What If The Holy Roman Empire Existed In WW2?! HOI4

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what's going on everyone it's me yeah boy Alex the Rambler and today I'm back on horse of iron for but we've actually got another sponsor today haven't we Jeeves oh yes much produce a very lovely chirp I'm sponsoring my own channel again I'm not getting paid doing this but you know whatever I recently did a collaboration with angora Tom on totally accurate battle simulator is quite the hoot why don't you check it out here's a little clip angora and glory where did that come from Angora sweaters just love them I don't know that brand angora sweater it's like a it's like a type of wool sorry no store where it comes I thought I was gonna be like a really really like a joke coats today but check it out after you've already watched this video so you know don't ya am I using my house of iron videos as a springboard for you to check out my other content yes is it working probably not but I'm gonna keep doing it anyway but today we're looking at a scenario what if the Holy Roman Empire still existed in 1936 whoa Nelly that's a humdinger Oh My giddy on I'm gonna give it the good old RAM to try and throne all the old catchphrases in a new Empire has risen around 2,000 years have passed since the Roman Reich was dismantled and replaced by the Holy Roman Empire economic stability hasn't returned and mass unemployment hasn't been dealt with the government has to do very important decisions the church is very powerful because of the large budget they get from the Empire okay so I'm not sure if the person is a native English speaker or or or has some spelling mistakes maybe they're intentional who knows but we've got Franz the second bleeding the Holy Roman Empire we have the powerful fall to urge okay what is it with all the additional ELLs we have a mighty Pope that a big buff that also the consumer goods factories will nerf me a bit and hyperinflation oh fantastic that's great and it looks like the mod is set during well but somehow the Holy Roman Empire is that it's larger to extend ever I'm sure that's fine this isn't this isn't gonna be overpowered at all I'll leave the mod link in the description if you're that way inclined and of course leave a like comment subscribe if you want to see more map games on the channel so there are actually two routes we could go down restore the Roman Empire or preserve the Empire now I usually go down the most power hungry route and just try and conquer the whole thing but I've actually tempted to preserve the current status quo today and although although Angela Singh Italy does sound good oh it appears I start the game with 71 military factories that's not overpowered at all just dig just ignore the fact that that's the thing it is it's totally fine although I do have minus 50% of production so that will hamper me a little bit but I think it's very unlikely that I would have been this powerful as the Holy Roman Emperor because it's always very decentralized it you know it was it was many many states and and traditionally the Emperor didn't it didn't have too much control over everything but I guess you can't really show that in in in high for you'd need some sort of EU for mechanic plopped in here so so little bit of a flaw that the Netherlands doesn't exist however the Dutch East Indies still does gosh what why a mod is so euro centric a they can't even look into Asia and see that the Dutch East Indies is a thing so having white up my decisions well there is a war with France focus that I could go down if I just decided to pro pro pro prefers preserve the Empire who doesn't love the idea of restoring the Roman Empire so I'm gonna go for the warmonger path and it might go all terribly terribly wrong yay I do need war support that's the only thing that I'm really lacking political powers coming in at almost three a day so this could be accused of being a little bit of an overpowered mod just a little one just a little bit but could you imagine being such a thick boy in 1936 but this would easily be the most powerful country in Europe at that stage especially if it was all centralized and it apparently our capital is in Vienna so a centralized Holy Roman Empire with his capital in Vienna would would be an absolute Titan if it was managed competently which which let's be honest I probably well I'll give it my best oh yeah baby we're gonna do the Angelus of it early oh ah Italy accepts the Angelus mm I don't know why they keep referring it to is the Roman Reich because even right just means realm right it's not Emperor well we are next Italy live away boom just annexing in the tire nation well I guess it's Italy so it's not really that overpowered but it looks like Ethiopia still around going to influence Hungarian politics I don't know what this does because there is no description but hopefully that means we just had asked them to oh why did I get Italy's Navy oh I did I mean it's it's Tara it's a terrible Navy but a Navy nonetheless oh we can organize riots in Budapest or publish some of their classified information and they get they they are pretty angry now whoa let's organize riots okay so now we've got a war goal against them because they shot their protesters I love it when a plan comes together not that I even knew this was a plan but they're going to die so all the German film marshals and Generals don't have portraits anymore however the Italian ones do but I would still prefer the better stats of the invisible generals like I I almost feel a bit sorry for Hungary because you know that they didn't know the model was going to create an Opie mod let's see how long they'll last this would be I reckon I reckon I can beat them by May let's see let's see what day this was on so annex everything ok so it was actually a month ahead of time nice nice nice nice I'm going to unlock the Mediterranean Sea positions there's not spellcheck when you're making Maltese there I'm very guilty of not doing a spell checking my work sometimes but I think it's just funny when I read it in in mods no hate no hate ooh demand british-owned states close to the Mediterranean Sea gimme oh that's rude I'm gonna offer the Western Balkans protection here we go Alfred really at least Yugoslavia accepts my Angelus there we go but Albania what kind of uh oh I mean I guess yeah you probably ought to keep your independence but I'm not gonna stand for that I feel like Russia at the moment with unlimited manpower it feels pretty great like I think I get calls in every territory that decides to join me so it's it's absolutely ah I thought I was gonna Angelus them but I guess not the independence of Romania is guaranteed by Poland oh maybe I can knock them out with one fell stroke oh I could demand the French colonies let's see if they give it to me come on France give in you spineless piece of that's what we thought yeah I'm not sure if the if the model has forgotten but but that Belgium doesn't exist as a as a nation right does not exist but it's not there so unless it's I'm very confused oh okay it's just there oh yeah I'm not gonna bother doing that focus they have zero factories you know what I might as well just go all in against a man yeah yeah why not have a little cheeky cheeky war in 38 easy nice Poland's attacking me and winning at the moment but I that'll last for oh crap when did that Oh might have forgotten about them and you know what Bulgaria - they can come get some yes they all join the me2 malls ah ha ha ha and if I could pitch you late Poland and they all then they all capitulate which is just good just what I wanted all righty well why don't we just do a massive old attack and see where that gets us I would help if I'd have drawn an offensive line admittedly her hair all right let's go yay they're actually holding mein because my infantry is it's kind of trash I probably should have sent my tanks to help mr. Rommel dududududu win it for me du du du du this won't be like Africa where you got beat you know what I really think it matters too much if I lose a few hundred thousand troops here I've got I've got plenty more where they came from it is just like being Russia ah it does feel good sometimes to be a powerful person unlike in real life no oh yes we're losing quite quite quite a lot of troops but that's fine that's fine they're just getting some practice in for the real war oh they're not they're not advancing at all Oh a lot the Hispanic alliance where they're frickin frackin are just Mexico okay ah well this is brilliant isn't it take all the states take them all I will be a mega state none will be able to oppose me this is like the Roman Empire times two electric Boogaloo is that still living there yes I am a mighty mighty thick boy except I do have a heck of a lot of clothes to protect and I'm going to want to go after the United Kingdom soon so oh my girl this is so much coastline they can just enable invade me from every freakin angle ice is gonna be horrible absolutely horrible I have a cunning plan don't you know you will learn to fear me world it's such a big border I have to protect its it's kind of bonkers that I've got this so many troops yet they're all on garrison duty and I just know that the French are gonna join the freakin Allies so when I declare war on England which I'm going to do right now bish bash Bosh it's gonna be fairly tricky but my plan is to just hopefully annihilate their their fleets and their aircraft so once I've neutralized are their fleets here holy sugar sticks they are coming in hot how did that it's like they must have already had those naval invasions prepared because that's bonkers so taking out their Navy in one big engagement didn't really go to plan oh my god did my entire Navy get sunk no no no no no we're fine we're fine yeah but I can't just bleed them dry with my aircraft which is great that's all I want to do really yes yes look at all of these ah we're destroying so many destroyers ah it feels good to to actually have things like I'm rarely ever this powerful I always play as a silly small nation and it oh I forgot about them so I will trade 14 naval bombers to twelve of their ships any day they're just gonna hemorrhage ships oh my god we took our carrier oh my god oh my god having a high seas fleet now now now my now my aircraft already had control it's it's overpowered its overpowered AF that is the best exchange I know I'm sorry I'm going on about this a lot now but it's been a long time since I even try doing this kind of stuff in 25 oh my god is amazing I'm gonna shorten the post budget I'm cutting you off mate Pope no more I didn't know how the Netherlands exists that's bonkers stop it stop existing but this allows my cunning plan to basically decimate their Navy well my god there were less than 100 ships then I then I'm also getting rid their Air Force and then hopefully I can just like plop myself in and have a rollicking good time I should probably get some synthetic refineries so I could just be completely self-sufficient on fuel too but you know if you've got 400 factories in 1940 you might as well take advantage right boom kaboom so it's it's a stalemate I can't get out of second East Anglia there they're really holding there so I'm preparing a second invasion which I'll probably send up through the up here the North Sea and I'm just going to stop paying for the Pope completely so so sorry mr. Pope e sorry I did legitimate ly think the UK would be easier to crack than this this is uh this is tough ah goodbye Pope it's all about the Emperor now okay so there's left some land undefended now because I've distracted them in the nerve so hopefully my divisions up there can hold and I can expand further into the south and I think that there might be enough to capitulate them now I hope so because the Russians are claiming Bessarabia and I'm kind of scared about that boom we've taken more States yay this is it's going it's going alright it's going right I want to Anschluss Greece please just let me ang loose Greece please okay we're actually getting pretty far on our way there to remaking the Roman Empire which is pretty good I reckon France is probably open for the taking once I have my ah there we go I have my 100 divisions to help me against the Soviet behemoth I don't think that'll be enough to hold them but you never know okay I think I'm gonna go after France they might well join the Russians in the Comintern but I guess we'll see we will see if they do I do have a Defense Force I'm not sure how effective it will be but surely with some planes we can hold hold it off I think just battle planning will work here shite oh okay that was very easy uh not quite sure what happened to them there I guess I'll take all states and then Mongolia I can also take all the states apparently except the Carn are bulls okay on to nationalist Spain next I guess it's uh me oh I've changed to a black flag and I'm led by mr. Hitler uh okay well that's great that's great I still remain the Holy Roman Empire those that's good that's good at least Spain is now falling once you kind of push through with the tanks that they can't really do much against you so although they were holding me in the mountains for a while that's now the resistance is falling the resistance is falling I will not actually be able to change it to Roman Empire I don't think but I might be able to change it actually no I think I will be able to now my focus is I believe did ya restore the Empire okay nice I will hand it to the Spanish there they are putting up quite quite the defence it won't be enough but it was it was a good a good try a good trial round from the team oh look at that right my encirclement rate it rate it 10 out of 10 because that pretty much was the hell god those like their entire army oh dear I'll just right-click with my tanks they can't stop 40 combat with mediums I don't even think that's the real matter anymore but I don't really follow the meta I just go with what I know I'm too old to change I'm guessing Turkey probably thought they were safe unfortunately I took back the territory the Dutch East Indies has took so turkey is now screwed farewell you tried [Music] I forgot what's going on the west whet the the West the rest of the world Japan's gone full force against the Soviets and they're winning which I'm kind of surprised at hmm so once I've conquered a rack then I will have reformed the Roman Empire I think if this decision actually works we'll have to see but that this could be a major success for me I don't think I've had a video go this well for a very long time right I think we've done it so if I just go fish bash Bosh form the Roman Empire did it at dinner Imperium Romanum a we've done it I've actually done something correct I might have just been started off a little bit over pap oh my god I took India - I forgot about that Holy Roman Empire Raj that's when this is when this went better than expected so of course if you enjoyed this video please do leave a like for bringing back Imperium Romanum in 1943 check out my video of an gory Tom and I'll be back with more stuff very very soon toodaloo
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 466,111
Rating: 4.9071269 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hoi4, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, alex the rambler germany, hearts of iron iv, hoi iv, holy roman empire, holy roman empire hoi4, hoi iv memes, hearts of iron 4 memes, hearts of iron 4 steam mods, strategy, history, history video games
Id: LFNyYpNK8nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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