I Made a Peaceful Safe House in Minecraft

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safe houses are super cool but they're all fairly similar in the way they're constructed you know you've got weapons you've got tnt you've got traps they're all pretty aggressive and i'm not a very aggressive guy you know i don't like hurting anything i wouldn't even hurt this guy over here so i thought it'd be interesting to build up a safe house that doesn't have any of those things there's nothing that can cause any physical harm it's all peaceful now that doesn't mean that someone can just walk in you know that wouldn't be a particularly safe house no it's going to be a safe house that relies on systems that just make life frustrating this could work it could also totally fail i guess we'll reevaluate things at the end of the video once it's all finished first things first we need the house itself and the house is actually going to be dropped down into the ground just to make it extra safe now this does have one slight slight little negative to it though and that is the fact that i haven't been able to use any overhangs okay and i know this is like a crime in the building world i do think despite this fact it's actually quite a sweet little house i wouldn't mind living here especially if you get a little bit of plant action going on around the edges but at this point in time it's not particularly safe other than the fact that it's in a slightly precarious position it's not really protected from anything so let's get to work on some of the defenses thing number one is the maze here we go the idea is pretty simple on the outside we're going to have a combination lock if you know the combination to the combination lock then this block will drop down and you can walk straight through into the base all of the passive defenses will be turned off if you don't know the combination however you're in for a world of peaceful pain because you're going to be faced with a number of obstacles the first one being a mace and this isn't going to be any maze this is going to be a particularly peacefully painful maze if you can't tell i really like saying that it has been absolutely ages since i've built a maze in minecraft but if i remember correctly the best way to do it is to build up the correct path first so then you actually have a correct path and then do all the offshoots things are going pretty well things are going pretty well i'm feeling fairly good about this let's add oh we can add a little spiral into there right and then this wraps back up and around and goes back into this place maybe with an extra little bit of noise yes something like this there we go okay so we have just connected it all up so you can see if you have the combination straight through if you don't have the combination then it's quite a long path now time to add in the squiggly bits to go absolutely nowhere this is going to be entertaining oh this one's going to be a particularly nasty one i i feel bad he's in to be honest with you it does look ridiculously cool though doesn't it like there's nothing cooler looking than a minecraft maze especially when it's made out of leaf blocks sure you know they might not be the best maze blocks given the fact that they're partially transparent but it's the authenticity that counts anyway time to make this even more painful i've been doing a little bit of experimentation around crawling and i've found the slowest method for all use cases you see if you have soul speed you can actually whiz through quite quickly but soul speed does not work for honey blocks and honey blocks make things painfully painfully slow like horrendously horrendously slow like super super slow ridiculously ridiculously i'm going to stop stop that now if you're wondering if i'm going to test it to see how long it would take to complete the maze yeah that's not that's not gonna happen so the maze is now fully covered now i should probably use sonic blocks for this you know that would be a lot better because then the player wouldn't be able to trace the maze potentially but as a bit of a shameless confession that wouldn't make a very good youtube thumbnail would it you know just a big a big gray blob so i've used glass purely for that reason and you clicked on the video so it clearly worked right it is now time for our next passive defense and it involves going underneath the maze and doing a little bit of redstone i just need to run one long loop all the way around that will connect itself out and this is where the true torture begins i honestly i sometimes think that i might be being too cruel here like what if through not committing any harm to the minecraft player i actually commit harm to the person controlling the minecraft player because they get so frustrated with this thing that they call themselves harm that was a very long-winded joke but i'm leaving it in i think some of you can probably see where this is going already but if you can't let me just quickly explain it to you oh gosh oh gosh it's worse than i remembered oh and you start throwing trapdoors in as well it doesn't get any better this actually feels wrong i don't think i've ever made a noise machine quite this big before it's horrific you probably can't even hear me right now this is definitely transcended regular minecraft noise but this is just this is just awful [Music] this is just straight up terrible what a horrific position to be in no i'd leave this house alone for sure i would not i would not be trying to break into this place right let's get to work on the security system that activates and deactivates this thing i think that's probably pretty urgent you know what i was going to do something a little bit boring here but i've had a sudden urge to do something that i haven't done in a very very long time and that is a large-scale color combination lock that's much more interesting than the lever compilation lock i had planned now these are one of those redstone contraptions that look like they should be complicated and they always look quite impressive when they're working but they're actually ridiculously simple just consisting of a couple of piston feed tapes and then you've got one piston feed tape with the colors in it the other one stores what the combination is and then you can use that to create a combination knob and i realized that that sounds complicated okay even sounds complicated but it's not i don't know how i thought this was only 12 blocks because looking at it is clearly not 12 blocks after reducing the scale of things just a tiny bit so we can actually keep up with the piston push limits this should now all be functional so if i hit this button we should get a full rotation you can see that everything is shifting around and these blocks are cycling so that is working well the combination up on the top should be changing which we can see right here we now have wall blocks and concrete blocks these are the colors and the idea obviously is that you know what colors should be visible inside these little these little strips right here and when they are correct then that's when everything will open up so now it's time to build what i've done here on the other side as well let's see does it all work no i mean it was bound to break at some point ah that's disappointing but now it should all be fixed up so this one's running we've got this one running as well now we need to work out what we actually want the combination to be and i would say because i'm a total and i'm very prone to forgetting things lime green concrete on this side lime green wool on that side right i think we should be ready for a full test here so currently the combination is correct everything is opened up we can walk straight in and there's no deafening noises if the combination is incorrect then yeah yeah that this is all working as it should be and it is yeah it's just as bad as i remember now let's see can we actually get this combination correct there is a little green piece of wool and we need to make sure that we time this correctly there we go so our combination is back to being correct everything has opened up the bells have stopped and everything is better in the world it's time for more peacefully painful defenses all right let's get some of these guys in that needs to be a solid block we need to make sure that they are completely surrounded by solid blocks and then i guess if we just run target blocks next to them then we can power them with a redstone line just off in this direction then we just need a little pressure plate over here that the player is going to activate as they complete the maze piston on the bottom of it with a redstone block and that should do us so as you go over the pressure plate all of these droppers are going to activate now what's going to be in the droppers remember we can't harm the minecraft player in any way shape or form we need to harm the person behind the minecraft player and to do that we're going to be using insults i'm going to fill these droppers with various different insults that they're going to receive as they approach the house this idea is so silly even your mum thinks you are ugly all your friends think you smell you can't dance as well as you think you can no it does that does that not fit i guess we'll just go with you can't dance your jokes only get sympathy laughs your voice is generally grating your legs are too long for your body that one is particularly painful for me given my legs are probably too long for my body they're too long in general really to be quite honest with you anyway if we walk across here this activates and ah our weapon has been primed and loaded and it is working well we we got 100 hit rate all of the insults landed in my inventory now funny idea that i've just come up with is of course if we get the combination correct not only should we not get the insults which obviously we're not going to get any of the insults but i actually think it should pay us compliments as we walk up to our house so let's see how well this works then turning off the combination log everything opens up and our compliments are now armed and ready [Laughter] as i say this is this might just be one of my dafters redstone ideas okay now onto the defense around the house as you can see our house is currently floating and there's a two wide gap going all the way around and i want to fill this with a cobweb drop right the way down to bedrock but obviously we can't have a cobweb drop at all times you have to be able to close that up and i'm going to do it making use of redstone now i've actually built up some of the circuitry here just to make sure that it does actually function and it looks like it does so i've been able to retract the two on either side and then we're going to retract this one back underneath the house using a system that looks a little bit like this so we have now got all of the elements to with tracks the main section the thing that matters the most essentially now i just need to connect it up which this side seems to be fine and then this side should be even simpler and now it's all fully in place so if i just change up the combination again everything should activate in terms of the bells and everything and our bridge oh gosh that's not right i totally forgot that that redstone line out the back there is connected up to redstone clock that has not really gone to plan that's a little bit more like it right time to add in all of the cobwebs and i think this is going to look rather impressive so these ones should be the final ones and there we go i mean jeez i would not want to fall in there i mean there's no there's really no way out like you would just be stuck in there but on the topic of being stuck in places currently there's actually no way out of this zone here if you got there then you'd be stuck there so i've created this little corridor which runs out to a secret exit so if i hit this button everything opens up and then everything gets concealed the only thing giving us away at the minute it's a little piece of dirt but there isn't particularly much that i can do about that so there we go this is our peaceful safe house all done and dusted and i can't get over how cool it looks i want to live here i actually want to live here currently everything is unlocked because both of our combination logs are correct i've already picked up my compliments but if we just walk through this area here we have got clean access straight the way through into the safe house we have a little bridge that stops us from falling into all the cobwebs and we have access to this wonderful little abode i mean it's you know it's a tiny bit compact and you know there's only one chest there's not too much storage but the most important thing is we know that we're very very safe because if i just run across the outside and activate some of these combination locks you'll see that people people aren't really likely to want to visit this place so first things first our easy entrance has now been blocked off and we have to make our way through this entire incredibly slow and incredibly loud maze and if by some remarkable feat of endurance we managed to actually make it to the end of the maze then well firstly we're going to get insulted we're going to get majorly insulted and then when we actually drop down to get to the house we'll see that the bridge isn't actually there and this is our life now this is this is how we exist this is how we interface with the world yes i did forget to fill in these holes okay i built the obsidian when the bridge was popped out all right it's not my fault all right let's shut off this horrendous horrendous noise so we've got the green wool on that side and then on this side we need to have the green concrete and everything goes back to peace and quiet and we have access to our safe house once again this has been incredibly incredibly fun i've really really enjoyed building this it's been very entertaining it's totally daft but daftness darkness is sort of my thing i hope you enjoyed it and i'll catch you in the next video see ya and this for me is like a two-stage entertaining video actually recording it was so much fun i've i've absolutely loved this recording session but then i would say arguably the most entertaining part for me is when i post it and there's lots of people that don't understand that this is sort of a joke and they're gonna critique all of the methods that i used and call it not a safe house i can't wait
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,479,061
Rating: 4.9636769 out of 5
Keywords: I Made a Peaceful Safe House in Minecraft, Peaceful Safe House in Minecraft, Safe House in Minecraft, Minecraft, Safe House, Peaceful Safe House, Mumbo Minecraft, Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo, I made a Safe House in Minecraft, I made a Safe House, Minecraft Safe House, Minecraft Traps, Redstone Weapons, TNT Cannons, Minecraft security, Minecraft Peaceful mode, Minecraft Peaceful, redstone combination locks, Minecraft self building bridge, Minecraft redstone maze, Minecraft piston house
Id: 7Zdr-Ehh430
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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