What's The Creepiest Thing That Happened When You Were Home Alone? (r/AskReddit)

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what is the creepiest thing that has ever happened in your house as night while you were alone someone walked past my window which isn't that weird except them on the 8th frickin floor I almost had a cardiac apparently there were renovations being done on the building and they were building the scaffolding up to my level H a happened to me at work on the 10th floor I saw the guy walking outside of the window behind me through the mirror on my desk I nearly died there's a state prison less than a mile away from my house when I was 18 my family was out of town my dad called the house saying someone had escaped from the prison lock all the doors and have something handy to protect myself with I did it was at night and I turned on the police scanner he was incarcerated for violating over a dozen teenage girls I looked out the window in the back door just in time to see a man in an orange jumpsuit jogging through my backyard stop see me and start walking towards my back door next thing I knew police ran into view and tackled him one of the most terrifying moments of my life my dad just reminded me I was 16 when that happened though not 18 my bad yes I am a girl this was when we still had a landline at my house ours was the very last one on the line so it sometimes did funny things like ring for no reason I'll just drop a call in the middle one night I was home alone and it started to storm really bad and the phone rings I pick up and it's a woman from 9-1-1 asking why I called me I didn't call 9-1-1 9-1-1 I just received a call from this number are you home alone me yes no one could have made that call 9-1-1 are you sure you are okay would you like me to send a car to me in my head I'm thinking God yes come save me I don't think so I really did not call 9-1-1 a came armed well have a good night i sat on my couch with my dog and did not move till my parents came home it freaked me the freak out TLDR on a dark stormy night my phone called nine one one by itself and they wouldn't have sent a car out anyway one I live at the end of a very long private drive a very well could have sent one by and I wouldn't have known it - this was only the first time it happened and the second time they did send someone we've traced the call it's coming from inside your house when I was about eight my bedroom was full of windows with no blinds one night I heard something outside but was too scared to go to the window and see the next day I go outside and there are footprints in the snow around my windows for the next week or so I would refuse to sleep in that room so every morning when my mother got up she would find me asleep under the living room table one night as I was under the table I heard someone at the back door they were jiggling the doorknob to try to get in ran into my mother's room screaming she called the police sure enough the same shoe prints were at the back door the police said there had been a bunch of break-ins in the area TLDR someone was stalking my house when I was 8 this is when building a zombie protected home pays off when I was a young lad staying with cousins in The Dalles Oregon quasi rural area huge yard nearest house maybe a quarter-mile the five office kids were out playing after dark the idea was one person would go hide the other fall would count and then come find the hidden person who would then try to run back to base without being tagged my oldest cousin perhaps 12 hides the rest of us set out in different directions as per usual someone yells I see him and we all come running and give chase the chase does not go in the direction of the base however but toward a bunch of trees the four of us more or less had the trees surrounded when my cousin comes out from another direction once he appears the person cornered in the trees heads toward the road we found out the next day that the neighbors had someone break into their house TL DR me and three other 8-10 year-olds cornered someone who was probably a bugler thinking he was it in a game of tag he welded gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids I wasn't alone me and my wife were at one of her friend's house it was about tennis night when the doorbell rings we all stop talking and stare at each other I ask if anyone has ever come over this late or if she was expecting someone she said no so I go to the front of the house and look out a window and don't see anyone so I opened the door and there is a mutilated dead squirrel right on the welcome mat we turned on the floodlights on the house and looked around but didn't see or hear anyone it freaked us all the freak out we never found out who did it or why but just assumed it was some butthole kids I did it many years ago I lived in a big old three-story house that had a room on the middle level that we converted into an office I used to write financial reports late at night that were published early the next morning the office had a few computers and my toddler son had been playing on one of them for most of the evening right up until I finished my work at around 9:00 p.m. by then he had fallen asleep so I switched off his monitor scooped him up and took him to bed flicking off the light as I left for the next couple of hours I relaxed in another room watching TV with my wife she went to bed around 11:00 p.m. and at midnight I decided to do the same I realized I'd left a window open in the office so I went in there to close it the house was silent and the room was pitch black dark and ice-cold when I walked in colder than it should have been for the time of the year even with the window open I paused for a moment in the center of the room to think about this and then it happened knock knock knock something was tapping on the glass but it wasn't the random tappings of a bird or another kind of animal it was completely uniform it sounded human but I was on the second floor so how was that possible it was so dark that I couldn't make anything out against the black glass but a few moments later it happened again knock knock knock by now I was already feeling on edge then something happened that chilled me to the core because out of the corner of the room to my right and from the darkness a high pitched almost squeaky voice began to speak quite loudly I can see you Froese on the spot my blood went cold my bowels prepared for evacuation my god I thought I never wrote that book any book it spoke again but with greater emphasis on that all-important word I can seee you I determined that I was almost certainly fricked so I figured what the heck I turned slowly to my right and walked into the darkness until I finally reached my son's computer nothing there but an empty chair but no talking now just silence a horrible silence carefully I reached over and switched on the monitor the screen brightened and there it was something red and horrible once again they tapped on the glass it was freaking Elmo from my kids Sesame Street game of all the stories on the thread this is the one that came the closest to making me fear crap everywhere I want downstairs to get some water at about 2:00 a.m. in the kitchen we've got a clock on the wall as I walk into the room acutely aware of every creak that echoes around the house surrounding me I hear the fast wind of something mechanical as I slowly glanced to my left subconsciously grabbing my glass a little tighter I see the clock hands on the wall spinning at about 50 times normal speed around and around and around I think to myself very clearly this is how movies start this is it I was ready to defend myself with my glass walls dashing over to grab a knife it was then I realized we had a radio clock which automatically sets itself I'd never seen it do it before it was now 1:00 a.m. this happened to me at my old dorm I was in the lounge studying all night and around 2:00 a.m. I'll look at the clock only to see the hands moving forwards at an alarming rate as I start to freak out it dawned on me that it was daylight savings time a plain white van would creep very slowly down our street at around 2:00 a.m. weekly during the summer I was 19 our street was not a dead-end road but had residential roads at either end preventing it from being a through Street so this van was clearly not making a root of any sort I would hear it and watch from my upstairs bedroom window every time it passed by one night my parents and my brother were out of town in I was home alone happily sleeping when I heard a car door slam out front I jumped up to look out the window and the van was backed into our driveway I couldn't see anyone moving around outside but the lights were often they were parked I ran into the hall and crouched into a ball and tried to listen for any sounds and plan an attack escape route I was shaking uncontrollably a few minutes later I heard the engine start up and the van tore out of my driveway and I never saw it again I have heard of vans like that patrolling neighborhoods at night I think they are looking for open garages or something else that would be an easy steal I woke up in the middle of the night because my television turned on I don't have cable so it's all static then it shuts off I just lay there not sure what to think then it turns back on and back off this keeps happening and I am about to crap myself I start to get up to attempt to look around and I hear a thud nearby I bravely run to the switch to turn the lights on and investigate the remote was trapped between my mattress and the wall and my moving around in my sleep was pressing the power button when I got up it released the remote and it fell on the ground causing the thud that's what it's wanted you to think it was pretty early in the morning and I heard some weird noise downstairs my wife was out of town with her mom so just me and the cats in the house and they were both on the bed with me and also looked kind of freaked out so I get up slowly and hear another loud crash glass breaking tight noise I didn't own a gun or anything at the time so I was looking around for some sort of weapon which ended up being this brass vars thing I kept changing I grabbed that and creeped downstairs slightly freaking out more noises then amigaos turns out I left the back door wide open and my goat wandered into the kitchen and crap everywhere and broke a shelf I yelled at the goat and he went back an outside I hate it when my goat does that when I was younger maybe 13-14 my sister and I were home alone we lived in a very rural area on a dirt road and the nearest neighbor was over a mile away we were instructed to not open the door for anyone no matter what so we are just hanging out playing video games watching TV etc well the dogs start barking and we hear the distinctive sound of a vehicle door closing next thing we know someone is banging on the door we go peek outside the windows and there's this guy we have never seen before out there so we just sit in the corner peering out the window trying to be very quiet hoping he will just go away then out the nowhere this freak tries to open our door which is of course locked well we really start to panic and he could probably hear us crying and saying crap like oh my god what if he breaks in get a phone etc he is obviously getting more and more piaf because just keeps shaking the door harder and trying to twist the lock doorknob then all of a sudden he just stopped he walked back to his truck got in and left we of course immediately called our parents and all this led to my dad getting two German Shepherds and a chain-link fence we still to this day have no freaking clue what he wanted or why he tried to get in our house we are just really thankful he didn't dude almost the exact same thing happened to me in my apartment some guy I had never seen before starts pounding on my door at 11:30 at night fortunately I had both dead bolts locked because he tried opening the door to he just stood there pounding on the door for half an hour before he finally gave up and left freak the heck out of me D when I was 16 my parents worked at night so my sister and I would be home alone often her bedroom was upstairs and she usually stayed up there so I would be downstairs alone until my parents got home one night I heard these noise coming from the basement it was like scratching and banging like someone was walking through a sea of empty aluminum cans I was too scared to go down there and I didn't think it was enough of an emergency to call the cops I thought maybe it was an animal or something I called my sister down to make sure I wasn't going crazy but the noise stopped before she got to hear it she told me not to worry and went back Haroon later that night while I was lying in bed I heard a voice coming from the basement it wasn't loud or anything it was just a man talking I thought I was hearing things so I called my sister downstairs a game to see if she heard it too but again it stopped she went back to bed and so did I the same thing happened the next night I heard a man talking outside of my window while I was sleeping that time I was sure I was hallucinating or dreaming but still completely freaked out I didn't get much sleep that night until I was sure the voice had gone away I believe about two weeks later we went out of town for a few days and came back home to find that the basement door was open there were no signs of a robbery none of our stuff was missing and everything was just as we had left it but my dad checked the basement door outside and found that the lock was broken we filed a police report and finally went into the basement to see what was up we found a moldy sleeping bag a flashlight and empty bottles someone had been living in our basement without us knowing I wasn't crazy after all and it's the second scariest thing I've ever come to realize home alone completely no pets no one has a key to the house but me I bake a pizza and leave it alone to cool I come back no freaking pizza I live in the woods in Canada about eight kilometers outside of the town of brag Creek I've been a city boy all my life so adapting to the difference of living in nature has been an adventure The Silence the absolute inky blackness of moonless nights the way the trees surrounding the house are turned a bright dirt oh not black and blue casting impossibly long mournful shadows on nights when the moon is out but the beauty of daytime has made adapting relatively easy and I was surprised at how quickly I was growing accustomed to my new surroundings then one night a month into living there I was awakened by something in the middle of the night my heart pounding and with that sense that it was a noise you can almost remember that woke you up I was alone my girlfriend had spent the night in town with friends and it was so dark I couldn't see my hand an inch in front of my face if I tried I lay awake hearing the breeze rustle the leaves faintly outside the open window when a nearly indescribable lingering scream erupted in the night I sat bolt upright in bed heart pounding like a beast trying to escape my chest again The Scream cuts through the night starting my mind racing what the Frick is it insane explanation slain to my mind is it a woman a monster an injured animal a freaking alien four or five more times The Scream pierces the silence slowly getting further from my home I get up and close the window and crazily go back to sleep the next morning I email my neighbor about an acre away to see if they heard the same thing he had he knew what it was apparently it was the sound of a mother cougar calling her cubs and that the call is famous for sounding like a woman and distress I haven't heard it since B my sister had some friends over watching horror films and I was out learning for most of the night when I got back around 1:00 a.m. all of the lights were off except for the television I walked up to the back door trying to open it silently to sneak up and yell boo to scare them the little twits had locked the door front door is never open so my only option to get in was my bedroom window which I could climb up a tree to access but I wanted some revenge I went up to the front door which is a massive oak thing with a big brass knocker on the inside ya don't understand that to this day I slammed it a dozen times really fast then bolted around the corner to my window climbed inside hearing them chattering and trying to look out the windows to see who was knocking the door to my room was off-kilter so it swung open slowly if unlatched and it creaked like mad so I turned the knob to unlatch it and stand behind the door crea yuck dead silence from the chata squad my sister was apparently the bravest of the bunch cause she walked in and tried to flick on the light the switches beside the fully opened door so when she reached for it I grabbed her such a scream and the best part was that one of her friends bolted out the house and ran home in her pajamas before she had a chance to hear the relieved sigh fun times last decade what amazing friend she has left her to die I'm 12 my parents are out with my brother it's around 7 o'clock at night I go downstairs and pop Silent Hill in the play station an hour goes by and I'm nearly crapping my pants I'm in the alternate school and I walk into a room as the camera angle changes I see the morbid scene before me dozens of blood covered telephones now this is Silent Hill and such blood covered items is not out of the ordinary but there was something extremely off-putting about so many telephones I take a step forward the telephone start ringing my telephone starts ringing Frick dude I remember that scene perfectly silly middle school me will sit up late at night playing with headphones on I was playing one night creeping the Frick out wandering around bravely with my lead pipe and a rough hand grabs my shoulder I jumped about ten feet in the air was just my dad telling me to get my butter bed since I had school in the morning I live with my father we rent a house in a decent area a few bad apples in the neighborhood the garage Isen been closed has a garage door that is a part of the fence and just a covering basically a carport we have a bunch of crap stored outside under the carport along with either my truck or my father's vehicle fast forward I am at home in my room playing some xbox zoning out the dog Border Collie Akita mixes outside my room has a window looking into the backyard I can occasionally hear the dog play with something we'll run around come 3:00 a.m. absolutely everything is quiet not even the wind makes a noise outside I go out the back door to let the dog in for the night and see the dog standing teeth bed and his tail curled all the way up a Curtis tend to do this when curious happy mad scared I tell him to come in he starts growling I shut the door walk to my room and grab my mag light and Winchester 30 stroke 30 I slink back outside expecting a big raccoon or something the dog starts growling in the meanest most baddest way ever I take the clue and hit the flashlight and could see the outline of 2-3 people through the slash in the fence they noticed the light and one looks over all I see is a masked face i chained the one round and immediately here running I opened the gate by the garage door and I am face-to-face with a twenty you something urban ghetto youth one hand has a pair of bolt cutters the other a screwdriver luckily I had the rifle up and he dropped everything and took off police showed up later and with their help they find two of the guys and charged them with multiple counts of possession of burglary tools and some other charges but if it wasn't for their dog things could have turned out very differently than how it did well where I live is part of what's called the Bridgewater triangle many believe in the crap that happens many don't there are plenty of hotspots which runs between two hundred square miles there is a very common claim that if you stand long enough in front of the marshes in the swamp you would catch quick glances of deceased loved ones brushing between the waving marsh at night most of the people I know even the ones that normally have slimmed to no fear refused to go so anyway personal story where I live was built over in a wheeled farm I live in wetlands myself which also so happens to be the exact location of one of the bloodiest battles during King Philip's War in 1675 if you travel far enough into my woods there are some awfully strange structures back there fear made of cement sir they air and from kpw but I honestly couldn't tell you what fear from there's a huge cement building that two stories high where the floors and roof have caved in but there's a huge faded medical cross painted on the side there also used to be a one-room schoolhouse but it collapsed about seven years ago from heavy snowfall and structure damage some other crazy crap is there to sue there was one night my first experience was within the first three months of our house being built clio teas and foxes would circle the houses on my cul-de-sac so I couldn't play outside much we are very isolated and really deep into the woods my house is really long so the basement is huge my dad let my sister and I rollerblade and scooter down there and use chalk on the floor until the animals started to leave the area alone one night I went down and got my skates on and yelled to my sister upstairs to hurry up I was sitting on the floor putting my skate on when I heard knocking on the wall in my basement through cement underground now this wasn't any sound of the house settling or anything it was knocking in a specific patching first really loudly then extremely faint over and over kind of like boom boom boom boom boom there were no pipes nothing of that sort so I just sat there scowling in a confused manner when I suddenly started hearing what sounded like a baby crying through the wall my eyes started watering and I tried running but I had one skate on already and I fell then for just a few seconds more I could hear the baby crying and thumping through the cement until I panicked and screamed from my dad up the stairs was definitely done with hanging out down there until I had my basement finished about five years after I have plenty of other stories but this will probably not even be read post your stories on our no leper Arthur crawfish ear we love stuff like this story one my sophomore year of college and lived in a house with five guys but I was the only one in town with a job for the summer everyone else went back home so I was living there by myself one night during a really bad heatwave I decided to sleep downstairs on the couch cause it was too dang hot upstairs in my bedroom and I left the sliding glass door open with just our locking screen door closed for ventilation I awoke the next morning to a man-sized hole cut in the screen door and our TV Xbox and Playstation to that I was literally sleeping 5 featuring from missing never to be seen again creepiest morning of my life but I am glad I didn't wake up during the theft that would have been terrifying and potentially deadly which leads me to the next story story - I grew up in an area with copious amounts of hiking and backpacking and it was something that I regularly partook in one night when me and buddy of mine were out in the mountains camping after we had gone to sleep I woke up to the sound of tearing fabric I had no freaking clue what I was hearing so I woke up my buddy sleeping next to me and whispered to him what the Frick is that just as he was about to respond a giant combat knife Pierce's the inner wall of our tent cutting a sizable hole and we both lose our crap then a hand reaches in grabs my bag and pulls it from the tent off in the dark abyss of the forest night we spent the rest of the night up in an adjacent tree with our knives clutched in our hands waiting to see if he would return he never did I never felt like I was going to die more than that point in my life the mountains outside of town were as I later found out the home of a reasonable amount of people who no longer wanted to be a part of society many people who had trouble ray assimilating after going to war and such but the second one wasn't a home alone story but still applicable I think had the whole house to myself and went to the downstairs bathroom I had been using the upstairs one all day the toilet seat was warm I am deathly scared of aliens one night I've decided I will face my fears I've started watching some semi documental movie about alien abductions there was this scene when some guy says aliens often disable electricity to get people helpless at night as this scene was playing some creepy aliens being shown disabling lights there was electrical failure in my house lights went off and a light bulb in my room exploded I jumped into bed hidden under the blanket I then pressed my fingers hard to my ears so I couldn't hear anything I've been laying like that for about two hours tensing every muscle in my body freak that crap TL DR aliens my boyfriend and I lived in a small house on a quiet neighborhood Street it had a lot of windows and all the doors of which there were three three frigging entrances all on one floor to get into a 1,000 square foot house had glass panels from top to bottom we hadn't been living there very long one evening I was home alone as my bf was at band practice and I was in the shower after a dance class when I heard the front door handle jiggling I figured it was my bf getting home from practice and thought nothing of it a moment later my phone went off I got that panicky heart palpitating feeling because really no one but my bf would be texting me right then shower still running I reach out over to the sink and look at my phone a new message from bf hey babe gonna be home late getting beers with the guys after practice I'm having a holy crap moment so here is what I do which for some reason seemed reasonable at the time I decide that if someone is in my house I don't want them to know that I know that they are in my house so I rinse off right quick and sneak out of the shower leaving the water running I get dressed and grabbed a metal shower curtain rod that had been on top of the dryer I sneak open the door tiptoe down the hall look around nothing all the doors locked up tight nothing roaming around felt a little silly of course went back and shut off the water about an hour later I am sitting on the couch watching TV when all of a sudden now cap charges across the living room and clothes frantically at one of the door windows I jumped halfway up the wall then looked outside there was another cat out there taunting her turns out it had been her the whole time TL DR in the shower must still cat clawing a door as someone entering the house when I was home alone not letting someone know you know there there is very smart once with downstairs gaming heard a massive thump upstairs one of the loudest sounds I'd ever heard in that house that wasn't somebody playing music sounded distinctly like something weighing about 200 pounds falling on the floor off a table or a person Keeling over went upstairs could find zero discernible cause for the noise despite a comprehensive investigation I got progressively more and more creeped out and eventually just freaked and went to a friend's house I figured one of my parents or brothers would find something out of place never did your house was probably settling I've experienced it a few times where it feels like the whole house rumbles and there is a loud noise for just a split second I was home alone and it was in the middle of summer so I had a couple of the windows upstairs open after a couple hours of playing call of duty 4 I go to my room I hear this buzzing sound but I assume it's still my is ringing from my headset I stop my covers and slide my leg on and I feel something something is crawling on my legs I jump the Frick out of my bed and just frickin run downstairs I turn on every single light as I head back upstairs after calming down I open the door to my room and I see Juna bugs everywhere all over the walls climbing on my headboard and you guessed it under my blankets I don't know how the heck they decided that underneath my blankets was a good place to rest but they picked it so that night I shut all the windows but mine closed my door and slept downstairs TL DR freak jenna bugs I am glad you experience my biggest fear at about 1 a.m. after a late night playing video games my dog starts going nuts really Bulls out crazy and this is a very timid quiet dog he runs up and down the hall looks very scared eyes wide and trying to look everywhere at once I'm out in the country so I figured he heard a raccoon or possum on the roof so I go outside to check it out another dog who I have since adopted sleeps under my truck out back she was not there this was very unusual for her she stayed with that truck 100% of the time unless I drove away at 60 miles per hour so for her to not be in the yard at 1:00 a.m. worried me concerned at that point that she had been hit by a car or something equally disastrous and my other dog had heard noises from that I start looking for her shining my maglite around calling her name whistling nothing I go back inside eventually fall asleep the next morning the sheriff is at the house next to mine about 300 it's away the place is ransacked like in the movies bookcases overturned drawers pulled out mattresses flipped up they stole just about everything that they could and some of the stuff generator compressor would require at least two people to move I could be wrong but I'm convinced that the thief sent a scout to my house that night and that my activity and looking for the dog scared them off before they could load up the blanket bundle there had been some odd noises at my window even before the dog went Balam in the country and attributed like the time it to giant bugs which are not unheard of out here the outside dog earned a permanent place inside the house that night and they both got huge beef knuckle bones even if they didn't know what for burglary to make matters worse all they still was a table fan and my favorite trousers jokes on them you only had that fan because those favourite trousers made you hot I had the flu I had taken Terrier flu and gone to bed but a persistent door-knocking woke me up around 2:00 a.m. my groggily woke up looked around and noticed headlights from a large car that was idling outside I started to freak out I thought if I just ignored the knocking they'd go away they didn't probably five minutes passed with intermittent knocking and the idling car with the headlights outside no voices I got up and went to my front door realizing in horror that I hadn't locked it whoever these late-night door knocking people were they could just turn the handle and walk in if they wanted my flow addled brain word and clicked trying to think of how to deal with this properly I don't have a peephole on my door I could start to lock the door but whoever it was would surely hear that and would know I was there and that was bad flu logic I finally settled on grabbing a footlong fantasy dagger shut up leaning up against the door and growling who's there trying not to sound stuffed up turns out it was a pack of terrified women my uncle's family who lived nearby had gone on vacation their cousins no relation to me was staying in an RV at my uncle's place for a reason I don't recall their family is the moment like five daughters friendly bunch but hardcore devout Catholics so know the story does not go in that direction they were convinced there was a stalker outside their RV so they drove over to my place and asked if I would stay over at my uncle's because they'd feel safer knowing there was a man around I ended up staying at my uncle's for a week until everyone returned from vacation on the upside he has a giant projector TV but the flu still sucked and then you had six women to take care of you as well I was only 15 and babysitting in a neighbor's house suddenly I hear this noise in the hall I go out and the front door is wide open I'm freaking out thinking someone has just broken in I close the door and have a quick look around but there's no one there when the neighbor gets home I tell him about what happened he just says oh yeah the door blows open all the time would have been fantastic info to know upfront there was a vacant lot behind a parking lot across the street from my house me and the stupid neighbor kid we're throwing rocks at it when a hobo came out and yelled at us so we ran inside scared that night most of the family was out of town just me and my dad I slept in my brother's bed whose window was right next to the front door that night the hobo came and knocked on my window bricks had never been crapped so hard go on after a night of fun my now girlfriend left around 2:00 a.m. after walking her to the door I promptly collapsed on the couch and fell asleep I wake up to her knocking on the door it was pretty clearly a knock my cat who was sleeping on the floor at the time woke up and looked at the door like someone was there glancing at the clock it's about 2:30 so I think maybe my girl left something get up glance out the peephole and I can see the outline of what looks like a female face with long hair I didn't have the porch light on so I couldn't make out any details open the door but there's no one around and it's dead quiet I live on the top floor and would hear if anyone was running down the stairs I even went out and looked around to see if anyone was hiding nothing didn't get much sleep after that you let it in it was the summer of 95 and I was home alone at my parents house playing doom with a best friend that lived down the street we were playing a large map where sometimes we could go for five ten minutes until getting into a firefight as I'm playing I hear the sound of the pink demon things coming from the basement I stopped playing and immediately take off my headphones and think it was just the game without four realistic sounding reverb effects then I hear it again it's the unmistakable grunting and the sound is coming out of the AC air vent in my room which means it's coming from somewhere in the house terrified I slowly go in my closet and get an aluminum baseball bat and start walking out of my room my parents had a fairly large house five bedroom three levels so I have no idea where the Frick these noises are coming from then I hear a scream from the basement it was a blood-curdling scream the kind of scream someone makes when the last bit of life is leaving them I completely freaked out and grabbed the phone there's no dial tone suddenly all the power in the house is cut and I'm whimpering like a French schoolgirl in the one street grade I feel my way back to my room and get a flashlight while I hear the sound of an animal ripping the flesh off of someone it's coming from the basement I grabbed the flashlight and head down to the first level and the sounds allowed and now there is more screaming coming from the basement as I opened the basement door I shined the flashlight down the steps and see a skull floating in mid-air I just about pass out and start screaming I run back up the two steps I went down but trip I then filled two hands grabbed my ankles and start pulling me I start having seizures from fear I turn around and it's my best friend laughing at me he had left his house taken a fake human skull that he had stolen from biology class and tied it so it appeared to be floating he had also brought over his boombox and started playing sounds from doom and other miscellaneous of scary crap he planned it out so that he would unplug the main phone line downstairs in the basement and he killed the power to the breaker to this day I still hate him a little inside I am NOT proud of this when I was about 10 I was at home with my younger sister and brother eight and six there were strict instructions that none of us were supposed to go outside at all well I'm upstairs and the power goes out I go to the top of the stairs and yelled to my siblings to make sure they are okay neither of them answered but the door to the garage keeps opening and shutting so I think that someone has actually broken into our house and kidnapped my brother and sister I call my mom and she tells me to go downstairs to check on them freak that I was way too scared and my mom is screaming at me to go check and I'm yelling to them but they aren't responding and the door just keeps opening and closing turns out they were just playing a game and everything was totally fine and there wasn't an axe murderer in the house I learned that day that I am a bad sister who couldn't even save her siblings from danger TL DR if we were alone together and someone broke in the house and tried to kidnap you I wouldn't try to save you to be fair the first rule of rescuers don't become another victim a ten-year-old is not much of a barrier to a determined kidnapper who is already in the house I was probably 15 or so when I was home alone on the computer which was situated right next to a bay window overlooking our driveway it was dark and not being able to see into the darkness was starting to creep me out so I went into the living room to watch TV this continues for another half hour or so when our dog a huge giant schnauzer perks up his isn't start sniffing the air this is a guard dog so I know something's up then there's a big one upstairs I figure something has just fallen from a shelf or something or maybe the ancient air conditioning unit has broken nope I went upstairs turned every light on that I could bringing the dog with me he runs back downstairs as soon as I let go of his collar which freaks me out a little I proceed to our attic which is generally in touched by my family so there's dust piled on the floor and everything in there I ten on the light and see a little blown pocketknife on the floor in the dust and one of the boxes has been moved as I observed from the dust the freaked out for real about to pee my pants or throw up I don't bother to shut the door or turn the lights off run downstairs and hyperventilate for a while on the couch I reason that nobody could be in the house because I didn't hear anybody coming and the dog must have heard deer outside as often happens freaked out for the rest of the night slept with all the lights on never found out what it was that fell TL DR dog is aware of something that I am NOT something huge falls in the Attic dust tracks found freaking out in Sue's my bet is on raccoons creepy little bastards they have hands and used tools not paws hands why do I suddenly feel like there is a murderous clown standing in my hallway now because there is I was falling asleep in bed right of the edge of sleep when I hear something moving the shrubbery is near my bedroom window I figure it's the neighbor's cat or something and try to get back to sleep once again just as the dreams start flooding in I hear it again very distinctly I decide to investigate armed with a flashlight and my very best boxers I thoroughly searched my very tiny backyard for upwards of 10 minutes nothing turns up I give up head back inside locking the door behind me of course and just as I around the corner to my bedroom I hear is scratching at the window above my bed at this point I figure freak hit if the backyard shukaku bruh is going to eat me I'm too tired to care nothing else came of it but there were a lot of dead and dismembered birds in the neighborhood the less imaginative me chalks it up to a very skilled cat other option Chupacabra named Charles at lives on the roof TL DR backyard chupacabra visit I wasn't totally alone when this happened but it was terrifying at the time and more so in retrospect when I was about 4 or 5 years old my family lived in a wealthy neighborhood in Nashville TN we had a gardener and a couple of live-in maids it was pretty sweet my parents were attending some of charity event and my little brother and I were at home won the maids Joann was watching us until our parents returned I had been asleep for some time when I woke to her what I believed was a circus taking place in my yard there were impossibly bright lights hovering in the air and voices booming over loudspeakers though I couldn't discern what was being said Joann rushed into my room with my little brother on her hip half asleep and beginning to wail she took us to the front door where we were met by my parents and a bunch of FBI agents I didn't understand what was happening at the time it turns our gardeners entire family was involved in organized crime and he his family and several other gardeners maids in the neighborhood had been planning to kidnap all of the children and the neighborhood for ransoms they had alarm codes blueprints a small cache of firearms and handcuffs someone got cold feet and called the cops the FBI was brought in and led the plan go right up to the last minute the circus lights were helicopters spotlights and the voices over loudspeaker were saying stop this is the FBI you are under arrest that's way more terrifying than any ghost or demon this happened to a family friend young newlywed couple husband comes from money so they have a nice house and plenty of nice things in it wife came from parents who were actively involved in their church's outreach services and who would frequently open their home to various down-on-their-luck people inviting them to come stay with them temporarily in the better safe than sorry vein her parents had installed a deadbolt on her childhood bedroom door and thus the wife had grown up with the habit of locking her bedroom door before going to sleep every night now married and living with her husband the wife still locks her bedroom door every night mostly out of habit husband goes on a business trip wife is home alone with their recently adopted German Shepherd puppy more like an older teenage dog than an actual puppy and who is not allowed to sleep in the master bedroom wife wakes up around 5:00 a.m. and knows the dog will need to be led out soon so she gets up and lets the dog out to do his business afterward she heads back to bed and randomly decides to bring the dog back into her bedroom with her thinking why not husband's not home the dog can keep her company it'll only be a couple more hours etc she locks the bedroom door and climbs back in bed to go back to sleep the dog settles down on the floor next to the bed shortly after falling back asleep she wakes up to the simultaneous sounds of the dog growling and two male voices outside her bedroom door the bedroom door handle jiggles one of the voices says I thought you said the husband wasn't home door handle jiggles again dog starts barking and voice says that doesn't sound like a puppy to me other voice says don't worry about it trust me terrified wife promptly grabs her phone and dials 9-1-1 while on the phone with em the men run away presumably having heard her on the phone police arrive search the house in the neighborhood find nothing but her houses open door with no signs of forced entry turns out the wife had recently lost her backpack or it had been stolen not sure which at the Community College she attends said backpack had contained one house keys and two a day planner journal which detailed pretty much everything about her life including the dates of her husband's business trip and the recent acquisition of their puppy creepiest part about it was that the intruders had not touched her stolen a single item in the house and there were plenty of things worth stealing they were there for her it was about three or four in the morning and I forgot to bring the garbage down earlier so I decided to bring it down before I went to sleep I live in a condo so instead of putting garbage recycling outside there's a room where the people in the condo leave all that stuff and a janitor takes care of it but it's located in the underground parking area the underground parking is pretty freakin creepy to begin with as I was bringing the garbage down I heard some rustling near one of the pillars and I freaked the Frick off so I kept moving quickly to throw the garbage out I couldn't tell what the sound was until I walked a bit more then I saw two guys I've never seen before sitting next to one of the pillows one of them was doing a chore some kind of drug with a needle and the other guy was sitting next to him I caught their attention and one of them just stared at me with this freaking insane dead-eyed zombie look I got the freaked out real quick and called the cops by the time the cops got there they were gone without leaving anything behind I live in a pretty good neighborhood I had no idea how they broke into the garage I've been creeped out since when I was maybe 12 or so I had a loft bed it was summer and as usual I had the window open while trying to fall asleep I hear this dragging sound like the sound of something being dragged across the carpet being a fairly logical person I go through all the possible options of what it could be when my mind exhausted all the logical possibilities I started freaking the Frick out thinking it must be some a-line creature dragging its creepy body across the floor I yelled for my dad to come in because I was so scared turns out it was the blinds rubbing against the wooden window frame caused by a slight breeze and then I felt like a giant pea comet I hear this dragging sound like the sound of something being dragged very descriptive in a descriptive way : after doing some cleaning at the house of my late uncle I was heading to the front door to leave and for some reason I said out loud goodbye uncle's name suddenly the radio in the front entryway turns on and start playing a song from some random radio station freaked me the freak out when I was 11 years old home babysitting my seven-year-old sister too drunk sounding guys starting banging on the front door calling for mark and demanding to be let in I kept explaining there was no mark but in response the doorknob started jiggling wildly then they laughed all crazy loud and started throwing their body weight against the door the door started shaking in its frame we had a dog who by this time was growling and barking like crazy and after a minute I heard one of them say that sounds like a mean dog in there then everything on the other side lock the door got really quiet all the sudden the dog perks up its ears and races out of the room away from me I'm all WTF did the dog just berserk me seconds later the dog goes berserk in the other room I dashing and my little sisters at the window and it's open a little bit and the dog has its muzzle pressed up against the opening basically trying to maim eat and all kill the window frame I freaked the Frick did lyac out and scream at my sister to close the window and lock it and she says in this crazy responsible you're being an butthole voice only seven-year-old siblings can master it's ok they told me to open it they're nice I slammed the window down throw the lock and go to the phone to call my parents who promptly told me to hang the Frick up and call nine-one-one my sister refuses to hold my hand and dashes away as i'm listening to 9-1-1 ring in my ear I glanced over and realized the porch sliding glass door is unlocked and this was the 80s so I'm on a corded phone and I can't reach the door without letting go of the phone and after that moment lasted forever and messed up my adrenal glands for the rest of childhood 9-1-1 answered sent the police my dog buffed on the living room floor and my parents came home never found out who mark was I walked in on my roommate once who was masturbating told people pee what has been seen cannot be unseen one time the floor outside my room creaked a little bit it was probably a murderer with a knife I was home alone for a weekend in Toronto and on the Saturday night I was woken up by police sirens I look outside my window and two cop cars are just pulling up to the neighbor's house curious I throw on some clothes and a big jacket it was winter and go out to see what the commotion is about turns out there were some crazed men at least three that had tried to break into their walk-in basement where the neighbor's teenage daughter had her bedroom she claimed there had knives and they had broken the glass on the basement door the daughter was convinced that the men were intent on violence not robbery and they had fled only once her parents turned on all the lights the police asked me some questions but I hadn't seen anything the other neighbors were equally useless as far as I know nothing ever came of it and the police didn't have much in the way of descriptions or evidence the next day I found several sets of footprints in the snow on my deck near the basement door and one side of the house Frick balls before I moved out of my parents house I would routinely stay up late and surf the internet or play games the computer was in an office halfway down the hallway to all of our bedrooms one night while staying up late I decided to run out to the garage to grab a drink we had a big box of soaps I had grown quite comfortable walking around the in the complete dark but once I had my drink and started walking back down the hallway I started to get that feeling that something is terribly wrong I can feel the hairs on the back of my neck standing straight up as I get closer to the office I just know something is in there I finally walk up to the door turn to look in and my body completely tenses up like I've been hit with a Taser I'm now seeing my body from the third person from the hallway then I woke up it was a dream but it was the most terrifying dream I've ever had made even worse by the fact that I never did see what was in the office it cut - later that week I'm staying up late on my computer and I decide to go to the garage to get a drink I walk through the dark house without a care in the world until I get to the garage and then it hits me I remember the dream I immediately turn on the garage light and start thinking oh god oh man oh god oh man I've decided that I'm going to turn on every light in the whole goddamned house before I get back to the office I'm absolutely terrified I finally build up enough courage to walk into the living room connected to the garage I reach my hand around to find the light flick it on and I see a pale figure in a white robe standing at the end of the hallway if there was anything in my bowels at the moment it would have shot out of me at full force for about two quarter of a second I was absolutely stricken with panic it's probably the most scared I've ever been in my life turned out it was my mom she had heard something and decided to come out and see what it was I guess I wasn't technically alone in the house but this was definitely the most creepy thing that's ever happened to me another time sitting on the computer actually alone in the house I hear what sounds like someone watching the news in another room on the opposite end of the house it's a strange sound where you can definitely hear what sounds like human voices played on a TV but you can't make out anything they're specifically saying I figured okay someone must be home so I walked out to see who it was once I got there the noise had stopped I went back to my room and didn't hear anything else I'm fairly certain it wasn't my computer as it actually sounded like it was coming from across the house also the previous owners children died in a car accident and my sister has claimed to have seen children ghosts upstairs my parents house is hilarious , also the previous owners children died in a car accident and my sister has claimed to have seen children ghosts upstairs my parents house is hilarious I was two nothing funnier than dead children scariest thing that ever happened to me was while I was camping in New Mexico on a rock climbing trip if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 76,617
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Keywords: creepy, creepy stories, creepiest, home alone, creepy home alone, creepy home alone stories, scary, scariest, alone, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: __x8UcczU2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 13sec (3253 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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