Moving Cliffside Mansion with Honey Blocks

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I am very addicted to honey blocks I really am trying to make videos that aren't the honey block related I promise you I've been I've been trying my best to come up with them but whatever happens my mind just goes towards honey block related contraptions I love them I think they're the best I'm going to keep building with them but without me said there is still a slight bug in the snapshots which means they're walking honey block structures which is something that I really really want to work on still aren't quite possible you see this piston right here obviously when it gets pushed in front of that redstone block it should power but as you can see it doesn't for some reason I don't know what it is in this version of Minecraft right now it just it doesn't update and it doesn't extend I imagine that will be fixed and soon walking honey block machines will be coming they'll be huge they'll be ridiculous but if we just ignore the walking bit for the time being and focus on creating large movable structures I think that could be really interesting because these new honey blocks open up all sorts of possibilities the first thing that we need to work on is large-scale movable piston plates or at least that's what I'm calling them now what this is it's just a large wall of pistons in fact a wall of Pistons is probably a better name for it it's a large wall of Pistons that we're going to use to actually move our structure and this needs to be modular it needs to be repeatable they need to not stick to one another and it kind of needs to be self moving as well there's a lot that needs to go into these things and this is all I've got so far so if we move this you can see that those pistons actually extend meaning that anything in front of it we could have 12 blocks in front of each one of these pistons and when everything gets moved forwards it will also get moved forwards which may not look like much but if we start adding a few extra bits and pieces it could actually turn into something that functions the only thing that I'm slightly worried about is when this thing moves it might prematurely power this observer causing a bit of an issue but I'm going to add a few more tiles in place and then we'll give this thing a full tester backups have been made and now it's time to actually give it a try ready it's made a mess it's totally broken yeah everything's gonna a sink why exactly was it really just because this went too early oh no that stuck to that of course that is stuck to that ah time to go back to the drawing board then very seriously and after about an hour of various different types of head-scratching I've managed to come up with this fairly interesting looking structure which actually seems to work very nicely so here we have the wall of pistons and then the wall of pistons is actually being pushed by this system here which is essentially like a stackable piston pusher there's lots of words in here that aren't making a lot of sense even to me so I do feel sorry for those of you who are watching but as you can see it does actually work so everything is moving a wall of pistons actually push as they get pushed which is perfect and this means that we should be able to build well infinitely tall structures and also infinitely wide structures and they can be up to twelve blocks deep so in my opinion I would consider this to be an absolutely enormous success already we have actually come up with something pretty smart here so now it is time to just expand it expand it to some ridiculous low I don't know how big it's going to be just yet but I want to get a bit silly how's this looking height wise I would say yeah I don't think I want to go too much taller than that I wonder actually hey how long it takes and be if it actually works it does actually take quite some time so the flying machine can't be too quick but the good news is is that it does actually all work ok now we go across how big do you want it to be across can you remember when every single time you used to place an observer it would actually power I've just remembered that there used to be a thing and how ridiculous that used to be it must have made building certain flying machines impossible I don't know how we used to deal with that well if you wanted to be big we definitely need to be using the clone command because building each one of these layers is know exactly a quick process now let's see I see if this works on Wii I mean it almost worked I just I built it in the wrong place and one thing fired how strange is that but after badging that up and actually working out where I need to paste these things this is going to be an absolute lifesaver I mean look he's so quick right let's go huge boom I mean that's huge isn't it as far as flying machines are concerned pretty huge the only thing is we now need to push all of these things I'm not a hundred percent sir and how we're actually going to do this didn't think this far ahead would something like this work if we were to place redstone blocks along the bottom here or is that bugger down no it isn't okay so that would function the reason I'm confused here is because that's the sort of game mechanic that stopped my leg from working earlier on in the video regardless I'm not complaining because it makes my life significantly easier as I can then group a lot of these modules in together so we've got a bank of six there a bank of six there a bank of six there and a bank of six there which means that we just need to push those and then push those and then everything works then I realize we still have room in the piston push limit for these bottom modules to have some Pistons down at the bottom here which means not only can we push a structure along but also we can have a floor underneath it made out of those expandable bridges that I did in the previous redstone video unfortunately it definitely wasn't that simple it really wasn't that simple but I think I've managed to work it out and I think we can all agree that this thing looks nuts now I mean that looks totally totally bonkers doesn't it I hope it works I've actually tested it for a while if we just hit this one right here this should move the entire thing okay this is so laggy but that that will seem like you're actually functioned yeah that's all shifted across that's amazing so now we just need to actually build the structure which is going to be going on this thing that's difficult I can do the redstone stuff the building stuff things are not really going well I was thinking I think I've come up with a fairly cool idea here in the Wiggins create like a super modern Tony Stark style house on the edge of a rock because of course we can transport the entire rock and also the house due to the fact that this flying machine can transport enormous things and I think we can all agree that this actually looks pretty cool already so I thought I'd add in like a little beach swimming pool pond type thing out the front obviously we can't transport water so I had to use ice we've got some path blocks and then here is the rock itself now twelve blocks is here so this is our push limit this is the maximum depth of something that we can push in Minecraft so that means our house up of the top here is gonna have to be quite slim but I think we can do some cool stuff with it with that being sent when it comes to pushing builds there's always one fairly major challenge with them and that is the fact that they have to be solid obviously if they're not solid and you're pushing from one direction then it's all going to collapse in on itself so that means that everything needs to be fully filled now our rock our rock isn't a big deal because we can fill it up rocks are solid so we can make it solid but how else you have to actually be able to go into and that's mmm it presents it presents some interesting challenges that's for sure and I should say by the way this is not a quick process filling in this space this place is huge and as far as I can think there's no real fast way for me to do it there's no command that I can do even MCN it wouldn't help in this situation we just have to do it manually block by block okay now that all the blocks have been filled in inside that rock area it's now time to actually start work on our modern house and I am going super abstract and super ridiculous for this thing just because I guess we can I mean this is a house that literally flies across the sky if we can't get wild with the art style on this thing then I don't know when we can how we looking so far is this looking like some kind of la mansion I actually think it kind of does look a bit like an LA mansion at this point in time we've got some fancy staircases to take us between each level it's super super minimal there's no furniture which is very much like a Hollywood mansion I would say we're doing okay this actually looks quite cool I'm surprised that it's able to fly and after about an hour of tweaking this is what we've got now I have to say this is totally outside of my normal building style this is like hyper-modern super crazy this this side is awful we're not gonna look at that side we'll never go to that side this is the side that matters and I think it looks good now the main limiting factor is obviously the fact that everything has to be designed with pushing in mind so these blocks right here if we didn't have the end rods in place would obviously gradually move until they crashed into the stairs so everything has to be designed from the back to the front that's why there's no front windows okay I kind of like the look of the no front windows but if there were windows they wouldn't stay there for very long they would just gradually move through the build until they crashed into something and then they'd move with that so everything kind of has to be open fronted but this is what we've ended up with this is our cliff side Tony Stark mansion and I've gotta say I'm pleased now what we have to do is just build up the flying machine which is actually going to be pushing this entire build and that'll be everything and then then it will be time to test and if it doesn't work I cry a lot so here we go I've made about a million backups all right dad I don't really know what else to do it's moving actually seems to work oh no my stairs is collapsed one little bit of my stairs of collapse can I actually walk in here while this is happening let's wait for everything to move okay if we fix up the stairs everything else seems to be surviving amazingly so that is the only thing that I messed up on it moves and it looks totally ridiculous [Laughter] look at the floor goes the floor goes the rocks go we've got a moving cliffside mansion let it float silly that is actually really silly I mean look at this thing it is quite a sight to see as it shifts along you can watch it scanning up it is like a I don't even know how to describe that that is bizarre but awesome there we go gigantic moving structures another thing that's been made possible by honey blocks I cannot wait to be able to put legs on this sort of thing can you imagine that's gonna be nuts anyway I hope you enjoyed the video and I'll catch you in the next one see ya am I wrong our honey blocks the best I generally think honey blocks might be the biggest change to redstone since at least observers I mean yeah I might be as big as the redstone update this is huge I mean I've been meaning to make a hermit craft episode all week but I can't stop playing with honey blocks so just shut there's just so much fun
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,659,113
Rating: 4.9628992 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: 91k7nTL4gf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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