What is the SCARIEST story you know that is 100% TRUE (r/AskReddit) updoot reddit stories

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what is the scariest story you know that is 100% true yo before we start I've got some news to share with you that I think you'll be pretty excited about you guys all know I love making videos on this channel sometimes I wanted to post something shorter but I still don't want it to disappear so I was pretty excited when I found out about aminos news stories feature and the fact that the stories don't just disappear like other places so I've actually partnered with Amino to create some of my very own stories I posted my first story there called the abandoned house it's about people staying in an 100 year old abandoned house so if it's something you like I will continue publishing stories over there consistently click the link in the description or pin youtube comment or search for Amino amps to download Amino find my stories by searching reddit aliens make sure to follow me and click the bell to know when i'm posting new videos just like YouTube every time you watch my videos you'll be supporting me so if you like my videos this is a simple free way to keep me creating what is the scariest story you know that is 100% true I worked for Ujala when I was 18 and it was located in front of a club that was known for being really sketchy I came in to open one morning and it was common for people to knock on the door hoping to get in early and get their truck on this day I hear frantic knocking on the door I'm there alone still so it kind of startled me I look and there's a women completely naked covered in what looks like blood I called the cops and grabbed one of the moving blankets and went outside to cover her up she smelled really bad and was a mess ended up being blood and her own shit she was covered in found out later she was drugged at the club that night / early morning raped and left blacked out in the alley it was just a fucked-up and surreal situation to be involved in I've posted this before but mine when I was a baby my dad played on a softball team typical social team out for beers and Pete's after with the guy's family event type thing my parents were good friends with two of the other couples both of them had young kids as well on this occasion the other two couples had left their kids at one of their houses with a babysitter they were splitting they invited my parents back to the house to have some more beers that night but I was being fussy and my mom nixed the idea though they would 100% have normally gone back to hang out well it turned out my fussiness on that day saved our lives when the other parents got back to the house they walked in on a home invasion two men had broken in tied up the kids and the babysitter and her boyfriend and were waiting for the parents took the parents hostage as well and made the dance drive with them to bank slash a grocery store where one dad was manager and clear out accounts slash a safe they then came back to the house and slaughtered both families the babysitter and her boyfriend kids included they caught the two guys later on my dad attended the trials and said it was the first time he had ever had thoughts of supporting the death penalty it still gives me chills to know how close we came to getting killed that day - I was in a crappy motel the room had bedbugs I was too exhausted to go to the front desk I just needed to make it until the morning I slept in the tub hours later I hear someone breaking through the window I had a big knife with me and ran out into the room to find a man halfway through my window we stared for a while at each other in shock I think we both were scared then he says is this your room in like yes this is my room man more staring then he slowly starts backing out while cursing me for leaving my window unlocked and not expecting him to break in motel on watt half Sacramento old janitor from high school friendly Ecuadorian man who went by ping worked at the school for 20-plus years and nobody had a problem with him I guess his wife was leaving him and in the process of moving out he caught her in bed with her new man next day in the middle of town he opened fire on her the man and then killed himself before any cops had time to respond the story of Mary Vincent always stands out to me in 1978 15 year-old Mary was hitchhiking a man named Lawrence singleton picked her up he brutally raped her and eventually made her get out of the car she planned to run but he noticed and cut both her arms off he threw her into a ditch / ravine and left her to die she packed her stumps with mud to stop the bleeding and spent all night crawling out she eventually makes it to the highway and starts walking naked and covered in blood the first car that saw her sped away in fear the second car was a couple on their honeymoon they picked her up and she survived edited to add I was in a rush when I wrote this so you should definitely read more into the story it's crazy from the horrific act itself to the court proceedings to the fact that he hardly served any time years ago when I was 8 my family lived in this big weird house kind of on the edge of a small town the school district was in the middle of a big restructuring so even though we were only a couple grades apart my brother and I went to different schools and took different buses this left me as the last person to leave in the morning and the first person to get home in the afternoon which meant it was my job to make sure all the lights were often the door was locked one morning I noticed the basement door was open and the light was on so before I left I turned off the light and closed the door when I got home that afternoon the light was on and the door was open again I just assumed that I'd forgotten to actually take care of it when I noticed it in the morning so I went over to turn off the light and close the door when I got to the top of the basement stairs I looked and there was a big shadow a male figure towards the bottom of the staircase I freaked out slammed the door and pushed a bunch of boxes against it and then went and hid in my closet for months I didn't tell my family because I was positive what I had seen was a ghost and didn't think anyone would believe me then about a year after that incident my mom and her boyfriend realized that small amounts of money had been going missing for months totaling around $800 to 960 dollars at once so we all walked around the house with flashlights trying to figure out how they could have gotten in turns out some creep was climbing in through a small hole in the outside of the house shimmying through a crawl space then coming up into the house through the basement realizing I had been alone in the house with him on at least one occasion was one of the worst most terrifying moments I've ever had told this year before but once more my friend had this neighbor who was a retired mechanic they lived on some properties with large front lawns and long driveways his neighbor had a couple derelict cars parked up near his garage that he took parts from occasionally this neighbor of his started hearing noises while sitting in his living room coming from his front yard every time he'd go to the window there would be nothing there he assumed it was a raccoon or a coyote or whatever he kept hearing the noise so he'd go outside to look around but would find nothing he'd put out traps and occasionally catch something yet the noise persisted soon he started claiming that he was hearing voices coming from the front yard like whispering he'd go outside and look around the perimeter of his property but would find nothing it was persistent so he'd started calling the cops every time the cops came and looked around and would find nothing so they told him he needed to stop calling them for this and perhaps get a security camera or whatever so this guy thought he was losing his mind one summer evening he couldn't sleep so he went to the back patio to smoke a cigarette suddenly he heard voices coming from the front of his house he put his sigil and snuck around to the front and got there just in time to see the doors to his derelict conversion van silently shut he ran back to the back yard and went inside his home and called the police to tell them what he had seen the police arrived and approached cold ie without lights sirens and when they approached the van the door swung open and a bunch of people ran out in every direction upon searching the van the cops found syringes and paraphernalia and determined that people were shooting up in there this is a hometown story that stayed with me it happened literally right around the corner from where I grew up maybe a two minute drive away Judy Kirby murdered six children and one adult by intentionally driving the wrong way on a divided highway in an attempt to commit suicide she had been hospitalized for depression but had also just ended a relationship with her ex-husband's brother and was by some reports involved in drug trafficking and fearing and imminent arrest she picked up her sister's son who was celebrating his 10th birthday the day she then loaded her three children into the car supposedly to pick up a gift for the nephew instead she went missing with the carload of kids a short time later calls started coming in to 911 about a car going the wrong way down the highway at a high rate of speed they made it about 90 seconds before a head-on collision with another vehicle driven by a father with two children and another child along for the ride the crash annihilated both vehicles the only survivors were Kirby herself and the child who was along for the ride in the other car there were pieces of children all over the highway she was sentenced to 215 years in prison in 1972 a Uruguayan plane carrying a college rugby team fell in the Andes mountain range of 50 people 13 people died in the crash or the following hours and by the next day the survivor count was down to 27 which with little food had to resort to eating the bodies of the dead rationing how much each ate after that the remaining survivors made a pact stating that if they died they would be the next in line for consumption and that the only bodies that would be used would be the families of those who voluntarily accepted - they spent 72 days in the hostile environment by the end only 16 survived the most terrifying story IMO is when one of the survivors who had broken his leg on the crash which made him feel useless notice that the corpse is up for consumption was running out he secretly stopped eating to die of hunger and become abused for the survivors thankfully one of them realized and managed to convince him to keep himself alive for two weeks more the rescue team found them within those two weeks I highly recommend you read the book vivan or law Sociedad de la nieve to get more details I'll tell you one that happened to me or rather I was witness to one night I was out at a bar with a friend I was visiting in New Rochelle New York we went outside for a cigarette and a car came flying past the bar the car burned through a red light and started going up this hill that was on a curve we watched as he veered over the double yellow and smashed head-on with another car coming from the other direction both cars hind ends lifted up then slammed down the car that was driving correctly bursts into flames I ran inside and grabbed the fire extinguisher then yelled to the bartender to call 9-1-1 and say there has been an accident my friend a few other patrons and me ran to the cars now I used to think this was a fictional trope but I was pretty drunk before this happened and I swear it sobered me up instantly I tried spraying the fire but it did nothing the fumes and heat were awful and all we could do was stand back the worst part was and this will haunt me forever was that the woman in the burning car was screaming as she died my god it was the worst sound ever the fire department came and put the fire out the police took us back to the bar and took statements I found out the next day in the news that the car that was not speeding was being driven by a young woman coming home late from work she was a block away from home and I think she was either newly married or a new mother the rotten motherfucker driving the other car was some rich drunk cocksucker he lost a leg but otherwise was physically unharmed I have no clue if he did time as I left to go back home a day or so later I'm trying to find a link for the news story but I can't as this was maybe six or seven years back I remember it being reported on lo Haddon Channel 12 News my dad and some friends got drunk and went for a drive on some back roads and were going as fast as the truck would go as teenagers my dad was slightly less drunk than the others and eventually demanded they let him get out they pulled over and he and one other girl got out he and the girl started walking to town while the other three sped off in the opposite direction well less than a mile up the road from where they got out as an extremely sharp turn which they missed and hit a tree going pretty close to triple digits miles per hour too them died on impact and the only reason the third survived is because they crashed in front of a house that to doctors lived in the survivor was paralyzed and lost his leg and part of his arm and was in the hospital for eight months before dying this was in the 60s so medical care wasn't what it is today when I first got my permit my dad took me to that corner to explain the importance of safe driving it gave me goose bumps about how close he was to being in the truck he said that the dad of the driver got what remained of the truck to be hung up in the center of town for months after to be a warning to all in my town in the early 90s there was a notorious killer that had all of British Columbia Canada on watch my wife's mother years and years before I knew them had been home alone while her husband was in England doing tree surgeon work arborist she was in her laundry room when a man walked up from her basement completely scaring her she freaked out and said what the hell are you doing here he said he was friends with her husband and was just coming to see if he was here apparently he told him he could just walk in which she knew was bullshit she was smart enough to tell him that he was just at the store and would be back any minute he said he would wait outside for him as soon as he left she called the police but he was long gone by the time they got here two weeks later the killer was caught his mug shot put on TV and it was the guy in her house my family has a similar story and I'm pretty sure some of you serial killer buffs out there might figure out who it is before the reveal because their story is pretty unique when my parents were in college they went on a trip down to Florida they had met through mutual friends and were down there together but hadn't gone on a date yet my dad and one of his friends were planning to meet my mom and some of her friends at a hotel but being the carefree college guys they were they lost track of time and realized it was impossible to get to the hotel on time by walking they decided the best solution to their problem was to hitchhike in a car with two women picked him up everything seemed fine until the driver asked them if it was okay to stop for gas my dad and his friend agreed it was no problem since they were making good time and she drove into a gas station she then pumped her car full of gas before hopping back in and flooring it basically stealing the gas with two hitchhikers in the back my dad and his friend were beginning to freak out when she pulled a gun from under her seat and asked are we gonna a problem or something like that my dad and his friend shook their heads vehemently because what else do you do in that situation she then drove them to the hotel and dropped them off without so much as a scratch and they kind of thought nothing of it until the news started reporting on a serial killer in Florida known as Aileen Wuornos he took one look at her picture and instantly recognized her as the driver the only reason my dad thinks she didn't straight-up kill them was because they were supper polite and respectful to her and her victims were usually scumbag guys trying to take advantage of her TL DR Aileen Wuornos is the reason my dad got to his first date with mom on time I used to run the boilers in a doe building apparently at some point in the 80s three people were murdered over involvement in a big VCR theft VCR s-mint for the school system had apparently been stolen out of this warehouse it was an inside job something went wrong the head custodian was found shot to death and later the bodies of the other two were reported buried in Monticello but word is they had first been incinerated in the boilers I was in charge of operating and maintaining there were three operational boilers and one that wasn't in service no clue which one was supposedly used but when you were firing them up you're typically the only person in the building not a single day went by that I fired them up and didn't wonder which one was used but that wasn't what gave me the real heebie-jeebies you have to clean the interior of these boilers really well otherwise the fire won't transfer heat to the water very efficiently especially with number six oil these boilers would build up a lot of soot you have to suit up in a tie vex suit wear a mask and climb right into the firebox I found myself staring down the business end of that burner many times wondering what that panic would feel like I'm reasonably sure these people were dead before getting put in the boiler though once I was actually in one boiler while another one was running the valve that isolated my boiler from the main steam line wasn't holding and by the time I realized how warm it was getting it was enough to panic trying to lift myself up and belly-crawl through the small opening the metal was almost too hot to keep my hands on for long definitely creepy experience considering the history of that boiler room all right so my preschool teacher who also ended up somehow changing jobs and becoming my 11th grade English teacher had a super interesting life her mother had some super famous book her father worked high up in the government but enough about her family first let me describe her to you she had dark hair and blue eyes you'll see why this matters in a minute she told this story every single year to the new students in her class when she was younger she was driving through Arizona on a two-way road while her boyfriend at the time was following behind her on his motorcycle for those who don't live in Arizona certain stretches of it can be quite isolated and deserted she said that they were on a long drive it's been about six years since I was in her class so details are fuzzy but basically her and her boyfriend both knew the destination where they were heading by memory and eventually got separated by a few miles a man who was behind her in a Volkswagen Beetle kept pulling up beside her into the other Lane no one was coming and motioning at her to pull over she's somewhat ignored in the first few times but he kept doing it and began getting more frantic each time she said that she believed that he spotted something wrong with her car so she saw a parking lot off the road for a deserted gas station and pulled over once pulled over she said that she instantly got an eerie feeling the man was suspicious and kept telling her that he saw something wrong with her headlight and insisted she get out of the car so he could show her what he meant her boyfriend who is a few miles behind her eventually caught up and spotted her car at the sketchy gas station right as she was out of the car her boyfriend began to pull in as he did that this man got into his car and sped off like his life depended on it they later were able to identify that the man was Ted Bundy she said she cannot imagine what would have happened to her if her boyfriend had been even another three miles behind her on the road have you heard of the Nazis so bad that other Nazis in particular fellow SS Nazis constantly tried to get him and his unit disbanded and arrested no well his name was Oscar Dearlove Unger and his unit was nicknamed the black hunters or the Darrel of Honor brigade Oscar dear levar was an early adopter of the Nazi Party he had been thrown in jail before for being a pedophile eventually when world war ii broke out and healthy ideal germans were dying in droves on the eastern front Oscar's old pal Heinrich Himmler head of the SS granted him a command of unit made up originally of German poachers and eventually German criminals being held in civilian jails camps and military criminals his unit was essentially designated as a rearguard unit meant to hunt down enemy partisans or in most cases civilians in occupied countries Oskar Dirlewanger SS unit was responsible for many atrocities some atrocities so barbaric and bad other SS units reported him in his unit for atrocities a few examples which have been popularized in film include taking an entire village in Vallauris and putting them in a church locking the doors and setting the Church of Blaise anyone who tried to escape was shot by machine guns and rifles this unit raped tortured and murdered its way through Eastern and Central Europe during the Warsaw Uprising they were sent to help squelch the uprising one of their atrocities committed was going into a Children's Hospital telling the nurses and staff that they were there to secure the church okay once the church was secured they raped the female staff and some of the wounded and sick female children victims and then went around shooting everyone if anyone was found to have survived they were banded these guys were so horrible that other Nazis looked down their noses at them and constantly filed complaints and reports against them but with no real success thankfully by the end of the war this unit was destroyed and its leaders and criminal soldiers were hunt down like rabid animals [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 343,849
Rating: 4.8534541 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Id: MQdfQmZ3FW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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