What unexplained, seemingly paranormal event did you experience as a child? (r/AskReddit)

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[Music] what unexplained seemingly paranormal event did you experience as a child posted this a while back I've had a few creepy encounters when I was about eight years old I was at my grandparents house shortly after my great grandmother's funeral I was in the basement by myself playing a handheld 101 dalmations video game when I heard someone call my name I began walking toward where I heard the voice coming from while still looking down at my game I had laughter and felt a cold breeze and looked up to see a young transparent girl wearing an outdated dress staring at me the girl walked through the doorway which separated the two levels and shut the door behind her I dropped to my knees sobbing when my mom came running down the stairs to console me I asked my mom who called me upstairs but she said no one called my name I think it might have been my great-grandmother letting me know that she was passing over but it was scary as hell years later when I was in high school I lived in the basement of my family's house by myself when we moved into the house the basement was unfinished and had a painted outline of a body on the cement floor the family claimed it was from a Halloween party the basement also had a creeping [ __ ] crawl space which always freaked me out when I was by it my dad is a carpenter finished the basement and built me a room downstairs although I was creeped out by the crawlspace I agreed to move downstairs for more privacy my closet was built right by the crawlspace and would be open just a few inches every time I had come back into my room I would always shut the closet door all the way one time I noticed the door open when I was in bed got up to shut the door turned back to my bed and found the closet open again at that point I threw my closet door open and decided I'd never shed it again nothing happened for a while after that some time later I was getting home from school and walked down to my room we also had a living room in the basement and my sister had a particular spot on the couch where she often read I see someone sitting in her spot out of the corner of my eye and assume it's my sister I say hey sis and walk into my bedroom to hear no response I walked back out to see no one there I walked up to my sister's room and went to turn the doorknob but it was locked we had a rule that we were not supposed to lock out doors and my sister's door would often lock on its own my parents would get mad at her and she would always claim that she never locked it I knocked on the door and when my sister answered I asked why she didn't respond when I said hi to her on the couch she said she had been in her room since she got home from school and hadn't been I the basement at all after a few years my family moved out of state one of my friends from my old high school asked me to go to homecoming with her so I traveled back for that while at an after-party I saw a kid from my old neighborhood he asked me if I used to live on the house on alder I told him I had he then asked if anyone ever saw any ghosts in the house I was freaked out and told him I had and asked how he knew he told me his best friend lived in that house before me and she saw her too in the crawlspace after I drove back to my new house I told my parents about what the kid had told me my mom finally decided to tell us that a woman died in my sister's room before we moved in and they didn't want us to be freaked out so they didn't tell us it finally made sense to me and I realized that I wasn't just seeing things so my cousin F and I F go to sleep in my basement blanket fort that I was really proud of its pitch black huge ass unfinished basement with tons of junk there was a door to the outside we talked for a while 12 yo girl stuff whatever then we start to fall asleep the AC blower comes on loudly but I don't think anything of it then there is a deafening silence like the sound around us was muffled slash paused while something spoke overtop of it Cristina long drawn-out whisper from a raspy man's voice it was my cousin's name we both sat there in the darkness both quiet but both holding our breath I start to say did you oh my god eyes we grabbed our stuff and ran up the stairs looking back and I know hindsight it weird and stupid but I think back to that and what has happened to that girl since it's like she was [ __ ] marked shortly after she started to act out in school started to send guys pictures of herself naked she was 13 and a culmination was when she sent her boyfriend whom she had never met and was 17 her key to her basement bedroom he arrived later that week was not 17 but 42 he raped her she kept quiet about it for a year and the meantime started doing all kinds of things with other boys her younger sister walked in on her and she told her to keep her mouth shut or else she would be sent away and it would be all her fault this all came out finally at a boot camp for troubled teens where she admitted what had happened to her they were able to get evidence on the guy and a sting operation got him caught he went away for six years anyway bad boyfriend's a pregnancy a kid with a learning disability a marriage and subsequent divorce just messed up and I couldn't help but feel it all started with my [ __ ] up basement ghost I can't recall my exact age at the time some were around 8 to 10 years old I was so sick and tired of having no free will in my dreams as I slept at night every time I dreamt something in my sleep my entire dream would go against my wishes including my own actions as a result when I went to bed at night I would lay there and say to myself tonight I will control my dreams I will control my dreams at first this didn't work night after night either I didn't dream anything or if I did I still had no control over it I do not recall how many nights went by every night insisting that I would control my dreams before I finally did one night while I was sleeping I found myself still wearing my pajamas and I was on the platform of a subway I had free will I knew it and I could feel it I jumped up and down happily yelling I'm in control of my dream I'm in control of my dream then I stopped and looked around at my surroundings I've been in many subway stations in the city but this was when I was not familiar with it was the last stop of the Train I do not recall ever being inside a station that was the last stop and because it was the last stop people were pouring out of the subway cars I recall some of them being businessmen wearing business suits and carrying attache cases I was quite puzzled as to why they didn't look my way why they didn't find it strange or notice this kid standing on the subway platform wearing his pajamas and jumping up and down yelling I'm in control of my dreams you'd think that one of them would look my way to stare at me but it was as if they couldn't see or hear me I can't recall how the dream ended that's about all I remember about it but fast forward several years later we moved to a new neighborhood a couple miles away and wouldn't you know it but the subway stopped nearest my new home is the subway station in my dream several years earlier not a similar station the station in the years to come while using that subway station while waiting for a train to come in just for fun I would be standing in the same exact spot I stood in my dream way back when I was taller now and I would have to bend at the knees to get the same exact perspective I had when I was younger also at night when coming home on that train I discovered how many businessmen came home at night on that train wearing business suits and carrying attache cases I've never had a dream like that since I guess you'd call it an out-of-body experience when I was nine my parents and I were watching TV in the living room of the on-campus apartment we lived in at the time the couch was lined up with the hallway so if you were sitting on it and looked to your right you'd see straight down the hallway to its end at the far end of the hall on the left side was my parents bedroom door and on the right side across from that was the door to the bathroom my mom was on my dad's left and I was on my dad's right so I was closest to the hallway with both my parents to my left some sort of movement caught my attention out of the corner of my eye so I turned and looked down the hall I saw a roughly 6 foot tall person walking from the bathroom to the bedroom it scared the crap out of me because the person was absolutely as Albina looking as possible I jumped at it in my dad asked what was wrong and I told him what I had just seen we both went down the hall to the bedroom and there was absolutely no one anywhere and nothing amiss in the bathroom additional detail this was an apartment building which did not have a fire escape on the outside of the windows so there was no way for someone to get in in no way for someone to get out from the bedroom without going through the hallway we were on the fifth floor of the building I still have absolutely no idea what I saw I wasn't tired it was about 6:30 p.m. we weren't watching anything scary I think we were watching a rerun of some sitcom probably home improvement and I've never had a similar experience to it before or since my grandfather was sick in hospital nearing the end our house was full of my auntie's uncles and cousins coming and going as we were minutes away from the hospital and everyone wanted to be with him before he passed away the house is your typical three bed semi D as you walked up our stairway there were individual portrait photographs of me my sister's my mom then my granny and granddad anyway there were about 15 or 20 of us in the house one lunchtime for soup and sandwiches when his portrait fell off the wall and came flying down the stairs a couple of minutes later the house phone rang and that was that he passed away it could have been a gust of wind coming up through the front door this was winter in Ireland so most likely or could have been one of my cousin's running by and accidentally bumping the photograph after using the upstairs bathroom likely again in a house full of hyper youngsters I'd like to think it was him giving us the heads-up and saying one last goodbye it gave my MA some comfort anyway as she was upset that she wasn't there right up until the end and I guess that's the main thing spooky coincidence and it weirded me out at the time story time my mother adopted died when I was four I have very limited memories of her and the things I do remember are most likely created from older VHS home videos anyway my cousin and I were having a sleepover at Grandma's house we loved sleeping over there because of the pool Vaness snacks nerf battles in their large rec room you name it Vale time for bed comes and I find myself in the large bedroom downstairs neighboring the rec room where my cousin was sleeping this bedroom was special to me it was practically the only room I truly felt connected to my mother after she died it was the bedroom she grew up in and eventually the room she spent most of her time in when she was sick because it was the biggest in the house and was able to fit all of her support machines there were pictures of her everywhere in the room and it was emotionally comforting for me for some reason this particular night was different something was not right I was not tired I had this weird feeling and I kept on hearing music share very faint almost in the foggy distance but I know I heard it in my head or otherwise she was my mother's favorite eventually I start getting anxious unexplained rush of a emotions come over me and I start sobbing under the covers I was six ish bTW I am on my right side under the covers extremely upset but keeping it to myself my older cousin was in the room next door and I didn't want him to hear me I somehow was able to relax and fell asleep later in the night I'm awoken by something I have no idea by what or how I called out to my cousin cousin and then grandma all quiet-like and everything and I was still under the blanket and then I felt something on my waist it wasn't a hand it was like pressure but really light I remember my eyes practically bulging out of head I was so goddamn scared I felt whatever it was right next to me and it was touching me I was freaking out silently then I felt the bed depressed besides me like something had taken a knee or sat down beside me technically it was behind me since I was on my side I can still remember that feeling of knowing that there really is something behind me and then I heard the faint music again share and then I heard a muffled almost static why am i boy I [ __ ] threw the covers off me and ran out of the room as fast as possible I was so goddamn scared I didn't see anything I just put my head down and ran to the next room to shake my cousin awake he woke up looked up at me and hugged me he said he was jealous and said he wishes he could hear or see his aunt again he brought me back to the room and stayed with me that night I never heard or saw or felt anything ever since not a hint of paranormal anything except that night to put it in perspective there are two distinct times in my life where I was incredibly scared taking a que fire from behind in Afghanistan and the night something sat next to me on that bed and I am pretty sure that night tops every single fearful time in Afghanistan tenfold this is the first I have ever wrote this out share music always brings me back to that moment and now I have chills Cheers my dad and I were hunting in the mountains north of Idaho City it was about Twilight and we were hiking back to the car we began to smell something terrible like burning bone and hair it was the worst stench I've ever experienced the smell got worse as we kept hiking we could hear what we thought was someone or something running at a great rate of speed from behind us my dad grabbed me and held my face to his chest and dropped to the ground I held close to him as the running got louder dad readied his rifle I heard him say oh no son stand up walk with me look at the ground terrified us to it stupid me turned around and looked there was the remains of an elk the head looked like it had been put in a blast furnace the hair on the body was all cinched the hooves looked melted the running was gone we moved closer to the car it was now nearly dark about 100 yards from the car we heard the running again and we froze all of a sudden the forest lit up like noonday we heard a very loud whoosh and it was gone the forest was dark it was quiet dead still we booked it to the car through our gear in the backseat and drove I kept my head down and just cried dad was stoic and silent halfway out of the woods we saw the light again bright as ever but just for a second and then it was gone again made it back to Idaho City and stopped at the gold mine grill to regroup went inside and there was another hunter in there he looked at us and said you all see that [ __ ] he just stared and drank when I was 13 I experienced the ghost of my grandmother she died in her sleep while taking a nap on the living-room couch afterwards according to my father and grandfather every now and then they could hear her make the trip from the bedroom to the kitchen and open the refrigerator door a trip she made many times when she was alive at first I thought my father and grandfather were making this up having fun at my expense a couple years after she passed away my father and I went to spend the weekend with my grandfather my father and I slept on the living-room couch it opened into a double bed the same couch my grandmother died on my grandfather left the house to go to a next-door neighbor's house to play poker my father and I went to bed in the living room my father went right to sleep I laid awake reading a magazine after a while I heard the noise of the back bedroom door being pulled open I heard the sound of shuffling feet I heard the creak in the floor directly in front of the bathroom doorway I heard more shuffling feet then I heard the fridge door being pulled open and I heard the sound of glass bottles in the fridge door clinking against each other back then they were still putting soft drinks in glass bottles feeling thirsty I decide to get out of bed and go join my grandfather in the kitchen for a cold drink I go into the kitchen only to find myself all alone I was puzzled I could have sworn I heard my grandfather walk from the bedroom into the kitchen and open the fridge then I remembered that my grandfather was at home he was over the neighbors house and he hadn't come back yet then I remembered my grandfather's and father's ghost stories then I got scared I raced from the kitchen into the living room and left over my sleeping father into my side of the bed then I went to sleep I don't know how long I slept before I woke up with a start a feeling of paralyzing fear in my body I was frozen I was lying on my right side it took a while for me to work up the courage to turn my head to the left my head was covered by my blanket there was a shadow being cast onto my blanket the shadow was the outline of a head and shoulders of a woman with a beehive hairdo my grandmother used to always have a beehive hairdo even years after it went out of style up until she died I heard heavy breathing coming from the shadow I had to work up the courage to move one of my hands to remove the blanket off of my face when I did in an instant the paralyzing fear I felt was gone the shadow was gone the sound of heavy breathing was gone my father was still sleeping I pulled the blanket back over my head and went back to sleep only to wake up again on my right side the paralyzing fear was back forcing myself to turn my head the shadow was back the heavy breathing was back again I had to summon up all my courage to move my hand to take my blanket off my face only to find nothing there in the paralyzing fear gone I went through this same routine the entire night I lost count of how many times this happened through the night maybe a dozen maybe more but it happened a lot the next morning I told my father what happened to me throughout the entire night while he slept the sounds of the bedroom door opening the shuffling feet the fridge door opening nobody in the kitchen being awakened with a paralyzing fear the shadow the heavy breathing the repeat performances throughout the night I kind of expected him to tell me that I was just seeing and hearing things but instead he smiled and exclaimed that was grandma [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 17,796
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ask reddit creepy, creepy stories, true horror stories, ask reddit scary, best horror stories, sir reddit, sirreddit
Id: i9hpk0UqZpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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