I Ruined Minecraft

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Going from cursed channel icon to cursed Minecraft. Nice one Mumbo!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/itskdog 📅︎︎ Jan 18 2020 🗫︎ replies
sometimes I think of stupid ideas for videos I mean a few years ago I actually made a video about a pimple popper a redstone contraption that pops minecraft pimples sheep fired out of them it was it was a pretty horrendous build now that I look back at it and it was definitely a very very silly idea for a video and sometimes those videos are good fun to make so today we're going to be doing a very silly video I want to see how unplayable I can actually make minecraft okay just as a game in general what are all the settings that I can tweak to make this game as horrible as possible setting number one and it was actually the discovery of this setting that got me onto the idea of creating this video which is the invert mouse button now I don't know how people play like this I've actually recently been informed the impulse SV on the Hermit graph server plays with an inverted Mouse I'm gonna have to have words with him okay I seriously happen okay because I don't understand I don't understand what could possess you so once a plane like this I wonder if I could get used to it no I definitely don't think I could because I just tried to look up and ended up looking right up my shorts okay the next setting that I want to play around with is another one that I think is absolutely horrendous and that is auto jump it seems so small but it drives me mad that if you walk past the block and then you just it's already impossible i thin ice logical step is of course to go back into the settings and ramp this down to two chunks a render distance of two chunks you joking me Wow imagine if you build something enormous like you had a huge base but you could only see two chunks of it at a time now I do understand obviously this is really good for people with slow computers actually brings me on to more frame rates am I getting here actually not that crazy it's quite disappointing anyway there is more settings I need to tweak here and I'll be honest this could take us to unplayable pretty much instantly oh my goodness oh wow so not only is it inverted but it's also it's so twitchy but what happens are we go in the opposite direction all the way down to your help [Laughter] oh my goodness I'd say this is actually more unplayable but the good news is is that it has lessened the effects of of the inverted maps are getting an arm okay I'm gonna have a right shoulder the size of Jupiter by the end of this video so I would say hyperspeed is definitely more unplayable all right we've got plenty of things that we can do here I would say the first thing that we definitely to do is Wow okay I'd forgot about the Hat need to reduce the lighting down to moody that hasn't actually changed too much but that's because I'm running shaders just give me a minute go deactivate those that's a little bit more like it super contrasty and honestly slightly ugly for some reason when I see someone playing with their left hand it really throws me off it looks it just looks wrong doesn't it it really does look wrong and that's coming from a left-handed person by the way okay I am left-handed this is horrible I think we can have some serious fun in this menu obviously changing that smooth lighting off smooth lighting level down to here dynamic lighting off I mean viewer I mean well we can change the frame rate might do that a little bit later because that will be disgusting I don't want to make the video completely unwatchable immediately like kind of defeats the point oh we are making progress we are making progress this is still so tricky to play this kind of reminds me of old school minecraft I'll be honest with you are the auto jump is horrible I hate myself for doing this I really do this is taking a perfectly good game and destroying it oh well this is a totally obvious one how did I not even think that should have been the first thing I did oh jeez jeez alright okay what if we go the other way oh is that better or worse I'm not entirely sure it's making me feel ill is what it's doing oh I see this is this is incredibly tricky to play I move my hand like a micron and I do about 14 spins it's pretty tough I've just I wonder what happens here I mean it might not even allow me to do it I do have these oh goodness me this might have actually improved things I'm not I'm not sure the motion blur is a bit much that's quite intense but I definitely didn't this looks better than it did before so we need to stop it now reverting back to good old-fashioned unn yes that is considerably more disgusting I've just googled for ugly shader packs they don't seem to exist which is unfortunate but there are of course ugly texture packs so let's do that this seems like it could be a good way to go hopefully it doesn't fill my computer with viruses it was posted eight years ago oh goodness how do you despite my best efforts I couldn't make it work well I have come up with the next best thing oh dear oh dear so I decided to change the frames per second to five five frames per second I'm also going to leave the f3 screen up because that in itself is quite an ugly I've added lag emitters I think I can also add I think peach all there we go yet no we're really really adding things into the mix this is going well now I was about to change the language but then I've just thought if I do that I'm not gonna be able to understand any of the settings that I then want to change so we did that last I swear when I first started playing minecraft there was a way to change it to be 3d like with the blue and the red that doesn't seem to exist anymore but it definitely definitely should in fact I'm gonna see if there's any modifications that will do it one hour later and I'm still working on it I'm travelling best probably without dedicated I am to this so I can get it to work for Minecraft one door 14 which is the version I was playing in but I found out that 3d anaglyph or whatever it's called was only removed in Minecraft 1.12 so I've back dated and now we have it Oh glorious it's even better than I expected even better than I expected I must admit I've been standing around a lot in the same spot for this entire video when you actually start moving around you start realizing how much of a mess I've managed to make of this whole situation it's kind of difficult to keep up with what's going on this is pretty horrendous but I still feel like we can go further than this somehow I might try and get a lower resolution version of this texture pack all better yeah I just went down a rabbit hole and I managed to locate this it was like a challenge in the texturepack making community to make the worst-looking texturepack they possibly could goodness me what on earth has happened here oh my goodness I'm really struggling I mean this is this this is offensive offensive what is the water oh my goodness what's going on I mean this the sand everything about this is is very terrible everything about it is very tough I love I'm really struggling - boy did it because the inverted things look at the size of the grass box this is amazing and then it's also layered over my photorealism packet so I think some of the textures are coming in from the photorealism pack and then we've also got just these horrendous I mean look at the wood textures oh it's all such a mess it's all such a mess can we go further though yes we can I think that entering this command right here could really really help us oh I think I'm actually got it slightly wrong because we're playing Minecraft 1.12 so let's make sure that this will work properly looks like it's oh oh it's horrible love you has got very wrong that has gone so wrong it's gone well we've actually reached like an abstract stage now I think we've reached a level where this is now abstract very abstract I wonder if we can go even further than that I mean what is the highest level of speed potion that you can get is it 255 I mean it feels like it should be while that is that is quite quick this video I've ever done in my entire life I don't even know what to say here I've added the blindness effect to this is good it's getting it's gone real dark that almost looks like an abstract painting I'm gonna have to take a screenshot of that because that is quite something that's hilarious this is me looking dead straight down that is how crazy this field of view is all right I'm gonna try my best to place in a jukebox cuz I feel like we could do some stuff with some music okay there it is oh now we're really stepping into it okay there's something else that we can do too I think we've reached peak destroyed minecraft does it I don't think we can go worse than this this is so unplayable this is so destroyed oh look there's a creeper I think that's a creeper I mean it's so difficult to tell I planned on ending the video then then I came up with an idea I'm gonna make the command block say this through the chat is quite annoying okay I think it's safe to say that we took that to a level that I didn't expect you probably didn't expect you might not been able to hear me in that if this has been I hope you enjoyed
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,774,885
Rating: 4.9411545 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, mcpe, I Ruined Minecraft, Mumbo ruined minecraft, minecraft is ruined, mumbo jumbo minecraft is ruined, mumbo jumbo minecraft, cursed minecraft, mumbo cursed minecraft, cursed minecraft builds, minecraft cursed images, minecraft ruined, cursed minecraft video, mumbo minecraft death, mumbo minecraft beta
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 16 2020
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