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So we all know I'm a big fan of useless machines in Minecraft I built a bunch of them in my time And for me personally, they're always just hilariously fun to watch. But today today. We are going to taking it to the next level We're going to building the most complex useless machine. I can possibly manage Now this will stem from a fairly simple idea whenever I've built a useless machine in the past The piston has only ever come out from one location. It could be a cool location We've had really complex ones in the past, but it's only ever one location There's one piston that can break the lever I thought to myself wouldn't it be really cool if there were loads of different ways that the piston could pop out so maybe there's one off in this direction one off in the other direction One that pops up from the floor one that drops him from the ceiling one that comes down from over here, you know There's just all sorts of different ways in which that lever can be broken, right? I'm hoping so we've got one that comes in from this direction one that comes in from that direction I guess we'll need a sticky piston underneath here that will retract this block to make way for that piston. So that's all fine We have one that comes in from the top However, I'm kind of thinking about that one because I want other ways that it gets destroyed. Maybe that one can be water So that will drop water through on top of it so we'll move this piston out of the way and that will drop the water through so I'll be like water chamber up at the Top there. There's got to be some other things that I can do here now. I'm hoping this works So if I was to have a bit of water in this area here, yes, it does So it automatically directs across into that hole that I've just created. Okay, that's definitely one that I need to do This is got to be my new favorite way in which I've just destroyed my button This is gonna be so stupid, okay, I think we have eight different ways in which our lever can be destroyed so I guess the first thing that we have to do is we need to hook up the redstone output from the lever which is going to come out from this block here and then I guess We need to run it straight into a randomizer, which is going to decide which of the eight outputs We're actually going to get through this thing and I have to say it's looking pretty big I mean, This is one half of our randomizer output so you can see we've got four outputs individual ones coming out there and then I'm just in the process of Building up the other half But for some reason I didn't expect this to be quite as massive as it's already become. I mean look at this thing It looks like a computer turns out that isn't actually what was wrong I was actually missing a handful of Pistons and repeaters and some of my timings are incorrect So that's now all been fixed up and now we actually have a one-in-eight randomizer. That is functioning So every single time I hit one of these buttons we get a 1 in 8 chance of any of these Pistons firing and it's a completely equal chance between all of the Pistons, which is brilliant So now we just have to start hooking up these Outputs from this thing into the various circuits that we actually need to create in fact, you know I think I'm going to create the circuits first and then we'll start wiring them into this thing, right? So, let's see if part one is working. So we just need to move that other way All right, that was pretty quick. So our pistons been pushed out and then we should have We almost had the full retraction but okay, yeah because that's gonna take longer to retract Hmm I mean, I guess we push this we just expand this out We don't really have to worry about things being compact anymore. Considering we have that hanging out of the back so if we were to Set this maybe to four ticks that can be on six ticks. This is a redstone dust and then if we grab our lever That should now do the trick. Yes. Okay, that's done it, right We just need to do this block of traction down on the bottom now I'm hoping that with this set up right here, which is an absolutely enormous setup. We should now have a System of the function. So there we go That's just fired it through and yes, I'll lever has been broken and the piston has retracted out the way. Okay, that's brilliant, right? What I'm going to do is I'm basically going to copy what we have going on over here Onto the other side because you have a second one on this side Okay, so that's two done now next up We have got some very simple ones we've got okay, so in the center here, there's actually going to be a sticky piston So that's going to be a really really easy one because that's just going to push the block across which is instantly going to break The lever so that would be nice and easy and I think I'm actually going to wire that and then this one Into these two central bits of the randomizer and you know what now that I'm actually thinking about it There's a few more that are ridiculously simple. I think there's another one down at the bottom here yep, so that one oh We could genuinely run into a problem there Hmm How could I I? Mean, there's nothing I can really do with that The reason I'm having to use a slime block is because this lever is going to power the block So the system would actually break the lever Before we get output through it, which isn't what we want. Actually we don't want it to break the lever too early But I can't move these observers Huh, I've thought something through and I have to say I think it's actually quite smart so look, this is how it's going to be most of the time and then when it retract it will do this and it will leave the Observers up at the top and then I can also use those Pistons. I can power these Pistons To send an update through the observer when I need the update to be sent through the observer for this circuit. I mean that is I'm proud of myself for this one to say 10, 11 12 13 14 15 And then I guess thank and run straight in there Okay, so that's that one hooked up. As far as I can tell we only have two left Which is the truth based extender up at the top and then also our water Pistons? which we have one piston down there that's going to be retracting that block to let the water out and then This piston down here, which is going to allow the water to flow into that hole now. I'm curious to see if this works That was almost a very pleasant surprise So that goes all the way down But then when it comes to the retraction, it just needs to be a tiny bit slower. I Wonder if I just won the redstone in like that I'd be confused here. So oh That's extended in the wrong order yes, I've managed to pull it off so there we go who if we flick the lever you can see our piston pops down it will break the lever and Then it will all get retracted back up to the top Okay, this is brilliant And now we have so the lava has now been added in we've added in all of the lava droppage and I've added in a circuit that she allows that lava to drop down and I've just been testing that out so that all Seems to be working. We just need a repeater since two tix there And then all we need to do is we need to connect up this redstone line here I'm guessing into some form of pulse extender so that we actually get a decently long pulse on that one So I'll quickly do that. And then this thing will actually be functioning We will have built the most ridiculous useless machine. I think there's ever been seen in Minecraft now I will say is the chances of this thing working first time every single element working First time is probably about one in a billion So there's so many different components this circuit by having actually tested out yet Thought I don't think it's all going to come together coherently, but oh actually just looking at that lava there that reminds me I actually need to put the water in place, which is going to be clearing out our lever So now that I've actually hooked up our inputs into the system let's give it a go now so flick on the lever and Alright, so the first one that we got was water and I'm gonna make sure that that water hasn't actually just cleaned out a bunch Of redstone because that would be one of the things that happened, okay So that's that we flick the lever again. What's gonna happen this time? I Mean there's a very very low chance of that happening, but it is believable. Let's try again There's got to be some funny business going on here Shirley What's going on having done a little bit more testing there doesn't seem to be an issue Which is pretty crazy considering there's a 1 in 4096 chance of me getting that same thing four times in a row Anyway, if we keep playing with this you can see that we get all sorts of different things going on We've got anvils flying in if we believe her again. Oh Okay, that block pushed it out this time Flicka again and this time all right that Pistons popped out and broken the lever. I Can play with this thing all day? This is an incredibly satisfying redstone contraption It's just really fun to use look down comes the laughs Let's try again. Oh, yeah. I'm just have we had everything so far so that Pistons just popped out I Don't know. I can't think of what else we have. So we're getting lava again one thing I don't think we've had this piste and dropping down just yet. I wonder if we can get that See, okay that block as I say this is one of those things that I am just I'm heavily enjoying I could I Could honestly do this all day long. Maybe that means that I've got an incredibly boring life But I just like playing with this sort of thing Come on, it has to do the drop down at some point. I mean, that's probably one of my personal favourite ones It's really it's taunting me here. I I haven't got it yet. I've tried this out probably about 50 times Yes, there it is and oh It's a little bit dangerous that's something that I hadn't really thought of but you know what that's also quite cool So there we go. That is the most ridiculous useless machine I could possibly build in Minecraft now obviously the reason that these things are cool is that you do actually get a registan output through this thing if you wanted to use This as some form of strange hidden entrance Then you absolutely could you could just hook it up to a redstone door and that could be how you get in to your base See look as soon as soon as I don't want it to happen I've been waiting for that for ages and then there you get two in a row. That's just that how these things work But anyway, I hope that you enjoyed this redstone video if you have visuals on that like button And if you really loved it there make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys. This is the Mambo and I'm out I'll see you later
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,961,881
Rating: 4.9397159 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: ccMwukZcv3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Tue May 22 2018
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