People REALIZE Why That ONE Girl RUINED The WEDDING (r/AskReddit)

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ah slashes credit what did that [ __ ] do at your wedding soon-to-be mother-in-law doesn't show up to the wedding course she hates her soon-to-be son-in-law reasons still unknown years later that she damn sure showed up to the reception for the free food and open bar I forgot this happened to me we'll never received texts the groom the day of that she is coming showed up right as the ceremony was starting we thought she wouldn't show at all by that point and at the restaurant reception she ordered her food with the request that it be brought out quicker than everyone else's so she could eat it and catch a flight in two hours for her vacation her ex-husband best Phil ever made it clear that he would leave his card and no one else should try to pay for the meal mill literally said oh I'm such a dine and dash getting this big meal paid for by Phil before my flight she gobbled up her steak and potatoes and left before we could even place our orders for reference between good and evil Phil wasn't even there to hear that comment because he had to take his new wife awesome bonus mil to the hospital because she broke her ankle helping me get ready that morning that lady planned organized executed the entire wedding while having a hairline fracture and she did not complain once it took her from 10 a.m. until the 7:00 p.m. reception to call it quits and go to the hospital Phil still insisted on going to the restaurant and leaving his card there is still good in the world my sister's wedding was a bit over-the-top but beautiful castle south of France need i say more she had this group of friend who all put some money in an envelope as a present one girl the new girlfriend of one of the boys said something like I don't have a lot to give and feel embarrassed to put my participation in front of you so she took the envelope in the loo and added her money there away from judging eyes yep you guessed it she took more than 500 euros from the envelope they only find out when one of those friends asks weeks later if the newlyweds had enjoyed the 1,000 euros during honeymoon the girls excuse was that she was planning her own wedding and could just afford a city hall affair and it was so unfair my sister had such a great venue I'm personally quite immune to princess wedding day but stealing money at her wedding is so so wrong I think the girl ended up as a bit of a castaway my sister's marriage didn't last anyway so I don't know what happened to her group of friends but I often think of this girl and imagine her as one of life's constantly unhappy and envious my mother my so and I ended up doing a courthouse type marriage did the papers found someone to marry us went to her office to do it the only people there were my ex stepdad I call him bonus dad mom aunt uncle and grandmother my mom was my maid of honor bonus dad was my so's best man right in the middle of our fails my mom breaks down sobbing interrupting everything the [ __ ] is obviously trying to get the attention on her since she can't seem to stand not be in the middle of everything we try to continue over her sobbing but only starts crying louder my arms being the amazing person she is grab the ring from my mom pushed her towards my uncle him pretty much dragged her outside aren't quickly announced she's our maid of honor now which I was completely fine with in the vows carried on after signing everything we go out to get to the car and my mom is just furious at me for letting your arms do that I just ignored her and went to the car on the upside when we were saying our fouls bonus dad started tearing up it made me happy because it was super unlike him kind of guy who never says I love you because that's just him ex first sergeant served from 1972 to 2007 manly man I love you bonus dad [ __ ] you mom after the ceremony we were taking group pics with both families after a couple of pictures my mother-in-law starts walking around loudly proclaiming can we get a picture with just that close family please my husband and I were like sure but then she kept saying it over and over again until finally I realized she wanted a pig without me in it but was just being passive-aggressive about it so finally I'm like do you want me to move and she's like yeah that would be great I've been meaning to get some family pics done and this is the perfect location continues to get a million pics of her she's my husband Stedman her kids and their families and my husband and his brothers while I'm just standing off to the side awkwardly then come Christmas she has the audacity to send my parents a Christmas card using one of the pics of just them from the wedding with a little from our family to yours line this on top of the million other things she's done to be awful I cannot stand this woman maid of honor at my wedding the ceremony went off without any problems and she was actually a huge help with setting everything up and organizing most of the day during the cocktail hour afterwards she gets absolutely smashed and then punches her boyfriend in the face then somehow convinces him he has been kicked out and has to leave I spoke to the owner and the bartenders and told them not to serve her any more alcohol at this point but they didn't think it was an issue yet as soon as her boyfriend is out of the parking lot she drags one of my groomsmen to bathroom and gives his skinnfloot a thorough cleaning manages to get more drunk because she was tipping the bartender a lot she then stumbles onto dance floor during my wife's dance with her father I managed to stop her before any wheel interruption happens to the dance but she then tries to kiss me in front of everyone I kind of push slash drop her and she hits the floor like I've shot out both her kneecaps and starts crying hysterically my mother-in-law runs over and drags this stupid [ __ ] out of the reception hall all the while she is shrieking like a banshee because I threw her to the ground everything is good for around two hours while the trash burn of Honor is nowhere to be seen until the owner of the golf course taps me on the shoulder and asks to speak to me outside in private I go outside and see her boyfriend has turned who I didn't mind seeing there because I actually liked him but his face is panicked and he just starts apologizing for something I was pretty drunk so it took me a few seconds to realize that our marks all over the ninth green leading up to the golf cart about 90% submerged in the pond ride beside the green wasn't too concerned about a dumbass but unfortunately she was still alive and thrashing around trying to get out of the pond I just laughed and told the owner I wasn't paying a single cent for any damages I told them to stop serving her hours previous and to call the police and have her charged for destroying the green and driving the cart into the pond surprisingly he was very understanding of my point of view and we worked together to get everything sorted out she ended up owing him just over 15 grand eight or nine for the cart and the rest was to fix the green and lost wages for him not being able to offer people a full 18 holes of golf her parents just paid for all of it and she is currently on a soul-searching adventure in Asia despite all this my wedding was still the most amazing day of my life and my wife actually thought most of what happened was pretty funny in a Jerry Springer dumpster donkey kind of way I'm just glad my wife's day wasn't ruined by it and my best friend mushy blue has one hell of a story for all of his friends about my wedding I have a couple unfortunately my first marriage didn't go very well at the wedding I had a rented tux on and I asked my new wife not to smear cake on me when we cut the cake because of that of course when the time came it wasn't just a cute smear of frosting or something like you'd see at most weddings oh no she full-on plastered me with cake and and a mess of frosting and food coloring I don't know what was worse being angry and hurt and embarrassed when the whole room was watching or when people were pulling me aside later and apologizing for it when her and her parents were still laughing and making jokes about it a couple of hours later I thankfully remarried a great person here later and we had a small ceremony that was really very nice our photographer was taking pictures afterward before we were heading to the reception and I had been talking to my dad when he started so he just took our picture together first my mom being who she is was incensed by not being first to get her picture taken when she wanted and proceeded to throw a fit and leave my parents had been divorced for at least a decade or so prior to this maybe a couple of minutes later we were all lining up and getting family together for pictures and when I couldn't find my mom I learned that she'd stormed off and left on what would otherwise be one of the best days of my life there'll always be that storm cloud of pettiness that she left behind because she couldn't handle putting one of her kids ahead of herself for ten minutes worth of time my ex-fiance from many years prior whom I was still friends with for some reason texted me multiple times throughout the wedding that I saw afterward about how his wife had sprained her ankle and was in the ER so they might be late when I didn't reply because it was my wedding day and I was getting married he started texting the wedding party to confirm that I had received the message shortly before the reception began he texted the wedding party that he was going to drop his wife off at home and then come to the reception alone about twenty minutes into dinner I look up and what do I see but my ex-fiance walking into the ballroom looking around and then coming over and taking a seat at one of the head tables between two members of the wedding party that he knew he has a history of trying to get attention in weird ways so my husband and I just decided to ignore it and go on enjoying our day later that night at the little photo booth we had set up he repeatedly inserted himself into group pictures of my closest friends some of them hadn't been in the same room together in over four years it made no sense he barely knew a lot of them or had only met them a couple times now I have all these pictures of my closest friends all together I he's in every single one of them throughout the night and especially near the end he made a point of pulling my husband aside no less than three to four times and telling him how happy he was that we were together and how he had no hard feelings toward him related to us we broke up almost a decade ago after he left me for a woman he cheated on me with so that made absolutely no sense it just seemed like he couldn't stand not being involved more or that he wanted our relationship to be something it wasn't it was so weird and although my husband and I just joke about it now it did bother me at moments throughout that day by the time of our wedding my husband's 33 year old sister was still single and she hated that her younger brother was getting married first how did she deal with it by trying to sabotage my wedding the night before our wedding she got shit-faced and while ugly crying told my husband that it was supposed to be her wedding and it wasn't fair because she'd be able to plan a much better wedding on ours that would eventually prove to be false as she finally got her on-again off-again boyfriend to propose by giving him an ultimatum we had a small elegant outdoor wedding at a mountain lodge and my Syl convinced some family members on my husband's side that the dress code was casual so they showed up in jeans t-shirts and hoodies I was beyond upset with them for readily taking my sellsword without double-checking with us luckily my photographer was sensible enough to exclude them from the pictures as much as possible at our reception she went around complaining to our guests about how cheap our wedding was my husband's side is used to those typical church and banquet hall weddings and ours was way different but still it's rude to [ __ ] all over someone else's wedding at their wedding the lodge had a hot tub on the property and near the end of the night when people were starting to leave she changed into her bathing suit and chilled in the hot tub this was planned ahead of time because she thought to bring her bathing suit there my husband and I don't really talk to her any my sister's wedding ah relatives on my father's side are not the greatest just not really respectable people they are on the poorest side which isn't a problem but their attitude ease they think the world is them something my parents both grew up in poorer families but worked really hard and became pretty successful because of this my sister and I constantly got comments from our cousins that were just straight shitty constantly making us feel bad for being better off to combat this kids were not allowed only arms and uncles it bummed us out because one family on my dad's side is actually awesome but the rules stood because of the shitty ones so of course the worst of all our aunts brings her [ __ ] kids her two daughters share her bratty entitlement it was awful and now caused a rift with the family we like because their kids weren't welcome but they are another shitty aren't tried to make the entire event about her she was pissed that the guests of honor were my parents best friends and not family my grandmother introduced the best friends to everyone and when it got to that arms she stuck her nose up turned around and walked away the best friends cracked a joke as she walked away and everyone was laughing at her which was nice well I have free shitty aunts and they basically tried to destroy the evening now my family makes themselves busy during holidays my sister lives in another state my parents leave a few days before Thanksgiving to go to their summer home and don't return until after New Year's that leads me alone to make excuses why I'm not attending their holiday parties my sister's wedding the groom's grandma and female cousins parents are deceased wipe their feet on my sister's dress trained during pictures then stole all the bottles of wine Ladd had the labels customized to read the wedding vows of the groom's parents then proceeded to bring back hard liquor do shots and grind on the DJ while he was playing bass booming hip-hop that my sister and her husband explicitly said they didn't want after those shenanigans they also threatened to physically assault my sister and my mother edit my sister didn't confront them because she didn't want to give them the pleasure of seeing her hurt or angry on her wedding day the groom is no contact with his cousins and lo contact with his grandparents my sister hasn't seen any of them since the wedding the grandma wasn't doing any grinding but the groom found out later that she orchestrated the whole thieving of the wine bottles which occurred while my mom and sisters stepped away after the ceremony because of a woman who was going to perform was dying in hospice and we needed to say goodbye my sister is white my bill is black and I don't think his family is racist I just don't think they liked my sister we had a very small ceremony and a very intimate wedding dinner with our families my one of my closest friends invited herself I should have said no but I felt bad plus I had just recently told her she wasn't gonna be the maid of honor at my wedding reception which was couple months away so I thought maybe this would make up for it one extra person wouldn't hurt would it biggest [ __ ] mistake we had a long day and she started drinking early and could not control her alcohol I had asked her to keep my parents company since they are here from a different country and they don't speak a lot of English all she focused on was the many bottles of wine by the time we sat down for dinner she was slurring in the middle of dinner everybody was enjoying themselves she told my husband that he's taking me away from her and that she's mad at him because of it we laughed it off and I asked the server to limit her wine a little later she stayed at my parents who were having a good time leaned over to me and asked is your dad still cheating on your mom note my parents went through a rough patch couple years back and my mom insisted that my dad was not being honest with her there was no proof and to say my mom is dramatic is an understatement they got over it and still together now nevertheless there period of time was very difficult for me when she asked me that question I just stared at her blankly part of me was so embarrassed and worried that someone else may have heard what she said but more so had just brought back bad memories about my parents marriage on my own wedding it literally ruined my mood I was horrified I straight-out told her that it was inappropriate to mention that she was embarrassed so she kept drinking more and more she then started to call her boyfriend to come pick her up he immediately got annoyed at her because she has been drinking so much and hung up on her she proceeded to call him 38 times eventually sitting at the table crying on the phone while both my family sat there awkwardly not knowing what to do eventually her bf agreed to come get her I had to gather her stuff and walk her out she did not say bye oh thank you to anyone the cherry on top was that she realized how stupid she was and called me 10 times that night to try to talk to me on my wedding night this is a two-parter my grandmother made my sister late to her reception wanted to give her a large check as a gift but insisted that her and my sorry butt spineless grandpa give her that gift in private everyone left the house for the venue and an hour later my sister arrives apparently my grandmother essentially held her hostage with the damn thing and only gave it over after giving her a huge lecture and saying a bunch of sadly typical poisonous things the start of my sister's reception was no bride and then an upset bride putting on a strong show for people I know her well enough to know it when I see it the next part is worse my great grandmother didn't show up to the wedding or reception that star as you might imagine she only lived around an hour away but my grandmother had mentioned that my GG didn't want to make the trip we found out later that this was because my grandmother told her own mom that my sister didn't care if she made the trip or not so she stayed home for her run caring great-granddaughter wedding hurt all around not even the worst [ __ ] my grandmother's done in the last 15 years I want to love her with an of the belief that the world will be a better place when she's not in it anymore she's to consistently toxic to anyone naive enough to let her close and it makes me more sad than angry these days not my wedding it was my ex brother-in-law's his mother claimed to be a self-employed caterer and while she had worked in the industry in the past she had no actual business to speak of at the time she just had a normal domestic kitchen with no facilities to prepare or stole large amounts of food and a rather cavalier attitude to cleanliness she already had a very dodgy track record with her previous attempts after insisting on catering for my ex's 21 she had given a couple of people food poisoning and delivered a quiche with mold growing on its base she insisted on catering her son's wedding that he was refusing he knew that she couldn't possibly do a proper job of it and besides he wanted his mother at his wedding as a guest and not as paid help so she was told that a professional caterer was going to be employed on the big day everything was going well and while the caterer was setting up for the evening party the mother accosted me and asked me and my ex to run her home in my car when we got there she had prepared a whole load of food which she wanted to take to the party despite my protests stations she insisted so we loaded up a huge pot of curry a gigantic trifle and about half a dozen other plates of random food when we got back to the venue she asked us to unload it all and added to the paid catering I managed to grab the groom before we took anything in and he flipped apparently he and his bride had already had a big argument with her and insisted that they were not serving curry at their wedding whoever made it he sent my ex inside to keep his mother busy while we hauled the curry across to the other side of the carpark and poured it down a storm drain before throwing the pot in a builder skip we attracted the attention of a group of teenagers that hanging around on the carpark and he handed them the huge trifle and told them to get rid of it for him all of the smaller dishes send it up going inside including a rather odd looking cake with bright green icing she didn't notice that the Korean trifle were missing until it was time to eat we all pleaded ignorance and suggested that the real caterers had removed them or someone had stolen them when we left for the evening several of the cows and the venue windows were smeared with trifle courtesy of the gang of teams so we put the blame on them for sneaking in and stealing the food everybody who ate the we're looking green cake got food poisoning not my wedding that I was best man at my close friends wedding I'm from a small town where everybody knows everybody my ex was there because she was part of the same friend group as the bride groom and myself we dated in high school / first year off college when I broke it off she did not take it well at all never spoke to her or saw her again except for my occasional trips home from college fast forward five years to the wedding reception I had brought my femme K which at the time we had been dating for years my ex got unbelievably drunk she made out with anything she could get her hands on she was obviously trying to send me a message on more than one occasion I would be talking to a friend who she would grab from behind drag them off 15 feet and stick her tongue down their throat at this point she was slurring her words and stubbing my parents were also at the wedding when I started talking to my dad she came up from behind us before to drag off the person I was talking to not realizing it was my dad she spun him around and got halfway to his face with kissing lips before she got the deer in the headlights look I called later in the night on the dance floor she punched my mother in the stomach she did this without warning and without my mother even seeing it coming after that she was removed from the wedding and I heard she ended up puking outside I wasn't the one getting married here but a cousin of mine got married to a woman who is part of a very culturally in Si Rajan Tinian family the bride and groom always seemed really happy together though so it all was fine at the reception after everyone's been drinking a lot one of the bride's very very drunk sisters makes a speech she brings up some paper and unfolds it downwards to open it up then unfold sideways and upwards revealing it to be a large wrinkled sheet it was like a gag from a comedy movie which we all seemed to expect it to be in its intentions but no she then rambles for about 15 minutes even with her eyes pouring over prepared notes in front of her about how she didn't like the groom when she first met him how she was pretty sure the parents didn't like him either he switches between crying her eyes out and not crying at all multiple times as she unveils this story about the married couple meeting in a nightclub as teens how they'd become a couple until the groom realized his now bride had been underage so he called it off how they'd met years later when she was legal how much they fought and broke up with each other often one as recently as months before the wedding how she the sister now loved that they had a baby on the way and that she's proud of her sister being a mother I mean the whole thing was like something from a Vince Vaughn movie in any other context everything she said would have sounded like a speech she was giving to damn them both publicly but she said it all just as a mix of pride as a sister and stream-of-consciousness the entire occasion went from run-of-the-mill to awkward as [ __ ] with that one event thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
Channel: Slime King
Views: 127,190
Rating: 4.8904371 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Id: Xohq5FCLxyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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