What's Your Most Insane Glitch In The Matrix Story? (/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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what is the creepiest glitch in the matrix you've experienced so before my husband and I were married we lived separately he would come over and spend time then leave later at night like 11 or 12 he left one night out my front door which has three locks a lock on the knob a deadbolt and what I call a hotel lock it's a lock that he flipped the long piece over onto a short peg and then the door can only be opened a few inches while he left and used his key to lock the northern deadbolt but I thought to myself I have to go lock the hotel lock I come down and it's locked already absolutely no way he could have locked it from outside not long after nine stroke 11:00 on a Friday I got up to go to class and had one of those morning's broke a glass getting something to drink tripped over something going to my car was late to class due to a wreck on the way there not me thankfully while at school we heard about a plane crashing something about the wings blowing off went to work and home the next morning my roommate wakes me asking if I'm skipping class today after he convinces me it is still Friday I get up and go to class after noticing the glass I broke is not broke on the way I passed the same wreck in the same spot all day I wait to hear about the plane but it never happens ends up kinda a normal day the next day they arrest the shoe bomber and I have wondered if someone rewound that day to stop him and somehow I didn't reset with it a few months before my first car accident I dreamed about it happening everything from the sounds to the placement and the smell was the same thing is the girl driving tried to get me to find a different ride because she didn't want to do any extra driving that day and after the crash I told her about my dream and she said she had the same one the night before and that's why she didn't want to drive in college I delivered pizzas to make money I had a delivery that should have taken about 20 minutes when I returned to the store the manager asked me what had taken so long I asked him what he meant and he pointed to the computer showing I had been gone for an hour and seven minutes I don't remember delivering the pizza only turning into the store when I was returning before anyone suggests aliens know my anus was not sore I also don't drink or use drugs 20 years later I still have no idea what happened 10 years old in grandma's front yard she keeps her yard immaculate award-worthy it's dusk family get-together mum says toss me the car keys so I do my throw is short by finger lengths I assume they landed in the short grass but we never found them that was 30 years ago the yard has been mowed hundreds of times the house is still in the family still well taken care of no keys not especially creepy but it did used to unnerve me when I was young when I was little I used to have a Thomas the Tank Engine book with fold-out parts and flaps there was this one part which was like a shed and you could lift a flap to see inside it inside was all the usual gardening shed paraphernalia but there was also a black cat sat in there here's the glitch though I swear the cat wasn't always there I used to love that book but every time I read it I would get to that page and guess whether the cat would be there or not not a clue what that was all about really this is Layton pretty stupid but why not I was once showering and after about 10 minutes in the shower I hear something ping and hit the floor I looked down and saw penny I was pretty perplexed as you can imagine but figured whatever I'll keep it as I imagined it could be good luck I kept the penny in my wallet for a few years in a zipped side pouch I never really told anyone because it was kind of pointless to talk a random penny I was superstitious about so a few years later while at a music festival a girl in our tent woke up to a penny in her butt crack we all laughed it off as having a wild night however I remembered the penny and when I looked in the zip pouch I was shocked to find it was gone I told my friends and they didn't believe me I think they threw that penny away to TL DR teleport eNOS penny this one is more silly than creepy but once when I went with my grandmother to her friend's house I was on the porch by myself with a grandmother's friend's cat and the cat looked me right in the eyes and said the word meow it didn't sound like a cat meowing at all it sounded very convincingly like a human carefully enunciated the word meow two syllables in there most thoroughly unconvincing cat voice like someone intentionally doing a very poor impression of a cat as a joke but it was perfectly in time with the movement of the cat's mouth and there was no one else around so it had to have been the cat saying it TL DR met a cat a cat awk but the only word it knew was meow when I was about 15 I was eating some cereal and accidentally dropped my spoon into the kitchen floor I watched the spoon fall as it hit the floor it just vanished into thin air I was shocked I thought surely my eyes were playing tricks on me it must have just bounced away and gone out of sight or something I spent 30 minutes searching the kitchen for that spoon I was honestly kind of freaked out I tried to think of every possible place it could have gone there weren't many places it could have ended up I never found it edit fixed typos just today at the mall eyesore at least 10 men with the same bleached hair cut in the food court I think the character generator is broken I was walking my dog on his leash there is a little plastic attachment that holds his poop bags I dropped the leash onto the ground I heard the plastic hit the ground but it turns out it ended up back in my hand imagine dropping something hearing and seeing it drop then somehow it's in your hand all under a couple seconds check the carbon monoxide detector outside a few nights back I was wide awake and the guest bed at my place and heard quiet footsteps and then my wife say hey gently at the door it seemed weird so I got up to see what she wanted and she was fast asleep in bed before you asked if you had a cold my daughter and I were on the couch one day when she was younger and we heard the sound of popcorn like from like microwave it wasn't a constant popping but one or two pops every 10 seconds or so then the entire living room filled with the smell of buttered popcorn no one was making popcorn the microwave itself did not smell like popcorn and the smell was only in the living room I went as far to move in the heating vents to see if there was a road bag of popcorn and there if it was just the smell and not a sound or vice-versa I would easily explain it away but it was still one of the strangest events I was sitting on my porch and had my debit card on the table in front of me I went inside to get something to drink patio furniture in sight and a six-foot privacy fence around the yard I also lived alone went back outside and it was just gone I searched everywhere inside and out but couldn't find it nothing was withdrawn from my account so two days later I cancelled it and requested a new one two weeks later I went out to sit on the porch I did this every day and the old card was sitting right there on the table it just f king appeared there was nothing else on the table it just was gone and then it wasn't edit got a few replies so let me clarify I lived alone the porch was screened I literally took off all the cushions on the porch destroyed my house the table was your typical glass patio table and I sat out there every freakin day and there wasn't anything on it then two weeks later it was just sitting there on the table nothing was withdrawn from my account I genuinely have no explanation with going down the stairs and went past my brother who was coming up the stairs said hi and he sort of mumbled back got down stairs and walked through to the kitchen only to find him standing there WTF I was getting on an airplane and a ginger yelled out for some dude Sebastian at a different gate when I landed a different ginger called out for a different Sebastian a few days ago my wife and I were settling down to watch a movie in the living room he switches off the light in the room there is a light switch right above the sofa and we start the film a few minutes into the film we notice the light is on it was weird because we did notice it switch on just kind of noticed that it was on but we have no idea how long it was on for we both clearly remembered that the light was switched off it's part of our movie watching setup we like the cinema experience it confused the hell out of us both I was 11 or 12 early 70s dad came home one Friday and announced we were going to Kings Island a fairly new amusement park tomorrow I begged him to let me invite my friend Chris to come along he said okay as long as Chris could pay his own way great off to the phone I won't pick it up no dial tone hello double quote oh my god is that you double quote Chris I was just calling you what's up double quote I was calling to ask if you'd like to come to Kings Island tomorrow but you have to pay your own way double quote no phone ever rang we both called each other at the same time to ask the exact same thing I'm a security guard at a distribution warehouse sometimes I have to work graveyard shift during this time the only people on the premises is me and a rare truck driver bringing in a late load our guard shack is concrete with sliding glass doors on the sides no locks and big windows in front and back sometimes when I'm the only person on the premises I'll see a reflection of someone walking past the shack every inch of this Shack and the yard is covered by security cameras no one has shown up on the footage when I see these reflections long ago when I was kid my younger brother and me were driving our bikes on the embankment alongside the river and there was a huge dam thingie on the river I grew up in this town and I never knew we had a dam when we got home I told my mother that it was the first time I have seen the dam and she did not know what I was talking about later I returned there was nothing there my brother does not remember but I have seen it as clear as day I'm sure it was my imagination but it's strange I did not dream it since my brother remembered that we were there he just doesn't remember the dam had a dream of some cobot I had never seen before dancing it's a busy party he was wearing a blue shirt black pants had Bieber hair and there was a purple strobe light on the wall behind him wake up think to myself heart what an odd dream and carry on with my life several years later I was at my cousin's wedding reception chillin and hanging out with a different cousin music comes on and we start jumping up and down and then I realized that I was reliving the dream same clothes same hair same purple lighting in the background I feel like sh t like this happens to me every so often poured a freshly boiled water to a glass walked over to check my email on the phone for less than one minute I'm very sure because the same song is still playing walked back the glass of water is room-temperature I might just have had a stroke never checked I have several times had multi-plane deja vu as I like to call it basically I'd have a dodge a moment about something not too odd but then later I'd have the same exact deja vu moment again and it's always super specific things too I swear to God my mom told me my cousin died from an overdose a year before he actually did so when she told me and I replied cyi from an overdose right she was shocked that I already knew I thought she was somehow messing with me until she showed me his death date I still can't really explain that one did it a lot of people are mentioning that he could have overdosed before and survived making it that I assumed he died the first time the weird thing is that I barely knew anything about this cousin my mom's extended side is very big with 22 first cousins 40-plus second cousins etc so there's a lot of cousins I've never met personally and I specifically only remember being told about his drug addiction in context of it contributing to his death since my family speculates it was intentional and not accidental basically I never really knew much about him while he was alive so while it's very plausible I could have heard about him overdosing beforehand the way I remember it is very different memory is a fickle thing though so who knows My partner and i have the same vivid memory of something happening that never happened we are both convinced that our friend was with us at another friend's wedding and he fixed the sound system during the reception except the friend we remember fixing the sound system was not at the wedding and does not even know the person who was having the wedding but we both distinctly remember our friend not only being there but actually saving the day we sometimes catch ourselves talking about it and once praised our friend for saving that wedding and he was like what whose ex I wasn't even there in my childhood kindergarten ham USSR I distinctly remember the sky going dark for some time teacher rushing us all inside then back bright again unknown time later my parents denied there was solar eclipse that day I couldn't find any record of one either those should check again I distinctly remember that not sure if this counts my ex would cry in her sleep from time to time I'm a night owl so if I was around her I'd gently caress her head and say I'm here everything is okay after a while I'd wake up 10 seconds before she'd start crying to console her now if one of my four kids starts to cry in their sleep I'm already awake to console them I loved it but always thought it was weird I have dreamed of two or three situations before they actually happened exactly as in my dreams it can't be a DJ acute vu because I remember dreaming about it it wasn't just a feeling of familiarity was brushing my teeth with one hand hurting the toothpaste down with my other and turning on the tap with my third hand I only noticed it a few moments after I couldn't piece it together but they all happened at the same time I was going to lunch with two co-workers we were discussing another coworker on CW made an assessment of the CW we were discussing and I agreed with him he looked at me and said he didn't say that he was thinking it CW too agreed he didn't say it when I was little I had a wooden doll crib that rock that was maybe about a foot and a half long I kept it on the other side of my room from where my bed was I had one of those dreams where you feel like you're falling and it wakes you up when I woke up the crib was sitting on top of me on my chest and abdomen edit I feel like this is an important detail it's at straight-up when I woke up from the dream in the crib fell off of me onto the floor and made a really loud noise some people are suggesting sleep paralysis but I've never experienced sleep paralysis before or after and if it had been I don't think I would remember the crib falling onto the floor I dropped a quarter and it just disappeared I never heard it hit the ground I spent a good ten minutes looking for it under furniture and the hem of my pants and all around it just literally disappeared I dropped five credit debit cards on my bedroom carpet while emptying out a handbag picked four of them up no sign of the fifth anywhere not under the bed etc' got it replaced seven months later the fecker is lying in plain sight on my bedroom carpet exactly where it should have been the first time I once was cleaning some screws at work put them in a little plastic cup poured acetone over them turned a way to do something else when I turned back around the cup was gone in the screws were sitting on the desk completely dry figured I must have mixed something up repeated and again the same thing happened I was really confused and thought someone was messing with me finally realized that acetone was dissolving the little plastic cup and then evaporating close bracket edit yay my first gold thank you so much I had a dream that mr Rogers died I woke up not thinking much of it went online like I do every morning and found out that he had in fact died earlier that morning there was one morning before school when I randomly thought I haven't heard her yeah in a long time it was a good song though just a meaningless whatever while brushing my teeth I arrived at school and all of my friends of hey-ya stuck in their heads they were humming it all day and when I asked them about it they said they thought about it that morning none of us had heard the song recently enough to all be reminded about it one time in the middle of the night I heard somebody scream my name they just suddenly screamed Charles at the top of their lungs nobody was there and my parents were asleep later that same month my dad was making coffee heard me whisper in his ear dad he turned and nobody was there I have zero recollection of doing this I have sleep paralysis a lot which may explain the first one but I have no idea how my dad heard me I don't believe in ghosts but this does creep me out I was gonna pack for a sleepover and into the bathroom looking for my toothbrush moms and brothers toothbrushes are there but not mine there is however a small yellow toothbrush suitable for a child I asked my mom if she knows where it is which she does not so I go back and check again mine is still not there small yellow one is still there I give up and go back other things and then my mom goes into the bathroom and asks what I'm talking about my toothbrush is there since I was 100% sure it was not I rushed to the bathroom to check my toothbrush is now there but there's no sign of a small yellow toothbrush afterwards I started wondering why I didn't react to the yellow toothbrush none of the other ones looked anything like it and it was very out of place it also couldn't have been my mom switching them because she wasn't in the bathroom long enough my room was right next to it
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 36,352
Rating: 4.8497853 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, toadfilms, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, Glitch in the matrix, Insane glitch in the matrix, Matrix story
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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