What is the creepiest thing you have seen in mountains (r/AskReddit) updoot reddit stories

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[Music] what is the creepiest thing you've seen in the woods were in the mountains or in deserts or caves were in small towns or in remote or rural areas or while on large bodies of water or while on an aircraft or a nautical vessel this took place in the Australian bush around 10:00 11:00 at night I was 17 leading a staggered column of about 60 cadets to our detachment campsite due to light discipline rules only myself at the very front of the group and the other flight commander at the rear had torches on this was so that any vehicles coming along the trail could see us and so that most of the cadets could maintain their night vision we were camouflaged up and thus difficult to see at night as we walked along I periodically looked to my sides and kept seeing what looked like dew drops on the ground almost like tiny blue gems glinting in my torchlight either side of the road Dada had to maintain my position in the formation so I couldn't get a good look at what they were however after a while we stopped for a very brief break and I took the opportunity to have a closer look walking over to the side of the trail I spotted a small cluster of the diamonds and focused my head torch on them rather than seeing diamonds or dew drops or anything remotely Pleasant I instead saw a group of about five large spiders just crouching in the leaf litter and staring at me they looked like Huntsman's which are about the size of an adult's hand sweeping my head around I realised there were thousands of the things all over the ground some on the trunks of trees and everywhere around me glaring at the light affixed to my head I had a very brisk walk back to the formation and attempted to play a cool while screaming in my head being a massive arachnophobe I have no ducking clue how I managed to set up a tent and spend the next week in that cursed forest I've been at football training with a few of my cousins when I was about 10 years old we decided to take a walk before our parents picked us up so we went along the canal towpath my cousin looked down in the canal and say a really nice jacket floating along and being a weird scavenger person decided to reach in to fish it out well the jacket turned over and so did the man wearing it he also had no face left not gonna lie that was rough posted about this before but back when I was a kid some friends and I came across people in robes chanting around a campfire out in the woods on the edge of the town we lived in we were staying at a friend's house for a birthday party slash sleepover and went for a late-night walk this was back in the late eighties during the satanic panic looking back now I'm sure it was just some teenagers goofing around but at the time it scared the living bejesus out of us one of the girls with us had a panic attack and started hyperventilating got pretty serious but we finally managed to get her calmed down it's 2:00 a.m. we're in a tent in the woods in Maine I'm about eight mom there's something creeping around outside the tent mm mph you're dreaming go back to bed mom there really is something out there no there isn't just then something whacks on the side of the tent hard enough to shake the whole thing and my mother who is entirely too goddamn tired to deal with this crap sits bolt upright and wraps right back in the same spot and from outside the tent we hear meow at it it was a house cat we didn't hear anything more the rest of the night felt like running at night last year because the park near where I live gets all pretty with the lights on in the dark so after five minutes into the exercise I feel the need to adjust my shoes because I forgot to wear a longer sock and they were hurting my ankle I look up and I see this dark silhouette running towards me at full speed wearing a hoodie about 50 meters away I was on the left side of the street and he was on the right so it was clear he was running towards me i legit almost crapped in my pants and felt an adrenaline surge I thought about fighting him if he got any closer but in a blink of an eye the person trips falls face planted on the ground and starts crawling in my ducking direction again duck that dude is committed I'm leaving and it some people mentioned the scene from get out it was exactly like that but he fell halfway through I was Boy Scout camping with my group of older buddies and an adult leader in Yellowstone we had been backpacking for two days and stopped in a beautiful little clearing at the bottom of some huge tree covered Hills the Sun started to set we fire and I began to climb up into the trees to dig a hole and fill it back up you know what I mean as I squat there basking in moonlight and appreciating the glow of fire among the trees I looked up to a Ridgeline a few hundred yards away where the moon was rising and I crap you not I saw a damn big cougar crest the hill and just watch our fire it was likely no danger to me but seeing that outline that unmistakable shoulder crawl they do was haunting I watched it sit there for a good 15 minutes until I was called back by my worried buds I pointed the cat out to them when I got done because it was still just watching us crazy so did you beggar or what I've not seen this one it wasn't his step cougar so he wasn't turned on enough to go through with it my girlfriend and I were hiking along some abandoned railroad tracks and we get to a small bridge going over a little creek I'm about to go explore under the bridge once she points something out I look over and in the woods across from us I see a guy I'm like whatever and keep headed down to the creek area and then the guy stands up and he's naked we immediate backtrack pretty quickly to get away from there and once we're like one minute down the trail I look back and this naked dude is just standing in the middle of the trail watching us walk away walking on the beach with my boyfriend and we had walked to a giant rocky cliff to make out somebody was just gazing at the ocean crying and shaking mind you this is late at night like around 9:30 p.m. we asked him if he was okay he apologized and practically ran back down a cliff away from the dangerous areas my boyfriend and I watched him until he reached the public area and decided to call it a night I'm pretty sure he was going to jump in order to get back home from a popular kebab restaurant I need to walk a short tap through the woods along the way there is an extremely old abandoned partially collapsed chapel and occasionally I'll stand there for a few seconds admiring it it's quite beautiful in its own way one day during winter season I decided to rest there for a minute so I placed my kebab on the bench right next to the chapel and just stood there taking in the scenery it was already rather dark and the woods were almost completely silent but right as I was about to continue my walk I heard footsteps rapidly getting louder it was a child running towards me and as soon as it realized I was there it started to repeatedly scream run he is coming or variations of that same sentiment I was a bit perplexed by the situation so I watched the child run past me without moving an inch myself it didn't take another second for a much more weighty pair of footsteps to appear I could make out a silhouette in the distance which seemed to be their origin and at that exact point in time I got really scared as opposed to running had decided to hide in the chapel next to the altar and after tripping over an old broken Chapel bench I reached my hiding place the footsteps got louder and louder but right as they approached the vicinity of the chapel they suddenly went silent about 15 seconds of complete quietness had passed just for the words oi you ducking idiot left your kebab on the bench to break the silence turns out it was a resident of the very same street I inhabit his nephew was visiting and he wanted to race him to the kebab stand I don't know whether this was the right place to post this ultimately this is more stupid than creepy my friend and I were chilling in the woods one day back in high school in see a dog walking by later followed by this kid he looked troubled so we asked if he needed help he obliged telling us he was dog sitting for his friend and the dog got loose so we spent a good hour following this dog and kid around going deeper and deeper into the woods eventually I finally got the dog to come to me but it wasn't wearing a collar so I wasn't able to get a hold my friend and I look away for just few seconds to discuss strategy and when we turned back around the boy and the dog are both gone it was like they completely vanished keep in mind it was on him so any footsteps could be heard from quite a far but it was just silent not a single trace of them anywhere still don't really know what happened maybe they ran away real quick who knows was definitely enough to creep us out though there's a story behind this boy and dog lost each other in woods and both died but now reunited with your help they're freed of their bond to the land and now up in heaven almost seems like a quest at it while this got quite the attention my first ever comment this up voted in flattered when I was about seven or eight my parents sent me to a local summer camp that they would pick me up from in the afternoons I never really liked it because the kids were mean everything was either broken or not clean and the counselors obviously didn't care I remember the girls changing room had a door that lead out to the woods but the doorknob was gone so it was unlocked all the time and you could see into it this was primarily where the girls changed into their bathing suits and there was usually someone blocking the view while we changed so the boys couldn't look in well one day I'm changing alone and someone wasn't blocking the door I look over and see and I peeping in through the hole watching me change I pull the rest of my clothes back on quickly and run out to tell my twin brother I tell my dad that I don't want to go back to the camp anymore and he begrudging Lee takes us out of the camp pretty soon after because he knew how much we hated it years later the camp has been closed down for many many years and I'm asking my dad about it he gets really grim and tells me it shut down because a 13 year old boy had wrapped seven year old girl in the woods right behind the girls bathroom a few weeks after I had told him about someone watching me change edit a word I was jogging at night with headphones on in a park with dense trees and bushes the overgrowth was taking over the path and it was difficult to see so I turned the flashlight on my phone on I started to see a fire burning ahead but couldn't really make it out I take my glasses off when I jog as I got closer there's a clearing and I see a big big fire raging and no one around so I pause a minute and fish my glasses out and find out that yes there's six people standing there actually perfectly spaced apart from each other and they all turned at the same time to look at me I turned 180 and sprinted the duck out of there edit the path I jog on at night is nice and bright because the city of Winnipeg uses those LED streetlights now the wooded area leads to a small area called Don Gary Park where I get to a bench and take a minute to reflect on my day and my goals for tomorrow also the bench I rested it right beside this police launch dock for the Red River I have never not felt safe there my friends and I have speculated that the six dudes I saw were probably police just blowing off steam on a quiet night was working in a forest in East Africa for a while was getting seriously dark and we were hiking back to the car the wind was quite strong but you could still hear some ruffling in the leaves and as I turned around I saw something quite big in the shrubs was a ducking leopard I shrieked and some guy from the group shot into the air to scare the animal away I am glad he didn't shoot the animal but was still glad when the animal bolted out of there I always wonder what these scenarios are like from the other perspective there I was just chilling in the shrubs getting ready to go to sleep when some human [ __ ] marches through my territory in the middle of the night and guess what the dude had his human friends with him I tried to be understanding I thought maybe the humans are lost or just passing through they probably don't even know I'm here I'll just be sneaky until they go away no need to start any drama accidentally ruffle some leaves duck okay why is he screaming I didn't even do anything shot fired Oh for Ducks sake they have guns what is their problem during the YMCA Camp fifteen to twenty years ago was around eleven to thirteen at the time we were camping in tents in a forest area was middle of summer so stayed light till around 10 p.m. 11 p.m. till it was fully dark so we go on a night walk with the group and her halfway into the forest when we noticed someone definitely not belonging to our group following us camp leaders rushed us back to camp and put us into our tents with one leader staying up to watch us Kay halfway through the night wake up and have to pee like a madman get out of the tent to walk to the bathroom and see the leader supposed to watch as asleep in his chair by the campfire look around and see that the guy following us earlier has opened up and is peeking into one of the tents while fumbling in a bag he is next to him screamed louder than I ever screamed in my life leaders wake up jump the guy and hold him till the police arrive turns out he had a Taser blindfold rope and several knives in his bag this was quite a few years ago now but me and my friend had this really cool spot to hang out in the woods you had to walk in the middle of a creek for a km and duck through sharp bushes and thistles the hike was well rewarding though the spot was about half an acre big it was pure green grass on an incline with beautiful clear water ponds everywhere there was tons of wildlife and the butterflies lived there so there was always tons of butterflies so the story begins on the way to this place my friend Levi and I were walking along the river on the way to the spot it was in the middle of a valley and nobody else ever went down there suddenly Levi stopped moving and ducked into a bush I did the same because I thought there must have been a large animal somewhere I saw him staring up the hill and so I looked up to there was two people standing at the top of the hill heaving back and forth a lifeless body we watched as they threw the lifeless corpse down the hill as it bounced off the trees and eventually got stuck on a tree at the bottom then they took off me and him were terrified and I was shaking so badly I couldn't speak so we decided to verify it was a real body Levi got about four feet away before screaming IT has nostrils it's real run so of course we take off running and I glanced back to see the two people run back to the top of the hill me and him ran two kilometers through thick brush and trees to get away from them the next day we were with his parents driving to town and we saw like ten fire trucks at the school closest to the forest terrified we told his parents bawling her eyes out worried that we were going to get murdered his mom started laughing at us and said they are training for search and rescue that was a dummy that the firemen had to find I never slept as good as I did that night edit thanks for the gold this is probably less scary than a lot of the other posts but I was pretty sure I was going to be the nameless victim at the start of a horror movie to show how dangerous the monster is basically my dad and I were walking through the woods when we came across a young moose leg lying on the ground it looked like it had been violently torn off with no sign of the rest of the moose anywhere it was fresh with blood still on the wound probably no more than a couple hours old my dad is a pretty skilled hunter so he handed his ex that he was carrying and told me to watch for wolves while he started looking for tracks after a little bit he came back saying that's weird normally if it was wolves you'd be able to find paw prints but I can't see any also no bear prints so I have no idea what killed this and so I'm like you didn't find any tracks at all and his very reassuring response was well I did find what appears to be the mama moose tracks headed this way showing me the tracks you can see how her stride is a lot longer here whatever killed her baby she didn't wanted to fight it she just took off running he then pulls that his bear spray and holds it at the ready as we kept walking deeper into the woods with the un-named non track leaving predator armed with bear spray and an axe I saw a dude take a dump and while pooping get bit on his ass by a snake there's only room for one snake in these here woods stop dropping more off in Auburn Alabama in 2008 it was Halloween and we googled haunted houses I can't remember what the website was like or if there even was one but it was like 45 minutes away I know that it wasn't like a big attraction and we figured it was on someone's land and would be like a local deal we drove out there at like 10:00 p.m. this was before iPhones and GPS so we had map course directions we ended up going down a pretty country road for a while with no streetlights then turned down a legit dirt road that went through the woods pitch-black went down at for like ten minutes and finally saw an old house with a sign by the driveway that was handwritten and said haunted house no other cars or lights or people anywhere we pulled in the driveway and sat there for a second like all right this is duct up we should leave all of the sudden an old pickup truck turned on about 15 feet in front of us facing us lights shining right in our faces it started driving towards us down their own driveway we backed out and peeled out it followed us like almost bumping our rear end right on our tail down this pitch-black dirt road in the middle of the Alabama woods we were flipping our crap it was Texas Chainsaw Massacre slash Hills Have Eyes stuff he stayed out our tail blinding us an almost bumping us all the way back home until we got off our exit and he finally let us go no idea who was driving I always think what would have happened if we got out of the car when we were in the driveway edit thank you for the silver that's so tight in a patch of trees off of a field near where I keep my horse there's one of those big oil drums sealed up with a very heavy Boulder on top the only way it could have got there is being placed by a tractor or some sort of heavy lifting equipment My partner and I tried to push it off but no luck I don't know why but it creeps me out every time I see it I regularly walk my dogs past it to see if they show any interest but honestly after watching them look for a toy that was in clearly in my lap I'm not sure I have much faith in them anymore update thanks to everyone who commented y'all made me realize that it could be something a bit creepier than I first thought so I've reported it to 101 the officer I spoke to didn't sound particularly interested but at least I know it's out of my hands and I don't have to live with guilt if something is found I intended on getting up there myself yesterday to have a look but I had a pretty brutal physio session that left me pretty much incapacitated for the day I'm off up tonight after work so hopefully if the police haven't got there before me I might still be able to take some pictures for everyone I thought my better half had taken a photo of it before but I can't seem to find it in her phone anyway thanks again guys for putting the fear in me and making me do the right thing when I was a kid I used to live on a tiny property in the woods my house was basically built around where stables were once my room was back when it was still stables where the hay was stocked before getting to the creepy thing I need to say some other stuff when you were in my room you could sometimes smell hay out of nowhere my dog was always refusing to go upstairs because something was scaring the crap out of it there you could sometimes hear knocking on doors they were three entrance doors in my house sometimes all at once now that this have been said we can go to the fun thing so my room had a big-ass window that gave a big view over the woods and my garden was basically a clearing once I ducking heard a kid giggling from upstairs I ran there only to find my window open and something running out in the woods dot I spent two more years in this house and ducking felton secured the whole time edit for those who think kids were pranking me I highly doubt that any kid would survive such a fall from my room into the garden plus private property the only entrance has a big-ass portal that is unconvenient too I'm always surprised that when you see threads like this you never hear about the night marchers in Hawaii I've heard lots of different lore about what they are exactly but the bottom line is it's a procession of people playing drums and stuff that take different paths at night along different mountain trails they go through very populated areas so lots of witnesses to it oh yeah and they aren't people it's just the sound hard to find a ton of stuff online about it but it's real it's really really real and lots of people that live there know about it but everyone just sort of accepts it as weird and ghostly but for whatever reason it's not a big ordeal you want to hear a lot about it because it s generally considered kapu taboo or bad luck to talk about them most people believe that if you talk about them it will summon them to you not a good thing the belief is strong and I would not be writing this except that I am NOT in Hawaii right now so I feel a bit immune the procession is the spirits of the Guard warriors family and attendants following the ollie I chief there are usually routes that they follow from the mountains to the sea following historic trails through the hop you a traditional wedge-shaped land division system there are areas where they are known to show up and where people avoid camping because of it they are preceded by the sound of the drums and also appearance of the lit torches of the attendants at night and are thought of is extremely dangerous and you should prostrate yourself and not look up or you will be killed if you re looking for good books on Hawaii ghost stories chicken-skin tales and Oba cave files are some great reads I was in a large wooded area near my BFS home with him hanging out nearly at midnight we had gone in pretty deep and it required a good amount of climbing the closest path was maybe five to seven minutes climbing down so it was highly unlikely someone could be at that spot that time of the night besides us as we were kissing and stuff he thought he saw a shadow move 20 to 25 feet to the left of us climbing but it stopped suddenly when my bf looked at it he told me to be wary in that exact moment we saw a dark figure climbing a little up but diagonally like he tried to go directly above where we were we didn't move and watch him till he closed the horizontal gap and was directly above us maybe 15 feet of steep downhill tape Forrest then he began to come towards us without skipping a bit my BF grabbed my hand and we almost ran downhill till the path we made it in less than two minutes while still holding hands and listening to the man running behind us we ran as fast as we could down the path and out of the forest where there was a cafe and some basketball and tennis courts next to the wooded hill and of course people as we realized we came really close to be mugged or worse we vowed never to go there at night again not sure if this is the kind of story you are looking for but it's a fun one to tell so here you go I used to work in low income home weatherization basically giving free crap away to help lower electricity and gas bills and make the home more comfortable to people who really needed it installing doors and insulation and so forth one step in qualifying a home is testing combustion appliances to make sure they're not emitting carbon monoxide into the living space because if they are and we seal up the house we could kill the whole family during a pre inspection of a home on the outskirts of the city I asked to see the owners water heater he tells me that it's in the basement which is fairly normal and I tell him I have to inspect it before work can start so he goes into the kitchen and starts moving the refrigerator turns out the entry into the basement is underneath carpeting beneath the fridge I should note that I went and did thousands of homes over the years and had never seen such a thing but whatever needs to be done regardless and so I pull out my flashlight and shine it down the stairs to check out the layout but really to look for black widow spiders because duck black widows at this point I noticed a dead cat mostly down to a skeleton not my favorite site but really common in crawl spaces and basements I take a few steps down the stairs and continue my spider check and notice another couple of small animal skeletons at this point I start to worry about gas or poisons or something equally dangerous and start looking closer there are animal skeletons everywhere at least ten on a cursory look some of them are so degraded I can't determine what they used to be I also happen to notice that this guy is waiting at the entrance a little too quietly with his hand on the door something clicks in my brain and I get this immense sense of danger I'm about four steps from the door being clear to close I have no partner around the job with me there's death all around me and I realized just how hidden the entrance to the basement really was I nope the duck out told the guy I needed extra tools and would be back and marked the job as non feasible for health and safety as I was driving away I have no idea if I was actually in any danger it could have been completely innocent but I still remember the adrenaline rushin sense of doom and sometimes you just don't take chances edit obligatory oh my god first gold ever thanks kind stranger also edit I'm getting asked frequently if I reported this guy to the police and there's a lot of concern about the dead animals I did not file a formal report mainly because nothing I saw was entirely out of the ordinary crawl spaces and basements have venting at the base of the house and it's really common for animals to squeeze in and then not be able to get back out if you have space under your house there's a decent chance something has died down there you get used to it when your job takes you down there frequently now this was an extreme case and clearly everything put together raised concern enough for me to get the duck out but the sad fact of working with low-income families is that you see how lousy their lives can be you learn not to do anything to make their lives any harder and I took a lot of pride from the fact that my job made their lives just a bit better I didn't think that my being scared for a minute was enough to involve the police you know small town in a relatively rural area a few years after the fact I'm now relatively certain it was a skinwalker about ten years ago I was at my dad's house for the weekend in Kentucky the Appalachian people are very superstitious hailing from the scots-irish people and just never losing that side of them my dad wasn't superstitious I thought and was not one to be easily scared it was about I don't know 10 at night and we randomly decided to go into town to get some McDonald's daddy always insisted on walking in front of me and they always assumed it was so I wouldn't accidentally step on a snake but now I don't think that's the case so he turned on the porch light and opened the screen door he had put one foot on the porch and there was this god-awful sound I will never in my life forget it there was a screech followed by the sound of a crow but it wasn't a crow the best way I can describe it as if a person was mimicking a croak wall my hair stood up on the back of my neck and my dad retreated into the house he slammed the big door and locked it something I had never seen him do before I could ask a question he said it isn't safe we can go tomorrow morning and so we did but the rest of the night we stayed inside my dad didn't even go outside to smoke a cigarette he even let the outside dogs stay in the house we never talked about that again but that was one of the scariest moments of my life super long story TL DR nearly got murdered backpacking in rural Tasmania my boyfriend and I were backpacking through rural Tasmanian a few years ago while on a bus we were discussing our plans for the ensuing two weeks the girl in the seat in front turns around and offers us a place to stay in her town we declined as we were headed elsewhere first but she gave us her mobile number and said that she and her partner would love to have us a few days later we decide to take them up on their offer we call her and she says they're happy to host us so far so good they meet us at the train station and immediately something feels off it's really difficult to explain but it's that primal ineffable feeling in your guts that tells you that something isn't right we ignored our guts and followed them they lead us straight out of town we asked them where we're going and they say that they live on the outskirts this town is creepy as duck it's an old mining town that has been largely abandoned and as we walk the 15 odd minutes to their home the houses get crapped here with boarded up windows overgrown gardens and know people in sight eventually we reach the house at the very end of the town it's their house we go in set up in the middle of the living room is a single mattress with a sheet hanging around it they show us around the house except for one door which stays closed when I asked what was behind it they pretended not to hear our room has a made bed chest of drawers and looks like a normal room it seems weird that they sleep on mattresses in the living room when they have a guest room we go back into the living room and look around knives a lot of knives my boyfriend asks if they go hunting No partner hands one of the knives to my boyfriend and asks him to open it it's a massive ducking bowie knife with what looks like blood staining around the edges of the blade my boyfriend laughs awkwardly and sets it down they have a tattoo gun to practice my boyfriend asks if they have any tattoos no there's a small axe at the door I asked if they collect wood no suddenly the guy says he wants to go to the shops we agree quickly because we're creeped out and want to get back into the town the four of us leave and they start walking in the opposite direction to the town I say that the town is back the other way the guy says this way would be more interesting because it goes up through the trees he says that they have never been up the mountain before but he knows the area and it would take the same amount of time I tell my boyfriend that I'm freaking out but he thinks it's ok we follow them into the trees the path goes up the mountain we are going in the total opposite direction of a town the girl turns around to her partner and whispers so where was the place again my boyfriend and I freeze I say I want to take the road back to town and start walking when the four of us arrive in the one shop in town no one recognizes the couple and this is a really small town we make an excuse that we want to go look at sites and that will catch up with them later and instead booked a hotel room and freak out I did some snooping on the area their house had an extra room behind the mystery door and a basement the path that we were taking led straight out of town and up the mountain there was no way of could loop back into town so yeah pretty sure we narrowly avoided being murdered or maybe they were just massive weirdoes tbh the creepiest thing was the fact that there was no drug paraphernalia at all the state of the house and the weird behavior would have been understandable if they were intoxicated but that wasn't the case [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 232,836
Rating: 4.8252654 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Id: 5LLymp8KrN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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