What is the SCARIEST thing happened to you on the internet (r/AskReddit) updoot reddit stories

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what is the scariest thing you have had happen to you on the Internet my friends and I used to have blogs on xanga calm one day I found a weird xanga page with my pictures on it but the posts and profile were using someone else's name I read the posts and found comments by other profiles with my friends pictures but their profiles also had different names and storylines that were entirely different than their actual lives the rabbit hole was so deep there were probably 25 plus fake profiles all commenting on other fake profiles and updated regularly with our pictures that we posted on our actual pages it was the most bizarre thing I've ever seen and it was all deleted as soon as I brought attention to it I will go to my grave wondering who and why this isn't about something scary happening to me but lead to me considering what could happen to me I live in small town Missouri my uncle lives in another town in this area he has a storage shed in yet another town one day he went to get something from the shed only to find that someone broke into it he had a vintage bicycle in his shed he cherished it because his father gave it to him several decades ago it was stolen he put up a description of it on Facebook he went to the police they took a report but didn't act that confident on finding it a few days later my mom sees someone selling a bicycle that matches the description my mom shows it to my uncle he confirms that it's his bike she tries to pretend that she wants the bike the guy selling it says that he's holding it for someone else I try as well but I get the same message my Facebook stalk him hardcore he had several photos from the last decade I used his surroundings and those photos to find two houses that he lived in while growing up on Google Maps neither house matched the house in the bike photos I start snooping on his family members his stepdad is very active on Facebook I find where he lives on Facebook sure enough that house matches the house in the bike photos I get an address from Google and give it to my uncle he calls the police they meet at the house the bike is there but no one is home back on Facebook I figure out that the guy selling the bike lives at this residence I also estimated what time he left for work in the morning based on his early morning posts and gave that to my uncle they go back in the morning before what I estimated he left for work sure enough they caught him as he was leaving the officer asks the guy where the bike came from he said that he bought it several months ago my uncle immediately objects and provides evidence that it's his the guy immediately gives the bike up my uncle gets it back and decides not to press charges he couldn't thank me enough that entire debacle made me incredibly aware of what personal information I make public online I didn't have my address on Facebook or anything and I didn't use Facebook much in the first place but it made me more conscious of what I do post I had my address removed from white pages and other websites that happen to have it I removed photos from Facebook that showed my house which wasn't many just one or two I didn't want to risk someone stalking me at the level that I stalked this kid fun little epilogue my dad works at a manufacturing plant in another town small world this guy's stepdad works with my dad this guy I don't even know sent me a message request on Instagram saying hi my first name I being a dumbass replied to it and asked how did he know my name now I could have ignored it and just let it go he then proceeds to say how I'm so beautiful and he likes how my hair is so smooth he also says that my hands are so tiny and cute and they'd feel amazing on his dick I'm ducking creeped out at this point and I blocked him the entire week I was ducking paranoid afraid that someone was watching me yeah also this happened when I was 12 I just got introduced to social media I used to do this thing on my You Tube channel where I would raise money for charity by growing a mustache for a month Movember and then at the end I would shave the mustache off glue the hair to the mustache part of a photo of myself and send it to a subscriber seems weird as hell but my youtube channel was weird as hell so people loved it it was like a 4d photo anyway one year a few weeks after sending the photo I get this email from a lady going insane about how I am going to jail turns out the person who had won the mustache photo had lied about their agent was actually a 16 year old girl not only that but the frame and glass paneling around the photo had been badly damaged in the so her daughter basically received a box of hair smashed glass and a photo of me tried to explain to the mom but she wasn't having it was really freaked out about getting in trouble for like half an hour but then realized she was in a different country and really doubted there would be an international sting to arrest me for it still got my heart beating though I narrowly avoided getting raped by a pedophile story I was 12 and have just moved to the US hence didn't have any friends yet to kill time I would use one of those messenger programs think MSN RAIM to socialize with people I started talking to this one guy who spoke my language he also lived roughly in the same area he said he was fifteen as we talked I being lonely at naive 12 year old girl was led to believe that he really liked me and wanted to meet red flags everywhere sexual innuendos pervy comments he was asking me about my private life and clearly being a virgin I told him that he then encouraged me to lose my virginity as soon as I can because my girl friends have told me that if you lose it after you turned 13 it hurts really bad he kept insisting that we meet luckily before anything happened my Snoopy mom read the messages and had a talk with me about how he is a bad man and made me realize that I was about to walk into a serious danger I remember messaging with that person one last time and I expressed my discomfort with his suggestions he asked if he could at least squeeze my ass when I said I was not comfortable with that he said if you don't wanted a duck and you can duck off you horan blocked me dodged a really big bullet there thanks mom I once saw my first and last name on reddit when I was scrolling through a post and freaked out thinking someone had DOX me the sub was up in arms trying to get me fired from my job and ruined my life turns out they had doxxed another user for being a racist online who just happened to have the same name as me I only figured out when I went back to the original comment and read the replies and noticed that the person they were after lived in another country damn shame there's another person walking around with my name soiling it I'm currently trying to find this video talking about some mystery that a youtuber was trying to solve except he wasn't very popular so nobody was keeping up with it the narration itself was chilling but the last message he found was linked to some yield the English type stuff leading him somewhere to the north western part of the UK the guy was from somewhere on that landmass can't remember where anyways the last message had letters with different colors if you took all the yellow ones that spelled out I'm so lonely or something similar but the guy didn't know this a couple days later only one body was found in a field in that area but the question remained whether it was that youtuber or a potential killer that had been killed in self-defense I have multiple stories this random person added me on snapchat and I usually don't accept everyone who adds me but the dude kept messaging me and I decided to know what he wanted anyway I messages him back but didn't accept his follow yet and even though I was on ghost mode he threatened to kill me while stating my address and name and everything I never uploaded anything online related to my personal info not even on my personal accounts I was creeped TF out and reported him second time i was on skype with a good friend of mine and we were playing minecraft this was a while ago l'm al and out of nowhere a girl joined the chat at first we thought she was legit but something sounded off about her voice my friend and I done figured out that whoever was talking had a voice pitcher to sound like a girl we ended up pranking the girl and when we found his personal info we realized how much of a creepy wasn't blocked him third I was at my secondary house when I met a girl and her little sister she seemed very shy and sweet and we had a few conversations then about two years later she commented on my Instagram admitting to liking me why didn't she DM odd and she eventually added my snapchat again don't have it posted anywhere so I how she got it and she ended up sending me tons of nudes and begging for sex blocked immediately in 2013 when minecraft was at its prime I was playing it using a cracked version with cracked multiplayer server coz the den 13-year old me didn't have a credit card and my parents won't let me have theirs even in exchange for the rough $30 cash I saved up because I really wanted to change skins join many famous servers I always played it with one specific username one day I joined the usual crack server I play out and do random mining and stuff but then a guy randomly chatted with me asking me if he could teleport to me so that we could mined together I was like yeah sure why not and invited him bad idea he started putting signs which read I know who you are of course I laughed it off and asked him what it is he then put two signs again your name is X and you live in Y and holy crap man that was the most chilling heart-stopping moment I ever had in my life he then proceeds to take most of the diamonds and lutes I collected over the months after telling me that I should do everything he says where he will tell my parents about the porn pictures I have in my PC me who read lots of creepypasta stories and other stuffs about dark web and hackers about how they will find everything you hide on your PC got me all scared crapless at that time the next day at school it turns out it was my friend all along it turns out when he came to my house a few months back he saw the same cracked Minecraft in my PC that he uses and decided to scare the crap out of me he never told me he played Minecraft two tons out when I wasn't looking he logged into my cracked minecraft launcher and checked the servers I saved he took a picture of them so that he could join them to the username I used was pretty distinct and used it for other mobile games etc so it was easy to figure out it was me I was about eight years old when this happened around 2008-2009 but I used to love optical illusions especially the ones were they hypnotize you stuff like that well I clicked on a video in all caps the best optical illusion ever and was thoroughly traumatized for the rest of my life I still have nightmares about it the first image that popped up it wasn't a screamer it was just an image of a disfigured bloodied baby head with one eye rolled back in the other half of its face missing having jagged teeth and a bruised up body I think it was the album picture of some band or something either that or some weird pinning but it scarred me for life when I was around 12 4chan ended up taking notice of some photos I'd posted online and fat shaming me didn't realize how young I was though I doubt many of them really care either way and none of the comments were too bad but they were mean as you'd expect me being 12 years old and thus an idiot decided that I could make the internet trolls stop being mean if I just talked to them if you aren't aware there is nothing the users of that website loved more than mocking someone trying to be diplomatic with them so their vitriol amped up to fold it went from the you were fat comments to systematically picking apart anything I said to defend myself and using it against me outlining the pictures to prove how obese I was and generally mocking me then one of them decided to find my Facebook being 12 and thus an idiot that didn't know the dangers of not protecting your internet privacy it wasn't hard and started insulting my parents and generally showing off that they knew too much info about me only at this point did someone intervene and tell them to cut the crap because they were cyberbullying a ducking 12 year old and the crap storm died down but of course that was my first exposure to being doxed and knowing a complete stranger knew my face my parents faces my address the school I attended yeah I was terrified someone would just show up at our house to do anything really didn't feel secure doing anything on the internet for months that was a very very bad time a guy came to talk to me on Twitter when I was 14 and he was 19 we played together and he even bought me games as Christmas gifts long story short one year later I came out as a lesbian and he started saying things like you're so unique and mature for your age I'd love to live my life with you I want to be more than friends at least give it a try maybe you were bisexual you'll never know you're just so adorable I was almost 15 he was 20 but I've always looked younger so I kind of looked like a 12 year old at the time I stopped talking to him discovered that he had a private account where he'd post Lolich and stuff in one time he literally wrote lesbian lolly porn equals best thing ever I got paranoid about it cause he had my number so he could see from which area I was from and it was very close to his city but luckily I never told him and sometimes I'd be at the bus stop and just look around nervously thinking he'd come and how I'd avoid him I had an 18 year old guide DM on in staff tur I posted some goofy selfie with a cringy caption made by a 12 year old he says he's 15 that he lives in Singapore and thinks I'm cute now me being a naive 12 year old girl who thought having a boyfriend was cool started talking to him he keeps asking for selfies with cute filters or funny faces but at one point he asked for a pic of me in just my bra I knew this was wrong so I declined all of these messages had happened before I had to leave for school so after I declined his pervy request I had to go to school when I got home I saw that I had a new message from him so like the excited 12 year old I was I opened it want to take a guess at what it was a dick pic I was super confused and creeped out so I decided to check his profile to make sure he really did live in Singapore after some looking I found a video of his 18th bday party that's right he lied about being 15 tried to get me to send inappropriate pictures to him and sent me a dick pic he was promptly blocked but it doesn't end here no sir he made a new account and messaged me from there asking me why I blocked him and saying I was [ __ ] for not sending him picture etcetera I blocked him again luckily he didn't message me again often that I talked to this guy who was very different at first he seemed genuine but as he opened up I realized that he was going to turn out to be a murderer a rapist or something he mentioned how he molested his cousin who was younger than him which made him go into jail for a couple of years yeah he regretted it but it doesn't stop there he mentioned how after a breakup he emotionally abused the girl until she had enough and left him he was so numb to everything that he'd shoot people with pellets it was so bad where he shot this older lady in the head at a grocery store from a distance that she literally dropped and started crying in agony and he felt nothing he didn't care about seeing her in agony he didn't care about anything it was like he just felt no remorse for anything after realizing that we always talked about him and he barely asked about me I got angry there was a day where I really needed a friend and I came to him and he basically brushed me off and then started talking about himself again I called him selfish and tried to logically explain how he was selfish and how he made me feel but instead he decided to curse me out and say some really vile scary things like he hoped I died he hoped I took my life he didn't care about me he just pointed out all of my flaws all of my insecurities and threw them at my face and it got to the point where I really did want to kill myself and he only calmed down about it because he didn't wanted to go to jail for bringing me to that point his words not mine I cut him off and even when I cut him off he still didn't apologize he didn't see anything wrong with what he said to me or how he treated me all he could think about was that I called him out for being selfish and I was wrong for doing that so I deserved his verbal abuse I have never been afraid of anyone but this guy he scared me the bric video taught me two important lessons the first lesson the people you love can be taken from you at any time don't take them for granted the second lesson contrary to what the dead-eyed empathy 'less watchers of the web will tell you watching horrific videos of people dying on the internet doesn't make you strong and can actually do you some damage that video in particular has been cited to give people mild forms of PTSD it's not just the brick video either there's a plethora of stuff out there that can affect you much worse things that video was horrifying it was scary I still think about it from time to time that's the one that always comes back to me so bottom line you do not want to see this video I'm probably gonna get asked so I'll quickly summarize the content family driving down a highway in their car there's a truck in front with bricks stacked on the back a brick comes loose and bullets through the windshield hitting the passenger directly in the head you don't see anything but you can assume it was catastrophic because of the drivers reaction pain screaming and crying then the kids in the back start crying truly awful not something you want to see or hear it's still happening but I met this guy online on Xbox years ago we were both minors at the time now we're adults he had the biggest crush on me and still does I've politely unsturdy rejected him many many times he doesn't accept no for an answer and has admitted he won't accept me saying no he makes me super uncomfortable he's talking about visiting me in my home city I never asked him to and I'm freaked the duck out because I'm pretty sure he's going to do it even though I've said I'd be uncomfortable with it he doesn't let me say no and only will accept it if I have a boyfriend or if said boyfriend says no for me not too intense but the possibility of a strange man who can accept no one is quite literally obsessed with me flying out here to meet me despite me saying no is terrifying especially when he's 6 ' 2 to 6 ' 4 and 200 plus pounds and I'm well small 5 ' 6 155 he knows my full name and what I look like skeptical edit was talking to best friend right now and she brought up something I should have mentioned as it's important I'm bisexual and the man is aware of this best friend is also bisexual and had no problem pretending to be my girlfriend to tell him to knock off even when she did he still insisted on flirting with me and ignored her saying no trying to turn me me having a girlfriend isn't enough but a boyfriend is unbelievable he also sent me an essay that was three paragraphs long in text messaging saying how he wanted to duck me not I wanted duck you literally how and make me the mother of his children after I had just said I'm not looking for anything and that we are only friends very NSFW basically talked about tying me down and ducking my vagina then my ass and making me gape another nasty crap the reason he sent this I didn't respond in a few hours because I was in class I don't reply back fast enough so he sends me a ducking essay on how he's going to duck me and make me his [ __ ] then settle down and marry me and have me bear his children this was last year when I was a senior in high school almost eighteen but still 17 so was he he still talks about wanting to duck my ass dude if I want it to be your [ __ ] you'd have me already sit down oh he knows I'm latina because I apparently have an accent I don't put okay and he said I was even more attractive and he once deduct my ass nice fetishization pal if this doesn't make them any more creepy I don't know haha edit - I just remembered something that happened years ago with another friend of mine I apologize for the edits not trying to BS anyone here proof of some creepy texts can be provided if necessary so my friend here is also latina she met him on Xbox shortly after he tried going after her 1 I said no and she was super uncomfortable because she kept saying no and he wouldn't listen so she asked me to tell him to duck off I immediately said yes because I had no problem telling this guy to eat crap me telling him to stay away from my friend wasn't enough so we came up with a really ducked up plan but it worked she eventually said yes to him but obviously didn't mean it and over time he'd keep texting and she'd give one-word answers she texted me and asked me to make a fake conversation with her that was of us saying romantic and sexual things to each other I helped her and she took a screenshot and accidentally sent it to him he was so upset that she had been cheating on him with me she then told him she had nose cancer and photoshopped a picture of a nose with cancer on to herself and sent it to him he believed it and asked if she was okay and she said yes because she had me as a girlfriend to support her he said he'd turn her straight and that she was making a mistake and broke up with her I won't deny it was duct up I know cancer isn't a joke it's taken lives in my family and hers too but if I have to resort to things like that to get somebody to duck off after trying everything else possible so be it he really cannot get the hint lamell when I was 17 and a complete idiot I was on the monitored omegle video chat and the site kept sending me back to the same guy who and all my interests tagged his webcam was covered and he'd say things that seemed like they were complements but they made me a little uncomfortable he asked me to stand up and turn in a circle so I did thinking it was a silly request he said I looked fit and like somebody's dream girl he kept lamenting that I wasn't legal but didn't stop complimenting me after the 6th or 7th time we got put together in a chat he asked for my skype and lonely and thinking this was someone who was being nice to me because he was nice I agreed we started a video call on skype and I started asking him to uncover his webcam he said he was just shy but I said I didn't mind what he looked like I just wanted to see his face I didn't really see anything wrong per se I just thought it was sad that he didn't feel comfortable letting me see him he finally said he would but that I wouldn't like what I saw the guy was in his late twenties minimum maybe early thirties he said right after he uncovered the webcam that he was going out for a smoke I sat and stared at an empty room before realizing just how creepy this was I blocked him and never used video omegle alone again TL DR 17 year old me was a classic stupid teenage girl and fell for the most obvious of creeps because she was lonely probably got screenshots of her but saved to some guys computer not as scary as some things but I still get creeped out by it and I can't believe I was that dumb back in like 2009 those free microsoft points sites were popping up on the internet for Xbox and I remember my dumbass found one and it actually looked so legit I was like damn this might be for real I vividly 15 to 16 year old me telling my buddy dude I'm to get like 80,000 Microsoft Points I'd cow I was the stamp elavil and stupid but I was apparently my buddy said something like brew you are an idiot if you do that you gonna get hacked sure enough few hours later said buddy calls me and says yo are you on xbox right now I said no why he said you go try to get on right now so I went turn on my xbox I couldn't login would not let me get on at all didn't take long to put two and two together and realize my big buck up that account had my parents credit card or debit card on it at the time too so I was freaking out thinking whoever has my account who's gonna blow massive amounts of money imma get in trouble I'm never gonna get my account back my buddy started messaging my account to give me my account back whoever had taken it actually started replying to us saying the cards aren't working that he wants money for it we went back and forth with whoever this was for a while luckily the cards were expired so they didn't work that was great but he was still holding my account ransom told us he wasn't giving it back unless we paid him I don't remember what we said how that exchange went down but we stayed messaging him for hours till he finally gave me my account back the dude had changed everything in my profile and account in foot two different crap the email street address everything everything was different well after that I got really protective about my online information I ended up changing my Xbox password to some crazy-ass confusing things so that no one would ever be able to figure out my password I never went to those free microsoft points sites again after that either but then the Xbox 360 slim came out and when I bought it I legit forgot my email and my password associate with that account for me changing it to wild snit that gamertag is baba ghanoush HH i had like 32,000 gamerscore on it too something I really prided myself on I always enjoyed getting achievements well my friend taught me how to mount a chief Masson 360 I did that to get my gamer score back well Microsoft figured that out somehow in that account got banned so I made a new account which is my user name and basically started from scratch and said Duquette so if you look online on xbox baba ganoush is whoever got the original name baba ghanoush HH is my account that got hacked and I lost my account info and baba ghanoush is me currently low anyways that's the scariest thing that's ever happened to me on the Internet Lowell a few years ago I got like hundreds of replies from this girl on tinder that I could tell had some serious mental health issues after replying to her with something like what the duck she tried to say I was racist for not wanting to hang out with her saying she was gonna duck and kill me and/or kill herself if we didn't hang out I don't really entertain threats I've been threatened a million times on Xbox Live so I don't take him very seriously but then I get a text to my phone on ducking Halloween of all nights saying you're really funny mister my last name then this person tries to convince me to apologize and even hang out with the crazy [ __ ] like give her a chance lamell they insinuated they'd murder me so I just spent a good hour de-escalating the situation and even making the anonymous texter Lola jokes and stuff I did this for peace of mind I also apologized to the crazy [ __ ] but would have never hung out with her in a million years blocked her after a few days and never heard anything else now I know how to find names through a phone number so I'm not nearly as freaked out by it anymore plus it's one thing to make a threat a whole other thing to actually do it although they also knew my then address which was a bit weird considering I wasn't on the lease there albeit my brothers were so they likely just connected the dots this was years ago before smartphones and before I had a computer in my house I went to use the internet at the public library now this particular library had like 10 floors and I went there a couple times a month one day I was at the library talking on some chat line and this guy started talking to me in a private message he started getting really creepy so I blocked him but that didn't stop him from continuing to talk to with different usernames so anyways I got up to go to the bathroom and when I came back he asked me where I went when I asked him what he was talking about he said you got up and left where did you do I was freaking out at this point but at the same time I thought maybe he was just messing with me and maybe noticed I hasn't chatted in a bit and assumed I went somewhere well then I had an itch and scratched my arm and he and he asked me why I was itchy then he got even creepier and started describing the clothes I was wearing and saying how he can't wait to take them all off and do dirty things to me he described exactly what I looked like and what I was wearing he asked me why I wore glasses and stuff like that I got up and went to another floor of the library but that didn't stop this creepy weirdo from talking to me eventually he got scary he knew I took the bus to the library and from how he talked to me it was as if he was stalking me he told me how if I didn't stop ignoring him he was going to follow me home and rape me at that point I had enough ABS logged off and told a librarian what had happened she called the police and they drove me home because there's no way in hell my 19 year old self was going to take the bus on that day this is my first read at post and I have so many stories to tell unfortunately I have old stories to stir up that are creepy this one is one of the worst I've never told my parents about this but I wish I had yes I do know now that I was incredibly stupid and that who knows what could have happened I was a very stubborn and idiotic teenager please always tell your parents enter with the police if you are reading this and something like this is happening to you I was always fascinated by computers like ever since my dad took his children to his workplace he was a journalist and of course worked with computers and later bought his first PC for our home I am 29 years old now and this happened when I was 14 or 15 naturally I would explore the internet when I was a kid in this continued when I was a teenager I enjoyed it very much and I still do AOL was still a thing back when I was younger and I was discovering some of the things you could do on air of course I found the chat rooms and went there every once in a while I started talking to a guy and I thought that he was quite nice I was a dumb teenager and started talking to him regularly and found out that he lived in a bigger city next to the small town I lived in I kind of had a crush on him after a while because he was flirting with me even though he knew that I was a bigger girl that was very important to me because I was very insecure about myself I even imagined him being my first boyfriend and cringy stuff like that I wanted to show him how I looked like because I expected him to like me so I asked my mom to take a picture and my excuse was a new haircut I got earlier the day I just said that I wanted to see how it looked in pictures while his response was very positive and he ensured me that I was exactly his type he told me that he liked girls that weighed more than average females did he knew about my age and I was very honest about myself I don't know why probably because of his nice and flirty words but I never asked him how old he was I was in still am that kind of girl that is more interested into the personality of people I meet but as I said I was a stupid teenager and just didn't see any red flags one of those red flags was that he didn't send a picture back by the way apparently I remembered about some of the basic questions and asked him some general stuff at first he didn't respond maybe he was off maybe he didn't know if he should lie to me but then he answered honestly he was over 40 years old married and had two daughters that were just two or three years younger than me needless to say that my heart sank to my boots in my head I must have assumed that he is a teenager as well simply because we were online at the same time and because of his choice of language I immediately wanted to stop interacting with this guy and told him so after he sent me some emails begging me to chat with him he finally gave up well I thought a few weeks have passed and I checked my emails to find a message from him it was something along the lines of hi kobold Blau i saw you at school today well actually I saw you behind a building near school smoking with friends I didn't know that you were that type of girl I was flustered but I didn't smoke so I knew that he mistook another girl for me I told him about that and he didn't believe me I remember that he was a bit sassy about it I said that it should leave me alone already because he is getting creepy he didn't reply and I felt a bit better fast forward like 2 to 3 weeks and I receive another email hey kobold Blau I saw you at the veterinary practice today you looked very nice I didn't want to talk to you since you were there with your mother so I just returned home I was scared to death this time it was me he really saw me with my cat and my mom I panicked a little but I thought that enough is enough I was naive but I was at least bright enough to get that he had left because he was uncomfortable with my mom being there and he knew that he is thinking about doing something wrong he knew that he was if anyone would find out about this I wish I did something cool but I was very Hana Lee and didn't want to admit anything to my parents I threatened him to call the police and get my parents involved if he didn't f ck off he did delete his account after I told him that his daughters and his wife would be very interested into an investigation because he is a disgusting pedo I never heard a word from him and nothing happened to me luckily never hosts a public chat with your circle on 4chan you have friends and acquaintances with you all anonymous all discussing a topic of your shared choosing but face it the chances of possible trolls showing up to get you or dig up any past scandals you've racked up over the Internet are just too great sure 4chan has some advantages such as staying anonymous but by the time you show qualities about your interests during your discussion then someone will know any mistakes you made on the internet might get blown out of proportion as they say out of the fry pan add to the fact it gets archived and you are definitely screwed from all artificial barriers haven't had a wink of sleep in the first week any scandals verified attended to and apologized for as quickly as possible but alas it could have gone worse damned true story I remember a couple years back I went on omegle with the Palin wanted to try and be a haha funny troll sort of conversation type we got matched with this anonymous person and I simply said hey the anonymous person replied how he no it was two people looking over their phone giggling in a brown room my bedroom was brown how he knew there were no sort of parent or older adult and how we better watch the electrics because they'll go out if we carry on instantly we kinda nervous laughed and went about the night after calling that it's a bad idea about an hour later we hear an alarm go off that sounds like it's right outside my house we sat still and didn't move before going on our phones the internet went off I went to check the hub and it was still plugged in just the actual hub wasn't working as I was walking back to my room the electrics went off and my thrower is in the basement I went down basically sprinted flipped the electrics back on and went back to bed didn't sleep for hours but nothing else happened weirdest and most uncomfortable experience of my entire life I have an answer to this one so I was playing dead by daylight a multiplayer game on Steam for those of you who don't know it's a four player on one game so when you're playing on the four player side there is a pre game lobby where you can chat with your teammates one day when I joined a lobby for the four player team someone I had never met typed the most horrifying thing into the chat hire a Jill this person was not on my friends list and even if they were I did not give my first name out on Steam I panicked so hard I alt f4 Dawei so I don't know their name somewhat scary but also a very stupid thing I fell for obvious scam that I fell for when Dan made an account on a sugar daddy website to find a sugar daddy only cause at the time my dad was gonna have some serious heart surgery that would put him on bed rest for half a year and since I was the only one of three kids that had a job I was gonna help with bills I didn't have much money due to other poor financial decisions I talked to a man about my allowance and stuff but everything about the discussion raised all the red flags but I was emotionally distraught and scared either my dad wouldn't make it through the surgery or I D be paying for bills that I know I couldn't afford in the end I was scammed guy sent me a fraudulent check to my account I spent some of it for things for my dad and it wiped my account closed it and I was blacklisted I felt like a goddamn [ __ ] in a failure don't ever do anything out of desperation didn't happen to me directly thank God but I was part of this pretty small forum community in the early 2000s there was a girl who got admin rights on the forum supposedly because she sent nudes to the guy running it then started going around acting like hot crap and trying to change the tight-knit community changing the rules started banning people she didn't like etc the rest of the community did not take kindly to this and basically went to war she got doxxed got her account on the forum hacked got her nudes leaked onto the forum itself then got accounts on other sites hacked and eventually someone even found a way to break into an empty her bank account I was pretty young then and didn't participate in any of that but just watching it happen learned very quickly how to protect myself against daxing and how to secure my information so that would hopefully never happen to me it was a terrifying thing to witness someone's life get literally ruined over ducking around with an internet forum I was talking to someone on another website and we started to chat about our interests when the topic of desires / sex got brought up person asked me how old I was and I gave them an answer to their question they told me that I would be hotter if I was 10 years younger than my actual age and I was shocked to what they meant by turns out the person I was chatting with was someone who was sick disgusting desire of young teen girls as young as 15 the scariest part is I look younger than my actual age and interacting with his monster made me want to throw up unknowingly they wanted to make me their own personal object I told the person to never talk to me ever again and haven't heard from the monster since I should have reported that bastard you
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 309,920
Rating: 4.8435712 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Id: DbcELGyBxyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 11sec (2231 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 06 2019
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