What is the weirdest thing you have seen on a flight? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what is the most WTF thing you've experienced seen during a flight I had just got out of prison and was on my way home I had just found out that my wife who waited for me the whole time I was in prison had just died in car accidents right before I was due to be released so I'm on the plane and this creepy old guy in a pale suit keeps talking to me like he knows me he keeps trying to offer me a job but he won't tell me anything about what he actually does or even his real name but he knew my name and he knew things about me that he couldn't have known anyway our plane was grounded by a storm and I ditched the guy because he was creeping me out got off and decided to rent a car and drive the rest of the way home I know he didn't get off the plane because he was sleeping when I left and I watched nobody else got off the plane after me on my way home I randomly stopped in some town to get something to eat at a bar and who is there waiting for me that same creepy old man you can't explain that was on a flight from Toronto to Thunder Bay Ontario back in 2009 we were halfway there and flying near Seoul stair Marie and it was nighttime I'm looking out my window and I see aircraft lights way off in the distance getting bigger I asked the guy next to me to look out the window and tell me if I'm crazy but nope he sees them too we're flying at 30000 feet and we both watch too slowly the lights get bigger and bigger it's a jet and it's coming right for us neither of us truly believe it's gonna hit I mean the ATC can't be that stupid right after a few seconds I'm not so sure and I grit my teeth the plane gets close enough to powers that I can see into its cabin windows and it flies directly beneath us less than 500 feet for sure the turbulence of it flying below us shakes our plane neither the captain nor flight attendants never mention a thing freaked me right the hell out on a flight from Minneapolis to LA I had quite a terrifying experience I was sitting next to an elderly man who partway through the flight needed to use the restrooms I moved aside and watched as he walked to the front of the plane attempting to find the restrooms as he reached the front of the plane I noticed he wasn't exactly headed towards the restrooms rather he was headed toward the front exit door horrified as I was he began to attempt to open the front exit at 34000 feet he began to pull down on the lever to release the door when a flight attendant ran over to him and stopped him she kindly redirected him towards the restrooms a few years ago me and a few friends were flying from London to NY when we were about to land it was completely dark outside and at this point we were pretty sleep-deprived and kind of nervous never having been to the US before anyway the in plane lights are turned off and the plane lands as the plane comes to a halt on the runway we notice a weird orange flickering glow illuminating the inside of the plane through the right-hand windows everyone looks out and there's a wrecked airplane in the center of a huge [ __ ] fire right next to this on the runway the air crew flat out ignored it and acted as if nothing was wrong and we never found out what the hell happened in the state of mind we were in it was a very surreal experience years ago flying from Dallas woman and the seat behind me has a screaming kid with her I put on noise-cancelling headphones and turn up the volume all is improved until I smell something truly gagging for unknown reasons I pull the headphones off just in time to hear to her asked the brat make a little mud double-quote I know Texas has some quaint phrases but that one was the understatement of the decade the kid had filled its diaper in the plane with some really toxic [ __ ] odor I'd like to tell you she took the child to the bathroom and cleaned up but like the screaming she didn't mind in the rest of us didn't meet her longtime lurker and I finally have something to post so he goes I was on a flight back to Pittsburgh from LA in coach of course I board the plane sit down and I noticed two nurses helping an elderly woman into the seat directly in front of me she was in a wheelchair and look to have suffered a pretty bad stroke about thirty minutes outside of Pittsburgh the woman [ __ ] herself and the smell was god-awful then the nurses get up and actually changed her [ __ ] diaper right in front of me the smell instantly doubled when it hit the air and it was at that point I actually prayed to God to knock that [ __ ] claim out of sky and end it which he didn't as I imagined he was laughing his ass off I was on a flight from the east coast to Arizona in the middle of the flight the pilot gets on the intercom and is like has anyone a doctor on the plane there was a lady like three rows up from me on the right section who had an oxygen tank and her family is all around her I didn't think anything of it since it just seemed like she was just sick 20 minutes later the pilot gets on the intercom and is like we are diverting and making a stop in Denver we land in Denver probably going 600 miles an hour I have never gotten to the gate that fast in my life after the door opened there was police firefighters EMT you name it you couldn't really see what was going on since there was so much commotion I remember the family got off the plane with the lady I specifically remember the look on passenger on my right when she looked out the window and saw there was a white sheet over the woman that was three rows up she died on the plane so you wonder if someone guys on a plane what happens they land the plane get the body off the plane and do some paperwork and you are on your way in 30 minutes the kicker to the story is in Denver it was during spring break so they had allative overbooked passengers the pilot gets on the intercom and says they are letting people from Denver board the plane since we had a few empty seats mind you we were coming from the East Coast sure enough a lady sat down in the same seat and the woman just died in they didn't even clean IT I could not believe IT I was an author the rest of the flight I was thinking about telling the woman after the flight that someone died in her seat 20 minutes before but I figured if that was me I wouldn't want to know my uncle is a mountain climber he saw mated Everest a few years ago and a couple months ago was climbing straight L Bruce in Russia he summit Street L Bruce successfully in ghosts of the Moscow airports to fly back to Canada after everyone had boarded the plane I check my onion man runs to the front and tells everyone that he has a bomb attached to him that he will blow up unless the Russian government let's check my alien prisoners go my uncle is at the back of the plane confused as to what is going on because he only speaks English after five hours many people had fainted because the plane was not on in there for air conditioning was not on this was during a heat wave also so the terrorist allows doctors to come aboard to help the sick people however instead of doctors it was the Russian equivalent of a SWAT team that kicked the living [ __ ] out of the man after this everyone was D planed and my uncle was stuck in the air course for an additional 16 hours being questioned by the Russian officials without being allowed to call the Canadian Embassy and the air Court didn't call the embassy either he eventually came home with a six-story TLDR my uncle was on a Russian plane when Acheson and terrorists held the plane hostage for five hours on a flight from London to Berlin me and my wife were the only passengers on board it was kind of awesome the flight attendants were in a wicked mood and loaded us up with drinks and the pilot addressed us by name on all announcements halfway through the flight the plane's engines went dead silent and the flight attendants got a worried look on her face and said I [ __ ] hate it when they do this I wasn't really sure what was going on but we figured the plane was gliding or something I've never heard a plane be that quiet before anyways we got insanely drunk and partied with one of the attendants later that night at Berghain panorama good times I ended up sitting next to some cougar in first class where she proceeded to take advantage of the free drink and get completely smashed and hit on me heavily she even got up during takeoff to use the restroom she was basically climbing up the aisles since the plane was still ascending two minutes later she comes back with significantly more cleavage it was so awkward I tried my hardest to just listen to music and look out the window she eventually moved on and got into this loud political debate with the people in the back row then this obese flamboyant gay man in front of me angrily gets up out of his seat turns around gets into the aisle he proclaims loudly in the listless bee voice I've ever heard heeello goo lady this is not a public debate would you please shut up as some of us aaaa are really trying to sleep double quote she then silently sat back down it was awesome on a red-eye from SLC a young mother sits in the aisle seat with her infant in the row on in she's chunky and hippie-ish and pleasant enough the seat between us was then filled by another mother this one easily in her 80s who was traveling with a dozen of her children grandchildren GRT grandchildren Mormons of course everyone within sight of an infant immediately feels anxiety at the prospect of an overnighter with a child who is sure to wail non-stop so we take off and the young mother crosses to envelope her baby holding the child close and against her ample bosom and curling over her him and cueing and talking softly this goes on for at least four hours and the baby barely makes a peep maybe once it starts to get upset and the mother we doubles our efforts and the baby settles down again at the end of the flight the mother receives accolades for her baby handling skills from nearly every passenger around her TL DR I took a four-hour red-eye with an infant in my row and said infants never cry gore otherwise disturb another passenger for the flights duration I was once on a flight whether scared who was an extremely flaming douchebag every time someone asked him to do anything he could tell he was pissed off and gave them attitude he didn't say anything but he would let out sighs or look around as if to say is this guy serious how dare he asked me to do something for him about three hours into the flight someone was able to take a kick any sign onto his back he then walked around the airplane for the next half-hour while people behind him were snickering the whole time it was hilarious even the other crew members on the plane were laughing at him when he couldn't see them eventually some old lady ruined everyone's fun and told him about it he looked furious stupid old people always ruining everyone's fun on a flight from Belfast to Birmingham a lady bored after I was seated and asks if I would hold her baby whilst she got settled in I said okay a few minutes pass and the mother doesn't return I call for a flight attendant who brings one of those orange belts and tells me to strap the baby on to me as they would be taking off soon I protest quite loudly this is not my baby i T belongs to some woman back there the FA insists I strap it in after claiming that I was the dad and was trying to plan the baby off on to my wife I spend the flight attached to a strange baby and with a sore neck as I kept looking round for the mother upon landing I see the lady chatting with the ephes and it becomes clear that she works for the airline she had placed an airline ID badge around her neck so that's how I knew she takes the bay from me and sarcastically thanks me for offering to look after him not knowing what else to say I lied and told her that I was the worst person to pull that stunt on as I was a social worker and that she would be getting a home visit pretty soon her face went a bit white at that point I did actually call Birmingham social services to report the incident but I never heard back from them not sure it was WTF but it was amusing as soon as seatbelts light went off this businessman grabs his bag and off to the toilet he goes comes back a few minutes later wearing silk pajamas and slippers has his suit in a garment bag gives it to stir where the suit goes to hang it up he puts on eye mask and off to sleep he went for the whole flight six hours wakes up reverses procedure nice suit pressed shirt from his bag and such I was kind of jealous I'd love to be able to sleep in a plane like that my mom was a flight attendant and had lots of crazy stories one time she was serving drinks and a passenger looks at her and says nervously the engine is on fire my mum looked out the window and the engine was really on fire she calmly told the man she will speak to the pilot really she was [ __ ] bricks she goes into the cabin and tells the pilot the engine is on fire the pilot looks at it says it's okay just excess fuel burning up to this day my mother doesn't know if he was telling the truth and quite frankly doesn't want to know a fake sense of security is better than no sense of security on a United flight from LA to DC the flight was a continuing flight from Mexico City but with a new flight crew drink cart came out and an overly blond flight attendant asked what we wanted we ordered and she moved past us a bit and asked the people behind us what they wanted the woman answered in Spanish and before her adult son next to her could translate the far snapped English this is America we speak English I won't give you anything unless you ask for it in English everyone went far except my husband who pulled his headphones off and said loudly to me what the [ __ ] did she just tell that woman to speak in English because it's America that's [ __ ] ridiculous did that really just happen he continued on for a bit and Fars went mute and tried to get the cart down to the back as quickly as they could they didn't give our row the time of day the rest of the flight and yes as we got off he made a big deal about getting her name and he called United closed racket on a flight back from who won the row in front of me contained a bearded guy who looked about 40 and a Japanese woman who looked about 60 it was dark and the cabin lights were off they began chatting soon I noticed that they were each leaning in toward the unoccupied middle seat and sort of whispering I heard her say but I'm married a bunch of times she showed him her ring and he took her hand in his they fondled each other's hands for a while occasionally she'd scold him and they'd talk some more but soon they were fondling hands again I hear her say but I don't know you soon the guide took out his driver's license and gave it to her to inspect which she did for upwards of 10 minutes when she was done he leaned in for a kiss they made out for a while about 40 minutes and they stopped BC she once again said that she was married though this time she said it with a tiny bit of a smile her heart was clearly pounding there was an electricity that overtook her he was magnetized and focused on her every movement when the plane landed they both rushed off together down the aisle toward the exit the guy was on my next flight and I noticed that when he boarded the plane he had a red rose with him the woman was nowhere to be seen not on a plane but in the security line about six years back while about 10 people in front of my family in the line a guy runs past the metal doctor it goes off he doesn't stop I couldn't tell what one of the security men yelled but he yelled it three times instead of stopping the guy all the gods and people behind the desks run into two rooms and closed the doors leading all US passengers standing there freaking the [ __ ] out a minute or two pass ad in goes over the PA system fa own comes out of the rooms PA system says thanks for being cooperative during our drill and have a nice day double-quote TLDR apparently the drill is to leave all the passengers to die while the staff remains safe at airport check-ins I used to internationally travel lot when I was younger and working for a telecom company designing new infrastructure on one of the trips as we were heading to China I looked out the window we were above Alaska and the Bering Strait somewhere and The Horizon had huge slice of black like some weird wedge-shaped cloud that encompassed half the horizon it was a bright day on the ground or sea below us the ice was very bright and white but there was this giant dark wedge encompassing and seeming to take over the earth as you looked out to the horizon I had the guys next to me look out and take a look they were confused the first two I was really confused for a few minutes then I realized what I was looking at in profile and what that engulfing black wedge really was it was night we were flying in such a manner that we were surfing the edge of daytime and nighttime of 35,000 plus ft and at that moments if you looked out over the horizon you saw daytime fading into night I only saw that once it was being in the right place at the right time I have a picture somewhere I may be able to dig up aside from bad in-flight movies that would be my most WTF experience it wasn't really a WTF moment for me but for the guy next to me flying home from Amsterdam I was pregnant and had the window seat and the only open seat on the plane was next to me well some drunk [ __ ] was in front of me and a young Dutch guy next to him the drunk had already fought with the flight attendants to serve him more drinks when he was clearly drunk but to be more of as he continuously got up and down out of his seats to get into the overhead compartments trampling the Dutch guy each time then he drenched the guy in beer and soaked his seat too I offered to let the guy sit next to me warning him I was pregnant poor thing I spent the next eight hours crying at random and throwing up in two bar flags he had to keep getting up and stealing other people's bags - he was sweet and sympathetic but when it finally seemed to stop the flight attendant didn't come to get the full bag right away and I dropped it on the floor it exploded all over both of us and our staff needless to say I was sorry and felt bad but we spent the last two hours and a transfer flight covered in bath it was his first trip to the States welcome to America on a flight a few weeks ago the flight attendants started to make preparations for landing telling people to put their trays up and whatnot I noticed the flight attendant loudly speaking to a man in his late twenties or early thirties sitting two rows in front of me sir you need to put your seat back up sir sir the guy starts spitting blood and convulsing it sounded like he was choking on the blood with each Gasper their flight attendant starts screaming for help and they make an announcement over the PA for a doctor for passengers and all the flight attendants leap into action turns out the lady in the row between me and the sick man is a nurse together they get him laid out on the row with his head in the aisle he's not responding to their questions and he's fading in and out of consciousness we make an emergency landing 20 minutes ahead of schedule as we are taxiing he regains consciousness and tells the flight attendant holding his head that he's sorry for the trouble wheel and paramedics leave the plane and carry him off he seemed to be stable but I hope everything worked out for the guy TLDR guy sitting two rows ahead of me probably had a seizure and started choking on his blood flight attendants and a nurse in the seat behind him saved his life emergency landing and everyone made their connecting flights I was on a flight home from South Africa after a family vacation my dad is a diabetic but he usually keeps his blood sugar levels pretty regulated so I never worried before mid-flight I wake up from a nap and see him slumped over the side of his seat he was taken to the back of the plane where three doctors were examining him they said his heartbeat went up to 220 or something which I think means he was an inch from death all I remember is seeing my mom and brother break down I began having flashes of life without my father and it overwhelmed me I felt sick to my stomach imagining what life would be like when all of a sudden his heart rate stabilized the doctors onboard said it was a miracle and I felt so much relief the plane had to stop in Senegal where my dad was transferred to a hospital he wanted me to keep going since the semester was starting soon that flight home alone was terrible I felt the other passengers watching me the entire time he is alright now but every time I get on a plane I always remember that feeling of leaving the whole world behind dates the 11th of September 2001 location on the plane two hours from landing in JFK Nick Airport when the towers were hit what scared the [ __ ] out of me with this flight attendants face as she walked past me this was before the pilot told us over speaker that we had to turn around back to Greece I was just playing my gameboy wasting time when I look up and see the flight attendants run past me with a face that looked scared to death T has worried the [ __ ] out of me because flight attendants are always , than Hindu cows so in my head I'm thinking [ __ ] something might be happening and just imagining the plane was going to drop any second it freaked me the [ __ ] out but then the pilot got on speaker and said the towers were hit by kamikazes and we had to turn back the entire flight back the only image I had in my head were World War two style planes with Japanese kamikaze flying into the towers and I was just wondering why the [ __ ] Japan would attack us the craziest thing that ever happened to me is pale into comparison to a dead cast but who goes I was flying Calgary to Houston which is about a four-hour direct flight we were just about two hours into the flight or coincidental II just about to Denver when the pilots announced we would have to turn around back to Calgary so around we go and land in about an hour 15 he really cranked on it we touched down in taxi over to the mechanics they opened the cargo door and shut it again and in 15 more minutes we were fueled up and in the air and off to Houston this time it was about a three-hour flight full thrust the whole way luckily there was an industry guy behind me and I overheard him speculating the reason his idea was that since the airline had paid mechanics in Calgary and probably not in Denver it would be cheaper for them to turn around all the way to Calgary then pay all the costs associated with landing in Denver luckily it was just a little glitch and not a true problem but it was anyone's guess the true issue I have a friend that is very familiar with the inner workings of the plane and he said that in a time they open the cargo door and unplug a certain cable during maintenance some switches to be flipped to reset that alarm system for that door he said it's an extremely common mistake for that switch not getting flipped after work has been done and it results in false alarms all that cost likely in the tens of thousands because one guy forgot to flip the switch I wasn't there for it but this happened to my cousin he was flying in South America and about halfway through the flight he realizes he really needs to take a piss the plane he is one is a tiny prop plane made for tiny people he is 6 feet 5 inches he awkwardly climbs over his ace limits and stumbles shuffles to the back of the plane as he is closing the door the captain comes on the loudspeaker and warns of upcoming turbulence he thinks [ __ ] it I really need to pierce he crams himself into this tiny bathroom manages to whip it out and right as he starts to peel a hit a huge bit of turbulence that knocks him off his feet backwards through the bathroom door and flat on his back in the aisle still peeing straight up in the air he was completely mortified and managed to get back up pick up the door and work himself back into the bathroom he waited for like 20 minutes hoping no one would have seen it forgotten about it by then but when he went back out to take his seat he got a standing ovation from every single person on the plane ouch in grade 12 I was on a band trip to New York and of course we flew there as it's a longest drive from Vancouver we were seated alphabetically and the school band took up a good ten rows of the plane this also resulted in me and two of my friends sitting close together towards the very end of the flight they turned to me and say that on the count of three were going to throw in our in-flight pillows at another mutual friend some four or five rows back pillows not being so aerodynamic led to only one hitting its intended target and the other two hits in two other people all three had grabbed their pillows in addition to the ones we just threw and chucked in back at us again only some made it all the way back to us with others being hit and caught up in it eventually in spirals so out of control that there was for a good five or ten minutes about nine pillows in the air at all times the crew eventually made an announcements to ask passengers to please refrain from throwing loose items at each other the teachers were pissed but [ __ ] that TL DR started a pillow fight on an airplane while waiting to use the water closet on the way to Panama the door somehow opened while this guy was hunched over the toilet flapping away there was no mistaking it this guy looked like a poster boy for the vinegar strokes at first I couldn't believe what I actually saw as he turned his head to see the door come open the most awkward eye contact moment of my life unfolded he turned to shut the door in a panics fashion exposing his junk at that point my WTF face became encrusted into my facial features for the rest of the flight and even the next day so since that time I can hardly use any bathroom on a plane I'd rather just hold it him and see another bucket party I was in an aisle seat on a flight from LA to New stim TX about an hour into the flight I noticed this awful smell I look up from my book just in time to see this 70 year old woman violently throwing up in her lap since I'm a sympathy vomiter I tend toward the people in the other seats to try and avoid doing the same thing after about a minute of this and the rancid smell of old people vomit she is led to the bathroom as she is leaving her seat she ships herself in the seat so I get to spend the rest of the flight gagging as this [ __ ] and vomit aroma rapes my nostrils the flight attendants tried to clean it as best they could but it made no real improvement TLDR old woman throws up and shits herself on a flight from LA to New stim I was on a flight to Chicago was supposed to land at O'Hare but about 30 minutes before landing they told us it was too icy and we were being diverted to Midway Midway and O'Hare are 26 miles apart so we land at Midway we disembark and as we are leaving the Skyway a gate agent runs up and tells us we need to get back on the plane they were now going to take it to her we all said [ __ ] it we'll stay here she then informed us our bags wouldn't be getting unloaded we would need to go to the other air course to get them so about five of us out of a full flight 90 , got back on and had to wait about 20 minutes to de-ice the plane then a 15-minute flight to hair TLDR saw the creature on the wing throwing explosives in the engine attacked me totally freaked out dan Aykroyd drove me to the hospital flying from Atlanta to Washington DC we were about 45 seconds post takeoff when the guy beside me unbuckled himself and starting running up the incredibly steep aisle the flight attendants immediately start yelling at him to sit down even going so far as to Thumba with the intercom about ten feet from the front of the plane one of the crew said flight lady sir I'm going to have to demand you sit down by mum I am going to [ __ ] my pants double-quote he barricaded himself in the bathroom for about 10 minutes and emerged the clapping and angry looks from flight attendants he ordered a water with no ice in it when they got to our aisle a guy died next to me once on a flight from Maui to Dallas I was half asleep in the second-to-last row of the plane while I was listening to music and boozing I suddenly heard a really loud hard thud next to me I look over and there's a man lying on the ground completely still I thought maybe he tripped but the flight attendant came running and he was unresponsive she frantically ran up and down the aisles asking for doctors luckily for him the flight was full of vacationing doctors and nurses all of them in ridiculous clothes two of the doctors who came back were in Hawaiian shirts and golf attire and the female nurse who came back was wearing a very strappy revealing blue Hawaiian print dress the doctors tried to wake the man up but he was gone I was surprised to find out just how much medical equipment they have on commercial flights the docs whipped out a portable defibrillator and shocked the guy then set up an IV drip for him I never heard a word out of him or saw him move not sure if he actually woke up or not our flight was diverted to LA and when we landed half a dozen EMT personnel ran on the plane to pull the guy out on a gurney unfortunately for me this whole scenario set off a panic attack and I had to go find a nice spot in the aisle to lay down so that I didn't pass out caused more problems for the crew and doctors it was embarrassing I was on a flight from Amsterdam to NY one time and there was the kid who was running up and down the aisles trying to bite people as he was heading down the aisle at full speed a stewardess suddenly pulled the refreshments cart into the aisle right in front of it and he ran smack into it face-first she said to him oh sorry didn't see you coming you shouldn't run like that down the aisle or something like that I know she did that on purpose it was awesome flying from Nick to Boston on the Delta shuttle about 20 minutes into the flight an odd smell is in the cabin smelled like burnt coffee grinds I think nothing of it until the pilot comes on and announces that this is your pilot and as some of you may have noticed a strangest smell in the cabin well we aren't sure what that is so it to be safe were going down well not the best choice of words and he failed to mention the decent would be three times faster than normal so it was loud as hell and a decent was steep I wasn't too concerned but I was amazed at how many people had religious items with them that were pulled out one lady had an 8x10 metallic Jesus picture I just whistled the whole way to Boston I was on a flight leaving San Francisco Airport about 15 years ago a mentally [ __ ] man sat in first class a few rows in front of me I don't think he understood why they wouldn't let him stay in his seat he became frightened when the stewardesses tried to get him to move and curled up clutched the armrests the airline called security and to remove him and they ended up tasing the guy and holding him off the plane when they tased him he pissed shot himself and on the seat so in the end the seat was vacant this is less of a water [ __ ] and more of a [ __ ] you layer experience I traveled to England with a friend I didn't know very much long story short she decided to be a crazy [ __ ] and lie lie and lie some more by the last half of the trip we weren't even in the same cities we had the same flight home because we booked it beforehand to my surprise she changed her seat so she didn't have to sit next to me a win in my book the women who decided to take the seat next to me was a flight attendant who was off duty she was extremely cool we talked for hours and since she knew all the girls who worked on the flight she brought us drinks and food from first class the entire flight each person had their own screen to watch DVDs or whatever well she had a card that she could swipe and it would give her any movie she wanted for free so me in this rad flight attendent got drunk and watched pineapple express and laughed our asses off the entire time I got so drunk I passed out in the woke just as we were landing back home best flight ever we had snacks drinks movies and great conversation the evil women I went with would turn her head and disappoint staring back at us TLDR flight attendants sat next to me and got me free drinks snacks movies and food from first class I was on a flight to the Dominican Republic on a fairly large plane there was a really preppy family most likely going to a mega-resort sitting right behind a large man who was clearly a native to the country about halfway through the flight the kids in the preppy family starting giggling and I turned around to see them pulling on the large man's cornrows the look on the man's face was something I've never seen before he made the most perfect rageface and turned around and starting yelling at the kids to start prep dad told him something to the effect of don't talk to my kids like that the dominie can man through the most powerful punch I've seen in real life and scent prep dad falling back almost three rows nobody could believe their eyes and it was apps chaos eventually the Dominique and man got handcuffed by the marshal on the plane but that was some of the craziest stuff I've seen TL DR preppy little kids pull on a Dominique and Mann's cornrows prep dad gets demolished one time I was on a flight from Europe to Australia with a fly switch in Singapore each flight was 12 hours long a total of 24 hours in the air when we arrived in Australia we were told to stay seated as someone was taken off in a stretcher found out later that the person had died mid-flight another time my dad wanted to get rid of a glass he had so he could go to sleep so he placed it on the seat just by him the guy came back from the toilet and laid down on top of the glass glass and there was all this crunching as it broke under him but he was really really fat and didn't even notice it but that was more funny than anything oh I just thought of a third and last one it was Christmas season flying to the States I was looking out my window with my brother going was still in the clouds wonder when we will stop seeing the city when suddenly the plane goes BAM as it landed on the tarmac giving me a huge fright there was such a bad snowstorm we were unable to see out the windows hearing it is an emergency please stay fastened in your seats everyone on the plane went silence for a second while processing what was just said as we were climbing from takeoff a passenger left their seats so the flight attendant got on to say unless it is an emergency please stay fastened in your seat she failed to hit the button soon enough to catch everything so it came out IT is an emergency TL DR flight attendant freaked the [ __ ] out of everyone on the plane for no reason just as an for your information for cat owners if your cat is panting he's overheating and laughs very dangerous sticking his face in front of a fan won't do much you're better sticking cold items cold can of pop water , directly to the pads of their feet as they don't have sweat glands they can only cool off from the pads of their feet or their tongue but the tongue isn't very large or practical to do much effect if you're at home and this happens stick them in the bathtub and run cool water so it's about two half-inch deep I have a lot of respect for flight attendants after one of my flights I was on an international flight between Chicago and Germany a guy next to my family kept asking for a drink the stewardess initially told him he'd have to wait until he was in the air then she switched to not allowing him a drink at all because he was obviously drunk the guy said he couldn't go that long without a drink he wanted to get his bag because he had a bottle of vodka in it the stewardess had a silver tongue and got the guy himself to suggest getting off the plane and passing up on the flight that guy could have been a huge problem but her diplomatic and compassionate handling of the situation was incredible to watch my wife had a strange experience once I guess it is more shitty than strange but it's still strange she had always had porcelain perfect skin until she gave birth to our daughter then she suddenly got really bad recessive well she was flying with our daughter to visit her sister and this crazy lady sitting next to her kept freaking out about her skin saying she has a disease I didn't want to catch her awful disease she was insisting that she moved to another seat but the flight was full the stewardess kept explaining that she wasn't contagious that she just had an acne problem but that dumb [ __ ] wouldn't listen it made my wife feel like crap and everyone on the plane was laughing at that dumb lady at least everyone laughing at the lady and consoling my wife made her feel better I still wish I could have been there to punch that [ __ ] in the face I was flying with my sixth-grade class on a class trip to Catalina Island CA about halfway through the flight as nutjob sitting right in front of me stands up and says everyone better leave me alone I have a bomb dot needless to say I was freaking the [ __ ] out he seemed deranged it was strange though because the reaction from the flight attendants was very calm they must be trained in handling this kind of thing this beautiful flight attendant came up to him and just talked to him very calmly telling him that he shouldn't say things like that with kids on board I [ __ ] you not he screamed again I didn't care I have a bomb and I'm gonna use it dubt passengers were doing their best to stay calm and ignore him and after a few minutes I noticed that the flight attendant had successfully distracted him by making small talk with him I think he was just a lonely nutjob comer anyway the coolest part was after the flight as soon as the dude walked through the terminal about 10 guys in suits just gang tackled the [ __ ] out of him [ __ ] you lay on a flight into Denver my plane almost collided with another plane and then was struck by lightning full story I was in the second row of first-class the ticket was bought at the last minute by my company we were making our final descent into an apparently stormy Denver and the clouds obstructed our view out of the windows at what seemed like only a few minutes from landing the plane suddenly pulled out of its descent and began climbing again the pilot came on the loudspeaker and informed us that we were coming in too close to another plane and we'd have to circle back and try again only a few turbulent minutes later I actually heard through the cockpit door pull up pull up and the plane climbed steeply back up to cruising altitude I wasn't sure if anyone else had heard what I'd heard but the flight attendant in the jump seat was on the phone with the captain and she looked extremely distressed suddenly out of nowhere there was a thunderous crack and a flash of light that filled the plane the woman next to me too gasped and practically jumped into my lap grabbing at me in fear after 15 long minutes we finally landed resulting in cheers from the passengers taxiing down the runway I saw several fire trucks racing across the tarmac when we parked at the gate the captain announced over the loudspeaker that we were owed an explanation turns out that after we pulled out of our initial descent the pilots controls lit up with a terrain warning which later turned out to be false but required the captain to gain altitude for safety's sake once higher in the clouds our plane was actually struck by that lightning bolt we heard and the captain declared an emergency to their traffic control hence all the fire trucks I got here much too late but this was amazing we were going to Vegas while waiting at the terminal for a connecting flight a couple came up while screaming at one another you need to stop being such a [ __ ] [ __ ] oh yeah I'm sorry I'm sorry I can't be a better goddamn girlfriend to you you [ __ ] they went on like that oblivious to the fact that everyone was watching them when I got to my seat on the flight they sat down right behind Emmy and continued a poor woman was stuck at the window while the fighting couple took the seats on the middle and aisle they fought for most of the flight acting like terrible people it sounded like a breakup after a certain point they finally both shut up this is where things got weird she said quietly and angrily what are you watching Cake Boss Ace of Cakes Cake Boss ugh I don't even know what it is it's a cake show double quote silence continued for a few more minutes until the steward s started down the aisle with fresh cookies the hags voice changed from constant rage too bubbly excitement I smell cookies as we approached Vegas she talked in the same giggly voice oh there's our house so excited to be back double quote It was as if the screaming of obscenities never occurred TL DR a couple that was having a vicious fight turned on a dime because of Cake Boss inexplicably well once I was flying from London to Toronto and I had a 3-hour delay so once I finally got on the plane I was starving since I didn't eat anything during that delay so I waited patiently for the dinner to be served the food served wasn't enough well list your desk serving our seats was a South Asian lady who spoke English in Punjab II I speak Punjabi well as my dad as Punjab II and mom Persian so I don't look all that South Asian so since I was still hungry I asked the stewardess politely if there is something to eat as I am still hungry and my stomach was growling she said no there is nothing else available I cursed my luck and sat back about ten minutes after the person on my right ask the stewardess if there is like a sandwich or something he can have and she suddenly changed the conversation to Punjabi and told him to wait five minutes she will bring it for him few mins later when she was handing him the sandwich she told him in Punjab evap tell the person next to you that you paid for the extra meal on board I heard her say that and obviously understood each and every word so I looked at her and told her in Punjabi I am willing to pay for it too she was shocked and embarrassed got me a sandwich few mins after but I was very shocked one time I won a free airline ticket and one of those radio promotions I didn't think much of the destination but I decided to go anyhow it was quite an experience oh yeah you know I'd never been on a real airplane before and I gotta tell ya it was really great except that I had to sit between two large Albanian women with excruciating ly severe body odor and the little kid in back of me kept throwing up the whole time the flight attendants ran out of dr pepper and salted peanuts and the in-flight movie was biodome with Pauly Shore and oh yeah three of the airplane engines burned out and we went into a tailspin and crashed into a hillside and the plane exploded in a giant fireball and everybody died except for me you know why cause I had my tray table up and my seat back in the full upright position [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 437,720
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: YF6AAdglesA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 22sec (2842 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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