What is your best horror experience in real life? PART-2 (r/AskReddit)

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our slash ass credit posted by user OHS owned what is your best horror experience in real life part to being the passenger in a car that went over a cliff my leg was impaled by a nine inch piece of jagged door that got punctured by rock the driver was unconscious and I had to pull my leg off the metal and climb a 45 foot cliff while bleeding out my heart stopped in the ambulance I couldn't ride in cars for a long time I still have PTSD nightmares anxiety insomnia and depression because of it I can't drive anymore either the anxiety is still too bad one was ours at a haunted Asylum taking pictures and there was some cool graffiti I wanted to catch so I took a photo of Anubis but when the flash went off I saw a black hooded figure with a scythe instead for an instant I tried recreating the moment for my friends who weren't near me at the time but I didn't work so was it a cool piece of graffiti that changed or something else I don't know also being in Manhattan on September 11th we were essentially trapped as they closed all bridges and tunnels I was in Midtown and I just have never seen the city so empty literally like a ghost town i sat in a small room hearing military and police helicopters for hours thinking they were rescuing people until my friend informed me via AI am that the towers had collapsed we had no TV and not great internet and I just couldn't fathom it and then there were the people walking uptown covered head-to-toe and dust the worst may have been when we got home there was dust there too and burnt pieces of office paper on the lawn the air smelled of death not really a horror experience but it scared me a lot I know it sounds like a creepypasta but it actually happened actually it happened not too long ago this is what happened I was in my kitchen with my brothers my older brother was getting a snack I followed him because he was watching a video on his phone he opened the fridge when my dad came down and said go to sleep but as he said it he turned on the lights and I saw the light reflect off animal-like eyes and somewhat shiny skin through the window when it realized I could see it it reeled back swiftly from the view of the window I froze as as my brothers and dad walked back upstairs I did too and told my dad he said it was probably nothing I woke up to pee I couldn't see very well It was as if the veil was over my eyes but I caught movement on the window and there was a shadow on it as if someone was looking into my room I grabbed my ax and went looking but I couldn't see a thing outside just fog suddenly I was on my bed again waking up because I heard a bang on the door I stared at it in the dark I could see everything clearer something banged on the door again harder it flew open and there was an outline of a big man in a trench coat and a hat my heart was pumping so fast I could freaking hear it I woke up again I couldn't move at all the shadow of a kid maybe one or two years old was jumping around the bed I was very scared but thought what would Dean Winchester do when the shadow kid came up to my face I threw a punch at it it disappeared I hadn't actually punched anything but I was able to move my fingers again then my entire arm and found myself with my eyes wide open and actually woken up for real I finally went to the bathroom sleep paralysis is a [ __ ] my husband and I were on a road trip about 12 or 13 years ago and we were passing through New Mexico so the remake of Hitcher with Sean Bean had just come out not too long before that and there's a scene where the main characters pass a sign for Tatum New Mexico and then Sean Bean comes up behind them in a Firebird with closer bindin playing so imagine my surprise as my husband then fiancee and I see a road sign saying something about Tatum and about 20 or so minutes after that I see a black car fast behind us in an otherwise empty road imagine my double surprise when the random shuffle we had the CD player on comes up with closer I'm already like WTF so goofy now imagine my triple mega ultra fudge-covered super sorpresa when the car behind us gets close enough for me to see it's a Firebird I start giggling like a lunatic and my husband is looking at me like I'm nuts but I managed to tell him what's up through my maniacal I'm so delighted and so scared right now giggle fit the dude passes us and it's just a normal middle-aged dude out for a joyride in his really cool car but I will never forget him and I'll always wonder if this was how he passed his time on occasion just waiting near the Tatum New Mexico sign so he can prank on winning young couples on the road it's a horror story that didn't actually end in horror but I still think it's a good tale I was four years old I'm 13 and I was in bed asleep to this day I'm not sure what the Freak woke me up I'm not sure if this was a daydream something paranormal or if I travelled into another dimension but first a little background I lived in a fairly big old house back then I slept in my parents room my two brothers slept in the other across the upstairs hallway if my parents room door was opened you could see a hallway closet the bathroom my brother's room and a little bit of the stairs my bed was like a top bunk of a bed with no bottom bunk it had a ladder to get up okay on to the story I woke up I don't know what but something felt off i sat up and looked around my dark room nobody was there and when I say no body I mean no one my parents were gone I looked to the door it was opened all the way as were the ones in the dark hallway I felt a chill through my spine the rule of the family was never leave doors open I looked into my brother's room they were also gone my breathing picked up I was about to get up when something moved in the corner of my eye I snapped my neck in the direction something was peeking up at me from behind the doorframe a head of a creature we stared at each other I come down a bit after a while coming off edge big mistake it flashed a terrifying grin and start to crawl toward me more creatures came out of nowhere all coming toward me faster the closer they got I was hyperventilating I was absolutely terrified hugging the life out of my stuffed animal I called out to my parents hoping they would come save me then something jumped on the bed behind me I quickly looked behind me and I swear to all of you I felt my body shut down from how horrified I was a gremlin like creature was there I can't explain how horrific he looked like I did something all kids do I hid under my blanket chanting go to sleep go to sleep like that scene in Coraline miraculously I went to sleep and that's the end of my memory scariest time of my life apparently that house was haunted I'd tell you about the ghost but this is too long in middle school during the days of AI M I met a girl at a city dance and kept in touch on a I M just flirty but I thought she was a bit out of my league I also kept in touch with her friend one evening the friend tells me the girl is missing I tried to reassure her that she's probably just at a friend's or something while not before cellphones kids our age didn't have them but she's freaked out because another girl from their school had gone missing several months back as it turns out she wasn't at a friend's she was missing for months her mom was on The Today Show it was all over the news a cute twelve-year-old girl missing only months after another cute 12 year old girl had gone missing I remember when they found him they'd been murdered and buried in the killer's backyard it was super duct up and scary I was in Wisconsin for an internship the company I was interning with provided an apartment for me it was on the ground floor I was in one apartment with the other girl interns and the boy interns live next door one night we get a text from one of the guys asking us to make sure our blinds were closed because they had just caught some guy looking in their window we got pretty freaked out and asked them to come chill with us for the night when they got there I guess I was feeling bold I just had to know so I went up to my window flung open the blinds and there he was he was right outside the window maybe two feet from where I was standing on the other side we called the cops it was a rural area so they took a very long time to get there as we're all in the living room waiting and panicking someone suddenly starts trying to kick the door in I peeked out the window and it was the same guy we started frantically shoving furniture in front of the door and the cops got there just in time he was arrested fast forward to the next day at work we told our boss since it was his company providing the housing they company employed a private investigator turns out the guy worked in our same office he was fired I quit the internship and moved back home to Florida I was afraid he would dial it up a notch and become violent because he lost his job I'll never live on the ground floor anywhere again ever this really isn't like what I've seen with other posts but I guess this is my horror experience I kind of think of it to be like a horror movie scenario anyways a group of my friends and I were walking though the woods on some trails that we have deep in our backyard it was wintertime and we just thought we wanted to go explore the parts we haven't explored yet but besides that we end up getting to a thick patch of trees that we couldn't continue on but then one of my friends started to look at the trees and noticed that there was something behind it she alerted us all and there it was it was short figure about the size of an average 10 year old and it had a brown and green button-up shirt on with cream-colored shorts on at first we all thought it was some sort of prank from the little brother of the group as he had said he went home earlier the day but then there was a certain detail about this figure that kind of pushed this prank over the edge it had absolutely not unless you count its mouth we then bolted and went back to our each separate houses a few months later nothing had happened since then and I had kind of forgotten about this whole ordeal only until I had a dream in this dream it was nighttime and our family was about to go to our grandma's house really odd I know but then out of the corner of my eyes I see a figure and guess what it was the same figure we saw out in the woods the day it was really creepy though because the figure then like possessed my family as they started to go absolutely crazy and we ended up crashing our car I really just hope this is some sort of mishap I'm hoping it was just all of our minds and we all just saw like some weird shadow or something but it's kind of weird how we all saw it when I asked our friends about it and didn't tell them how I described it they all said it the same they said the exact same clothes figure etc well I guess that's that I haven't had any experience lately and hopefully won't ever again I've told this one before when I was 9 in the middle of summer I was watching horror movies while my parents were on vacation and my brother was at a sleepover my cat started scratching my leg and meowing and staring into space for abt 10 to 20 minutes at literally nothing I checked his food and water and it was all full so I went back to my movie randomly my front lawn lights kept going on even though I kept turning them off and when I was going to turn them off again I heard rattling against my gate like someone was trying to get to my backyard the gate is very easy to jump so I ran over to my sliding doors trying to close and lock them takes like three minutes and my front door wasn't locked so I ran over to lock that too and ran to my parents bathroom and called my mom three times she never answered so I waited in my room and I peeked out the blinds and found a black man and heard knocking on both doors and nobody was there I called my mom again and she sent her friend over to check on me but nobody was there apparently but I saw the van right before he arrived my stepdad found our puppy Eddie on the side of the road someone had thrown him out of a moving car and he had broken legs broken teeth a swollen and closed eye and was severely dehydrated my stepdad took him to the vet and paid quite a bit of money for surgeries to get any fixed hub he got attached to the dug oh so we ended up adopting him after that even though he was the family dog he was best buds with my stepdad anywhere my stepdad was around the house you could find a tagging along Eddie and I grew up together he died while I was in college and my parents buried him in a pet cemetery since it was sort of sudden and I was far away I didn't get to say goodbye a few months after that I had a dream where he comes and find me his hair is matted and dirty and his flesh looks kind of rotted but he's wagging his tail and seems really happy to see me again and he starts leading me down a hazy path and the farther we go the faster his tail wags finally we get to this giant wall of mist that extends across the entire horizon and rises higher than I can see Eddie gets real close to it before trotting back to me he licks my hand gives me a couple of knows poops and winds a little then he turns around again and starts to do that happy dog prints toward the wall until he finally passes I can sort of see his outline jumping up and down excitedly next to a human-shaped figure I jog after Eddie and reach my hand out to touch the wall hoping I'll be able to pass through it too that's when my cell phone rings in real life waking me up when I answer it my mom is on the other end crying my stepdad had just died of a heart attack I have a couple the first one was when my ex died I had a four month old daughter with him at the time but we did it live together the night he died I heard someone walking into the bedroom where my daughter was in very clearly heard his voice talking to her I called out thinking he may have came in through the back but no one answered I found out the next day he died sometime during the night probably around the time I heard the voice the second one happened at the last place I lived it's nothing terribly spooky but I rented a townhouse and figured out that in my daughter's room there was attic access I was stoked because that met I could probably store my Christmas decorations up there I get a kitchen chair to open it up and I couldn't not physically physically it was easy to open something metal stopped me from doing it I had a huge fear so I left it alone sometimes I'd get really eerie feelings but I chalked it up to it being the first place I've lived in alone in a while two years at that point but I don't get those feelings in my new apartment at all I found out from my neighbor not too long after the attic incident that the guy who lived there before me was a raging alcoholic and hung himself in the house in my daughter's room the one with the attic access I remember this vaguely as I was only very young when this happened but I have had my grandparents tell me the story many times when I was five years old I used to visit my grandparents on weekends one of the things we would do is go and visit my great-grandma's gravestone and change the flowers and make sure it was tidy sometimes when my grandparents were doing this I'd wander off and explore like many young children do it was a small cemetery so I was always in sight I was stood by a gravestone when I heard someone say hello to me I turned round and there's an old man with beard and the Wicker hat stood next to a gravestone he spoke with me and told me he was a farmer he said he had pigs sheep and cows and told me he was from Australia I run back to my grandparents to tell them who I met an I wanted to visit his farm they look up and can't see anyone so assume I'm playing around at it's something I've imagined fast-forward a few weeks and I'm with my grandparents at the cemetery we see someone visiting the gravestone where I saw the farmer so I asked my grandparents if they can ask about the farm my Nana refused to ask but my granddad said he would we walk over to the couple horse stood at the gravestone they were middle aged and neither looked like the person I had spoke to my granddad said something along the lines of hi sorry to bother you but my grandson said he spoke to someone visiting this gravestone about a farm they mentioned we could visit the couple apparently looked confused and asked me who I spoke to I described who I spoke to and they both looked very shocked apparently I described her dad perfectly and her dad was from Australia and owned a farm which she grew up on the only problem being that her dad was the one buried underneath that gravestone and had been for the past 11 years sorry about the length of this post when I was 8 I was sleeping over at my aunt's house in Southern California during my sleep I suddenly woke up and saw a faint blue light at my bedside I surprisingly wasn't scared I was actually pretty calm all things considered the life moved towards the hallway the whole house was pitch black and I felt the need to follow it the light stopped moving at a couch in the living room stayed there for about five seconds and then faded away i sat down on the couch trying to process what I just saw and I guess I eventually fell asleep right there I woke up a few hours later to commotion coming in from the area of the guest room my aunt yelling asking my uncle where I was I ran in and saw a large armoire that was at the foot of the bed had fallen directly onto the bed where I was sleeping before the thing was old and top-heavy it probably weighed 200 pounds plus my aunt was so relieved to see me she explained the an earthquake shook the house not unheard of in California I'm a heavy sleeper and didn't feel anything I just got woken up by the yelling and scrambling around by my aunt and uncle I don't know if I dreamt this and wound up on the couch because I was sleepwalking I've never sleep walked before or since so that isn't a normal occurrence I don't know if this actually happened I don't know why I followed light because adult me would be scared as hell if this happened right now don't know about supernatural but my husband and I live in the woods one night we were having a bonfire and drinking some beers we were bust but not drunk we were looking at the Stars when a massive triangular object with the light at all three points moved over us and just parked there it blacked out the Stars so you could see its shape clearly it was several hundred feet up we gradually started getting more and more freaked out what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] is that oMG what the [ __ ] is that and no further memory woke up in bed the next morning both naked with our clothes scattered everywhere neither of us sleep naked and we were not buzzed enough to have engaged in any hanky-panky without remembering it I woke up thinking that was odd that we were naked and clothed strewn about and went about my morning not remembering the weird experience until about 20 minutes after I woke up the memory of it came back super gradually couple hours later my husband woke up going about his morning I waited for an hour or so before asking him whether he remembered what we saw he had no memory until I mentioned it our stories and memory matched 100% I am a skeptic of just about everything but it felt like whatever it was knew we saw it tried to wipe our memories and then put us to bed thinking / assuming that humans just rip off their clothes and scatter them before they nest I have never seen anything like that before or since I'm an atheist don't believe in ghosts gods are the supernatural and have always found UFO stories to be ridiculous BS but I sure as [ __ ] don't have an explanation for it got a story for you first some backstory couple years ago my mother and father were going through divorce and it was anything but pretty dad turned to alcohol was a real bad alcoholic in the past again and eventually my mom kicked him out of the house for our safety piece for a while until money gets tight and we basically have to invite dad back to live as a tenant so we could pay rent things were okay for a while but soon as drinking became a problem and my mother and I received the brunt of his drunk rage he hated my mom with a passion and I swear to God that hatred manifested as some kind of Specter and it liked to torment me I'm a late night gamer and usually stay up very late playing and it was usually around one or in the morning this shadow would start appearing it was subtle at first saw something moving in my periphery computer was right next to a doorway to kitchen soon it would be more apparent I'd catch it moving round and was able to see what it looked like it was this tall humanoid figure probably six feet tall kind of hunched had glowing white eyes and I swear it had claws it would walk around the areas my dad for quits like his office and a recliner he would often pass out drunk in I would often see it standing around there or walking by but nothing more near the end of the divorce when we were gearing to move away from him it started getting more aggressive it would approach me sometimes as if trying to intimidate me just like my dad I would just tell it calmly it needed to leave and for the most part it worked my mom and I are kind of aware of these things and when I told her about it we started to Sage those areas one night we forget and this was the most aggressive it ever was more late night gaming as usual I'm minding my business and catch it walking by again oh well I take a quick break to grab something from the kitchen and as soon as I turn away from the computer to get up my heart skips a beat the figure is standing right next to me and this is the first time we've locked eyes those hollow white eyes stared at me and time sort of froze I wasn't scared however and as if it was my dad I told it off saying it needed to leave it was not to come back and would not be welcome wherever I was it loomed over me for a little bit before turning around and walking off that was the last I ever saw I haven't had any issues since and only my family knows about it my mother believes me and she's seen it too we even described the same figure my brother also believes but never saw dad didn't care when I told him but seemed interested when we saged we've since moved away to a smaller apartment and I haven't had any paranormal experiences since I rarely speak with my dad now it was such a weird experience and it wasn't till after I told the spirit off that I got scared and went to bed [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 57,538
Rating: 4.8683 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Id: KzPew8wXFLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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