Features I would love to see in Minecraft 1.17

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minecraft 1.17 looks like it's going to be awesome there's no doubt about it okay we've got tons of interesting new features i mean the skulk sensor is something that i'm incredibly personally interested in but obviously updated caves the axolotls the the warden dude who is incredibly terrifying there are heaps of new features that i'm sure everyone is excited about and i'm sure everyone has been testing in the latest snapshots and i've been doing that myself and while i've been doing that i've kind of been keeping a mental register of things that i personally would like to see in the game that aren't currently in the game now this definitely comes with a big disclaimer that i don't work for mojang i have no say in what gets added into minecraft i'm not affiliated with mojang they haven't asked for these suggestions and if any of these suggestions do end up in the game it's probably not because of me mojang are incredibly careful and considerate with the additions that they make to the game they want to make sure that everything is perfectly balanced and everything knits together nicely whereas i'm a bit of a okay and i just i like cool stuff because cool stuff is cool suggestion number one toggleable skulk sensors i've played around with the skulk sensors quite a bit and i really really like them they're an interesting and unique redstone component but one thing that i've found when building redstone contraptions with them is that once you place them you kind of can't make any modifications to the redstone contraption without it activating now i have a few suggestions for features that could make it easier to work around this problem suggestion number one is to directly power the skulk sensor so it kind of works like a locking repeater it stops taking inputs when it's being directly powered alternatively you could right click on the skull sensor and then it deactivates it for a certain length of time it could be a minute three minutes five minutes one slightly unique and very out there suggestion is that you could actually powder snow log the skulk sensor because it would be difficult for the skulk sensor to detect vibrations when it's inside of snow or finally you could have a splash potion of deafening which stops the skulk sensors being able to detect noises and of course this doesn't just have to affect skulk sensors it could affect players and mobs and entities as well suggestion number two movable powdered snow i'm gonna be honest i got over the top excited when i discovered that you can actually dispense powdered snow and then i got incredibly disappointed when i realized that you couldn't actually push it you see the idea of a block that you can dispense and then also retract back into the dispenser is interesting we've never really seen that before in minecraft not the dispensing and also the retracting and i just think it would be so incredibly useful to also be able to push it so he could dispense something push it along a few blocks and then retract it into another dispenser suggestion number three separate frequencies for mob and player sounds currently the only thing that gives a skulk frequency of one is stepping and the only thing that gives a skull frequency of two is flapping and that doesn't mean waving your arms around in an uncontrollable fashion that relates only to birds and bats i would love it if the step frequency was split into two separate categories so a player step would give a power output of one but then a step from anything other than a player so a creeper a zombie a cow would give a redstone power output of two this would allow you to differentiate between players and other entities being able to play strip stone on top of hoppers and mine cart rails these new pointed drip stone blocks are incredibly good at killing things the only issue is items can land on top of them and it's a little bit difficult to be able to pick them up using hoppers and hopper mine carts this is the only way that we can do it and well it's a little bit fiddly because if you were to do it on a large scale for example for some kind of massive mob farm you're gonna end up with thousands upon thousands of hopper mine carts and that's not going to do very well for the server that you're playing on so it'd be lovely if we could just place them on top of hoppers suggestion number five dispensers being able to interact with cauldrons cauldrons have had some pretty interesting new additions in the most recent snapshots with the pointed drip stone being able to gradually fill up the cauldrons with whatever is above the pointed drip stones we now have renewable lava sources and i would absolutely love it if dispensers with buckets of fluids on the inside could also interact with cauldrons so then you could fill up cauldrons with those fluids but most importantly you could actually take fluids out of cauldrons put them into buckets and then store them elsewhere suggestion number six pointed drip stone should stick to drip stone blocks currently pointed drip stone behaves exactly the same on drip stone blocks as it does on every single other block in minecraft if you move the block away from it then it will drop down landing on anything that's underneath it and causing damage but also if you push down on it then it just breaks it into an item i personally would absolutely love it if this little fella stuck to this little fella so if we push this thing down the little spike would be moved downwards as well and that could cause a small amount of damage to a player so you can almost poke other players and entities and things doing it either vertically downwards or of course vertically upwards suggestion number seven dispensing of bundles if you right-click on a bundle that's in your hotbar it will fire all of the items inside that bundle out onto the floor and i would love it if a dispenser would also do this this will allow for rapid dispensing of items and in a similar vein to that i think it would also be interesting if there was some way that we could automatically fill bundles so without having to do it manually inside your inventory but i'm not entirely sure how that looks just yet maybe if the only available space left in a container is a bundle that could be a potential option being able to equip the spyglass the spyglass is a very interesting addition to the game and i absolutely love the new texture work they've done on the spyglass itself this just feels incredibly minecrafty the only slight issue i have with it and the reason that i probably won't use it too often is because it takes up room in my hotbar and i don't have a lot of room in my hotbar when playing survival minecraft so i would love it if i could equip it to my head instead of wearing a helmet i could have a spy glass that i could then activate by pressing a key on my keyboard or another potential use for it would be i can use it in combination with a crossbow that'll be wild the four horsemen of the apocalypse shouldn't spawn on a lightning rod i absolutely love this thing i think it's a fantastic addition to the game it makes total sense but the four horsemen of the apocalypse they're gonna get a little bit frustrating if you have one of these on top of your house you know every single thunderstorm you're just having to deal with those guys so i guess in my opinion there's two avenues that mojang could go down on this one the first one is to just stop the four horsemen from spawning if the lightning has struck a lightning rod or alternatively you can make it so the four horsemen actually drop some really good stuff when they're killed so then it makes sense you'd want to fight them and you would want to have a lightning rod you could even turn it into a farm this next one is a bit of a stretch okay but you know wax copper well you know what it's waxed with right you combine copper with honey and that gives you the waxed copper so it doesn't age any further well you know what the wax is made of is made of honey and you know what else is is made of honey honey blocks and you know honey blocks they all they all stick to one another i think you can see where i'm going here and yes once again it is a stretch wouldn't it be amazing if we had a greater variety of sticky blocks so all of these they would stick to themselves much like slime blocks and honey blocks already do but they wouldn't stick to each other so they could move independently from one another for example these wax copper blocks they wouldn't stick to the waxed lightly weathered copper blocks but they would stick to themselves so if i put a piston behind this copper block both the copper blocks would move together i mean that'll be amazing and also can you imagine how cool gigantic robots made of copper would look that would look fantastic and i know that it very loosely makes sense like it kind of doesn't make sense but it just about makes sense but then just look over here look this piece of string this tiny piece of string that isn't even lined up with this bamboo is stopping the bamboo from growing so we can't really talk about things making sense here i mean look the ability to find out skulk frequencies a lot more easily as i'm sure most of you already know skulk sensors give off different redstone outputs depending on the vibrations that they pick up the only issue is is that they're not really that easy to remember and also just because the nature of it they're also not that intuitive to remember every time you want to know the skull frequency of a specific action you actually have to go to google and you just have to look it up so i suggest that instead of that you right click on the skull sensor and it will just come up with a little menu that shows you all the scope frequencies now this has the added potential benefit that you could then also gray out some of the skulk frequencies that you don't want the skulk sensor to be picking up now if i'm honest that does sound a little bit overpowered to me but i definitely like the idea of a pop-up information menu a quiet step potion or enchantment this one's pretty self-explanatory and once again it relates to skulk sensors but this will allow you to have a potion or some form of enchantment that you put on your boots that allows you to go undetected by skulk sensors they can't detect your vibrations now this would be useful for of course dodging other people's traps that they've laid out for you but also for just working on redstone contraptions that involve skulk sensors tough pistons these new amethyst geodes are surrounded by a new type of block which is known as tough which is probably one of my favorite names for a block in minecraft and i think this just lends itself to being able to be crafted into stronger pistons essentially i mean i've been asking for them for a very long time but this seems like the perfect scenario so regular pistons crafted with cobblestone they have a push limit of 12 blocks tough pistons crafted with tough instead of the cobblestone have a piston push limit of say 24 blocks maybe even 48 blocks i mean the glue is in the name they're tough they should be able to push a tough amount of blocks non-stackable items and bundles i definitely think you should be able to put more than one non-stackable item inside of a bundle and i definitely think you should be able to put more than 16 of a 16 stackable item inside of a bundle i understand this is sort of a break of the minecraft physics i get that but then when you think that you can have a shulker box with 27 non-stackable items inside of your inventory it kind of makes it all right at least in my brain projectiles and powdered snow in their current state powdered snow has absolutely no effect on projectiles so arrows can pass straight through completely unhindered and fire charges can also just travel on through as if it's not even there now i'm going to completely ignore the fact that this seems a little bit logical and then try and apply some logic to this nurse i personally think it would be really cool if cold projectiles things like arrows and tridents could continue to pass through powdered snow and then the hotter projectiles things like fire charges and also fireballs from ghasts then wouldn't be able to travel through pounded snow now this would make it very useful to have on you in the nether because you could create almost a one-way wall between you and the nether mobs so things like blaze and ghasts wouldn't be able to shoot you but you'd be able to continue shooting them as a side note i definitely feel like blaze and other hot mobs from the nether should take damage from being inside of powdered snow immediately because this guy seems to be right with it you know it doesn't seem fast at all and finally the only thing that is not related to new minecraft 1.17 features and this will definitely feature in every single video that i make like this until it gets introduced into the game i mean you know it would just it'll be so nice to have movable chests movable dispensers movable droppers hoppers all that it would be it'll be a beautiful day you know i think i'd shed a few tears of joy to be honest with you so there we go that just about wraps things up for the things that i personally would love to see in minecraft 1.17 let me know down in the comment section if you have any suggestions for things that you personally would like to see and also any developments on my ideas because that's always interesting to read through i just want to make it very clear i am super super excited for minecraft 1.17 i generally love all of the new features i don't think mojang have done anything wrong with this update it looks fantastic this is just the extra special source that i thought of that i personally would add into the game potentially maybe if i worked for mojang so thanks for watching and i'll catch you in the next video see ya and now i finally can reference the island that i've made this video on you know i always struggle with these sorts of videos how to actually make it look good because if i just do it in a regular minecraft world it looks a little bit lazy and if i do it in a flat world it looks incredibly boring so i came up with a solution of having this little desert island let me know your thoughts about it you know do you like me building on the island i personally quite like it
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 1,838,557
Rating: 4.9610963 out of 5
Keywords: Features I would love to see in Minecraft 1.17, Features I would love to see in Minecraft, Minecraft 1.17, Minecraft 1.17: Caves and Cliffs, new Minecraft update, HUGE new Minecraft update, new Minecraft, new Minecraft features, the Warden, sculk sensors, Minecraft cave update, Dripstone, latest Minecraft Snapshot, Minecraft Snapshot, Snapshot 20w51a, New Minecraft Mumbo, Mumbo Minecraft, Mumbo Minecraft 1.17, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft 1.17, Mumbo 1.17, Mumbo Jumbo 1.17, 1.17
Id: JhDU744Y7ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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