Waiters Share WORST COUPLE Dates They Ever WITNESSED (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit waiters and waitresses have read it what is the most Awkward couple dates you have ever witnessed at work they came in and the first thing I notice is that the woman was not a complete all d'avin but I don't really judge about that kind of thing and I also don't assume people are on dates maybe she is his arms or they are just friends so I went to go ask about drinks and do the usual peppy greeting and she is super chatty Vasiliy talks for him and answers questions that were straight for him okay I think maybe that's just how they are whatever she proceeds to order them both hard alcohol straight at 10 a.m. I figure eh maybe they are on a vacation together you never know it finally hit me that something wasn't right was when she wouldn't stop making sexual comments about the - which is how I knew it was kind of a date I'm talking straight-up things like I'm 53 but with the amount of work I have had done to my downstairs he won't be able to tell tonight if I'm actually 23 I'm watching the man's face and he looks pained I watched the table from afar I realize it kind of looks like a date gone wrong but they seemed to know each other so I'm not really sure what is going on and serve as always check and theorize about their customers in their free time when the man gets up and comes over to me and asks me to chat with him around the corner really discreetly so I do he looks as me and is talking super fast as he explains that this is his boss and he has to meet with her quarterly and she just has to sign a single form to approve what he has been doing and she insists on going out for a meal and drinking and then trying to sleep with him every time I was horrified for him he looked that panicked he said that he usually gets her to sign it before they leave the restaurant and then makes an excuse to ditch her we made a code sign in patting the back of his head three times so that I could intervene when she would get far too inappropriate but honestly she didn't change much when I would come he also asked me to bring him fate alcoholic beverages said I could charge him for the alcohol but to make them water or just soda I still think about him sometimes and wish I had gotten his name or something so I could check in and encourage him to reporter but in all honesty she probably owned the company he worked for or something the way she spent money and looked like I was at one of these fancy speakeasy type bars they've started opening up installing a new invoice printer for their point-of-sale system waiting for the printer firmware and driver to install can take 30 or 40 minutes on slower computers so I'm people watching as I'm standing there watching bars for love I notice a gorgeous blonde in her late twenties is sitting with a very well manicured looking guy in his mid 40s he's dressed like he just left a high-dollar law firm and she looks like she's going to a fancy professional cocktail party after their date he is polite talkative and super into her but you can tell that she isn't reciprocating the feelings to be honest by the look on her face she's anywhere but in that bar at the moment the guy goes to the bathroom and she quickly picks up her phone and frantically calls someone and begs for pickup as soon as possible the gist of the call was the guy was her mother's cow walker and her mother had set the date up and our girl really wasn't feeling it about 15 minutes later a guy around her age comes in throws some cash on the table and excuses them she cites some vague emergency and is escorted out the older guy continues drinking 140 dollars tap note that I'm standing at their main cash register and starts flirting with the waitress fails to get a number pays an exact change without tipping and leaves bartending a day shift at an upscale Italian place in a high-end shopping center over the Christmas season couple comes in starts drinking and is very flirty with each other they clearly liked the attention I wasn't quite sure why the man seemed familiar but he had a face I knew from somewhere midway through their lunch the woman used his name and adorned on me that the man was the husband of my previous boss I told him he looked familiar and asked if he was marked from that restaurant on the way to the beach he said that he was not but the woman he was with insistent on making it awkward and peppered me with questions like I've heard the owner of that place is crazy did you know her she was back handedly trash-talking Mark's wife and the whole thing was so uncomfortable he was an all-around bad dude oh and deserved it for additional context his family had owned that restaurant on the way to the beach and his wife my former boss ran the place until she caught him cheating they divorced she got the restaurant and continued to run it with her sister fast forward a few years and the two eventually remarry it was during their second marriage that he turned up at my bar with his mistress had a few breakups occur those are super awkward the guy bringing the girl to a public place so she won't cause a scene happens quite often this one timer guy did this with his girlfriend at lunch she then starts bowling I mean wailing and everyone around is looking in their direction at this point she then quickly we sorts to anger and then starts yelling at him tells him to have a great life you [ __ ] loser and what MIT then proceeds to get out of the booth and her foot got tangled in her long purse strap and she falls and slams her head on the back of the booth corner and falls on the floor she is now really wailing at this point since 20 people in the restaurant watched her do this and she ends up running out the front door my coworker goes over to the dude and is like do you want your check since they already ordered the guy was like nor bring me my food still and just box up hearse for me may as well have some lunch he said there and Aten didn't seem too bothered by what happened just a weird situation you never know how someone is going to react to a breakup in public my girlfriend had broken up with me and moved out of our shared apartment there was no real bad guy in the situation just a couple of early twenties kids who sholde call it quits a while ago we were both really upset about it and tried to keep an open dialog so she calls me at work one day and asks to meet for a bite I'm just about to head to Subway for lunch and tell her to meet me there the place is almost empty and once we get our food and sit down she immediately starts talking about moving back in and giving things another go I tell her she made the right decision to end things and that I couldn't possibly put myself through the emotional roller coaster ride been on for the last couple of weeks she starts quietly crying and I feel terrible this is going down in public in a subway of all places I do my best to comfort her my attention is pretty focused on her but I notice a mild commotion on my peripheral I look over and the only other two patrons there are a young couple and the woman is crying while the man was looking on helplessly trying to console her I realized they were breaking up too and the subway staff was looking on this bizarre double breakup scene without speaking like they were watching a soap opera play out as I assess all of this the other guy takes notice of the situation at the same time we make eye contact for a moment and there's a nonverbal Understanding between each other then we each focus back on our exes it's was the strangest shared moment I've ever had with a stranger I waited tables of this restaurant that had a big aquarium in the center like floor-to-ceiling huge a mixed aged couple comes in and they a nice but the guy is super quiet and nervous orders a whiskey straight but you can tell he really doesn't drink maybe sipped it twice his date was probably 20 years younger and she seemed like she liked to party she ordered two shots of patron right from the start and took them both another younger couple was sat next to them and staring at the aquarium part of the deal there was having to talk about the aquarium and fish while people ordered if I was busy I try to spiel two tables at once with the AppleScript then make a few jokes and [ __ ] off I got both couples interested and talking then told them both I would be back after I dropped the apps for both tables I see the young girl still talking with the younger table and they decide to push the tables together and eat the whole time the older guy is just smiling that I could tell he doesn't feel comfortable he barely touched his food and was justify on the wall at his own table eventually they decide to take the party outside to do some dancing during the summer they give free salsa lessons and people have drinks and dance maybe an hour later I'm taking a smoke break and I spot dude sitting on a bench crying I walk up to him and give him a cig and try to talk to him apparently his wife died about two year ago and that was his first time out since he said he met that girl on some website and how she reminded him of her but she's nothing alike and a bunch of really sad stuff he said the girl left with that couple to go drinking and she just took off and left him alone we had a frustrating trend of trashy guests here and they're coming in on date night and acting haughty and pompous in a vain attempt to fit in with what they perceived as the social class standard one or more stations above their own mind you we had guests of all classes seven days a week and they all got the same top-level service $10 past a plate split for two my pleasure $100 dinner for two with an appetizer and a glass of wine or two each my pleasure but the wild Apes they'd act like they knew what they were doing to an awkward degree I'd / we'd indulged them just to keep the flow of service among all the tables nothing to gain from calling them out or mocking them just smile surf and be as professional and helpful as one would be with any table but trashy folks on an I'm going to impress you date ridiculous we had a past a dish that was prepared with two ounces of lobster for flavor a color it was under $20 enough for two tasty and hearty visually it was mostly pasta the worst was when some trashy dude would ask about the dish we'd clearly explained the construction and presentation of the dish and answer any questions we'd serve check back and watch as the poor girl on the date looked like she wanted to crawl out if he owns good why there's no lobster in this man he'd proclaim almost like clockwork we'd advise again the composition and construction of the dishes well as our menu stated contents two ounces and the expectations instead they demand their fire or that they have the dish calmed because we had lied or ripped them off mind you are regular guests of all walks of life had no issues and an understanding of what two ounces translates to by volume so what did we do we would retrieve the manager on duty and allow them to handle the resolution sometimes the dish was calmed sometimes it wasn't one time in 11 months there was a fydd from one customer who showed his ass so badly that he was told to pay the bill and not return to the extreme embarrassment of his date eventually the dish was retired a year after I moved on I am NOT surprised but it was damn tasty regardless I was pretty busy and approached my newly seated table from an angle that let me see one guest facing me but only the back of the head of the other I walked up welcomed them and took a drink order first from the man who had been facing me as I approached then I said to the other guy and for you sir he glared at me after I asked my question but I didn't understand why as I was getting nervous at the angry silence the guy who had already ordered said that's my wife and then I saw it yeah this could definitely be a woman with rather masculine features in the short mannish haircut I apologized profusely claiming to have been thrown by the haircut from the back as I walked up then I realized this wasn't such a great strategy so I very lamely said and it looks great on you she was really angry but not mortified I got the very strong sense that this wasn't the first time this had happened and all embarrassment on her part had long been eroded by mounting anger each time this mistaken gender assumption happened yet again then the worst part the husband used my first name I hadn't introduced myself we requested your table non-sequitur East he spat out angrily because you were so goddamn wonderful to us last time this wasn't the first time I had seen her they knew me and I still mistook her for a man even after taking care of the months and previous nights I had no memory at all of them not even a shade of the Javu good management would have had me give up the table to another server after that because there was no way to recover from it our manager was incompetent and the couple stayed and ate with me serving them that was the most painfully awkward hour of my serving career so this was a few years ago when I was still in college I tended bar for some time and we had this one girl come in and sit down she ordered a drink and we talked to her and apparently she was waiting on her date to arrive now it's important to know that it was a very casual place and she was very much so dressed up she was also strange well one drink later her date hasn't showed up two drinks later same thing three drinks later she just goes ahead and orders food by the time she finished her fourth drink it's obvious that she is getting stood up and is starting to get drunk to cover her problems it's worth noting that we did end up trying to keep her spirits up but she finished her night off with a double Long Island iced tea don't know what's in that drink vodka rum gin and tequila with mixes of course she was officially toast at this point and fell asleep at our bar at one point she stumbled to the bathroom and puked and came back to sleep at the bar to be fair it's our fault that we over served here but man it was a hot awkward mess the whole time she kept saying how he must be running behind or something slowly watching her get more and more depressed with every drink waiting for him I hope she found a good person to be with this is kind of long and doesn't exactly fit but I want to share this story that happened about a year ago I bought and at a nice little niche spot in an artsy part of my city our clientele is generally well-off couple slash groups tourists and service slash brewing industry folks this night there's two couples on a double date sitting at the far end of the bar I've seen them all there a couple times before they are a bit of a bother to many questions and tip like crap but they are a dependable dollar sign 120 plus check for the business one of the ladies always checks me out and insists on ordering only from me when I'm working she's also sitting at the end of the bar right next to the gap staff use to reach that part of the dining room this is important I get their drinks take their food orders and then go to help one of my servers clear a table that a12 top had just left easiest way for me to get to that table is to walk by the aforementioned people so I head over there and the one lady brushes her hand against me when I walk past I kinda shake it off thinking she just wasn't paying attention and it wasn't on purpose I finished clearing the table so I head back the way I came with an arm full of glassware I walk past her and straight up she grabs my ass not a brush or a pinch or a little handful a full force full handed ass grab I was not at all prepared for that my ass is sensitive slash ticklish so I damn near dropped the glassware I was carrying and stopped dead in my tracks I turned around and gave her the [ __ ] you but I have to be polite smile and asked if she needed anything she did the I'm [ __ ] but cute smile and asked if smoked and if I had a lighter like nothing had happened I hadn't stopped smoking at that point in time so I said yes to both questions she asks if I can take a break and join her outside for a cigarette that caught me even more off-guard because she's on a double date so I looked at the guy she was with who is sitting right next to her for this entire exchange and he just rolls his eyes like he's seen her do this a million times before after an awkward silence I answered her with nap it's a little busy so I can't take a break right now but I'll see if I can find you a lighter and not to be rude but if you touch me again or any of my co-workers I'll have you removed and you will not be allowed to return then I turn to the rest of their group told them enjoy your evening other bartender will be taking care of you all for the rest of the night and continued on my way to drop off the dirty stuff from that table then because of rule / policy crap I went and told my manager what happened and she told me I was completely right for my response to the lady and good job staying for light and professional they were no problem the rest of the night from what my other bartender told me and I haven't seen any of them since the part that really cracks me up ease that they tipped well at long last and she wrote her number and address down for me on the back of the receipt like what the [ __ ] several come to mind the couple who were relentlessly making out then the woman basically passed out at the table and the guy took off a few minutes later we call their hotel room their guests in our hotel to tell the husband she's traveling with to come back and get his drunk wife the husband has no idea what we are talking about he thought she was at the spa turns out she met a dude for some odd reason she thought drinking and making out with this dude at the hotel she was staying with her husband was smart the guy slipped her a Bill Cosby I guess he overdosed her cause she completely passed out the guy steals her wallet and vanishes the next is the couple on a dinner and jazz date our restaurant had a jazz band guy proposes to the girl with a full display of champagne drinks for the whole place a special cue from the jazz band and everything the lady angrily says no and storms off then comes back 15 minutes later and they continue the most awkwardly silent dinner date ever we are setting up for a 12 table looks like one of those office birthday parties pretty standard one of the guests looks like she's at least 7 months pregnant she's there with her so the pregnant lady comes over to me asks me for a drink confused I tell my manager what's going on and I tell her my manager I am going to tell her now but I need you to back me up which I do and she does well this lady gets a friend to order drinks for her shortly after her not a wine spritzer or anything like that either vodka and soda I'm super in the weeds for non food service folks that means I'm crazy busy so I just string up drinks as they order them and don't pay attention to who has what until I'm standing at a different table taking an order and out of the corner of my eye I see mom of the year chugging uh vodka and soda I asked the bartender where she got that from and he's like from this ticket you rang up I figure out pretty quick what's going on even worse the ladies house seems to have no idea what's going on because and this is where it gets crazy he's standing in the hallway outside of the restaurant flirting slash making out with I couldn't tell with one of their co-workers the one whose birthday they were celebrating I have to find the clever way to tell him to get his now drunk pregnant girlfriend I tap him and pull him aside and say sir I'm going to have to cut off merry made-up name he's like what do you mean cut her off I say she's drunk and it looks like signed he keeps ordering her drinks he storms over to the restaurant grabs Mary by the arm and yells at her as he drags her out of there the other memorable one wasn't so much a couple date but a pre bachelorette party essentially 10 horny mid 20-somethings preparing to hit the town for one of their friends bachelorette night somewhere around round five of cosmos this was in peak sex in the city days 2003 I I see two of the girls approached this table sitting in the corner the table as a couple eating and making out oh and the guys poorly trying to hide his hand up the girl's skirt apparently the guy as I'm sure you guessed by now is the groom and the girl is a stripper from his bachelor party the night before chaos ensues when the bride sees what's going on we have to get hotel security to remove them all because a fight breaks out I'm not a waiter but I have one I can share I was at my favorite sushi place this little hole-in-the-wall in the downtown sector of my hometown Japanese kid maybe a junior or senior in high school comes in with a girl about his age she's clearly the most beautiful girl in her school you can tell just by looking at her they are seated at the table next to mine as I said tiny place we are basically right on top of each other anyway the people who are running the sushi place know this guy and they make a big deal about him when he comes in complementary mezzo and joiosa and staff pretty soon it's clear that this guy is putting on his a-game but the girl is not having it not clear why she agreed to come out with the guy if this was how she was going to act lost a bet this kid is trying to be charming he's explaining what all the things are and how his family is old friends with the owners of the place and they basically grew up in the restaurant introduces her to the chef etc etc it becomes clear pretty quickly that she's completely uninterested my assumption of her inner monologue this guy's different he doesn't play football heats this weird food why did I let Becky and Mandy talk me into going out with him tonight he doesn't even wear jeffords finally the kitchen brings out the most amazing platter of fish I've ever seen must have been 150 bucks worth of sashimi and nigiri I'm pretty sure this chick actually said so he's telling her what stuff is and what it's like and how to eat sushi she tries a couple things she's not into it she tries this glorious looking piece of tuna um it tastes like seawater no which it doesn't no um I don't like it pretty soon well this was fun but I'm going to go now [ __ ] bails on this dude and he just sits there dejected the rest of the night kitchen guys throwing sad looks at him from the bar made me super mad edit to the people who are trying to give this girl the benefit of the doubt keep in mind I was sitting three feet away from them for the duration of their encounter she wasn't into him from before she came into the place and she was obvious and rude about it I am telling you what I saw I was serving at a relatively upscale place with a buy option this middle-aged well-dressed married couple came in with a 1.75 liter of Jack Daniels and requested acquired table in the back room away from other guests I the ever friendly smiling waitress approached the table to greet them and immediately noticed the negative energy surrounding them the wife was Curt and looked like she was angry in the husband seemed not to be allowed to order for himself or even make eye contact with me they had four courses over a couple of hours and had nearly finished the massive bottle of whisky deep in conversation the entire time becoming quiet and awkward anytime I approached the table they had remained some time after we closed every other table had long since gone as I went to clear the dessert dishes and bring yet another set up of ice and soda for their dwindling whisky the wife husband was in restroom looked up and said I'm sorry if I've seemed out of sorts I guess this is what happens when you find out your husband of 20 years has been having an affair for four of them he brought me here to our favorite restaurant as a way to apologize I just found out today we are figuring out what to do next ouch I didn't know how to respond I said something like I'm so sorry please take your time and let me know if I can be of any further service they stayed for a while longer and all the restaurant staff gave them their privacy the servers and hostess all left as I volunteered to close up when they were done not wanting to rush them we closed to date and it was midnight before I left after that for the remainder of my time working there they requested my section every weekend when they would come in the wife thereafter treated me like we had known each other for ages it was slightly uncomfortable though especially since the husband still seemed forbidden to speak to any female at all hostess food runners no icontact's allowed his wife ordered for him one night toward the end of my employment they invited me to visit their small town nearby and gala to a bar with them it was the only time he ever spoke to me I declined the invitation for a variety of reasons I moved on to a new job and haven't seen them since in a very bizarre way they are one of my favorite experiences serving ever thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
Channel: Slime King
Views: 31,995
Rating: 4.8608694 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, comment awards, askreddit, top posts, dankify reddit, brainydude reddit, tz reddit, r/, askreddit creepy stories, toadfilms, reddit and chill, middle school, middle school cringe, teacher, pupil, parrents, tantrum, askreddit friends, askreddit secrets, askreddit parents, family secrets, askreddit kids
Id: KmTb7-nRHkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 01 2020
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