Manager VS Karen (r/AskReddit) Top Stories

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managers what was the worst case of I demand to speak to the manager you've experienced at Red Lobster someone grabbed the manager and told him his shrimp was cold wanted a free beer and he could get better fish by fishing this manager was my dad and was meeting us after work and apparently looked like an authority figure since he had a tie on my dad replied that's cocktail shrimp you moron I worked at an independent chocolate shop that sold various flavors of truffles brownies and drinks we had non-dairy options vegan options and not free options a woman demanded to speak to the manager because we did not have a dairy free not free sugar free vegan option luckily the owner literally just laughed and said we do have one it's cold water I have never seen such entitled rage this bacon is sir all I can still hear it mooing one it was pre cooked bacon - I know damn well that bacon never moved obligatory not a manager but maybe not the worst but this was definitely the dumbest I ever saw a sign was accidentally left up from earlier in the week advertising men's Levi's errs buy one get one half off so for two pairs it would be roughly $90 the current sale was to get two pairs for $70 had a lady pitch an absolute fit that they weren't ringing up buy one get one half off she was being ripped off etc tried and tried to explain to her that we had accidentally missed a sign but that she was actually getting a better deal at the current price she wouldn't have any of it and demanded to speak to the manager store leader comes out and tells her the exact same thing but the lady will not listen and is adamant about getting the map the price on the sign store leader finally gives up and tells me to just go ahead and do a price override and charge her the extra money lady leaves smugly like she thinks she's just worked us over big time and makes some kind of comment about how I need to learn to listen to customers on the way out TLE our ladies spent an extra twenty dollars on jeans because she wanted them for the price on an old sign managed a liquor store in a college town people would always ask to speak to a manager because we wouldn't sell them alcohol without a proper ID or they would try to show me a school ID like that would mean anything to me also got some social security cards birth certificates or other forms of irrelevant pieces of paper like a picture / photo copy of their ID the best is when I would work up at the front registers and people would tell me to go get a manager and I would do a 360 and say hi now duck off my boss didn't care he was a good friend of mine and would laugh I didn't get shitty unless they deserved it I was a shift leader at a Gamestop and was the manager on duty with one other associate in the store we were pretty busy both the other employee and I were on registers ringing through our own respective lines poor guy I work with gets this soccer-mom haircut that I knew was gonna be trouble and she is trying to return a new game that had the seal broken on it against return policy can't help you so lady then gets really upset and demands to cancel all of her son's pre-orders my guy obliges and is preparing to give her her refund in-store credit because her son had only paid for the pre-orders with trades you can't mix match tenders so my guy informed her so that was just it she was instantly screaming and calling my associate a liar he literally turns the computer screen towards her and shows are the entries and trade credit but she isn't having it let me speak to your manager dude points to me I wrap up with my customer and we trade registers so he can keep helping out I asked her how I can help to which she screams her experience at me I reiterate what my buddy informed her and that there isn't any way we can get her cash back she claims well I'm gonna call your corporate office and tell them that your policy doesn't apply to me and I've never been treated like this before to which I happily offer her the corporate number and advised her that telling a corporate customer service line that they believe they are exempt from policy is probably not the strategy woman gets red in the face and starts looking around the store and god forbid the poor man the old manager walks in he does not work there anymore but the woman recognizes him from his time at the store she begins accusing me of lying to her because she knows that he is the real manager and that he can help her nope do just trying to shop she ended up just leaving in a half when I worked in a gas station a dude that I knew was 18 came in and wanted some cigarettes this guy was a donk I knew he had his license revoked so I asked for some ID he whipped out a fishing license written in pencil so I refused to sell him cigarettes and he was fairly upset he yelled for a manager and my manager came around the corner and told him that I was right this was an unacceptable ID the kid told my manager I had sold cigarettes to him before which was true my manager just said that sucks now leave after he left my manager said that she had sold to him before too but he was a dog so who gives a shit then the kid called my store asked for my manager and told the same manager that two employees were disrespecting him works front desk of a hotel had a woman throw a goddamn tantrum because the state we were in charged a 6% room tax she demanded that I remove the tax I told her that we had no control over taxes she still wouldn't accept the reality of taxes so I printed off contact information for her state representative and told her to direct her complaints to them she did not like that at all she started screaming so I got my manager my manager said basically what I said that we cannot legally remove a tax so the woman grabbed the bowl of mints on the counter and threw it at my head and stormed out we had her credit card on file and charged her for the full amount one of the heads of a radiology department was infuriated when there was a network outage in his area stormed up into our support area screaming for a manager me listen to him rant and rave and finally decided to take a walk down there to see what I could do start looking around and I find a bunch of $10 network hubs splitting one PC connection to eight pcs I started laughing and asked who put these hubs in he said I did what's so funny explained that he was the source of his own problem started disconnecting the hubs and guess what the network came back up i confiscated about seven hunting if he needs more connections he has to contact engineering and have them run more lines he flipped out and I just walked down the hall to his VP's office and explained what happened when I was leaving the office the VP called him he no longer works here I've had unhappy customers cool and asked for the owner of the company by name because they googled it I explained that that person is technically an owner but has nothing to do with the business and doesn't even live in the same state then I go on and solve their problem with what authority I have meanwhile I'm that owner of the company never show all your cards when negotiating so when I worked at Starbucks we as you can imagine had plenty of shitty entitled people come in expecting the world of employees barely paid above minimum wage who've been awake since 3:00 a.m. or earlier we had people blaming us for the fact that they were late for work and were going to be fired people blaming us for being late picking up their kids kids blaming us for being late to school plenty off but I ordered a venti why did you give me a grande or this coffee is code because I've left it's sitting out for an hour but I want you to make me a new one for free or you aren't being enthusiastic enough after eight hours of being here and so sleep-deprived you don't know what your name is but probably the worst / funniest was Libby Libby was a regular who we really wished wasn't she was overly demanding and had one of those super complicated half-caf a double soy triple whip hold the cream half the sugar and do a back flip when you serve it to me types and she could tell if you'd got her order wrong and would make you remake it until it right she also would steal from our tip jar right in front of our faces she'd pretend to put a five in and then pull out for once but she'd take out five or six ones instead and one time during this little switcheroo of hers she accidentally dropped a $100 bill out of her wallet the good thing about Libby was that she only came in once or twice a week but that meant that we were the ones who had to find this $100 for her she didn't notice it for a few hours afterwards and when she did she called in and asked for the manager and asked her if she'd seen it since she would have dropped it out in the lobby where we very rarely went since we were so busy and back-of-house we went out to check but found nothing and told her that a customer must have taken it and that we were sorry but there was nothing we could do she flipped oh shit that's my rent money I'm going to be kicked out of my house do you want me to be homeless you hate me and want me to be homeless you shitty tacos I hate you in a year terrible guilt orphan dolly the supervisor came out and gave me the gist of what she'd said while begging me to find this money there were also some racist accusations since the neighborhood as Starbucks was in was predominantly immigrants and Libby was your standard white liberal until put under pressure anyway so a week passes and still the money hasn't shown up Libby calls us each day multiple times a day to find out if we've found her money sometimes she yells and screams sometimes she doesn't either way the answers always the same we hadn't found her money so she comes in again and pretends like she hasn't been cussing us out for a week straight is all happy and bubbly and jokes about losing the money and how she's just so scatterbrained sometimes haha she tries to talk me into giving her free coffee since we lost her money but I tell her that she has to pay anyway she grumbles and opens up her wallet pulls out her card and out flutters a $100 bill and lands on the counter we both look at it she looks into her wallet and after a moment goes oh that's right I had that $100 in my credit card slot for safekeeping so I wouldn't lose it you can't stop looking for my money now that was it no apologies for the abuse throughout the week the accusations anything I know I shouldn't expect one but damn I think she realized that she ducked up though because she didn't show back up for a couple of weeks telia she thought that we stole her money after she stole our money later found her money in her wallet safe and sound I was running a coffee shop by myself when this dude came in asked for an egg sandwich no big deal I start making his then the next customer asks for a BLT I start warming the bacon on the skillet next to first customers egg and this guy waits until I hand him the already made sandwich to freak out he needed his food to be halal but our coffee shop was very much not halal after demanding free food refund etc he starts getting heated and loud he tries to pull the whole let me see your manager thing unfortunately for him it's me he literally had been yelling at me for 15 minutes when I said you know what let's call my friend the owner of this establishment and see what they have to say about it I dial her up explain what's going on he grabs my phone from me tells her he's going to call the police and file a lawsuit for discrimination throws my phone on the ground then storms out I had a woman call to tell me that she spent too little on an ice-cream cone we had a special that was like two scoops in a waffle cone for five bucks and for some reason she only got one scoop and said she didn't know about the special despite there being signs all over the shop about it she claimed that my worker didn't offer it to her I didn't focus on upselling at our store so this wasn't a big deal to me I apologized to her but I was also like what exactly do you want me to do about it this happened yesterday I'm assuming you ate the ice cream so you can't return it she wanted a refund anyway the inconvenience I asked if she had a receipt she said she didn't I said no go without a receipt she said she didn't get one at checkout I explained to her that in my state we're not required by law to give a receipt for cash purchased food service items so if she didn't ask for one toughness she kept pressing saying she demanded to speak to the manager I explained that I was the manager she then asked if there was another manager she could speak to I told her no I was end of the line top of the heap no one else was going to tell her anything different she huffed and told me she would be by to discuss it in person she never came in I worked at a gas station customer came in red-faced and stood at the counter I greeted him and he starts spouting off a tirade about how he cheated him on the price of gas since he didn't come in and pay cash I assumed he paid credit I explained to him that credit is a few cents more than cash you can't do that there's nothing saying that anywhere I gently explained that the LED sign has cash next to the price as well as a sign on top of the gas pump itself breaking down the cash / credit prices it's a large display he adamantly refused to believe the signage was out there so I left the counter walked him up to his car and pointed to the sign above the pump that wasn't there before you are tricking me what the duck dude how could I have done that this is fraud I'm calling the police Upshaw go ahead sir I'll be inside police came dutifully listened wrote a report and then sent him on his way obviously nothing came of it but Wow he was so angry TL ER pay attention to the signs people this one is kind of a recurring problem fortunately as a manager I only have two people above me the general manager and the owner we have a woman that works for us is the sweetest woman in the world but she is a larger woman sixty-five and comes from a farming and military background so she is strong and stocky unfortunately she is often mistaken for a transgender person even though she is not not that we have a problem with that either anyway multiple people have refused to do business with her based on her appearance we do have booking fees at our establishment and anyone who sets an appointment with her is subject to the cancellation fee if they cancel without notice I have had her come out to greet clients and as soon as they see her say nope and turn around without getting into detail our business has nothing to do with appearance I then charge them a cancellation fee often I get a call a few days later asking what the charges myself or my subordinates say it is for cancelling service without proper notice at least four to five times a year I get to hear some asshole try to stammer to me why he should get a refund I always make them say it as most of the time they try to dance around the issue I had a last-minute thing come up oh I'm so sorry to hear that but your personal life can't affect our business arrangement she wasn't what I expected Oh in what way up you know no sir I don't well queue lots of stammering etc I will not give refunds for this my boss won't and my owner won't if they really want to push charge backs against us they can but we aren't about to let people do this at a table of six or so apparently well-off late twenties / early thirty British guys ordering t-bones and rib eyes and all well done peasants the good wine the works about half way through eating their shoe lever the waitress covering the table said she had a bad feeling about them they were talking as if they were getting the food for free and wanted to check what the story was so I made a point of regularly checking their table to make sure everything was okay come time to pay and there's a big huddle at the table with lots of not very harshed you do it no it's your turn etc I catch the I've our bouncer make a we might have some trouble here call the guards look and head over turns out that despite clearing their plates they weren't paying because the ribeyes had bits of fat in them the steaks weren't cooked properly the sources were wrong and despite dining in some of the best steak houses this was the worst states they'd ever had ever blah blah blah one duck or even pipes up yeah and my steak a t-bone had a big bit of bone in the middle of it that's not right causing a ripple of titties to pass around the table one of the guys even mentioned that he personally knew the owner of the restaurant mr. restaurant name which was like saying he knew Ronald McDonald I laughed in his face at that anyway I wasn't letting those smug duckers win and flatly refused to let them off and when they started getting offended and threatening to call the police I told them that was a great idea motioned for the bouncer to call the guards but he not didn't held up two fingers he's already called them and they were two minutes away good man so I stalled on a bit longer now just to explain a wee bit at this time temple bar in Dublin was just kicking off as a big tourist attraction and the guard he were patrolling heavily at the weekends keeping a high profile being a good neighbor I'd always chat to them give them a couple fit was cold plus our bouncing you a good few of them personally now it was time to get payback for those 37 cups of tea sure enough a couple of God's turn up I explained to them the situation point out the waitress nearly crying from the shit they'd given her and they sidle up to the table they explained that here in Ireland if they ate the food they had to pay for it that or they were going to spend the rest of their trip in a prison cell they argued a bit and I could see the guards were looking forward to putting these smug pricks in their place but in the end they coughed up and at the guards gentle suggestion included a hefty tip it's the small victories I worked in a nice little geek shop that sold used books games memorabilia guitars etc and this kid was buying attack on Titan stuff and they were talking about the next one I never watched the show and they said rhetorically I wonder what the wall is made of so I said the war wall it's made of people the wall is made of people and they laughed since they either got the Soylent Green reference or at least thought it was a funny thing to say well their mom / grandma didn't like that one bit and after they paid and left she came back and furious and demanded to see the guy who gave away the ending of the book the kids were saying that I was just joking and I didn't even see the show / read the manga I came over to see what the problem was and she said if I find out he spoiled the ending of that book I will have you fired and some nonsense I apologized and explained I was making a joke didn't know the first thing about the show was never brought up again but those kids were super embarrassed [Music]
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 207,759
Rating: 4.9378042 out of 5
Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, best posts and comments, askreddit top posts, askreddit karen vs manager
Id: GmXT9cGUf0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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