Bridezilla Tries To Rip Off Her Wedding Guests - Rude Bride Demands Money - Askreddit Women

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radit what are your best bridezilla stories it was my aunt's wedding she was having it in the spring in a garden wire setting around an hour also from her hometown in the Midwestern u.s. so my aunt decided to ask my cousin 19 years old if she could bake her wedding cake for free my cousin agreed she's a really good Baker and has baked for quite a few events she didn't mind that it had to be done for free because we are all a pretty tight-knit family so it's wedding day and the vows are all done and it's time to eat the cake gets rolled out and everyone's jaw drops it's gorgeous my aunt requested a green floral them to match the wedding and my cousin did an amazing job everyone couldn't believe it was done by my cousin cake has served it's delicious and lemon flavored the event goes smoothly and we all have a lot of fun then a few days later my cousin gets a call it's my aunt she screams at my cousin for not getting her a present my cousin immediately calls me and tells me about the whole situation I'm disgusted by my aunt my cousin had to fly in from her University in Washington to the Midwest bake an amazing cake and tolerate our ranch yelling at her that's just horrible especially because my cousin had to pay for everything she's a university student who works as a waitress which means she definitely has limited money I can't believe my aunt is berating her for not getting a wedding present a cake is a good enough present if you ask me especially from a 19 year old as a quick background I 23 year old female and not a makeup artist I enjoy doing makeup and I'm good at it and sometimes I will do my friends makeup if we are going to a party or other event however I don't actually have the materials range of skin slash eyebrow slash etc' shades to accommodate anyone who is not similar in tone to myself I also should make very clear here that I see makeup as a hobby I lead a pretty busy life as I'm in a full-time college course non makeup related and I have a job not makeup related my rumored sister is getting married in April I have met her twice I was in the kitchen eating my cereal and my roommate came in and began describing a conversation that she had with her sister to summarize her sister had been saying how she did not want to pay for a makeup artist for her and her bridal party for her wedding when off could just do it her bridal party consists of herself her four bridesmaids and her mother the wedding is a two-hour drive from my apartment this alone sets me up with a 10 hour run payday to add to this the wedding is on a Monday when I would usually work an eight-hour shift paid I also do not have makeup that matches the bribes or any of the bridesmaids skin or eyebro tone so I would potentially need to purchase this I asked my roommate how much I would be paid to do this expecting a small or something a qualified makeup artist but surely enough to cover travel any new products and a gift note I would not be expecting an hourly rate or anything and she replied saying that I would not be paid at all - at I was also not to be invited to the wedding I'm kind of a view that if you feel like we are close enough for you to ask this favor for me I should at least be invited as an evening guest as I'm not a professional the concept of doing someone's entire wedding parties makeup sort of freaked me out what if I mess it up or it doesn't last all day I'll just be blamed for a bad job when it's a very stressful request I really think that this needs to be shamed particularly as my iruma did not seem to see anything wrong with it if you want good makeup pay for it don't ask favors from people you barely know a little bit of human respect goes a long way if you can't afford to pay people for their time don't have such an expensive wedding my friend Katie 29 years old and her boyfriend Tim 31 year old are invited to a wedding the bride and groom are friends of Tim they live in the same apartment complex so they've established a fairly strong friendship from what I'm told Tim is not standing up at the wedding so no incredibly important role I think that may be important for the context so the bride and groom are having a destination wedding in cancun katie has been hesitant to go for a few reasons the obvious one being finances flight and hotel would be at least a thousand and she'd have to take at least three days off of work because the wedding is on the 20th of April a Monday also katie is not close with the bride and groom her boyfriend Tim wants her to go to make a vacation out of it here's the kicker though the bride and groom want guests to sit through a timeshare in order to come like it's part of the package or something I told Katie that when you sit through a time sure you are supposed to get something out of it free trip hotel room et Cie she has never sat through a timeshare before so I think this was news to her we both already think it's tacky once she told me that she still has to pay for everything for her trip though I said that I think the bride and groom are kind of scamming their guests maybe the bride and groom are reaping some sort of benefits from guests attending at I'm sure while said guests receive no benefits of doing so it's been a long time since I sat through one so I'm not sure in any case I told her I'd put my foot down and not go because that's absurd to ask of your guests backstory my dad is a type to constantly be in and out of new relationships lately they've lasted around a year I find it exhausting to constantly be involved with new women and have expressed that I don't care what he does but I'd like to not be involved last night my fiance and father had a conversation where we all agreed to place boundaries on the relationship between us and his girlfriend this one's been about eight months namely that we would only have to be around or interact with her when it had to do with my sister who is about eight years younger this is especially important due to our closeness in age with his girlfriend my fiance has run into people she's gone to high school with that happen to be friends with this woman while we've been visiting my father and it's extremely uncomfortable I'm getting married in about a month my fiancee is having a surprise bridal shower thrown for her on Saturday today my dad texted me informing me that his girlfriend would be his date for the wedding and all wedding related events including that she would be attending the bridal shower that neither my dad nor my sister or I would be thrown for my fiance I told my dad that we would actually appreciate it if he would attend the wedding so low so that he could focus his attention on being the father of the groom as opposed to all his new girlfriend especially since none of the family have met her yet in the eight months they've been together and he is the type to likely go around introducing her to everyone which i think is an appropriate to do for the first time at my wedding he flipped he's livid my fiance and I think it's a perfectly reasonable request given his history and the bounder as we agreed to last night he thinks he needs to fill the void beside him and us asking him to attend alone is the ultimate slight he refuses to come without her so we will probably cave and allow her to come I was the manager at a big-box fabric retailer so we got all sorts of crafty Brides that came in so much so that if I ever see burlap and lace at a wedding now it makes me want to throw up I have so many stories of different bridezillas but I know where I want to start first one let's call her Alice came in and was looking for - her mom maid of honor and grandmother were with her she comes up to me asking where the jewel was I bring her to her options and immediately things go south at this point Alice won't speak directly to me she talks through her entourage I felt very silly seeing as though I could hear the bride because she was speaking out loud but would say things like tell her I want something with lace tell her this is too shimmery tell her this is too kink and they would comply and tell me as such apparently grandma had told Alice that she would make her cathedral veil for her instead of buying one at the dress designer and we didn't have the correct shade of ivory I was told her dress was custom-made but the designer wanted to charge $200 for a custom veil to match and Alice thought that was silly I explained that we were a big-box retailer and when you order your veil custom-made it will be dyed to match the they could die the chill they buy today but no that was absolutely unacceptable the wedding was in a week and they needed the veil done by tonight then maid of honor tells me they have driven for an hour to get here specifically because it said we had ivory to online I explained how dial Lots can differ from bolt to bolt and online states this as well and if they were coming all this way they should have called first and I would have happily had a staff member available to help them out this was a Saturday and we were very busy Alice becomes irate at this and starts throwing a tantrum inside my store I tell grandma who at this point is the only one staying level-headed that the options we had out we are her only options I couldn't make fabric fall out of my butt grandma managed to talk mom and maid of honor down into a lace that was closer to the right shade I don't know what Alice thought because she was only speaking to mom at this point in whispers then we hit the next big issue grandma agreed to make a cathedral veil and has never made one before we go and find a pattern and turns out the only way to make it work with this fabric was to put a seam down the middle which as long as the fabric was matched up nicely wouldn't have been very noticeable Alice finally starts speaking directly to me but it's screaming that you can hear through the whole store the veil they saw when she tried her dress on didn't have a seam so this one shouldn't either I rationally started explaining that the only way not to have a seam would be if she purchased a wider fabric since she didn't like the colors we had in stock and didn't want to diet this was as good as she was going to get mom and maid of honor at this point escort Alice out of the building leaving me and Grandma to chat grandma bought all the fabric embellishments and supplies I found her coupons for a few things but the fabric alone was $30 a yard so this poor grandma ended up shelling out about $300 for this veil you can buy them online for about dollar sign 50 - 300 that woman was one of the nicest people I have met and I felt horrible and told her this multiple times she could buy a veil online for cheaper she kept insisting on buying the fabric and making the veil I'm sorry your granddaughter I'm the matron of honor in my best friend's wedding when she asked me over a year ago I was so psyche lead my own wedding was very small and low-key and hers is anything but and I was so happy to be a part of it I love hosting parties so I was especially looking forward to the shower and bachelorette that I could throw her this wedding has brought out the absolute worst in my friend it's been an endless source of drama for the past year and not in the way that all weddings are it's crisis after crisis and it came to a head this week I'll spare you the details of past dramas because this post would stretch for miles but in summary nothing anyone does is good enough so much work has been thrown my way that I feel completely used and burnt out and the world revolves only around her example my mom is going through chemo for a very aggressive cancer my friend never asks how she's doing her soul topics of conversation are the wedding and how much she hates her future in-laws I don't expect my mum's cancer to monopolize our conversation and I'm more than happy to talk about the wedding for hours but seriously an inquiry to see how my mom / I'm holding up would be grand okay on to the actual issue I'm 8 weeks pregnant with my second child planned pregnancy and the bride knew we were trying months ago and it wasn't an issue then apparently I told her almost as soon as I knew I was pregnant I wanted to get ahead of it and not surprise her when we go to a dress fitting for example and I refuse champagne when I told her I swore her to secrecy I told her I wasn't even telling my family or my husband's family until we are out of the first trimester because we've had a few miscarriages and man does it suck to have to tell your family you've miscarried she said she understood and would keep it quiet the wedding is in two months and my dress is a loose empire-waist no one will know I'm pregnant there and I was happy keeping it that way earlier this week we are off doing wedding things and she says casually that her future mother-in-law thinks I should be demoted to bridesmaid since I'm pregnant my immediate response how does she know I'm pregnant I think she was surprised died quarter and she stuttered out that her fiance told her mother-in-law I don't think that's true as I was on the phone later that day with her mother who congratulated me so now both sides of the wedding know I'm so incredibly furious and hurt these people don't know my family so I'm not too concerned about it getting back to them but my immediate concern is what happens if I miscarry I'll presumably have people congratulating me at the upcoming shower and I'll either get to grit my teeth and say thanks to avoid drama / making the shower about me or I'll tell them what's happened and make it the crappiest shower ever I'm so annoyed right now I'm leaning to option two obviously I'm hoping this pregnancy sticks but with a history of miscarriages this is where my mind goes I feel betrayed I haven't confronted her because in the moment she told me I was so shocked I froze which is my go-to stress response she doesn't know how hurt I am I've realized that this is the last straw of this friendship the entire wedding has strained us and this event did it in my initial plan was ghosting after the wedding I'll be a good matron of honor because it's the right thing to do but after she leaves for the honeymoon I'm going to fade away she's so self-absorbed I doubt she'll notice but then my husband suggested I just walk out tell her I feel betrayed leave the wedding and end it now and I can't help but admit I really really want to I'm so angry that the thought of attending the wedding and hosting the shower makes me ill it's complicated by the fact that despite the wedding's size the wedding party itself is just me and the best man there's no obvious next bridesmaid to step up if I walk okay I'm in my best friend's wedding there are eight people on each side of the wedding and for couples in both sides which is why my price breakdown includes both these costs are getting out of hand my husband and I are both in it but we don't have kids the other couples do and their kids are also in the wedding how can I politely bring up the cost of everything the maid of honor is the bride's roommate and tells her that these costs are normal and fine and that we knew what we were getting into I agree to a certain point but at the same time the bride's mother is the one who is really controlling the show but that's too much to get into here it causes the bride to be super anxious and she starts crying if someone disagrees with her price breakdown bridesmaid dress two hundred and thirty dollars tux rental two hundred dollars alterations sixty dollars bachelor party flight slash Hotel six hundred and fifty dollars bachelor party other two hundred dollars bachelorette condo one hundred and ninety dollars bachelorette food slash gas two hundred dollars hair and makeup ninety dollars hotel for wedding three hundred dollars total two thousand one hundred and twenty dollars not including gifts showers etc my breasts enhancement surgery is scheduled by the end of this month I've dreamed of it for a long time and I finally got a chance and money to do it apparently my best friend isn't very happy about it her wedding is in early September and I'm her maid of honor so far everything has been going good but yesterday she asked me whether I would consider doing it after her wedding I was surprised because she knows it's perfect timing for me and there are many reasons behind it I was curious why she asked Burt she said she wants to be the hottest one in her wedding party and I may overshadow her with my new melons I said if it bothers her so much I will wear something not revealing and will not flash my melons in front of everyone she looked hurt and heartbroken said a cold goodbye and left I'm kind of confused I don't want to and can't change my date but I feel upset about the whole situation something's start making sense she didn't include our other best friend who is really hot in her wedding party and we both were shocked about it but didn't question it March her wedding her decisions instead she picked her future sister-in-laws as bridesmaids who are twins and quite chubby they are very sweet ladies but the bride called them land whales behind their back once and I told her it's not very nice so she picked people she thinks are less hot in her and somehow I ended up on this list she doesn't want me to get hot arriver I don't know how to feel young bride about 20 years old with an indulgent father from a culture where the wedding was a huge show-off family event in her religion or culture or family I don't really know turtles were a symbol of good luck and mere weeks before the wedding she came up with the idea to have Turtles at the reception how you asked she wanted live Turtles walking around the reception hall with lit candles glued to their backs LED flaming candles she saw no issues with this plan we tried to explain that turtles carry salmonella could get crushed or stepped on splat head turtle is not a good look could bite a guest or child that it was cruel overall but extra krill to goo candles to their backs and most importantly that a lit candle on a ground level could catch her guests on fire or tablecloths linens or whatever just a bad idea overall she threw a fit of epic proportions we finally came to a solution of adding turtle themed things to the ornate table decorations decorated shelves figurines glass etc early Etsy type stuff because that wasn't good enough for our bridezilla we teamed up with some local reptile Wranglers to line the walls with giant aquariums that had liv'd turtles swimming in them it was insane and terrifying we had to have a staff for the turtles and extra insurance for the hall but we pulled it off for the turtle bride holy crap this reminds me of a wedding I went to as a kid it was on the beach in North Carolina the bride loved butterflies so she wanted to do a ceremony where we would release the butterflies into the sky to symbolize their love taking off or some basic crap like that they must have shipped the butterflies in from somewhere because the officiant started handing out these wax paper envelopes from a cardboard UPS box she gave the cue and then we were all supposed to open the envelopes and let them fly free do you know what happens when you staff live butterflies into wax envelopes ship them across the country and release them into an environment they aren't native to ten year old me found out when I opened my envelope and my butterfly just dropped into the sand the ones that were still alive struggled to move and eventually gave up the bride and groom had to step over dead butterflies as they made their way to the reception my little sister cried in the end where the butterflies ended up being an excellent metaphor for that whole marriage [Music] [Music]
Channel: ASK GURU
Views: 132,235
Rating: 4.8373346 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, r/askreddit, askreddit stories, askreddit women, askwomen, askreddit girls, reddit girls, reddit women, askreddit bridezilla, askreddit evil bride, askreddit wedding guest, askreddit wedding, askreddit marriage, wedding rip off, rude bride, bride demands money
Id: EjCZtlj_igM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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