How to make a PISTON PVP ARENA in Minecraft!

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hello everyone this is Mambo and welcome back to another minecraft video and in this one we're going to take a look and something really quite special today we're going to be building a PvP arena now this is going to be filled to the brim up with tons of different redstone contraptions that allow you to automatically equip yourself start the game properly end the game properly decide who is the winner and everything like that and it should end up being a really cool redstone built now the first thing you have to do when you're constructing one of these is actually build an arena yourself now this is the arena that I've actually created this thing right here is a 30 blocks in diameter circle now you may be sat there thinking well how often I meant to build a circle I mean this looks like a really complicated shape to build obviously you could follow along with what I've done that over here and just take a look and what I've done with the stone bricks they're all alternatively you can hop onto the internet look up a Minecraft circle generator and then enter in the diameter 30 and that will give you this exact shape now the blocks that I've decided to use is sand in the center then going around the outside we have got all of the stone bricks then on top of those we have got these at spruce wood fences which I think look really really cool I mean I think this place is fantastic it almost reminds me of my the ancient Roman gladiators so now it is time to start chucking in all of the redstone contraptions now as you can see on each side of the arena we have got these little things right here now these are the entrances they're actually going to take us through into the central arena place where we can fight the death but of course we do need some gearing up zones so that's what we get we can straighten right here now the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to place a line of stone slabs going from this look all the way over to this block and then I'm going to place maybe a handful of them probably back to around about there so we're going 5 blocks back from that wall right there and then we're going to fill in this entire space with all of those just making their way back like this then as you can see I've added in some stone bricks going around the outside of my stone slabs and on top of those stone bricks we are placing you not all of these fence posts now that's just to keep with the theme of the arena I just think I think it looks pretty cool so now we're going to start adding in or all of the redstone contraptions or at least the inputs for all of the redstone contraptions so the first thing you need to do is you need to place a bed in this corner right here which will allow the players to set their spawn then above that bed we're going to place in at some tripwire hooks then some string and then we're going to place two blocks up like this where that some tripwire hooks on this side as well and as you can see these tripwire hooks have now connected up but when we stand on these blocks right here we get detected by them which is actually how we're going to do the winner and loss detection then over here we just want to place ourselves a button and in this block right here we're going to place a block with a button on the face of it which is going to be where we're going to be gearing up so number one is going to be armor equipping at giving off the bow and giving off the sword so we're going to place a dispenser facing upwards on this block right here and we're going to take a repeater output from this button that's going to be running out into a block up like this we're going to place a couple blocks go around like that with a comparator and some redstone dust running around like that with the comparator set in to subtract smoke now what that means is is that when we hit this button right here this comparator is going to fire a certain number of times in fact is going to fire seven times which is fine by me because we have six items that we need to dispense through this dispenser right here so now all we have to do is hook up this dispenser into the system and the way that we're going to do that is really quite simple we just run the redstone down a little bit like this underneath there and then into that block right there now it can be a little bit difficult to see but just running the redstone like that then make sure that this right here is a solid block and as you can hear we have ourselves a fully working system next we've got to do all of the arrow dispensing so you want to place a sticky piston next to this block right here with a redstone block on its face and that is going to extend down onto this redstone up here then we're going to take a comparator output running out into a block where that's arrest and dust and then it can power running off in that direction which is going to act as a pulse extender from that point we are just going to take and your repeater output from this block right here that's going to be running out into a block with a couple blocks going around like this a comparator and then redstone dust that making this way around like that so once again create a super fast redstone clock now things again just a tiny bit tight underneath here you're gonna have to take out a few blocks and we're also going to have to punch out this block right here because this block is where I'll drop it is going to be going now the reason that we're not placing our dropper on this layer is because then the player reach inside and grab more arrows so if you don't particularly trust your friends and this circuit is going to come in very handy because we're going to place I'll drop it down on this level and then you need to make sure that all of these blocks a full block so that block right there needs to be full block that one there needs to be a full block this one here needs to a full block and this one as well because then when the dropper drops his items out into this block they would just pop up onto the surface like an item elevator and that means that the player does not have access to any of those items which is absolutely fantastic so now we're going to put down underneath and we need to wire up put that dropper right there and the way that we're going to do that is we're actually going to take an output out like this and sort of wrap it around like that and run it into the side of the dropper just like this so I think it's about time that we gave this thing a bit of a tester so as you can see we've got a full set of armor inside the dispenser with a bow and a sword and then in this dropper right here we need to grab ourselves some arrows and just place them inside just like that then once again full block on top of that dropper there and if we stand on top of this dispensers you can see right now I am completely unequipped and if we clear out my inventory and hit this button we should see that I have got a full set of armor I've also got a sword a bow I managed to pick up one arrow but we also have 20 arrows which is exactly the number that I want for my PvP fighting arena now if you want to add more arrows or reduce the number of arrows that your players are going to have then just make this post extender bigger or smaller I've added just a couple signs around the area just to make sure that the player knows what's going on so stand on dispenser and hit the button to gear up ready press this and that's sleep before you play just to give them instructions as to what to do but now this area is done unfortunately you have got to copy all of that and build it again on the other side obviously the player needs to have all the same things that this player has so make sure that you do it exactly that is now done that we now have ourselves a rather lovely gearing up zone on this side as well as this side over here both players have exactly the same systems and you may also notice that there's now a rather large hole in the center of my PvP arena now the reason that I've knocked all of this out isn't for decoration ok this isn't part of the arena this is to make space of all of the redstone contraptions that are going to be going on in the center right here now if you are building this for yourselves you will want to build it up to that block right there on both sides if you've built the same arena as me and then we're building it up to that block on each side like this and we've gone down up by four blocks which fingers crossed should be enough space to make way for all of the redstone wiring which there's going to be quite a bit of it now things are going to start getting really quite tight in this area right here we're going to pop underneath that button and we're going to place two blocks going across like this so when you hit that button right there that should activate this redstone dust now just as a heads-up I currently have a block right here which is stopping this redstone in interacting with that redstone if you don't have that block make sure that you place it in because otherwise things that are going to start breaking but now we need to pop it down underneath like this and break a handful of blocks you want to run the rest of them down like this and the redstone down like that and then we're going to break all of these blocks just going across right the way through into our massive hole over there and we're just going to run the redstone from that button out into this zone over here then we want to do exactly the same thing on the other side so redstone underneath the button and then at once again at break handful of blocks making their way down like this and run that redstone out all the way across over into the big open zone now you may notice that this redstone has come out on this side over here which is miles away from that redstone over there which isn't actually what we want so we're going to need to grab ourselves a repeater and we're probably going to need to run that out into one of those and then take the redstone all the way across all the way over here and into one of these blocks over here because this is where we're going to build our RS nor latch YZ and also our ant gate it's time to do a little bit redstone logic so we're going to place a block on the end of that redstone there and a block on this end as well then we're going to place two droppers facing upwards a couple blocks across like this and then to droppers facing downwards now placing these can be a little bit fiddly you need to make sure that they're running back and forth into one another then out of the bottom droppers we're going to take a comparator output from those with a repeater running in two blocks and then redstone dust on top and if we place any old item on the inside of that dropper right there you should see that we get registan output and this redstone output line turns on now this is actually a NAND gate now what that means is is that if player number one hits the button as you can see right here there our rational latch will turn off but this at redstone line is still giving an output because we want to make it so that both players have to be ready for the game to start so when this player finally hits their button then this redstone line will turn off and that means the game can begin now the reason that we need that an gate there is to activate the drop-down enfant system now obviously we don't want one player to be entering into the arena before the other player so we're going to add in some Pistons or underneath our stairs which will drop those stairs down allowing the players to run in and we're going to be doing the same thing on the other side and what we need to do is we need to run the output from the and gate into these Pistons mean that'll be extended when neither player is ready then as soon as both players are ready they'll be able to run it into the arena this first one is going to be a fairly straightforward process because you don't have any redstone lines to jump over so we just want to run our redstone into this wall right here and then we're going to have to knock out another 2x1 tunnel making its way onto this side over here now you are going to have to do some looking around trying to work out where the redstone is going to have to go and unfortunately you are going to have to break a few blocks right here which is going to cause your sand to fall down we want to create a 2x2 area right there where that some redstone - just like that and then repeaters or running into those Pistons then we're going to need to run at a repeater into this block right here so that we can actually place a block on top of there which will allow us to place in at all of the sand and if you want to replace it all of the sand going up like this and then we just connect up that the line from the and gate and run it straight into those Pistons so so far we've got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 which is actually perfect because that goes it straight into this repeater right here which means that those shouldn't how be connected up so if one of the items was in this dropper right here we should see that those pistons will be extended we have to do pretty much the same thing on the other side but of course we've got this redstone line that we need to jump over which actually shouldn't be too difficult due to the space that we have we're just going to place a block right there and then we're going to knock out these blocks once again and out of that block we are going to run a repeater and then that's going to go into our redstone lights you just want to repeat exactly the same process not how all of these block run the redstone line into the side of the Pistons using repeaters and everything like that and that system it should be working perfectly so right now as you can see from the and gates neither of our players are ready however if you head over to this side right here and hit this button you can see that player number one it is now ready but the Pistons have not dropped down they will only drop down when this player over here decides that they're all ready as well and as you can see they hit the button and both sets of Pistons drop down at exact at the same time meaning that both players enter the arena at the same time giving them a fair fight which is incredibly important so and of course they will fight to the death and when one of them does die they will respawn by their bed which is how we are going to do all of the wind detection so once again we're going to need to run at a signal out from this error right here into the center over there now the way that we're going to do that is we're going to knock out both of these blocks underneath this we're going to replace them with redstone dust then we're going to change these blocks into full blocks and place in some sticky pistons redstone block on his face that's going to run it into this redstone line right here and then once again just run it through this tunnel now as you can see I have a pre mined out this tunnel right here but that's just going to go right the way across there that is one side down for the other side things are going to get just a tiny bit hairy because as you guys know we have got redstone lines pretty much all over the place in this area so once again we have got the redstone line underneath this you've got to the resident dust on top the sticky piston with a redstone block on its face and we're going to take the resident output from that one but we sort of going to wind it around all of the redstone circuits you basically want to run it across like this and then down through there underneath all of these blocks will make sure that that repeater doesn't power any of the redstone and then from that point we're going to take it across like this and make it so that it is adjacent or opposite to the other redstone line so this redstone line comes in right here so we're going to go exactly opposite that one and we're going to start breaking through all of these blocks and hopefully we will manage to find our redstone we managed to find a cave system which is pretty cool but unfortunately is not our redstone line but there it is it is now time for one of the final pieces of redstone circuitry so on this side we have got our line coming in from the trip wires running it through these blocks and out here now as you can see once again that I've had to do for the old block over the redstone system so we've got redstone then we've got a block and then we have a repeater output and that's running out like that then on this side I have basically matched it up but the repeater comes out of this block right here so it's basically in line with the wall so the redstone stops where the wall stops if that makes any sense whatsoever now the reason we're doing that is because you need to maximize the amount of space that we have right here because this is going to be a fairly large redstone circuit so we're going to have a block here and then a block there and then a block right there with redstone dust in the center of those two blocks like that then we're going to have a block here a sticky piston and then a block on his face on that side I broke here a sticky piston and then a block on his face on that side as well and that rang out from this redstone line we're just going to run redstone into that block right there now this right here is the output line of our and gate and the reason that that's important is of course we don't want the wind detection to kick in when the player first goes to sleep so then we're going to add in a reset mechanism which restarts the game as soon as one of the players dice now the way that we're going to do that was going to take a repeater output from this book right here and we're going to run at a very snakey redstone line I'll turn around like this and into these two Trop droppers so we're going to have a redstone going across the top like this now right now both of our droppers have the items up in the top which means both players have hit the ready button which means that currently a game is being played but say for example one of the players dines and they respawn next to their bed you can see that everything has kicked into action our and gate has been reset our pistons have extended which means that obviously yes the game has been reset and that means that we can start once again so now we need some way to display which player has actually won the game and I personally think the best way to celebrate that sort of thing is by using fireworks so we're going to head over to this side of the arena over here me against place one dispenser right there and then we're going to place another dispenser on that side with three blocks from each side and two blocks between them now we're going to have to place down a crafting bench and we guys have to do some firework crafting now I'm never particularly good at this sort of thing but I'm guessing that should create your one firework star which is going to be a small ball which is perfectly fine by me so we're going to grab 64 of those and then I guess we should probably get ourselves some blue dye or light blue dye right there and the other team that can have a blue firework so that's like that and we also want the glitter as well there we go so we have two fireworks stars right here now against place the blue ones into one of the fireworks with flight duration one and then we're going to have to place the red ones into another one of the fireworks which once again is going to have flight duration one and then we're going to put all of those into one of the dispensers and all of the other ones into the other dispenser now we just have to wire them up so for the left-hand side this is going to be really quite something we just couldn't have to knock out a whole bunch of globs once again I don't know how many times I've said that in today's video but it feels like quite a few I think we've definitely gone way further than our rational Rina right here so that is where we should come out and then we're going to place a couple blocks just up like this which is going to create a redstone torch tower going into the bottom of the dispenser and we need to run back over into this section a place a repeater right here because this needs to remain a redstone doctor as opposed to a redstone line then we're going to have one two three four five six seven eight nine at ten eleven twelve bits of redstone now it's a fairly similar story for the other one so we're going to run a repeater out like this and then a block right there where that redstone dust next to it and that's going to run out and across just like this and I would say we're probably there right about now no we've overshot it once again so who you're gonna have to place your blocks in like that and then run at the Redstone into the side of that block right there so then we just need to place a redstone torches on each one of these blocks right here we should see red firework from that one and a blue fire work from this one over here now I've actually set my spawn in this bed over here which means I am currently in team red and I will add in some indicators at some point in the near future but for the time being we're just going to test this thing out so the first thing we have to do is we have to say that I am ready okay I'm ready to go so you've hit that button right there I saying that I'm ready to play then if we head over to this side we hit this button we should see that our little barriers will drop down and now the game is in play now say for example team blue kills me let's just do a bit of that action we should die I should respawn on my bed which will trigger that tripwire we should see yep team blue has won and our barriers have popped up as well so we have got our wind detector and also it has reset the game ready to play again right now it's time to do some decoration it is finally time to cover up the hole in the center of the arena now it's very important and when you're replacing all of the sand you don't cut off any of the redstone lines obviously if we were to place a block here that redstone has now been cut off though we won't be able to reset the game using the reset mechanism so make sure that you place a transparent object on top of redstone like that but anyway you can just go forth and place in all of the sand on top and that should cover up everything for the final bit of decoration I'm adding in some teammate indicators there a tiny bit on the small side but I'd say that's better than nothing so I block right there I block right there and then some blocks in the center right there and that just about does it now one thing that I would suggest for the center of this arena right here is some obstacles because right now it's a little bit on the empty side so maybe you might want to add in like a few walls making the way across or like some rock formations popping up in the middle right there whatever you're really fancy but I'm going to leave that up to you guys because you guys tend to be much better and that sort of stuff than I am but if we recap everything that we've done it in today's episode we have built an automatic resetting barrier system we've built a wind detection system the gearing up section as well and also a bunch of register logic involving and gates RS in all matches and all that good stuff I think has been a pretty jam-packed video and I hope that you enjoyed it if you did please notice that like man if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is Ben mumbo and I'm an Aussie later [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,580,164
Rating: 4.926641 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile, Pvp, PVP, Hunger Games, Minecraft fighting, Minecraft arena, How to make, How to build, How to make an arena, How to PvP
Id: Ob6noHwvOuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2017
Reddit Comments

star will obviously win

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/malego290704 📅︎︎ Feb 05 2019 🗫︎ replies
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