What is the creepiest thing that has ACTUALLY happened to you? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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serious what is the creepiest thing that has ever actually happens to you my mother called me did you use me as a job reference she asked you have to let me know if you do that she had mentioned once that since we had different last names she'd be happy to lie to any employers I have never taken her up on this but sure enough someone had called her to ask about me I discounted it a few days later my stem / Linda calls with a similar story she said the woman on the phone was really sweet and just wanted to check references that I obviously must have given her Linda and I have different names and aside from her marriage license to my father nothing connects us somebody was calling around to check up on me Linda gave me the caller ID number but when you call it went straight to a voicemail with a default message a week later I got a call on my band's booking number it's a Google Voice number for just this purpose hello she said I found your band online and want to book you do you have a show coming up where we could see you the caller ID matched it was her I panicked I should have named a place and waited for her there instead I asked why did you call my family she flus terribly denied it and made a quick excuse to hang up calling back straight to voicemail I never got an answer about it to this day when I was 8 my parents were going through a rough patch in their marriage and my dad was briefly living in a broken-down old RV parked in a friend's front yard that wasn't hooked up to anything classy right dot no electricity no water no nothing we had to stay there overnight on the weekends we were with him and it always made me nervous the RV couldn't even be locked well one night I woke up in the middle of night pitch-black with nothing but a tiny flashlight and I had to pee worse than I have ever had to pee I was already scared to death of the dark so I woke my dad up and pleaded to let me pee in the bathroom or maybe leave in the sink but he was grumpy and say no just pee outside there's nothing out there I made my way to the door stepped out into the grass lured by pajamas and started going but as soon as I did some creepy at f ck voice said to me hey kid come here along with some rustling in the bushes I bolted back inside peeing all over myself crying and fear and grabbed the door handle to hold it shut I heard more rustling outside but then it stopped so I let go and with my little dinky flashlight went over to the window pulled down the blinds just a bit and shined my light right into a smiling set of teeth I didn't see the rest of the face as I jumped back into my little bed throwing the blanket over my head and cried until the Sun came up people looked like I'm being a P ssy when I say I'm not too fond of the dark but I still can't handle pitch-black nights TLDR edit creepy guy wanted me to come to him after seeing me pee and I saw his smiling face right outside in RV's window my next-door neighbors are kind of old and since they're retired run a sort of mega babysitting company thin to keep busy a bunch of people in the neighborhood dropped their kids at the end he ends these people don't have much control over these children and we don't have a fence separating out backyards so one night these people are holding a slumber party of sorts right next door I can't f king sleep because of the screaming shits next door so I get up and go to the bathroom I look out the bathroom window and a crap ton of little kids are standing in my backyard very still staring at the stars or some sh t like that I probably should have connected the dots from there but in the moment I was freaking the f ck out the next day I found little handprints on most of my downstairs windows almost drowned once in the middle of a public water park when I was six years old everyone around me just watched it happen without lifting up a finger as a former lifeguard drowning doesn't look like the drowning they show in movies it can be hard to spot I was told you can't really see someone drowning because the moment it goes wrong can pretty much no longer wave your arms does that mean that as a lifeguard you are pretty much just looking for people suddenly disappearing there was one moment when I was little I was swimming in the ocean on the coast of France where the waves got really high at some point every wave would force me underneath and I tried to get back to the shore and was unable I stopped crying and waving I wasn't drowning since I plenty of time to catch my breath every in-between wave but my parents just thought I was waving to them and they waved back luckily there was the kind French man who grabbed me and carried me onto the shore I had just gotten home from the gym and was exhausted I badly needed to shower sleep so I began to head upstairs as soon as my bedroom door came into view what I can only describe as a dark and humanoid-looking silhouette creeped out a view from the side of my doorframe I knew 100% that I had seen something and wasn't too keen on investigating it I grabbed a knife from my kitchen convinced myself that I was a grown-ass man counted down from five kicked my halfway closed bedroom door all the way open and started yelling like a maniac I was home alone I didn't find anything or anyone I checked each closet thoroughly under the bed etc etc the usual [ __ ] that places I closed my door out of habit and began to get undressed when the only light in my room burned out it was absolutely pitch-black considering how positive I was that I had seen something earlier I promptly began to freak the f ck out I had this sense of dread and absolute impending doom I felt like there was a hand about two inches away from the back of my neck it was such a vivid and terrifying feeling I bolted in the direction of my door after about five 10 seconds of being too afraid to act and got the f ck out of my house until the rest of my family came home pretty anticlimactic I know but to this day I've never felt that convinced of another and welcomed presence in my house kinda creepy at the time but scary afterwards long time ago driving from Borel to bear amore in New South Wales a state in Australia my wife and I were flagged down by a guy asking to borrow a car jack because his van which he said was his sister's and yes it was white had a flat and his Jack didn't work guy was creepy and we just said nah mate and took off a while later we saw the photo of the serial killer Ivan Millett who had been caught by then pretty sure it was him in the van fitted on a spring break trip a friend and I got dropped off at the front gates to our condo a security guard saw us and kept insisting on walking us up to the room we kept saying no and he seemed kinda weird he followed us into the elevator and I stood as close as I could to the buttons he kept making weird comments and telling us how hot we were we kept bringing up how all of our boyfriends and our guy friends were in the room waiting on us and how there were like 10 people staying there when the elevator hit our floor we took off running as fast as we could 2 weeks later after we came home there was a new story about the same security guard he followed a girl onto the elevator and made her perform sexual favors before he'd let her go edit found the article about it he didn't tell pay her it was almost six years ago he locked three girls in the elevator with him and tried to touch their boobs and threatened to evict them two were minors he was arrested for false imprisonment I didn't use the word our pay because it never said anything about our pay in the article I went on a guided cemetery tour at night about six or seven of us were standing around a tomb listening to the story of how the inhabitant had killed himself with a gun when all of a sudden there was a big flash in the whole sky lit up green with smaller flashes we found out later that we had witnessed a beating or breaking up so the tour guide takes a moment recovers from the surprise and continues his story about how some decades after the poor chap had killed himself someone broke into his tomb and stole his skull with moved on and walked further into the cemetery when we were startled by a loud bang we shrugged it off as a car backfiring laughed nervously at how on edge we were and continued the tour shortly after we hear a couple more bangs in quick succession and one of the tour party commented that they were pretty sure they were gunshots there was another bang closer definitely a gunshot then we saw a light in between some of the headstones and I kid you not we saw the figure of a man carrying a shotgun slowly coming from the direction of the tomb we had just been at we froze I looked over to the tour guide thinking it was some prank he plays on all his customers but he was completely white and was backing away it was a man with a shotgun and he was walking towards us he lifted a flashlight and pointed it directly at us several of us ducked behind the headstones as he yelled get out of here what the hell are you doing in this place turns out the City Council pays some guide to shoot possums in the cemetery and they forgot to warn the tour company my parents live very close to railroad tracks like less than 100 yards away as I was walking home from a friend's house one night I noticed something white on the tracks I decided to get a closer look because it was too dark to see exactly what it was it was a man in a white t-shirt passed out on the tracks I was too afraid to go near him so I went inside the house and got my dad he walked over to the man and tried getting him to wake up when the man finally woke up he was pissed that my dad had bothered him he was trying to commit suicide because his girlfriend had left him my dad attempts to make him get off the tracks but guy wasn't having any of it and he punched my dad in the face he was heavily intoxicated my mom eventually called the police and they came to pick the man up I'm not sure what ever happened to him when I was about 20 my boyfriend at the time was in the post office and I was waiting for him in the car it was a beautiful day and my boyfriend was taking a while so I decided to swing my feet outside the car window and lay back in my seat and shut my eyes I'm happy and comfortable as can be however after a few moments I feel someone tickling my feet I laugh thinking it's my boyfriend but when I opened my eyes it was a man that looked like he belonged on duck dynasty intensely staring at me and still tickling my feet I have not put my feet or my hands outside the car window since I was in Sun Valley Mall in Pleasant Hill California in 1984 with my then wife and new baby son I was looking in the window of a men's store on one end of the mall a few hundred yards from JC Penney's when I turned around an asian guy and the white guy were way too close to my wife and son and she looked a little scared she was a tiny woman with a new baby I overreacted a bit when I went over and was pretty hostile the white guy looked at me then gestured at my wife and said to the asian guy Miranda the Asian guy looked at me and how angry I already was and said to the other No then both turned and walked out of the mall without saying anything else a couple months later there were pictures of Charles ng and Leonard Lake all over the Bay Area to this day I'm convinced that if I would not have been there she and Ord stirred jr. would have been killed I was walking home from a friend's house in college on a really foggy night like this fog was so heavy that it was difficult to see more than 20 feet ahead of you anyways right in front of me I see a large group of people walking towards me and decide that I was going to avoid walking past them because the only people who roll in large groups like that a freshman it was around 2:00 on a Friday and I didn't feel like dealing with drunk idiots as I'm about to turn onto another Street I take another glance at the group and see an American flag waving following the flag was a group of Union Civil War soldiers walking two-by-two down this path curious as to why Civil War reenactors would be around so early in the morning I kept walking towards them to ask them what they were doing i sh t you not these soldiers just disappeared into the fog when I got within 15 feet like gone no trace I went straight to my house and tried to get whatever sleep I could but the whole situation had me pretty f ked up the next day when I was thinking about it I realized that they were walking towards the football stadium which used to be a Union Civil War camp still gives me chills a few years ago I was burl hunting in a large national forest in northern Wisconsin it was early November and all the leaves were off the trees I ended up staying in my tree stand way too late and didn't start walking out until it was almost completely dark the walk out from where I was consisted of about three strokes four of a mile walking through dense jack pines and mixed hardwoods before hitting a logging trail that would take me to my car about a mile down the trail I had been walking for about ten minutes when I started getting the sensation that I was being followed I eventually hit the logging road after a few hundred yards I heard something walking in the woods a little ways behind me as I kept walking it became obvious that I was being followed every time I slowed my pace or stopped walking I could hear whatever it was come to a stop as well I'd seen predators in the area before but every time I'd seen bears or wolves they were afraid and didn't want anything to do with a human whatever it was continued to follow me almost the entire way out to my car as soon as I got in remote range I hit the panic button on my key remote and set off my car's alarm I kept it going until I got all the way back to my car never did figure out what was following me but it was by far the spookiest feeling I have ever experienced July 1991 I was working two jobs one has a night Auditor at a large hotel the other a day job as an executive recruiting firm one Monday night around 11:00 p.m. one of the recruiters I was friends with at the firm called me while I was working the busy hotel switchboard she was frantic and was telling me that Shara's son he killed a bunch of people it's on the news it's just now unfolding I was thinking he went on some shooting ramp McDonald's or something and killed some folks I couldn't talk because of the busy switchboard calls so I told her we talk tomorrow and hung up the son's name was Jeffrey Dahmer I woke up in the middle of the night last week and looked over at my boyfriend sleeping soundly next to me I was admiring his nice face thinking what long pretty eyelashes he had I was half asleep comfy and warm and everything was lovely as I became more alert it slowly began to dawn on me but though he does have very long pretty eyelashes they weren't quite that long that's when the spider started moving across his face there was a f king massive spider on his eyeball everything is different now I used to live in a rented house that along with my neighbors sat across the street from a fairly bustling city park at night when the park was deserted I would walk out my front door and sit on my porch and look at the trees and the stars one night around 1:00 a.m. I opened the front door and started to sit down that's when I saw man standing in the deserted Park he was directly in front of my house the man was dressed all in black and was wearing a Halloween skull mask the mask seemed fairly intricate but was most definitely a store-bought cheapo the sight of this guy sent a chill down my spine he didn't move at all although I know he saw me the entire neighborhood was silent and still and we just pause there holding our ground we watched each other for a long time and then he sauntered away I ended up calling the cops because I figured this guy was casing the neighborhood cops came took my statement nothing ever came of it couple of months later I'm doing some yard work around the side of my house I'm pulling a huge tangle of weeds out from a thicket underneath my kitchen window I see something that looks like trash pick it up it's the mask I saw that night only creepy in retrospect but I think still counts my parents used to have some friends that they would hang out with go camping with etc they had three children two boys and a girl if our parents were having a good night and we were tired we just sleep on the couch or on the floor in the kids rooms bit of a sleepover until we were bundled into a car we moved away though and lost contact found out years later that one of the boys was jailed for a potato raping his sister from a very young age my parents hid it from us for a long time and my mum still gets pretty upset about it and that we had all slept there so terrible you never believed these things could possibly happen to people you know this kinda reminds me of an old family friend I adored this man as a young girl and always went running into his arms when he came to visit I found out years later that he raped my older sister makes me sick to my stomach to think about when I was a kid I swear my parents hit her 80 - 90 year old guy along a dirt road pulled over the car got outs and checks on him and then got back in panicked and drove off quickly I'm pretty sure my dad killed him I was probably three or four years old when it happened my parents tonight has ever happened to this day and chalk it up to imaginative dreams as a child I think they're lying one morning my 4 you woke me up and hands me the phone and says it's Gigi , the kid's name for their great-grandmother I didn't hear the phone ring but I figured he just picked it up before it had woken me I called my grandmother and nobody answered I had an odd feeling about the call so I called my mom and asked her if anything was going on with her mother and she said she hadn't heard anything in that as far as she knew everything was fine sometime around 8 hours later I get a call from my mom to tell me that Gigi had collapsed was taken to the hospital and was going to be fine she wanted to know how I knew something was going on hard to explain that one I asked my grandma later if she had called that morning and she said she hadn't the school I used to go to back in my home country always used to warn the students about goblins living in the wooded area behind our school probably just a safety measure to keep the kids out in the woods I curiously made my way there one day and found a mound of dirt oddly shaped almost like a dog's head typical of the kid that I was I kicked it around destroying it I'm not sure what I did after that but I remember coming back no less than 15 30 minutes later and the mound of the dirt was exactly the way it was prior to my needlessly destroying it I bolted out of there it sounds stupid and a bit bizarre but it's really the only experience I've had that one can consider paranormal in my 27 years of life I was only maybe 6 years old when this happened so it may just be a memory I somehow fabricated but it has stuck through the years was getting a haircut woman barber was cutting my hair she's talking going back and forth then she says his beautiful my eyelashes are talks about how much she wants them but she can't pluck them because then they'll just die so she'll take the straight razor she's using to do my edges to slice off a bit of my eyelids and then sew onto her own she got really detailed into how she was going to remove my eyelids I bet being a hairdresser can be mind shatteringly boring at times and that letting your mind go walkabout and trying to get a rise out of people and freak them out is the only thing keeping you from drinking the blue comb water late 90s family trip to Disney World we were driving through rural butt-fuck Georgia nearing the Florida line running out of gas we take a random exit and find ourselves in the most scuzzy backwoods gas station I've ever seen there were possums and cages outside racoon jerky and ziplock bags for sale and the gas pumps were straight out of the 1950s I didn't want to go into the bathroom but I had to pee very badly I walk into the men's room one urinal two stools I look under the stools see nothing here nothing bathroom empty I settle at the urinal unzip my pants and begin to pee as I'm peeing I see and hear commotion from the nearest stall someone is slithering like a snake under the stall wall he comes closer and I see it's a black child a boy about eight to ten years old naked as the day he was born he slippers on the dirty ground right up to the urinal and lifts his head up exactly even with my junk he stares straight at it says that's not the smallest or the biggest it's just okay then turns around and slippers back into the stall under the wall again I finish zip up skip hand-washing and leave as fast as I can to this day I have no idea what any of that was about it was the first cold at night and I was alone in my bedroom asleep f king music box starts playing I look around thinking my wife must have bought one no f king music box woke up twice to a creepy ass Music Box in the night didn't find it anywhere scared the SH T out of me however a month later I was moving stuff and saw the back of my wife's jewelry box and it had a crank sure enough turning it played the music box [ __ ] I didn't know that apparently the room getting cold contracted the metal or something it was freaky when I was younger I was driving down an unfamiliar country road at night by myself with a car that was in good condition and never had any problems well out of the blue my headlights went out I kind of freaked out but kept my cool and just eased the brakes on a little and came to a start well as soon as I did my headlights came on again and I found myself stopped right at the edge of a pretty sharp drop-off I never had any more problems with the headlights after that one time I was pumping gas and was approached by a couple who said they needed a ride their car had broken down and they needed to go about a mile up the road to get to their friends work their destination is on my way so I agreed to take them I pulled out my phone and say half jokingly okay well I'm just going to send a picture of you guys to my friend to make sure you don't rob me or something haha they both simultaneously turn and walk away they don't say a word I yell out hey you're walking the wrong way to get to destination the man flips me the bird and they keep walking neither to where they said their car was know where they wanted to go there was a similar Oscar ended thread years ago it was the first one I read turns out that up sunk 'l was picked up by a little de guy and given the ride the driver made a left instead of the right during the ride and made a pass at the young passenger kid freaked out and at the next stoplight he made a run for it weeks later he sees a news report regarding john wayne gacy being caught and when asked why he didn't have door handles on the inside of his car he said to not let anyone escape again TLDR John Wayne Gacy fixed a problem this happened just a few days ago on my birthday I was thinking of a friend who passed away this year unexpectedly and was reading our convo on Facebook the last message I got from him was from the 17th of December 2014 saying happy birthday I love and miss you don't worry we'll get together soon ' the exact moment I'm reading this my iPod that was sitting on the other side of the room started playing a recording of my friends singing The Gambler to me I hadn't touched my iPod for a few days battery fully charged it was one of the most heart-wrenching moments that I felt like he was sending me a message and also the creepiest because why that recording I hadn't listened to it in months and all of the sudden BAM I'd love to hear people's thoughts on this if anybody reads this I was at home alone playing Assassin's Creed 4 on a dark but calm night when I hear a massive thump upstairs like a heavy piece of furniture falling over I head upstairs and everything is in place nothing out of place I thought it may have been a raccoon so I searched the Attic nothing so I go back to gaming and eventually decide to take a shower as I'm heading upstairs something taps a few times on my window 30 plus feet off the ground no trees nearby I look outside nothing so I get in the shower and hear heavy footsteps in the hall outside the door and then the bathroom light goes out oh hell no I get out of the shower grab my machete and search every corner of the house after extensive searching I find nothing eventually I give up make sure all the doors and windows are locked and go to bed at about 2:00 a.m. I randomly woke up and a small apparition with a visible face drifted out of my large open closet and over the foot of my bed I have never believed in ghosts but that night made me question my skepticism this'll probably get buried as it's not super scary buit I was at my best friend's house when I was 18 in the house at the time apart from me was my friend and his dad I was coming down his hallway towards his kitchen at the end of the hallway just before the kitchen was a door on the right that led to a sitting room as I walked I saw the back of somebody just disappearing into the living room I didn't think anything of it either my friend or his dad right I got to the kitchen just as my friend walked out of the annex leading off from the kitchen on the left opposite side of the house from the living room then his dad emerged from behind him I started and said if you're both here who just went into the living room they looked at each other confused and said there's no one else here I told them what I saw they told me that my friend's mom had also reported seeing someone a number of times in the hallway additionally she had woken to see a woman sitting on her bed just staring at her who than disappeared she had also woken up to the weight and feel of their dog lying on the bed and had spent a few moments petting him before remembering their dog was dead at which point it disappeared yeah I decided I wasn't gonna stay over there anymore stroke I work a graveyard shift at a caregiving facility taking care of people with advanced dementia basically I watch people die for a living they beg and cry and moan all night long and then they die we just had a client die yesterday and it left my co-worker in tears now for the creepy part a client wakes up and tells me someone is outside her window I figure this must be a hallucination but she keeps insisting so I look for a knife but I was new at the time and didn't know where they kept them locked up so I end up with a large pointy salad fork 3:00 a.m. outside looking for intruders it turns out she wasn't hallucinating I didn't catch anyone thank God but my co-workers bike was stolen that night please bear with me since English wasn't my primary language this started out when I was 14 year old and during that time I grew deeply afraid of being alone in the dark mainly because I scare that there might be something looking in it so being a young and stupid me I always play a religious music Buddhism before I went to bed is for some reason it's not sure the feeling of being afraid up upon one night when my mum suddenly woken up from her dream and noticing the music I was playing she immediately walk out from her room and came to mine and woken me up and told that this kind of music attracts ghosts upon hearing to her reason I closed the music and she went to bed in her room after one hour I woke up from my slumber and started hearing a scratching sound I looked out through my window and there it is a mother f king shadow fiend look-alike flying past my window being a 14-year old me I acted like I saw nothing and immediately closed my eye for four hours until my other remember woken up and comes knocking Edit Chinese English GG late 80s I'm around 13 me and my friend spent a lot of time going through the miles of abandoned apartment complexes that were eventually destroyed to make room for the 105 freeway in Downey CA I believe these were taken through eminent domain and tons of stuff got left behind by the tenants so it was always an Indiana Jones style adventure to us one day as it's getting dark we find a room in one of the apartments that has a bunch of kinky sex toys an inflatable doll stacks of nudie mags and a little bag of dicks rubber ones but still counts among other things there's also a mattress in the room and clothes hanging in the closet we start grabbing anything interesting no idea why we wanted the bag of dicks we were pretty bad kids though so it couldn't have ended well and I start shuffling through the clothes hanging in the closet as I get about halfway through I notice the last coat has pants and boots under it then I look up and realize there's an old man maybe late 50s standing in the corner of the closet stiff as a board eyes wide open and staring at me I had to stand there staring back until my mind accepted what I was seeing because it was getting pretty dark in there and it was almost like I was in denial over it after a few seconds of our shared moment I just turned and walked out of the room and found my friend and we ran to his house as fast as we could we told his uncle about it and all he did was yell at us and confiscate our bag of dicks I've been waiting for a thread like this so I could post my story I also want to see if anyone in the area heard or saw what happened this is more scary than creepy sorry this happened in the past two years this happened in Ohio about 10-15 miles north of Delaware rural area I'm being vague cause I don't want to give too many personal details away it was summer and my family was having a cookout all the adults including me are in sigh talking while the kids were playing outside we all heard a huge boom to this day the loudest sound I think I've heard and no sh t about three seconds later we all kind of froze when we heard the boom felt the f king wavelength or whatever from it go through the house this kicked us out of our shock and we ran outside to see if the kids were okay and what happened it honestly sounded like what I would imagine a new cold bomb would sound like the kids were fine some was scared some didn't hear it WTF , and we didn't see anything in the sky or around the land that looked off my boyfriend and I drove around like two miles out in each direction and saw nothing I've checked news reports off and on and nothing's been said about it since then it was so scary and the fact that nothing was said about it in the news is just so weird there is no wave was just a gunshot some of my family tried to save was after we all calmed down or anything like that it was something big and it's gonna drive me nuts for a long time if I don't figure out what it was edit Delaware is a town in Ohio guys I know about the state Delaware law one time I was driving home from a friend's house over winter break a few years ago it was really late tonight about 2:30 a.m. I decided to go on the back road to my house because it's a little faster and about seven less miles than the highway this particular road I was on after midday traffic isn't a real popular road at all except for those who live on it well while driving I took a big turn I noticed one vehicle coming the opposite direction and one in front of me strange but nothing out of the ordinary I passed the car going the opposite direction and it was a white van I got behind the car in front of me which was a truck as soon as I got behind the truck the van stopped and quickly turned around from that point on for about two miles a truck went really slow while the van rode my ass the entire way I was scared shitless why did the van immediately stop going one way and turn around to go behind me especially that late at night both the truck and the van slammed on their brakes when we got to a part of the road without any streetlights and I managed to barely squeeze through both cars stopping and raced home I was going 75 miles per hour on a road that has a 30 mile per hour limit I never felt so afraid in my life I called the cops after and told them the licensee plate number and description of the truck in front of me took me months to be able to go down that road again so I have night terrors every now and then and as I child I used to sleepwalk but as I grew older it kinda stopped about two years ago I went to sleep early around 7 p.m. and had a dream that started at a movie theather everybody was standing not sitting down and I missed what the actor said so I asked out loud what did she say and everybody started suing me saying that he might hear me then the actress on the screen turned to me and her face was all white and decaying and she yelled and jumped from the screen so I started to run and a stairway appeared and it looked like the one Rose went up to meets Jack at the end of Titanic and at the top there were a lot of people who kept telling me to run so I just kept on running I ended up at my own balcony and ran to my room when I heard behind me a voice that asked me to stop so I turn and I see the decaying actress in a white robe walking towards me and I freeze she jumps on me and starts banging my head on the floor and I pass out when I woke up my family was crying and asking me to wake up I was standing right at my living room the balcony glass door was open and my headache line hell and there was blood where I was banging it I was terrified after that night this actually happened I'm serious the only reason why I even tell people is because my friend saw it with me and we still talked about it to this day be 16 or 17 friend came by to tutor me in calculus about 10:00 p.m. it's night I let my friend drive my car to his house he lived out in the outskirts of town where there is nothing but orchards of almonds passed by a cattle ranch with lots of lights silence in the car I'm on shotgun and I f king see a bull running on its two legs like a human bull turns its head towards us red glowing eyes bull looks like it's getting ready to spin around but then evaporates look towards my friend and ask him did you see that my friend replies did it look like a bull running on two legs with red glowing eyes and then it disappeared yes i slim ass WTF that was about ten years ago my cow Kara came in his day off just to tell me that his friend saw the exact same thing six years after the incident my ex didn't see anything was on cell phone 100% true story when I was about six and my sister was about 15 we woke up to her screaming like a ref King BAM she turns out she had convinced herself there was someone in our backyard watching her between a crack in the curtains and then something tapped on the window she flipped her sh-t and got the f ck out of there after three hours or our mother saying it's just a dream she finally goes to sleep the next morning I decide to investigate further there were footprints outside her window also same year we were sleeping in the lounge room watching movies and heard our mother get up walk all the way up our hallway move a small clothes rack have a smoke and go to bed then we realized our mother was snoring the whole time the scariest part my sister left me we both decided to run but I was tucked in untangled so she got the f ck out of there and by the time I got out the blanket she was [ __ ] gone edit I remember the funny one when my sister finally got over the first two and was sleeping okay again we again woke up to her freaking out turns out in the middle of the night her poster of The Undertaker WWE had fallen on her so all she saw was a massive dude float down and land on top of her ah good times I was about 8 and at my aunt's boyfriend's house who had two daughters around my age it was the three of us kids their dad and my dad we were hanging out in their huge walk-in closet and our dads came up and told us they were going to walk to the gas station which was like right in front of the apartment and only took about five minutes they left and shut the walk-in closet door and left within a couple of minutes one of us kids had to go to the bathroom or something we went to open the closet door and it would not open the door did not have a lock we panicked and started screaming and after a couple of minutes our dads came into the room started panicking as well someone had shoved their dresser in front of the closet door in the few minutes I was pissed because I thought my dad did it but a quick scan of our father's faces made us realize it was not them because they were terrified I don't really remember the aftermath because this was nearly 30 years ago but I remember it happening here's my story from last summer a friend of mine and me were having fun in Bulgaria he was driving a silver BMW m3 going at 200 kph and the Ring Road around the city we were casually doing drags against other similar cars and nothing interesting happened really went home and slept in the morning I wake up and I see in the news two young men crashed with a bmw m3 on the same road that we were driving at about 200 kph and crashed in a post I think it's funny at first and text a couple of mates on Facebook that we talk every day to look at the thing nobody responds and that gets a bit creepy my father walks into the room and he ignores me at that point I am really freaked out and reach out to my friend that was driving and he hasn't spoken to anyone that day so I am sitting there wondering if I am dead for hours before I was able to convince myself it's okay still feel the emotion from that morning when I am telling the story I have told this before when I was in my twenties I would often go car camping by myself well usually I took my cat oberon along I would drive out of town onto back roads in the mountains find a likely spot and spend a couple of nights and days weeding walking communing with nature this was my therapy and a relief from the city and life stress one day I found a place that seemed perfect up off an old logging road there was a little meadow with a large round flat rock there were trees around and a small brook my cat Oberon was special I think he was part black lab he loved travelling with me I set out a lunch for us I like nice things so I set out a placemat a cloth napkin a bottle of good beer cookies and a perfect sandwich Oberon went into the trees and I went after him he was just nosing around and it was so beautiful that I walked a bit alongside the creek for a short way we were out of sight from my lunch I think I was gone for maybe 15 minutes when we went back to the rock table our lunch had been eaten but not like an animal had gotten to it the beer was opened my Swiss Army knife was open to the bottle opener and put aside the sandwich had a cross left with an obvious human bite mark left the napkin crumpled in later on the plate the packet of cookies opened along the seam we left in a hurry I could not get out fast enough thank goodness I did not unpack anything more than my picnic Oberon was upset he put his his back and was very tense I wonder who was there or maybe I don't so you know how when you look into a dark window or door or hallway you think you see a face or person well when I was younger I think 12 my room was upstairs and had the window that would reflect all the shadows of what's outside into the opposing wall I never wanted to stare out the window so I out my bed against that wall so that I could look at the shadows and know if anything is there mind plays tricks and I'd always think something weird is up my parents always would say to stop waking them up because no one is going to be floating 30 feet up so one time I really thought the shadow looked like a head but I didn't want to look back up I finally did it there dart face staring right into my room I freaked out and run to tell my parents after convincing them it's not a false alarm they yell and see there's nothing outside the window the next meaning when we are leaving for school we realize there's a giant ladder not ours propped up against the side of our house right at my window there was actually someone in there looking at me or in my room we be at a big-ass fence and I switched rooms I'll still never forget those eyes starring right at me back in the day when I was growing up my folks would send me to a Bible Camp every summer one summer while enjoying some fishing I decided to explore the pond for different spots to catch fish the pond itself had an island and about half was accessible while the other was heavily wooded I entered the heavily wooded area keeping and eye basically on the ground and not really paying attention to my surroundings when I did look up about halfway around the pond there was a bunch of deer bones hanging from maple saplings this freaked me out but what really freaked me out was when I turned around to note the f ck out of there there was a little girl in a red dress standing there smiling at me in total silence anyways the girl was just following me and we got out of there still have no idea who went out there in tied a bunch of deer bones to trees and after that experience I never went back to that camp when I was around about 14 I had a big fight with my parents over something stupid stormed out wandered around all night about 4 a.m. I dropped in at a trailer park one of my friends live that I'd been up almost 48 hours straight at this point and was wandering around waiting for my friend to wake up I started having visual auditory hallucinations presumably from lack of sleep I hear someone call my name and I look up and across the street I see the little girl from poltergeist sitting on someone's outdoor AC unit kicking her legs and calling my name had nothing else really notable and creepy happened to me for a very long time until I was around about 24 when my life first started fall apart I was losing my grip on my career and my now ex had just left I was fast asleep and then suddenly wide-awake I don't know why suddenly I was showered with glass as a candle holder on my headboard shattered no idea why a few years ago I lived with my brother I was 22 he was 29 one day I got home and was the first one home I go upstairs and take a brief nap maybe 30 minutes I wake up from hearing some general commotion downstairs I change clothes watch a little TV all the while assuming it's my brother I hear him come up the stairs halfway pause about 10 seconds then go back downstairs I thought it odd and so I decide to go down there and see what's up as I stand up I look out the window to him pulling in the driveway I go into what the f-ck mode and go into my closet where I had my hunting shotgun and look for shelves but I couldn't find any quick at this point I hear my brother walk in the front door and I decide to just go down with an empty gun as I hit the bottom of the steps he sees and hears me clamouring and his face just goes WTF and he yells out front dart so we both run out front but don't see anyone running away he runs back in to get himself a gun and shells for me and we search the property together no Scooby Doo [ __ ] and find nothing turns out when he walked in the house he walked past the basement door and someone came up right after he walked by and they booked it out the front door when he saw me bounding down the stairs with a gun in my hands he immediately knew what was up freaked us both out but nothing was missing I'm six feet 200 pounds visibly muscular and tatto dude with a shaved head I hadn't finished my shopping in the mall on winter evening so I was making my way towards the exit nearest car I noticed this cute little asian woman walking in front of me she was heading to the same exist that I was I noticed that she looks over her shoulder at me every few strides I maintain my distance and keep heading toward the exit I make it outside a good 10 15 seconds after her it's winter and nighttime I pop my balaclava on as I'm heading to my car this chick is still in front of me and looking over her shoulder at me only now she picks up the pace so I pick up the pace because maybe she knows something I don't she starts running so I start running and we're both headed in the direction of my car so I close the gap between us but right before I catch up to her I make it to my car and hop in and pull away to this day I don't know what we were running from a co-worker of mine had been getting abused by her husband we urged her to get out she wouldn't you know how it goes one day towards closing she came by work visibly shaken crying walking around the store etc we asked what was up she told us and we told her to go ahead and head to the break room and we lock her in so she wouldn't run out to him and he couldn't get into her well there she called the cops etc she gets called by him endlessly he comes in and asks if we knew where she was we said no sorry we only see her when she works he leaves and the cops come in she comes down talks to them and they take her to a relative we close up and I go to my co-workers car to drive the deposit to the bank we then heard the Clank of his rusty car we try backing up but he is behind us now then he pulled up next to us and gave me the most terrifying smile I have ever seen he looked in all our windows while we were frantically pulling out and leaving we went to the cops and led them no but his face was absolutely horrifying a huge yellow black tooth smile scabs etc we asked what was up she told us and we told her to go ahead and head to the break room and we lock her in so she wouldn't run out to him and he couldn't get into her while there she called the cops a couple of years ago my housemates were convinced her house was haunted the floorboards used to creat like someone was walking around upstairs when we were all in the living room downstairs taps used to turn on randomly and once the fridge door was opened and loads of stuff pulled out we figured it was a combination of an old house plumbing and the fridge bring over filled maybe it became a half serious running joke tbh so the staircase had a really sharp turn near the top like an l-shape when you turned 90 degrees my room was directly in front now I have a phone dock alarm clock that has a really bright clock on it next to my bed one day I was heading up to my room it was dark and the light was off in the hallway and in my room and the door was open and as I turned the corner I saw a shape move across in front of the dock and my floorboards creak I thought one of my housemates was in there but when I turned the light on the room was empty was always a bit uneasy on my own in that house after that when I was a kid about 10 years old I was waiting for my parents outside of a shop on the square of a little town we were visiting out of nowhere and apparently nice woman approached me and asked me to kindly go around the building since I was a kid for some reason I said ok and started going around the building but after a few steps I realized that her behind the building there was just a sort of alley with no one in B she gave me no reasons to do that so I turned back and the woman wasn't there anymore in a matter of seconds she wasn't anymore in the square I honestly hope that this was all a dream I had or something like that because if it really happened it is very creepy what if I had not turned back was she just the local crazy person maybe she wanted me to simply go away from that spot for some reason or maybe there was one waiting for me at the end of that alley I was around ten years old when I went swimming with one of my friends in the local baths we were there swimming peacefully having fun and we noticed a guy just creepily staring at us again and again my friend was really shy and the type of person who worries about everything I didn't really give much though to it and just told him that we should go to one of the other pools further away the guy appeared there too so by that time me and my friend were just weirded out like what's going on so then we just waited until we were sure he was distracted by something and quickly went to grab our clothes and went into one of those dressing compartments which have the unopen underside so you can see if someone is in there so you don't go in bothering them so we were getting dressed when we heard someone approached I wanted to calm down my friend so I told him I'd look out and make sure it's not him I mean it wouldn't be well it was that guy just pacing up and down in the corridor it was just so strange like we didn't understand what he wants with us after a while he left the corridor for some reason and we got out of there so fast we got home safe and nothing bad happened but it was just a weird day although maybe we were just overreacting you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: yGYj0jPd7sU
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Length: 54min 37sec (3277 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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