physically abused that said the parents are now too scared to keep the kids home from school and with the unlicensed take a shutdown the moms not exploiting her daughters labor anyway so she has no incentive to keep them home so Justin's little siblings are at least getting their education Justin and Ray are both happy and thriving Justin unfortunately will never fully recover from the accidents he has some permanent neurological damage that results in tremors but he's pumped to be alive he can work a full-time job he can still be pretty physically active and as far as I'm concerned he wins as somebody that comes from an insular cult family that is amazing I've noticed that often bad people tend to do a lot of bad things and get arrogant with what they feel they can get away with they are setting themselves up in a way that can really hurt kudos to Ari and Justin for escaping from a fellow escapee I naively assumed before all this that even the worst families ultimately don't want their loved ones to be hurt or to die and this really changed my perspective it's hard for people who grow up in good homes to understand what a truly toxic and abusive family can be like and I still feel a lot of guilt for not trying hard before this happened to understand what Justin and we had experienced earlier in their lives anytime anyone tells me that my abusive family members love me and only have good intentions I want to hurl good on you for being a good friend and trusting them plenty of folks don't believe in too clear evidence you saw the truth I am sure it was a relief to them to have their friends fully on their side at this point in the saga having lost the custody battle Vee is moving to NH to be with her then primary lover now husband hash v a detail that amuses me to this day is that he shares the same first name as the FB lover from CAS mentioned in my first post I always refer to them as PA ulh one and PA ul ash too when talking about them yes I am easily amused the incident about a month after the custody hearing at which I got full physical custody of Rebecca V and I had an email exchange in which we agreed that I would go to her apartment and take Rebecca's captain's bed and some of Rebecca's belongings the day before movers arrived to pack up Voldemort's stuff she was moving 75 miles away to central NH having burned pretty much every bridge in the area as Sam drives a truck he graciously agreed to come along to both help and to be a witness so we get there around 7:20 p.m. and knock at the door after a brief wait he opens the door i phone glued to her ear she sullenly mumbles something about her stuff is upstairs and then heads off to her second-floor bedroom weaving and mumbling something that made me stop and think I didn't quite get it but I recall thinking I really cannot go and hear it all without a witness I stick my head out the door Sam come on you need to come in with me so we go in holy crap it's a tip it's not quite filthy but it's beyond cluttered by now v has disappeared into her room complete with slamming the door so it takes me a bit of wandering to find Rebecca's room it's not just that she's in the middle of packing but there is crap everywhere dust cobwebs track endures unwashed dishes empty boxes of wine dry dog food scattered and trampled underfoot I could see that it's quite a nice place an open living area with a balcony overlooking it and lovely woodwork and exposed beams and inset shells in the walls and antique wood stove on a hearth is blazing away really lots of potential but a tip nonetheless so Sam and I start gathering up Rebecca stuff and take some stuff out to the car I realize we need an allen wrench to take apart the bed so I go out to the car to get one and come back in in the lull in activity she had come back into the living area but went right back into her bedroom as we climbed the stairs from still due to her ear it takes a bit but we finally get the bed taken apart and have moved most of the stuff in Rebecca's room out to the front lawn without conferring it's clear Sam and I both decided to get the stuff to the front lawn and worry about packing the vehicles after we are completely out of the house it's at this point that it starts to get weird Sam is carrying out the second-to-last load when he pops out of her bedroom door looks out from the balcony and says why are you taking stuff out of my house Sam drops what he's carrying and exits the house he knew what was up instantly I come out of Rebecca's room and we clearly didn't realize I was still there and say you agreed via email that we would take Rebecca's bed tonight she looks startled and says is that Rebecca stuff of course it is you said her stuff was in her room fine she goes back into her bedroom I take what I'm carrying and go outside Sam says dude that's not right we need to call the police you're absolutely right I could tell that Sam was expecting me to object and he does a double take when he realized he wasn't going to have to convince me Travel Police Department you're on a recorded line yes hi my name is Jack Crowell and I live at 321 Main Street here in Krauss Ville while I'm talking to the police on the phone I'm aware of be coming to the door and opening it and becoming quite agitated as she realizes I'm talking to the police by the time I finish the following explanation she has slammed the door and is tromping around inside the living area heatedly talking on her phone I'm at my ex-wife's apartment getting some of my daughter's belongings as we had agreed to via email and while I'm getting the last of the stuff out of the house he suddenly asks why are you taking stuff out of my house so in order to protect all parties I'm asking that a police officer come by to verify with Ms Brown that she agreed to this and that she is fine with what we have removed from the house an officer will be right there mr. Crowl as I'm waiting for the officer to arrive leaning nonchalantly against the front of Sam's truck Sam is standing there next to me just shaking his head I'm going to call Mary and let her know what's going on right about here viii throws open the front door muttering something about having not gotten all of Rebecca's stuff and proceeds to deposit another laundry basket piled high with clothes and other items on the front stoop and then disappears back inside I start to whistle pop goes the weasel' most of the stuff we moved is still sitting on the front lawn we leave it there after about five minutes the officer arrives he steps out of the patrol serve and I slowly approach him arm extended to shake his hand good evening officer I'm Jack Crowell evening mr. Crowl Ali Johnson we shake hands I give him a brief explanation of the situation and he comments that I was right to call him and that he'll go speak to Vee he's up there for about two minutes and then he comes back down you guys are good to go we briefly chat with him apologizing for having to get him involved and he replies no you did the right thing if a woman in MA says something bad about you and you've got stuff dangling between your legs you're going to be in trouble I liked him a lot after that we start loading the rest of the stuff and he asks how much more is in the house nothing it's all out here except that last laundry basket on the stoop that Miss Crowell brought out while we were waiting for you oh good I can't sit here all night if you guys are good to go I'll take off wait what's that what's what I think I saw a phone in that basket he shines his flashlight on laundry basket on the front stoop I walk up to the basket an iPhone is sitting on the top of it I pick it up and it looks like Rebecca sold iPhone 4 it's my daughter's old phone I'll just take it with us I carry the basket down to my car and put it in the backseat just as I'm walking away it rings incoming calls from these landline I realize it's these phone I pick it up and answer it hello click I look at the front there's a text from PA a ul ash - on the lockscreen is he gone yet yup it's her phone wait officer I was wrong it's miss Kraus firm could you return it to her he takes it from me and returns it to via the front door and walks back down to us ok you are still good to go I'm going to go now if you could swing by again in 15 to 20 minutes if we are still here you might want to pull in and make sure we are still okay sounds good you too take care not 5 minutes after he pulls out and while we are still loading stuff the again pops out of the front door phone glued to her ear is the officer still here no get him back why I want him back get him and back inside she goes I'm briefly tempted to tell her if you want the cop back you call for him but that little voice in my head says you call so I read I'll Kraus vels finest and request that officer Johnson returned to the address again Sam and I assume are waiting positions at the front of the truck this is why I didn't want Rebecca here tonight good a few minutes later officer Johnson arrives hey officer Johnson long time no see he grins at me she just came out the front door just after you left asking for the police to be called I'll go see what she wants he goes up there and V hands him her phone he talks for a few minutes hangs up the phone continues speaking with V for 20 more seconds and then returns to us I look at him physically no worries guys you're still good to go but I'm going to stay here until you're done I continue to give him the raised eyebrow she wanted to accuse you of trying to steal her phone but I pointed out to her that I was the one to notice it in the basket you hadn't touched yet and that you were the one to ask me to return it to her her boyfriend asks if you could be made to wait until Sunday but I told him now they've got three more things to load and they are out of here just finish up guys we all want to get home where it's warm we finished up and we all shook hands and got out of there thank you so much for watching the entire video I would be so grateful if you could like this video and subscribe to the channel new videos every day
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Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 39sec (1539 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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