What if Villagers could do Redstone?

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what if villagers could do redstone can you imagine how cool the villages would be I mean obviously they've got farms so they would be fully automated the blacksmiths would have a super smelter their defense systems would be off the charts there'd be no raids in these villages it would be amazing so what I thought I'd do is I thought I would be the redstone villager for this video and I will probably to this village I would transform it with redstone and hopefully we'll end up with something quite cool and you know me I've got to start things off with the defenses now these aren't going to be particularly technical I wouldn't have thought I can't imagine villagers having weapons for some reason they seem they seem fairly peaceful but I think it's probably a good idea that they actually gets out with some form of border wall because the pillagers they do use weapons funnily enough and zombies have seemed to have weapon as fists anyway I've just spoke can you imagine how horrible minecraft would be as a game but how much it would change the game if instead of zombies just punching you which they do which is a bit unrealistic they actually try to eat you like if you came around the corner and a zombie was just devouring a villager that would be retinas anyway now I've given everyone including myself nightmares for the next couple weeks I'm just in the process removing the trees from the village because it was as nice as it looked you couldn't really see any other houses I'm gonna level with you all right I underestimated how long it would take me to build a wall that goes around this village we're about maybe an hour an hour and a half in and I'm only here regardless of that I have I have constructed it and it is looking pretty cool I would say that it's been time well spent but can we please do some redstone now and just make it clear I'm not going to go crazy with the redstone I still want this to feel in keeping with what would be in vanilla minecraft so I think first things first we need to do the entrance and we're going to have a fairly secure entrance to this thing in that we're going to have a security guard operating it give me a second this is Bob Bob is the security guard and as you can see he's a very excitable chap he also really likes baked potato so if we just grab ourselves one of those and throw it through the system hopefully he will open the gate for us right didn't didn't quite reach him there we go hey I I'm a massive fan of that I don't care how simple it is I love it next up I think we should look at the lighting you see if there's one thing that villages struggle with a little bit it's the fact not actually that well lit up and that means that zombies will eventually find their way in there so I think what I'm going to do is spend some time actually polishing up this kind of road network but they have or lack of a part I mean this is all over the place and then I'm gonna place in some street lights because you know this is 2019 you can't be having your lights on all the time you only want them on when you need them so if the planet and all that in terms of design we're using of course it's super super simple redstone lamp inverted daylight sense from the top trapdoors to make it look a little bit prettier fence post a little log down at the bottom and you know while we're in the process of placing the redstone lamps you should probably sort these guys out with a few sets of stairs because some of these pathways are a little bit on the dangerous side and also put some safety rails in place just to protect our villagers from falling to their deaths because yeah I imagine that will probably happen they're not exactly the wisest bunch and not sound too much like a builder or anything but I actually really like the way it breaks up the place I think it looks quite cool anyway first redstone building that I want to construct now a shop I've taken out a few market stores that were in this area here they're a little bit low tech and we're going to build them up with a nice shopping mall sort of about shopping shopping house shopping building definitely not a mall I'm ENGLISH you don't even say shopping mall I don't know where that came from this is like the complete opposite of a mall as you can see I've constructed kind of like I mean it's basically a scaled up version of what the villagers already had but is it's big and it looks quite cool actually very it catches your eye it's definitely the brightest thing in this entire place it's the first thing you see which I would say is a good thing because you need to know where you're gonna be buying your stuff from now if I just chuck a diamond in here it should all be working obviously currently I just have yellow wool in there we'll put some more useful stuff inside know what the village is actually like it's like just put everything that is sold in this shop is just a potato you know that's pretty on par with what I ended up doing potatoes carrots bread and chicken we are going to have so many customers in this shop that we're not actually going to be able to have enough diamonds in the world to keep up with the demand I mean seriously have you seen how fast villagers throw carrots and potatoes and bread at one another it's ridiculous anyway these farms definitely need an upgrade we need to add some redstone in to them now of course these are carrot potato wheat and beetroot farms so there's nothing there's nothing too crazy automated that we can do obviously we can't use villagers inside the farms because they're way too close to a village they won't actually work so what I thought we'd do is take out all of these builds here and build kind of like a big farming module and then maybe convert this house into the storage system okay so this is one layer and I think we have one layer for each type of crop of the villagers like so that we wheats carrots potatoes and I guess beetroot and I would say we have two modules one here and then one on this area here and they all collect up into an item stream and actually I quite like this and you know what it's been so long since I've got a farm like this one like I can't even remember the last time I born old school dispenser based manual replanting wheat carrot and potato farm must be like 2014 so here it is in all of his glory very much in keeping with the rest of the village now I'm just in the process of placing in all of the water buckets into the dispensers and then we can give this thing a full tester and go well I think I said so that has not worked quite as well as always expected how I missed up after looking through I'm really not quite sure I've removed all the water so let's just give it a whirl if we hit this button here that's a little bit more like it okay that looked good and then eventually alright okay thank goodness I can still build these things I was getting worried now I must say I've had a bit of a change of heart when it comes to the storage system idea originally I was going to build a second farm in this area and then put the storage in there but I've looked at it it's pretty small in there isn't it yeah you you wouldn't actually be able to fit the storage system in there so I've decided to use this space for a bigger bulk storage system and of course with that we're going to have ourselves an item sorter that will sort out all of the wheats the carrots and the potatoes I decided not to have beetroot in there because let's face it beetroot is terrible I don't has anyone here ever actually use be true in Minecraft to be honest it's not even be true is rhubarb I'd totally forgotten it's been in the game for like three years I can never remember the name of it now if they also added custard to accompany the rhubarb to create my favorite sweet or one of my favorite sweets then maybe I'd be on board but currently useless anyway the item transportation system is now all in place so that is going to be sending the items from this area down here up into our storage system and I got to say it looks pretty cool can you imagine coming across a village with that system out the back that looks mega potatoes carrots wheat okay fantastic that area is now all completed so I'm going to move into this space right here because I've been looking around the village there seems to be a lot of paths here but there doesn't seem to be too much going on now we have a Fletcher so it is in this building here so I thought we would make use of this by building up a little something that allows the villages to test their fletching skills basically I'm going to do some target practice we'll do an archery range is an archery range I cannot remember what it's called I got really into heart tree last year and now forgot everything there must be an easier way to do this I thought you'd be able to copy the MBT data of course but you actually can't so you actually I feel sorry for people who make songs in Minecraft because you have to do that manually every time anyway as you can see we've got ourselves bows we've got arrows in here our archery ranges set up and I am really good really good amazing first class okay I need I need to do more practice but I've got to say our village is looking spectacular isn't it this is looking super cool and definitely still in keeping with vanilla minecraft which is amazing now although this is a seriously lovely house in fact it's probably one of my favorite houses in the village I just love the way that it sits within this little nook right here I am going to remove it because I want to make way for a little construction for the cleric now I know this is a bit of a stretch but currently in vanilla minecraft the cleric sells bottles of enchanting they're sort of the type of potion so I thought I would add potion brewing stations into the village because to me personally villages selling potions actually seems like a good idea like that's a really nice trait Mojang if for whatever reason you're watching this video I would really like to see that in vanilla minecraft so the first brewing station is for potions of healing so that the villagers can themselves and heal up from zombie attacks this one is going to be a potion of weakness so they can convert converted villagers back into being villagers and then the last one is going to be fit invisibility so that during the night if they've got a stuck out of their house they could just turn themselves invisible and the zombies won't attack them and that I have to say is looking rather lovely in that area there the house is pretty cool but I would say this is a lot cooler I always love the look of exposed redstone so there is our potion systems but I got to say that weakness system there that weakness potion has given me a bit of an idea to actually create a zombie - villager conversion facility because I feel like the villagers would kind of want that almost like a quarantine area now it's all be good to put this quarantine inside a cliff like really hide it away and it's gonna have piston doors out the front of it and kind of be like a little sterile laboratory I did think about using white concrete in quartz and iron blocks and things like that but I realized that actually it's unlikely that a structure in Minecraft would have those sorts of blocks from the inside of it because they're quite expensive and I guess Mojang probably wants you to farm those things or mined them so instead I've gone for stone bricks and stone slabs and I'm going to make two separate areas one side is going to be for the regular villages that's gonna be this side there's gonna be a glass wall and that's where the zombie villages are going to go here is on potion of weakness so that goes in that dispenser right there we've got a button that operates that out the front then we've got a little lever which allows us to open a hatch to give us access to put a Golden Apple into it as well and then we have this door at the end here which allows us to let the zombie villager out once it's been converted into a regular villager it's really nice and simple but I like to hear of it let's just quickly make it a little bit prettier on the other side and then I think we're done so there we go with some really subtle additions to this village I would say we have made a pretty substantial improvement there's nothing crazy in here there's no groundbreaking redstone or anything like that there's just a few simple contraptions that make the village feel a little bit more dynamic a little bit like there's more going on I personally really really like this place I've also enjoyed the process of constructing it I'd also be interested to hear your thoughts on what you think should be included in villages down in the comment section because I'd love to hear what sort of redstone contraptions you guys come up with been anyway I really do hope that you enjoyed this video and I'll catch you in the next one see ya you know I've just finished editing this video and I've realized just now that I'm making all these suggestions for improvements to villages motion have literally just improved villages massively and then they're not going to be touching villages for like another four or five years so this video is just is purely for the fun of it I don't think it has any functional use
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 9,079,636
Rating: 4.9332509 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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