What if Chickens Could do Redstone?

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what if chickens could do redstone is a question that popped into my head and ever since I haven't been able to stop thinking about it okay I haven't been able to stop thinking what would it she can do if it had the ability to place redstone and build redstone contraptions I imagine it would do some fairly interesting stuff so in today's video I'm going to be playing the part of the chicken and I am going to try my best to build a redstone land specifically designed for these guys let's do this boys now you meant to same frame mate part one of super chicken lander is to get the chickens to fly I've always thought it must be slightly depressing to be a chicken because you have all of the required things for flight you've got all the components okay you've got the wings you're ready to go but you can't quite do it so I thought I'd set up a machine that actually allows them to at least experience it briefly and here goes the first test up he goes nah nice okay so that is like part 1 of the concept I actually going to build a second one of these I feel like there should be two modules and then we're going to build something special we're going to create a horizontal landscape so if we look directly straight downwards like this this this bit here has now become the land this is the floor and this is kind of like it's almost just see what I mean like we've flipped everything by 90 degrees so as our chicken is falling he's briefly going to feel like he's actually flying across this horizontal or vertical landscape on came myself confused I hope all of that made sense I think it did make sense I think another way that we sell this illusion is by adding some trees into the mix as well this is so cheap but I had to now that we've got all of the things built up it looks quite cool and I especially like this kind of sky here area that we have down on the bomb here look at this that's actually quite convincing I'm impressed it's actually hurting my head a little bit that's starting to make me feel very strange but it's not made for me is made for the chickens let's see if they enjoy it one goes in there one goes in there hit the button and that should activate both of the flying machines these guys are now heading upwards and [Music] begin to experience flight for the first time and I can tell they've absolutely loved it all right I'm not a chicken mind reader okay I don't know if they loved it or not but they seem happy see see look did you see that look there was love hearts briefly and it was nothing to do with the seeds I don't think on the topic of seeds we should probably get them something to eat so I'm going to start building up a little pathway system around this small town or I guess village that I'm going to create for these chickens here so this will be one part of it and I guess the food machine can go somewhere at about here and that food machine is going to be fairly simple in there it's just a standard flower and seed farm and then we have a water dispenser which is going to push all of the flowers and seeds over into this area here once it's all done now that does mean that we are going to end up with a bunch of flowers in our food troughs I mean mmm is there anything that we can do about that is there anything that we can do about that we could have a minecart going back and forth that would pick up all the flowers but they'd only be able to do that up to 64 of each stack but that could be a good temporary solution and then I guess one of the the like maintenance chickens in the village would then have to come and clear out the hopper minecart every now and again yeah it's perfect so I've done a little over the redstone for this thing if we just chunk an item inside this hopper here that is working absolutely flawlessly I mean it's not the fastest machine in the world but you know this is made for chickens okay they're not gonna be stressing about efficiency and now I also have myself set up with a water stream system which is going to push all of the food into the troughs so now oh this is why you don't hold a bucket while you're doing redstone thankfully next to nothing was broken but now now we're going to do the minecarts underneath the cauldrons and that is genuinely one of the easiest things ever I'm gonna see if I can right click on this thing those are all the different flower types that this farm produces so in theory if I activate this for a little while we'll start getting a bunch of different items they will all start popping up obviously the chickens only really care about the seeds and things so it'll turn piss off and then push all of those items across all of the flowers get picked up and we are left with just seeds for the chickens to eat I'm a big fan of this system it seems silly but he's really cool okay what else do chickens do I guess they lay eggs we could create an egg-laying system or better still we could create an egg storage system that then sends all of the eggs out at once we then have like a preschool or a little play area for the baby chickens to stay in and then once they've fully grown they then get taken out of that space and dropped into the village I mean that it's it's complicated I don't know if I'll be able to pull it off but I like the idea ten minutes later and this is how far I've gotten I placed what three bits of stone bricks I'm trying to work out how we can separate the baby chickens from the adult chickens while also having a decent play area for the baby chickens and it is difficult well I think I've now come up with something and that is to have this pen area here which I'm going to make look a little bit more glamorous than just it being bright yellow but that is a pretty good start and then eventually these Pistons that are underneath these blocks right here will retract water will push the baby chickens across and then they will be pushed out into the village itself then above this thing we're going to have a little egg-laying area oh I think I prefer just the straight yellow to be honest with you that looks like it looks like a very horrible vomit this is not good so with the old colour now back and looking a lot nicer than it did before and also with an egg-laying chamber in place which I'll be honest it doesn't look that happy it's quite a small space that they have to lay eggs and they are going to stay there forever so I guess that's probably one of the more depressing jobs in in chicken village but know that for the time being because all of the elements are now in place to make this thing function so I just have to connect them up and make them all work in sequence and things are coming together pretty nicely so far I also thought just for the fun of it the eggs would be shot out from this dispenser right here and hit this target and this is where we're going to be getting the baby chickens imagine being born through being shot out of a cannon and being smashed into a target I mean that is that is a pretty wild start to life now for the first some that we use this thing I'm going to do manually just because I'm curious to see how it all functions so there is the barrier dropping there is the water sweepers going across so all of our chickens will have been removed then these are the new chickens being popped out into this is so silly everything that we've done so far in this video is so silly but I love it but now but now it's time to actually do something semi-intelligent easy obviously I don't want to have to hit the button every single time we want new baby chickens so down here I'm going to have a daylight sensor that is hooked up to a kind of T flip-flop system and that means that every 20 minutes to 40 minutes this thing will reset itself automatically the chickens will be cleared out they'll populate the village and then we'll get a fresh knock coming in wicked that all seems to be working perfectly so now it is time to build up a few defenses to this village because as we all know chickens are exactly the most kind of defensive of all of the animals in the world I mean they what does that you can do if if something comes in to try and kill them just make a lot of noise I mean they don't really yeah we really need to defend these things don't we I got a pacifists aren't they they're not really massive fighters so I think we should do our defenses in keeping with that a little bit we're going to have strategically priced meat dispensers around the village this is so silly right give me a second we will have strategically placed meat dispensers all around the village to distract things like wolves and foxes from coming in and destroying the chickens because why would they eat all of the chickens in here when the chickens can just fire out nicely you know medium-rare snakes all over the place they're not going to bother with the chickens in here and having to fight them and things like that when there's just steaks all over the floor it's perfect am I thinking too deeply into this let me know down in the comment section if I'm thinking too deeply into this so with suitable defenses installed or on the village there is just one little strip of land that is left and I feel like we should do something here and I've had once again a slightly silly idea but one that I quite like the idea of which is warmed or heated little hutches for these guys to go into at night because you know there's kind of no sleeping area here so I feel like we should get them set up with one I'm just trying to think how we could do it some this works pretty nicely so if a chicken is stood on top of that pressure plate the little heating lamp will turn on and that looks incredibly cozy that looks exactly like the sort of place that I would want to stay at night I'm almost a little bit jealous weirdly so I'm going to install a small handful of them inside the village here and that will set all of these chickens up for the evening there we have it ladies and gents that is our little chicken village all done and dusted looking rather lovely the only thing that we have to do now is actually populate our village with some chickens so I'm going to fill these guys in here and now we've got ourselves a functioning little town area I really do hope they appreciate all of the things that I've built for them because it looks like it would be a really fun little place and as you can clearly see these little chickens are experiencing pure happiness I mean look there's a bunch of them for some reason in that corner totally not using any of my redstone builds and none of them have tested out flying just yet one of them's got stuck in the farm and and yeah there's plenty of chickens that are stuck in that little breeding area never to be let out it's it's glorious then they're having a blast I've really succeeded that's the end of the video I really do hope that you've enjoyed okay maybe building redstone for chickens wasn't my brightest idea they don't seem to appreciate what I've done for them in the slightest what if I mean what comes next what else can I do redstone for let me know down in the comment section
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,788,257
Rating: 4.9521146 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, Gaming, Game, showcase, challenge, command, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, vanilla, Chickens do redstone, can chickens do redstone, What if?, What if challenge, what if minecraft, what if minecraft chickens, minecraft chickens, chicken farm, egg farm, minecraft chicken base, flying machines, chicken flying, minecraft flying, minecraft flight
Id: l-vNrK0R01U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 10 2019
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