Men REALIZE Their DATING a CRAZY Girl (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit men of Reddit what is the creepiest woman you have ever come into contact with I'm a girl but my exbest friend belongs in this post the reason why I stopped hanging out with her is because of her treatment of the men in her life as someone who was in an abusive relationship I began to realize that's what she was doing to her boyfriends Ramona and I met in class and she was weird from the start but I was new to this school and we had a lot in common one day we are walking from class newly discovering what we had in common I was in the middle of a relapse from my eating disorder and I was way too thin and dimensioned having issues with food she was excited and screamed you have an eating disorder I used to have an eating disorder D which would be fine if we weren't around everyone on campus this should have been a red flag and I later realized she would shout just about anything about herself or other people she was always really really desperate for a boyfriend it's all she cared about when we met she was dating a guy that I never got to meet but from the sounds of it he was emotionally abusive she left him on and off after she finally left him for real everything about her got really weird I wish I could describe how creepy her behavior in general was but I'm struggling to do so she would always be talking about how she needs a man in her life and it was sending her into a depression she slept with just about every guy that gave her the slightest bit of attention she told me she has slept with over 50 people when we met and we were friends for two to three years and had slept with at least 30 people in the time frame so the number must be nearer to 100 now this doesn't bother me it's the fact that every guy she sleeps with she decides his boyfriend potential and she gets mad when they don't call her back or turn out to have a girlfriend she dated a guy for a while and he dumped her on her birthday feel bad for this guy because he was schizophrenic and just couldn't take a relationship anymore Ramona went to his place to do her freak out thing at him and broke his guitar and other things he then went to a mental institution and became a tamato from the medications he had to be on this guy told her up front that he had her booze and she said she was okay with it and started sleeping with him except then she caught it and she doesn't exactly tell everyone she meets that she has it another guy she started seeing thought they were in a casual relationship and he didn't want to continue her reaction was to go to his place convince his roommates to let her in wait for him to come home and then scratch her legs up with her hand so badly that she scarred herself once we were planning on going out together so I'm super excited and she is at my house and decides she doesn't want to take a bus without asking me she calls somebody and says hey come to Roberta's address and pick us up I get out of the shower and I'm like who the [ __ ] did you just call just some guy I met at the bar last night we give her a talking-to for coming over to my house coke tower and giving a stranger she met yesterday my address and get a ride from my boyfriend instead at her place some random guy shows up it's the guy she called earlier now I'm hanging out with this guy I don't know while Ramona is on coke I become a third wheel while she tells this guy things about herself like I don't brush my teeth every day which is super [ __ ] awkward I call my boyfriend to come pick me up because she invited him out on our girls night she later tells me she did this because she needed a guy to hook up with at the end of the night I ended the relationship with her the day she was supposed to be at my house and didn't show up not an uncommon occurrence because she's selfish and never gave a [ __ ] that he maybe had other things to do besides wait around for her she finally answers and says something along the lines of I'm so sorry I can't come over today my mom is driving me back from city because I went to guy's house and punched him in the face trust me he deserved it okay long story when I was 19 I moved out of my parents house and got an apartment it was in a relatively safe neighborhood but still affordable one-bedroom one-bath very modest nothing fancy anyway I was on the second floor above an old man who couldn't hear anything and below a couple in their early 20s who fought and screamed all the [ __ ] time and when they weren't fighting they took turns having loud obnoxious sex in the wee morning hours or rolling giant [ __ ] gold is around the floor at all times of day apparently one day boyfriend gets violent and the cops take him away girl continues living there but she comes down to me to let me know he's gone and because I was a relatively big guy then 300 plus lbs she said he's not supposed to come by but can I have your number in case he does this was before cell phones so I gave it to her I should mention that I had a girlfriend sue at this time and she did not like upstairs go Jen anyway Jen calls me one night right before midnight are you okay I asked yeah what you doing she asks getting to bed I have to be at work at 7:00 I work early wanna come [ __ ] me she says very direct I've got a girlfriend Jen talk to you later two hours later she calls me and wakes me up she's crying why don't you think I'm attractive why don't you want to [ __ ] me I saw your girlfriend and she's fat why don't you want to [ __ ] me I swear I won't tell anybody but you have to break up with her it won't work she doesn't love you like I do keep in mind all those words came out at lightning speed and she was drunk she just kept prattling on like that I couldn't get a word in edgewise finally I ended up just hanging up thirty seconds later she's banging on my door I decided to ignore it she starts yelling it's almost 2 a.m. she's screaming crying banging on the door I do the only thing I can think of I call the police they say it'll be 45 minutes it took them an hour and she was banging on the door screaming and crying for the entire hour they take her back to her apartment and calm her down an officer takes a statement he keeps asking will she ever in this apartment and questions like that at no point did you allow her to enter the premises she'd never ever been inside my place she told the cops a very different story that we'd been intimate that I'd kicked her out in the middle of sex without her keys or her wallet I told the cop he was free to search he looked around for about ten minutes seemed satisfied and then thanked me and left at this point it's near 4:00 a.m. for 30 rolls around and she calls me and wakes me up she's apologizing she's crying she's so sorry she got like that but she just misses him so much at this point I tell her I think it's a bad idea that we talk anymore I tell her I understand how hard it is but that I'm going to miss work and I can't afford to miss a day's pay she seems to get that and hangs up I go to work after getting maybe two hours sleep in total I'm a zombie all day I get home at 4:30 ready to crash sue my girlfriend was going to bring dinner by after she got off work a date I have four or so hours to sleep my apartment is completely spotless somebody came in and cleaned it better yet they vacuumed and I still didn't even own one yet there are freshly made cookies on the table sue must have gotten off early I think sue I say and walk to the bedroom there of course is Jen naked except for thigh-high stockings and a hair tie she's lying on her back and as I come in she pulls her knees back to her shoulders smiles at me and says shove your [ __ ] [ __ ] in me until I cry I just turned around and ran out of my own apartment scared like a little boy I would have ran all the way to the office that I was in terrible shape so I walked in the lobby I called the police again they came and arrested her charged her with some minor things like B&E or trespassing forget which and she spends a couple nights in jail since her parents / friends don't bail her out the haveĆ”-- like this happens for weeks I have some friends stay at my house including Sue during this time so I'm never alone because I'm worried she's crazy and might do something weird she's constantly knocking on the door and arguing with the people staying at my place she offers to share me with Sue offers to go down on sue then eventually tries to get sue to leave me and move in with her and that there will be like the lesbian Bonnie and Clyde a week or two later she is being evicted I guess they were late on rent already by like two months and eviction had begun and as some form of weird protest she paints her upper torso and face bright pink with some kind of body paint and wears a green bikini top as they dragged her kicking and screaming out of the place police end up arresting her again for something my six months lease is up and I'm uncomfortable with her knowing where I live so I move I get an unlisted number / address I'm about 10 miles from the old place a couple months after I move in there's a knock at the door on a Saturday afternoon it's Jen she followed me from my work during the week then waited until sue left and now she wants to apologize she says she's medicated she wants to apologize I tell her I can't let her in and that she needs to leave I tell her I hope she's better but I can't let her in predictably she goes nuts another call to the cops as I leaned on my own door to keep her from pushing it in another arrest for a while I didn't hear from her six months a year I moved three states away broke up with sue unrelated to this and was single it's been about three to four years and suddenly I get a myspace friend request from her I ignore it then I get a tirade of ml's long-winded lacking punctuation stream-of-consciousness clearly mentally ill I just ignore them what else can I do this is about 2002 it dies down a bit 2005 I hear back from her on Facebook same thing I ignore it again 2006 sue messages me out of the blue haven't talked to her in like eight years she says Jen came into her work and wanted info on me where I was what I was doing she was dragged out by security 2008 Jen finds my little brother's Faso book while he's in college makes a road trip across three states to find him at school finds his dorm and goes to talk to him he has no idea who she is threatens him he and two friends kick her out of the door he calls me I explain he calls the cops they do nothing six months later she accost sim at his work a bar his boss female punches her square in the mouth during a fight to get her out of the building and Jen loses two teeth she sues the bar the owner counter Sue's and Jen is found mentally incompetent and placed under some form of mental hold in a facility 2012 Jen is out of mental illness facility and heavily medicated her counselor contacts me on Facebook would I like to help her put her past behind her she asks she wants to set up a face-to-face I have a wife I have a kid I say no thank you counsellor gets very frustrated and tells me I'm a terrible person 2013 Jen commits suicide by jumping off a cliff somewhere in Arizona her body is found months after the fact and identified by wallet part of me wonders what I did to caused this I literally never did anything out of the ordinary or said anything out of the ordinary to her I was her downstairs neighbor for a couple of months by the time this started and it cost over a decade of fixation mental illness is a hell of a thing oh I've got a good one this happened about six months ago I was drunkenly swiping through tinder and matched with a relatively cute girl who had mutual friends both from our college and from our high school but I had never met or seen her before I proceeded to casually message her with some of my usual flattering pick-up lines not thinking too much about it we send maybe ten or so messages before I passed out in bed the next day I woke up and realize that my beard goggles were definitely on the night before because the tinder girl was a beast think of a female Gary Busey who participated in chicken wing-eating contests every weekend so of course I did not message her and went on with my day as usual I got home at around 9 p.m. and decided to take a quick 20 minute nap the quick nap soon turned into five hours of sleep it was now 2:00 a.m. and my phone was dimly lit showing I had five red text messages from a number one did not recognize the text messages went as followed 11:30 p.m. hey what are you up to tonight 11:50 p.m. hey you there 1217 a.m. are you ignoring me 12:35 a.m. really after the night we had last night 12:56 a.m. I bet if I came to your apartment you have to talk to me so at this point I'm on the verge of producing a lot of [ __ ] from my bunghole both as a defensive technique as well as [ __ ] myself at the thought that if this girl was capable of getting my number there's no reason she wouldn't be able to find out my address as well I jump out of bed use my phone light and scan the room checking every corner and underneath my bed for signs of life nothing still panicking and grabbed the closest object to me to use as a weapon a lavender scented febris spray bottle Acker a desperate man's pepper spray so now with febris bottle in hand i quietly opened my bedroom door and point the nozzle left to make sure the coast was clear as I turn right to do the same my heart drops as I see a horrible sight the front door is unlocked at this point my [ __ ] is now resting against my anus in preparation for explosive diarrhea but still I can't tell if Dean the girl is bluffing so the house search continues I walk down the dimly lit hallway pointing the febris bottle around each corner I passed the closet the kitchen and now I'm approaching the living room when I see a bluish light reflecting off the walls it was coming from the TV did I leave the TV on when I went to take my nap if so why was it on mute my [ __ ] begins to move further through my bowels I'm freaking out now and not thinking logically my only thought is that I need to confirm that there is another human in this house before I can call the police I'm now standing at the corner of the hallway next to the living room I can see the TV is on but cannot see the couch where a person would be sitting too scared to turn the corner I take out my phone and call the person who sent me the five text messages I turned down the volume almost all the way as I stand there and wait for the call to connect my phone eventually connects and make the first ring and then I hear it I hear the sound that still haunts me to this day the original iPhone ringtone and it's coming from the living room I stand there in shock not knowing what to do next tinder girl found out my phone number my address and is now sitting in my living room the phone rings again before tinder girl ends the call I then hear movement on the leather couch and hear her take a step towards the hallway my brain goes into overdrive as my [ __ ] beings to prairie dog out of my [ __ ] this [ __ ] is walking to my room inside my head I see a coin flip end over end with the word fight on one side and flight on the other she takes another step the coin is still flipping another step the coin hits the ground and is spinning another step she's right around the corner now the coin lands and I read the word written on top fight another step I can see her shoe and hand around the corner I make my move and lunge in her direction febris bottle still in hand she takes another step and makes eye contact with me for a split second she has time to let out a high-pitched scream as my shoulder connects with torso I tackle her to the ground and wrestle with her on the floor spraying lavender scented febris into her eyes like a madman the wrestling feels like it takes a lifetime but in reality I heard her pinned within a few seconds I point the febris bottle at her face she's crying now desperately trying to rub her eyes I don't budge and start screaming questions at her I don't remember everything I asked her but I do remember asking over and over why she was in my apartment how did she get my address / phone number etc she sobbing Lee tells me she just wanted to meet me and hang out but so I was sleeping so she was waiting until I woke up to be nice in complete shock and/or of her response I finally grabbed my phone and call the police as I wait for the police to show tinder girl is hysterically crying telling me how she just wanted to be boyfriend and girlfriend and have a perfect family and all kinds of batshit crazy [ __ ] eventually the police come and separate us they don't kuffar immediately but after I explained what happened and showed my proof they're rested her and took her lavender smelling ass into a cop car so yeah that was my creepy girl story I believe she got my phone number by messaging a mutual friend on Facebook and asking for it but I'm still unsure how she was able to find my address all in all I was probably never in any real danger but the thought that she had gone as far as to walk inside my house and wait for me was enough to spook me into never using tinder again TL DR crazy tinder girl finds out address and phone number breaks into my apartment and waits for me to wake up edit for those of you wondering I took the wettest juiciest most satisfying [ __ ] I've ever had the pleasure of taking after the police left also thanks for the gold glad my terrifying experience could be entertainment for you guys edit to contact time took nap at 9:00 p.m. not 7:00 p.m. I also had a friend's mom like that when I was around that age it was more sixteen seventeen I though she was married and lived in a big suburban house but she absolutely detested her husband it was quite clear she stayed married to him for the financial benefit of it all her son was one of my good friends she tried hard to be the cool mom so we would frequently get a group of us together and go to his house and drink because she was cool with it or at least turned a blind eye his dad would be gone for two weeks or so at a time on business so it was just her and her son at the house he was an only child the more we went over there the friendly as she became it got to the point towards the end where she would tell us we could drink whatever we wanted from her wine cellar which was huge and she would have a couple drinks too not with us per se but we'd be out in the yard and she would be in the kitchen after we would all be drunk and making sexual gestures between boyfriend slash girlfriends slapping each other's asses making sexual remarks et Cie she would just try and casually join in I was one of the people she tried being flirty with but I never really gave her a spa good or bad I was kinda weirded out it would have been somewhat cool if she was at least kind of attractive that she wasn't at all she wasn't fat or anything but her body and face just were like plus I don't think my girlfriend at the time world had been too happy one of my friends entertained her advances jokingly he was totally naive and didn't think she was being serious about the whole thing one day we were all drunk in the backyard and talking about sex in a group and she comes out she took the girls aside and took a banana and gave a lesson to them on how to deep throat it was wit the girls were obviously creeped out a little but they were so drunk that two of them just started laughing and controllably the other my girlfriend just said they're staring at her with this crazy look on her face after that the group came back together and she made it known she was an expert on giving [ __ ] then she straight-up offered to give one to the naive friend of mine he looked at her in confusion for a few seconds then blurted out em em maybe later ran to his car and left he damn near tripped on the fire pit on his way out it's funny now but at the time it left the rest of us just sitting there in an awkward silence after my friend slashed the moms son graduated high school she left her husband and moved across the country to live near her parents she had been taking money out of their account and building up so she could leave him at one point she showed me a brand new car she bought and was hiding from him for when she left she kept it at her work as far as I know she's still across the country I was 22 and out at a bar started talking to an older woman mid-30s who seemed really nice and really into me she reassured me that she was single and just looking for some fun so I thought why not we went out back had a bit of fun and swapped phone numbers I was feeling pretty good about it until I learned four things she is a close friend of my mum she is married her husband is a policeman she has two children as you can imagine I was pissed off I sent a text what we did was a mistake that I'm sorry but I don't want to see her again at that point I thought the worst was over I couldn't be more wrong later that night I get a phone call from my mom her friend has just tried to commit suicide and that I had to go pick up my mom she had been drinking and drive her over to the friend's house a SAP at this point I'm [ __ ] bricks but I man up get the car pick mom up and drive over as soon as I arrived mom jumps out and runs to the house saying that I should stay in the car two minutes later the first policeman arrived which turned out to be her husband on call couple of minutes after that two more police cars arrived and an ambulance the woman is brought out on a stretcher and mum tells me to go home as she will ride in the ambulance to the hospital the woman ended up surviving and I felt like utter [ __ ] over the whole scenario I knew that I hadn't intentionally done anything wrong but it just got so messed up I found out later that her one of the two kids was in the room with her that night to make matters even worse she then proceeded to abusively text me over the next two years as well as confessed to my own mum that I'm the one for her her text messages ranged from overtly sexual to incredibly insulting and I ignored and deleted every single one of them in hindsight I should have kept them as proof but I couldn't bring myself to keep them moral of the story be careful who you hook up with thank you so much for watching please like and subscribe the channel
Channel: Slime King
Views: 33,175
Rating: 4.8830409 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, comment awards, askreddit, top posts, dankify reddit, brainydude reddit, tz reddit, r/, askreddit creepy stories, toadfilms, reddit and chill, middle school, middle school cringe, teacher, pupil, parrents, tantrum, askreddit friends, askreddit secrets, askreddit parents, family secrets, askreddit kids
Id: dfbU4iAs9Uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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