Walmart employees, what’s the worst thing you have seen? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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our /r screwed it Walmart employees what's the worst thing you have seen inside your store somebody put bleach ammonia and Drano in the fish tanks another time somebody sprayed deer pee all over the toy section I am really glad I don't work there anymore I've only been working at a Walmart for two weeks I've had three people lose their temper on me one woman slam her cart into someone else's can't because she couldn't buy alcohol with an expired ID and one guy try to walk away with a whole cart of groceries in which a different customer walked after him and literally dragged him back inside again two weeks edit I'm getting asked this a lot so I'll explain stores can't accept expired IDs because they're considered invalid if invalid IDs were accepted then it would create an aftermarket for those IDs which would then make it easier for people under 21 to get ahold of something they could potentially use to illegally purchase alcohol my time to shine first job out of high school 2009 moved cross-country to be with my girlfriend end up working at a walnut as a janitor overnight in the worst part of town in Tulsa Admiral memorial for any locals this place had everything it could under lock - and a few people had died there so the workers nickname did kill Mart one night a guy is in the sporting-goods area and wants to buy something he takes his wallet out sets it on the counter for a second thief walks up and grabs it runs off the victim proceeds to grab a golf club chase the man down and violently beat him in an isle blood broken neck I'm like 95% positive the guy died destroyed Isle everyone in the store flipped a bunch were calling people to view it in the CCTV room my manager waved me down and asked me to clean up the aisle so the store would look nice for the morning you know the crime scene I clocked out for lunch quit the next day watched a high schooler stoned out of his mind trip over his own feet and slammed through a middle display those egg crate file holders those suckers went to everywhere also an old woman frakking diarrhea through the store trying to find the bathroom cause she [ __ ] herself worst-ever some people signed up for an oil change then through one of those household bug bomb [ __ ] into their car while they waited when the technician went out to pulled the car in it was full of white smoke from the insecticide and the interior was covered in thousands of roaches all trying to escape the fog we told him to leave worst this week guy signs up for an oil change and the technicians find to live caps in under the hood of the minivan the owner came out to deal with it saying there were his working for a.m. to 1:00 p.m. first shift stocking this was a couple years back dudes shopping regular looking guy i'm puttin' up sheet on the shelf he greets me with a kind of passing by you type hello then he asks me hey man we're getting any [ __ ] I answered vaguely hey he responds well some is better than none and they're right I've posted this in another Walmart thread it's still one of my favorite stories from my mom my mom worked at Walmart for about a year she actually liked it if she was more active but he decided to quit off to the jewelry department manager had a meltdown and started throwing jewelry at customers one old lady got pelted in the head with a heavy ring box and it was over turns out the manager was selling the jewelry to friends and family but would keep the boxes and stuff them with rocks and trash so inventory would stay the same she had a meltdown before she was caught they had to drag her out of the store that day once while I was restocking shelves there was the kid pissing into a open cereal box mine actually happened yesterday I was walking back to my area and saw one of my co-workers in front of a puddle he said walk around I responded I didn't want to know her immediate response was it is urine I lowered and shook my head and walked by let's see I've seen people tripping balls I've seen a guy walking on ten feet stilts a guy with his dong out a lady pull her pants down to adjust her panties a guy pass out from huffing an aerosol can a chick passed out on the ground low blood sugar a car catch on fire an employee died in his car in a parking lot old and lots of fights I'm sure there's more but I can't remember know I personally didn't see some of these but I'm friends with employees there's nothing to do in this town so when something happens I hear the stories a few times editor yes a guy whipped out his BIC and started peeing in front of my sister-in-law had a customer in a motorized scooter his personal one not store provided come up to me at the sporting goods desk and he asked me where the cans of compressed air are I walk him over to some and he thanks me grabs a can off the shelf and proceeded to start huffing it's right in front of me someone throwing their used children diaper on top of the freshly baked cookies I just put out : had to throw out 700 cookies I've been working at Walmart for two and a half years and I've seen it all the worst thing I've seen was a man who was checking out in the self-checkout all was good until this smell whipped by I didn't think much of it and figured the guy had farted he proceeded to shake his left leg until a large slimy turd came out his pants he took his receipt and left needless to say I did not pick that up and called maintenance over I can only imagine the feeling of a warm turd sliding down my leg my roommate worked at Walmart for years the worst story she told me was when some lady confused the fitting rooms for a restroom and she took a big dump in one of the stalls right on the floor at some point during the Deedle just after she realized what she done and tried to clean it up but all she could find was a paper towel roll just the roll no paper towels so she stuck the role in her pile of [ __ ] like a flagpole and went about her day I worked as a photo lab specialist for two years and saw some really awful pigs the worst was a toddler surrounded by marijuana bloods and gums we had to get the on-duty cop involved when the guy came back to pick them up headed for more info on why the cop was involved I believe the guy was in the pic with the kid and had gang signs with one hand and almost putting a gun to the kid's head it's been a while so it's a bit fuzzy I worked customer service at Walmart for a little bit and one night just as I was closing customer service down a man came in screaming for help he was wearing a white shirt but it was drenched red in some areas he said he was shot twice and he thought he was gonna die he lifted up his shirts to show us he wasn't just some druggie and really needed help lo and behold there were two holes bleeding around this man's torso lucky for him an off-duty paramedic was in line buying groceries and called it in fast for the ambulance just started a month ago but I've already seen shit-covered stolen the man attempting to take a bath in the bathroom to clean himself I heard her father say to his daughter I will slap the [ __ ] out of you in this store and I don't care who sees and finally a bag of [ __ ] it wasn't a lot so I'm gonna assume a kid [ __ ] hidden behind Legos not Walmart but at Lowe's someone had a mobile meth lab set up in lawn and garden not an employee but I'm damn glad I wasn't for this one one fateful afternoon my bladder decided that it needed relief so I ducked into the restroom while I was in my local Walmart the two urinals were out of order which left the handicapped accessible stool in the regular store someone was in the regular stall so I opened the door to the handicapped stall and saw what I can only describe as the aftermath of a [ __ ] explosion there was chocolate pudding consistency [ __ ] on the floor the seat of the toilet the wall behind the toilet on the toilet paper dispenser everywhere it looked like someone had stood with their pants down bent over and starting spinning while letting forth like some sort of scatological lawn irrigation fountain my bladder would have to wait as I gently made my way out of the restroom making a mental note to burn the shoes I was wearing that day I saw the kindly looking older man in a yellow vest pushing a cleaning cart towards the entrance to that hellhole of vile human excrement and villainy I'm not a religious man but I offered up whatever good vibes I could muster for that man's surely soon to be crushed so that day not an employee but off-duty police officer to homeless people dug out a hole into the paper towel section and were living in it they finally found them when someone complained about two people having sex in the toilet paper aisle also had a homeless person take a homeless alcoholic [ __ ] in the bike aisle those employees do not get paid enough it's been years now since I worked there but this is something I will never forget I worked in the photo lab which was right next door to electronics there was a man and a child the child being maybe eight looking at video games I kept hearing the child say he had to go to the bathroom but his father wouldn't take him or let him go alone long story short the boy obviously couldn't hold it any longer and crapped his pants the father then told the son to shake it out the kid did just that and tons of turds fell out of his shorts onto the floor the smell was atrocious and I honestly could not believe what I was witnessing the father then walked over to my coworker and said yeah you better clean this up and promptly left I was stunned so I used to stock the craft section on overnights I'm kind of an awkward person so no human contact was great for me this old guy on a scooter insisted upon sitting in my aisle for like hours just staring at the needles okay whatever I stopped everything I could but finally I needed him to move and honestly I was a little creeped out at this point I mentioned this to my manager on the way to lunch after lunch he was gone turns out he had died there like five hours ago mine's much more mild think of it as a palate cleanser for the rest of the horror stories in this thread I worked at a Walmart for one summer during college I was a courtesy associate according to my nametag but I preferred the title of cart Wrangler my job was to recover shopping carts help customers get big stuff into their cars trucks and keep the parking lot clean as a result I had a particular disdain for a class of customers I referred to as oil changes they'd run in to the store to buy some automotive product like engine oil or windshield washer fluid you said product on their vehicle in the lot and then leave a mess on their way out my most memorable was a group of kids in their late teens early twenties like myself at a time busted up little for bang a sedan I think it had no interior panels they bought a trunk mounted subwoofer box installed it in the lot and left the empty cardboard box for me to clean mark yes it was a minor annoyance but when there are one or two garbage cans in between each and every Lane on the lot and he can't be bothered to use one I think my annoyance was justified a woman who really had to take a [ __ ] sprayed it all over the walls no maintenance was there I had to clean it too really obnoxious racist ourselves were walking around the store obviously drunk or on drugs casually calling any black person they saw the n-word not sure what ended up happening to them but pretty sure they got kicked out by asset protection that's it I'm never going into a Walmart ever again there must be some kind of force field or aura that gives people unstoppable diarrhea my best friend Rumi worked Walmart and technically died there after having an aneurysm the worst story was about the Hamburglar a person persons who would put a packaging of raw hamburger in their cart and then change their mind and leave a hamburger in some random spot but sometimes it would be a couple of days before the hamburglar's deed was uncovered it was so bad that almost every employee started inspecting their area of responsibility and pretty soon the hamburglar's foul deed were being discovered very quickly because no one wanted to deal with a leaky maggot mess then the assistant manager got caught leaving a package of hamburger in the shoe department the walnuts around here must be classy I only ever hear crying babies or the occasional hushed argument not even so much as an exposed butt crack didn't work at Walmart but once I saw an entire family man woman and son then who all had mullets I thought that was pretty special was working part time at Walmart and was having a smoke break there was a guy sitting on the bench with a paper sack I thought though he's got a beer in there or something to that nature no while several of us employees were sitting there dude pulls out a white paint can blasts it into the paper sack and start huffing it till his eyes rolled back and he slumps out everyone was kind of in shock but then a few seconds later he pops up grabbed his stuff and went on his merry way I personally didn't see this one but I heard about it it was during the holiday season and there was an older woman who went into a dressing room with a bunch of clothing and came out with a lot less she hobbled over to one of our electric carts and was slowly driving out moaning in sheer agony needless to say soft line employees noticed this and immediately alerted AP they stopped her at the door found a bunch of stuff out of bags in the car that weren't paid for and when they took her into the AP office they found out that she had a lot more stuff on her person Lodge up her ass a rapey person with the help of a couple of cops had to strip this old woman down in the office and remove said items from her rectum the woman was arrested and I don't think I've ever seen our AP woman leave after clocking out so fast at night my two favorite those [ __ ] moments code Adam missing kid wandering the store looking for a little boy and we see him flying down the main aisle on a bike he clipped the edge of a Len display and went flying into a shelf and got banged up this is the worst one again young kid maybe seven ish laying on the bottom part of the cart he was looking up through the cart and his head was at the front mom hit a bump kid slid forward head bent back and went under the cart while he was still on it that one was disturbing that he didn't have any issues other than screaming for the first minute or two after I worked at Walmart for all of my teenage years and there was so much poop where it shouldn't be that's the most disgusting the worst would have been when some thieves attempted to run out the door followed closely by loss prevention turned around and sprayed them with mace which then wafted into the store a few seniors had to be taken to the hospital for respiratory issues everyone working in the store spent all day coughing as the mace lingered in the air because heaven forbid they shut the store down and think of anyone elses health oh one more much more mild we're an academy store which means we're the model store for the area managers come to train and see one best way in action then go home and try to emulate it I'm trying to speed in the pharmacy section with a co-worker so we're cutting up while they're slinging Freight right beside us is the pharmacy line and a guy vaguely nondescript is chilling second in line I look over at him and he suddenly starts gazing around like he's lost I ask if he's okay he responds yeah just thought I was in another dimension I look at my coworker he shrugs and continues stalking the guy isn't obviously injured or anything so I continue stalking the guy keeps on I'm from other store then we'll push you out the way cuss at you even the cap workers will push you this stores much nicer internally I think [ __ ] fire them but allowed I say I guess we're just nicer people he straight-up cackles and walks away from the line weird [ __ ] but at least it was a compliment not an employee but I felt really bad for one my brother was at Walmart with my friend and I we were looking through pet stuff and there was an aisle with plungers at the end being the 13-year old he was my brother could not resist the temptation of picking one up and sticking it to the floor we laugh a little after he does this he goes to put it back and the whole rat falls down he's frantically trying to place all the plungers back as my friend and I are running away and cackling then an employee walks up and starts to help him apparently the whole shelf three racks of plungers was unstable and as they were putting the last few on the racks above clatter to the ground and now there are probably 50 plungers rolling around on the floor my friend and I are [ __ ] dying watching from the clothing section the employee just puts his head down sighs and tells my brother he can just leave we didn't get in trouble or kicked out but I'm so sorry for that poor employee it was funny as hell though the bathrooms especially the ladies they just don't care about keeping a clean or hygienic disgusting is all I have to say immer at my Kmart stories old guy Pisces himself and then proceeds to sit on every piece of furniture and desk chair in the store a single guy repeatedly setting the women's underwear on fire over multiple weeks a guy turning yellow and passing out right in front of me obligatory not a Walmart employee and this is probably a lot tamer than other replies but one time I saw a burger in a toilet walmart own store in Europe I saw a lot in my time there worst was a man whose [ __ ] his pants and needed me to fetch him supplies to clean up I'm glad he felt able to ask for help but it was so gross the sheer amount of really dirty smelly people was an eye-opener to my coworker had the worst experience though she refused sale of a knife to a man who was intoxicated her boss over at her and sold him the knife an hour later a different man ran into the store holding his stomach and bleeding screaming for help when he let go his intestines fell out the first drunk guy brought the knife and went back to the bar and slashed guy number two stomach open and it was all in a row over a girl I'm gonna go out on a limb here happened to be listening to a certain radio talk show this morning semicolon one of my co-workers bought weed from another while working they then proceeded to smoke some of it right in front of the store I don't smoke but honestly I couldn't blame them at all I'm a former Walmart employee but one time I came in at 7:00 a.m. as a customer host asset protection associate and at around 7:15 in the morning a women comes in and goes directly to a restroom area which was normal seeing as how we had some homeless people who would come in and just use the restrooms and leave afterward however for whatever reason asset protection decided to watch her and they saw her just barely enter the corner for the women's restroom stop and proceeded to inject herself from what they claimed looked like harrowing she then proceeded to leave the needle and try to shoplift a heart to which asset protection then had me stop her and asked her for the Hat considering that this was above my pay grade and the asset protection guy we both just decided to call in the janitor to get rid of the needle and pretend like nothing happened despite the fact that after I took the hat back she then proceeded outside where she started to yell like a lunatic and started arguing with somebody even though there was nobody there probably should have called the cops but not my call a piece of [ __ ] hanging from the ceiling when I worked at Walmart a week won't go by without someone [ __ ] on the ground somewhere in the store but usually in the clothes section to roughly reiterate some details from the top comments on this account a teenage young man ramming a cart into a crying teenage young lady as the very young almost newborn infant seated in the toddler seat flopped around manager started telling them but I'm not sure if anything ever happened girl whew King on me as I stood next to a trash can poor girl additionally customer throwing clothes at me when discovering they were placed on the wrong rack not by me at least it was just clothes I recently started employment at another location but so far nothing to top those two just the one creepy co-worker who stands uncomfortably close to me sometimes I took too long to answer a customer's question one time so she called me a piece of [ __ ] and stomped away it's funny now I've become increasingly aware of the division between just people and customers when I'm interacting with them at work lately someone asks me calmly where the brooms are at person someone whistles at me and snaps their fingers to get my attention and barks brooms at me customer F not a Walmart employee I just want to say thank you to all the retail workers out there for putting up with the [ __ ] you put up with and not murdering everyone you know seriously you're doing God's work and you get nowhere near enough love for it a customer in a power scooter his own not from the store was at the fabrics counter asking me what would be a good fabric that could be waterproof he only needed a 2 by 2 foot piece and I was explaining to him how I had to cut by the yard not by what size he asked he was not understanding me completely and in a moment of old man anger he lifts up his shirt the pulls his pants down and screams I just want to keep my colostomy bag from freezing in the winter I saw it all cut him a 1-yard piece of fabric and sent him on his way I bleach much-needed I was walking to the front restrooms so I had to walk by the checkout lanes and I saw this big lady throwing groceries out of her cart and screaming at the cashier the cashier was younger probably 18 or 20 so she was just bullying her eyes out the whole time intrigued but still having to piss like crazy I just continued my business quickly and went back out to see the chaos as I walked by again there was now a male cashier I'm assuming the poor girl cashier walked away at that point and the crazy lady was whipping her cart around as if she was trying to wrangle a wild animal the saddest part about all of this if she had her toddler in the cart the whole time so I went back to my deli to tell the tales of what I had just witnessed after a few days I was still telling the same story to a girl who wasn't here that day and she heard about it too from a cashier friend allegedly the lady got all her groceries half off and what sparked the whole debacle was an expired coupon give them ten minutes I'm about to head there right now I worked at Walmart for a year back in 2011 while the sales floor itself was clean and organized for the most part of backroom looked like a hoarders paradise it was about the size of a small gymnasium and had boxes of products going all the way back to the 90s posted a few days ago in another thread this was back in the late 90s I was working at Walmart as my first job as a teenager I was floated to the garden department one day and there was the guy looking at lawn fertilizer I walked over and asked if he needs help he said not now just looking at the different kinds you have pretty standard reply from the guy so I said okay let me know I walk away and then swing back about five minutes later same guy has proceeded to rip open about ten different kinds of the fertilizer all over the ground and is rolling around in the stuff he is also taste sampling the stuff I called my manger because I did not want to deal with it security escorted the guy out the store and called an ambulance in case the ingestion of the fertilizer hurt him what's with people and leaving [ __ ] around them not at Walmart but when I worked at borders someone took a book into the bathroom and jerked off onto it and left it there a car that played through the garden section I think one person got injured the driver had a heart attack while getting him out of the parking lot I didn't see the incident I started my shift just minutes after so I got there just as they were taping off the area and I'm like whoa what's that doing there I guess there's a lot of other gross things I've seen but there's something about it and how little of a catalyst there was that made question stuff I worked at Walmart about 20 years ago being the manager of the photo lab before digital took over so my department was right next to the electronics department I'm chatting with the manager of the electronics department and all of a sudden we hear a woman yell here it comes we then see a middle-aged woman frantically scuttling down the aisle holding her shorts near the back she ran to the restroom leaving a trail of liquid [ __ ] behind her it looked like when a dog is sick and you're trying to get them out the door before they make a mess all over your carpet and they keep stopping to [ __ ] every few seconds an employee went and with a pair of pants off the shelf to help out she put them on and made a beeline toward the exit without paying for them leaving her soiled shorts in the stool on the floor not me but my ex was working in the clothing department some years ago some lady was walking around with her small child child had boogers coming out of his nose in the mom takes her kid puts her mouth over the kids nose sucks out his boogers then spits it on the floor one of the grossest things I've ever heard of not a Walmart employee but a target team member found their trail of diarrhea starting in cosmetics and leading to the restroom others guests were just walking through and running it over with their carts making the trail even bigger it was a great day not from Walmart but from when I worked at as Ella's in high school zealous was this department store in Canada it was similar to Walmart in the winter sometimes homeless people would go in the bathroom and we'd have to kick them out sometimes he'd just be napping on the toilet or they'd be drinking mouthwash one night in winter there was a homeless guy holed up in one of the stalls we had complaints that there was smoke and a weird smell coming from the stall so me and another guy had to go in and kick him out turns out he had been smoking meth in there we knocked on the door but he was just telling us to [ __ ] off and won't open the door so we unlocked it and he was sitting on the toilet he was all [ __ ] up he had some crutches next to him so he started swinging the matter he was pissed off and hi so to try to restrain him I ended up grabbing him and dragging him out the door he tried to come back in and was trying to fight us it was kind of funny not inside the store but in the parking lot not far from the door when I was 17 I was just getting out of there around midnight I noticed a group of 20-somethings cheering and being obnoxious the Walmart is near a university so I just thought they were drunk I glanced over and saw a girl on her knees in front of a guy in the middle of the group I walked to my car quite a bit faster not a Walmart but similar chain grocery store in the Northeast we had a customer [ __ ] her pants in the bakery section the proceeded to open a loaf of bread and use it to wipe herself and as if that's not bad enough she put it back on the shelf disgusting [ __ ] I didn't see it but I heard a guy shoot himself in the entranceway not heard about heard it sounded like a pallet dropping steel pestle writers are probably scouring this thread for plot points standard not Walmart but when I worked overnights at Kroger about a week before Christmas I was stocking the Mexican section I was in my zone and really not paying attention suddenly I hear a meek voice saying excuse me but do you have a phone I looked up to see a rail-thin woman in a yellow dress that looked like it was basically falling off her black hair was a Miss and she only had on one sock makeup was streaming down her face where she had been crying my heart was racing just because I wasn't really expecting this people rarely speak to you overnight to begin with and immediately upon seeing her I assumed the worst had happened anyways I told her that the phone was up front and the self-checkout lady would gladly let her use it now I never found out for sure but she told our self checkout lady that she had been at a party got in a fight with her boyfriend and gotten kicked out or left can't remember she then proceeded to walk around four miles from the next county over to our store since it was the only place open this late it was also in the 30s and drizzling if you want really eight stories work overnights at a grocery store not inside the store but a co-worker of mine recorded a guy licking spilt beer in the parking lot he saw he was being recorded and went back to licking up a bear off the concrete not a Walmart worker but one I went to had a mouse in an aisle and scurried away when I passed by it reported it to a worker and they did not care all believe me this is the same Walmart though that has small birds like Robins and sparrows flying around from the ceiling rafters ex-employee saw some crazy lady probably on some kind of drugs take out her tampon and throw it at someone cause they didn't like her turn crazy [ __ ] just plucked it out and tossed him like a bloody hand grenade for the moment what comes to mind a customer in the pharmacy that was confirmed to have dementia of sorts us to use our nebulizer machine we don't even sell them for his albuterol we tried to explain all this info to him guy gets mad walks away and drinks the albuterol viral washes it down at the water fountain idk much about that [ __ ] but it's 2.5 to 3 ml definitely supposed to be inhaled over the course of like five ten minutes so seemed not good pretty sure he'd been doing this for months at least I was recently traveling in a foreign country that happens to have a lot of vomits was there pretty late and I heard some mysterious grunts coming from a deserted aisle took a glance to confirm my suspicions and yep a couple was just straight-up [ __ ] white then in there I worked in the garden center at a Walmart in a semi-rural area had a woman come in asking to buy all of our dead plants for a quarter because she could bring them back from the dead I called a manager because I didn't know if we could do that while we were waiting she proceeded to tell me that she had been struck by lightning letting her see God which is where she learned how to bring things back to life I had a guy order two inch thick slices of Swiss cheese and an inch thick slice of ham when I asked him what he was making he said a sandwich I'm on the keto diet buddy that is not how this works I on stand Kato means you can't eat meat and cheese but if does not mean replace bread with cheese while I'm not her employee but I went there to shop once and there was a guy lonely an underwear fighting with her employee at the registration counter with an open bottle chocolate sauce had some [ __ ] flip out on me because she didn't like how I handled her avocados had a dude call me an idiot because I didn't have x-ray vision and had to take his paper towels out that were laying down in the Box not standing up to count them had a lady it's go get angry at me when I politely told her she should weigh her red and green grapes separately because they're different types of grapes and thus different prices she was trying to weigh them together witnessed multiple fights on Black Thursday some [ __ ] threw a paint set at me it missed because her daughter was acting suspicious of schoo this was after she cussed me out for five minutes and wasn't happy that I didn't give her a reaction sorry I'm dead inside numerous people expecting Nordstrom or whole food style service like expecting me to sort their cart full of clothing by size and neatly folding them into bags sorry Karen do you realize where you are junkie couple fights a woman came to the Electronic Department and she was obviously high on a stimulant of some sort she had a little boy about six years old he was hyperactive playing with toys he pulled off the shelves I didn't mind he wasn't damaging anything however the mother was looking to charge her phone so I pulled out how to charge a ball of wires and allowed her to use one she stood there making civil conversation which further confirmed a stimulant for sure well the little boy started bringing little things like sheriff badges and little items similar small enough to fit into her bag that caught my attention and I looked in her bag while she was endlessly digging in her purse I mean how deep is the effing purse I saw necklaces still had the cardboard thing it hangs from and prices on maybe it was plastic I'm not sure anyway I go and tell inventory loss manager and they start watching well after about 20-30 minutes passed she gets ready to leave because she notices them she gets flustered and tries to hit the exit didn't make it I don't know what happened but that's my worst thing the worst finger will not employee may ever see is obviously his or her paycheck [ __ ] wall not in the walton crime family we had a guy try to kill himself in the produce section one night came into the store threatened several people both customers and associates with his knife then started just slashing himself armed police were only able to subdue him when he'd lost enough blood but he nearly passed out he was slashing at them right up until the end had to throw away close to twenty thousand dollars worth of produce after that I worked asset protection at Walmart for a little over a year and saw a lot of messed up things the one that sticks with me the most was late one night probably 12 to 1:00 a.m. we found a young girl maybe 2-3 years old wandering the store by herself barefoot her fee to a completely black on the bottom from walking around barefoot for who knows how long we asked her what her mother's name was but she was too scared to talk luckily a woman who knew the mother came up and told us the mother's name we paged her several times with no answer we got a description of the mother and I went searching I found her in the cosmetics aisle stoned off her ass cramming her purse full of makeup her response when I told her that her daughter was scared and looking for her oh okay [ __ ] happens this threat is kind of like a Walmart itself I want to go in and see what's up but I'm a little bit scared of what I might find I worked at the Walmart in Winchester KY little know-nothing place I wast there when it happened as my shift had ended an hour earlier this was somewhere around 2001 to 2003 guy had caught his girlfriend cheating on him with someone at the store he came in while both of them were working and caught them in an aisle together out a gun and shot the dude and then shot himself blood stain won't come out of a tile had to replace it store was pretty somber for several weeks after that it's kind of shitty to bring up because it's sad and I'm not trying to make fun of the guy but it's like 4:00 a.m. and this man dressed in a suit and Fedora comes in no face I concluded some kind of cancer had ate away his face all he had left was eyes and a massive cancerous hole he just gurgled we had to have him write down what he needed it was sad but god damn it it scared the absolute [ __ ] out of me and I never really forgot if you want to get nothing in return you can like and join my discord there is a link in the description
Channel: Reddit Jar
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: Vnj8ZyjEM9M
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Length: 37min 57sec (2277 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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