People Who Married The SIBLING Of Their EX Share Their STORY (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit redditors who married the sister / brother of an ex is it weird having your ex as a SIL slash bill and how does your soul feel about the fact that you once dated their sibling here I was just casually reading some of these messed up comments before I realize this situation describes my own family well my parents met when my mother was going to law school in the United States on a scholarship my father as far as I can tell was making most of his income dealing drugs I always see their marriage is one of convenience she wanted a green card he wanted a lawyer and some clean income didn't hurt either fast forward 10 years they have three kids together but fight constantly my mother basically had two priorities her children and her career she made that work but there wasn't much time left for the luxury life my father seemed to want since both of my parents weren't around that much my mother's younger sister who rebelled against the family's ideas of studying finance and pursued a career in music instead would spend her summers in the US taking care of me and my younger siblings and things were going well for her - she had a mysterious lover who would take her on lavish trips around the world and shower her in gifts spoiler alert it was my dad when my mother found out she filed for divorce and moved back to Europe my father and my aunt ended up marrying and having two kids of their own who are now both my half siblings and my cousins my mother and father hate each other passionately to this day and only see each other in court for the legal battle that has been going on for over 20 years now weirdly enough I still think it turned out for the best both my parents are much happier than they ever were when they were together whenever people ask how me and my fiance met we lie and say the Internet because the actual answer could be the plot of a Jerry Springer Show the actual story is that we met because I was having repeated casual sex with his twin brother ah and girlfriend who I met off a swinger site this turned into a really dramatic six month long affair with our cheating on his previously mentioned GF with me her finding out and a whole lot of yelling and crying and drama early on while all this was going down and before the affair and the drama I ended up meeting ours brother D on a night where we were all just hanging out we hit it off and became really close friends and as things got really complicated he was one of the only people that knew about what was going on between me and our so we'd talked about it and he'd listened to all this drama I was going through a really shitty time in my life and while things were very passionate and chaotic with our I came to really value Dee's calmness and patience and empathy and really fell in love with him as a human being completely outside of what was going on with our they are extremely similar in a lot of ways that I still jokingly refer to Dee as the good twin because he really is so thoughtful and insightful and great after everything blow up with our and his GF finding out and being rightfully furious I ended up spending even more time with Dee and we fell in love I moved in with him and we've been together for six years has amazingly chill about the whole thing and we just laugh about how it's a super awkward way to have found each other I genuinely feel bad for us GF who is still with him because it's really shitty for her to have to see the other woman at family gatherings forever we've moved past it but it was really weird in group settings for a while I am sure that she still thinks that I'm only with Dee because I couldn't have our which isn't true at all there doesn't seem to be as much for first person experiences and I don't often talk about this too freely but if you need personal stories or info on it you can always PM me I dated my soz brother for nearly five years unfortunately about three years into this relationship I found out about my exes substance abuse issues tried to do the NAT and a a thing with him try to support tried to be there but it was just slowly sucking me dry in the process his brother and nephew came to stay with us during his divorce from his ex-wife who was going through the exact same thing I can't explain it but in the time that they were with us there was finally someone who saw and completely understood what was happening despite me trying to hide it I was at the point where I completely resented my ex we had been living together but I was stuck trying to pay off my portion of things to get out clean cut while paying for everything to support both of us as his habit was taking over all of his financials I was also stuck trying to keep finances squared in case I needed to support my mom due to her life circumstances it was just one look of understanding and we just had this talking point that was mutual he knew what my life was like he'd been living it we kept in touch I moved out a week later after his brother got drunk and high and mad at me and pissed on me while I was sleeping I realized then I could square off finance is not staying there that I could figure things out and make it work a while later his brother came to visit her he lived out of town well where I live now and it wasn't supposed to turn into what it turned into long story short both so happy it's been three years and all the family et Cie have settled and fully understand my ex went to rehab and is currently doing well and is understanding of how things played out believes the right people are together we were a big portion of the support that got in there and he phones periodically to update and chat with us I think he's truly happy as I believe we are all good people working through the grey slash difficult circumstances of life he gets it we are all honest with each other and time marches on I have never been in such a positive respectful relationship we both often forget the connection as we live so far away from his brother we just talk about him like his brother and there's no issues around it we are a teen here and there's nothing else to it I think you dwell on it you can find faults but we are just living I'm so so happy I guess I can contribute to this law so back when I was 12 ayuh dated this kid who was 14 at the time yeah I know how much can a 12 year old date anyways I say dated because we never kissed we just called each other boyfriend / girlfriend so we broke up but we remained friends and we always had a soft spot for each other and considered each other our first love's so an important thing to know here is that mild a sister is a massive attention [ __ ] she was an ugly kid and as she got older she got pretty so now she kinda just loves attention with this newfound prettiness she likes to prove that she can get any guy she wants and if one of her sisters likes a guy it's even better now back to the story so after we broke up this guy went through a massive hoe phase he was a fat kid and eventually lost all the weight and got a six-pack so he was pretty much [ __ ] any girl who was down my sister knew how I felt about this guy and went for it and become another notch on his belt she made sure to give me all the details about it because she knew it would hurt me oh when she dated him for five days to get under my skin - so about three years ago this guy and I started talking again we were just being friendly and catching up I never really expected anything to come out of it and didn't really want to talk to him anyways but we bonded because I had gotten out of a relationship with an abusive guy and he kind of helped me through it so one thing leads to another and we end up in a rest uh blooby situation and that eventually leads to us developing feelings for each other and now we've been dating for two years at the beginning of the relationship my sister was a little bit of a [ __ ] even though she had a fiance and a newborn son she even tried to keep me away from my nephew with the sole intention of hurting me which caused more tension between them for a while because my boyfriend saw me bawling about it and was angry at my sister's actions I guess she wanted my now boyfriend as some sort of backup now everyone is pretty cool about it because my boyfriend is pretty great with my nephew and my nephew adores him and I know why would she want him as backup with a fin Kay and a newborn son my sister was going through a rough time with her fiance at the time and actually did cheat on him and while she was pregnant she sent nude pictures to another guy she also [ __ ] a guy that our younger sister was in love with so like I said attention [ __ ] my sister has done a lot of [ __ ] up [ __ ] but that's another story I dated my now husband sold a brother for about six months after we broke up I became good friends with my husband of our mutual friend and we ended up dating just a few months later we got pregnant soon after and have been married for two years now honestly looking back purely logically I never would have married my ex's brother it's definitely not ideal but we ended up having a wonderful kid together and now I'm incredibly happy with my husband and cannot imagine not having him as the love of my life as far as the difficulties / some tips I was entirely unprepared for the feelings I would have seeing my ex all the time mostly though it's a feeling of rejection no one likes getting dumped I still feel that pain pretty strongly even though I'm madly in love with my husband it gets easier when they also have a so I love my bills current girlfriend it's hard because I kinda have to keep my distance mostly to keep from warning her however burly and physically abusive he can be but if they get married I fully intend to be BFFs with her and she's surprisingly cool with me family dinners are pretty weird but mostly because my bill refuses to admit I exist so I think for other people it could be a lot better eventually that X becomes a stranger to you as weird as it is to imagine if you don't talk regularly you drift apart just like normal people who break up it's like meeting randomly on the street years later accepted such a rent laws house and it's six times a year my husband has never been close to his brother mostly because he's always been violent towards him and me so as long as I don't mention kissing his brother or something gross like that it's not a problem in our relationship it's much easier if you change your rhetoric using the word my brother-in-law instead of my ex goes a huge way in all facets of your relationship no telling how your ex might feel might be cool and laugh it off come on what a funny story to tell your kids someday right or they might be like mine and be a dick but you weren't asking that anyway so who cares what they think this is your happiness you are talking about oMFG it's like this question was made for me I dated Jessica in high school she was a year older than me and taught me a lot about relationships and the fun stuff we dated for two years and things got pretty complicated at the end she started acting distant and I thought it was because she was leaving for college at the end of the summer we'd made plans to go to prom together though it was like she was putting on a smile through the whole thing though I could tell something was wrong and I tried to get her to tell me but she kept saying she was fine about a week later she told me that a month before prom she'd found out she'd gotten pregnant and had just had an abortion a few days after prom it was not a good day for me I went from sympathetic to outraged and back again about 10 times over I wanted to support her decision but I really thought we were meant to be and all that high school romance [ __ ] it was first love BS now many years later I know it was the right thing and she knows now she should have told me beforehand and let me at least offer my opinions but we both agree it was her decision eight years later I was at a party with mostly college students I was one of the elder graduate student types who was at the party and I met a cute college-age girl who I later learned wasn't a college student but a flight attendant I didn't recognize her mostly because she'd only been 11 years old the last time I'd seen her at the end of the night she asked me for a ride home her friend / cow Walker's had already left I was completely confused when she told me to stop in front of her house then she just laughed and said something like you really don't remember me to you and that's when I realized that it was Jennifer Jessica's little sister we started dating even though it was weird at first her moving in with me was weirder her sister visiting to help me plan the elaborate proposal was weirder but now after several years on Jess visits and plays with our two kids and it's really not so weird anymore not married that I have a kind irrelevant story background first I had a LDR with this guy in New York when things started getting too serious and talks of me visiting came up he died I didn't know anyone in his life personally I had him on a texting up one of his friends numbers but that was it and after his death the friend told me to [ __ ] off essentially grasping at straws I searched every corner of the web for someone close to him so that I could have someone to mourn within heal and I found a girl with an identical tag line as him that was also connected to one of his accounts I messaged her and they claimed to have no clue who I was talking about but then it clicked for her I was talking about a fictional character from one of her books turns out her younger sister was catfishing me with the personality ever made up dude every photo I got of my bf was from some random dudes FB in the pictures of the dogs he had and the book he was writing about his life along with much else about his lifestyle were actually all stolen from the older sister's life and sprinkled with details from the novel she wrote basically they were super close so every time she visited her older sister she'd snap all these photos to send me before anyone says it our relationship was pretty short and we never Skyped or anything because I have severe anxiety with that kind of stuff and avoid phones and Skype like the plaque so I didn't have proof of him existing in real time but I also wasn't worried about that because it was a relief for me to not partake in that we were gonna Skype and cool and stuff before I flew over there which is when he started developing the illness that would lead to his death later on in the month anyways the sister apologized and said if she'd known she'd have told me ASAP but she didn't hear anything about me her younger sister had a tendency to catfished tons of people online and was a crazy good liar so her older sister had to step in many time that she didn't realize her sister was currently doing it to someone new anyways she offered to be my friend to kind of make up for what he sister did turns out they lived a lot closer than New York and I ended up dating the older sister despite her being straight and Catholic apparently my lesbianism crosses all sorts of borders we dated for a bit and it was good I felt kinds proud about it tbh because I thought it was like the biggest [ __ ] you to someone who gave me the biggest [ __ ] you like not only did I recover from the whole experience and was happy and unaffected again it happened to be in a way that meant she had to constantly acknowledge the pain she caused me and the mistakes she made she couldn't just forget it and walk around without consequences I'm sure she's done before and was planning on now she the girl who catfished me was pretty awkward around me but no one else was which made it better law I don't talk to the younger sister and I haven't since she faked her death but I'm still close with the older one we broke up because apparently she wasn't officially divorced and just living separately with her husband which I found out really late in the relationship and felt weird about but yeah still really close friends no weirdness or tension between us at all and we text all the time also had quite a flirty relationship with the guy whose photo she used to catfish me after I told him his photos were being stolen so I feel like I got the best possible experience from the worst one I had a massive crush on this one guile four years of high school we were the same age had a few classes together and had mutual friends from the same social circle even though we had quite a bit in common I was exceedingly shy around him and struggled to have a basic conversation that alone had the guts to ask him out when we were in our senior year his younger brother was a sophomore and had a couple classes with me immediately I could tell that he my crushes little brother had a thing for me he would always try to sit next to me during class start conversations with me even during the middle of a lecture walked me to my classes even if his were in the opposite wing of the school and just generally all around spend lots of time with me I didn't mind he and his brother were similar but different enough to me that it was like being with my crush except without all the pressure to impress him and get him to like me so I dated the younger brother I wasn't really sure what to expect he put a lot more effort into the relationship than I did that's for sure he even knew that I actually likes his older brother that he still wanted to date me when my crush found out that I actually liked him and not his little brother whom I was seeing at the time he sent me a text that basically said once I broke up with his little brother we could start dating because apparently he liked me too and just never had the guts to ask me out so I broke up with the younger brother and immediately started dating my crush it didn't last long though I was still painfully shy and awkward around him even more so now because I dated his younger brother who was really mature about the whole thing and still wanted us to be civil to this day I still feel so guilty about doing that to him because he was actually a really great guy the younger brother and it really messed me up for a while I became super depressed and started to really dislike who I was as a person it was months before I could look at myself in the mirror again fast forward about eight years in my crush and I still text each other every now and then even hang out a couple of times I still feel awful about it though I can't even look at my crush without thinking of what I did to his little brother from what I understand he was really heartbroken about it he was really smitten with me oh oh oh oh oh oh so not married yet but I'm currently dating my ex-girlfriend of three years youngest sister I met the older sister in college and we had an amazing relationship for three years eventually the youngest sister four years younger moved in with me and her sister to go to college we all live together for a year but things were tense between the sisters with me being an obvious tension point finally after a year of Hell me and my girlfriend broke up a few months later me and the little sister who were basically best buddies for a year started hanging out as friends and just couldn't keep from falling for each other now that was three years ago I came clean to her family about our relationship early on and they don't have any problem and have treated us great and treat me just as they did when I dated their other daughter unfortunately the ex-girlfriend slash sister sees this as an unforgivable betrayal and hasn't spoke to either of us in three years and refuses to discuss the subject though she's getting married in three months I always loved her sister but we fell apart and became different people well her little sister loved doing everything that I did in retrospect I see how many becoming close friends with my exes sister exacerbated our relationship issues and created tension between them fighting for my attention if I was to go back in time I would have been a better more supportive boyfriend to my ex and we might have worked out but I love my current girlfriend and I'm very glad she was there for me when her sister broke my heart it's like I get a do with a great girl in a great family so my cousin Carol dated this girl Sarah that he met in high school she was really clingy and weird but so was he whatever then she moved in with him while they were both still in high school I thought my aunt was crazy for that but not my business then Cole cheated on her with Cathy they broke up but Sarah was still living there my cousin's sister loved her and they were best friends so she stayed : Cathy start dating while all of this is going down Cole's two older brothers leave for basic while they're gone Sarah starts a relationship with one of them Nick Nick asks are out on fafsa book right before coming home we all think it's a joke but it turns out it's a form of revenge Nick comes home and two weeks later Nick and Sarah are married yes married we were shocked nick deploys right after their wedding Sarah is still in high school though she's 18 at this point she's still a junior she drops out to be the housewife to a soldier who still lives with his mother six months later she's pregnant baby a is born they fight break up consider filing for divorce but oh she's pregnant again not even a year later baby B is born so at this point they are 20 and 22 with two sons then she gets pregnant yet again and baby C is a girl he was in an accident while deployed and they discover that he suffers from @b that prevents him from keeping a job though they can't live off disability she finally has to get a job which she is not happy about while there she meets a guy and then sup cheating or [ __ ] with him after baby C Nick had a vasectomy imagine his surprise when she leaves him while he's at work one day and during their divorce it comes out that she's six months pregnant with the other guys kid meanwhile : Cathy are happily married with one kid Cathy and Sarah fought for years because Sarah could never let it go saying that Sarah still wanted it was crazy : MEC couldn't get along either the cosmic thought Cole was going to sleep with his wife if he got a chance it tore the family apart ironically baby ace favorite uncle was Cole well I'm not there yet but when I was in my last year of high school I had her friends with benefits pretty much for a really long time eventually I move away to college and still had things going on with her when I would be back in town one time I'm back in town it's late at night and I see her car parked around my neighbor's house we are all friends so it's common for people to be parked around our cul-de-sac so I decided to text her and she never responded I didn't even think twice just kept doing what I was doing the next morning I wake up and when I leave the house I see my brother's car parks where her car was parked at like 3:00 a.m. at that moment I'm just like oh [ __ ] don't let it be the only explanation I don't ask anyone cause it's not really my business but a few days later I'm back in college in my mom calls me somewhere in the conversation she tells me my brother and insert girl's name are dating and I'm like well th-that's weird as [ __ ] the reason it was weird ease because we had a small group of friends like eight to nine who all are very close with each other at one point I was part of it and so will she and everyone else knew what was going on between us for such a long time so now I get to constantly hear my mom tell me about how he's always with her and things I don't actually mind them being together I want my brother to be happy but I don't want to hear about it all I can think about is definitely what we used to do haha I also get to hear my mother invite her to family things through my brother and my brother say she can't make it honestly at this point it's just kind of funny to me and I hope nothing gets too awkward in the future who or throw away time back in the 90s I was a horny little freshman there was an older girl who had a kid at 15 everyone thought she was a big [ __ ] because of it and she kind of embraced it cute kind of sweet but very damaged while I was in the school play and so was she as senior I heard she would bang most anyone so I fir tada and it worked out we hooked up after dress rehearsal and it was amazing looking back it was pretty average but for the first time it was amazing fast forward 2.5 years and I'm a junior and meet a cute girl at a football game we hit it off date for the rest of high school college and get married have kids now the [ __ ] girl is her older sister and I never mentioned it and she doesn't seem to really remember and is never around I think even if she did mention it now my wife would think she was lying because she does so a lot fast forward many years later and [ __ ] girls daughter is now in her early twenties she is smoking hot and a bit of the moms personality she was actually mostly abandoned by [ __ ] girl and raised by her grandparents my wife's parents well we had a big bash when she turned 21 and she got sloppy drunk and super flirty I admit I was drunk and weak and hooked up with her for a good 15 minutes of wild romping that I both regret and fantasize about to this day so for those keeping score it was sister sister wife and meets you would think we were white trash and featured on Jerry Springer but we are all college-educated upper-middle class overall everyone seems to be none the wiser oldest C's has never mentioned anything wife is in the dark and nice acts like she doesn't remember it and it's been years now and she acts perfectly normal around us all I feel like I dodged than a surfer king bullet of all bullets but still have read that it will someday be found out I got a good one my mom's mom my maternal grandmother married my mom's ex my mom I'll call her [ __ ] and her ex I'll call him Duke had one child together my half-brother my grandmother I'll call her Irene was married to my grandfather for over 30 years and he passed in his early sixties from a stroke about a year or two before this all happened so [ __ ] has a history of infidelity and actually met Duke on an AOL chat room this was late nineties while still married to her first and only husband also not my father but a different man she never had kids with they have a disgustingly romantic relationship for a few years and end up having a kid together but soon after Cersei started growing tired of that relationship - and ends up cheating on him with a few different guys Duke finds out and leaves to see but Duke is originally from Utah and has no family or friends to turn to in NJ while he is working out the custody in court out of nowhere eyerene steps up and offers to have Duke stay with her while they work everything out at first it was a nice gesture then they start to go on trips together it starts to get suspicious we all start to talk then sure enough about a year later eyerene announces to the family that she is selling the child at home they all grew up in and moving to Utah and marrying Duke everyone of course was shocked my mother has never handled it well she is a type of person to spew verbal diarrhea at her McDonald's workers if they get her order wrong so you can imagine how much fun she's been towards her mother and her ex son's the only other people in our immediate family are my mom's brother and his family and they have basically stopped talking to everyone they are mad grandma moved away and wasn't around for half of their kids life and they never really liked my mom to begin with I don't care about any of it and stay nice to everyone I support everyone I talked to everyone even my mother because if I'm not there for her she has no one except my brother as for grandma I think she was afraid to be alone saw an opportunity and took it I think the fact that it was a stab in the back of my mom who she never liked was just an added bonus for her I would never do it but at the least I understand why she did what she did my mom kind of deserved something like that to happen to her for all the messing around she did to everyone else it's a crazy situation for everyone and it definitely destroyed any closeness mine mom's side of the family had before but for me it is what it is I still try to love everyone regardless of what I think of their choices my parents both did this actually not me so here's how it looks over 50 plus years daddy dated my mother's older sister Rd for about two weeks in high school before deciding she was mean they get along reasonably well now but aren't close my mother never seems guarded or jealous when they are all in the same place probably be /c she trusts on these personality to irritate my father so much he'll want to bail she's been born again and tends to preach at the drop of a hat meanwhile mother dated dad's brothers uncle B and uncle D at different times his brother Runkle J wanted to go out with her but she said no mother and uncle B got along very well my whole life right up until he died of cancer she and uncle J bicker and joke around like the rest of the siblings and the family there's never been any tension or weirdness there that I recall not even jokes about keep your hands off my wife / I saw her first / here'll you can have her back if you want etc' and we are a very sarcastic smart-assed Bunch uncle D has been jealous of my father ever since he started dating my mother likely before that and had no problem taking every opportunity he could find to try to run my father down to me and anyone else he could get to listen for all mine life and presumably the 20-plus years they knew each other before I came along thus uncle D looks like a jealous childish putz pretty much every time he opens his mouth in spite of having a much better career than my father four beautiful daughters v just me and two gorgeous wives of his own sadly one of those wives left him for a different older brother of this so there's a lot of animosity floating around no matter what thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
Channel: Slime King
Views: 13,781
Rating: 4.8044443 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, comment awards, askreddit, top posts, dankify reddit, brainydude reddit, tz reddit, r/, askreddit creepy stories, toadfilms, reddit and chill, middle school, middle school cringe, teacher, pupil, parrents, tantrum, askreddit friends, askreddit secrets, askreddit parents, family secrets, askreddit kids
Id: _yhMMq-yz2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 43sec (1963 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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