What is the SCARIEST GHOST story you ever heard? (r/AskReddit) updoot reddit stories

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our slash asked reddit posted by user crusader what is the scariest ghost story you ever heard so not sure if scary but really weird two days after my grandfather died the neighborhood security guard knocks on our door on a Sunday morning he told us an old man came to your house earlier knocked on your door for half an hour and finally left when I asked him what he wanted he told me he needed to say goodbye to someone he had never had the chance to meet we were all stunned had no idea who this old man was or who was he looking for when the guard came in he shouted that's the old man pointing at a picture of my grandfather my entire family froze for a minute I'm not 100% sure if the guard was telling the truth but I almost like believing that my granddad wanted to say goodbye to my newborn sister before resting in peace this is a story I do not often tell I promise sincerely that this has scarred me for life and although I have looked into psychological explanations for what I heard in natural explanations for what occurred they remain unsatisfactory when I was a child I was scared of the dark I swore to my mother I heard voices in it they were not evil but they were not familiar and so they scared me it was not uncommon in the middle of the night for me to wake up and hear whispers as I would call them when asking my mom she figured they were just bumps in the night and typical kids nightmare material I tried often to explain to her that it was more than that that they sounded different from one another the way people's voices do on some nights I would get so scared from these whispers that I would sleep in my mom's bed with her it was an added bonus that the bathroom was directly outside of her bedroom door for my late-night tinkles I should add at this point that when walking out into the hall to go to the bathroom you looked directly down the stairs that would lead you into my living room on the first floor as my mom's bedroom was on the second floor on one such night around Christmas I awoke and felt the need to relieve myself I walked out from the door and distinctly heard the phrase look and to my astonishment a red light almost like a spotlight was cast upon the wall at the very bottom of the stairs the light had no other source it by itself and I was transfixed by it being a little kid and at only being a few days from Christmas I knew what this light was it was Santa how else could he get into my house to know I was being a good boy I was so excited I began walking down the stairs to greet him picking up my pace after the second step as it began to creep off the wall and fade into the darkness in my living room that's when I heard him a very strong masculine voice different from the first not at all like my father's not to say he isn't masculine it was just distinctly different it said stop right now go back up those stairs I listened turned around and what happened next time not sure I would believe if someone had told me the same story after reaching the top of the stairs I heard a very loud crash that sent me running back to my mother's bed where I jumped straight under the covers and stayed there the whole night when we awoke the next morning the Poinsettia lights little Christmas flower lights that glowed red my mother had put on the railing down the stairs were pulled straight down to the bottom of the stairs some broken from what seemed like a forceful tear laying in a single pile the dry sink in my living room had fallen from the wall my mother could not explain it my father was worried we had been the victims of a home invasion my sister was crying there was nothing missing nobody had broken in there did not seem to be any reason this had happened and then I saw it and I kept quiet about it because I was so afraid that I could not force words out of my mouth there on the edge of the wooden dry sink which had been facing up were three indentations where the finish on the wood had been worn almost as if in a forceful grip something down there had grabbed IT and threw IT down that was what the bang was I was mortified after that day I never heard a single voice again I do not like to imagine what was waiting downstairs for me that night if it was anything at all but I can tell you that the reality was that something had physically acted upon two things in my house near the bottom of that stairwell after this I had never heard another whisper again which is sad because in some ways I would have liked to thank the man masculine energy that had stopped me from going down those stairs this happened when I was seven or seven and a half as I like to say at the I am 20 years old now and because of this incident I am still afraid of the dark especially shadowy stairwells disclaimer I submitted this in the past all events are true my house was built in 1904 it is a single family home wood frame setting on a concrete block foundation I have been living here for about 12 years of all the weird things that my siblings and me have seen or heard in this house this one event is my favorite this happened to my brother about 10 years ago my brother and his best friends had started a garage band playing mostly Spanish rock alternative music but in Spanish his friends could only get together on Sunday afternoons they would practice into the early evening they would usually call it quits by 8 p.m. this was the time I usually showed up and went to bed cause I worked the graveyard shift this happened in late fall so the days were getting shorter they had just finished a long session when the decision to head to someone else house came about my brother handed his car keys to his buddy so they could load up the equipment everyone had filed out of the basement the tricky part was that they needed to walk all the way to the back of the basement up the back stairs through the kitchen door way down the hall into the living room and out into the front porch everyone was outside sitting in my brother's truck waiting for him my brother was walking up the back stairs when he remembered that he had left his pancakes in a to-go container sitting on a speaker in the basement he made the decision to go back now the basement is not clean with full sight lines there had been partitions made and the boiler and main heating unit are right smack in the middle so after my brother walks back he is about to retrieve his food container when out of the corner of his eye he sees it it is a shadowy figure right at his peripheral vision this feeling of dread and uneasiness washed over my brother we had been taught that if you were in the presence of a spirit or ghost and you felt a bad vibe to say quick prayer or to cuss at it my brother chose the latter he basically just told it hey duck you I don't have time for this crap my brother started to walk to the back of the basement in briskly up the stairs closing doors and turning off lights as he was walking out the last light switch is on the opposite side of the front door luckily the door was open in the light from the street lamp was flooding the living room with its amber light my brother said he felt something at his back but at no point did he turn around as he flicked the last switch the living room went dark as the rest of the house as he stepped out he pulled on the door closing it behind him still holding his food container in one hand he chopped down the few porch steps he walked towards the front gate our house resides far from the Main Street essentially having a large front yard but no rear garage as he closed the gap between himself and his friend Layton truck he kinda smiled and thought things over in his head mad at himself for spooking out when there was no reason he climbed into the driver's side of the truck putting on his seat belt and getting ready to pull out of the parking spot directly in front of the house when one of his friends asked hey wait what about your brother isn't he coming with us my brother answered what do you mean he went to work early tonight he is already gone do you see his car anywhere the next question they asked so then who was walking behind you when you were leaving the house during Hurricane Gustav no.8 I think evacuated to a church in Baton Rouge with a friend and his family at the same time there was an entire nursing homes worth of old people staying in the church my friend his family and myself all shared one room together in this church there was one bathroom that was large similar to something that would be in an elementary school a few stalls a trough urinal etc one night during the storm my friend and I made a trip to the bathroom the lights had since gone out middle of a hurricane and all the church had a musty eerie feel to it kind of like when you turn out the AC in a house for a few days the area surrounding the church was also dead quiet since there was no electricity in the area the bathroom was several halls over from our room so we grabbed our flashlights and set out while walking down one long hall we shined our flashlights ahead and there at the end of the hall sat an old man in a wheelchair in the middle of the night with no one around now this hall was incredibly long so we could make him out but we couldn't really see all his facial features etc once we grasped what we saw we turned and looked at each other semi freaked out then we shined our flashlights back to where he was and there was nothing there It was as if he vanished no signs no sound nothing needless to say we hauled ass back to the room TL DR old ghost man in wheelchair stared me down evacuated my evacuation the following is shamelessly stolen from a friend's experience sheared on a Halloween ghost hunt because we weren't having any luck ourselves his story this friend and a few of his college buddies were going on a similar ghost hunt themselves and had heard about some graveyard where children murdered by their mother had been buried the graveyard was located off the main road so my friend parked his car on the side of the road and the group five to seven people I believe got out and followed the small paths through the woods for a couple minutes to get to the graveyard once there nothing exciting happened for the first 10 minutes or so and they had tried everything the website or wherever they heard the story told them to do with nothing resulting they got bored and being typical inebriated college kids started taunting the supposed ghosts of the mother this continued for a few minutes before they tired and decided to go back to the car as one of the girls had to go to the bathroom once they got back to the car my friend the sober driver tried opening the handle without unlocking the car because he hadn't locked it in the first place but found it locked he attributed this to bad memory at the time the group drove home laughing and talking like normal after he had dropped all the others off at their homes he went back to his own house he got in at the same time as one of his roommates who stopped and waited for him to pull in the roommate had his phone out and shined the light in the window when his friend pulled in as a joke what he saw was tiny baby sized handprints all over the windows as soon as my friend got out he went into the house without saying a word to the roommate the roommate confused went back to the car and tried to rub one of the handprints they were on the inside of the window to this day my friend will not speak of his drive home after he dropped off his other friends and has since sold the car without ever driving it again my own story this one is from my own experience I was driving home with a friend from a tournament we had gone to about two to three hours away the whole weekend it had been raining and storming very hard and a lot of roads were flooded the was Indiana so a bunch of side roads and bridges were just gone we had to reroute around 231 since a huge section of it was underwater from where a river had flooded we ended up going through a few side towns and back roads that were a lot higher elevation away from other bodies of water we were driving through one small town and I was navigating with the GPS in the car I would glance at it every once in a while but I was also paying attention to what was going on outside the car as it was raining pretty heavily still the GPS directed us on a road that connected up with a more main one and we were driving on it just fine when suddenly my buddy slams on the brakes we're in the middle of the graveyard and the road just ends I looked down at the GPS and then show my buddy that the road continues straight on and straight back the way we came according to the GPS screen he shrugs turns around and then we start back the way we came now we had been telling ghost stories and I was not at all sleepy or tired we had driven on the one road the last 15 miles or so directly through the town and on into the countryside before we encountered the graveyard on the way back we made five to six turns within this graveyard through which we had just come on a straight road that also suddenly spanned back a mile or so before finally getting back onto the straight road we thought we were on before I looked at the GPS again and it was rerouting when it finished the route it wanted us to take was make a u-turn and continue on County Road 240 miles we both turned around in our seats to confirm that we had indeed just driven through a huge graveyard with many turns and twists in the road leading back into it instead we saw the road dead ended into a small graveyard we immediately drove back to the town the opposite direction of the graveyard and took a different route home edit I word a tattoo I can't remember the actual name of the road we were on I just picked a random country road for the GPS direction in my story I don't think it actually said the name of it it's awesome to see so much interest in the story though it was definitely one of the creepiest things I've experienced added three the first stories graveyard / cemetery sounds a lot like step cemetary my friend is from Mitchell and he said it was about an hour away which checks out it even has a story of a mother that it seems like I got slightly wrong in the retelling thanks to all the people looking up details the graveyards cemeteries and the stories are different I have no idea what the second one was called / where exactly it was located on a map just a general area to the west of Bloomington okay this happened to me when I was a junior in high school it was December and it had just started snowing that evening my best friend and I were in debate and getting ready for our state qualifiers that were the next day we were writing our cases and as usual at each other's throats over the details of the cases it was a stressful tense evening we finally finished our cases at about 3 a.m. then we went to my room for the night almost as soon as we get into my room we hear what sounds like the water turning on in the other end of the house no big deal probably my parents I think then we hear the front door open I told her I bet mom woke up and wanted some fresh air it made sense I really thought that's what it was until we heard incredibly heavy footsteps in my living room headed for my room they were not anyone in my family's footsteps then they stopped my friend and I looked at each other and we're both freaked out just standing frozen in my room we walked closer to each other and the footsteps started again but this time they were running toward us we both flipped we grabbed each other's hands out of fear and my bedroom door flew open we both looked at the door nobody was there we ran to the bathroom that's connected to my room I closed / locked the door and stood against it when we finally got the balls to do it we sprinted to my parents room crying and hysterical we obviously startled my parents awake they said neither of them had gotten up my dad grabbed his gun and looked outside no tracks in the snow anywhere around our house I heard this when I was in Korea one day a girl was walking home late at night after work or something it was darkened around midnight she lived an apartment where they had elevator she got in the elevator and when the door was about to close a strange man with very red hoodie entered the elevator he apologized for scaring her and asked which floor she is heading to without making an eye contact she told him out of fear and the man casually pressed the button and the one below as they were on the way he asked her for her cellphone if he could use it but she declined out of suspicious and isolated herself in the corner after seconds of silence elevator arrived to the floor below the one girl was heading to and the door opened the guy slowly walked out of the door and turned around facing toward the elevator and the girl and just stared at her without any movement slowly the door started to close and from the gap she could see him turning around heading for upstairs pulling a knife out of his packet not my work Dave Eggers when I was a kid in the suburbs of Chicago adventure meant ketika Provincial Park upon the border of Minnesota and Canada the name implies that the place was small but catacomb iliyan acre nature preserve so big you could go days and days without seeing another soul we would go on camping trips up there weeks of canoeing and portaging seeing bears and moose and deer sleeping under star soap skies the park was isolated and so pristine that you could actually drink the water straight from the lakes but I won't be going back to Quetta ko anytime soon not after what happened to a girl named Frances Brandywine Frances was 17 at the time black-haired and with a reckless nature determined always to leave the well-trod path to break new ground and be alone a few years ago Frances was up in Quetta Co with her family they were in a remote part of the park camped on the shore of one of the deeper Lakes a lonely body of water carved millions of years ago by a passing glacier the deep part of this particular Lake was rumored to be about 300 feet one night after her family went to bed Frances took the rowboat out planning to find a quiet spot in the middle of the lake lay on the bench of the boat look up at the sky and maybe write in her journal so she left the shore road for about 20 minutes and when she felt satisfied that she was over the lakes dee this spot she lay down on the bench and looked up at the night sky the stars were very bright and the aurora borealis was shimmering like a neon lasso she was feeling very peaceful then she heard something strange it was like a knock clop clop she sat up guessing that the boat had drifted to shore and run aground but she looked around the boat and she was still a half-mile from shore she leaned over the side to see if she'd hit anything but she saw nothing no log no rocks she lay back down she told herself it could be any number of things a fish a turtle a stick that had drifted under the boat she relaxed again and soon fell into a contented reverie she had just closed her eyes when she heard another knock this time it was louder a crisp plop plop plop like the sound of someone knocking hard on a wooden door except this knocking was coming from the bottom of the boat now she was scared she leaned over the side again it had to be an animal but what kind of animal would knock like that three quick loud knocks in rapid succession her mouth went dry she held onto each side of the boat and now she could only wait to see if it happened again the silence stretched out a few minutes passed and just as she began to think she'd imagined it all the knocks came again but this time louder bam-bam-bam she had to leave she lunged for the oars she got them in place and began rowing the water was very calm so she should have made quick progress but after rowing feverishly she looked around and she realized that she wasn't moving at all something was keeping her exactly where she was again she tried rowing she wrote and wrote on the verge of tears that she went nowhere she stopped she was exhausted her heavy breathing filled the air she cried she sobbed but soon she calmed herself again and the boat was silent again for 10 minutes then 20 again she tricked herself into thinking she'd imagined it all but just like before just when she was beginning to get a grip on herself the knocking came again this time as loud as a bass drum boom boom boom the floorboards of the boat shook with each knock now she was so shaken she started making questionable decisions the first was to lower one of the oars into the black water trying to feel if there was some landmass even some creature she could touch as soon as the orb broke the water's surface though she felt a strong silent tug at the other end and the oar was pulled under she screamed she jumped back and now she had no options all she could do was sit and hope and wait wait for the morning to come wait for whatever was going to happen to happen the knocking went on through the night she passed the time writing in her notebook and it's only because of this notebook that we know what happened that night Frances can't tell us she was never seen again the boat was found on shore the next day empty but for the journal on those pages were her frantic jottings all written in her distinctive handwriting all that the last page when the journal was found that page was still wet and on it were forwards looking as if they'd been written quickly with a muddy finger they said I did not first
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 175,190
Rating: 4.8647823 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Id: f1d0Cz2bnz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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