Worst Wedding Speech Ever Instantly Ruined Expensive Wedding - Askreddit Wedding Disaster

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ass credit what are your worst wedding speech stories oh can I please tell of the worst father of the bride speech instead father and mother of the bride went up and talked for 10 minutes about how excited they were for grandchildren bride you are so successful with your many degrees but your greatest success is about to come being the mother to our grandchildren we cannot wait for you to start you are so beautiful but we need grandchildren and we have been waiting so long they seriously said it no less than 20 times then one of the groomsmen jokingly said math sounds like you got a start tonight to the groom and the moth goes into the microphone yes groom you have one job tonight do it well they were super religious - so it was extra uncomfortable after the awkward ceremony about giving your body to your husband and all that noise I was so embarrassed for them it wasn't a best man speech but father of the bride the father of bride is singing the groom's virtues how wonderful the couple is how happy he makes his daughter yeah the yada yada and then finishes it with and you're like the son I've always wanted yeah his actual son was sitting front and center all I could think of was ouch that poor son nice to know where you stand in your father's eyes hope he's not the one to pick the nursing home went to a wedding last year where the best man joked multiple times in the speech that he was annoyed that the wedding was on his birthday it was obvious he wasn't joking and it was kinda awkward then when he got to the funny part of the speech he referenced an inside joke that literally involved a gay org that ended up requiring ambulance assistance and a broken wrist he didn't mention these details out loud but everyone that knew the story was horrified that he was referencing it which was really obvious this resulted in everyone asking everyone afterwards what the story was about so the story spread around the entire Catholic wedding party stupid thing was neither the bride nor groom were involved in that story in any way he'd literally included it just as a shock factor because he knew he was at a Catholic wedding and that it would get a reaction everyone ended up avoiding him because obviously he's a bit of a nutter and the bride was fuming I know the bride really well myself and she told me that apparently he'd been cut off by the groom and they are no longer friends not a best man speech but our maid of honor speech bride had chosen her sister and cousin to be maids of honor they began the speech recounting childhood memories of ignoring bullying teasing and generally hating the bride they said bride was so nerdy and such a goody two-shoes they never wanted to play with her they told a story about how during sleepovers together they would kick each other under the blankets as a sort of secret language so that bride wouldn't know they were talking about her they said finally one day they were all decorating rocks bride cried and wrote on one we should all be nice to each other did they finally turn the speech around and talk about how much they loved bride and how sorry they were for bullying her nope they talked about how when bride asked her sister to meet groom for the first time the sister said it better be worth it because she didn't feel like driving an hour out of the way also talked about how suspicious they were of him the end it was like watching a train wreck I felt so bad for the bride the cherry on top the maids of honour posted pictures on Instagram the next day calling the bride an ugly duckling my husband's best man started off by bemoaning how he could no longer manipulate his friend my husband into doing whatever he wanted then transitioned over to the topic of my husband's to former failed engagements and brought it home by trash-talking one of the exes specifically my uncle at the next table leaned over and whispered uhm where's this going thankfully he wrapped up pretty quick and managed a nice many happy years to you both at the end not best man but the main character the bride's grandfather talked about his successes how much money he's donated how his son is a doctor another is a successful business owner the other is a chiropractor basically the whole speech was about him and how successful he is then he asked his one grandson to stand up and shamed him for being a musician there was absolutely nothing about the bride and the groom absolutely cringe-worthy so the best man walks up and takes the MiG and just starts with I don't have anything written but I don't think I need anything he then starts and talks for at least 20 minutes I don't know when the person next to me started timing and talks about how he met them how he set them up on their first date starts explaining inside jokes talks about how he actually followed them on their first date and was watching them from afar it just keeps going on and on he keeps talking about how much the bride means to him almost never mentioned the groom we are all waiting for him to just confess his love as he's standing in the middle of the room crying into the make my niece's wedding a couple weeks ago her husband is amazing you know those people with wild families and you're like how the hell are you so normal yeah anyway best man older brother you could tell that brother was pretty upset the whole day wasn't about him when his speech came it went along the lines of growing up I always had my best friend with me we were partners in crime we were always together first beers first girlfriends first heartbreaks and even when I lost my virginity there was groom in the corner with a camera up what so inappropriate Oh awesome here's a question I can answer I just witnessed this happen less than two weeks ago huge wedding two hundred and fifty plus guests best man brother of the groom is a well-known party animal he was obviously faced and was making a very drawn-out speech I was mostly tuning him out when I heard him say I never thought I would see my brother up here putting a ring on another woman's finger everyone was dead silent the groom's previous ex-girlfriend ended herself a few years prior he has a tattoo that says the exes name and our IP which the bride insisted that he get removed before the wedding very awkward moment for the best man to bring that up my ex got completely smashed beforehand knowing he was giving a speech and not wanting to take the time to write one out when I told him he probably should a week before this he didn't write any thing for our vows either even though he specifically said he would the guy he was groomsmen to was his childhood best friend so I thought he'd for sure I'd something for him anyway he stood up and said hi I'm his name here and I'm an alcoholic wait wrong place of course everyone laughed even I did at first until he started slurring his words that were obviously coming straight out of him he started talking about love blossoming and the bride being pretty like a flower coming out of the ground etcetera etcetera but it didn't make any sense I can only explain this after making him elaborate later I scanned the room from the bride to her parents and his other childhood friend who was recording this mess laughing and cheering him on to prove this point this ex of mine also got wasted at that friend's wedding that recorded this speech in the hotel room the guys were getting ready in before the ceremony they let me hang out since I didn't know anyone on the bride's side my ex made a joke about being almost positive the groom was gay and when he proposed to a woman he was confused this was while the camera crew was recording special things for the bride and groom to look back on this enticed the other groomsmen to join in on the joke it was very uncomfortable thankfully he wasn't asked to give a speech at that wedding I feel like my toast at my sister's wedding would fit in here she told me about it when she first started planning and then never mentioned it again she expected me to remember almost a year later and have planned something I wasn't the maid of honor just a bridesmaid and was responsible for keeping her calm throughout the day and being the keeper of the flask so naturally I was a little drunk food hadn't come out yet and being in the wedding party meant that I had missed cocktail hour and canapes we just sat at our table in the speeches started slowly the mick got closer as each person said their toast I looked down at the program and to my horror see my name listed in the toasts panic set in what the hell was I going to say I could feel my heart racing making my head spin the room in my stomach dancing to the beat finally I decide I will talk about how my sister thought her husband was going to propose a week before he did and she described how she dreamed it would go and how he knew her so well that he absolutely mailed it yes this will work she's told me so many times I could recite it in my sleep the mick is now just one person away I can feel the anxiety welling in me like I'm being bathed in fire at first I can hardly focus on what they are saying my heart is so loud and it's taking everything I have to not look panicked then something catches my air the person before me tells the exact story I was about to tell perfectly cadenced and rehearsed crying tears of joy and fanning her face now I can't contain it I start to cry hoping it looks like tears of joy when in reality I am about to stand up and commit verbal suicide in front of basically everyone I know she finishes her speech and turns to hand me the mick I try to say come back to me but they insist my inner monologue is a chorus of your doing it i mumble something barely audible about how they are wonderful deserve each other and will always see each other through the good times and the bad before I basically throw the mick at the next person as if it were burning my skin and sit down for some reason I felt compelled to look up into the room maybe I was looking for moral support or maybe it was the deafening silence what I found were a bunch of people waiting for me to say chairs so we could toast all staring at me with their mouths opening confusion it had to be one of the worst moments of my life the next person just did it for me with the man well cheers to that and moved on with their story and everyone welcomed the chance to move on - I was at a wedding when the best man concluded his speech saying as you might know I'm here with my wonderful girlfriend we've been together for five years now and well I've had a few drinks that I hope you will indulge me if I ask her a very special question all this time he's been reaching into his pocket and I could see from his girlfriend's face she genuinely believed he was working up to a proposal he then pulls his car keys out of his pocket and says I'm a bit wasted love can you drive me home the girlfriend walks out of the room the guests are in uproar the guys are all in hysterics and the women are all horrified quite a night at my brother's wedding his wife's sister had to give a speech she had an hour-long speech about how she always loved my brother how God told her that she was supposed to marry him that a sister the bride was a witch and that she could now only wait till the divorce so my brother could marry her awkward silence ensued I was best man at my brother's wedding this summer I rehearsed the hell out of the toast I was giving at one point during the speech as I was complimenting the bride I was supposed to say yes he's able to laugh at the small things in life and she doesn't take anything too seriously instead I forgot my lines and said something like she's able to laugh at the small things in life which may come in handy later on everyone started laughing and I couldn't tell whether or not it was at me or with me or why not until later when somebody said great joke man even delivered it with a serious face at my buddy's wedding his brother / best man got up to give the toast tapped his fork against his glass everyone went silent he grabbed the make stood up and said first I want to thank all of you for coming out today that really means a lot to all of us they say a best man speeches and supposed to last longer than the groom cannon bed looks like I've overrun my time and sits back down like my friend did this once it did not go over well there was maybe one laugh in the crowd and he awkwardly stumbled on do not do this here is what I saw firsthand speech where the best man kept making jokes about the bride and her family being chaps white trash he refused to accept that he wasn't funny in the UK if the joke isn't funny most people blame the other person for not getting it an hour also later a few guys from the wife's side beat the crap out of him in the smoking area outside speech where the best man told inappropriate stories about other girlfriends the groom had bride actually started cry best man kept going thinking that it was also witty speech where every other line was a jab about how the bride dated one of the other groomsmen years earlier started off okay got really vicious as it kept going countless others involving sleazy cheap shots about how the bride looked in every case the atmosphere for the rest of reception always was reduced to uncomfortable small talk and people leaving early best man spent the entire speech talking in depth about the groom's ex-girlfriend who had broken his heart several years before talking about the big Thailand trip the boys had taken after said heartbreak hinting at all that I late as they visited talking about all the clubbing they'd done after said Thai trip discussing how he'd assumed the bride would just be a one-night stand since they'd met while clubbing insinuating how he'd assumed the bride would be a total gold digger because of her background discussing how the bride's family was actually quite wealthy and so his boy the groom was the real gold digger in their relationship not saying anything about the bride other than yay she turned out to be independently wealthy or other come from a wealthy family herself just generally making a lot of strange comments about women based on their backgrounds it was a super uncomfortable speech everyone at our table was exchanging bewildered glances extremely fortunately for him the bride was super chill about it and did not care throw away for obvious reasons I got married last Saturday hooray for me my sister was my maid of honor during her speech she brought up her depression and how my husband supported her through it and how in that moment I knew he was the one for throw away so cliche I thought her speech was really selfish I think it's super inappropriate to bring up a mental illness during a wedding speech not only that but the entire speech was about her at my wedding 90% of the guests congratulated her afterwards and talked about how strong she was nobody was paying attention to me at my own wedding sorry if I sound selfish but immer there is a time and a place for this sort of thing so after the guests all greeted I asked her to leave and told her she was being disruptive and selfish she was really upset but just left without arguing my parents agree with me but my husband and all of my close friends think I was way too harsh but my friend's wedding one of her friends ended up proposing to his girlfriend best way to take attention from the bride and groom and put it on to yourself keine ruined the bride's day I don't know whether it's better or worse that I was at a wedding where the bride's family was trying to get one of the other daughters boyfriend to propose things like making jokes in the wedding speeches about the next wedding wink wink making a human wall so that their daughter could catch the bouquet trying to get them to dance before the first dance had concluded stuff like that it was obvious both the bride and the boyfriend were mortified that her family thought this was acceptable I've seen a few terrible guests before one at my own wedding included but the worst was a woman at my cousin's the bride's wedding just this year the woman was a plus one that came with one of the groom's family not in a relationship with them just a friend and as far as I know didn't know the happy couple very well it started off in the church she cried quite loudly to the point people were actually turning to look at her after the actual ceremony we were informed that she was widowed early last year fair enough though I did wonder why she put herself in such a highly emotional situation for people she barely knew raged to their own then came the dinner rather tipsy from the pre-dinner cocktails whilst the wedding party did their photos she stood up to make her own speech the wedding itself was a fairly relaxed affair so although a little odd no one stopped her she tearfully wished the bride and groom all the best because you never know when you can be ripped apart from the one you love first dance for the bride and groom was cut short as the song reminded the widow of her duly departed father-daughter dance also caused a scene because her daughter would never be able to do that with her father generally it just brought the whole mood crashing down and it felt like we were all treading on eggshells she stole attention from the couples big day and got a ton of sin see from all the guests I felt for her losing her husband had to have been awful that she essentially ruined someone's wedding and no one was going to be the one to call her out on it [Music]
Channel: ASK GURU
Views: 109,089
Rating: 4.8511982 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, r/askreddit, askreddit stories, askreddit women, askwomen, askreddit girls, reddit girls, reddit women, askreddit wedding, askreddit wedding ruined, worst wedding, wedding speech, worst wedding speech, expensive wedding, wedding ruined, wedding destroyed, bride
Id: 16whgSMcbo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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