What is the mystery that CREEPS you out the most PART 2 (r/AskReddit) updoot reddit stories

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our /as credit by reddit aliens posted by user Sutton 1984 what is a mystery that creeps you out the most I'll start part 2 the first thing I could think of was the story of the Erickson twins succumbing to a shared delusion known as folio do trying to kill themselves by running into traffic on the m6 repeatedly getting hit by speeding motors and still having the energy to assault officers while screaming bloody murder about having their organs harvested being released from custody and murdering a man such a bizarre story and had left me puzzled and creeped out for days simply because so many things were unexplained and what was explained fully odd to her temporary shared insanity just seemed too convenient the footage of them running into traffic and the behavior of the twins was incredibly unsettling for me I remember reading some crazy theories about the twins being a result of genetic experimentation / mind control / super soldiers definitely out there back when I was 12 years old there was a kind of a UFO craze led by some cult that claimed the UFOs would be coming on a certain date as the date got closer there was more and more media hype and I remember everyone was talking about this at school and in the news on the night slated for the UFO a lot of people in my neighborhood gathered in the street and it became kind of a social event I was just a kid in the idea was pretty scary so I stayed in very late into the night I looked out the window and the moon was pale white and spinning like a plate on its edge I ducked under the covers and fell asleep at some point the next day no one seemed to know what I was talking about or even remembered the UFO craze that was so popular the day before no one remembered anything about a cult or gathering in the streets nothing on the news this was before the Internet so I could not check online for anything black holes I'm currently reading Hawking's a brief story of time they are so mind bogglingly massive that we mere mortals can start to comprehend they suck everything even light so we can't actually see them inside them they have something we call a singularity which is scientific jargon for we don't know what the duck it is and we probably will never know for sure ok so I have been thinking about this ever since it happened to me about 10 years ago it's not traditionally scary but it freaked me out I hope I can get some sort of an answer here I was in Idaho with my friend and her mom staying at my friend's aunt's house well one night my friend and I were going to bed I turned facing the large window to turn off the light the blinds were down but slightly open about a minute later an extremely bright light comes from the window it looks like lighting kinda it's really near on yellow but jagged like lightning and flashing it looked like to me it was right on the window dot now this lasts for maybe 30 seconds before I jumped up and ran to the door it might be a good time to say it was a clear night no clouds my friend says she saw it too but in the small window kinda above our heads I don't know if she did but when I ran she did too okay so the bedroom we were in was divided by wall from the living room where her mom was at the living room window was just as big as the window in the bedroom and on the same wall it also was completely open no blinds curtains the space between the windows might be 12 feet well she didn't see any light that's really it I have no idea what this light was spontaneous lightning that lasts for 30 plus seconds and is right next to a window on a clear night I hope someone knows what I'm talking about TL Dr Strange lightning like light appeared from my window on a clear night pretty similar to the other stories about disappearing but I used to live in this house that was built in the 1800s and was converted into four apartments at that time only two other ones were occupied one being the on-call groundskeeper he was an elderly man who would cut down a tree with no real reason but he was still kind I started telling my friends about the house once the majority of the apartments were on occupied and eventually some of them moved in one day Laurie who had just started occupying the biggest apartment upstairs and next door to the grounds keeps at came to my door and said it was absolutely burning hot upstairs I took her for an idiot and stated the obvious heat rises but she insisted I come upstairs as I was passing his door to get to hers I noticed it was sweltering up there I touched the doorknob safe but when holding my hand at the base of the door I could feel the heat just pouring out after knocking several times we began searching for a key to his apartment under the carpet on the stairs we had come across so many keys to her own apartments we figured we'd find at least one we were right we let ourselves in and immediately found the source of the heat the apartment was a studio just one room in a kitchen against the wall opposite the door the heater attached to the wall was on high the coils orange it had been on so long it had warped and blackened the mirror above it at this point we were well into summer the first thing I did was turn the heater off then unplug it then I started looking around sitting by a chair was an almost full pack of cigarettes a lighter and an ashtray with a cigarette partially smoked in it I went into the kitchen and saw a bag of groceries sitting out on the table all of it rotted and stinking I managed to find a receipt in the mess dated for December basically everything in the apartment looked as if he was coming back shortly when I called our landlady she didn't seem to know much either seemed genuinely surprised he wasn't there anymore then promptly rented the apartment to my friend Stephen about a month later shrug this thread seems like a good place for this story I've forgotten the details of it and it doesn't creep me out so much as fascinates me but I think it would be a good addition here I grew up in a rural mining town in British Columbia when I was a kid early 90s I had a friend whose father a doctor resided in a large home in my neighborhood the home originally built for a wealthy mining contractor was one of the first ones built in the community the property was large containing not only the house but a surrounding private forest an old mining Shack and a small house for what might be assumed servants or guests it's hard to put into words the size of this forest despite being in the heart of the community you could easily lose yourself in it in part because of this it was a prime location for my childhood antics my friends and I would play fight hold adventures and use it as a playground nevertheless we never went in there alone it's true for most forests that especially at night they can often seem foreboding or scary to kids but despite that I felt there was something really off about it even during daylight hours the few times we weren't playing and sat silent within it the forest itself would be unnaturally quiet it had that foreboding feeling like a calm before a storm where we'd get a tense anxiety about the location as kids it was something we'd brush off and move on from and try to forget forward many years the family of the friend who lived in that house moved her way I worked as a page in the local library then one task involved cataloging the local newspaper collection we had available and making sure it was in order sometimes curiosity would get the best of me and I'd sit there reading some of the more fascinating stories that would make the town's top headlines and then one in particular stood out to me I wish I remembered the details and it would be nice to find it again back in the late 60s the teenage son of the wealthy contractor who owned that property went missing walking home from high school witnesses recall seeing him walk along the road and into the forest surrounding his home one witness in particular remembered saying goodbye she went in a different direction as he entered the forest he never left the forest his body was never found the only evidence the police ever found was a bloodied blanket in an old mining Shack owned by a hunter who resided close to the property it certainly made for an interesting read I'm going through something right now that is creeping me out into most of you I will sound crazy no doubt I'll start by saying I don't believe in ghosts I'm a rational 39 year old woman who is extremely skeptical and the type of person who needs to see it to believe it I gave birth to my daughter two weeks ago when I was about three weeks away from giving birth I would smell cigarette smoke in our house we don't smoke at the time I put it down to a weird pregnancy thing after all pregnancy hormones can cause some weird symptoms but the smell was so strong as if someone was sporadically blowing smoke in my face this never happened before then now that my daughter is here the smoke smell lingers everywhere especially over her crib my mother-in-law was recently here and she could smell it too as a matter of fact I purposely didn't bring it up to her and she was the one to bring it up and complain about the smell my sister-in-law also asked about it without my mentioning it my husband can't smell it I have no explanation for this all I know is that the smell is the same smell of the rollup cigarettes my father smoked before he died in 1998 it isn't constant just occurs randomly throughout the day / night one minute I can't smell a thing in the next the air is heavy with the scent of my dad's rolling tobacco right over near my baby's crib I've heard this from multiple people unfortunately the only site I found was a super sketchy site from the 1990s so take this one with a grain of salt from their site the Eskimo village that disappeared in November 1930 Joe LaBelle a Canadian fur trapper snowshoed into a thriving Eskimo fishing village situated on the shores of lake anjikuni in Canada LaBelle was greeted with an eerie silence he thought this was very strange because the fishing village was a noisy settlement with 2,000 Eskimos milling back and forth to their kayaks but there wasn't a soul about LaBelle visited each of the eskimo hudson fish storehouses but none of the villagers was anywhere to be seen LaBelle saw a flickering fire in the distance and approached it gingerly sensing something evil was a foot on this moonlit night upon the fire was a smoldering pot of blackened stew to make matters more mysterious LaBelle saw that not a single human track had left the settlement LaBelle knew something bizarre had happened to the two thousand people and so he ran non-stop to the nearest telegraph office and sent a message about his findings to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police the Mounties turned up hours later and they too were baffled by the mass vanishing act an enormous search party was sent out to look for the missing villagers but they were never found and the search party unearthed some strange findings all the sleigh dogs that had belonged to the Eskimos were found buried twelve feet under a snowdrift at the perimeter of the camp all of them had starved to death the search party also established that all the Eskimos provisions and food had been left in their huts which didn't make any sense at all then came the most chilling surprise of all the search party discovered that all of the Eskimos ancestral grapes were empty whoever or whatever had taken all the living villagers had also dug up the dead as well even though the icy ground around the grapes was as hard as iron later on that unearthly silent night the Mounties watched in awe as a strange blue glow lit up the horizon the eerie radiance was not the Northern Lights but seemed steady and artificial as the Mounties watched the light pulsated then faded all the newspapers of the world reported the baffling disappearance of the two thousand Eskimos although many believed that a rational explanation would eventually come to light but the anjikuni mass disappearance is still unsolved a summer camp in Vermont our camp moved to its current property in 1986 the property we were moving to and that is our current location was a girls camp but it was inexplicably abandoned they left working trucks a tractor canoes paddles etc there is graffiti all over camp from girls who stayed at the camp crap like Betsy 56 57 58 but there is also some very creepy stuff a lot of the equipment that they left behind we still use such as the canoes and the paddles there are lots of ghost stories made up by counselors about why the girls camp closed but in reality nobody knows I've looked it up to try and find out but I can hardly find any information that the camp ever existed to make things very creepy there was a wedding at our camp and this old 90 year old woman was being driven in and she kept on insisting I've been here before and could even identify where buildings would be before she she said she had never been to a girl's camp before turns out that before it was a girl's camp in the 1920s the campground was actually in sanitarium and at a young age this women had been sent there for some reason not an official well-known mystery but it still creeps me out to this day I live in a house that is surrounded by miles of Forest Preserve when I was much younger my cousins and I would like to go out exploring in the woods one day we happened on this old abandoned looking Shack it was pretty dilapidated but I think at some point someone must have been living in it because there were tattered drives hanging from the windows and the front door was slightly ajar there were really old rusted kitchen utensils in front of the Shack I remember a measuring cup and a fork and butter knife distinctly bizarrely in the clearing behind the Shack there were these weird stone monuments the best way I can describe what they looked like is that they were similar to those fake hives that you might see at a Honey Farm except for we slowly creeped around back and saw that they were completely solid I have no idea how this Shack or these things got in the woods because there is absolutely no way anyone would ever be able to drive a vehicle back there as there wasn't any paved path and the trees are pretty dense it was a sunny day out but I remember as soon as we came across the area this overwhelming foreboding sense came over me even thinking about it now is terrifying me I have no idea what's come of it I am way too terrified to make my way back there again shudders I hope that somehow it's been destroyed suffice to say I am always on the jumpy side when it's dark out because I feared that one day a crazed person is going to come out of those woods from the shack HHH my friend I'll call her Jane has a friend who owns a business it's a small business with just the owner in one or two others assistant slash receptionist weird things had been happening in the office and a business owner of course thought the place was haunted and hired a group of ghost hunters to investigate my friend Jane very skeptical asked to join so she was there when the weird stuff happened Jane said that the ghost hunters went through the business which is in an old house with their instruments proclaiming hot spots and cold spots and whatnot Jane was unimpressed at the end of the session the ghost hunters decided to put a radio on scan a.m. and ask the ghost or whatever questions skeptical Janne freaked out as the first question was asked has anybody died in this house and very clearly on the radio they heard six people now apparently the radio was scanning AM stations so you could hear static and even talking intermittently but when the questions were asked the answers were very clear ghost hunters how did you die voice fire business owner why are you messing with my staff voice my staff there were more questions with answers but I wasn't there and don't know them but Jane says at the end of ghost hunter said that they should stop as the voice seemed to be getting agitated the business owner said let's ask one more question and the voice on the radio said very loudly no more questions my friend Jane said that she was genuinely frightened and she even seemed kind of disturbed when she told me the story she's still a skeptic and says there's got to be an explanation but none of us know what that is and it is very much a mystery that creeps me out this may seem mundane but it creeps me out still about five to six weeks ago I come home from work to find my dog had torn up my laptop cord not unexpected I went back to creating her after she chewed up some other things anyway the cable is duct on both ends the part that disconnects and goes to the wall and the part attached that goes to the laptop I pick up the pieces and throw it out pick up a universal power cable from Walmart and go on with my life the creepy part three days after this happens I'm cleaning and find behind the cushion on the loveseat where the old power cable would normally be strung across the same ducting power adapter fully intact not some generic one it's the sony vaio cable identical completely intact I've never owned another one none of my friends do that I know of and I didn't even tell anyone about my dog chewing up the old one I threw it away just to see if it would magic itself back in the house but so far no my girlfriend used to live in an old turn-of-the-century house complete with a creepy grandfather clock and various antiques she always told me about paranormal stuff that went on in the house but to be honest I never believed her she said she would go to sleep with all of her blinds closed and then wake up with him open her mom said that she would hear voices etc that kind of thing so I was staying over one night and she got out of bed to go I assumed to the bathroom we hadn't quite gone to sleep yet and I was wide awake three things happened first an empty water bottle that was on the floor spontaneously crumpled making a very distinct sound as you can imagine I didn't know what to make of it so I rolled over and tried to go to sleep meanwhile down the hall I hear someone turned the water on in the bathtub it's stayed on for about three minutes and then clearly was turned off I thought it was strange but sometimes my girlfriend would fill up a water bottle in the tub so whatever next I heard someone come up the stairs which was again strange because I had just heard her in the bathroom she comes back into the bedroom with a snack she had gotten in the kitchen downstairs I said WTF were you in the bathroom she said no and that she had been downstairs we go into the bathroom to investigate and the bathtub is wet we had showered downstairs earlier and the blinds next to the toilet were open now I always shut those blinds because the window is a dick level and I for sure had closed them about 20 minutes before we went to bed she hadn't been in the bathroom since before I went something had turned on the bathtub for a substantial amount of time and opened up the blinds which I absolutely remember closing needless to say I was thoroughly creeped out and still to this day cannot explain those three events okay this will probably get buried but something happened to me when I was younger that I think fits perfectly here I was in the fourth grade sitting in class on a Monday my teacher was teaching a lesson and just as the bell was about to ring the teacher gave us an assignment that was due on Wednesday so I go home that day and I figure whatever the work is do Wednesday I'll do it tomorrow so I play video games all day and then go to bed I wake up and go to school the next day and everything is going normal until the teacher says that it's time to hand in the homework being very confused I informed the teacher that he said the work was due on Wednesday and that we all still had a day to do it everyone in the class including the teacher gave me a weird look and the teacher told me it was Wednesday I have no recollection of that Tuesday no idea what happened TL DR I skipped a day of my life and have no idea what happened this is not a world-famous mystery but one that has perplexed my friends and I for two years now about two years ago I was driving my home from the gym with my brother and a friend of ours it's about 4 p.m. I decide to take the backroads back to our neighborhood since the evening traffic was starting to build up we turn the corner and see that they had finally knocked down some houses that had been boarded up for months sitting on the piles of rubble around the rubble on the road this was a really small side road more of an alley really so very few cars drive by and on the sidewalk were cats just cats everywhere I have never seen so many in my life we are talking at least 50 cats just sitting there in the daylight I stopped the car in the middle of the road and we just stared I managed to drive past without hitting anything later that night I was driving some of my friend's home it was around 1:00 in the morning I decided to pass by the alley again on the way to my friends houses just to see if the cats were still there they were also present was some guy sitting in a collapsible chair staring at the empty Sandlot where previously demolished houses had once stood in the 10 minutes we were sitting in the car while my friends gulped at the cat's cats eyes in the headlights of a car at night our super creepy the man never moved once just to clarify there are no houses near the place that were feeding the cats in any way nor is there a natural source of food for them in that area my set cetera since then I made it a point to drive past cat alley as often as I could with friends or by myself there are always cats there and if it's after 10 p.m. the man is always sitting there staring the latest I've seen him was 4 a.m. on New Year's morning I've never seen him move TL DR drive past demolished houses see at least 50 cats there drive past again same day round 10 p.m. that's still there plus man sitting in a chair staring at empty sand lot every time we drive past there are always some cats there and if it's after 10:00 p.m. so is the man no reason for either to be there never seen him move it's been two years my grandmother had passed away and left to me and her inheritance a cottage in the middle of nowhere it was quiet and peaceful and I enjoyed being away from the noise of the city things had gotten rather stressful recently in my personal and work relationships and I was rather glad to get out of the office I missed my grandmother she had always brought with her an air of calm and tranquility that nostalgic Lea vocht memories of my childhood and her cottage was no different I lit a cigarette as I stared out into the eerie a Bini of the countryside nighttime the breeze created a gentle flutter in the silk curtains and lightly grazed my just showered skin I think about my younger self as I stub out my cigarette and closed the window I climb under the fresh sheets and drifted into a millard sleep some time later I wake up or at least I think I woke up the clock told me it was 4:00 a.m. I was wide awake and I didn't know why the window which I had previously closed had somehow opened itself and the silk curtains were lightly fluttering in the breeze I could hear the sound of horses hooves hitting the pavement outside getting closer to my window confused I slide my feet onto the cold floor and walk over I look outside and I see a wagon a horse-drawn wagon the click of the horses hooves drew into silence as it stops outside my garden and I can see the moonlight reflected in its Mane it stared at me in fact the entire wagon full of people stared at me blankly but my attention was caught on one person in the midst of them his face I wouldn't know how to describe it if I had seen it again even though I have it burned into the lining of my retinas the only way I could explain it is a horrifying mixture of biology and corrective surgery gone wrong suddenly he breaks the silence there is room enough for one more I flinch as if he had physically taken the words out of his mouth and thrown them at me and he laughed I slammed the window shut drew the curtains and closed my eyes the next day when I woke up I was sure it was a dream slightly shaken I make my morning coffee the warmth of the Summer Sun on my feet as I stretched out on the sofa helped to know lies my mood I had made some plans to go shopping in the city the day to pick out a new coat cheer myself up they had opened a new department store and I made my way there it was overly crowded inside and I squeezed my way towards the lift floor six women's where the doors were closing as I got there but a foot stuck out and they slid open I breathe a thankful sigh and look up a face stared back at me it was the same face from last night my dream the excruciating mixture of half biology and half corrective surgery gone horribly wrong my breath catches in my throat he smiles and said there is room enough for one more I'm unable to speak the shock must have registered on my face because he took his foot away in the door slid shut I'm staring into the metallic silver and his words are echoing all over my head when I got home that evening I made my dinner and sat down to watch the television the news told me that that particular lift had somewhat failed and crashed killing everyone that had been in it TL DR creepy dream foretold future and saved my life [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 142,632
Rating: 4.8553848 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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