Wedding Planners, What Is The Worst Drama You've Seen? (Reddit Stories r/AskReddit)

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people who work in the wedding marriage industry what is the craziest drama you've experienced at a wedding I wasn't working that weekend thank the Lord but bride asks for money only as wedding presents during dancing she sneaks over to the basket full of the envelopes and opens them up counting her take it's less than she hoped so she calls the police gets the DJ to stop the music and accuses the waitstaff of stealing her gifts lines up the guests asks each one publicly how much they gave her screams at the police when they arrive to do something sues the restaurant or at least was threatening to when I stopped working there that's so insane when I get a card with money in a check in it I always try to pretend that I'm not trying to see how much it isn't that I'm just really into the card I can't imagine doing something like that I attended a wedding where a coked-out bride five a DJ thirty minutes into the reception and just played her iPod the rest of the night it was a huge fancy wedding not a backyard thing I don't work in the industry but attended a wedding where this happened my coworker was having her wedding on a public beach in Southern California they weren't able to reserve anything just make do with it the best that they could well right before she was due to walk down the aisle a homeless man stumbles into the group of people guests and passes out midway into the aisle a couple of guys go over to get him to move but the dude wasn't waking up ended up giving him CPR for a solid 20 minutes while waiting for the ambulance didn't hear anything else about him after they carried him off the beach that's like the worst doorman ever I'm a wedding officiant the worst I saw was the venue manager punched the deejay square in the face splattering blood all over the bride's dress the venue manager was drunk and didn't like that particular song the deejay was playing the brights thankfully laughed it off as the groomsmen carried the kicking and screaming venue manager to the door and literally threw him on his ass out the door of his own venue the venue owner was then called and came to take the manager home the venue owner gave them 50% off the rental cost on the spot the bride and groom couldn't have been happier the manager a wedding guests because you don't effing drink at work waiting DJ here bride was looking for groom to do the first dance to claim about 30 40 minutes to track him down he was barfing in the bathroom when he came back into the hall he smelled strongly off weed and had clearly been drinking heavily they finally got him out of the bathroom we start the first dance and he's clearly in bad shape bride starts lecturing him throughout their first dance true love I worked at a wedding reception for four years and boy do I have a lot of stories however I'll try to condense it down one probably the one that was the most Frick top bride and groom are middle-aged with a few kids already one being an 8 year old boy towards the end of the night we witness the groom and the father of the children beating the crap out of a guest after breaking up the fight we learned that this guest had attempted to molest the young boy son of the groom in the bathroom it was the worst thing we have ever experienced there and I felt terrible for the kid in the parents we had to hide the man because the guest literally wanted to hurt him but regardless of what we thought we couldn't let that happen so the guys in our office area where I'm working and he is with a woman he came there with and judging from the nature of their conversation I gathered that this was not the first time he had acted inappropriately towards a kid and she seemed to just accept it I was seething and it ended up going to court we gave statements too we had a wedding canceled a few days before due to cheating they still hope to get a refund but 3 the obvious pants splitting the groom needed an emergency set off pants after splitting them just before the ceremony for a lot of fights have happened people getting drunk and angry is too common from what we gathered there was animosity between two halves of the groom's family and it ended with a huge fight between brothers and uncles in the car park 5 someone's grandma had a heart attack mid reception and had to be taken to hospital worked as a server at a place that did occasional wedding receptions at one event the staff was asked to see if anyone know where the bride was as no one knew where she had gotten off to and hadn't been seen recently she was quickly found in a bathroom stall completely pass out still holding a bottle of wine occasional wedding DJ here nothing too wild so far but at one wedding our work this summer everyone was supercool except the maid of honor who sucked I arrived to set up and she was alone in the little DJ alcove she's off reading a book while everyone else was enjoying cocktails below okay maybe she just needed a break I tried making polite chitchat and asked her about the ceremony she kind of made a face and said it was weird that her best friend was married every other topic I tried had similar results every glass was half-empty for this girl dance time rolls around and I'm playing the music the bride and groom requested but maid of honor doesn't like it keeps coming up and yelling in my ear that no one is dancing everyone hates the music etc not true they weren't a super dancey crowd that there was never an empty floor and the bride and groom were having fun I always have a pen and paper handy so people can write down their requests more writes down a list of seven or eight songs to be played in that order wildly different songs from what the clients requested bTW think hard rap and club bangers that would absolutely horrify the older guests when the clients mostly wanted stuff like group love comes back up to yell at me and demand I play her songs 1 or 2 more times I tell her I'm getting there finally comes to a head when I start playing a Donna summers song that a very polite and sweet young groomsman requested he and his friends are dancing away having a grand time maid of honor storms into my alcove gets in my face and goes what is this I thought I told you to do this pointing to her dumb playlist I wish I could tell you I had blotted her or something but I just told her I was going to stick with the bride and groom's requests and she finally flicked off the bride was so sweet and chill no idea how the two of them were best friends oh sweet sweet jealousy don't work in the wedding marriage industry but my husband's best friend's wedding was a crap show groom ended up getting so drunk he passed out on the dance floor during the reception and had to be taken to the hospital to get his stomach pumped the wedding actually happened a few months after the bride was caught cheating she ended up getting pregnant by the guy she was cheating with twice after the wedding and no they never got a divorce the groom is taking care of three kids that aren't his not drama but definitely off-putting at one wedding the maid of honor made a 25-minute long speech full of cheesy platitudes including a 10-minute foray into penguin love just awful if you consider that they only had the venue for five hours of full ten percent of the time was spent on this god-awful speech I witnessed a fight between the groom and an ex-boyfriend moments before the bride arrived they said their vows and got married all whilst the groom's right I started to swell up the cake was delicious yo I worked an event planning for about ten years and it was almost entirely weddings the most dramatic would probably be the time the groom discovered he was allergic to horses as he was being pulled down to the gazebo by several horses we had to call an ambulance he was okay after they got him some antihistamines and his face was so swollen they couldn't take any pictures nice people they were shockingly calm about the entire audio I have so many stories if anyone has questions or would like a specific type of drama let me know I used to work at a wedding venue as a dishwasher once the father of the bride refused to pay and on the night of the wedding he looked at my boss and told her he wasn't paying for crap he said things were wrong and not the way they were supposed to be but everything was done to his specification without skipping a beat my boss turned around and started telling everyone to go home but he quickly changed his tune and paid bride and her mother did a cake testing we designed a wedding cake for bride all details are decided bride leaves happy mother off bride comes back alone to change design of wedding cake because the mother did not like the design the bride's picked out we told her sorry your name is not on the order to make Changez mother of bride walks out and slams the door the Mennonites are my favorite people to rent out the church to they always leave the church better than it was before they came yeah we have let a Jehovah's Witness family use our barn for a wedding and it was the same never been so tidy I sing in a wedding band and we always get requests for the first dances the most unusual one was a mother-son dance groom and mom the song requested was the lady is a [ __ ] this could be something from Arrested Development I'm not in the industry but when I got married there was another couple that was married the same day at the resort the bride got into a fight with her future mother-in-law the night before physical fight and a physical fight with her husband the day of the wedding she looked miserable right after the wedding and all her guests stayed in their rooms with their custom do not disturb signs on their doors the entire stay when we met other people at the resort until then when we got married they had shocked looks we had to say we're the couple that got married and don't get into domestic violence issues professional singer here I was asked to sing at the wedding of an old friend about 10 years ago the ceremony rehearsal and subsequent dinner was great fun and I had a good time meeting all the fun people in this huge elaborate wedding party accute groomsmen caught my eye and after getting super drunk at the rehearsal dinner we stumbled back to my apartment that was a few blocks from the restaurant and hooked up he was totally hot and very fun and we had great chemistry considering we had never met before but he didn't stay the night which was fine by me and we didn't exchange numbers or anything that morning as we were all getting ready for the ceremony to start he took me aside and said so you're gonna be cool right because my fiance is here I was horrified not wanting to ruin my friend's wedding ceremony with a spectacular drama fest I kept quiet until the reception where I got super drunk and thereby lost all my decorum I'm six years sober last month I hand wrote a note on the back of a program and gave it to the film say before I wobble back home I later heard there was crying screaming and punching psh I would have done the same thing good for you for letting her know and congrats on your sobriety I'm a wedding photographer and at one wedding the bride went to put on her dress and it didn't fit it was a corset back with the flap that pulls across under it but she had gained weight and the flap didn't go all the way across her back anymore full stop her mom started hysterically yelling at her daughter saying she warned her she was getting fat and should have stopped eating so much the bride is in tears and mortified I had to kick the mom out of the room and take control of the situation luckily the hotel sheets were a close enough ivory so we cut a piece from the sheets to use as the fabric under the corset fretting and it was possible I kept them on away from the poor bride all day above and beyond the call of duty on behalf of married people everywhere thank you the caterer got drunk at the reception this was before food service and at least partly on the alcohol purchased by the wedding party he may have had some beer in one of his coolers - the food was at least an hour late and not good supposedly the people he had coming to help serve bailed on him so his girlfriend came to help she was wearing a dress that barely covered her cheeks and he was enjoying being able to get very handsy with her yes those were the same hands prepping the food he got very drunk after food was served and took the mic from the DJ and proceeded to propose to his girlfriend as someone else's wedding when he was supposed to be working someone from the crowd shouted out but I saw you with another girl Thursday he left the sink full of dirty dishes an inch deep puddle of chicken juice in the fridge coolers of food outside and had to leave his truck trailer because he couldn't drive home he then denied leaving the mess despite the photos of it we don't have a preferred vendor list but we have a list of one vendor who isn't welcome back this sounds like the plot to a half-decent sitcom episode I used to help out at my church with weddings and I had the cutest drama ever two little boys were ring bearers and it was time for them to walk down the aisle and the little one probably three years old just stood there his older brother probably five years old not him to go and the little one turned around and pushed him back so the older one pushed him and they fought and wrestled and pushed each other the whole way down the aisle I found that hilarious I am not so sure the bride did though never work with kids and animals WC Fields three of the bridesmaids got absolutely sloshed during the wedding reception and let it slip that they had a foursome with the groom at his bachelor party the week before the mother of the bride found out and told the rest of the parent table as well as the entire bridal party needless to say it was a pretty tense dinner service the bride told staff there would be an annulment the next day an unfortunate way of spending 60k in one evening worked in the industry for the last six years as a resort this docent even scratched the surface of things I've had to deal with Lala I need more this crap is like crack to me you have it been visited by the fashion Dogo comment your Envy strengthens me so you always look beautiful if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 61,704
Rating: 4.9073358 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, wedding, planners, wedding planners, drama, wedding drama
Id: 7sZ2BiTqosM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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