People share the Scariest thing They have seen?

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[Music] warning disturbing content viewer discretion is advised what is the scariest thing you have seen this winter i was driving a trailer with two horses from ny to fl the day before it had just snowed about eight inches or so on the highway there was a massive big rig in front of me and i see this huge slab of ice fly off the top of the trailer it was this enormous piece looked at least five feet by five feet and a few inches thick of just solid eyes the way it flew off the top of the trailer it caught some wind underneath and went up even higher i immediately knew that this piece was going to come down directly onto my windshield the highway was full of cars so swerving to avoid the ice wasn't an option and being that i was carrying horses and pulling a trailer a sudden movement would risk me losing control i sat there staring at this huge piece of ice knowing in a few seconds it would come crashing down onto my windshield i just hoped for the best and hoped it wouldn't smash through it my brother was sleeping in the back and when it hit it made one of the loudest noises i've ever heard immediately waking him up luckily it didn't shatter the windshield it did however rip off the side mirror on the left side of the car it was very scary and i consider myself very lucky that it didn't end up way worse i had just finished watching insidious my son who was around six at the time was asleep in his room i could see his room and him slash hit bed out of the corner of my eye from the couch i was sitting on i was talking to my best friend on the phone and i see movement i stopped talking turn my head to the side to see him he slowly sat up in his bed and slew while he turned his head to face me just his head his eyes were closed it was especially terrifying because the entire movie i was thinking about how it weirdly was like my son he had an unexplained coma for 12 hours had night terrors and sleepwalking he talked a lot about monster vision and at one point had an imaginary friend with no face that told him to hurt me he's normal now and has to my knowledge not murdered anyone a few years ago my family and i lived in a house with a rather large basement our basement had a door which led to a smaller room where my dad mainly kept his tools when i was about 16 i went downstairs to get a textbook because i was working on a science project this was about at 3am i went downstairs and turned the light on while i was halfway down the stairs the doorknob on the door which led to a smaller room started violently shaking whoever was trying to open the door couldn't because the door was locked then they banged on the door one time and stopped i thought it could have have my brother or dad who probably got stuck in there so i wanted to go check but just in case i went back upstairs to pick up my dad's hunting rifle with my heart beating out of my chest i opened the door and no one was there this is impossible because there is no other way out of the small door other than that door and even if the person who was violently shaking the door knob opened the door and left i would have seen him slash her while i was upstairs grabbing the rifle my parents dismissed it as me hallucinating but i know what i saw thankfully we moved out a while back by far the scariest moment of my life maybe eight or nine years ago i went on a late night bike ride to niagara falls from my house in the neighboring town it was kind of spooky fun going there at 1am with no one around but that's not the scary part heading home around 2am i had to pass underneath the bridge leading back to grand island where i lived at the time just on the other side of the dark underpass were three naked dudes throwing a rope up in a tree one had a torch like an honest-to-goodness indiana jones torch they all just kind of looked at me as i rolled past i noped out pretty fast to get home i had to sort of loop around from the bike path and double back to get onto the bridge as i was climbing up the bridge i chanced to look down on the scene i just passed all three guys were just staring silently up at me it was another big nope this is disturbing this still haunts me to this day me and a buddy of mine went down this trail on our dirt bikes we just got off the trail and headed back down the twisty road we were having fun around the corners until we saw a cyclist walking down the road at least that's what we assumed that he is judging from his gear me and my buddy both felt bad for the poor sap since we thought some punk stole his bicycle from him or something so we pulled off to the side of the road i noticed that his left thigh is bleeding profusely as we could see a big gash and could almost see the bone we told him to sit down and i took out my extra shirt from my backpack and wrapped it around his thigh while my buddy called for an ambulance i kept asking the dude's name but he wasn't talking properly so i just assumed that he is in a lot of pain and is going through shock i had first aid training so i keep asking him what was his name he never answered since the whole time i was talking to him he was looking straight along the road five minutes later he told me to go check on his brother i was wondering who he was referring to since he was the only cyclist we found so i told him what's his number let me call him for you he looked at me dead in the eyes and said he went down the raven out of panic i stood up and looked around sure enough about 10 feet away i saw two broken bicycles that crashed on the metal barrier i rushed to the scene and looked below the raven and there i saw a man mangled beyond recognition his spine was twisted to the left and his head twisted to the right his eyes fixed on mine as i hear him whisper help and his eyes rolled onto the top of his eyelids ambulance arrived the guy on the raven died while the brother who had a broken leg survived i never forgot their faces to this day on i always tell myself that all of that was just a dream my buddy still has those pictures taken from his gopro camera this happened just a year ago i was traumatized last night so i wake up at about 4am to my hand wiping something off my face i must have instinctively done this and the action itself woke me i hear a small tap as whatever it was fell to the floor i'm still half asleep and think to myself for some crazy reason it must have been food stuck to my face from making broth before going to bed like a bay leaf and try to go back to sleep i can't though because now that i'm awake i have to pee so i go and also check my face for food nothing is there odd i wash my face slowly i realize as to become more awake that it couldn't have been food because i washed my face before bed i go back up to bed and get my phone to use as a flashlight dread slowly filling me to see what it was i shine the light on the floor and there it is a house centipede about two inches long with a gazillion legs it then starts skittering and i yell obscenities repeatedly i grab my house slipper and smash it before it can go somewhere unseen after three attempts i succeeded i then start inspecting the entire room i pulled the covers down and check under my pillow to see if there are more no thank god i ripped the covers off my unsuspecting husband but he was in the clear as well and remained completely undisturbed and oblivious i checked the slanted ceiling because i suspect it was climbing on there and fell on my face the thought that it actually crawled up my bed over my hair across my forehead is too terrifying to consider with no indication that there were any others i'd try to go back to sleep clutching my phone and checking the ceiling with a flashlight every few minutes i eventually fell asleep a good hour or so later but it wasn't a restful one i constantly felt the need to wipe my face to feel safe i have since learned thank you google that they actually aren't dangerous to humans don't even really ever bite us actually they eat other pests like roaches silverfish and wasps that may be in your home while that is great they are extremely creepy and i don't appreciate their services in my bedroom whilst time sleeping or their company in my bed that one has died for its transgressions against my house and so will all others who dare show their presence be warned thank you for listening to my rant. have a great day tldr a centipede fell on my face while i was sleeping which resulted in one of my scariest experiences my daughter at eight months old in an icu connected to several tubes screaming in pain followed by a doctor telling us she needs chemotherapy we were transferred to the oncology department of a children's hospital the most depressing place in the world a few days later they told us it was a misdiagnosis and that she was responding well to antibiotics she had some rare flesh-eating virus that created source and once they opened her blood was infected which made her blood count super low normally the white blood cell count is four thousand to seven thousand minimum healthy is one thousand five hundred she had seventy also when the source started to heal the infected area just sort of fell out while i was giving her a bath scared the hell out of me it wasn't a large area the nurses calmed me down and explained that her body is rejecting the infection after two weeks we were released all good she's five years old now nothing but a couple of barely visible scars left where the sores were they're not anywhere noticeable either she's really strong for a five-year-old often when i come home from work she runs up to me jumps and hugs me latching on pulling herself up and before i know what's happening she's already on my shoulders without me helping her or picking her up happened to me today i probably shouldn't be browsing reddit but it's getting late and i need to get my mind of things my son having three seizures in the space of about 20 minutes doctors think it's a viral infection but ct scan came back fine so no damage or neurological issues with the brain so far now has sleeping waiting for results from bloods and other tests they did i've got a long night of sitting with beeps going g off and nurses and doctors around so yeah my son have those seizures in the moments after when he was mumbling and drooling and couldn't speak literally thought he was dead or going to have serious brain damage scariest thing i've seen broke my heart a few hours later has chatting to the nurses being cheeky as a few years ago my brother and i were going for a walk when a couple hundred feet ahead of us we saw this white animal head peeking up over a bush staring at us it was evening and the sun was going down so it was hard to tell exactly what it was it slowly sunk behind the bush so we crossed to the other side of the street and walked on that side once we were across the street from the bush that was maybe another 15 feet up the hill its head popped up again and was staring at us it was white like an albino something i knew i wasn't seeing things because my brother saw it too and we heard it make a sound kind of like a whimpering yippy bark type sound didn't sound natural it slowly rose up above the bush its long slender white body standing there while it kept staring at us had to have been maybe four to five feet long less than a foot wide very thin it was getting darker so we couldn't make out what it was now the weird part its body started wiggling slash waving not sure how to describe it in the most perfect yet unnatural way i have ever seen like if you hold up a long noodle and wiggle it almost it was the most unnatural and weirdest thing i've seen it was the first time in my life i had seen something that actually made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and sent chills down my spine i've never gotten such a weird and eerie vibe like that before we slowly walked backwards and went back home as it continued shaking unsure if it was dangerous or not definitely the weirdest scariest thing that's happened after my son was born he started losing weight as any parent knows weight goes up fast for the first few weeks but by the time he was three weeks old he had lost two pounds doesn't sound like a lot but that's about 30 of his body weight at that time he has also been breathing funny kinda like panting and he wouldn't eat wife knew something was wrong but our initial concerns were kinda blown off by the doctor after a couple more days we take him to the er he was 24 days old at first they don't seem super worried but they agree something's not right after some tests the doctor says there's an issue with his heart but they aren't equipped for a baby that small they call a very good children's hospital about 30 minutes north to send an ambulance and take him there it's about 11 30 p.m at this point and we're worried but the doctor seems confident and nobody is really panicking so we're kinda in that denial mindset where we just feel like it'll be fine our six-year-old daughter was with us and emt took her aside and was sitting on the floor with her coloring and drinking juice so we could focus on the baby i'll never forget that amazing woman since this is obviously going to be a long night i step outside and call my parents to come get her as i said we are worried at this point but nobody is panicked yet when i come back inside the atmosphere is different the er dr rush has passed me away from the room my wife and baby are in and he's frantically yelling into his cell phone all i hear him say is no forget the ambulance we need the helicopter as i get closer to the room i can hear a lot of commotion and frantic talking and my wife crying when i step in my son is on a table surrounded by medical personal and they are frantically working on him they have one of those squeeze bottle breathing masks and they are breathing for him he appeared to be unconscious and his skin was gray not a little pale but the color of ash gray that moment that exact second was the absolute scariest moment of my life to finish the story they managed to stabilize him some until the helicopter arrives they take him and i'm told they got him to the children's hospital in just under nine minutes we couldn't ride with him so we had to drive i made it in about 17 minutes it turns out he had a co-octation of the aorta basically the aorta largest artery i the body collapsed right above the heart he had heart surgery to repair the damage two days later and was released from the hospital nine days after that he is also now five years old and completely healthy he has no restrictions no medications and even the scars are minor he has one cardiologist appointment every year and will into his adulthood but it's precautionary the thing i encountered while driving at night in central europe moravian region from the forested hill region of moravian karst into a city called brno standing on four legs the head was higher than the roof of my suv it was in dark and it seemed to have some fun in some parts the rest was just impossible to see it was like the light from my car didn't reflect from it it was a solid gray probably cover it had no visible eyes no visible mouth but the head was very long the shape of the body itself reminded me of an enormous beast like a wolf hound but not exactly the legs were more straight like of a cattle i could not see the shape of its stomach but the rib cage was incredibly huge with fur on the bottom it walked slash jumped on the road from a slope right in front of my car i was lucky to go slowly as there was a bit of fog that night it stopped i managed to brake right in front of me i stood there for a second maybe two and then with a couple of steps walked across the road and into the field heading to the forest into the recave creek there was a wind advisory in my city and a woman was walking with a stroller she was struggling but keeping it under control as she rounded a corner of a building the wind must have been tunneling down the street because it literally ripped it from her hands sent the stroller slightly airborne and pushed it out into congress parkway those of you who don't know it's a highway that turns into a street in downtown chicago many moving cars many moving much faster than they really should so off goes the stroller the woman is shrieking but you can barely hear her over the traffic the first line doesn't hit the stroller but the second lane does thank god the car was already slamming on the brakes it topples the stroller and the kid falls out in an almost graceful way tumbles a bit it looks like it's bleeding the odd thing was the silence after the car crashes everything was quiet for like 30 seconds except for the kid those cries were at that moment some of the most beautiful things i have ever heard a woman maybe 15 feet in front of me began sobbing and the mother was completely inconsolable the black car that hit the stroller had stopped but the driver was frozen i couldn't stay i had to get to work at the board of trade however those 4.5 seconds of my life were far scarier than anything else i guess that makes me blessed idk [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 64,820
Rating: 4.8872886 out of 5
Keywords: AskReddit, NoSleep, r/NoSleep, Confessions, Reddit Confesssions, Reddit NoSleep, r/Confessions, Scary Stories, Creepy stories, Creepy AskReddit, Scary AskReddit Stories, TIFU, Best Of AskReddit, Reddit Aliens, CowBelly, Reddit, reddit stories, r/, ask reddit, reddit, Horror stories, best scary stories, askreddit, ask reddit top posts, top posts, scary stories, ghost stories, horror, ghost
Id: sx47GxVtdlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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