People who have lived in HAUNTED house, what is your SCARIEST SUPERNATURAL experience (r/AskReddit)

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serious people who have lived on a supposedly haunted house what was your scariest supernatural encounter what was it like I've posted this before but here we go again I was around four years old and in bed ready to go to sleep as a child I was scared of the dark so I used to put the whole bed cover over my head due to this I got hot fast so I decided to put my right hand out of the bed cover into the open I felt bone like fingers moved down a hand and fingers I pulled my hand back inside under the cover I didn't know what to do I just stay waiting listening but I heard nothing I built up the confidence to have a look when I did nothing was there nothing happened for about 2.5 years until my mom found a skeleton in the living room wall she rang the police and some specialists to come look at the skeleton I was moved into my bedroom whilst the police questioned my mom and I was only allowed out when they had gone the specialists took the skeleton to do tests and find out gender age how it had died and how long it had been there two weeks later and my mum got a phone call from the company saying they had done the tests in that the skeleton was a woman and she had been there since early 1900s that's all I know from what my mom told me I was seven years old while living in this house with my family these entities never really harmed us but they did spook my mother and I whereas my father apparently never experienced anything my mother would hear whispering coming from the pipes when she would shower we didn't have neighbors so we couldn't blame them meanwhile I would see children running around at the time I wasn't scared of it until one instance I had woken up from a nap and went to another room where I kept all my toys including a piano I walked in and saw a boy kneeling in front of this piano and I got happy because I thought it was a friend of mine so I started talking to him while I went to the closet and when I turned around the boy was gone I was terrified I've posted this story before my grandfather his sister and his wife my grandmother all died in the same year the three of them were very close my grandfather was the last to die a week after his 88th birthday in November he died in our house he was living with us shortly after he died these were her parents in her aunt started finding panties in random places all over the house and upon closer inspection all the pennies were from the years 1925 1929 and 1923 these were the birth years of my grandfather grandmother and great aunt then I started finding pennies in random places sometimes I would get a feeling I might find one and then I would find one my mom and I started finding them in Christmas decorations that had been put up after my grandfather died my mom found some in the attic above the house the penny stopped popping up after Christmas then the next couple years around Christmas time my mom started to find more pennies I think this went on for two or three Christmas times after my grandfather died my grandfather loved Christmas time then slowly stopped my mom still has all the pennies she almost filled a coffee mug with them when I was growing up my grandfather always claimed to be somewhat clairvoyant he had died and been brought back to life a couple times in the hospital and he had claimed to see the ghost of his mother who died when he was six he also had several other paranormal experiences in his life he was a little eccentric and always joked that he was going to haunt us after he died I lived in a 110 year old farmhouse out in the middle of the country about 20 minutes from any sort of town a few years ago I was living with my parent who was renting it while their other house was being built divorce and I was going to start grad school the following semester this house was well known for being haunted but my dad never believed in any of that stuff when I moved in and knew that this place was seriously messed up this place had a recorded 6 deaths on the property sickness / farming accidents since the time it was constructed everyone that had ever lived there heard or saw something the previous owner went crazy drinking himself to sleep in the basement and the one before that committed suicide rethinking this place honestly makes me sound insane I stayed here but I had nowhere else to go the first time I noticed something was a few days after moving in I was washing dishes the sink was right below a window where you could look outside in the driveway and the door leading into the garage my dog was barking outside so I figured my dad had just got off work and was coming inside because he got home around the same time every day I saw someone walking to the side garage door and I could have sworn on my life that it was my dad so I didn't panic however no one came into the house after a few minutes so I went outside calling his name and no one was there no car nobody my dad drove in the driveway a few minutes later I figured at the time my eyes were playing tricks on me the longer I lived there the more used to things I got the dog would always bark at walls in the middle of the night and this is a well-trained hunting dog there was an entire upstairs that absolutely nobody stayed in because it was terrifying up there smelled terrible small and something was off with it like it wasn't very welcoming daily and nightly you would hear running footsteps upstairs that sounded like two kids chasing each other at any time of the day you would hear someone whistling outside and always the same tune or a woman laughing outside the worst parts always seem to happen when I was there alone on top of the extreme isolation this place was terrifying one night I was there alone because I had to work a Saturday and my dad went out of town I woke up in the middle of the night and heard talking almost like a mumbling TV and the other room kind of thing waking up groggy I didn't think much of it until after a minute or so I remembered wait I'm here alone I tried to make out what they were saying but I couldn't understand it so I opened my door and grabbed my shotgun and yelled who the F is here dead silent closed my door went back to my bed thinking to myself I was half crazy I lay down and without skipping a beat the talking starts again so I built up and searched the house nothing dead empty the dog sleeping out in her kennel I go back to my room a third time and it starts again at this point I knew I was crazy or that was a ghost after that I slept with earplugs TV fans you name it I had one month left in the house before we moved to my dad's new place on the last week or so I lived there I was in the kitchen making supper when there was a knock on the door keep in mind this place is 20 minutes from any sort of town it was dark so I see a silhouette of someone standing out there so I go and answer it open the door nothing the most scared I've ever been in my life I shut the door grabbed the trusty shotgun again and call my dad I told him I think someone is messing with me or is here right now someone knocked on the door and no one was there he said he was on his way home but that was 40 ish minutes away a few minutes later my dog starts barking then I hear knocks on multiple windows at this point I was cowering down in the corner of the room never having felt crippling fear like I was feeling then the running upstairs and I finally yelled leave me the F alone then it just stopped my dad got home I told him the story and he didn't believe me we moved out a few days later and I couldn't have been more relieved I think I am more scared now looking back on how I stayed in a place like that without realizing how messed up it was but when people have nowhere to go they adapt I think a major part of the fear was the extreme isolation being on a 15 acre property with no neighbors town or friends nearby was draining during this whole time my dad always said he never experienced anything the day after we moved out he finally admits that something was wrong with that place because he would always hear whistling finally admitting to it a few years after I moved out of my childhood home I learned my dad thought it was haunted there was some weird crap that happened there and it made me think maybe the stuff I'd seen happened for starters I never liked hanging out in our basement it was unfinished and as far as I remember I never saw anything weird down there but I just never liked being down there it always gave me the creeps I do remember it one time walking down the hallway and feeling someone touching my shoulder but turned around and saw nothing then there would be the strange knocking sounds heard at night the creepiest encounter I remember is when I was in the living room playing SNES and I see a shadowy figure peeking its head around the corner I asked my mom if anyone was in the room with her and she said no then there was the weird-ass dream I had in one of my last nights in that house where I woke up in the middle of the night because there's a gigantic spotlight right outside my room and I looked through the curtains and it looks like the moon is two feet from my room only reason I'm convinced it's not a dream is because my parents remember me waking them up about it anyway we move out at a family moves in in a few years later the youngest kid in the family burns the house down now it's an empty overgrown lot not lived in a haunted house but stayed at old house during some travels stayed there for four days and noticed some creaking and stuff old house so it is to be expected the second day first morning we heard the entrance door open and then slam shut okay cool probably the owner that needed something we were sitting in the living room so we turned around to look but nobody there we went to check the door and it was as locked as it was when we went to bed the day before nothing else interesting happened until the day we were packing it about to leave I did one last round to check that we didn't forget anything and as I was about to leave I approached the main entrance saw a shadow or something similar move fast across the floor it went straight through where I was walking knocked the wind out of me for a few seconds and suddenly I felt extremely cold mind you this was a 30 degree Celsius day safe to say I left quickly I was between ages 6 and 9 I can't quite remember but I was lying in bed and had been trying to get sleep for what felt like hours but simply just could and the entire night I felt so uneasy and I was just laying on my side face almost facing the edge of the bed I was tucked in my blankets because I was already scared of the happenings in our house and just as I was about to drift off I got touched on the face I felt a hand smooth across my cheek and me being a child completely screamed and was crying hysterically out of fear I still don't know what it was to this day but my old bedroom was definitely terrifying funny how I don't feel scared or anything whatsoever since moving into my new room only in the room next to my old one last night I saw multiple orbs flying around my hallway and in my room which was strange and also this didn't happen to me but my sister-in-law she was alone in the house waiting for me to come home since I was at a friend's and she was sat in our living room on her phone suddenly one of the photo frames in the hallway outside of the living room fell off of the wall straight after she said she saw a black mass / shadow walked through the living room door towards her then suddenly disappear after that she was terrified and unsurprisingly she sat outside with the dogs until I returned home and yes my dog sensed the spirits they regularly stare as if someone is there my mother also used here talking coming from my own bedroom as if a crowd of people were in there these are the main things I remember happening also my father's slipper got moved down to the garden and the motion lights kept turning on our own that night of course every haunted house has the generic knocks and bumps not so scary but maybe worth including lived in a new-build for 12 years with the fam had some harmless but unexplainable things occur in the upstairs jurors would be randomly open here and there into occupied bedrooms and a guest room that wouldn't be touched for weeks the strangest was a rolling computer chair wood makes its way from a den overlooking the living room into my bedroom once in a while rolled a distance of maybe 15 to 20 total feet thought it was my brother as friends for the longest time until one day my brother asked me what was up with the chair and then rest of family asked the same question sometime after the fam realized it wasn't any of us the carpet had been freshly vacuumed and the chair was once again in my room in the same spot it always would end up there were roller track prints from the chair moving but no footprints in the carpet never felt threatened can't necessarily say it's paranormal but certainly weird I've told this story before when my daughter was a newborn she and I were home alone one evening while my husband at a meeting downtown I was sitting on the couch holding the baby watching 30 rock and I heard the door between the garage and house open clear as day though oh my husband is home I waited for him to come into the living room after about 20 minutes I thought it was strange that he hadn't come in yet so I sent him a text to see what was up he was still downtown obviously he sped home and checked the house from top to bottom nothing to make it even creepier the automatic garage door was not open we moved a couple years later but based on some other experiences that we have had I believe it is my daughter not the house that has drawn something I would love to get her on psychic kids or something don't know if this really really counts but once I was sleeping and had a weird dream so I wake up and literally feel myself falling off my bed I'm not even a second away from hitting the ground when something pushes me back up onto the bed in full force that I hit the wall and get an extreme pain on my butt this has happened more than in different houses I have a lot of guesses of what this could be dead relative I've never met my grandparents and they're all dead maybe some friendly ghosts and this final guess is what my mom believes an angel or guardian angel I'd it's comforting to know that I'm safe most of the time I've tried to make falling off my bed to just feel that feeling of being pushed by nothing there that thing is clever and only shows up when I'm not pretending it in serious trouble Lowell that feeling is permanently stuck with me if you want to hear another story of this occurring carry on reading I think this one is kind of cute little but here we go I was like six and my knee has just gotten stuck between the bed and wall I was in actual pain and was about to cry when that thing pushed my leg back up so my grandpa's house is strange my mom moved in when I was a teenager to take care of him she still lives there now there's this really tall dark figure you see in the hallway a lot sometimes still sometimes going in and out of the rooms I've only ever seen it directly once which I'll come back to I used to just think it was like a trick of the light in the hall and my stupid monkey brain but him not too sure anymore like I don't want to believe but if everyone who goes there says the same [ __ ] anyway this house makes you tired and stressed it just does everyone who has spent any time notices that my partner and I went there and he said until then he was basically a non-believer but he kept seeing some tall guy in the hallway and mentioned it to me I've never told him about any of this either I'm not trying to set off wooil arms staying the night there always makes me of intense nightmares which is also on because I don't normally remember my dreams ever I think it feeds off our stress or something I don't know it's really all so subtle honestly like it's partly even noticeable at first - no one's talks about it but everyone knows if you bring it up like five years ago I had taken some mushrooms now mushrooms aren't like you see in the movies where cartoons appear and [ __ ] now some psychedelics can totally do this DMT and salvia to name a couple but mushrooms are like math they show you connections you didn't see before the geometry of how the whole world fits together and works together in harmony but I digress anyways I hadn't eaten a lot of them and was sitting drawing in the living room when I noticed it in the hall out of the corner of my eye before I turned my head I watched it for a while in my peripheral pretending not to notice it started moving and I turned to look at it there was nothing there but there was it was visible but see-through dark figure it disappeared again when I blinked but was visible now only in the mirror at the end of the hall I went for a walk for the rest of my trip I don't look in this mirror anymore when I'm over this one's weird because me and my brother witnessed it I've always been a big skeptic of ghost stories and still am but the fear I felt this night was like nothing else my parents live in the countryside out in the middle of nowhere in late one night as a kid I woke up sort of like what sounded like talking in a bizarre extremely loud beat that echoed across the whole house my brother suddenly knocks on my door and comes in to wake me up as he's heard it to we're both about 12 14 at the time and we stand on the landing and it happens again a long low extremely creepy beep and weird talking that we couldn't quite make out but it sounded crazy garbled we look outside and it is the creepiest night I've ever seen full moon fog hanging perfectly on fields and reflecting the moonlight so you can just make out hedges I think my brother opened a window but the random talking felt like it was coming from inside the beep happens one more time crazy loud and we run downstairs to wake up my parents after calming us down my dad was like beeping sound you sure it's not the smoke alarm battery low land tells us to go back to bed this was definitely not a smoke alarm sound and extremely freaked out the two of us occasionally after that I would see black shapes out of the corners of my eyes especially in the kitchen and just write it off as visual accidents and all in my head but I always felt like something isn't quiet right there and a few times the dog ran to those corners which freaked me right out so I have no psychical proof my childhood home was haunted but my family and I all mutually agree that it was I'm not sure if there is just one story that I would consider the scariest I think more so it's scary when you group occurrences together I'm on mobile so I apologize for my format in advanced unexplained noises were extremely common banging and dragging sounds and empty rooms the sound of doors slamming on a floor that no one was on etc the most memorable noises were definitely the stairs though countless times we heard what sounded like someone booking asked down our main staircase most of the time we'd go running to see what was going on but no one would ever be there well no one except for my entire family at the bottom of the staircase asking each other if they heard that too a few times we even physically saw no one on the steps but could still hear the sound of someone running on a them up and down as clear as day it still gives me chills to think about things would go missing and reappear in the strangest places some of these occurrences could probably be explained but there's one that we've never been able to figure out joking around my brother took my cell phone from me an orange algae and for those who remember them Lowell I chased him through the house for it back and when I got close to him he tossed it behind a chair in my living room pissed off I crawled behind the chair to get it but when we got back there the phone was nowhere to be seen we flipped the chair and looked in its cushions even though we saw it fall behind the back a few minutes into searching my mom came downstairs from her bedroom with my phone in her hand I asked how she got it and she said it was in my room you left it on my bed my brother and I looked at each other in horror I was the only person in my house with that type of phone he never left my side after he threw it and I physically saw the orange phone go behind the chair no idea how this happened but we've always blamed the house this may sound weird but unexplained lights from unexplained sources were really common too deep blue lights nothing like the yellowish ceiling lights common in my house would shine through the cracks of my bedroom and closet door when I'd open the door to see what it could be nothing would ever be there and the light was gone sometimes when the lights would appear the door would move as if something someone was pushing slowly against it this happened a lot when I was alone in the house but a few times I witnessed the same blue light shining from my brother's closet door and same as with my bedroom when we'd fling it open the light would be gone for reference both of our closets have no light source in them we moved from this house two years ago in the last few days before we moved out soft music could be heard playing from the upstairs Hall closet all hours of the day we checked every sir pounding room pressed our ears against the walls from the outside of it and even checked the attic above but you could hear the music was clearly coming from the empty closet and when I say empty I mean not even a single clothing hanger was left in there just a bare room it was the strangest thing like I said before I'm not sure which one of these are what story in general is the scariest I have plenty more stories from growing up in this house but these are just the first few quick memories that came to mind I didn't live in a haunted house but my uncle didn't there as many stories from that house I had encountered but this one was when I was around seven sidenote this is one of my first encounters from that house I went at my uncle's when my cousin was not around but I went over into the children's room and saw a kid he looked around the same age as me the kids started talking to me but me being seven and that kid looking the same age as me I thought he was real little did I know a few days later my mom took me back to my uncle's and that's when I found out he was a ghost from the Victorian times I was always afraid to go upstairs afterwards I should also say there was a window that allowed my uncle to keep an eye in the living room one day that smashed for no reason there was also the lights that turned off every now and then until my mum talked with the ghost and then it stopped edit I forgot to mention that I played with him for that whole day which made me spooked in the first place I used to live in an old house that used to be I'm sorry that I don't remember what it was called one of those places where they have these huge long windows where they would prop the dead up and people would come and look at them I don't think it was a funeral parlor but I suppose it could have been anyways was one of those places like that and then was turned into a home and it was really old the thing is so much stuff happened in that house I can't really narrow down what I would say is the creepiest or scariest because after a while it honestly just became annoying like we had this bathroom door that swung inward and could only be locked from the inside there were no windows in there and so often we would try to go to the bathroom and that door would be locked from the inside and of course it was creepy at first but after a hundred times it just became annoying okay so this is in my house but my neighbor it's a long story so buckle down about three to four years ago there was a fatal accident in our town plaza one of my neighbors daughter was hit and run over by a car the nanny was watching her and her sister I was there that day and it was really disturbing seeing the mess so fast forward several years and the parents are going mental the mom thinks the trees are talking to her and wanted to kill her so she chops them all down they started both going crazy so they moved to Paris to get away the house was abandoned for the whole year me and my friends would explore the yard as it was quite big one day as we were walking back there we heard someone and then we saw it a little girl was giggling skipping across the front yard she stopped and started staring at us I ran but what makes it weird is that no one lived back there and before the accident the girl would often do the same thing later on in the year the owners sold the house and a large family arrived they came over so we could all get to know each other but suddenly they said yeah it's so ducking odd everyone keeps hearing giggling outside at night and no one has a clue what it is ha maybe we bought a haunted house we all just froze not sure what it was even to this day but it gives me chills [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 98,497
Rating: 4.854476 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Id: bXbek0EE7wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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