What is an CREEPY / unexplainable memory from your childhood? (r/AskReddit)

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[Music] what is an unexplainable memory from your childhood not particularly interesting but something I've always wondered about as a kid it was only my mom and I sometimes she'd leave me home alone while she was at work for example during school holidays on some weekends I was about seven and the first few times I was terrified completely convinced a serial killer would break in so I'd take enough food from the kitchen then locked myself in my bedroom all day wouldn't drink too much water to avoid using the bathroom when I watched television I set it to the lowest volume possible and sat right up close to listen and I wouldn't turn on any lights when it got dark just squinted at my books near the window that way burglars wouldn't know I was home I played hiding games with myself sometimes like can I fit into this hamper so that burglars won't find me if they break in after a year of nothing happening my nerves settled though I was still locking the bedroom door after me I don't remember what I was doing but I was in my bedroom when I heard a door slam in the living room during the daytime I froze there was rustling and I could hear heavy footsteps back and forth I remained totally still whenever it went quiet I thought maybe it would be okay to get up and then noises would start again I heard things moved around maybe shuffling the movements were purposeful in a hurry I don't remember how long it was until they stopped long enough that I thought they left I don't recall whether I heard the door slam shut again honestly I think I just got sick of sitting complete still in one position the Sun was setting and I crept out to look around the place was maybe Messier but our [ __ ] apartment was always in disarray so I couldn't really tell for some reason I thought I'd get in trouble if anything was missing so I started tidying up my mom came home later and I didn't say a word it was probably just my mom coming back for something or a neighbor or at most an opportunistic thief who didn't find anything worth stealing but I did always wonder what happened that day my sister and I apparently both had the same dream one night a scary one we were staying in this villa where we had to share a room and we both woke up suddenly the window was open when it hadn't been before I realized she was awake as well and told her I'd had a bad dream and as I started to describe it she started talking along with me describing the same dream in it this black creature that looked linkable only it had shiny scaly plastic looking skin was standing in the open window with this weird mechanical device and it somehow fired a projectile at the lamp in the room which started rocking back and forth neither of us wanted to get up and close the window in case the thing was actually out there so we called for our mom and she closed it reassured us in typical mom fashion etc for months we would talk about that incident and we could never figure out how we both managed to have the same exact dream at the same time oh I have a good one so I would have been 2 or 3 years old me and my older brother and sister were playing in our front room my brother is two years older than me and my sister is four years older than me I remember being able to see straight out the window unobstructed so there were no blinds or nets etc suddenly a white transit van pulls up outside and three men in balaclavas get out and next thing I know they are in the house I don't know if the door was broken down or already open or someone opened it my memory of this is mostly images due to my age and I didn't see the door if that makes sense anyway they start beating up my mom and stepdad my mom has held up against the wall in the kitchen with a knife my stepdad is on the floor being beaten and kicked etc by the other two men it's chaos my big sister somehow had the sense to get us all out she helped me and my brother climb out the front window and raced next door to get help next thing I know the men run out past us we're in the front garden and into the van and drive off I remember all three of a screaming assuming mom was dead given we saw a knife to her she wasn't though she was beaten but not stabbed stepdad badly beaten but again conscious and okay police were never involved that night we packed up everything we could and in the night we left that house and moved an hour away spent time living with acquaintances and in women's refuges etc was a long time after before we had a new home my mom is unreliable at best with details of our childhood I'm estranged we don't talk at all I remember asking her once what it was about and she claimed it had to do with her hearing too much about a chalky white murder while she worked in a pub I don't really believe that I know my stepdad was in and out of prison so it's more likely he got involved and screwed over the wrong people but that whole thing is genuinely my earliest memory I don't believe in the supernatural today but I used to anyway so there I was a seven-year-old kid in rural Utah I was staying the night at my grandparents house on Main Street I didn't want to sleep so around midnight I went down into the basement I took my Matchbox cars and played Knight City with my glowing better blocks I had this little metropolis going on when my uncle came down to play with me should I mention my great-uncle died when I was 2 well he did anyway my great-uncle and I played Knight City for a good hour I remember it like it was yesterday he drove the Lincoln because that was his favorite car anyway it got laid he had to leave so he wouldn't miss his train he left I went to sleep the next morning I asked when uncle was coming back to play again my grandparents were slightly offended that I bought it up they hadn't seen him since before I was born and wanted nothing to do with him he was the black sheep of the family I said him and I played cars and showed them the car that he drove in our city they were uncomfortable with this and chalked it up to my imagination I never met my uncle again he died when I was 2 over the years since then I have learned that he drove both a train for Union Pacific and a Lincoln vyi like I said I don't believe in ghosts but I don't know how seven year old me knew things about an estranged relative who died when I was 2 and was never spoken of due to certain family issues to this day I don't know what happened that night but I remember playing Knight City with some guy who said he was my uncle like it was yesterday he was super nice and at the end of the game simply left out the back door I've not told anyone this before for reasons you'll soon understand but here it goes when I was very young maybe 6 to 7 I had a supernatural sense in locating anything I first noticed this when my grandmother was asking for her tetris handheld game device which looked like a huge Gameboy before game boys were a thing I distinctly remember as if I had a snake's thermal sense leading me to look toward the back of the glass cabinet where the tetris device was where I retrieved it for her ever since then I used that ability and could find anything my family asked for I mean everything where's my keychain Oh bottom of the drawer here wristwatch fell through the crack between the cupboards I was supremely confident of that sense because it never failed me this all ended one day when I moved to a new country and basically started a new life new furniture new environment new friends new almost everything I woke up one morning to find my parents looking for my dad's glasses which he apparently lost when he rolled around the bed during the night as always I activated my spidey-sense which led me to the edge of the bed my dad's side I felt the glasses were there right where I was looking at the white sheets edging off to the side of the bed but I don't see the glasses I was profoundly confused as to why I cannot find it even though my sense was leading me to that spot I began questioning whether I really had this supernatural ability about five minutes later my parents found the glasses they were somehow stuck between the mattress and the box the kicker was that the location of the glasses was the exact place I was looking at just the altitude was different my senses brought me to the point but I failed to look through the bed and just looked on the surface of the spot that was but a foot above where the glasses were how could I have thought to look between the layers of the bed that was the last time I had that sense I find things with the difficulty of a typical dude ever since but in the days after I lost that ability I thought that that event somehow disrupted my sense and thus told myself to never forget this incident because when I grow up I would develop logic and sense and would not believe myself I was already smart enough to not tell anyone at the time since I was 7 and nobody would believe me anyway I also knew that I would doubt myself when I grew up so I needed some rock-solid evidence or at least an unforgettable incident marked in my memories to remind myself that I was not imagining things well over 20 years later I still don't know what I'm supposed to think when I was little probably 5 or younger my mom drove me in the night to a school I believe it was the elementary school a couple blocks from her house but not the one I attended I don't know how late it was but it was dark in the school seemed empty the lights were on she dropped me in a room with big red yellow green and blue jigsaw foam mat flooring pieces with small desks and chairs seemingly for preschoolers I remember feeling anxious I think there might have been other kids there like a daycare program but no kids or adults spoke to me I remember being very unhappy and scared and lonely I can feel the dread now my mom came back what seemed like hours later crying hurriedly rushing me out of there and I think she was apologizing to me repeatedly that's all I remember weird thing is I have a twin brother and we would have went everywhere together at that age but he definitely wasn't there my parents were separated and we lived with my mom there was never a time we were staying with different people I can't imagine a reason my mom would give only me to someone to watch in my head it was something dark going on like my mom was originally not intending to pick me back up for context I'm a girl we're fraternal twins and from a young age my brother was preferred and I was practically demonized my mom might have had an AAA meeting or maybe even a DUI class at the school or something which I've considered but I don't know why my brother wasn't with me one day my mom was driving past a hospital we drove past this hospital a lot I know I was born in this hospital but never went in it again it was hella crappy one day we were driving past it at night it had been abandoned for months I remember running to the front of the building staring and then running back to the car when I got back in and looked at the abandoned Hospital that had electricity gas water everything shut off one window was bright I saw someone walk past the window holding a baby the next day we drove past it and it was gone like not halfway demolished it was just gone one night it was there the next it was just not my mom said oh wow your birthplace is finally gone damn so I know she saw it being taken down I don't [ __ ] know what happened but it's creepy I didn't think about it eight Yomi thought oh it's gone well now I'm just like not possible also I never walked up to the building so I have no idea why I vividly remember running up to it please help I have a very vivid memory of a movie that I know exists but after endless hours of googling could not figure out what it is for the life of me watched it in the summer after first grade at my grandma's house and I am confident it was not a dream please let me know if this sounds familiar the pieces of the plot I've managed to dig out of the depths of my mind are somewhat as follows pair of siblings as father goes missing older sister and younger brother older sister has a boyfriend one day during a storm they take refuge in a garage or a shed type area where through a static YTV appears a black middle-aged woman with braids she says she needs help in some way in the group of kids ends up traveling through a portal in the woods once through the portal the kids reach a land with two sons small fairy creatures and beautiful scenery they soon realize all is not as perfect as it seems as they find some sort of evil version of their father that kidnaps and brainwashes the little brother at some point the older sister and other male companion flee and end up with a Lycan remember as Eskimos they likely were not Eskimos they then decide that they need to go save the little brother and the male companion volunteers the Eskimos then inform the sister that she must go as the bond between the male companion and the little brother is not strong enough the sister then goes and is caught by the antagonist and the little brother is instructed to let her die in some sort of pool culminating scene is the older sister half drowning in some sort of pool of Google's trying to convince the younger brother that she loves him enough to sort of on brain wash him she eventually does somehow and they flee back to the normal world again I am 100% confident that this was not a dream and have been asking for several years with this movie is please help me if you know it when I was a toddler I woke up to an empty house being three or four at the time I started screaming on a normal day my mom would drop me off at my grandma's house and then take my brother to school then she would go to work this time though when I woke up I was completely alone I beat on the bedroom door in the front door for a while before I left the house and went down the road in my diapers my neighbor found me and called the police I sat at my neighbor's house until the police and my mother arrived she was really angry and I thought I was in trouble turns out my dad was supposed to be home the whole time my mom left me with him instead of taking me to my grandma's house my mom is convinced to this day that my dad did indeed leave me alone to go do some drugs or something but of course he denied it I'm still not sure if he was home or not but I did make a huge commotion of screaming and crying and nobody came to check on me my family and I were driving out of bellows a campsite slash beach for military families in Hawaii I lazily gaze out the window and something catches my eye about 30 feet away in a clearing before a metal gate leading into the forest was a massive bird-like 8 feet tall massive it had a long neck brown feathers and very thick long legs my jaw dropped and I was still processing what I had seen when my dad said what the hell was that turns out he had seen it too and we both described it identically no one else saw it and by the time our brains had caught up with our eyes it was too late to turn around I will always regret not turning around when we returned later in the day there was nothing there when we asked a guard about it he laughed at us I scoured the internet afterward and it looked like nothing I could find at least nothing that is an extinct it looked amazingly similar to one of the larger species of MOA but those lived in New Zealand thousands of miles away and died out hundreds of years ago this happened back in 2009 and to this day I wonder whether I saw a Lazarus species when I was about 10 years old I was cleaning my room and had just finished vacuuming it was a thick kind of carpet that left footprints after it had been vacuumed after finishing cleaning I left my room and started walking down the stairs the door to my room and the stairs were next to each other so while going down the stairs you can see through the balusters into the room as I'm walking down the stairs I see something moving out of the corner of my eye through the balusters it was a person in a brown monkey like robe with the hood over their head and one of those rope belts I saw this person walked through the vacuum cleaner and into my closet I panicked and ran downstairs and straight out the front door where I knew my mom was visiting with the neighbor they ran upstairs and looked in the closet no one was there but there were large footprints that lead into the closet and just stopped there I'm not a religious person and don't believe in anything supernatural but I have no explanation for this occurrence I clearly remember my mother explaining to me when I was around six or seven something she called worm box theory basically she explained that supposedly you have a Wardrobe full of boxes with worms each box represent time and each worm a human being if you remove a box you remove a certain time period and the humans that live during the time in the same fashion if you take a worm from one box and put it in another or vice versa you remove her add a person to a different time that the one they lived I clearly remember with graphic details how she explained how the boxes and the Wardrobe works how the removing and adding work she seemed like she genuinely believed what she said and claimed that there was a man God that controlled the box and one day he'll say stop and all the worms will stop moving in the foul or sickly ones will die when he will say begin they will to restart their lives she claims nowadays that she has no idea what I'm talking about and that such thing never happened me and my friends used to visit a haunted mansion regularly when we were younger hoping to see something weird one day we did it's a giant house building and it was always beyond me why someone would just abandon it and let it rot away it was always apparent nobody lives in there so we got scared shitless when lights went on in every single room my friends to this day swear they saw a figure running through the buildings at an incredible pace not trying to look out the window but just running really fast I didn't nonetheless the moment they started running I also went full-on Huseyin bolt mode since they still say it's what happened I don't have any reason to doubt it so either we saw something paranormal or just a hobo that really liked installing light bulbs in an abandoned mansion so that he can run from room to room just to scare people that are watching the building from the outside either way the rest of my life I for sure won't even remotely go close that building anymore [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 92,465
Rating: 4.8868089 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ask reddit creepy, creepy stories, true horror stories, ask reddit scary, best horror stories, sir reddit, sirreddit, childhood memory, creepy memory, horror stories, reddit creepy stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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