Bachelor Parties That Got A Wedding Cancelled (r/AskReddit)

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people who have witnessed our there's not going to be a wedding moment following a bachelor / bachelorette party what went down one of my best friend's wedding was cancelled when he learned she slept with a stripper after her bachelorette party like three days after he is happily remarried now with the kid worst part was that it was a destination wedding / honeymoon and he couldn't get a refund so we all went anyway and he was super depressed the whole time his family was all there - obligatory not me I worked at a music venue in the Detroit area that was also a popular wedding reception location came into work one week in the fall when pretty much every weekend is booked solid with weddings and noticed Saturday was open no one shared old talked to the wedding planner she tells me the groom cancelled out talk to wedding planners younger brother who was our head bar back he tells me that the groom excited for the wedding left work at lunch on Friday bought a nice bottle of wine and headed home to surprise his bride-to-be except he was the one in for a surprise as he walked into his new house to hear sounds coming from their bedroom he walked in to find his bride in bed with another man his dad we tried to talk him into doing a big fuck-you party because we'd never fill the space and there was no refund but he declined a week before his wedding a friend of mine walked in on his dad having sex with his fee on K the next day in a fit of rage Lee trashed their room and in the process found explicit love letters between his recently married best friend and best man in her underwear drawer the letters were as recent as the past week the wedding was canceled whenever I ran into him at a bar I made sure he never had to buy his own drinks while the working the night before a wedding at a hotel the staff and I heard a loud scream from upstairs cue the bride screaming and sobbing shouting the wedding's off while storming out the place followed by the groom stark bollock naked covering his nether regions with his hands apologizing profusely turns out she caught the mother of the bride and the groom shagging safe to say we had an easy shift the next day as we didn't have a wedding to cater for my friend had been with his fiancee of eight years when she got pregnant fast forward eight months and we decide that because they are basically common-law married we need to throw him a bachelor party so we go to the nearest big city and he's abused by strippers and we are all quite drunk when he gets the call that his fiancee is in labor none of us is in any state to drive we end up calling a cab and paying over three hundred dollars to get him to the hospital as soon as possible my friend is stumble down drunk when he walks into the delivery room smelling like strippers with a dick drawn on his face and covered in glitter I was positive that was the end they've been married seven years and just had their second child last week my cousin runs a popular upscale marriage venue and always tells the story way better than this so here is a rough overview the groom's mom was a heavy drinker and got belligerent when she drank so understandably the bride wanted the groom to try to limit her drinking the afternoon before the wedding the bride arrives to Seagram's mom smashed with the groom himself giving her beers next thing my cousin knows she was there to oversee preparations the bride and groom are in a straight-up fistfight which leads to an anchorman style street fight between members of both families in the parking lot apparently they recently scheduled a new day for it I can't imagine the tension there I used to work at an upscale wedding venue two weeks before a huge expensive wedding the groom's father dies so they asked us to turn the wedding into a funeral instead they were a lovely couple and it was really awfully sad when it happened that I still used it as my go-to answer for describer time when you delivered outstanding customer service type questions in job interviews sorry sister of the groom chatted with the sister of the bride just casual conversation but it came to light that almost 100% of what the bride had said besides her name was a complete lie sister of the groom pulls him up and says he really needs to figure out if this is right a few fights and some long thinking later the groom leaves her and leaves town it got worse though turns out pretty much all the bride's friends had been lied to as well they all stopped talking to her there's a story that goes around I can't vouch for the truth of it or not call it an urban legend first of all if you've never been to a Jewish wedding the way it goes first they have the reception with the bride and groom and separate rooms then the ceremony then family goes away to sit for pictures while the guests sit down to eat then the bride and groom coming and the dancing starts in between the ceremony and the pictures though is what's called the it should which doesn't really translate but it approximately means isolation together the bride and groom lock themselves in a room and are observed by two reliable witnesses outside the door to have stayed there in long enough to have consummated the marriage although nobody actually does it there it's considered necklace this is what actually Sahlin eise's the marriage well one of three things the other two are signing a marriage contract called a kazoo bab and transfer of a piece of chattel property traditionally Eric though it can be other things from the groom to the bride so after the yet shirt the bride comes out and announces sorry everyone the wedding's off we'll be getting a divorce and we are returning all the gifts except for the bedroom set where I caught my new husband trying it out with my sister last week so there are far worse stories here in this very thread what makes this one noteworthy well think about this she knew about the episode before the wedding why'd she go through with it because under Jewish law if you've once been married to a woman even after divorcing her you aren't allowed to marry her sister at any time until your first wife has died by going through with the ceremony she in effect locked her sister out of ever being able to get together with her soon-to-be ex bachelor party in Vegas bachelor hooks up with a girl gives her his cell phone number so they can continue the party that night bride-to-be is sitting at home with the iPad getting all of the 'message --is from the girl she canceled the wedding that day I'm a musician work on an infamous street for drunken revelry and debauchery one night a bachelor party came in around the same time as a bachelorette party the show I work with does special things like funny songs for special events so I bring them both up at the same time to do something special in the middle of this on stage they start making out and they do not stop I finish my routine as best I can and get them off stage later as I'm looking around the audience my eye catches on them again they're in the back corner just going at it while their respective parties hang out up near the front of the stage and they are really getting into it hands down pants and up skirts at some point they disappear I take a break and head to the restroom it's locked I hear a woman screaming from within not moaning not saying screaming [ __ ] me harder I sit in the lounge area outside the bathroom for about 10 minutes the bachelor and bachelorette come out looking a bit disheveled but not too bad they see me and immediately want to chat for some reason people always want to get to know the musicians here there's curiously no guilt on them at all I have to piss like a racehorse but this is too good to pass up come to find out they both are getting married to other people but know each other from having lived in the same small town of about 5,000 all their lives they ran into each other for the first time since high school graduation at our bar and old feelings emerged that neither had ever attempted to act on they don't stay along and as they leave I hear the bachelors say I have my own room let's go there the rest of the party stays till the show is over partying hard and having fun possibly the best bachelor / bachelorette parties I've had usually bachelor parties get too drunk and bachelorette parties devolve into crying fits and arguments in a home I wind up seeing the bachelor and bachelorette together at a bar and out in the street every night for 4 nights always holding hands and or getting frisky they came back a little over a year later they got married here in our town to each other instead of who they were engaged to that fateful night most of their respective bachelor / bachelorette show up for the event with this story I always feel torn did I participate in the destruction of two relationships or did I facilitate the meeting of two soulmates not me or anyone I know personally but in Detroit there's an at radio show called Dave and Schaffer freak the show is pretty much what you expect dick and fart jokes mostly but they had a question to the listeners one morning on this exact topic the story went that the caller had gotten super drunk at his bachelor party and some of his groomsmen sodomized him with liquor bottles and took photos the caller had even stated that he brought this up to his fiancee and she basically said get over it and don't ruin my big day needless to say having this info out on the metro-detroit radio waves caused quite a backlash against the groomsmen and fiancee even ending in some kind of legal battle if I recall anyway the caller received very positive support from the community to cut it off with his fiancee there was even a trending hashtag on Twitter for awhile after friend invites me to his wedding he and fiance are fairly poor have lived together for years they are both semi disabled is his PTSD hers is physical and on fixed incomes and live in a somewhat expensive area they have free gift registries target masses Crate and Barrel and a huge invite list over 300 friend / family members all the stuff on the registries is standard stuff like towels coffee cups flatware etc anyway people fire out get ready for wedding two days before wedding his bachelor party and friend gets drunk and admits that she's not really his fiancee they are just roommates and they have no intention of getting married they just needed the stuff they're going to cancel a wedding tomorrow and keep all the gifts had to protect him from getting his ass kicked by about two dozen people then had to have a fiancee come clean to everyone since he was too hungover they ended up returning most of the gifts to people but a surprising number of people let them keep the gifts as his grandfather said if you needed these things that badly Tinley like this you must have been very desperate I had a buddy whose fiance slept with a male stripper at her bachelorette party he found out that wasn't totally irate about it they had a pretty open relationship and flirted all the time with other people anyways a couple days before their wedding he got drunk and slept with one of his fiance's friends he told her what he did and they both basically said truce and got married eight years later they are happy with two kids it's weird though cause the friend Betty banked still hangs out with all of us no one really talks about it true story man buddy's bachelor party bachelor got super wasted and the fog was shocked and did not know the well men had slashed polite young man marrying his daughter was in his eyes a raging alcoholic the bachelor got so drunk he began to let some secrets slip about his relationship with the bride the fog was a bit old-school in his thinking the bachelor let the following slip his daughter was basically living with him since junior year of college and her apartment in college was for shell for the fog even though he is drinking a lot his future wife can outdrink in two to one his future wife has cube tattoo on her inner thigh and that all his / her friends had seen it when they went skinny dipping at the fobs lake house we had a massive graduation party at his lake house when him and his wife were in Europe for two weeks the bride is into some kinky stuff that drew the line the FOB declared there would not be a wedding where has he gone wrong raising his daughters then he said his life is F asterisk cked he has four daughters total and this was his oldest and who he considered his best behaved after the wedding at the reception the new my whoops took forever to show up they were nearly an hour late when they did arrive they were arguing loudly the entire time they got introduced and we all clapped as per tradition and they sat down at the main table and a half sometime between the appetizer and the main course the argument started again the groom stormed off and girlfriend and I were nosy so we went to see what was up he ended up in the hotel lobby on his cellphone we thought nothing of it and we were about to go back when the wife shows up still obviously in her wedding dress and continues to ream him out now for the first time we can hear what the argument is about he had invited his ex to the wedding she showed up to the ceremony and that threw the bride off apparently also he had cheated on the new wife with the ex girlfriend several times with the last time being only about a month prior to the wedding additionally the ex / girlfriend / mistress was on her way to come pick up the new husband to take him away from the new bride course she was acting crazy according to the groom after a couple minutes of watching this trainwreck of an argument a shitty rust bucket sedan shows up with the ex girlfriend in it the groom gets into the car with his ex or whatever the [ __ ] she is and they drive off last words went to the bride know who screamed at him as he tore off well I guess I'm going to go back to [ __ ] your brother than you [ __ ] sOooo they are no longer married now [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 630,255
Rating: 4.8833904 out of 5
Keywords: bachelor, bachelorette, party, wedding cancelled, wedding, cancelled, worst bachelor party, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit, bachelor party
Id: 2PO4O7wsqfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 07 2019
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