When The Netherlands Beats Germany?! HOI4 Saving Your Disaster Saves

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what's going on everyone it's me yeah good leek doodlee doodlee boy here Alex the Rambler and today we're back on horse of iron four and it's the return of your saving your desert ass their safe games whoo and if anyone was actually excited for this to come back but we're doing it now it wouldn't be an Alex to Rambla video if I didn't at least sell out a little bit so today I'm gonna be promoting the Paradox Interactive Humble Bundle that's this that you can get at the moment right it's actually pretty good value if you've ever wanted to get Prison architect for $1 now you can for under eight dollars you get city skylines of a bunch of DLCs and cities in motion and for some reason if you want to spend eighteen dollars you can get surviving miles deluxe edition a load of the surviving miles DLC and a ten and ever city skylines DLC that's that's a pretty good bundle so I'll leave a link in the description and it also helps support the Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund or you can support the channel Humble Bundle the publisher you pay what you want and you give to what you want to help out who you want but I digress today I'll be set cover its emblem but I digress today I'll be saving a save game from mythical now I have been sent hundreds of save games over the past year which I haven't obviously covered I apologize about that I won't be going back to all of them I did look at a lot of them and a lot of them have tons of mods and I just can't risk this game crashing but this one is an Ironman Germany save game where he was Germany and tries to take the most confused Slavia in Greece but it didn't work out with the Netherlands and the French and he lost a lot of manpower in Poland he doesn't want to save game back he just wants me to fix it well let's take a little look shall we also 5,000 likes for more hearts of iron for don't forget to comment and subscribe to subscribing helps do you see my videos don't you know right now on first glance this doesn't appear too terrible um I mean this is pretty bad like you're losing hmm you're losing to the Netherlands the less hop in and just see what what's the happy HAP's well firstly Oakland West gum nevermind what we have here is research lots not being used so let's see oh in research 1918 support equipment you might want to do that before you go down 1942 equipment so okay here's the deal if I appear to be ribbing you a little bit it's it's all in jest okay I used to be buried at Hart's Irvine and I'm sure some of you oh not even radio ah-ah-ah so I used to be bad at heart survival but I kind of know the basics now after 1600 hours so I'm in a pretty good spot to try and help I think oh you haven't even done your doctrines Oh things are falling off my desk okay this might not be fixable oh but you do have pans or twos which is very nice we'll put those to use hopefully so I can't even get signal company suppose we don't have radio research national focuses haven't really been done I don't know when you stop doing these but you do want to do the four year plan you could have had a better industry than you've got right now because you could have got a done autarky got some free factories right that you didn't okay so this isn't great but it's not atrocious either so you're lacking 12,000 inventory equipment which is fine which I will solve pretty much immediately you also have a surplus of 13,000 support equipment which you don't need I'm just gonna reduce that to five factories the same of artillery you've got a surplus 17,000 let's just go back to four factories you do want some medium tanks and we'll bump you up to twenty factories there and start switching over it is missing four thousand but I'll show you why in a second we'll switch those over to pairs or twos you have twenty six thousand motorized so let's just reduce those down and we should probably get some fighters and Kass fighters is going to be very important I want at least 15 being produced and then the rest of our factories can go towards cast production transport planes a sign now in terms of the bitterly bodies down here these are okay we do want a chief of Air Force the army drill you should probably change that over I'm probably have to change it to division attack I have plus 10% we don't need to worry about training too many more divisions now now the thing that confuses me here is the infantry division template that you've got so I don't know the meta of of infantry divisions or I don't really know the matter right I just know what's an OK division and to me a 34 combat whip division comprised of infantry and one medium tank is not great so I'm immediately gonna get rid of the medium tank the infantry I'm actually going to reduce down to 20 combat width because I need to free up some manpower this might be a bit tricky but at least all of our divisions will be equipped so I'm just gonna save that now you are recruiting a lot more of them which is probably wise to an extent however I'm going to get rid of a few of these we don't we don't need all of them what we do need however you're not garrison in your ports which is really risky so I'm gonna I'm gonna train some cavalry for you how's that my diddly doodler and you also kind of need to garrison poland of why you're gonna have consistent problems if people trying to rebel against your rule haven't even looked to the casualties my oh my well the axis hell no have taken double the casualties of the Allies hoy and Poland appears to be the only nation that's been defeated Italy's taken almost 2 million casualties so we're probably enough to bail them out fairly soon this doesn't look great you're also attacking when you weren't making any progress which is which is kind of silly and you haven't split up your divisions so even under generals or even get a field marshal ha ha ha oh and some of these are just Slovakian units oh no we don't want them attacking they're only they're only literally good for garrisoning or just get rid of them right now I would use an Air Force but we don't really have one which is a bit of a problem and you're also overloaded on that airfield too so for now I'm gonna get rid of the Air Force I'm gonna reap I'm gonna make it all again from scratch ok now to try and make a decent tank division for sake of time I'm just gonna get a 20 combat with medium tank template to begin with it's not going to be the best but it will it will serve because we do need to pump out some tanki's to try and help pierce the line here okay so hopefully my fighter production where I put my factories on there now we're only making five away really oh it's because my production efficiency is so low now I do have aerial superiority for now so if I just tried to do a little push we'll see if our infantry divisions can actually do the job just without any tank support and they're not doing great because the British are well entrenched but we might push a couple of tiles okay they're pushing us away from the Maginot that's that's that's bad so I'll have to assign some more units try and help them hold down there oh dear let's see if I can retake this Airport though we might be able to do that against the British yes wander on in please give me back my airport thank you okay great we've taken back an airport we are losing in Greece and Italy I has been pushed back to their starting position this is who I'm worried I am oh god I didn't even look at what we're constructing I'm from structure why okay infrastructure when you're at war you don't need to work Germany has pretty good infrastructure so I'm just gonna clear that out for you mate let's go into that I don't know I don't and and ports don't worry about that yeah I think you're prepping for Barbarossa when you're never going to be in a position to at the moment at least right a military fair force we need the air superiority and I really hope I can research radio soon so radio is really important as you can see for your reinforcements rate and we and we do really want to help live our infantry right oh do I have territory yet paratroopers there's really nothing I can do at the moment maybe if I can deploy these tanks which I can't yeah on the front of it this safe going didn't look too bad but but once you delve into the depths of ruling a nation you kind of see what's been going wrong so we can attack from multiple ways this is probably a good time to like try and take a tile back you know a little bit at a time although my infantry is still failing to do that oh no no we're making progress now yeah so the tiles that we can take back I will and oh really you're failing Oh God oh I need radios I really need radios that failed what pourquoi attack again so I'm just gonna deploy the tanks I know they're not ready to be deployed but I need them in the field and they're gonna be led by mr. man Stein however we do have an opportunity to like really pierce down here so that's what I'm that's what we're gonna do and I just need to really hope that Russia doesn't declare war on me because if they do I think I'm definitely dead okay so with the tanks supporting the attack with infantry at what the tanks supported with infantry I'm gonna try and do a little cheeky encirclement down here as you can see yes so I'm hoping that they'll be able to do a nice cheeky encirclement and then we can see the power of addicts the Ramblers tactics right we've encircled them that's fantastic now I can probably wait for them to starve I hope our whole look in go on in chaps rekha more okay so that was a pretty decent encirclement and that should help us push further into wards Amsterdam so it's it's going okay my my counter-attack is just taking a while I just lacked so many resources you see I I'm also not gonna be able to produce any more tank divisions for now yeah as I'm lacking I'm lacking tanks we're desperately need and I really do need to keep getting buffs and my land doctrine finished that's that's a big priority for me okay we're gonna have a little encircle man this won't be many units but at least it frees up more men on the front okay so it's going it's going okay now you can see like the counter-attack has worked we are still getting pushed back down here which is a which isn't great but that's fine that's fine that they they think we're weak and will show them once I push them towards Amsterdam okay so the Netherlands have well a level one for but it's in a forest a bit of a pain but mr. man Stein here has the siege artillery as you can see the fault damage goes up by 200% so I'm gonna use that and then we're just going to attack in I should probably set a battle plan in but it's I I don't really care enough for that so I'm hoping the siege artillery does its job and we just punch on through yep the tank is the fault is already destroyed this is a little about much of an air force I would just like to add like I don't I don't really have much of one I'm trying to produce one but yeah I have I have a thousand aircraft so this is all without any anti-air any entertain any aircraft of basically any sort so at least from my perspective I always think it's better to have units that are designed for a specific purpose like 10 divisions for tanks oh no servant union is justified one legionary Oh Romania hopefully that's just give them give them Bessarabia give them Bessarabia please so yeah I have tanks for tanks I have inventory for infantry you know I have my units for specific purposes I try not to stick tanks in infantry divisions because I don't I think it's a bit of a waste right well unless I get any air I don't think I'm gonna have a chance of doing anything really so I'm gonna have to stop using my Air Force for a while this is a really tough situation I just don't have any Air Force 900 planes now it's quite it's grim it's really grim this might actually be a safe game I can't save that that oh dear but I'm taking back a bit of land I was hoping to do it in surfman but it hasn't really worked out most of them are just like escaped my in my entrapment which is frustrating but taking the territory back so I get the factories is is probably pretty good and we're almost at the point where I can get paratroopers I just can't do anything with them seeing as well they they don't have any air superiority anywhere but hey ho we've been circling two British divisions they will die you will die now for the very brief moment I have air superiority in the Netherlands so I'm gonna try to take Amsterdam I doubt it'll work but we can give it a good home for Hamlet Rai right so I thought I had a problem where I didn't have control over any part of the other River here but it turns out what I do so I might be able to do with a bit of a push with my tanks up through Belgium maybe who knows I'm giving it I'll give it a try there we go we've almost got the breakthrough I need I'm sacrificing a lot of troops but I think that works keep going please so they are they have so much aerial superiority any progress that I make just gets pushed back it's so frustrating I think they also probably have more divisions than I do I have 169 yeah okay they have modern well it doesn't look like I've made a whole lot of progress but it's it's improved from from where I started I think not by much but we have improved and the loss is good well that's not what you need Japan has called oh why did I I didn't want to know why is the United States join them what I didn't do nothing but I'm starting to fear that the Allies are too strong for me to be and this save game is quite effed oh boy so yeah on one air region I have 200 fighters against there 2800 oh yeah so I'm starting to think like have I made any major mistakes and I don't think I have except maybe selecting this safe game as one to save and this being my first fail but overall you could argue I've saved it because I have made it more stable we've taken back a lot of territory so yeah this is like a moral victory right but now I have been kind of doom stacked against the Allies here what can I do against so many divisions good news everyone I have a hundred percent infrastructure everywhere oh dear oh no cutting what Oh No is this it this is it this is Gigi me thinking this is the end my darling friend I am now in a position where I'm actually building aircraft but it's still not like it smell great they've done something oh my god Oh Oh Hirohito you'd legend well I tried doing paradox but it appears they have indeed garrison their Nations which is a shame yep oh my god Garrison's everywhere like I landed in Rotterdam hasn't really helped the situation though oh my god I've lost 32 planes - therefore well that's not good well I've taken Paris let's just say this was a victory good day to you all yeah it doesn't get them close to capitulating now unfortunately so you know my game plan is it's kind of off but I managed to paratroopa and take that and and despite me trying to split up their armies I still can't push hmm yeah okay UK has what 6 K planes you u.s. has 4k France and having France up have an Air Force Pitts they have a larger Air Force than I do right so I'm gonna say that I almost saved this one but not quite I think that my the main reasons were mainly just the fact that I couldn't get a large enough air force in order to combat the the Allies I also don't think it helped that I didn't have any land doctrines researched until I started researching them in 1940 so please get an Air Force and land doctrines that'd be my advice to you I mean if you want to take over this campaign you surely could it's it's gonna end quite quite poorly for you now so if I haven't invented the war against the USSR then there I think is I could have pretty much held indefinitely but yeah pushing would just was out of the question so unfortunately this isn't a win I don't want to say so fail though I vote you know the bidding defeat [ __ ] what kind of person would do that but if you'd like to see your savegame potentially covered please do send them to the email address I think it's high for saves at gmail.com allow me back with more content very soon toodaloo many thanks to onion duck maximilian foreman wire green parappa the trapper ryan [ __ ] cody fries name name one two three one Aiden jiggly crotch use beef Sean Young and Logan Whaley for being ridiculous round the supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons too I did it right that time [Music]
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 202,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, alex the rambler, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, drew durnil, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 germany, hearts of iron 4 germany, saving your disaster saves, hearts, of, iron, four, When The Netherlands Beats Germany?! HOI4 Saving Your Disaster Saves, hearts of iron 4 alex the rambler, isorrowproductions
Id: g5ebkyc4ltE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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