What is your CREEPIEST real life story (r/AskReddit)

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our /as credit what's your creepiest real-life story when I was little around 8 I hated going to the dentist he always made me uncomfortable for some reason I remember thinking his smile stretched too far and seemed forced like clowns anyway my mom always came with me and went back so I wouldn't be scared one day my dad had me divorced parents and had to take me to the dentist but tried to make me go back alone so he could sit out in the lobby doing whatever the assistants had to literally drag me back to the room and you could hear me screaming and crying down the hall refusing to sit in the chair finally my dad came back to get me irritated I'd made a scene he rescheduled my appointment too when my mom would have me and we just left he made a big deal about how bad I was acting and told my mom she was spoiling me in all sorts of crap two weeks later it's on the news that my dentist was charged with child pornography after molesting children under anesthesia and photographing it I was in Minot North Dakota with my old band our tour van blew a head gasket and we were stuck there for a few days everyone was tired on day two but I was wide awake I walked for a bit and make it to some scummy bar I'm obviously not from around there and nobody is saying a word to me after two beers I start to get a tad nauseous and dizzy I put my head in my hand and try to let it pass but it keeps getting worse suddenly a voice says you'll feel pain tonight I jump and look up and at all roughly 40 year-old man is walking to the bathroom turns back and glances at me I called my friends and got the duck out of there I slept for 12 to 13 hours and felt awful / loopy the next day I was roofied I lived in a small college town in my apartment complex was walking distance from the bar / downtown area one weekday night I stepped out on our front porch to smoke a cigarette or two I was up late studying I brought my textbook with me and say down on the stairs while I smoked a girl who I had never met but who lived one apartment / but down on the ground floor came home from downtown she was by herself and you could tell from her walk she had been drinking she got in her apartment and barely got the door closed before some guy who came out of nowhere knocked on her door she opened and I noticed he introduced himself which was weird because it was after 2:30 a.m. who comes to a strange girl's apartment at that time so I decide to stay outside and pay attention they ended up talking for over 10 minutes she later acknowledged how weird the situation was but did not know how to end the conversation he would do the creepiest things like he reached up and strokes her hair at least three times and would try and slowly inch his way closer to her in the door I made a point of being loud with my textbook so he would know I was there and he disappeared as early as he had come we called the cops and days later they had the girl and me sit with a sketch artist as soon as the sketch was made public floods of calls came in guy turned out to be a serial rapist who followed loan girls home from bars and pretended to be a cab offering them a ride this girl just got lucky because she lived so close to the bars he didn't get a chance to pull the cab routine TL / dr. creepy creepers and followed a neighbor home probably only left because there was a witness serial rapist apprehended when I was little my mom would take me to Kmart and let me wander around the toy section while she shopped normal in the 70s one day as I was playing Simone says an old man walked up to me and was making small talk while I played he eventually told me to come with him and took my by the hand we walked right down the main center aisle of the store right towards the exit sign in the back as we crossed the last row I looked to the right and saw my mom at the end of the row I told him I saw my mom and had to go I pulled away my hand and ran down to her I didn't tell her what happened because I didn't want to get in trouble for going with a stranger it was several years later that I realized that I had probably narrowly avoided being molested kidnapped were worse in a cold winter night in a remote village from Quebec Canada in 1990 me and my two brothers were asleep we were one three and six years old in the middle of the night someone entered our house without knocking walked around and was talking to himself our house is two miles from the village in a rural area my father woke up went to the living room where the guy was he had a car accident one mile from our house with his buddy who died instantly and his scalp fell in front of his face so the first time my father saw him he saw a man with no face he was drunk and his body was frozen he was speaking to himself Jai White's Marie r/j Weis Maria which means I'm gonna die the fact that his face was partially frozen might have saved his lives preventing him to lose too much blood my father took him to the hospital at 25 kilometers from our house by car he did survive to this day my father is still blessing the fact that we never woke up during the night with all the noise went camping with some friends on Hill a few kilometres out in the woods from one of the guys house there's a few hiking / four-wheeling trails in the area that lead up to the hill so it's known by the locals it was about midnight we had a fire going and were just sitting around having a good time then the guy there was four of us sitting opposite of me yells who are you I turn around and there's this man about six feet tall staring at us from the edge of the woods with a big rock in his hand one guy knocked an arrow in the compound bow we had the guy across from me grabbed the hatchet and I pulled the knife off my belt we had no clue what we were doing but the guy wouldn't say anything to us he eventually just backed into the woods no sleep was head that night and we kept a very large fire going once I was walking my dog in a park in London Ontario there are houses that sit on the edge of the park and back on to the Thames River and hiking trails it was a pretty hot day and my dog was thirsty so I brought him to the river to drink we got down to the river and were behind a house with a large privacy fence that sat on the edge of the park while my dog was drinking a hard loud banging noises coming from the backyard like a hammer I thought somebody was building a shed or something all of a sudden the hammer stops and a man says shut up nobody knows you're here and the banging big again I froze in fear and then ran up the bank back into the park I was now directly beside said creepy house a man came out of the backyard gate in fatigues with a rusty old wheelbarrow heading towards two quintessential kidnapping vans parked in front of his house he noticed me looking at him as I was walking past set down a wheelbarrow and just stared at me until I was out of the park I called the police when I got home and I still have no idea what happened last year a guy came to my houses store around nine o'clock at night he knocked and I got my mom and she went out to see what was up by the way we live in a very rural area so a visits that late are extremely uncommon and strange the guy talked to my mom about how he was opening a business asked whether she liked american-made products then handed her a Clorox container as a sample he went back to his minivan and opened it to get a vacuum cleaner when my mom saw five other men sitting inside she told me to run and get my phone since we don't have a landline I couldn't find it so I got my knife and stood around the corner she threw the container outside and told them to get the hell off her property as well as that she was calling the cops they peeled out of the driveway and we never saw the car again underscore oh yeah a quick and lighter hearted addition two months later my mom found a single bearded guy putting filled garbage bags by the back door she asked him what the hell he was doing he responded by saying this is for your little girl my little sister again she told him to get the hell out then went through the bags they were filled with garbage dirty clothes and empty tampon containers at it I forgot to mention that each of these exchanges occurred at the back door when the light was off working as a paramedic I was dispatched to what went out as a simple assault call in a bad neighborhood this was around 10 p.m. we arrived at the address to find a man standing behind a row of parallel parked cars in front of his house yelling in a strange high-pitched voice the police were trying to calm him down our first assumption walking up to him was that this was the guy who was injured but once we got the gurney around the parked cars we saw what was really going on a dead man was leaned up against a Mini Cooper launched in the gutter I'll never forget coming around the car to find him there was this really unsettling moment that lasted about two seconds where I thought he was alive and staring at me then realizing he was looking through me then realizing he was dead he was shirtless and had been stabbed multiple times and these were brutal wounds most stabbings had seen up till that point seemed to be simple penetrations but this guy's chest and abdomen had been torn to shreds it was nasty the guy standing on the curb was yelling in that weird warbling voice crying asking if his roommate would be okay we started CPR and scooped him up and took him to the hospital knowing that there really was no chance for this guy after the doctor pronounced him a couple of cops came over from the scene to square away business involving the victim one of them really dropped a bomb on us the story they had heard before our rival was that the victim had left the house to have a smoke and when his roommate came out to check on him he found him stabbed to death outside but after we left for the hospital someone noticed a trail of blood leading from the house to the curb implying that he had been stabbed inside when the police confronted the roommate about this he managed to run inside and barricade himself in house there was actually a SWAT team over there dealing with the situation as we spoke so anyway the person who had most likely brutally murdered our patient that night had been standing there right behind me for most of the call pretty creepy my grandfather owned several forests around the village he lives in and he drives through them every week to check how the trees are doing and whether something needs to be fixed he really loves his trees and has a sharp eye for any potential sickness or insect that could pose a threat a decade or two ago hitchhikers were very common even in the Finley populated areas of bavaria he encountered them regularly and was always happy to help he literally picked up every single hitchhiker he found one day however he had a bad feeling about one without any reason he dismissed this one hitchhiker standing on the side of the path later that day there was a radio broadcast about a previously convicted murderer who killed someone in the woods and got caught trying to flee by hopping onto someone's car just writing this down makes me shudder again a few years back I rented an apartment from a friend of mine he had recently bought it and had it completely renovated he put it up for sale but couldn't find a buyer so I offered to rent it in the meantime after moving in I realized there was something wrong with the lady next door she was about 45 but looked much older she would sit up all night listening to Christian radio shows and talking loudly to someone it got to the point where I couldn't sleep so I went over to her place and asked her to keep it down she opened her door and I got a quick peek her walks all had crosses painted on them in different colors and words like Jesus and angels scribbled everywhere the windows were painted black letting no light and at all it was damp yellow stained 50-year old carpets dog crap and cockroaches everywhere no doubt though I asked her to please keep it down she just looked at me and shut the door then she turned up the radio even louder the next night I had my GF staying over I wake up in the middle of the night and see a shadow of a person next to the bed looking at a sleeping I think I'm hallucinating as I usually do in the dark when I'm sleepy but then the shadow starts talking it's my neighbor and she's holding something in her hand she broken during the night and who knows how long she's stood err you should lock your door at night she says and walks out the next morning I hear someone making strange noises below my bedroom window it's my neighbor talking to herself in tongue she has a plastic bag in her hand with her rotting dead dog inside it's hot as hell outside and I can smell death from the bag at this point I'm scared crapless she's obviously very insane I go upstairs and knock on another person's door and ask what the hell is going on the guy is as scared as me apparently she broke into his apartment one evening as well while he was watching TV with his kids he got up from the couch to get a snack only to find her behind the couch staring at him holding a power drill now I know what was in her hand at this stage I'm basically pooping myself I called the cops and they know all about her apparently she is a violent schizo and she hasn't taken her meds but they can't force her or enter her apartment without her permission because she owns it the only thing they can do is get her when she goes outside I set up for the next two days waiting for her to run out of cigarettes when I hear her leave at 2:00 a.m. to go in across the road to the 7-eleven I call the cops they have three cars and a special van over in less than two minutes they restrain her and throw her in the van and drive off to some institution and in less than a minut it's like she was never there I never see her again still have nightmares about her looking at me in my sleep when I was 12 or 13 we went to a McDonald's on the way to the beach I went to pee before I ate and to wash my hands just as I started peeing this guy comes in walks to the urinal next to me and just watches doesn't pee just watches I can see him out of the corner of my eye his eyes locked on to my junk what there was of it I had a bathing suit on so I'm doing the whole junk flop over thing guys know what that means so I can't hide it I can't stop it I can now though not sure why when you're a kid you can't stop your pee he just smiled creepily as I finished put things away and washed my hands he just stood there smiling I gave him one more look as I left the bathroom and never saw him again I was with my friend's mom and I didn't say anything because I didn't want to get in trouble and really wanted to go to the beach that logic makes no sense I realized that now but I ate my filet-o-fish with a WTF look on my face and had an awesome day at the beach I have posted this before but it fits this bill I am NOT a good storyteller so bear with me a couple of years back my best friend and I went on a road trip to the States for a music festival met up with some friends saw lots of things and whatnot one of our friends comes back home with us he needed to get back home for school and his buddies didn't want to head home yet we decide to drive straight home and shifts took 24 hours for the full drive anyway my story starts where I am driving nightshift at about 2:00 a.m. it is a beautifully clear night full moon no clouds middle of the summer party type night while noticing all of these conditions I also notice we have followed the GPS onto a back road and driven into a house valley open fields not another car or house inside and it is important to note that we have not seen anyone or anything relating to human presence for a few hours upon entering this valley we lose our satellite signal we have no satellite radio no GPS and no cell signal cool beans doesn't really matter as I know we followed this road for a couple more hours about 20 minutes after entering this Valley and after loosing all our connections we come upon a bridge as we get closer I see a car pulled out on the side of the road not uncommon people sleep and pullouts when they can what is uncommon is this car has all of its windows blacked out with all of the light from the moon we should be able to see at least partially inside but it was completely black getting closer we also realized that it has no license plate that we can see no big deal we assume that it is abandoned out here in the boonies that is until we pass this vehicle and almost immediately its lights turn on and it pulls out behind us on the road now this is where it gets creepy this vehicle starts tailgating us in the middle of nowhere and we can't see who is inside or anything again we brush it off maybe he has lost needs to follow someone out of the area doesn't explain the windows being blacked out or the lack of a license plate however anyway with this car following us I start to get an uneasy feeling subtle at first but growing stronger soon I get it all out get the duck away from this vehicle ASAP feeling I find it important to note that I do not frighten easily I do not panic and I only have ever gotten this feeling in times when I know for a fact my life is in danger I push these feelings aside as it seems like the silliest response to a possibly explainable situation that is until I see something in the middle of the road almost on cue this car backs off as I had my companions one of whom was asleep beforehand try to make out what is in the middle of the road coming closer we see what looks to be a body laying in the middle of the lanes this is not a big road and like I said it was also a back road still paved but very small at this moment and at the site of what appears to be a body in the road ahead we start freaking out I in no way I'm stopping for no one in this desolate and isolated area there are no other vehicles around other than the one following us and I can see no housing or lights for as far as the eye can see no cell service no satellite nothing I quickly tell the others that I am not stopping and I am going around or through by this time we are almost on it there is no room to go around as there are no shoulders on the road and deep ditches on the sides and we are close enough to see now that it is a scarecrow and I Drive over top and onwards this car small enough to go around it continues to follow I speed up it speeds up I slow down it slows down until I punch it after about two minutes of this the car slows down does a u-turn and drives back now my passenger turns to me and says I swear I saw spikes and the thing lucky for us we were driving a huge truck the wheel span was bigger than the Scarecrow on the road and we never even touched it it was another half hour before we reached sell services and the satellite picked back up it wasn't until we reached home at 5:00 a.m. that we remembered during this time there had been a couple of missing people reported in our province ones who were on vacation and driving home from the states who never made it home or were ever found I and my passengers fully believe that we escaped some crazy Wolf Creek type of death for ourselves anyway that's my crappy story 100% true sorry for how long it was to answer the questions about police yes we contacted the police about it and ended up making a full police report however we were unable to pinpoint the exact location there wasn't anything they could really do other than file the report we definitely didn't want this to happen to anyone else as it was creepy as hell this happened to a friend of Mines housemate during their time at University it was at the house she lived in before moving in with my friend after this event occured during her second year at university she lived in a house with three other people at Easter everyone went back home to their parents for the Easter holidays her first night back after returning from the Easter break she woke up in the morning to find some things moved about in her bedroom she thought nothing of it and put it down to moving it herself the night before and not remembering she woke up the next morning to more stuff moved around like her TV and chair etc she started to get a bit scared and told her housemates to quit moving her stuff about as it wasn't funny and very creepy they all said they didn't touch anything the next morning even more stuff had been moved and she started to get very worried again she told her housemaid to stop but they swore they haven't touched anything and were getting very concerned themselves the fourth night she woke up during the middle of the night she looked over and in the darkness she could see a figure sitting at her desk she freaked the duck out ran out of the room locked the door and call the police the police turn up and they unlocked the door sure enough there is a guy there probably early 20s sitting at her desk come as anything the police arrest him and take him away a couple of days later they find out that the guy was actually a mentally handicapped person who lived at a care home not far down the road his mother who was his full-time carer had looked after him until her death a year or so earlier when he was then moved into the home he's been a missing person for a few weeks now and it turned out that the house this girl and her friends lived and used to be him at his mother's house in particular her bedroom used to be his he eventually told the police that when he ran away from the home his old house was where he went to he managed to get in somehow and spent the whole time there two and a half weeks sleeping under the girl's bed coming out at night while she slept to move her stuff so it was like how he had it when it was his bedroom safe to say she moved straight out of there and that's when she moved in with my friend [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 397,442
Rating: 4.8541832 out of 5
Keywords: #Reddit, #R/askreddit, #31, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit stories, r/ askreddit, people share, relationship advice, creepiest things found, brainydude, reddit cringe, r/, updoot, reddit mysteries, askreddit scary, creepy stories, scary stories, rslash, creepypasta, creepy, scary, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, comment awards, creepy strangers, just ask reddit, horror stories, subreddit, true stories, true horror, true horror stories, reddit compilation
Id: o2rw7V2P_Wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 31 2019
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