What is the scariest story you know that is 100% true? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what is the scariest story you know that is 100% true was working the evening shift at a gas station man comes in all disoriented I go to help him out he has a gash on his head and doesn't know where he was I couldn't see any crashes around so assumed he had fallen or something normally we are supposed to stay inside the glass shielded register area whenever anyone is in the store I being a nice human being went to help while calling the police Em's they got there and checked him out they thought his head may have been fractured took him to the ER I went back to work cops stopped back by for some coffee a few hours later they told me the guy got hit by a baseball bat trying to break into a little girl's bedroom and was wanted for our pay and murder in two other states I never left the register area last night again the Lake Myers disaster just imagine swimming or standing near a lake and it just randomly starts fizzing like someone shook and opened a giant can of soda that's basically what happened some lakes have fountains and them to prevent this from happening the story of Mary Vincent always stands out to me in 1978 15 year-old Mary was hitchhiking a man named Lawrence singleton picked her up he brutally raped her and eventually made her get out of the car she planned to run but he noticed and cut both her arms off he threw her into a ditch ravine and left her to die she packed her stumps with mud to stop the bleeding and spent all night crawling out she eventually makes it to the highway and starts walking naked and covered in blood the first car that saw her sped away in fear the second car was a couple on their honeymoon they picked her up and she survived edited too mad I was in a rush when I wrote this so you should definitely read more into the story it's crazy from the horrific act itself to the court proceedings to the fact that he hardly served any time one of my friends had someone following her hiding in the bushes so they couldn't be seen she booked into her house got inside and he was watching the house from the outside she called the cops they come along quietly and got a jump on him he had condoms handcuffs and a knife when they got his DNA it turned out that he was linked to a half-dozen rapes in the area she credits her regimen of running sprint standout run in him that night and firmly believes she would have been raped if she couldn't outrun him then in my town in the early nineties there was a notorious killer that had all of BC Canada on watch my wife's mother years and years before I knew them had been home alone while her husband was in England doing tree surgeon work arborist she was in her laundry room when a man walked up from her basement completely scaring her she freaked out and said what the hell are you doing here he said he was friends with her husband and was just coming to see if he was here apparently he told him he could just walk in which she knew was [ __ ] she was smart enough to tell him that he was just at the store and would be back any minute he said he would wait outside for him as soon as he left she called the police but he was long gone by the time they got here two weeks later the killer was caught his mug shot put on TV and it was the guy in her house and x200 B edit the guy's name was Terry driver here's a link to his wiki an acquaintance of mine sent his son to triathlon camp in Texas a week later his son came back from camp the next day the son was complaining of a headache four days later he was dead healthy happy fit 12 year old one week dead the next turns out the lake had niggly three sailors survived the sinking of the USS West Virginia at Pearl Harbor only to die 16 days later due to the lack of air the Navy knew they were there but couldn't get to them 16 days to die my dad and some friends got drunk and went for a drive on some back roads and were going as fast as the truck would go as teenagers my dad was slightly less drunk than the others and eventually demanded they let him get out they pulled over and he and one other girl got out he and the girl started walking to town while the other three sped off in the opposite direction well less than a mile up the road from where they got out is an extremely sharp turn which they missed and hit a tree going pretty close to triple digits miles per hour two of them died on impact and the only reason the third survived is because they crashed in front of a house that to doctors lived in the survivor was paralyzed and lost his leg and part of his arm and was in the hospital for eight months before dying this was in the 60s so medical care wasn't what it is today when I first got my permit my dad took me to that corner to explain the importance of safe driving it gave me goose bumps about how close he was to being in the truck he said that what Dad of the driver got what remained of the truck to be hung up in the center of town for months after to be a warning to all my brothers xgf had two older sisters they died before she was born one day they decided to play hide-and-seek or something so anyway they both climbed inside a chest and accidentally locked themselves in they suffocated nutty putty cave in Utah was sealed up in 2009 after John Jones was trapped upside down in a small crevice while spelunking when rescue teams finally arrived he had been upside down for so long that his legs were drained of blood the only possible way to have gotten him out was to break his legs which would have sent him into fatal shock he died after being trapped for 28 hours his body is still in the cave on the 20th of September 1987 in Bellingham Washington a georgia-pacific paper mill worker was sent to inspect a heat exchanger system in the steam plant inside the base of the stack he spotted a charred skeleton to this day no one is certain who the victim was how they wound up in such a horrible place why local paper left square bracket happen to me have posted about it before I was around 11 years old and I woke up in the middle of the night to a man straddled on top of me with his hand over my mouth and nose he told me to roll over a not scream i rolled onto the floor and tried to scream bloody murder i say tried cause when you are truly terrified it can take a second to find your voice my mom heard me screaming and came in and fought with the guy he was at least 6 feet she was 5 feet 3 inches and scared him enough with the fighting and screaming that he took off out the window he had comin through never did catch him a high priority inmate who could implicate dozens of wealthy and powerful people apparently committed suicide while on suicide what should his prison and the footage can't be found due to the malfunction of the camera but the news told me that's how it happened and the news is never wrong I worked for you a hall when I was 18 and it was located in front of a club that was known for being really sketchy I came in to open one morning and it was common for people to knock on the door hoping to get in early and get their truck on this day I hear frantic knocking on the door I'm there alone still so it kind of startled me I look and there's a women completely naked covered in what looks like blood I called the cops and grabbed one of the moving blankets and went outside to cover her up she smelled really bad and was a mess ended up being blunt and her own sh t she was covered in found out later she was drugged at the club that's night early morning raped and left blacked out in the alley it was just a ref ked up and surreal situation to be involved in during World War two an American airplane crashed near the Japanese island of Chichagof are there were nine servicemen on board one was rescued by an American submarine the other 8 were taken in by the Japanese don't want to go into all the details but through some time and events the Japanese ended up eating those servicemen but that's not the weird part the one servicemen who was rescue that was George H w bush Google chitchat him incident for more details if you'd like a headless limbless torso was found in the bushes at the rest stop in the town where I grew up they never found the rest of her body parts or the murderer she wasn't even identified until about a decade later she was a prostitute that had been estranged from her family my mom's theory is that a truck driver from out of state did it dismembered her dumped her torso at the rest stop and scattered the rest of her over state lines could have been an isolated incident or it could be a serial killer we might not ever know edit here's a news article on it if any of you are interested right city tour so I was in a crappy motel the room had bedbugs I was too exhausted to go to the front desk I just needed to make it until the morning I slept in the tub hours later I hear someone breaking through the window I had a big knife with me and ran out into the room to find a man halfway through my window we stared for a while at each other in shock I think we both were scared then he says is this your room I'm like yes this is my room man more staring then he slowly starts backing out while cursing me for leaving my window unlocked and not expecting him to break in motel on what Eve Sacramento the case of Elizabeth Smart one night about two years ago I believe it was spring and it was about 9:00 or 10:00 at night a bit of context my mother is a photographer and she has one of those big expensive cameras now I was just sitting in my room playing xbox with my buddies and I heard the commotion of my family in the doorway to the backyard a kind of commotion of people gawking so I went out to see what it was all about I go to my dad and ask what it is and he says there's something in our backyard and my mom is out there trying to get pictures but her flash isn't working and she's right at the fence trying to get pictures and all of a sudden the flash goes up in lights at the pitch-black yard and right in front of mom is a bear stood up on its back legs just standing there by the time the flash was done my mom was nearly in the house h/h homes and the hotel he built specifically to murder people like something from a horror movie but completely true every year thousands of children go missing all over the world and at most you hear about a few per year in your area no one seems to care it is literally a nuisance to many to have have you seen my child who had pop up on their social media I work at a max security prison and we have several inmates who are severely mentally ill the ones that self-harm wear a Fitbit kind of thing to monitor heart rate if there is a change we rush their room to stop whatever is happening on top of this we also do visual inspections on one round a co-worker was doing cell checks and noticed this particular inmate had blood on their face but nothing came up on the monitors or anything so he called to the inmates to ask if they were okay the inmate had their eyes closed and just kept repeating it doesn't hurt the inmates would not answer where the blood was from we opened the cell to see what the situation was and it turns out the inmate had plucked out both of their eyes and they were laying on the floor the inmates HR monitor never alerted and the inmate never screamed paramedics said the inmates vitals were normal and the inmate was fully responsive the Battle of us a leek fortress 1915 German troops attempted to gas the Russian defenders out as the fort had been a thorn in the side of the Germans since the outbreak of war the gas succeeded in killing almost three whole companies the Germans then advanced across the fields expecting the fortress to be empty and an easy victory from within the fortress Russian troops emerged coughing up blood and lung fragments covered in bandages made up as improvised gas masks as well as chemical burns they returned rifle and light artillery fire at the advancing Germans the German troops didn't bother firing back as they just ran back to their lines their commanders claimed they're already dead give it 20 minutes and go take the place to which the soldiers remarks it is not men protecting that place but the devil las a leak fortress never felt during the war as when the German troops went back months after there was already fresh defenders I know this story is much different to the ones other people have said but it's the one I could think of as truly terrifying well I'm a bit late and I'm not sure if anyone posted this already but the story of history ouchy he suffered radiation exposure so thorough his DNA was destroyed and he probably would have died in a matter of days or even hours the doctors kept him alive for almost three months he was conscious and begging for death as his body literally fell apart left square bracket it happened to my mom's friend a couple of years back she was driving on the highway in the middle of nowhere as in far away from any town suddenly a car that is passing on her left stairs fully to the right in front of her causing her to brake and steer very rashly this obviously causes her to lose control and crash against a tree she passed out and some time later she couldn't really tell how much time passed a group of Brazilians all of this happened in Portugal came to her rescue and told her things like don't move we're calling an ambulance just hang on there etc she eventually passes out again and about two hours later someone else comes and starts helping her again and eventually the ambulance and her husband arrive she tells them that some other people have been there before but the guy that found her says no one was there when they check the trunk everything had been stolen including computer camera etc she later said that she remembers thinking the car that made her crash had been following her for a while and driving a little too close make of that what you want sorry for my English last week I would have said the Japanese war crimes of the up a of Nanking but frankly for me it's the fact that absolutely nothing is going to come of the Jeffrey Epstein arrest and connections that some of the most influential people on earth are totally and visibly able to manipulate the system to cover the fact that they're rapists pedophiles and murderers I would call it creepy more than scary but my mom's friend had a small house and lived alone she noticed weird things a batch of soup depleting faster than usual missing eggs damp towels in the hamper when she hadn't used any extra dishes in the dishwasher etc this went on for months she thought she was just being forgetful one day she heard some thumping around in her attic and went to investigate she found some makeshift living quarters small radio hotplate sleeping bag pillow food wrappers etc she called the cops who came to keep an eye on the place they ended up catching a homeless man climbing a tree trying to sneak into her attic window he had been doing this almost daily he would wait for her to go to work then go downstairs and help himself to food and amenities the funny part about this story as they got to know each other throughout the ordeal and the guy was actually very respectful just down on his luck she didn't press charges instead let him move in helped him get a job and he lived in the Attic until he got back on his feet creepy sh t with a happy ending my long-term partner decided to end his life suddenly and unexpectedly a few years ago he was the happiest person I knew and even with 20 stroke 20 hindsight videos poring through old messages et Cie I wouldn't be able to identify any warning signs my mom was driving and a guy ran out in the road so she stopped so she couldn't hit him it was nighttime so it was pretty dark out and three other men emerged from the forest around all trying to use the door handles of her car to get in she locked them luckily and gassed it to the nearest town remember to always lock your car after you start it because if it wasn't on who knows what would have happened to her that there's a guy casing the bar that I work at literally right now and I can't do anything to stop him he's been in asking what time days were open and what days we have security caught him feeling the corners of our windows and doors too unfortunately until he breaks in and robs us the police won't do a thing therapist you need to start filtering what you take in surround yourself with positive things your anxiety can be helped but you have to do the work first you'll start to feel better but you have to train yourself me upon reading this title click when my aunt was about 16 she was working at a grocery store and had a boss in his mid-twenties one day he called the house and was begging her to sneak out and hang out with him she was considering it because it was her boss and she didn't want to say no my mom who is two years younger than her always gets these incredibly spot-on gut feelings she had one that night and begged my aunt not to go out with him thankfully she listened to my mom and told him no which made him really angry he ended up going out that night and meeting another girl he took her out to some cliffs and raped her and pushed her off somehow she lived through this and was able to get him sent to prison I feel so sorry for that girl and so thankful for my mom and her gut feelings always trust your gut my friend tripped and fell onto the tracks landing his face onto the third rail we kind of stood there in absolute shock because we thought he was dead but then he said can I move will I be electrocuted we told him to move instantly and he did we got him off the tracks and no less than two minutes later a train went zipping by I think the third rail turned on seconds after his face came off of it I know that's not scary to a lot of people but to me it was because I would have lost a close friend back when I was about 12 I spent my first 10 years in New Delhi then we would find dead women burnt with acid all set on fire and it used to be so normal like oh look another one of those dowry cases where her family didn't pay the husband enough money so they killed her many years later I revisited those memories and realized how insane that actually was I'd totally forgotten about all that my cuckoo clock that is broken for more than 20 years made weird sounds 2 times in a row in the middle of the night a guy I worked with was riding his dirt bike through the woods and somebody hung a cable between two trees my buddy caught his throat on it and saw the dudes steal his dirtbike woke up in the hospital with a lacerated throat and a broken larynx pretty crazy what somebody will do for something so cheap artimus pyle the drummer from Lynyrd Skynyrd survived a plane crash and walked to a nearby house only to be shot by the homeowner the homeowner saw a bloody long-haired man in winged him Pyle survived that as well and made a full recovery not as scary as some of the stories here but I was pretty horrified when my dad told me the story there are some really big houses in the woods in my hometown one of the owners went out drinking with his buddies and realized he forgot the key to the gate when he got home so he decided to just climb the gate while climbing in his drunken state he slips and his leg gets pierced by one of the spikes on the gate he was hanging there but too afraid to call for his wife since he was sure she would just open the automatic gate from inside the house and since it was one of those gates that slides to the side it would just rip his leg off if she did he was hanging there the entire night until his wife woke up saw him and called the fire department my dad who is one of the firefighters that showed up said they had to solve the spike to get him off just imagine hanging from your own gate all night not being able to call for help the driver one of the sinners we took in on trade died in the truck the sleeping area is a bunk with a mattress that can be flipped up and under it is a seat and a table so during the day it's a denim setup and at night you pull the lever and pull the bunk down to sleep well something happened and the bunk flipped up while the driver was sleeping and it pinned him against the wall he couldn't get it to drop back down and suffocate it he was stuck there for somewhere around 12 hours someone had noticed that he was parked for an unusually long amount of time for the kind of deliveries he did the company that built the sleeper did something to the bunk so that couldn't happen again and supposedly recalled all of that sleeper style Carol Durant was at a shopping mall in Salt Lake City in 1974 when she was approached by a man claiming to be a police officer he said that someone had tried to break into her car and asked her to come with him he then said he would drive her to the police station and she got into his car however this guy was not a police officer and he did not drive her to the police station but rather pulled into a parking lot he then cuffed her pulled out a gun and threatened to kill her if she resisted only he messed up he meant to cuff both of her wrists but only managed to cuff one she escaped and fought him off despite being hit over the head several times her kidnapper was Ted Bundy he killed another woman just four hours later her escape also helped to identify Bundy and she as part of the reason he was eventually arrested in third grade a guy came to our school and held our class hostage he had already killed his wife and was there to kill his kid the administrators convinced him the kid was not there and to take one of their cars and leave after threatening to kill us multiple times tying up the gym teacher and dragging someone's grandma around with a knife at her neck he finally left about 30 minutes later the police caught him in Indiana on his way to kill his parents he was convinced the world was ending and he was killing everyone he loved to spare them the school did worse than nothing they lied to parents and no assistance was given to either the kids or teachers involved the gym teacher never came back and every time she would see one of the kids at the store or whatever she had a breakdown several of us have PTSD undiagnosed for decades we just thought it was normal in the 70s the chicago public school system was more concerned about their jobs and lawsuits so they covered it up my brother-in-law is a deranged heroin addict has been for over a decade in 2016 he murdered my father-in-law he attacked him from behind and crushed his head back shoulders with a hammer over 50 times my husband and I were out of town and he used my father-in-law's phone to text us throughout our trip he lived with my father-in-law's dead decomposing body for over five days and proceeded to steal his father's belongings and korn them drain his bank accounts and stole his car when we got home he fled and sent my husband a text from his dad's phone saying he wasn't feeling well and was in the bathroom that's when my husband found the body he's in jail now serving 24 years but it still haunts me a family friend was cleaning her bus before the bus run she had two small kids who were strapped into car seats in the bus she swept the floor and was standing outside the bus leaning in using a dustpan and brush to collect the dirt she had swept up the auto doors on the bus kicked in and closed on her neck she suffocated while her two young children looked on unable to do anything because they couldn't undo their car seat buckles 80 year-old dude at my grandfather's church went swimming when he was a kid on an old mining quarry with his cousin they were both kids like 7 to 10 long story short the Sam mine or air bubble down below the water opened up and swallowed the cousin he had to walk back home and tell his family they got a search and rescue down there and could never find the boy a girl I went to high school with her parents and her little brother left for the weekend to go on some trip but she had softball practice and couldn't go she was home alone sleeping in her bed in a completely dark room she's startled awake by the loud sound of her bedroom window breaking she watches as a dark figure slowly crawls into her room through the window the figures eyes aren't adjusted to the dark but it turns towards because it sees something this mysterious man inches slowly towards that trying to see what this lump is he gets his face almost right up to hers before he realizes it's a person in her bed his eyes widen and he slowly backs away and crawls back out the window ex-girlfriend just under 18 years old had her father attempt to our pay her in her sleep woke up to him attempting and struggled endlessly until finally he got up and left few days later he tried to offer her money for sex a few weeks later she turned eighteen packed up her stuff and I got her out of the house while he was at work over the course of the next three years I stayed in a relationship with her while she lashed out and completely let loose cheating partying lying fighting etc it completely ripped the girls life apart and she lost all inhibition I stayed so she had a constant to come home to we're both in agreement that if I didn't stay she probably be dead we split up about five years ago but are now best friends and she's living a great life it was hard for me not to do something to that dude my dad was at Marquette University in Milwaukee in the late 80s and early 90s one of his friends was gay one night his friend was at a bar and was asked out by an older man around mid-30s or so he refused and the guy walked off a couple weeks later he was at my dad's apartment when he saw the news report on the ongoing milwauke murders when Jeffrey Dahmer's face was shown he immediately recognized him as the guy who'd asked him out the kidnapping torture and raping of Junko Furuta I read about this when I was like 11 years old and I haven't forgotten her name since her story is filled with really raw details but the thing that shocked me was the amount of evil there's in this world and it being done without any reason but the pleasure of seeing another person suffer because those guys just randomly chosen her and decided to do all those horrible things I'm a woman and obviously it's something that has disturbed me since I read about it and sometimes while I'm walking on the streets I would just remember her name and get anxious and paranoid probably the one about the guy at a local factory who went inside one of the welding machines I think that's what they are called to clean or do some kind of maintenance and somehow despite all the safety protocols another employee kicked it on apparently the moment had happened the employee that did it realized his mistake that there was no way to stop it once it started the firing cycle yes the man inside died pretty quickly but I cannot imagine being the person who made such a horrible mistake before the United States dropped the atomic bomb its creators believed there was a chance that nuclear fission in the atmosphere might ignite the nitrogen in the atmosphere causing it to burn off utterly obliterating earth and killing every man woman and child so that is how you get Trinity the military mostly in secret tested a nuclear bomb before the bombings in Japan to see if the atmosphere would burn off when people target pregnant women and cut the baby out of their stomach I'm not sure if it's scarier to survive that or not [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 270,965
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: ea7bSKp81ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 16sec (1816 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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