What's The Rudest Thing You've Seen Someone Do?

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my ex-mother-in-law gave my three kids gifts they loved at Christmas when they were small two days later she came to the house packed everything she got them into bags and took it all back to the stores because she was broke . what's the biggest doll move you've witnessed a friend of mine worked on a cruise ship as an entertainer for six months she didn't need that much money on the ship but kept an apartment back in germany with the landlord getting regular standing order when she came back home she couldn't get her door open called the landlord and he told her he had already thrown out all of her stuff because after one month of her cruise she didn't pay the rent turns out her parents who had access to her bank account in case of emergency took all the money and she made a lot in those months on the ship to pay the bills because their own salary had gone into two new cars it so basically she sat there without an apartment without any friends in town totally jet-lagged and without a single euro in her pockets still makes me mad my aunt racked up about 60 grand in credit card debt and can't declare bankruptcy because my uncle would lose his job over that the dong move she called my grandmother ignorant and uneducated for not changing her will cutting out other family members to cover my aunt's reckless debt first off you shouldn't be waiting for someone's death to fix your mistakes and the reason my grandmother doesn't have an education is because she spent her teen years at or Schweppes row that took a turn my good buddies wife is famous for her lack of tax in general piss eNOS their little girl is about two years older than mine her birthday was coming up and my daughter seven at a time wanted to pick out the birth to gift she plays with my friend's daughter and has a good idea what she likes she made a long list and carefully selected what she thought was perfect fast-forward to the day of the party buddy's daughter opens up my daughter's gift her eyes light up and she squeals thank you buddy's wife oh honey granny got you one of those already go ahead and put that one in the goodwill charity donation box my daughter was crushed to call my strength not to get up and slap the everliving crap my buddy's wife six months later we drew names for Christmas gifts for the kids buddy drew my daughter and his wife forgot to buy a gift for her and didn't realize until we were passing out gifts I don't speak with them anymore the biggest dong move I had ever witnessed was at my friend's birthday party around 10 years old his grandmother sent $10 one scratchies in the mail the doll moved being that she checked all the scratches before sending them in case one had a big payout I got to see his face prop as he opened the envelope to find 10 pre scratched worthless scratches please tell me that she was on an ever descending path of senility and truly did not understand the reason why people give scratch off lottery tickets as gifts this happened to a co-worker of mine my coworker had a son died very young around 14 he got his son cremated and had him in Avars in his house with pictures etc one day while he was breaking up with his wife no eggs he came home from work and the ashes were gone but he still has no idea where they are five years later he assumes she threw them out it was his son from a previous marriage not hearse row my first reaction after reading that was that's disgusting there's truly no other way to describe that a few years ago as I was graduating high school my dad got incredibly sick and ended up in a coma while he was in the hospital I still lived at home waiting to turn 18 to move out but living with me was his new girlfriend he had moved in two weeks after my mom left so I am pretty upset because I thought my dad would die and in the midst of that his girlfriend is constantly calling me a liar and telling me she will threw my stuff on the lawn because she doesn't want me there now during this time I was working full-time at car dealership and wasn't dating anyone but I later found out that once my dad finally recovered his girlfriend now wife told him I was bringing different men home every night and sleeping with them in his house and that I didn't care enough to respect his house while he was gone I never did that I was almost never home because work so then because of what she told him while he was in the hospital recovering he took my house key from me and told me I wasn't welcome there anymore I have cut all ties with her and only see her twice a year at holidays but we hardly speak I did cuss my father out for a year after it happened but I decided to try and reconcile with him and then I got a job at the same company as him so we see each other every day now we still have a strained relationship because I have a hard time letting go everything he has done to me over the years I hope to one day get the courage to explain to him that I never did those things but I know he won't believe me till he sees what she really is like himself so for now I keep my distance I moved an hour away so I know that she won't be in my life and keeping everything separate is good for now unfortunately it will take more than a few stalks to heal the damage he has done to me from this incident and several more my sister borrowed a large sum of money from our retired mother with a promised payback plan it never made a single payment mother is now down to her last dollar so we tried to get our sister to pay her at least some of the money she owes a few months later a cheque showed up at our mom's made up to her for $0 and a comment on the bottom that said get a job my mother will not take legal action against her own daughter yes I've cut all ties to my sister my son is her only niece nephew and I've vowed that she will never meet him I have an amazing family of in-laws that are wonderful so my son has fantastic aunts uncles and cousins without her being in his life plus as she gets older my sister becomes more xenophobic and my son being adopted from a foreign country isn't American ie white enough to please my sister it's not totally uncommon for family to screw each other over money as you and your parents get older make sure you talk about their finances and how prepared they are for retirement etc as well as what their wishes are don't leave these things to the last minute or you may end up surprised and confronted with newfound knowledge of dishonest siblings when it's almost too late to deal with it my grandmother had her a few gold watches she was really proud of she got them from the mayor or something at some point in her life and they were worth a fair amount of money my cousin who was a bit closer to my grandmother than me I live far away from her told my grandma she really wanted to have a one of the golden watches so my grandma gave it to her and to her sister not soon after I found out that my cousin went straight to the jewelers to sell the watch my grandma passed away a few months later my sister was pretty upset because she would have liked the watch as a memento it wouldn't have mattered if my cousin kept it as such did she didn't she sold it right away we would have gladly paid her the few hundred she got for them at the jewelers my granddad spent half his life collecting stamps after my grandma passed away he was really depressed and didn't see the point in anything anymore he told my uncle that he didn't want to collect stamps anymore and gave him the collection my uncle put it on ebay straight away and sold it for like 5.000 euros a few days after to put this into perspective my granddad also called up my mother and told her to take the cat then pulled up a week later saying he wanted him back he was in a really bad place after losing his wife for 55 years something anyone with half a brain should freaking understand it was his life's work goddammit my uncle's keep pressuring my grandpa now to give them the money he has saved up my granddad finally gave up and gave everyone in his family money a few months ago I didn't want it because I know that he's being pressured about it by my uncles and he should be allowed to live his final days without stress I couldn't find a way to tell him though if I gave him the money back he'd take it the wrong way and I don't want to upset him any further it's in my savings account I don't know what to do with it TL DR one side of my family is only after the money and don't give a crap about my dying grandparents feelings the best thing you can do is use that money to visit your grandpa regularly he would like that better than all the money in the world if you are as nice a person as I gather from your account my father asked my mother for a divorce on my birthday took everything they had in their home started dating a twenty year old I took out a six thousand dollar sign loan to refurnish a house I started renting with my mother one I could not afford on my own my mother died two months after moving in in her final email she told my father to give me the Lifan so I can pay the loan back and hopefully pay most of the rest of the lease he took off with it bought a truck and a stereo left me broke in debt in a lease I couldn't afford and with a little brother to take care of and get the rest of the way through high school my parents also owed the school two thousand dollars that the school demanded from me or else they would not let my brother graduate daang when I was eight years old I left a couple of toys on the floor my mother who is rather schizo snapped and proceeded to smash all of the toys in me and my Bros room we had the couple of big shelves with boxes of soft toys and books and stuff and my brother was three years old so there was a lot of really cute kid stuff in there she tore everything to frickin shreds and threw it out into the hallway at our feet were ranting about how horrible we were and how much we deserve it a couple of the things were large and wooden there was a kid's wheelbarrow type thing that my bro absolutely loved and she smashed it on the floor incredibly hard directly in front of him my bro was in absolute shock he looked terrified he just stood with this tragic silent throughout the whole episode that was the first time I can remember him looking like that he'd have faulted to that demeanor whenever she would lose it out of that and most of my significant childhood memories involve him standing like that and me trying to console him this is pretty personal to share I don't think about it very often but this post triggered the memory it feels pretty good to type it out Jesus the things parents do to their kids I just want to go home and hug the heck out of mine right now I saw a little girl order something off a menu at a restaurant in Florida when she was done ordering her mom said you really messed up again I trusted you this time you want to get that tummy tuck surgery when you're 20 what's the matter with you waiter give us a few more minutes my daughter was confused the little girl was not better wait had to be around ten years old and was now crying hysterically the mother kept yelling at her to stop embarrassing her and making a scene I'm a dude was about 22 at the time and actually considered the consequences of smacking her in the face while smacking her in the face would have been illegal calling her a stupid [ __ ] back and a few other choice names would have been totally called for this is exactly the type of behavior that causes eating disorders I went to a small Southern Baptist Church as a kid a friend of mine whose family didn't have a lot of money stayed over on a Saturday night and went to church with my family the next morning she was concerned about her clothes because she didn't own a dress but she had some nice cocky pants and a nice shirt and we told her that would be absolutely fine the preacher's wife approached us after Sunday school before the service and pulled my friend to the side of the sanctuary my friend was trying to pull her arm away because the woman was hurting her so I followed and heard the preacher's wife say to her listen you're welcome in God's house but I don't want to see you back here until you can find something decent to wear but my mother had followed me and heard her so we packed up and left right then and did not go back we'd been going to that church for about 10 years I can totally hear the ladies tone and it makes me want to punch her in the face that is awful a crazy lady in my buddy's family will routinely host parties and such just so that there is a large number of purses available to pick from a bar around here told a packed house that anyone who could drink the bar towel shot a shot glass filled with the squeezed nastiness of the bar towel and keep it down could drink for free for a week some dill actually did it and we all drunkenly cheered for his disgustingly our and stomach and it was rad that is up until the bartender told him that it wasn't actually approved by management in that he would have to do it again when the manager was around thankfully the bartender was fired for this in the poor dude who drank it actually got a hundred dollars of drinks on the house for whenever he wanted man as somebody who can't even stand the smell of the bar towel on a busy night I'm actually glad that the boy tender was fired for trying to pull that crap many years ago I allowed my brother-in-law to stay with us temporarily as he lost his job in his apartment and had nowhere else to go he acts nice in the beginning we go out of town for a few weeks and he is eager to watch the house for us we come back he has changed all the locks we knock and knock and he refuses to answer suddenly cops pull up and he had successfully victus from our own property had to rent another place for six weeks until we could go through legal proceedings and get back in when we did get back in he had trashed the house poured milk and eggs on the carpets put raw chicken inside the walls stolen all the plugs and fixtures ceiling fans etc sold our appliances and he even killed a bunch of random stray cats in the neighborhood and laid them all around the house called the cops again and was told it was a domestic civil issue and to take him to small claims court TLDR allowed down-on-his-luck bill stay with us he evict us and trash is our house before we get our home back my girlfriend and her two kids were living with my girlfriend's mother this nut job is always emotionally abusive to my girlfriend telling her she is a terrible parent and all she does is go to bars and drinks she never does well one day about a year ago the GF smother decides she doesn't like her daughter and grandkids hanging out with me so she throws all of their stuff into plastic bags and kicks my gf and her seven and eight year old out my gf and I had already been talking about them moving in with me when summer hit but her mom hates me so much that she takes it out on her daughter and grandkids fast forward to last week I proposed the girls and woman I love except when she tells her mum the lunatic sends her a crazy email about how she is the worst parent in the world and how she doesn't want to ever see my fiancée again and how she is looking forward to seeing the girls when they are 18 unless CPS takes them first up vote for caring whether or not the girls accepted your proposal to similar kind of situation with my now ex she opted to separate a couple of weeks before Christmas I almost didn't notice because I was working 16 plus our days with y2k prep so when the morning of the 25th she showed up with her entire family with pickups and trucks to take out all of her things from the house which was literally everything the kicker is after I was visibly cleaned out she went to the closet to pull out the presents that I bought for the kids and stated they can open them at my new place they have no beds to sleep in here you want them to have their gifts right I consider all of that time to be a dong move my older sister has been wanting to have children forever like years now unfortunately she is unable to have kids I have another sister who is totally incapable of taking care of children yet she has five if she only has custody of one of them presumably because it's only like six months old and there hasn't been enough time to take it away from her yet anyway some of my family was gathered at my house my mother my sister who is unable to have children my brother and a couple of other people my mom starts pulling out tons and tons of children clothes to give to my other crappy sister who isn't even there for her soon-to-be daughter she's asking my sister what she thinks and talking about how great it's going to be to have a granddaughter etc and my sister is obviously upset about this and the rest of the family can clearly see this but for some reason my mother is totally oblivious to it and she keeps dragging out baby crap and showing it to my sister a while later my mother's family has a reunion and my good sister brings two of my nephew's she worked something out with their foster parents and she is basically trying to get okay to adopt them they are able to go camping with the whole family they just have to be back in town in time to meet their foster parents anyway a bunch of this drive about ten or fifteen miles from where everyone was staying to go see the cabin my grandfather built and hang out in the woods and stuff but my sister stayed at the cabins apparently my mom didn't think it was a big deal if the kids were late meeting their foster parents and didn't care to tell anyone we'll give them back to my good sister on time therefore jeopardizing my good sister's chances of being able to adopt them my brother and I found out got ahold of my good sister who had no idea where anyone was and got the kids to her as quickly as possible she was hysterically crying and understandably mad TL DR my mother paraded baby clothes for my worthless sister's daughter in front of my infertile sister and may have ruined her chances of adopting my nephew's so they don't have to live with foster parents because again my other sister is freaking worthless these probably aren't the biggest dog moves I've witnessed but they're what came to mind when I read the OP story not mine but a co-worker's my coworker and her husband are a pretty healthy Bunch not really into fast food and such a number of years ago when one of their sons was quite young the husband's mother came down for a visit and made promises to their son that she would take him to McDonald's since his folks never do she kept pumping the kid up telling him how much fun they were going to have at McD's he was super excited then one day during the visit the grandmother comes home and calls to the young child and says guess where I just was I went to McDonald's and it was fantastic she proceeded to tell the little guy about the food she had in how great had tasted he sat there heartbroken listening to hair after he asked his mother why nanny had went without him why had she made these great promises and followed through little guy was really disappointed the mom had no real answer for him I have heard more of these stories involving returned Christmas gifts and this woman fighting and stealing the clothes from an unfortunate soul who had gotten them from a donation center my best friend got married the bride Sidewalk the family said they would pay for the wedding if it was within reason so they kept everything within reason instead of paying for the wedding the bride's family spent the money on a vacation and didn't tell them so they had to postpone their wedding because nothing was paid for sir my friend and his wife paid for the wedding themselves when the big day finally came around the bride's family gave 150 dollars and an IOU in a card saying we are you a better gift the family has a boat a Jag and took another vacation that year when I was 17 I wanted a car so I arranged with my dad to buy his 82 Omega I worked hard at my menial cashier job that paid 4.25 an hour and have him 100 dollars a month for five months until I had paid it off I was so proud all pop had to do was give me the title and let me register it but he said number I couldn't have it and a month later he sold it to someone else for five hundred dollars also I had no car and was out five hundred bucks he never did give me my money back TL DR my dad hustled me out of $500 sold my car twice and left me in the lurch after I graduated high school my mom asked my dad they're divorced to help pay for a laptop from me for college he agreed on the stipulation that I do some pretty intense manual labor for him all summer at ten dollars an hour to be taken off the price of the computer awesome right well 100 hours later and having finished the project earning the entire price of the computer crap got sour it all went to Huck when my dad called me two days later and said that he wouldn't be getting me the computer because I hadn't done the job right he'd seen it at every point in the process and told me I'd done a good job the day I finished he also made it clear he wasn't going to help with college my mom's a teacher my dad's a doctor a month after this happened I found out through an oblivious family friend that my father had bought a second house who huge house and a BMW Mison mother and I managed to take care of the school costs graduating in May TL DR my wealthy doctor dad cheated me out of 1,000 of work didn't help with college costs and instead bought a huge house and fast car he is currently paying for stepsisters schooling when my father was dying for weeks in the hospital my half-sister who is a terrible ex everything addict who was living in a halfway house for using selling H at a time oh btw she hadn't seen him in a couple years showed up the day he was dying and stole the only things of value in his personal effects the iPod I had personally bought and filled with his favorite songs in the pair of ray-bans sunglasses he always wanted I got him for Father's Day she stole them while I was in the room with him if I ever have a reason to believe I won't live longer than a year I'm gonna hurt her in a some way then die it will make my life complete I have three elder sisters when I was little maybe six or seven my aunt and uncle gave my two older sisters very nice jewelry boxes for Christmas my other sister and I got something else since we were younger and wouldn't appreciate the jewelry boxes well a few weeks later my uncle and aunt split up my uncle is my mom's brother and the aunt was just crazy only related to us through their marriage he ended up sending a letter to my mom demanding that jewelry boxes be sent back since she bought them with her own money not my uncle's my mom never told us about this letter until we were older and refused to send back the gifts the woman was Siara said why the sad part is they had just finished building a huge mansion with a brand-new horse farm since they both love to ride horses my uncle lived in the empty house for another year by himself and ended up selling it we got to see at once it was awesome the biggest house I've ever been in I caught my ex-wife cheating on me two days before Christmas and I left her at my house and took my three kids with me Christmas day came and I had very little to give them but we had a nice morning opening the one gift at peace I had to give them my ex picked them up at noon and they opened all the gifts I had gotten them that I had left at my house when they came back that night all they could talk about was all the stuff their mother got them for Christmas feelsbadman jpg one day your kids will put it together I didn't witness it [ __ ] my ex is alcoholic dad out of the blue one day when my ex and her mom were out of town locked the younger daughter in the closet told her he didn't love any of them anymore left to go get a moving truck and packed everything in the house up and left my ex and her mom returned home hours later to find an empty house and the other daughter still locked in the closet sobbing the dad moved down to Florida to work under the table for his rich parents because he had no reported income but could afford a good lawyer he wasn't required to make child support payments he also had all the bills and the two mortgages on the house all put in the mother's name only leaving her in bankruptcy as a single mother with no job experience lochley they made it through with the support of family and friends but apparently it was very chaotic for several years my grandmother on my dad's side did something very similar she got me and my little brothers Christmas gifts to include the holy grail of all gifts for a four-year-old me a freaking Bigfoot fricking Power Wheels shortly after getting it put together and riding it for the first time my mother and grandmother got into an argument about something beyond my comprehension needless to say all the gifts she brought including my freakin Bigfoot fricking Power Wheels were not around after the new year got these fricking [ __ ] spreading their crap all over kids like this if you wanna mix it up with your fellow adults and treat them like crap fine at least they can usually process it and understand most of them I should say but dang leave the kids the Frick out of it my brother moved in with his ex-wife and two kids he was there a month or two and right about the time the kids started to think of him as dad again he went back to his current wife as she had a job for him in another state I have a lot of stories of my buthole brother but this is one of the tops in magnitude of a shalash mess my soon-to-be Phil out of the blue contacted a real estate agent to help us look for houses after bad-mouthing the apartments we currently live in barring them unfit for his grandchildren to grow up in he had told the agent what the price range we were looking in and that he had about 20,000 to put towards a smaller house I spent weeks online and in-person narrowing down my search all the while excited out of my mind of the prospect of owning a home and all the jazz that goes with when we finally got it down to two we contacted said Phil he came to the properties and gave us his opinion which was stupid rich guy nonsense about mature trees being something we needed because they add to the value not once looking at pipes or foundations which I found strange my fiance and I went home to ponder the final decision only to be informed by the real estate agent that Oh Phil when asked to start signing papers now has no money for this project and claims he never offered to help to begin with TL DR father-in-law offered to buy our house backs out after we pick one dong bagger Morton my dad did the same thing with college when I was a little girl my father was absolutely an I guess the best term I can come up for it is emotional sadist more than anything else in the world he loved to make me cry this resulted in years of extreme mental and emotional torture and neglect on his part including starvation which he delighted in there were many incidents of incredible emotional sadism on his part but the one that really sticks out in my mind was the day that he convinced me that my mother was dead I was in kindergarten my mother had gone to get an MRI done I don't remember why she needed one but it was for something fairly innocuous her appointment was in the morning so my father took me to school instead of her she saw us off in the morning kiss me goodbye and away we went the entire ride to school about 40 minutes as he made sure to take his time that day he convinced me that the MRI was going to kill my mother he made it very clear that she was going to go have this procedure done and then would die I would never see her again and that morning had been the last I would ever see of her dead or alive he then dropped me off at the far end of the school sidewalk and sped away without a word before I even made it to my classroom I was unconcerned and crying hysterically I was so distraught I couldn't even tell the teachers what was wrong this was a state that lasted until my mother arrived at the end of the school day to pick me when she confronted my father about what he had done he just laughed and laughed and laughed the evilest thing in this entire thread freaked him when I was just starting college a group of new acquaintances and I went out clubbing there were seven of us none of whom knew each other prior to that week and only three of which myself included were of age we all got in and were having a great time one of the girls who was also of age suggested we go and get Pete sir down the street so we all went out got our hand stamped so we could get back in and got pizza when we came back she said to the bouncer better check these folks four of them are underage and she howled with laughter as they got photographed and kicked out I left two of course it was genuinely my first time encountering that stereotypical mean girl I didn't grow up with any equivalents in high school what did the five fingers say to the face where do I even start well my dad basically just hates the fact that I'm alive he thinks I killed my twin while we were still inside the womb rest assured my twin died of natural reasons I didn't strangle him with the umbilical cord and a demon child cause he thinks I look like some kind of omen kid and the dumbest kid ever existed hence he forced the idea of homeschooling me too my mother just so he won't get embarrassed those are what he says my mistakes I am basically just wrong since the day I was born so his drunk but mine thinks there needs to be a punishment for being such an evil child mind you I was a little skinny boy and never said a word back to him ever so here's my punishments belt buckle to my back physical education at maybe seven years old or six by watching him flick the cleaning lady countless drunken rage countless remote to the head whenever his faith football or you lot call em soccer lose et Cie so no that's not his die-cast movie he was diagnosed with severe liver and kidney failure when I was 20 ish and on his deathbed my aunt and uncle thought it would be a good idea for me to have a father-and-son moment he was really on his last breath he was dying breath even smells like death in a hoe I grew up a lot by then I was basically okay with the fact that he's insane and thought that if I said it's okay old man have a blast in your next life no Karma's here that it'll make it easier on him nope his last words were son I regret nothing dot your father was a sociopath you don't have to be if you have children just do the opposite of what he did to you don't get upset when they don't appreciate it though that is the gift you are giving them my grandparents on my dad's side were very religious they opened up churches all across the country and finally settled here where my grandpa passed it until his death while they lived here they also hosted elderly mentally challenged people in their home they had strict rules and had to meet with a medical team off him my grandpa was never good at finances my grandma dealt with the money and tried to prevent him from spending it all my grandma died row two years ago already a few months later I'm at my grandpa's wedding at the time I was frustrated and betrayed but the let the old man have his fun argument finally convinced me this new lady seemed okay she was going to the same church and seemed respectful of my grandma's legacy for the past two years my dad moved out and started living with the girl he cheated on my mom with complicated story he moved in with my grandpa my grandpa made my dad in charge of all the finances in his will including the inheritance the inheritance wouldn't have been much as he spent all my grandma's money after she passed and bought land he could not afford one thing that was guaranteed to get passed down to me was my grandma's Bible she had personal notes and kept track of family dates and birthdays in there my grandpa and his new wife moved just out of town he cut off contact with us at Christmas we invited him over we didn't hear back from him then when my mom went out the front door to grab something from the car she saw presents in the doorway yep on Christmas he stopped at our house and didn't even bother to knock in the nine months they were married without informing my dad or even alluding to it my grandpa changed his will and left everything to his new wife she didn't bring this up until the actual meeting where my dad was taking charge so the B is taking everything meant for my grandpa's sons without remorse apparently she even laughed about it during the meeting my dad and uncle are saying Frick it and not going to court as my grandpa had so much debt and no one really cares about the inheritance anyway my mom asked her about the Bible she said oh well I'll look for it but you know we move so yet she's even taking the land that was donated to my grandparents to build a church on her butthole son who seems like a freaking loser is being told that he should take over the church in my grandfather's legacy the funeral is an hour can't wait for the family dynamics wish me luck my very religious parents were always extremely poor and kept getting poorer when I was growing up yet they managed with the help of some relatives to save about 22 K dollars for me for college over 17 years anyway I went to college for free on scholarship and didn't use it during college I had come out as transgender and that wasn't very popular with my family and I had to start living out of my car my dorm or other people's houses because I wasn't welcome to go home essentially I was marginally homeless in the sense that they claimed me on their taxes but didn't in any way feed or house me anyway they still had my money during my senior year they finally said they'd welcome me home with open arms for Christmas they had been super nice to me on the phone for a month or two before and I was excited about not spending Christmas eating canned goods in my car upon arrival at home I'm basically locked down in the laundry room with no access to the outside world forced to wear Male clothing sleep on a mattress on the floor and told humans sleep in beds animals sleep in here I had to pay for my own groceries while I stayed in there for three weeks even though I desperately needed durable shoes and some money for gas and food and toiletries my parents told my relatives not to give me money because I would misuse it and instead to chip in to buy useless acoustic guitar now I say useless because one I'm a classical guitar player and they knew this and counted upon the insulting to I was living out of my car II kind by finally they had to let me out oh one of my friends was going to report me kidnapped then they sent me a letter saying they were taking all off my money until I found Jesus and even then probably not to top it off they ended the letter by asking when my graduation was in demanding invites for themselves and all my relatives and demanding that ID transition to walk across the stage so I wouldn't offend them head I'm freakin gorgeous and I frickin strutted across that stage then with some help from the bank I got my money then I got in my friend's car went to the airport bought a plane ticket to Illinois and now I'm making more money than my parents combined freak those people dude seriously you go when I was 16 years old the summer before grad year I returned from a family vacation to find my entire house trashed someone had broken into the house and evidently had a party there were empty beer bottles on the ground in the place was generally trashed no major damage but it was a mess people had been sleeping likely freaking in my bed it was gross to make matters worse the day before we left for vacation we had rolled up a bunch of loose change and put the rolls in a bag there was about $1,100 of change on the mirror in the bathroom the word thanks gargano law were written in red lipstick so we knew the person with someone had knew me we later deduced that they had entered using a sort of secret entrance that only I and my few best friends knew about I talked to all of my friends about it I have some idea who it might be but I don't want to start making accusations without knowing for sure some of my friends are into drugs and I thought that this was probably a factor months pass and no one faces up I tell them that I am willing to forgive them not be their friend anymore but not press charges and just let them live their life if they come forward complete silence my parents get the cops involved one day I get a call from my friend Gargamel what the Frick man you made John name changed go to the cops shop for an interrogation you know he's cool they scared him so much he agreed to pay back the money even though he didn't do it I know John he is flat broke and he doesn't really care about authority figures there is absolutely no way he would agree to pay back the money if he didn't steal it in the first place at that moment I knew exactly who had done it he would later confess but from that phone call for words I knew the thing about John is we had been best friends since kindergarten he had a very rough childhood his parents were notes especially his mom one of the most frightening people I've ever met his dad always had trouble finding good work and he had some serious behavior issues as we got into high school he got into drugs I did too but not in the same way and he was a pretty big coke fiend by 16 I was always there for him he was a real dog to me sometimes but I always supported him I'd take him to hockey games let him sleep over when crap was bad at his house get him high when he was too broke to pick up I'm not really angry about it anymore just sad that our friendship had to end like that sometimes I wonder what he's doing these days I hope he as well comma to make matters worse the day before we left for vacation we had rolled up a bunch of loose change and put the rolls in a bag there was about 1100 dollars of change $1,100 in change okay my father cheats on my mother for several years sick bastard decides to tell my mother that the woman he's seeing who he works with as the crush on him and is throwing herself at him bill he's bravely resisting what kind of total battle alludes to his own affair misses me seventh birthday party because he's freaking his affair woman secretly ray mortgages our house into the ground so he can leave and buy a new house with his new woman a few years before this my great-grandmother had died and my grandmother gives my mother several thousand pounds of the inheritance she tells my mum to keep it a secret because she knew my dad would take it of course the sneaky bastard finds out and then he became abusive until my mother in tears authorized him to drain the account buys a new car for himself with it so after the divorces sucker is earning about three times the salary of my mother who can only barely afford to feed her kids and give them a reasonably normal life on a tiny salary with now huge mortgage payments not only that she is driving a freaking rust bucket around whilst he's driving a new car he bought with her money after the divorce and about two weeks off paying child support the sea decides he's paying too much convinces his company to pay him mainly in bonds rather than real money so his earnings fall then he pays more than my mother can ever afford on some expensive lawyer so that we have no hope of making him ever pay more than pittance through the courts but so that tea is now paying next to nothing for his own kids after having financially sabotage them so many disappointing years pass and somehow eventually I make it to uni now being from a poor family and financing yourself is freaking hard but I managed it but nobody in London will rent a flat to me the only chance in heck you can get a rental as a student is with a guarantor somebody who'll sign and say they'll promise to cover it if you can't pay rent and everybody in my family is too poor to lay out the guarantee luckily my father promises he'll cover it a pittance compared to his salary we sought out the flat or two months before I'm supposed to move in then the sucker decides to tell me that day before that he won't be my guarantor after all it's too risky in case I can't pay my rent and he has to pay some that's why I don't like him anymore he also gave my mother a black eye just before I was born by punching her in the face and he told me I didn't stop messing around on women until I was 27 he dated my mother from 23 until 27 when they got married within weeks of marrying my mother my father told her now you do the housework and cooking that's what wives do does getting regularly beat by his father once growing up somehow absolve him of all this so the theme is gifts five years old I begin to open my first gift I like the paper and I know that my grandmother is extremely frugal I'm slowly peeling the tape stepdad gets angry I'm not demonstrating enough enthusiasm he and grandmother get into an argument about how kids should open gifts he then takes my gift and starts ripping the paper off while yelling at grandmother they each grab another of my gifts and proceeded to show each other how to open gifts I bolt in my room they continue to argue can't remember bday or anniversary I feel my no ex-wife has spent a ton of time with kids and is not really taking time for herself I pick up two books I think she'll like some bubble bath and such when I give her the gift I tell her that she's done so much she needs to take time for herself so the real gift isn't the books but his time that is whenever she wants she should just take a break and I'll cover whatever she needs kid duty making a meal whatever starts screaming at me that she can't believe I just bought her books and that that's not enough father gift Christmas spend hours figuring out gift with persons son we pick out a bracelet spend a fair amount of time debating whether we should get silver or gold as perhaps you'll think gold is too much etc buy the silver which was not cheap in and of itself bTW but certainly isn't the point give gift scream before a good one about how I didn't put enough thought into the gift etc TL DR I don't particularly care for gift-giving occasions I'm terribly sorry I know that was probably traumatizing but I can't stop laughing at that image but God MIT Ethel I will show you how to unwrap a present this is serious business I met an unemployed guy who was poor and barely able to feed his family or pay the bills so I hire him to regularly do a loan and pay him a higher-than-average fee to have the lawn mowed while we go out of town the weekly usually mows and I tell him to just mow it like usual and pre paid him well I get back into the lawn hasn't been mowed I just figured something came up not a big deal so I try to call him and he doesn't answer called a few more times over the next couple days and got concerned for him thinking something may have happened hoping there is something I can do to help him well I go out to my shed open it up and everything is gone stolen I suspect him but know that there was no evidence he did it besides his suspicious behavior of avoiding me call the cops file a report they pretty much say that I won't ever see any of the stuff again and that is that well I am walking around Walmart a few months later I see him his eyes widen and he literally turns and quickly walks the other way it was at that moment I knew TL DR hired a poor guide to mow my lawn he stole everything from me I told my best friend that his friend violated me he was shocked but concluded that he didn't mean it and effectively told everyone in the community that I lied about being violated so that I wouldn't interfere with their lives it sucks because my in-laws live in the same community and my mill used to make jokes like be careful not to drink too much you wouldn't want something you regret to happen etc ro I did not realize how fricked up that was until I wrote it down doubt anyone will see this but here it goes I have a mother that would do anything for her kids she has battled and survived cancer and numerous other illnesses my sister called her one day saying she has been diagnosed with cancer and needed five thousand for the surgery that she's going to need but she tells my mom everything from who the doctor is to what they are going to do my mom in tears rushes to take out a loan and immediately heads to pay for it where as he might hve guessed finds out my sister lied about the whole thing when my mom calls her to ask her what's going on my sister yells at her for going to the doctor's office first and not just giving her the money and hangs up on her oh and she also stole my Christmas money that year not cool yikes I hope your sister is only 17 there was this kid I knew in high school who was on the periphery of my group of friends nobody really liked him all that much but we ourselves were sort of an amalgam of the kids that didn't fit in elsewhere so we sort of felt obligated to include him if he made the effort which he usually didn't I was in the cafeteria one day and didn't have a place to sit but I saw him so I figured well why not and ate my lunch with him he told me he just got a Super Nintendo and as he knew I had one he wanted to trade games at first I welcomed the idea since I didn't have a lot of games and didn't really have any trading partners but then he explained that he only had the game which came with the system which I obviously had so it had be pointless for him to exchange anything with me I was a bit suspicious but then he started promising the starts moon Sun and sky once he started getting his own games so I figured what the heck if he's serious it's worth the risk the next day I gave him my copy of pilotwings a week later I asked him if he could return my game it was my game but my brother and sister noticed it was missing and had suddenly decided it was the best game in the history of video games and wanted it back he seriously pulled the whole watt video game routine like some bad mafia parody he clearly had every intention of pretending our exchange had never happened and I decided then and there that if we were going to be all mafias about it and I had just seen a Bronx Tale and remembered this advice you don't even like him there's your answer right there look at it this way it cost you $20 to get rid of him right he's never gonna bother you again he's never gonna ask you for money again he's out of your life for $20 you got off cheap forget about it so I never told anyone never talk to him again and he stayed out of my group of friends for the rest of high school he got a free game but he had only himself to play with when I was in labor literally in the labor and delivery room at the hospital I was in excruciating pain my now ex-husband was adamant that I do not get an epidural his ignorance about its effects were the reason after minute hour I could not take it anymore he said and this is a direct quote I will never forget it fine get an epidural but when we get home I can play Wow and you cannot nag me about it that is on the list of the stupidest frickin things you say to the woman about to give birth to your baby when she was born he was terribly and visibly disappointed that it was not a boy I knew a very lovely girl once who I met at a local karaoke she was seeing the regular DJ at this particular bar and later confessed to me that she had contracted herpes from contact with him apparently it was a mouth to tea transmission stemming from his cold sores good nonetheless it was a bit upsetting to hear during their time together he also had a Maine girlfriend who loved him and lived with him that was completely platonic he ended up seeing this friend of mine behind her back it was largely perceivers and and spoken and accepted practice after some time as his main girlfriend became aware of it through casual suspicion now that particular arrangement seems perfectly reasonable to me so long as all parties are in the know and consenting but the fact that he was banging just about every other girl who went to that bar on his karaoke nights was troubling what's worse is he wasn't bagging his dong in the process and giving all of these other unsuspecting women permanent crotch rot not to mention whatever else in my mind knowingly spreading a life-changing illness is reason enough to break the Bulls Braille code so I felt compelled to inform this girl of what was going on naturally he was furious to find out and ended up barring me from his shows what worse is she not only chose to stay with him despite his actions then casually cut me out of her life in the process largely due to his hatred for me to summarize it was a double dong move and I was a victim of both guy bands me from his shows and girl bands me from her life because of it TL DR guy puts friend at risk by freaking countless women unprotected I tell her she ends up ditching me instead of him I introduced my best friend Kevin to a girl that I knew through work so that they could go on a date all three of us worked at the same place they started dating in Venice that job shortly after I quit that job I stopped hearing from Kevin one of my other friends Brandon informed me that his now girlfriend gave him an ultimatum he could either keep dating her and stop talking to me or she would dump him I confronted him on this and he denied that it had happened however we have not said more than two words to each other since this has happened they are now engaged and are having a baby together the best part about this is that everyone that knew her including Brandon and myself found out that she had been continuously cheating on him with some girl for their entire relationship she had informed him of the cheating at the beginning of the relationship and had told him that it was over however that was a lie so now they'll end up getting married and I'm sure he'll end up being freaked over due to all of it TL DR best friend of 12 years decides to not talk to me anymore because his cheating girlfriend told him not to but we are both 23 you'll hear from him again when they get divorced he will apologize etc he will occasionally mention that it would be good to hang out like you used to poor sucker will be unhappy for years due to his own stupidity it was Christmas time and my boyfriend got some stuff from his father and his father's girlfriend for Christmas his sister got much much more due to her being really spoiled the next day his father took all of his gifts back to the store to buy his sister some more stuff don't move man don't move Oh sir my dad was dating this woman for a while eventually she and her son movement with my father and I for whatever reason she just kind of took off leaving her teenage kid with us so he lives with us for a while he has a room food and my dad gives him cash for whatever every now and then well shortly after he moved out he ended up breaking into our house with a bunch of friends with shotguns and robbing us off thousands of dollars of crap I had a shotgun pointed at my head while a guy shouted at me to keep my freaking face on the portable because of that kid I'd say that's probably the biggest doll move I can think of I was laid off by my company 3-4 years ago it was an awesome job IT in a giant industrial complex no MGMT around to stiffle fun as long as we got our day's work done we could do whatever the heck we wanted so we got paid to have nerf gun wars and watch movies and whatever the economy goes to crap in the contract we were on gets terminated boom 70 people laid off I get hired back six months later by the lady that laid me off for less money and double the work but I didn't care cause I was so happy to have a job again six months later I find out that I make less than everyone in the building and it's a huge freakin joke and everyone knows it I literally make less than the lady at the reception desk so I ask this lady who laid me off and rhe hydrant at me and told me that she is going to have to lay me off again then said she was joking and gave me even more work with no extra pay on a third contract so I've taken this crap now for three years building ups an XP and now I am starting to get interest in my resume I can't wait for the exit interview with her I've been writing it now for three years and it is frickin branded on my brain with hate I'm positive things will work out for you you have been visited by the wealth rat subscribe in 12 seconds and he will share his wealth with you like and subscribing magnificent person [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 279,175
Rating: 4.8441319 out of 5
Keywords: biggest dong move, worst moves, what not to do, worst thing youve ever done, worst things you have seen, worst, worst people, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: ZttdrrdDzlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 34sec (3214 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 27 2020
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