Making the BEST unhidden BUNKER in Minecraft

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I'd build a lot of hidden bunkers in my time I think they're really cool I enjoy working on them there's something about making a secret base that I always find entertaining but but I've been thinking wouldn't it be really cool if we bought a very unhidden bunker a bunker that doesn't try to hide itself away instead it shouts to everyone where it is like the complete opposite of a hidden bunker and an omni hidden bunker I love this idea I think is genius no obviously because we don't have to worry too much about hiding this thing I thought it would be cool to have a little elevator entrance so what this is is a little house this sits on top of the land and then we open up the doors you stand on some blocks here and then we get dropped down into the bunker it will feel very Iron Man now this elevator doesn't have to be particularly complicated I'm just picturing a little tiny little flight probably down to around about here and obviously it's going to be making use of the salon block flying machine which for some reason I really really struggled to construct and it was going on you know some days I just I have days where I just forget how to build even the most basic redstone contraptions anyway this system is now working really really nicely check this thing out so we do that and then the elevator goes up back up to the top and then if we want to get out of this place all we have to do is hit this button right here that will request the elevator downwards and then up we go oh I've got I've died I've got my head stuck on a block okay just completely ignore that it does work now I quite like the idea of having another set of doors in this area here that open up as the elevator arrives because let's face it this elevator shaft is pretty ugly we don't want to be able to see this from the inside of our bunker so I think I'm going to try my best to cover it up just a tiny bit right let's see how well this works then so we go down in our little elevator we walk off and then the doors open nice I like this system this is pretty cool now let's start building up the actual chamber of our bunker and I think I'm going to go for a fairly kind of warm and homely vibe on the inside of here I think we're going to go for brick little bare wood and things and Joe I have I don't think I've ever placed lanterns before I think that might be my first ever placed lantern and just so you know it's not gonna be staying there right that's not a decorative thing this point in time I just needed some light in here but then I thought comment on it right this is looking rather lovely very very nice I think we now need to start adding a few more things that make this a little bit more unhidden because I can't help but notice that at the minute it just looks like a small build so I guess in each one of these little holes right here I should have some form of device which draws attention to our bunker that seems like a funny way to go so first things first I like the idea of us having some flares like a flare the weakened fire hounds from this area here so I guess yeah button give it a press it will shoot up to the sky now i weirdly struggled with this for quite a long time but I think I managed to get a system that actually works so it is hidden away that actually works really nice hidden away and then the firework gets shot out and we get a huge red ball I like this system anyway next up we have got the sound machine and now I'm definitely going to regret this so I'm going to make it toggleable because otherwise hello as you're not going to enjoy the rest of the video but I think it is very important that not only do we have the visuals of the flares and things but also we should be able or should I add a redstone clock to that flare all right we'll do that in a second I can't help but get myself distracted with new ideas but yeah we definitely need to have the audio of the bunker as well which is okay this isn't gonna sound good it's not going to be good audio I'm definitely no musician so let's see what we can do here how far away can you hear bells from as hurt my head right you know I think we can go further than this so I track a few of these into the mix too in fact I should actually mix up the type of notes that are being played I can tell myself I need to add more into the mix as well right how bad could this possibly sound [Music] let's look at the lovingly bad boys [Music] that's amazing it's almost slightly harmonic with how awful it sounds moving swiftly on from that one I thought it'd probably be smart if we actually got ourselves set up with some form of actual bunker thing so I've got my crafting benches I got my furnaces and I've got my bed so all in place that's pretty much everything we need down here don't worry I'll sort out the food situation a little bit I've got an idea for that too next I think we should send out zombies we should send zombies out into the environment that are hopefully going to gather up people and bring them into our bunker and that's the goal here remember for anyone who's confused we want this to be as unhidden as possible the least hidden bunker in the world I'm running into a frustrating problem where my zombie is falling through my double piston extender I mean that you can see I have gone to town with this guy here's got all of the attributes he's gained stuck I think it has something to do with the one tick pulses in the spitting out of the blocks yet with a slightly different double piston extender design now everything is working and look at this guy I mean how could you not come in his head is made of cake okay he's glowing my bunker is nearby police come in with a smiley face I mean that's about as welcoming as it comes there's something kind of scary about that absolutely terrifying music the started playing as I looked at him certainly didn't help either right next up I would say it's very important that we have ourselves some form of rainbow beacon that's where you going to draw attention to ourselves and I've got to say once again it's been ages since I've built anything like this so I kind of struggle a little bit especially because I didn't really have too much space but in theory this should work so the grass will be removed out the way we've got our beacon down at the bottom here and then we have all of the colors and that seems to function quite nicely now obviously we do get the white flash but there's nothing you can do about that when you're using piston feed tapes if you don't want the white flash then you have to have huge layers of glass going upwards which once again we didn't have the vertical space for but I got to say this is working quite nicely and also is noisy so if we couple that with this it's those bees done let's actually work out our food situation and I think in typical fashion were there so we're gonna have to go for the loudest type of food farm that I can think of and that's actually quite tricky but what would be the loudest what is the loudest way to get food in Minecraft honestly I'm not sure I think there's a pretty high chance that mobs in water like cows in water that that has to be up there surely that has to be one of the loudest let's find out oh yeah oh yeah now we're getting somewhere oh now we're getting somewhere it's even visually loud this is a visually loud thing there's a lot going on it any what you do with a second one but this time with she I think so now we have two different types of food sources and they're also really loud so that if anyone walks past they're definitely going to be able to know that our bunker is here our quest to be as unhidden as possible is almost completed but I feel like there's one extra thing that we could really do with and I would say it's a fairly obvious one you know I it's the first thing that came to mind when I came up with this project but I wanted to save the best to last because we're gonna make a gigantic light-up sign a huge Vegas style sign with an arrow pointing down to the bunker I mean it's just a requirement isn't it so this is what I've got so far I think this is a fairly solid start and now I'm just going to start chucking the observers in place which will allow our redstone lamps to light up and kind of like a banner formation now I have to say I love I've said this millions of times right but I really love it was a first because before we had observers doing these sorts of signs was an absolute nightmare in fact one of my earliest videos was on disco lighting if you really wants you can go back and find it right let's give this thing a while then so I've just activated the big sign that hasn't really gone to plan has it quite embarrassing okay let's try that again I mean it does work it is working I think maybe maybe maybe we need to slightly just a tiny bit we need to sync up where these are coming across okay so let's see if we can do this I guess if we just run yeah if we use Pistons for this and then have them split into two lines a little bit like that with a monostable circuit to shorten the pulse just a tiny bit so these observers aren't causing any flickering now we have a much more uniform result that actually looks quite good but I think there's one extra thing that we can add into the mix and that of course is this all right well I think we've made the least hidden bunker in the world in fact you know what I'm gonna flick all the leavers at once so obviously we've got this running I'm gonna get myself a handful of zombies as well just out in the open okay I'd say there's a decent number of those good stuff what else have we got here oh yeah the rainbow beacon yep as necessary too but I think we've done well I think we have created the least hidden bunker in all of Minecraft we've we've we've achieved what we set out to do but what we said to have to do was utterly utterly stupid I hope you enjoy what I've pitched in the next video see ya and at this point I feel like I should mention you should probably check the date this video was uploaded yeah I mean it's it's one of those isn't it I mean clearly this was not a serious idea for a video in the slightest so stupid but we took it to the next level that's what's important is that we set out with a goal and we achieved it despite the fact that the goal was ridiculous
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,168,828
Rating: 4.9661064 out of 5
Keywords: secret bunkers in Minecraft, hidden bases, minecraft hidden bases, secret bunkers, Mumbo bunker, Mumbo Jumbo, Mumbo, Mumbo Minecraft, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft, Mumbo bases, Mumbo Jumbo Bases, Minecraft hidden bunker, hidden bunker, Minecraft, Minecraft bunker, Minecraft base, BUNKER in Minecraft, unhidden BUNKER in Minecraft, BEST unhidden BUNKER in Minecraft, Best hidden bunker in minecraft, Mumbo hidden bunker, Mumbo jumbo hidden bunker
Id: nvVsObdpU2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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