What is the CREEPIEST unsolved crime you have heard of? (r/AskReddit) updoot reddit stories

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our slash asked reddit posted by user worse ash 1980 what is the creepiest unsolved crime you have ever heard of I dated a guy a while back whose father was a retired cop who had worked the water down area near Burlington Ontario from what I remember there were several break-ins over the course of a few months that all occurred in the middle of the night while the residents were home nothing was ever stolen no one was ever harmed and there were no signs of forced entry the intruder would just stand beside the bed sprinkle some baby powder over his feet to leave an outline just to let them know he had been three feet away watching them as they slept they never caught the guy Laurie Erica Kennedy seriously Google her creepiest crap basically a woman believed to be from the Pacific Northwest stole a birth certificate and started a new life but there is absolutely zero account or evidence of her before 1988 she actually married and had a baby before killing herself post divorce in 2010 which was when her ex-husband found the birth certificate and name changed Doc's buried in her closet the only theory I've seen that's remotely plausible was that she's an escapee from Enfield's community it could explain that she never did have her own birth certificate and more than one person's pointed out a similarity between her and and field's prophet's family that got into some serious trouble in the eighties there was an episode of America's Most Wanted that focused on unsolved kidnappings one was about a girl who was kidnapped and was found dead and every year supposedly on the day she was murdered or her birthday the kidnapper calls the mom he doesn't say anything she talks then he laughs and plays her daughter's favorite song with you all the way by new edition and hangs up update yeah I agree with you all how sadistic this sounded it may not have been America's most wanted it may have been some NBC News kidnapping special and I saw this back in 1997 it's been almost 17 years and I haven't found anything online about it wish I could help more I'll continue searching update thanks again for all who commented the kidnapping itself was in the early eighties the phone calls started around 85 or 86 I don't think phone track was in the cards for this and since there isn't any evidence linking the color to the murder it probably wouldn't be allowed just guessing the mother would curse the man and wish him dead he would just laugh and play the song today whenever I hear that song it just creeps me out didn't know about the Albert fish letter they are truly disturbing the question asked was what is the creepiest unsolved crime you have heard and this was mine the solder children on December 24th 1945 Jeanne solder mother of nine children went to bed in their family home in Fayetteville West Virginia some of them were allowed to stay up while she did so and she fell asleep she was woken at midnight by a phone call and a woman's voice asked if someone Jeanne didn't recognize was there then it laughed and hung up she also reported hearing noises on the roof after having fallen asleep again she woke up in the early hours of the morning to the smell of smoke finding the house on fire she and her husband managed to rescue four of the children but when looking for their ladder the husband found it missing and none of the family's trucks were working to go and get help with five children went missing and though apparently bones and organs were found in the ashes of the house they were deemed by a coroner to belong to an animal then mrs. sada received a letter postmarked from Kentucky in 1968 that contained a picture of a young man with Lewy solder I left brother Frankie allele boys a 901 32 or 35 written onto the back the family still believes their children were kidnapped and possibly taken to Italy as I recall the family having moved from there to the u.s. years previously had a friend go missing five days before the fourth of July go missing he was kind and soft-spoken never do drugs but the last night anyone saw him he told our group of friends while we were out at a club quite suddenly that our lives were an inexplicable danger and we had to get the duck out of there right now or everyone is going to die we got him outside and calmed him down then he just took off running he was a big dude and we couldn't catch up to him that was the last time anyone saw him alive five days later on July 4th he turned up facedown in Montrose Harbor a video from a nearby convenience store turned up showing him the next day after he went missing coming in and asking if anyone turned in a lost cellphone autopsy was inconclusive and the comprehensive toxicology report was negative it's been a year and we're still left with questions behind his death this was around the same time other a handful of college and post-grad students showed up face down in other harbors around Chicago the KT murders this was the loose basis for the movie The Strangers took place in 1981 a 36 year old woman and her five kids were staying in a cabin outside of Quincy California in the Sierra Nevada mountains I actually lived somewhat near this area it's truly a remote forested summertime cabin living type of place on the night of the crime the oldest daughter stayed the night at a friend's cabin when she returned in the morning she found her mother 15 year old brother and his 17-year old friend completely massacred and her 12 year old sister missing the victims had all been bludgeoned with a hammer tied up stabbed strangled blood was splattered everywhere furniture was smashed into pieces walls were pounded on a steak knife had been used so forcefully that it was bent 25 degrees whoever committed the crime had gone on an absolute rampage and was apparently there for about 10 hours curiously the mom's two youngest sons and their friend who was staying the night were found unharmed in an upstairs bedroom only one of them claimed to have heard slash seen anything but he was so young that his statement was pretty useless to the police of note is that the unharmed friend was the prime suspect son although that guy was eventually released by the cops due to a lack of evidence the murders were never solved three years later part of the missing 12 year old girl's skull was found about 50 miles away she had been decapitated also worth mentioning is that the resort world this happened was never the same after people avoided it for years it fell into disrepair and kind of became a ghost town squatters and bums would stay there some rich guy bought the resort at one point and tried to bring it back to life but I think it's still largely avoided the cabin where the murders occurred was finally demolished in 2004 the DC madame basically in the mid-2000s this lady's $300 per hour 1/2 million dollar brothel in the u.s. capital was rated in the madam was ordered to turn over her clientele list she told reporters that her list that spanned years was thousands of clients including many powerful national politicians because of this she feared for her life and insisted if she was found dead it would be a murder made to look suicide in an interview on Alex Jones's show in July 2007 Palfrey explicitly stated I'm not planning to commit suicide and made clear her motivation to present her case at trial saying I plan on exposing the government in ways that I do not think they want me to expose them so naturally before she could be made to testify on May 1st 2008 Palfrey was found hanging in a storage shed outside her mother's mobile home in Tarpon Springs Florida police found handwritten suicide notes in the bedroom where she was staying dated a week before her death the autopsy and the final police investigation concluded her death was a suicide see here's where this doesn't make sense to me if I had that kind of list I would not have physical possession of it in reality the large national law firm whose services I retained quite some time ago would they would also have it an off-site digital backup physical backups and because I am NOT stupid I would tell them that upon my death they are to release it to literally every newspaper in the u.s. at the same time I would also tell them that in the event I am convicted they are to do this I would make both of those statements known when I went on national television why say I'm not going to kill myself when hey everyone who is going to maybe kill me I have numerous copies of this list stored in a multitude of places you cannot possibly get to all of them if I'm harmed or convicted or any of these copies are not verified regularly then they will all be released to everyone everywhere all at once at that point any potential enemy now has only one choice and that is to do pull whatever strings they can to get that case thrown out they can't kill you dead man's hand will see their secret revealed they can't break in and steal the copies not only are there too many too widely scattered it would be incredibly obvious if such an attempt was made of course this all presuppose that I actually have such a list anyhow if I catered to those kinds of people no lists would be the very first rule I'd follow any arrests would find no such evidence no names no records like that just a list of transactions 300 in 600 in 400 out etc no other listing on them ever no one has any motive to have me rated to get that list to go after enemies or to have me silenced the Somerton man a body was found on Somerton Beach dead and propped up against a seawall there was no obvious cause of death the man had no identification no one claimed the body and he matched no missing persons description in the 40s this wasn't completely unheard of so it wasn't big news but then the case got weird in tracing his path based on the train slash bus tickets they found in his pockets they discovered his suitcase which also had no identification in fact labels were cut out of the clothes it wasn't that someone lifted his wallet when they found his body he'd purposely hidden his identity ahead of time a second examination of the body revealed that tightly rolled a piece of paper with the words to mam shoot on it loosely translated to it is ended hidden in a watch pocket of his pants someone came forward with a copy of a popular poetry book the Rubaiyat that they had found in the backseat of their car near where the body was found and the last page which should have contained the words to mom shooed was torn out except when police tried to trace this version of the book it was one that had never been printed anywhere although the book was popular the typeset size and shape of this copy was completely unique in the world the back of the book had a mysterious code written in it and two phone numbers actually it written on the torn out back page but the indents were still visible on the back cover one number was a bank the other was a nurse who lived blocks away from the beach the nurse insisted she didn't know the man but when shown the body detectives agree she clearly appeared to recognize him the nurse had been an Army nurse during the war and had been known to give copies of the poetry book away to another man an army intelligence officer the nurses identity was kept secret for many years but within the past year her children have come forward and said she confided to them that she did know the man but never gave any details on how and that she was a spy during the war the code written in the book was never cracked even though virtually every Code Breaker in the world amateur and professional for the past 60 plus years has given it a go oh and that poetry book the Rubaiyat another copy of it also completely unique in the world its title page said it was a seventh edition but the publishing house had only printed five editions of it was also linked to another mysterious death of a high-ranking government official he was found dead in a park with a book open on his chest a woman who testified at the inquest of his death was found dead in her bathtub wrists slit open and guess who frequented the hotel bar across the street from the park he was found in and had given a copy of the book to another man there two months after he died the nurse the article linked gives a much more thorough explanation with a few weird theories highly recommend checking it out such a creepy case a childhood friend of mine whom I'll call Jean was the only son of an immigrant couple they had him in his latter years so he lived a completely sheltered life and had a complete lack of social skills and social development they had no other family around only friends mostly other immigrants from the same country jeans father was very well-off but he lived like a miser so Jean grew up thinking they were middle-class bordering on poor when Jean was in his 30s I think his father passed away from an illness shortly after that his mother was tragically struck by a vehicle and killed as she crossed a busy street so Jean was left all alone and in charge of a fortune and assets he was ill-prepared to handle out of nowhere a relative from the old country appeared she was a young a try if woman supposedly a distant cousin soon she was seen with Jean here and there not too often but often enough that some people took notice three months later Jean simply vanished no one knew where he went or why he wasn't around and now the cousin had control of the fortune another friend of the family got concerned and called the local police to report him as a missing person the guy in charge told the friend to never inquire again about Jean to better leave this matter alone no one knows what happened to Jean but several of us have some guesses I came off of mobile for this and it might be married I heard this from one of my professors who used to be a detective this is a true story that happened in London Ontario Canada a city with countless serial killers and in general strange and sketchy people my professor claimed London is the only Canadian city that is truly Noir this story is in fact entirely true this was back in the 60s a girl goes missing on her way home from her job as a waitress on a diner just off the 401 highway on the outskirts of town her body has found three days later in a small town roughly an hour away her clothes were found in another town in a different direction roughly 30 minutes away from where the diner was her body was laid in a sexual position her jewelry and contents from her purse all spread out around her and it was obvious someone with necrophilia tendencies had revisited the corpse many times her best friend is a co-worker at the diner she said she didn't see anything out of the ordinary this is when a witness comes forward she said a creepy guy was bothering the victim at the diner the night she went missing a sketch artist comes in and does a drawing of this alleged person the police searched the victims bedroom for clues she still lived with her parents they find a dairy the diary has something suspicious in code and is one of the last entries apparently the cops broke the code and it said I French kissed Michel with a picture that looked to be taken 20 years prior of a young man this young man looks uncannily like the sketch now this is where it starts to get weird the witness starts saying she is getting phone calls at her home it started with just someone calling then hanging up then calling and breathing on the line one day in broad daylight she is walking her dog when she is attacked by someone her arms and face gets slashed not too severely and the assailant says something along the lines of I'm going to kill you or something she managed to fight him off with the help of her dog then runs to a local store and gets help she never got a good look at what he looked like she doesn't call the police instead when she gets home later that day after the hospital she calls the principal of an all-boys boarding school apparently this guy is known around town as a complete weirdo he answered the phone with hello she hangs up and calls the police apparently that hello sounded exactly like the person who attacked her and apparently back in the day that was enough evidence for the police the police arrest him and search his house in his basement are jars filled with poo and what looks like recently destroyed film and footage of kitty prone of the kids at the school the police think well this guy is definitely the killer he is Duc turns out has a legitimate alibi with witnesses and the police have just stumbled upon another one of the many weirdos of London Ontario although he is a psycho pedo he is not the psycho killer the police start to suspect that maybe something is off with the witness maybe the wounds were even self-inflicted the police go back to the photo and the message from the victims diary I French kissed Michel they start asking around and talk to her best friend who has mentioned prior also works at the diner the best friend mentions that both her boyfriends middle name and her boyfriend's dad's first name is also both the boyfriend and the dad have committed sexual based crimes in the past the are put under suspicion and also the boyfriends best friend who recently got out of jail for molesting and beating a young girl is also investigated this is when another witness comes forward one who remained anonymous this new witness said she saw the victim willingly get into the backseat of a car as the front two seats were taken the witness said it looked like the victim knew the people in the car now the police are looking for two people it has got to be the boyfriend and the dad of the best friend unfortunately the dad and boyfriend have legitimate alibis now the best friend of the boyfriend stay with me here also checks out and is subsequently arrested apparently he drove to Toronto the night the victim went missing and stabbed a random five-year-old boy in the stomach the police discovered this after they questioned him he goes back to jail the boy lived bTW the police are at another dead end this is when it starts to get weird the best friend of the victim again the one at the diner with the ducked bf is discovered overdosed in a parking lot clutching a note saying I am so sorry insert victim's name I will carry the secret with me to the grave she is rushed to the hospital it is also worth mentioning here remember the first witness the crazy one who got the pedo arrested oh yeah her house burnt down and everyone inside died the fire oh it turns out it was accidental strange anyway back to overdosed best friend she recovers only to have seemingly completely lost her mind she is incoherent doesn't remember anything and they can't get anything out of her this is a cold case my professor who runs a sort of cold case Society have gone back and looked at the case with modern technology the victims best friend is crazy and now claims the victim was murdered by two older cops from Baltimore that it is a big police conspiracy and she didn't say all those years ago because she was scared of being murdered to the best friend's boyfriend and dad both dead the best friend's boyfriend's best friend has been deported back to Scotland the picture that was found in the diary is something like a 98% match from the sketch artist drawing using some kind of don't yell if I get this wrong modern map analysis where basically it says that everything the culprit did has to revolve around how he will eventually get back home so by analysing where the diner was where the body was found where the clothes were found it can kind of triangulate where he is apparently they found the guy still alive and not arrested he has the main suspect in another similar although less weird case he looks like the sketch artist drawing he is living in the right town where the map analysis thing he said the killer lived and the body was found at kilometer where he had a cottage as a kid in May of 1990 in my hometown Cape Coral flat 11 year old girl named Robin Cornell and her mother's roommate 31 year old Lisa storey were found suffocated and sexually assaulted in the early morning hours by Robyn's mother who had been out for the evening one of the most chilling details of the case are what Jen Robins mother found when she first set foot in her home that morning both Robin and Lisa knew not to lock the front doors door knob because it was broken they were to use only the deadbolt but when Jen returned home around 4:00 a.m. at early morning she found both locks locked she thought she heard footsteps coming down the stairs of the townhome so she went around to the sliding glass door on the side patio to try to get in that way she found the blinds swaying in the breeze even earier when she stepped into the house pictures of Robin and her older sister were arranged on an ironing board and from there she knew something was wrong my family knew the Cornell's they had lived in the same apartment complex for several years and so this case has always stood out to me I was a few months away from being born when it happened so I never knew Robin but my cousin's played with her as kids the police have never found the passo did this but not for lack of trying there are still detectives actively working on the case and Jan remains very involved she usually goes on the news every year on the anniversary of the murder to plead for new information and make sure no one forgets Robin and Lisa the killer left behind plenty of evidence including a set of car keys here's link jen has never given up hope that this person will be brought to justice I hope it happens soon 24 years is way too long in the 1980's the Japanese food giant Ezaki Glico was blackmailed by a mysterious group of apparent supervillains calling itself the monster with 21 faces it started with two armed men who broke into the home of the president of gleeko kidnapping him in front of his family the men held the executive in a warehouse calling the company and demanding 100 million yen and 100 kilos of gold bullion the victim escaped the warehouse before he could find out whether or not his company was willing to pay to ransom his ass none of the bad guys were caught and that's too bad because the monster wasn't through a couple of weeks later several cars in the company parking lot were set on fire then the monster began to send letters in the first letter sent in a plastic container along with hydrochloric acid because why the hell not the monster claimed they had poisoned glucose candies which resulted in gleeko losing 21 million dollars dollars worth of product that had to be pulled from shelves the number may be a coincidence but then again who knows the monster taunted the police by detailing in a letter it's method of entry what typewriter had used to write the message and where it found the container with the acid in it it didn't matter cops scoured the country for them and came up empty soon enough just to prove they were toying with everyone the monster suddenly sent a letter stating its forgiveness of gleeko and moved on it gets weirder the monster then turned its attention to another food company Morinaga another letter was sent similar to the gleeko one only this time turned up a total of 21 packages laced with the highly toxic sodium cyanide being the polite kind of shadowy creepy terrorist / terrorist group the boxes were helpfully labeled with contains toxins an example all criminals should follow the police getting desperate thought they caught a glimpse of the mastermind behind the monster during the money drop the group had demanded cash from another company an officer described the criminal mastermind as a man having eyes like those of a fox which would give him the nickname the fox eyed man the same mysterious man was spotted again later in a car during a sting operation he escaped but the cops found the car and a radio transceiver that he had been using to listen in to all of the police communications during the sting so finally they've got a description of one of the bad guys that resulted in nothing the monster tormented several corporate giants for years mocked the police walked the streets as some of the most wanted men in the world and not a single one of them ever got caught a police superintendent got so frustrated by being outmaneuvered by the monster that he resigned in disgrace oh wait we must read that he actually committed suicide by dunking setting himself on fire before disappearing into the night like goddamn Keyser Soze the monster released a letter mocking the dead man and announced it would stop torturing food companies apparently taking this entire thing as some sort of childish game the monsters final words to the public we are bad guys that means we've got more to do other than bullying companies it's fun to lead a bad man's life monster with 21 faces cracked calm [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 148,984
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Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Id: i8iN_uMs0DU
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Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 13 2019
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