Smartest Base in Minecraft

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I've woken up this morning with a really smart idea what if I could create the smartest base in Minecraft now what I mean by this is a base where everything is kind of within arm's reach so you only have to stand in the middle of your base you don't have to worry about wandering around looking for things everything is accessible from one spot in the base basically what I'm trying to say is it's a base for lazy people it's a it's a place for people moving around too much and don't like looking for things you just stand at one spot grab whatever you need then leave so it's absolutely perfect for me first he's first we need to work out the entrance to this thing and of course with this being a smart base or a lazy base whatever you want to call it we don't want to walk into position we do want to have to go through a door and then stand in the correct place instead we're going to make it so that you actually enter the base in the spot that you need to stand so I guess the first thing I have to do is work out the optimum reach distance so I can't quite reach that chest there but I can reach all of these ones I can reach that one but I can't reach that one up at the top so that means that this is the correct height for our cauldron so how many boxes I have to dropped it has to drop down a lot of blocks that'll be a one two three four five six seven seven piston extender I'm actually really surprised by how far my guy can reach look I can actually I can have access to that chest over there now that's really handy because with three blocks out from here and this is three blocks across which means there actually we can build a pretty big square around this dude this dude being me I don't know why I kept referring to myself in third person there so we have a lot more space to work with then I was expecting and I guess the first thing that we should do is welcome getting this cold room from up here all the way to down here and of course the way that we're going to be doing that is by making use of flying machines it should actually be pretty plain sailing those are always very famous last words and I almost got myself into a muddle but then I managed to sort it out so here we have the little flying machine now the issue that I was having is that we are right on the edge of the block push limit here so I had to think of a creative way to be able to power this piston and actually involve something that I haven't personally used before which is gravity blocks and things to allow I don't like a move of all power saw so you can see it moving down there and then up like this this is where it's important because that concrete powder is actually what's powering the piston so it's a it's a pretty handy little system and our little cauldron is going from the surface right the way down to where we need it to be and then we can pop it back up to the surface just by updating the bottom now before we finalize all of this redstone there is a little extra something that I want to be able to do here which I'm not entirely sure how much you're going to pull off what I want to have is a little armor of equipping station so we can hit a button our cold room will then drop down to more blocks these dispensers will fire there they'll equip us with armor and then the cold room will pop up back to here yeah I'm not I'm not entirely sure how we're going to do that to be honest but I am going to give it my best shot I'm going to try my best and I really do think I'm on something here so down at the bottom this is our removable object which stops our cauldron from traveling any further but as you can see we can actually retract that a movable object two blocks further down so this flying machine is now able to fly further so if I update this observer right here it will then drop down a little bit and our cauldron is in the correct position and then when we want it to come back up we power this piston right here and then we need to really quickly power one of these Pistons by doing some updating action and there we go all right now I just need to wire that by the way that was my first time actually trying it out so you could probably tell I wasn't a hundred percent certain if it was gonna work and just so you know that it's still the case even now I've put quite a lot of time into this thing I'm hoping that all of the circuitry should function as planned and everything should go well okay oh that was so close that was so close did you Spencer spider tiny bit too early right let's give that another world just with a slight tweak to the pair of those that should be all it takes to be honest with you alright let's take a look here if I can actually get inside the gold Rijn naked button press boom oh so much development went into that little armoire equipping station but I would say it is well worth it because that is that is fantastic right the next little piece that we have to add in is a way to actually get back up to the surface so I'm hoping yep that button seems to work really love this thing I love the idea of just a little cauldron that you hop into and then you drop down speaking of which I actually have to make the down button now and because of course this isn't a hidden base we're not exactly trying to sneak a cauldron it's landscape here I can actually use a regular button which is quite nice and if I press this there we go we then drop down into the correct position and then if I hit this button here I get equipped with armor and then if I hit this one here I go back up to the surface this might be my favorite redstone contraption ever okay let's stop Fanning it about with that and stuff and actually start building up some of the important elements of the base first thing that I wanted to get sorted where the bare essentials basically the crafting bench is the anvils the grindstones I think that's what they called I always forget their name but they're incredibly useful the beds the ender chests and then I've also got a few extra chests down here too I've also just thought I should probably chuck some stone cutters into the mix and just for the sake of symmetry I've added four of them that is looking pretty cool as a central hub I don't know if I'm just being daft here but I'm really really surprised by the size of the wall of chess that we can fit in this place like look every single one of these is easily accessible I mean easy ish you kind of have to really right-click on the corner of that one right there but we can just about access it I mean this is a good amount of storage I was I was expecting this to be a compromise but no we're flying which by the way is English for we're doing great we're we're having a good time I you know what I that's probably used quite a lot I probably just I've made it out that everyone else is ignorant I tell you what that's not flying okay that is definitely not flying which having listened back to that recording it sounds like I'm saying flying like a mispronouncing the word fine that's a mess anyway that's enough of that time to work on the next redstone contraption and this one's definitely going to be interesting we're going to be making use of these two buttons here and probably another one in the wall - I really like the idea of certain items being delivered to us I would say food firework rockets maybe ender pearls fly why is life so difficult I've managed to make dispenser dispenses 63 items I don't even know how there's eight there's eight droppers that's not a multiple of eight it doesn't make any sense I do love quasi connectivity 99.99% of the time but then they're things like this happen and I start to reconsider my life you know in case it wasn't clear that is the dropper that's not firing this one right here they're just there that one any ideas managed to solve it with some jiggling around off the droppers and now we should have all three parts of the system up and running so let's let's give it a quick tester then aim this one gives us 64 golden carats that's incredibly satisfying hitting this 164 ah kids love that and then ender pearls nice I hadn't tested that and all of the work straight away as you could probably tell from the excitement in my voice that doesn't happen very often no nobody normally it takes yeah a lot more the first try right I thought I'll get straight to work on the next wall important things happen in here one of them being enchanting goodness me it's difficult to get into a cold room when you want to be in a cauldron right so you've got the Acholi table down on the bottom there in fact now I think about it I should probably chuck a chest in with a little bit of lapis so that I can easily get that because otherwise that will drive me around the bend but then up at the top here I also have some brewing stations which I'm currently working on automating just a tiny bit just a small bit of the process being automated nothing really too complicated if I hit this button right here we should see that nether warp will be then loaded into our brewing stand and that will start brewing up and then also if I hit this button here which is our fire resistance potion nether wart will go into there and then if we take a look over here eventually once this thing has finished brewing and will The awkward potions I think yep then the sugar is in place ready to make swiftness and then on this side place powder fire resistance once again really nothing too groundbreaking in that department but with that being said it is incredibly handy having this sort of thing at arm's length also okay I really need sir I should probably learn my potions a little bit more we've got potions Our Strength moving swiftly on from that one without really much messing about I've built up the final wall and this one is pretty important because of course this is our furnace wall I've got two sets of super smelters here and I'm saying super smelters in adverted commas because they're well they're at there they're a bit 2012 they're not single furnace it's not crazy quick but the reason that I've done it like this is because I wanted to have two different types of furnace in here so on this side we have got the blast furnaces which is specifically for things like oars so that essentially smelts also at the speed of four furnaces which is you know it's not it's not breakneck speeds but it's decently quick and then on this side we have regular furnaces so if we're converting stone to smooth stone and that sort of thing then we can use those oh and of course in the middle we've just got a bunch of smokers there's no redstone involved in those but I thought it might be handy to have if we're smelting up a bunch of food so there we go that is our smart base all done and dusted I mean I've gotta say I'm I'm really really happy with how this concept is come together I mean we can access all the chests so we have a pretty large storage system we can access potion brewing stations we've got enchanting we've got beds crafting benches and Bill's enderchest we've got the grind stones and things we have easy access to food we have easy access to firework rockets we have easy access to ender pearls as well super smelters we've got armor equipping stations which work in a really really cool way that's pretty fancy and of course the way that we get in and out of the base it's just it's super cool isn't it there's something about this that it just it's good fun and we just pop into my cauldron drop down into my base pop into my cauldron drop down into my base we've broken something pop into my cauldron and drop down into my base yeah that's more like it right I really really like this thing spend a lot of fun to work on I hope that you've enjoyed it too and I'll catch you in the next video see ya you know it's funny over the past couple days I've been really struggling with redstone projects I've done about four different redstone videos all of which just totally failed on me and I then spent a whole day trying to think of redstone ideas none of them came to me and as soon as I gave up and said you know what I'm done a bunch of cool redstone ideas came to me this was one of them so you know sometimes you just have to wait
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 4,461,082
Rating: 4.9654136 out of 5
Keywords: Smartest Base in Minecraft, Mumbo builds the smartest base in survival Minecraft, smartest base in survival Minecraft, base in survival Minecraft, Base in Minecraft, Mumbo builds, redstone contraptions, slimeblock flying machines, futuristic minecraft base, most efficient minecraft base design, efficient minecraft base, minecraft base design, Mumbo Jumbo, Mumbo Minecraft, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft, Mumbo redstone, Mumbo Minecraft base, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft base
Id: x6WXwx1WrJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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