When Someone Spoke Up During A Wedding Objection (AskReddit)

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redditors who have objected at weddings or seen someone of jacks what happened in the next five minutes lot of laughs my friends older brother is a lawyer he was marrying a lawyer most of their friends are lawyers the officiant was a judge who was a friend of face he and his fiancee thought it would be funny to plant someone in the audience they got a friend to yell object to which the judge yelled overruled it seemed to have gone over well for most but I don't think some of their family members got it I'm dying to see the wedding video of it and not the shitty cell phone version from the last time this was posted when the pastor got to the part back quote or forever hold your peace the bride said that quote yes I'd like to say something then she turned around to her guests and said back quote I'd like to thank my maid of honor for sleeping with my film K last night with that she threw her bouquet and stormed off the story even made it on the radio at the time not really an objection but a friend of mine works in a wedding venue she told me about one wedding where the best man made some jokes in his speech about the time that he slept with the bride he assumed that the groom already knew about it he didn't groom was not happy the reception ended up getting cancelled and all the guests were sent home this happened at one of my friends siblings weddings her parents us one for conservative and hadn't gotten the chance to know the daughters Finn K very well before they got married in their minds all that was relevant about him was that he was 10 years older than her and had been previously divorced they had made subtle and not-so-subtle comments here and there before the wedding that they weren't happy about it it should have been a forewarning of what was to come the day of the wedding everything was beautiful friend's sister and her fiance were ecstatic to be getting married and invited friends and family from both sites to their outdoor wedding all was going well until the preacher asks the audience if anyone has objections to why they should get married and as serious as can be that of the bride stands up and says her mother and I'm and then after a long hesitation sits back down silence no one can believe that there just happened not knowing exactly how to handle it the preacher just says ok and finishes the ceremony as planned I can't even imagine how the bride and groom must have felt my friend says the tension in the room was unbelievable but they got married all the same they just do a lot of avoiding the Isles as one might imagine it happened at my wedding sort of my middle brother has a very odd sense of humor that occasionally causes issues one of those issues is that he likes to whip his balls out at random times and see how long it takes people to notice the night before the wedding he told me that at some point during the ceremony he was going to cough loudly and that would mean his sack was out I laughed it off our officiant got to the speak now or forever hold you piece bit and I hear a cough from where my brother was sitting both my husband and I whipped around in disbelief but the audience thought we were daring any of them to say something I guess so they all laughed little did they know what was actually going down in the crowd Oh God this reminds me of a close friend of Mines wedding known this dude for years we'll call him ray meets a girl we'll call Katie she already had a daughter full right was never married to the other dude just didn't click very amicable separation shared custody of the child no fighting no demand for child support very perfect world be Katie was pretty cool and got along with our friend group pretty well soon enough the old boyfriend she had her daughter would becomes best friends with ray couple years go by ray and Katie decide to get married and around this time he confided in me that frequently his best friend i.e the daughter's father owl named Jeff made references to this girl and there was some vague evidence of it not being as amicable a separation as it seemed jeff was pretty quiet about his life and talked about girls pretty often but we learned later he had actually been holding out for Katie all that time so assuming Jeff was his best friend ray makes in one of the groom along with myself at the wedding keeps telling ray about how great katie is not to choke I'm here for you at cetera ray told him to stop course he was sucking him out so that song and dance is happening and the ceremony is about to begin finally meet back up with my so at our table Katie and Jeff's daughter is playing on the dance floor suddenly the music stops and the DJ says this song is from Jeff to Katy and says he still loves her and that it should be him cue it cold beam me by Billy Ray Cyrus blasting all over the hall then Jeff goes up and gets on one knee and asks Katy to dance with him and be his wife she slaps him ray loses his shirt and gets in a fight cops got called wedding ruined i nope the [ __ ] back to the hotel with my so and let them all figure it out on their own they are divorced now I officiated a wedding where the groom's best man was a work associate at the reception they were doing toasts and the best man gets up and tells stories about how he thought the groom was really gay I think he thought it would be hilarious but no one thought it funny especially the bride when he was done the bride's dad stood up and said Patrick needs a new best man any takers folks avoided the guy like the plague for the rest of the night from the last time this was posted my ex stepmum was getting married to my cousin I really like my cousin and my ex stepmum is one of the worst people I know so I tried to talk him out of it but he was committed they said their vows and everything but when the pastor asked if anyone objected I stirred up I talked about how terrible of a person my ex stepmom was and how she was tricking my cousin I practically begged him not to marry her but he wouldn't even look at me after a minute of me talking I realized that everyone else in the room was actively hating me so I left they are still married to this day five years next Thursday they seemed to be genuinely happy I'm starting to wonder if I just had the wrong idea about my ex Stedman I go over to their house sometimes and eat dinner my dad Marian his third wife my step-brother and I were in the wedding party he was about six I was 10 the preacher asks if anyone objects and my brother raises his hand so very politely my dad asks why and my step-brother replies because I want you to promise to take me fishing whenever I want first I was away too for a venue that had a lot of weddings we typically watch the wedding ourselves from the second floor and waited for everyone to come up for the reception a guest for the wedding arrived a few hours early so he sat in the restaurant and had a few too many drinks he yelled don't [ __ ] do it bride's name here he's an [ __ ] there was the typical gasped by the crowd then it was just silence as people from the bar not part of the wedding but the bar was outside on the same floor escorted him out I really want to know what happened I was at a college buddy's wedding when a drunken childhood friend of the bride tried to stand up and profess his love for her the bride's father immediately stood up and tried to haul off said drunken guy by the air except he was so pissed he pulled too hard and partially severed the guy's ear I was also pretty tipsy and laughed a little too hard when the dude screamed like a small girl that I was not the only one a few people even applauded when I was a very young lad I attended a wedding in which a man stood up at the point of objection and exclaimed you forgot the bread knife for the next 15 years my brother and I were convinced that it was wedding tradition to have a bread knife and forgetting it was a mortal sin turns out the guy was just nuts my best friend calls me up out of the blue one day and asks me if I can travel the upcoming weekend to his place from PHX to the mountains of northern ours he says he finally popped the question to his GF of five years and mother of his two kids and they are just gonna have a small impromptu get-together of friends and family to seal the deal so I drive three hours and show up to his huge family on his long and has nowhere in sight I find him and he's trying to hide the fact that he is [ __ ] shook up dig a little deeper and find he hasn't seen the bride in two days and he thinks she's not gonna show she's not coming will his exact words I calm him down with a couple shots of patron and assure him she just wants to make a dramatic entrance she never shows bride's mother shows up finally and tells my buddy in private that she took off to Phoenix and has been at a nexus for the last couple days he announces weddings off to the 30 or so people there and being the dopest Mexican family they are we leave and party and pinnate of the [ __ ] out of the rest of the night anyway and blame cold feet she doesn't come back for two months leaves him with his painting business and the kids to take care of then he calls me up and says it's back on she needed to get some [ __ ] out of her system objection made by yours truly the only thing she needed to get out of her system was her exes come out of her skanky [ __ ] I couldn't be there so I just talked [ __ ] to her Elle endlessly online anytime she posted anything there I was reminding her that she's the biggest [ __ ] filled [ __ ] on earth for doing that to the best guy I know they did get married and she eventually blocked me and their marriage lasted about four more months I still have dreams about throat punching her and having the jury say at my assault trial not guilty [ __ ] had it coming seriously though violence against ladies is bad any violence against anyone for that matter but damn it world felt good stay in school don't miss the halfpipe kids had a friend object at my first wedding he came right up to the altar spouting off about all my shortcomings myself and my groomsmen all leveled our guns at him but he just wouldn't shut up so we fired he lay in a heap on the ground for the rest of the ceremony mind you this was all planned it was a purity rena-san see wedding and the guns were black-powder sands the shot of Cour we all played our parts a bit too well though a few of the more gullible guests thought there'd been alleged murder at the wedding at first it was awesome I was tempted to speak up as I knew the bride wasn't really that into the groom it was a weird Baptist semi arranged marriage thing needless to say the bride was a bit of a wild child so I didn't see a marriage to a minister lasting I said nothing though and made an excuse to leave in a hurry anyway the wheels started to come off during the honeymoon and she ended up sleeping with his brother who was the black sheep of the family and who had only returned for the wedding cool guy they ended up having a kid together I wasn't born yet but it is a funny family story I have a very large extended family mum has six brothers and three sisters when uncle see the fourth son got married it was fairly obvious that most of his siblings didn't care for his wife-to-be the day before the wedding uncle si got hurt at work sliced open his hand and needed a lot of stitches he was given very strong painkillers during the ceremony uncle si was high on painkillers and started to feel light-headed while in the middle of saying their vows he began to wander offstage and my uncle l stood up and began cheering uncle l then shouted at a boy si l's wife pulled him back into the pew and shushed him later in the ceremony uncle si and his wife were kneeling in the church doing some prayer thing as uncle si was facing away from the guests everyone could see the bottoms of his shoes one of my uncle's had painted helped me on the soles of his dress shoes when I married my th one of my closest friends was in seminary I asked her to stand up for me and bless our marriage during the ceremony although I'm not particularly religious my husband is and I thought it would be meaningful for my dear friend to lend her blessing to our marriage she acted thrilled to do so and did a lovely job at the ceremony then at the reception she cornered my new husband and scolded him for marrying me him that since he's a Christian and I'm not we were unequally yoked and in the eyes of the Lord should not have married she then informed him that it was his job as the head of the family to bring me to Christ I happened to walk up to them just as she finished admonishing him he was sheet white but I didn't learn the full extent of the conversation until later I ended the friendship obviously at which point she tried giving me one of those I'm sorry if you were offended apologies I don't miss her my grandfather humorously objected to my parents marrying despite having given them his blessing he held up a photo of my dad with two black eyes a bleeding cheek and a muddy face University rugby game and asked the wedding crowd would you let this man marry your daughter everyone laughed and said no he has later us kids still hear the story at family gatherings 20 years on when my granddad moved dad mailed the new neighbourhood photos of my 70 yo grandfather with pink dyed hair with the caption would you let this man live in your neighborhood we didn't find out till weeks later and that's how I learned that revenge is a dish best served cold it's not quite five minutes after the objection but oh well [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 1,763,172
Rating: 4.9425049 out of 5
Keywords: wedding objection, wedding objections, objection, objections, after, wedding, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ToadFilms, pewdiepie
Id: mJnNQvtKgEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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