Toxic Mother in Law Who Has Zero Respect - Worst MIL Askreddit Stories

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ass credit how do you deal with mother-in-law that has zero respect for you so dear husband had a bad fall yesterday and we ended up at the local emergency roof since his doctors are located in the same town as mother-in-law we decided to take him in first thing tomorrow in the hopes they can see him since there are a lot of issues and questions associated with his health issues we were just going to leave super early tomorrow morning but mother-in-law lost her mind when she found out dear husband fell and demanded we come today and stay with her so she can take care of her baby so we showed up this afternoon dear husband hung out with his brother for a while and then came in and wanted to watch some game in the living room I had been in the bedroom pretending to read so I didn't have to talk to mother-in-law but dear husband asked if I wanted to watch the game with him no I didn't but I was certain this was code for I'm already scared to death that I'm dying and now it might be quicker and with more issues than anticipated so will you please come sit with me and silently ease my mind so I decided to suck it off because I love my husband more than I hate football so dear husband sits on one end of the couch and I asked him if he wants a drink he does so I go into the kitchen to make him a nice water and Mia sweetie when I walk back into the living room mother-in-law is now sitting in between the middle and other side of the couch with a throw pillows around her so that there's no place for me to sit ok whatever you can sit next to him mother-in-law but he sleeps next to me I end up in the armchair across from them about 10 minutes into the game dear husband is snoring with his arm and hand resting on a stack of throw pillows great I can leave and go back to pretending to read before mother-in-law decides to start talking to me I go to stand up but something catches my eye mother-in-law is holding hands with dear husband so I SID my fat happy butt back down and see just how long this goes on for the answer is 47 minutes which is how long I was keeping time until dear husband woke earth at that point he moved his hand away from her and shot me a WTF law I just smiled and got up to go to the bedroom when he came to bed I asked him how his date went and he asked me what the hell happened I told him he fell asleep and I noticed she was holding his hand at one point she was even rubbing the top of his hand caressing it he literally looked at me and said oh I actually kind of feel a little sorry for mother-in-law dear husband is her oldest and she suffered a few miscarriages before him she calls both of her kids miracle babies this fall really has asked concerned because it could mean a number of things none of them good the best thing we can hope for is it was just a fluke that the he'd got two dear husband and it's not anything as Waris must block edges in his legs or further issues with his heart hopefully we'll have answers tomorrow all right so my husband 31 year old male our son five months and me 27 years old female were at my in-laws everything went well until the afternoon I fed my son and made him sleep after this I went out to the others son is like a little sticker he needs to be in someone's arms 24 over 7 so I got myself a glass of water while I hold my sleeping son husband came and asked if I want him to take away and hug our sleeping baby while I rest so I said okay and I gave him son after a few minutes the baby started crying and I see him in mother-in-law's arms okay I waited a few minutes maybe she can help him go back to sleep but instead she started to shake the baby's loud toys in front of his crying face I told her that the baby is sleepy husband knew but said nothing she did not listen to me and tried to play with the crying baby then I snapped I just became angry grabbed my son dressed him up and I was ready to leave while I told everyone an extremely angry and douche why voice that son is very tired I admit I was so angry I had no filters and I was very nasty a few days later husband and mother-in-law was met in town while I was home with son when he came home he told me mother-in-law's theory they bought some clothes for son and mother-in-law told husbands she sure I missed beat him and our baby - and she scared husband told her that I'm very tired and son is our first so we are all learning right now I was shocked husband told me that his mom just wants the best for all of us I'm not so sure about that okay my wedding happened and she came not only that she object to the marriage let's start this because I'm still mad and I'm back from the honeymoon my wedding day it was a beautiful day I have on my black wedding dress and did a first look he cried and he kisses me Nick and his groomsmen were at the altar waiting for the music anthem lights wedding medley the aisle walk was beautiful and I noticed evil mother-in-law in the crowd wearing white dress I just kept calm and just look at Nick we actually did the valves from corpse bride and when the person doing the wedding asked if anyone objects she runs up and held my husband she prayed that he'll leave me in guilhom I was shocked and she tried to drag him away evil mother-in-law you don't love her it was a phase come home and Geo back to church we'll find better Nick mom don't you see that I love her and she's carrying your grandchild she's not a demon she's so amazing she pulled me out of depression she brought the light to me when I was afraid to leave the darkness why can't you see that if it wasn't for her I think I be dead because no one else in the world understands me like she does evil mother-in-law depression is just in your head she's carrying a demon child God will save you Nick leave just Gio and leave us alone point you are not welcome in our lives till you accept her you'll never see your first grandchild till you do evil mother-in-law you can't do that she left and the wedding went on as planned the reception venue was beautiful and food was amazing the photographer caught beautiful pictures I married my soul mate and best friend honestly sorry it wasn't exciting and short that she won't be around for a long time maybe she might accept us all of her life not knowing her grandchild it's on her okay so down to business the in-laws came down for Thanksgiving in to visit dear daughter since they haven't seen her since she was born and she's now going on nine months old I haven't kept her from them they move further away and couldn't / chose not to visit at first things were going okay but then the forts along it turned into constant criticisms of how we are parenting her that I'm smothering her etc because if she gets hurt and is screaming her little head off and bawling I pick her up or if she's clearly distressed / overwhelmed I pick her up and take her to the bedroom to calm down I'm supposedly not giving her enough table food blah blah blah so they kept giving her tastes of things leading to her having really intense belly pain and screaming and screaming for more than half the night after they did that wouldn't you know it after that they could giving her tastes of food and she was fine I roll well come to find out every time I was gone mother-in-law was whispering to dear husband about things that she thought I was doing wrong with the baby trying to get him to rethink being with me without directly saying it and she does this every time they talk dear husband has no idea why she keeps doing this as I hold down the home while he's at work I do all of the cooking and going to the store I take care of the baby and I'm in school full-time well what really tore me up was her saying that I need to quit coddling the baby because she doesn't want dear daughter to be insecure like her mother me I was furious as he told me that she said this but I told dear husband it's not my place to say something to her because if I did she'd never want to see me ever again I'm sure so I told him to take care of it but it didn't end up happening and now we are back to pretending that this isn't a thing she does it drives me insane he knows it's crappy of her to constantly be undermining me when it comes to dear daughter to always be making suggestions on how we should do things and to always be questioning his decisions when it comes to me / talking crap about me all the time but he says he doesn't want to stir a pot or burn any bridges because despite all of the crappy staff mother-in-law and father-in-law who help us out with getting things we need etcetera so I'm conflicted I don't know what to do anymore I feel so insignificant and less than when she's here because I know she's constantly talking bad about me behind my back background I've 29 years old female been with my so 31 year old male for 7 years and his mom mother and lawful simplicity has always been pretty demanding but things have gotten significantly worse since her elderly mother died a few years ago he has an unpredictable work schedule and has had to work a lot of holidays the last couple years and mother-in-law gets genuinely upset even if she still goes to the extended families get together and says the holiday is ruined or that she spent the whole day miserable and crying because he wasn't there even though he'll always go spent holiday time with her as soon as possible to make up for it she constantly complains to him that they don't spend enough quality time together sister-in-law hasn't has to deal with this on a day-to-day basis because she was living in another state returning a year ago she just got engaged and mother-in-law was immediately hurt because they called future brother-in-law's parents first with the news she was hurt when sister-in-law was picking a date for the wedding and mother-in-law told her not to have it on a certain day because a friend's son was getting married that day and mother-in-law wants to invite the friend mother-in-law told her that because of those incidents she feels like sister-in-law doesn't care enough to spend enough time with mother-in-law and like can't she have a good relationship with her own daughter etc etc so has tried telling his mom that being so dependent on her children for happiness isn't rational and that she can never be satisfied with what they do for her and he does a lot honestly they talk on the phone every couple days and he probably sees her weekly / bi-weekly on average mother-in-law gets very defensive and won't concede to being all over the top mainly I think she has a lot of grief that she hasn't dealt with and it's amplifying her neediness to a point where she's pushing her kids away with all this we think therapy will be hugely helpful in giving her away to work through this grief and have more reasonable expectations for her kids my Melissa fundamentalist Christian who pretends to like me but I know if I broke up with her son she would be more than overjoyed over the past 10 years she has said and done things that show her true colors myself and her ex pastor son are atheists his parents are relentless and creative in their tactics for us to return to the fold she has said some incredibly rude things about non-christians what she doesn't consider is this is one of the many reasons why we don't believe or participate okay so I don't like fruit pies big whoop this became a big deal to her when we first started dating she told my so she's not like us when he questioned her about it she told him it was because I don't like pie he basically rolled his eyes at her yah so for every birthday for six years she'd baked me an apple pie I'd politely choke down a piece and she would stand smiling her face off and then say oh right you don't like pie you shouldn't feel like you need to eat that for my benefit my saving grace is I'm a clean eater now over 60 pounds down and I don't eat sugar meat cow etc this has also created its own issue I'm very appreciative when we are invited for a meal even though I now have to bring my own food she will not stop putting marshmallows on the sweet potato sugar in the peas bacon fat in her salad dressing heaps of butter and sour cream in the potatoes and then complains to me she can't seem to get to the same weight as me she's got 30-plus years on me and every time she sees me she asks my current weight and when I tell her I don't know she'll pout and grumble under her breath about it just a quickie four-year enjoyment I'm still screaming over this one of my good friends is getting married on Saturday her rehearsal was last night as the venue is booked for a separate ceremony tonight so we are all at the venue getting ready to rehearse and the best man calls the groom he's having car trouble they still have like 30 minutes till they're rehearsing starts so groom goes to go pick him up while he's gone his parents arrived now I had heard some crap about what a witch this woman was but I generally kept my nose out I'm trying to live my best life and avoid negativity bride trying to be nice walks over to her future mother-in-law and says all smiles hi first name thanks so much for coming suddenly the wind picked up as the CBF changes the air pressure in the room the groom's mother says I would prefer you call me mrs. lastname father-in-law winces and I saw nothing else for a few moments as I was temporarily blinded by the bride spine and I'd prefer you weren't a raging witch but it looks like neither of us are getting what we want today the mill wailed about it to anyone who would listen until groom returned when he got back she latched on to him wailing about how rude the bride had been groom carefully pried her fingers off and said mom I've told you before bride won't start fights but she has my blessing to finish them so my boyfriend's mom future mother-in-law has some justnot behaviors for sure but he has a super shiny spine her behaviors for example she brought up his XVM k within five minutes of meeting me she brings up VX several times if she can in a conversation when I mentioned I was going on holiday with my mom sister and aunt and my boyfriend said he wanted to go with me in the future she glared at me and said no boyfriend a cursed son if taking me there you two cannot go before we go the destination could be quite romantic as a pair my boyfriend just rolled his eyes and shut her down if she wants to go out for the day she will ring her son's and ditch her husband akamai future father-in-law she will walk into my house March straight in shoes on despite us being screamed at as soon as my foot on her welcome mat she will then sit where I clearly was working from home and demand a cup of tea she was rarely invited or if she was would turn up an hour before my lunch break I did shut this down very quickly anyway this is a story of a tiny bit of success so earlier in the summer future mother-in-law was behaving and keeping her distance we were almost getting along which was good for boyfriend as it meant less stress for him now future mother-in-law is a sales rep for a beauty brand and sends out catalogs every month collects the orders and then delivers them I refused to buy anything from her as I do not want a financial relationship with this woman I have claimed that I break out with the makeup so it has provided a pass to and easier to push this brand away so my future father-in-law comes round to help put a TV on the wall and she has shoved the catalog in with his tools to give me to me I was not happy as this felt like she was just using our recently better relationship to get money as he left I then passed future father-in-law that catalog and said to him that I don't want anything from the brand as we have said before it was clearly unopened 30 minutes later boyfriend gets a text from his mum 'it is so rude she didn't even open it we do more than make up you know my boyfriend replied we have told you multiple times no so stop pushing the issue the answer will always be no she never replied I know it's only a minor success but I didn't give him anyways mother-in-law is a book of faces addict and will frequently post about me and future husband in third person that is talking about us not to us I will block her and never see her again after the wedding but I'm putting up with it for now she posted this huge rant the other day about kids these days and not respecting their elders it all came to a head that her son's theme K doesn't know what to call her and that she wishes I would call her mom but since I'm uncomfortable with that I need to start calling her mrs. last name because calling her by her first name as I have been doing is disrespectful first of all I'm never going to call that which mom even future husband calls her mother or by her first name law second if she finds being called by her first name so offensive why didn't she just tell me to my face instead of talk about me on social media also find 31 years old and she calls me by my first name I have my PhD and it's taking everything in me to not say good idea I'll call you mrs. her last name and you call me doctor my last name because you know respect blah blah blah also she posted again this morning that she is choosing not to be the evil mother-in-law because her eternal life is deeply invested in the quality of their children's offspring makes me want to throw up what does that even mean quality it's not like our future children are show dogs or something [Music]
Channel: ASK GURU
Views: 173,166
Rating: 4.8575344 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, r/askreddit, askreddit stories, askreddit women, askwomen, askreddit girls, reddit girls, reddit women, askreddit mil, askreddit mother in law, askreddit in laws, askreddit toxic family, worst mother in law stories, monster mother in law, toxic mother in law
Id: Uppb9wUHbyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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