Men REALIZE Their Girlfriend is CREEPY (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit males have read it what's your creepy girl story she wasn't invited but tagged along with friends who were and came to my buddy's house for our friend's birthday party we all got drunk hopped and pushed people into the pool had a good old time the next morning my friend the birthday boy was awakened by this [ __ ] riding on top of him she either played with his dick mildly enough to not wake but just arouse him or took advantage of his morning wood but either way she sleep raped my friend on his birthday and proceeded to soak the couch in piss this was one expensive [ __ ] couch mind you before leaving without saying a word a week or so goes by she is claiming she is pregnant and needs abortion money friend reached out to our friend group for advice turns out she has been known to rape drunk guys and in fact it happened to another friend of ours whom she also asked for abortion money four years later she's got three duis and nobody knows how many guys she has taken advantage of or scammed out of fake abortion money I dated this girl one summer during high school she seemed nice enough and we kind of hit it off at a church function until my summer schedule started I went from working evening at a local fast-food joint to working overnights and I guess she couldn't cope she would call my house and accused my mom of lying for me and a month she tell her where I really was she'd drive by all night and would even wait for me to get home at 6 or 7 still in my work uniform and accused me of cheating eventually she'd start calling me every hour also at work which as you can imagine my managers just loved she did not take the break-up well threatening to kill herself she threatened to kill me and she threatened to kill my dog when I started dating a cow Walker towards the end of the summer she threatened her to this was great nine and I still shudder thinking about it she was a sort of parasite that fed off of attention she was leaked on to a friend of mine but decided to start sucking the life out of me after I was nice to her by which I mean I acknowledged her presence he tried to warn me about her that I didn't listen the first day after I met her I began to experience what it's like to be stalked by her she was a social vampire in the way that she would stand behind me until I acknowledged her existence at which point she would immediately pull a chair up push my friends out of the way and would begin talking to me exclusively if I tried talking to anyone else she would insert herself into BEC conversation and try to make it about her again she also liked horses a lot like a weird amount people make jokes about horse girls but she made the stereotype look like some real [ __ ] shirt she kept asking me to look at her drawings and I eventually relented because I was too kind to tell her to [ __ ] off I should have she liked to draw what she called mixin holes which were just mixes in matches of animals not a bad concept right except all of the animals she mixed had horse parts and throbbing gigantic horse erections the first one she showed me was a horse with a spider legs and a giant horse [ __ ] fully erect it sat underneath the spider horse like a stinger one I'm sure she regularly pretended was stabbing her when I went home she added me on Facebook on three separate accounts all with different names on her mane she started talking to me about how she was super wet and about her masturbating habits while simultaneously sending me pictures of gore on the other accounts she pretended to be other people from school to talk to me about herself and try to see if I was interested in her I actually didn't realize it was her until a few days in when I asked a friend why he was being so weird and talking about her so much and the best part this was all in a 24-hour period she did this every day for weeks and it didn't matter how many times I told her that I [ __ ] hated her guts she Weldon go every day she would try to talk to me or try to add me on a different account because I blocked her or she would give me surprise hugs from behind she only left when she got bored of me and attached herself to someone else she still scares me I felt genuinely threatened by her so here is a creepy picked up by a girl story I was in a bar having a beer and this girl starts talking to me she seems okay but the bar is dark hard to tell she asks me if I want to go out to her truck and smoke a joint I say yes when we wander out of the bar the bright lights outside illuminate her face in a disturbing way I ignore what I'm seeing she says so where is your car I say I thought we were going to your truck she says no we are going to your car okay I can deal with this we get to my car and she says where is the joint I say I thought you had a joint she says no take me home okay I can deal with this so I start driving her home as I'm driving she starts rambling you can [ __ ] me you can screw me you can do anything you want to me okay maybe I can deal with this as we approached her apartment she says I sure hope my boyfriend isn't home oh [ __ ] can I deal with this she points to a convenience store and says pull in there and go buy me a 12-pack of beer I say I'm not buying you a 12-pack so she gets out of the car to buy beer I definitely cannot deal with this slam the car into reverse and race off into the night I didn't go back to that bar for a year creepy girl years ago I had a roommate who's femme kay abruptly ended their relationship the few days after they ended it she would show up to my work I worked retail at the time looking for me at the time I wasn't sure why she kept trying to talk to me but I never really liked her and she really [ __ ] my roommate up by ending the relationship with no explanation I would constantly hide in the stock room to avoid her so she began waiting by my car for my shifts to end I would usually wait it out until someone working would give me the all-clear but after a few days I lost my patience and just decided to walk to my car she was there she confessed her love for me I said no thanks got in my car and left we randomly run into each other around town and always always always make awkward eye contact before I realized it sir I was a hood cleaner back in the day you know restaurant hoods / grills and fryers anyhow I was supposed to clean the hoods that a hadees' in northern our were one night normally we get there at closing and the manager sticks around til we are done well we get there at closing and the person staying is a terrifyingly large woman with mini ischaemic hoop and chipper shredder teeth she kept making small point talk and over the next five hours we were there check called two of her friends to come hang out - not a big deal until we started to clean up then she started draping herself over our equipment and started making aggressive sexual comments my employee started getting freaked out and I was also finally with me point not even getting the paperwork signed we were able point to leave with her yelling you guys are hot and I want to point [ __ ] you at our truck as we left the parking lot at 4 a.m. fast forward a couple months and we are scheduled to go back there I make a special request that she not be there we are assured she isn't scheduled to point work that night didn't stop her from showing up and making disgusting comments about making us come or her taking us both at the same time I tell the manager we cannot continue the service and he'll need to find an alternate vendor as we won't out ourselves through that kind of treatment the next day I get called by my boss about a complaint he just got about sexually assaulting a woman at a hadees' in Northern Iowa complaint said I was calling the woman at home and when I got to the restaurant I was taking my pants off I called the manager at that location and got the whole story turns out this woman had a history of assaulting service guys at that restaurant she chased their pest control guy out and the franchise maintenance guys refused to go to that restaurant in the end she got fired I got creeped email and phone calls for six months oh boy it all started in elementary school when this weird girl took a liking to me she'd follow me around at recess and if I wanted a recess to myself I'd have to outrun her and lose her kept me in shape she was a year or two ahead of me and as soon as she was able she'd be a teacher's assistant in my class when she could she'd be watching me from across the room and would pass notes to me asking if I'd marry her when I grew up she also came to my mom's house a few times and left notes on the windowsill fast forward to high school where we landed in the same film arts class I was usually a camera man but when I was in the editing room there she'd be she had a face like the man in the moon round blank and gave you the sense that you might look out your window one night and see it looking back in at you she'd be ogling me from across the room inching her chair closer and closer and complimenting me on virtually everything she likes my clothes jewelry hair and eventually she wants to kiss me and date me I was an awkward teenager so I just dropped lots of hints that I wasn't interested which she either didn't understand or just didn't give a damn one day she basically cornered me in a doorway and said she was going to kiss me I was in such a position that I could only either take the kiss or physically push her away from me I didn't know how to react at the time so I pretty much did a combination of both another day I was biking to school and she was sitting at the base of a telephone pole at the end of my street looking at me as if she was expecting me to come that way I thought it through and realized that she must have followed me home from goal then gotten up at the crack of dawn come back to my Street and waited to see when I'd be leaving this happened a few times and I didn't tell anyone because I thought my family would make fun of me we've both been out of school for a few years and she hasn't given up yet she's found me on Facebook and messaged me a few times saying she's tired of being single and would I ever date her I've rejected her as clearly as I can and I hope it sticks she definitely has autism or something and maybe she just can't let go of that childhood crush or can't process rejection I hope she gets the help she needs what was really infuriating was when I went to my family for advice they were all like aw w she likes you and you should give her a chance we need to teach our sons and daughters that stalking people is not okay Oh my first blind date set up by friends I was 22 I can't remember if I had just graduated or was about to so either late 21 or just turned 22 I pick her up because she doesn't drive find out she's a sophomore in college my alma mater cool I was surprised I'd never seen her before because it wasn't a large uni and she was cuter hell fast forward maybe two or three hours we just wrapped up dinner and a stroll in a park downtown everything went well and we are walking to a comedy club she is saying things really weird now like how happy she is that she met someone like me about the places she wants to honeymoon at how many kids we'd have and how beautiful they'd be if we were married now she was a looker and really fun to hang out with but who talks about these kinds of things after knowing a person for several hours red flags cut later into the evening and we are walking to the house I shared with a few roommates our place was maybe a block from the comedy club college neighborhood she stops me and we make out for a bit she is for real acting and talking like we have been longtime lovers now I make the decision to suggest I take the home it's getting late that she insists on coming home with me i pocket-dial my friend oh I'm getting a call I play it likely needs me for something he's all hi giggling and saying stupid [ __ ] as he realizes what must be happening now had turned for the worse in a big way she gets angry accusing me of being gay and how she never should have come on this date etc so she storms off whoa 15 minutes later I'm in my house laughing and chatting with my roommates about my date and the back door opens guess who walks in I knew it she screams humne trying to calm down this crazy girl while my friends are laughing and taking pictures eventually her friend comes and gets her aleshire if you're out there I hope you found love I'm not sure if this is creepy or just weird when I was in my early twenties I used to have real bad insomnia I could easily still be up at 4 a.m. and still not feel tired anyways this one night must have been 1 or 2 a.m. I was just sitting at the computer looking online and stuff trying to get sleepy when there's this knock at the door pretty weird to get someone at the door at that time that I figure maybe it's an emergency from one of my neighbors on one side we had like a house where several people with Down syndrome lived with the carer of sorts so I figured I should answer just in case so anyway I answer the door and there's this random girl I'd never met and didn't recognize at all she was dressed in everyday clothes not like someone who'd been out to the pub or whatever just jeans and a hoodie and doesn't seem to be intoxicated in any way she says she was told there was a party at my house that I told her there wasn't there was just me home alone trying to get tired enough to sleep so she asks if she can use my phone always wanting to believe the best in people before he'll adult cynicism set in I invite her in and show her to the phone she kind of dolls numbers which looked more like she pushed numbers at random and waited for someone to answer note I have no idea if she actually called someone or if it was an act after about 10 minutes of this she gives up and claims she is actually homeless now not to try and stereotype or anything but her appearance didn't suggest she'd been sleeping rough at all her clothing was casual style but not grubby frayed or worn out in any way so I was kind of suspicious but ok I google the nearest shelter and there was one about a mile away certainly walking distance so I agreed to walk her there it was the middle of the night after all on the walk she starts trying to hold my hand stroke my arm that kind of thing until we get to the end of the street where the shelter was she says she's in love with me and we should go back to my place etc I'd known her for less than an hour and never talked to her or seen her before that night so I'm a little freaked out until her I'm not interested and that I'm seeing someone an obvious lie since I'm home alone looking at video game forums at 2:00 a.m. on a Friday night law I point down the street and tell her the shelter is down that way and that I need to go home now she finally leaves me but walks off in the complete opposite direction and I just walk home via a different route in case she followed me hoping she might have forgotten which way we came I was mostly just confused not really as creepy as other stories here but it sticks out as one of the creepier experiences I've had with a girl never saw or heard from her again New Year's a few years ago at like 4:00 a.m. a girl called me asking to pick her up because she didn't like who she was with as in she felt uncomfortable with them so obviously I walked down to where she was only a 10-minute walk I was a little tipsy and she was crazy drunk I was trying to walk her home and she insisted on sitting down and the nearest place was where I was staying at her friends so we get back and sit on the couch and she immediately starts cuddling me and kissing me and I try and push her off me but she's having none of it hastily induced my belt at this point she has most her weight me then tries to grab my dick and I push we hand away she then whispers come on you know you want me to and goes for it again I immediately just shouts talk I say shouts but it wasn't really a yelling more just a bit louder she then proceeds to cry saying I don't find her attractive and gets really emotional saying though I think she's fat et Cie I asked if she wants some water and I'd go get her some when I come back she grabbed a razor blade out of her purse and has cut her palm open and she's shaking I get a bandage like thing from the kitchen and she we called a taxi to get her to A&E I paid for the taxi and haven't spoken to her since needless to say it took me a while to get comfortable being alone with drunk people for a while it shook me up more than I'd like I was at a bar with a good friend of mine from college Josh his roommate Mike his roommates girlfriend Abby and her friend will call her Trina we get to the bar and I buy myself a drink the five of us are chatting casually and I can't help but notice Trina staring at me I wasn't physically attracted to Trina so I avoided talking to her as much as possible and generally acting uninterested I walk to the bar to get another drink and trigger immediately pounces hey you should buy me a drink because I think you're cute I politely declined but she was insistent and getting pissed she then demanded I buy her a drink because she's gorgeous and every man there would be lucky to at this point I had been trying to ditch her for five minutes and my patience had worn through I told her that there is no way I was buying her a drink she needs to buy herself one she then tried to either grab my face or gouge my eyes not sure to this day that I recalled and said get the [ __ ] off of me you loopy [ __ ] she came UN glute grabbing at people's drinks to throw them at me trying to punch me saying that I insulted her Abby comes over and starts parading before being a dick when some random chick pipes up trainer attacked him for no reason MVP trainer is now being held back by bouncers bullying screaming and cursing me we all get asked to leave Josh and I go back to his place to smoke and the others go somewhere else for like ten minutes they all come back as Josh and I are mid blunt more screaming cursing and crying with Abby telling me how I'm a shitty person TriNet all the cops and narcs us out for smoking weed I leave before the cops arrive in Gil home worst [ __ ] woman experience of my life psycho classmate from freshman year she was the first to approach me when she found out I was a journalism student back then and having no friends yet I befriended her as the semester went on she got more and more annoying even going as far as getting another SIM card and making up this dude named Jordan just so we can talk about guy things when I had enough I decided to call this Jordan in the middle of class and her phone rang I went all hi Jordan on her and she ran out the room she even invited herself when I went out to the movies with my butt's buying herself a ticket and [ __ ] when we said we'd be going drinking on a different city 45-minute drive away she said she can't come which was reassuring when we got to our spot she wasn't there but still managed to [ __ ] blow my phone up with texts and [ __ ] saying I miss you I love you you're the best and I was like this has got to stop the following week at school before she could even say anything I immediately told her you do know I'm gay right I really am and she started crying in front of so many people like wTF is wrong with her her nuances dwindled little by little towards the end of the semester I moved from journalism to hospitality the following term and haven't heard from her since until like 2016 when she found out I broke up with my then B she started telling people how I cheated on my ex with her like girl Swiss li she finally stopped after one of my intensely [ __ ] lady friends talked to her haven't heard from her since so this is a girl I was talking to for a bit on plentyoffish dating app I just moved back to New Jersey after being in California for the last 12 years I don't remember most of the town names around here or the neighboring states I get a message from a girl who's a couple years older than me she's pretty and has a good taste in music but she has a kid not really what I'm looking for but I still talk to her to learn more about her I find out she lives on the border of Delaware and Maryland and I don't have a car I'll let her know we can't date because she and I live too far to be together without cars and I don't want a long-distance relationship I also find out she still lives with her baby daddy not because they are on a lease not because she is stuck with him just because later that day I go to work I put my phone on silent when I go to work after my shift is over right check my phone three seven texts from this girl they range from her saying she thinks we can work things out too WTF am i ghosting her too she's gonna [ __ ] her ex now to make me jealous I text back that I was at work but she is insane and I don't want to talk to her anymore and I was gonna block her number a month later she accidentally called me on facebook messenger I said when you're trying to e stalk someone but you're a klutz she started bitching me out on there so I blocked her faso book as well whoa okay this got long so maybe buckle up for this one I'm a girl but my father's ex-girlfriend is a certified dangerous crazy person and she's basically ruined his life and has tried to [ __ ] up mine as well from what he's told me they met in a a great place to pick up chicks debt and hit it off they started a relationship and things were moving pretty fast apparently she was extremely stable and would be loving one moment and hostile the next my dad tried to end the relationship but she wouldn't let him and she started stalking him knowing where he lives shops gets his haircuts she was able to conveniently bump into him just about any way he went he called the police on her several times but of course she caught on and started doing the same when she'd corner him and he wouldn't do what she wanted a practiced victim she'd cry to the police and make my dad seemed like the aggressor there are mutual restraining orders in place now but she still continued to do this my dad was even sent to jail on a few occasions though he was never charged with anything thankfully most recently she got them into a situation where they were both locked up for a bit I was attending University in another city while he was dating this chick so I had no idea about her until I received a weird phone call crazy lady called me and introduced herself as my dad's wife told me she was looking for him and asked if I had any idea where he was I was understandably confused because ya know I think I'd have been informed if my dad remarried then I got suspicious about how the hell she got my number if she wasn't currently with him so I just hung up and blocked the number I called my dad soon after and he told me everything fast forward to the next summer I had come home for the summer was staying with my mom and working as a cashier at the local grocery store I was at my till mindlessly scanning items and bagging them when the next customer shows up at my till it's a woman in her 50s with long dark hair she's a chatty customer and starts making small talk with me while I bag her groceries she tells me that she's buying groceries for her husband who's sick at home with the leg injury and oh he lives right over by exactly where my dad lives and she's taking such good care of him her hints weren't subtle my dad has a lot of health issues and I'd been aware of him having a leg injury for awhile I finally let slip that I'd caught on smiled through my teeth and introduced myself she acted all surprised said she was excited to meet me introduced herself and then left without incidents I wish I'd managed to say or do something other than make awful pleasantries with her that I was at work and couldn't just punch her right in the nose like I was a chin too so on my break I immediately went out and called my grandparents and told them what was going on I'm not sure exactly how the situation turned out my dad was Maya for a while and I couldn't get in touch with him I got worried and my friend and I managed to get permission from his apartments building manager at one point to enter his apartment to find him he wasn't there we checked nearby hospitals too and he wasn't at any of them he eventually turned up but to this day I still have no idea what happened during those few weeks my dad is doing a lot better now he's living in another city with my grandparents which has reduced her access to him dramatically but she kept it up for a while every time I go over there I'd hear stories about how she's tried to break you or how she's sending him letters and packages with her used panties and other creepy [ __ ] like that it's a [ __ ] trip my dad is a pretty dysfunctional person who struggles with mental health issues of his own so I don't doubt that there could be more sides to this story than I'm seeing but the day she showed up at my work identified me by sight and proceeded to flaunt the amount of power and control she had over mine dad father was probably one of the scariest experiences of my life met a girl on tinder I invited her over to my place for a good old trip to bone city when she showed up she began inserting meows into every other sentence not replacing words with meow but just meowing randomly in the beginning middle or end of sentences I asked her what she was doing and she claimed it's just a thing she doesn't consciously write anyway so she keeps meowing and saying just random [ __ ] mixed in sand let me know if you can't handle most guys can't hit was only about 15 minutes in and I just needed to get away so I mentioned having to take my dog out oh I'll come with you dammit no sooner than we opened the door to let my pup out does she rock me with this horrifyingly awkward question so my feet smell pretty bad what is something you're insecure about I'm dumbstruck I started stuttering half sentences what the food why would just wow she comes back with well don't make me feel bad and again I'm just in complete bewilderment of how to respond to this person I didn't volunteer that information you did I absolutely don't want to have this conversation with you finally she says rather proudly I knew you couldn't handle me and I immediately replied you're right you need to leave she actually stopped looked at me with tears in her eyes I was joking and I looked at her and said I'm not you should go well she meows sadly then tells me she left her purse inside awkward elevator ride up to my place and I unlocked the door and hand her her purse she kind of has a tapes in the doorway and yells you need to meow give me another chance and since I had an entire elevator ride to prepare for whatever she was going to say before she left because come on of course she'd try something I replied with you need to leave ride me I'll close the door in her face and called building security I guess it wasn't needed but after the last twenty minutes I wasn't leaving anything up to chance disclaimer I was the creepy girl I had a mad mad crush on a guy in my quiet class junior year of high school I was really shy never had a boyfriend never even kissed a guy before Valentine's Day the men in our class serenaded the women and we each got a carnation this guy let's call him Matt gave me a flower and I was even more smitten with him than before so being the creepy little stalker I was i memorised his schedule and made sure to do everything in my power to pass by him in the hallway I knew that he and I had our periods at the same time so I would often skip and try to go and hang out with him in his classroom I'm pretty sure that he was too polite to tell me off but I knew in my heart he was uncomfortable I would often try and hug him and he wouldn't have me back try and give him back massages etc super polite guy but again it made him feel uncomfortable when Matt got his license he bought a stupidly eccentric everyone in my hometown knew that car and knew he drove it because it was the only one like it one day I was driving home from school and nearly broke my neck when I saw that car sitting in the driveway of a house about five miles down the road from my own holyshit he lived right down the road from me I could get used to this this will come up again so just bear with me now I've always had her interest in writing but what filled my notebooks when I was the tender young age of sixteen was dirty dirty smutty fiction of me losing my virginity to Matt I had no idea how sex worked so all of them look grim gay as hell I would often write descriptions about his fingers when he played the piano and the way the Sun caught his hair creepy [ __ ] that makes me wimps when I think about it today I asked Matt if he was going to the winter formal and asked him if he would go with me he declined and told me he wasn't going so I went with a friend saw him dancing with another girl from our choir and I was completely heartbroken they started dating not long after that and I went from heartbroken to extraordinarily jealous so I did what any sane 16 year old and I started stalking his car whenever he was home I would slow down if I was driving by to see if he would come outside with his new girlfriend or if he came outside at all oh but it got creepier remember the writing I was talking about I worked a graveyard shift at the local pool and would often drive down by his house really late at night one brazen night I had my school back on my car seat so I stopped ripped out one of my more tame descriptions of him and stuck it under his wind field wiper the next week at school I could hear Matt talking about it with one of his friends in choir and how freaked out that made him of course that didn't stop my rampage oh no I did it one more [ __ ] time before I finally was caught I would often leave notebooks schoolwork not erotic friend fiction in the choir room because I would come back at the end of the day to pick my stuff up turns out that Matt had found my science notebook saw the handwriting and put two and two together I got home and found that he had blocked me on FAFSA book and his girlfriend had sent me a nasty grin telling me to stay away from her boyfriend and that I was insanely creepy totally justifiable he graduated that year I cried at graduation like an idiot and he and the girlfriend ended up going to college together as far as I know they broke up a long time ago and he's now married to someone else Matt if you're eating this sorry I creeped on you majorly in high school thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
Channel: Slime King
Views: 829,140
Rating: 4.8576393 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 5sec (2045 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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