What is the biggest double life you have ever seen? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what sauce the biggest double life muscle ever personally seen revealed my friend faked going to college she moved the weight in a small town where there was a small state college she was supposed to be living in their dorm and living the college life she even had an Instagram accounts and had maybe two or three pictures with her school sweatshirt or her at the football game with fellow students I don't know how she got found out turns out she got kicked out is living with her boyfriend that she knew for a month pyar and is working at a fast food chain her parents are not happy one of my older brother xgf dated a guy for two year then out the blue he got arrested when the charges came out it turns out this guy had been a bank robber she told us he won't go on business trips and come back and be off for a month or two at a time she just thought he had a good job that was super flexible she was wrapped up in her own career and I'm sure her attention to detail was lacking the guy didn't flash money around didn't do anything that let anyone suspect he was a criminal he got popped because his brother who was a cop recognized him in a video of one of his bank jobs our family cat was outside one night and I see my cat walking directly towards my neighbor's house and then I see their front door open walks directly inside like she'd done it a million times she was outside quite a bit so we assumed she was outside doing cat stuff nope little kitty was just at home number two my cat liked his new family better than ours he was in love with their little dog he grew up with a dog but the dog belonged to my college roommate so we had to split them up anyway I tried keeping him inside but he was miserable when we moved I let the other family keep him because they really wanted him I still miss him my great grandfather was in the Navy during World War two went out to see his ship was bombarded he suffered injuries went into a coma and was sent back to the Navy hospital in California when my great-grandfather woke from his coma he met and fell in love with a navy nurse who became his wife and my great-grandmother a true world war two love story that my grandmother loves to tell the family about how her parents met randomly a couple of years ago my grandmother added a part to the story that she never spoke of before she informed me that when she was in our teenage years a Mexican woman found my great-grandfather after years of searching for him and informed him that she was his true wife so I guess when my great-grandfather woke from his coma he forgot about his first wife and children from this woman my great-grandfather stayed with my great-grandmother and his new family and as far as I know he never had anything to do with his first family my grandmother only mentioned this to me once and I don't know how true it is because she tends to stretch the truth but definitely an interesting double life story nonetheless this will probably get buried in the comments but when I started secondary school high school theirs was a super nice head of biology who kept loads of snakes and other animals he was generally really enthusiastic about teaching kids biology and he was good at it anyway he had a stroke or heart attack I can't remember which I was still very young which lead to a coma so while this guy is in hospital his family turned up early to meet another grieving family turns out this guy had been juggling two families and they were both very confused I believe he died in his coma so he never knew that his families met my ex lived a double life as both genders my ex born male came out as trans while we were friends I supported her and through all that a romance blossomed but little did I know she had a second Facebook where she was identifying as a birth gender intentionally and actually had a whole separate male name than the one she was born with she separated her whole friends as the ones she wanted to know her as email and the ones she wanted to know her as male during our last six months of dating she had two relationships one as a female with me and one as a male with another woman my mom found her male Facebook accidentally in her whole world came crashing down I guess the other girl found her female Facebook around the same time and my ex was left to spin lies to keep her around I have no clue if that was successful not as I didn't stick around to watch law it was the messiest thing I have ever witnessed when I did my clinical there at a hospital laboratory the lab manager who had been there for a year or so was like this super Christian dude I mean how Saad walked by his office and Hassad literally be on his knees praying and stuff anyway one day federal agents show up to the lab and arrest him turns out he had basically fled from Tennessee because he was wanted for committing major tax fraud to the tune of like $400 K I like what he did his file one of those forms that say you don't have to pay federal income taxes if you are a citizen of another country except he put on there that he was a citizen of second Amman somehow they hired this guy without even a basic background check the hospital already had a shaky reputation because a year or so before they had killed a woman by giving her the wrong blood type this didn't sought help a good friend of mine was dating the love of her young life after high school they lived together and really seemed to make each other happy then her boyfriend overdosed on heroin they had smokes weed and done mushrooms together before but nobody had any idea he was into dope after he died their apartment was thoroughly searched used needles were found in every hiding place you could imagine it was a total shock to everyone in our small town but especially so for my friend she was devastated and had trust issues for a long time after I realized that you may never fully know a person but goddamn my grandfather was a teacher at a reformatory back in the thirties forties he lived in Penn Yan with my grandmother my mother and her since he taught in Elmira and mad a trip to and fro once a week he stayed in Elmira during the week and came home for the weekends turns out he had two families we always thought gamma was offer not accusing gam Poe of infidelity turns out it had a basis in reality my mother could never acknowledge it but apparently in time the entire family knew kind of sad she had at least one brother and never met him mum passed in 2012 don't know if it was true or not but back when I was a waitress we had a regular who was always telling us stories about her family and one day after she hadn't been seen for a few months she came back with a real doozy her family was super patriotic military service her granddad fought in World War two and all her uncles and cousins served well her grandfather died first and then her grandmother died and she helped her mom clean out their old house in the Attic she found a box and opened up one of the smaller boxes inside it had a telegram in it stating we regret to inform you and some personal effects which was odd because obviously her grandfather had survived World War two but the name didn't match then she opened one of the other boxes and it had the same thing I don't remember the final count but her grandmother lived near a training base and had apparently married somewhere between six and fifteen young soldiers going into boot camp who had subsequently died overseas she had an entire box of telegrams and personal effects in the attic of her house since the 40s the last one survived and they had a 60-year marriage and half a dozen kids none of the kids or grandkids had any clue my friend Kay met a guy on Craigslist they were messing around for about four years and one day we were teasing him about meeting the guy on CL I said how do you know if that's even his real name dot so we got the idea to call him from an unknown number and see if he still answered to Tom did not answer that called right back from his unblock number the name on called I D was something totally different so I Google Image Search his name and first picture is of him fully dressed in his police uniform the next pic of him and his wife at a charity event here is the weird part my friend Kerr has been having all kinds of butt sex with Tom for four years not only that we have all been doing lots of drugs with a cop Tom tried to say was his twin brother but later just admitted it he still comes around in parties I asked him legal advice and stuff I still call him Tom weird after people can live to life's like that a manager at a Jimmy John's I worked at in Cincinnati he was quiet kept to himself and was always on time and did a good job I was in school so I wasn't there all the time but when we worked together he was reliable he was taking online courses at UC we were literally right across from it for business I don't really remember one day he didn't show up for work no one could get a hold of him and no one really knew where he lived his address was checked no one answered while we were worried we figured he just bailed and went on with our lives well one night when the shop was closed we closed at 3:00 a.m. a man knocked on the store door wanting in my coworker wasn't having it and tried ignoring and mouthing were closed she figured it was a drunk student and figured he'd lose interest and leave until he held up his badge for Homeland Security apparently our missing manager was a cyber criminal who was using our job in his online courses as a cover to steal money from old folks who knew I worked overnights at a lab we'd all try and take breaks together one of the guys would always listen to a weird tales radio show and would bring up some odd topics one night it was palm reading I told everyone about having studied about it years ago and I remembered some of it 70s mysticism movement literature so I proceeded to read everyone's palms the guy who brought it up went last now he was on the short side a former Marine who was now a lab geek looking at his palm told him he has two lifelines he's leading a double life and other BS he called [ __ ] and we all went back to work later that night he made an excuse he stopped by my desk when everyone else was busy him how did you know me how did I know what H about my double life M I don't know what you're talking about I just read your palm H I'm a crossdresser during the day Oh dress as a woman M Oh double quote a friend close to me who worked with me had always talked about her boyfriend let's call him Dave she would talk about her evening plans with him holidays they went on and so on other friends tried to google him and search for him on Facebook out of an morbid curiosity to see what he looked like but never came up with anything then one Christmas party she took me outside and told me she was engaged but that wasn't the full story she was actually engaged to Danielle a woman and had spent the last few years covering up the fact she was gay by completely fabricating Dave he had never existed and all stories and anecdotes were actually about Danielle I remembered being so pleased she was engaged but just had an overwhelming feeling of sadness for her that she had had to hide her true life at work I met Danielle later on and she introduced herself as Dave I have two pretty good ones my aunt was dating this new named Joe he was a baseball player in minor league systems single and double-a he was an awesome guy handsome funny and people in my family loved Joe everyone except for my grandma my aunt's mom she always confided to other members of the family that Joe seemed like a closeted fellow which was a way of saying he liked men well it turns out that Joe did indeed like men my aunt Dawn grew increasingly suspicious of Joe and started to tail him randomly she eventually caught him dressing up and drag and going to gay clubs the other one is a friend's GF was an adult caregiver when they were first dating she was 11 but then moved in with him and became one that had multiple clients she did on certain days of a week eventually they grew really serious and they both decided to pick up some extra work to save up for a house and a nice wedding he is grinding about 65 70 hours a week between his machine job and working as an MC sports while she does a caregiving and is working for a cleaning company and the evening they gone on like this for almost a year and a half just banking the money and grinding it out eventually dude ends up with some weird sores on his ding-a-ling and gets super freaked out goes to Planned Parenthood and a few days later he is confirmed to have herpes chick was banging some of the dudes from the cleaning service and had started to see one on the side she was dating him on the side some nights when she was supposed to be at work she had been dating my friends for almost six years at this point fringe freaks out bad breakup he ends up with most of the cash and she gets her pious side boyfriend messed him up for a long time though he thought he was never going to be able to have sex or find a girl again thankfully he has been able to do both in the last time we saw her was at an alley looking rough as [ __ ] looking at the bananas old neighborhood friend of mine found out his wife was a prostitute with a drug problem about a year after their marriage she got pregnant right out of high school and they got married he worked long hours trying to support his wife and baby daughter Walsh plates bingos and left the baby at his parents house she used dating sites to find men and used the money she earned to fuel a coke problem he found out when a mutual friend of ours used the dating site and seen her profile he then played along as his profile picture didn't include his face and found out the going rate when the husband confronted her she bragged about sleeping with more than three men a week on average in the fact he was too dumb to notice it and the coke and the fact she had been stealing from his parents he was however bright enough to have a police officer friend help record her and show it to the judge she went to prison briefly and he kept everything in full custody mu a guy who was always seen with his girlfriend soon found out he was married has four kids with said wife wife knew about girlfriend they never divorced but did not live in the same house coma recently had a baby with girlfriend and wife seems okay with it because she posts pictures of the baby on social media then found out he has another kid with another girl he still randomly gets with also still regularly gets with other women and it just blows my mind I don't think either girlfriend or wife really liked the fact the ice is not faithful to just one but I feel like maybe both the holding out for him to make up his mind and pick one or the other but I don't sort foresee that happening ever my high school football coach this guy was a Holy Roller Church elder started a chapter of Fellowship of Christian Athletes at my school made us run for saying bad words the whole nine he was married to the school guidance counselor and had two kids who went to our school a few years after I graduated it came out that he had an entirely separate and secret family in the next little town over everyone was shocked this was a small town of three zero zero zero people so it was amazing that he kept it under wraps as long as he did I feel bad for both families but I must admit I was also a little delighted to see that smug self-righteous sob gets posed as a phony stopped at a McDonald's before a concert with some buddies place is packed we get our food and sit down just in time to see a woman stand up and scream at the gun she is with what the [ __ ] do you mean you are married dot place goes silent even the kids on the play structure she proceeds to yell at him for a minute and then storms out places silent until some guy and the bat yells that was [ __ ] awesome place erupts in laughter and go back to normal dude never looked up from his fries my ex stepfather was a well-off pilot for a local med flight helicopter he had three daughters who adored him and was always very nice to me and my sister he was one of the nicest and most soft-spoken men I've ever met he worshiped the ground my mum walked on he also had blackout rage issues after a year of marriage he gave my mother a concussion and broke her leg in three spots I was told she slipped and fell it wasn't until a couple years after they split that I was told the whole story my mom was smart enough to get out while she couldn't even smarter from not telling me I was in still am significantly larger than he is and have a lot less to lose I've seen him once since then he tried to be nice I told him I knew everything and if we weren't at the hospital that my girlfriend worked at I would most likely have tried to end him we don't talk anymore my family hosted a number of exchange students while we were growing up we hosted about seven high school students over the course of my childhood each stayed for a year in our house attended high school in our town etc one girl I Renea from Russia came to us no differently than any of the other students had through the aspro Graham to be an student through us meant who had to fill out an application be 17 - 18 years old the attending high school in your home country whatever so Irina arrives as our exchange student she goes to high school in our small hometown on Cape Cod Massachusetts but at Christmas time she says she has to go home to Russia because of was extremely sick going home during the exchange year is really unusual really rare so ok fine chess offs going to Russia for the Christmas break NBD shosanna be back in January except she never comes back askin sought find her we don't know where she is if she made it to Russia if she sauce hurt nothing and Wes or terrified because Wes or her host family during this year and we always took the students and like family anyways share sauce gone maybe three months later my mom is driving through our a tiny town again middle of nowhere Cape Cod and she CI Renea with what looks like her mom and some other kids turns out irony ax has graduated high school in Russia already was like 25 with children and had posed as an exchange student so she cuts the case so the place before bringing the rest of her family in one of my previous jobs a few years ago we jive this guy who turned out to be a really good partner worked hard never complained after about a year and a half of working with him I get called into the office he's there with the manager assistant manager and two beefy guys in normal clothes with the exception of earpieces he wanted to say goodbye to the bosses and I and explained why he had to leave the company turned out he was the son of some leader in his country and they had to relocate him an opposing faction found out he was in our state and would have kidnapped him for leverage there was this kid at our church who started attending the youth group when he was about 15 everyone loved him but he was always a little standoffish fast-forward three years to graduation time everyone kept asking him what he planned to do after high school and if he was looking forward to it but he always changed the subject finally he revealed to one of the adults that he was-- and sought graduating because he hasn't sought been to school since he was 8 years old his dad removed him from school and never let him return a whole bunch of [ __ ] went down after that but the church members helped him do a fast-track EHS degree in three years and have now paid for him to attend a four-year university there was one dad in our mother's group that lost his high-flying big city financial job due to the market crash to pay the bills and because there were no jobs in finance at the time he took the first job he could get in a chicken abattoir bit of a change from a desk job to sorter and chickens but when you have a newborn baby and bills to pay you step up I know that sounds crazy it's a group of new mums that meet weekly to swap war stories about newborns and occasionally there will be a DBQ or something valid dads would come to Laswell close bracket every time I ran into him I was always impressed with how much he was up to speed on current events and world news we would talk about the latest political financial and scientific news there was not much discussion about chicken butchering turns out he was fired on his first day every day after that for months he would leave home in the morning go to the pub read newspapers all day and then go home in the evening she eventually found out they are divorced now my the Netherlands great-grandfather's family had an inkling that no amount of prosperity was worth risking what Hitler was spreading he took his wife and four sons on a boat settled in Illinois Wisconsin border to just find middle classes immerse skilled carpenters and other building tradesmen the family didn't realize till nearly 1970 that the house they just left without selling in Holland the Jewish family of husband wife and four bones who lived next door moved in without asking called themselves my family name first sent last the local Protestant Church had them every Sunday they survived the Holocaust has any greater accidental zero effort hero ever happened I knew a girl from United Arab Emirates that came to Canada for uni her parents were superb Alice like five million dollar house back in UAE and she lived in a really nice of troit downtown Toronto she had a huge allowance and a CC for whatever she wanted online her mother wore a burka and her family was super religious and straightedge the double life she was a hardcore raver party girl who was almost never sober and was in an open relationship with her MTF trans girl her apt was a disaster ketamine covered mirrors all over the place and suspicious drug baggies in every conceivable crevasse take our food boxes clothes and [ __ ] everywhere you could hardly see the floor she was a royal [ __ ] mess any country you are from if her parents knew one ten-thousandth of what was going on she would be in deep [ __ ] I remember seeing her a couple of times before her parents came for a visit incredibly distraught rocking back and forth with Kay all over her face repeating got a call Mary made got a call Mary made a service that specialized in cleaning up party houses the day before her parents arrived you could eat off of any surface in the house all the clothes were ninja folded her crazy raver stuff was at a gfs her fridge had reasonable food in it and she was sober white eyed and bushy tailed edit oops misread the title she was not caught fellow grad student has two young kids one that is struggling to walk and communicate and is in the process of being diagnosed she is probably ten sixteen hours' days between interning and classes plus being a mum and wife she gets a call from a friend that expresses how excited she is to see her at her husband's work party what she didn't RSVP and her husband said he would pop over for less than an hour then come home to be with her for a quiet dinner turns out he was bringing a date that wasn't her they had been seeing each other for about six months and even had taken a trip together under the pretense of a business trip any time he had been late or gone we assumed he was with her friend did her a solid and took a couple picks for the divorce lawyer so when ty first left home in my late teens I shared a big house I think six plus bedrooms with a close friend his brother and some other randoms think frat house except no College University splitting the expenses worked out pretty well so one of the guys worked at a port in customs or something he had a uniform and ID etcetera left for work at the same time every morning and hung out with us after work he was always down for attending social events with us and most of us liked him fast forward about a year and he starts telling us about how he can get us discounted TVs and other merchandise from the port unclaimed seized property that apparently no one sweats about it's just a few items go astray everyone gave it a pass as it seemed sketchy then one day we come home to one of our housemates in shock and bullying like a baby turns out not only did he give the guy his life savings he also gave him money borrowed from his dad the customs guy had said he could get him a new car cheap the long long Kong turns out the guy doesn't work at the port the name he gave us doesn't existent we have no idea how he spent his days or came up with his share of the rent bills still creeps me out a little knowing I lived with a stranger for so long not really revealed because it was always in the open but my parents friend has the weirdest double life situation I've ever seen Poole was married to Clarissa for 12 years and they had a son together however pull and Clarissa break up and Paul moves out shortly after Paul starts dating Jenny shortly after Jenny gets pregnant Paul realizes he misses Clarissa and somehow stalks Jenny and Clarissa into sharing him then a few years later pull lads ready to the mix I should throw and he's a decent looking women with jobs and Paul himself is no Richard honest either so Paul has a wife and two girlfriends they each have their own house on the same street and their own individual family lives Paul spends the night with a different one each night and they trade holidays the women aren't romantically involved and they barely interact so it's not like a poly relationship or even a sister-wife day or how he pulled this off and how they make it workers beyond me but it's been years now edit I didn't think this was Pali because the women aren't with each other but apparently it can be Pali by Justin being with him my mom was a housekeeper when I was young in the 80s one client was an older guy though who lived modestly but had a couple million dollars in the bank he grew up during the Depression and like many from his era he hoarded his wealth nobody knew Joe liked to stay busy he had a small garden and a couple of old trucks that he loved to work on he would have one beer a week at 2 p.m. on Wednesdays after a long day of yard work he was of an age where he was doing work that was a bit too hard on him luckily he had a friend and neighbor he was close with that would always be around him his friend would do the small errands he'd grab him groceries he'd go up to Lowe's for wood he'd stop by the auto store for spare parts they were inseparable Joe was a lonely widower whose kids lived out of state so his friend would come over and share hearty laughs with him for hours they would eat dinner together several times a week it was the perfect bromance one day Joe tried to buy something on QVC but was told that his card was denied curious to find out the issue he called his bank his account was completely empty his friend that he had known for years cleaned out his bank account and fled the police caught the guy his neighbor had been going by an alias ever since he moved in it turned out this was not the first time he had done this he performed the same long-term scam in another state a couple decades before somehow he had caught wind that Joe had a lot of money move next door and spent years for friending him and helping him in every possible way unlike tacky Christmas movies he still opted to go for gold and break the bond that they built the bank was a fault for never checking with Joe about taking out the money so they reimbursed him luckily [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 200,681
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: fmLQU5tezAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 23sec (1823 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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