Real Life Horror Stories That Will Freak You Out! - AskReddit

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warning this content may be upsetting or disturbing to some audiences they instead found her apartment decomposed body in half skeleton form what is the scariest story you know that is 100% true the story of Mary Vincent always stands out to me in 1978 15 year-old Mary was hitchhiking a man named Lawrence singleton picked her up he brutally snatched her and eventually made her get out of the car she planned to run but he noticed and cut both her arms off he threw her into a ditch and left her to die she packed her stumps with mud to stop the bleeding and spent all night crawling out she eventually makes it to the highway and starts walking naked and covered in blood the first car that saw her sped away in fear the second car was a couple on their honeymoon they picked her up and she survived the Lake Nyos disaster the lake periodically belches a cloud of invisible carbon dioxide gas that suffocates everything within a 16 mile radius just imagine swimming or standing near a lake and it just randomly starts fizzing like someone shook and opened a giant can of soda that's basically what happened some lakes have fountains in them to prevent this from happening this one hasn't in 1986 over 1,700 people in all their livestock died without even understanding what was happening to them John lists killed his whole family wife mother daughter and two sons he meticulously planned the whole thing canceling all delivery services excusing the kids from school and even turned the air conditioning as low as possible to preserve the bodies for as long as possible after he killed them all he placed the bodies and sleeping bags and lined them up he then wrote a letter to his pastor explaining why he had to kill them he then leaves and isn't heard from again 18 years later he's remarried and doing the same job as before but this time he doesn't have any children he's finally arrested after a tip was given to the FBI crazy thing is that because he planned it so well the bodies weren't discovered until a month after the murders so he had a huge head start and essentially started a new life in the same career and was heavily involved in a new church down in Virginia took 18 years to capture him one of my friends had someone following her home hiding in the bushes so they couldn't be seen she booked it to her house got inside and he was watching the house from the outside she called the cops they come along quietly and got the jump on him he had condoms handcuffs and a knife when they got his DNA it turned out that he was linked to a half dozen snatches in the area she credits her regimen of running Sprint's to outrunning him that night and firmly believes she would have been snatched if she couldn't outrun him then in my town in the early 90s there was a notorious killer that had all of British Columbia Canada on watch my wife's mother years and years before I knew them had been home alone while her husband was in England doing tree surgeon work she was in her laundry room when a man walked up from her basement completely scaring her she freaked out and said what the hell are you doing here he said he was friends with her husband and was just coming to see if he was here apparently he told him he could just walk in which she knew was BS she was smart enough to tell him that he was just at the store and would be back any minute he said he would wait outside for him as soon as he left she called the police but he was long gone by the time they got here two weeks later the killer was caught his mug shot put on TV and it was the guy in her house an acquaintance of mine sent his son to triathlon camp in Texas a week later his son came back from camp the next day the son was complaining of a headache four days later he was dead healthy happy fit 12 year old one week dead the next turns out the lake had no glory of faleri the brain-eating ameba nothing scares me as irrationally as already being dead and waiting for your body to catch on the amoeba needs to come into contact with the top of your nose so you have to snort the water or if you happen to live in Louisiana in 2013 they weren't using enough chlorine in the water supply so people using neti pots with tap water were exposed this is a hometown story that stayed with me it happened literally right around the corner from where I grew up maybe a two-minute drive away Judy Kirby murdered six children and one adult by intentionally driving the wrong way on a divided highway attempt to commit suicide she had been hospitalized for depression but had also just ended a relationship with her ex-husband's brother and was by some reports involved in drug trafficking and fearing an imminent arrest she picked up her sister's son who was celebrating his 10th birthday the day she then loaded her three children into the car supposedly to pick up a gift for the nephew instead she went missing with the carload of kids a short time later calls started coming in to 9-1-1 about a car going the wrong way down the highway at a high rate of speed they made it about 90 seconds before a head-on collision with another vehicle driven by a father with two children and another child along for the ride the crash annihilated both vehicles the only survivors were Kirby herself and the child who was along for the ride in the other car there were pieces of children all over the highway she was sentenced to 215 years in prison tough to pick just one because there is true evil and humanity out there stuff like the blood eagle ritual is pretty awful but in terms of really scary probably stuff that just kind of happens on accident like the story of Kyle blush just awful he was in a minivan that has one of those back seats that you can push backward to lay flat in the trunk for extra storage space he went to grab something in the trunk leaning over the seat and it tipped backward and pinned him upside down against the back of the car in a position such that he couldn't get himself out he called the police twice the second time he called and gave him a very clear description of the car plush called 9-1-1 again at around 3:30 p.m. police said this time he provided a description of the vehicle as he desperately pleaded for help but couldn't hear the dispatcher Isaac said the information didn't get relayed to officers at the scene this is not a joke the teen said over 9-1-1 I'm almost dead he asked the dispatcher to tell my mom I love her if I die just a horrible random accident that could have happened to anybody this kid didn't go looking for trouble like he didn't try and go down a chimney or go caving like other people who have gotten stuck and suffocated he was just reaching for something in his trunk got pinned and then was not found in time nightmarish for the kid and his family nutty putty cave in Utah was sealed up in 2009 after John Jones was trapped upside down in a small crevasse while spelunking when rescue teams finally arrived he had been upside down for so long that his legs were drained of blood the only possible way to have gotten him out was to break his legs which would have sent him into fatal shock he died after being trapped for 28 hours his body's still in the cave there was a woman who worked in a science lab who spilled two drops of organic mercury on the back of her gloved hand those two drops destroyed her entire nervous system and brain there's a lot of terrifying lab stories we had to listen to his graduate students in our safety class someone splashed hydrochloric acid in her eye while wearing contacts which retained the acid and burned the contact to her eye eye wash didn't work because the contact was already burned and stuck on she was wearing safety glasses someone got her long hair stuck in some sort of press while working alone at night and it wrapped up her hair and eventually crushed her skull images of compressed gas cylinders breaking through brick walls after falling and breaking off their valve images of centrifuges rotate her axle failing and again going through brick walls tert butyl lithium a highly pyrophoric compound any exposure to air causes ignition was being used by someone not trained in its use safety he'd exploded and she died have you heard of the Nazis so bad that other Nazis in particular fellow SS Nazis constantly tried to get him and his unit disbanded and arrested no while his name was Oscar Dearlove owner and his unit was nicknamed the black hunters or the Darrel of Honor brigade Oscar Dearlove Unger was an early adopter of the Nazi Party he had been thrown in jail before for being a pedophile eventually when world war ii broke out and healthy ideal germans were dying in droves on the eastern front Oscar's old pal Heinrich Himmler head of the SS granted him a command of a unit made up originally of German poachers and eventually German criminals being held in civilian jails and camps within military criminals his unit was essentially designated as a rearguard unit meant to hunt down enemy partisans or in most cases civilians in occupied countries Oskar Dirlewanger SS unit was responsible for many at some atrocities so barbaric and bad other SS units reported him at his unit for atrocities a few examples which have been popularized in film include taking an entire village in Vallauris and putting them in a church locking the doors and setting the church ablaze anyone who tried to escape was shot by machine guns and rifles this unit snatched tortured and murdered its way through Eastern and Central Europe during the Warsaw Uprising they were sent to help squelch the uprising one of their atrocities committed was going into a Children's Hospital telling the nurses and staff that they were there to secure the church okay once the church was secured they snatched the female staff and some of the wounded and sick female children victims and then went around shooting everyone if anyone was found to have survived they were banded these guys were so horrible that other Nazis looked down their noses at them and constantly filed complaints and reports against them but with no real success thankfully by the end of the war this unit was destroyed and its leaders and criminal soldiers were hunt down like animals the case of Elizabeth Smart she was kidnapped repeatedly snatched psychologically tortured and then brought around in plain sight and heavy religious garb she had brushes with people who could have helped her but her kidnapper claimed she wasn't allowed to speak in public or reveal her face for religious reasons the reason she was rescued is because her sister was awake during her kidnapping and pretended to be asleep she knew she recognized the voice but it took her nine months to remember as was a guy that used to do yard work for the family the police didn't believe her because of the elapsed time but pursued it to appease the family I made the mistake of reading about the ant hill kids cult at night I don't recommend it don't read it while you're eating starts of like a typical hippie Apocalypse type cult ends worth a lot of mutilation and murder here is an excerpt however Dario's pas de resistance came when one of his followers complained of pain the abdomen tario forced her to undress laid her on the kitchen table punched her in the stomach performed an enema by shoving a tube up her rectum and filled her up with olive oil then he cut her stomach open ripped out parts of her intestines with his bare hands and he forced another member to stitch her up then he shoved a tube down her throat and made the other women blow air into it unsurprisingly the woman died the next day of course tario as a prophet had the powers of Resurrection this resurrection consisted of drilling a hole in the dead woman's skull the woman remained dead a woman named Joyce Vincent died alone in her apartment in London and wasn't found for two years she was only discovered because bailiffs came to a victor from the property and instead found her decomposed body in half skeleton form the TV had been on and the windows had been open for two years despite the smell and the noise emanating from the apartment no one had come sooner and found her because of the state her body was found in they could only identify her through matching her teeth to a photograph of her smiling because there was basically no body left to study no one knows how she passed her friends guess it was anything from murder to an asthma attack but no one can ever know it's not the most scary story in terms of its gruesomeness but to think someone can die alone and not be found by their family or friends for so long especially in such a densely populated city nature bird train disaster is something that reminds me how death can come at any moment a train with 51 wagons of sulfur fertilizer petrol and cotton wool somehow broke loose and rolled down the track about 20 kilometres until it derailed in the town of Khayyam Iran there were no humans onboard chemical leaks and sudent authorities tried to extinguish whatever fires broke out at one point the whole thing explodes and it really explodes the whole town of gyeom is literally demolished three nearby towns are badly damaged and it was heard 70 kilometers away the wreckage continued to explode for several days after around 300 people died and more than that injured an earthquake of 3.6 on Richter scale was produced I'll tell you one that happened to me or rather I was witness to one night I was out at a bar with a friend I was visiting in New Rochelle New York we went outside for a cigarette and a car came flying past the bar the car burned through a red light and started going up this hill that was on a curve we watched as he veered over the double yellow smashed head-on with another car coming from the other direction both cars hind dents lifted up then slammed down the car that was driving correctly bursts into flames I ran inside and grabbed the fire extinguisher then yelled to the bartender to call 9-1-1 and say there has been an accident my friend a few other patrons and me ran to the cars now I used to think this was a fictional trope but I was pretty drunk before this happened and I swear it sobered me up instantly I tried spraying the fire but it did nothing the fumes and heat were awful and all we could do was stand back the worst part was and this will haunt me forever was that the woman in the burning car was screaming as she died my god it was the worst sound ever the fire department came and put the fire out the police took us back to the bar and took statements I found out the next day in the news that the car that was not speeding was being driven by a young woman coming home late from work she was a block away from home and I think she was either newly married or a new mother the rotten a-hole driving the other car was some rich drunk sucker he lost a leg but otherwise was physically unharmed I have no clue if he did time as I left to go back home a day or so later I remember it being reported on lo Haddon channel 12 news I was around 11 years old and I woke up in the middle of the night to a man straddled on top of me with his hand over my mouth and nose he told me to roll over and not scream I rolled onto the floor and tried to scream bloody murder I say tried cause when you were truly terrified it can take a second to find your voice my mom heard me screaming and came in and fought with the guy he was at least six feet she was 5 feet 3 inches and scared him enough with the fighting and screaming that he took off out the window he had come in through never did catch him my dad and some friends got drunk and went for a drive on some back roads and were going as fast as the truck would go as teenagers my dad was slightly less drunk than the others and eventually demanded they let him get out they pulled over and he and one other girl got out he and the girl started walking to town while the other three sped off in the opposite direction well less than a mile up the road from where they got out as an extremely sharp turn which missed and hit a tree going pretty close to triple digits miles per hour two of them died on impact and the only reason the third survived is because they crashed in front of a house that to doctors lived in the survivor was paralyzed and lost his leg and part of his arm and was in the hospital for eight months before dying this was in the 60s so medical care wasn't what it is today when I first got my permit my dad took me to that corner to explain the importance of safe driving it gave me goose bumps about how close he was to being in the truck he said that the dad of the driver got what remained of the truck to be hung up in the center of town for months after to be a warning to all was working the evening shift at a gas station man comes in all disoriented I go to help him out he has a gash on his head and doesn't know where he was I couldn't see any crashes around so assumed he had fallen or something normally we are supposed to stay inside the glass shielded register area whenever anyone is in the store I being a nice human being went to help while calling the police and EMS they got there and checked him out they thought his head may have been fractured took him to the ER I went back to work cops stopped back by for some coffee a few hours later they told me the guy got hit by a baseball bat trying to break into a little girl's bedroom and was wanted for murder in two other states I never left the register area at night again I would call it creepy more than scary but my mom's friend had a small house and lived alone she noticed weird things a batch of soup depleting faster than usual missing eggs damp towels in the hamper when she hadn't used any extra dishes in the dishwasher etc this went on for months she thought she was just being forgetful one day she heard some thumping around in her attic and went to investigate she found some makeshift living quarters small radio hotplate sleeping bag pillow food wrappers etc she called the cops who came to keep an eye on the place they ended up catching a homeless man climbing a tree trying to sneak into her attic window he had been doing this almost daily he would wait for her to go to work then go downstairs and helped himself to food and amenities the funny part about this story is they got to know each other throughout or deal and the guy was actually very respectful just down-on-his-luck she didn't press charges instead let him move in helped him get a job and he lived in the Attic until he got back on his feet creepy with a happy ending thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for more shocking videos click the right box for the most terrifying reddit posts of all time playlist let us know in the comments what you think about these stories [Music]
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Id: N0s7_jVPG0A
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Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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